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L. Egyed 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1956,33(1):42-48
Summary It is shown that paleogeographical data give evidence for the increase of the Earth’s radius. The average annual increase
computed is 0.5 mm/year. The formation of the continents and ocean basins may be easily explained on the basis of the Earth’s
expansion. The rate of the annual radius increase derived from this explanation is in good agreement with the value determined
from paleogeographical data. The theoretically computed duration of a transgression-regression period corresponds also with
geological observations.
Prof. Dr. L. Egyed, Geophysical Institute, E?tv?s-University,Budapest (Hungary). 相似文献
Optimal decision-making model of spatial sampling for survey of China’s land with remotely sensed data 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In the remote sensing survey of the country land, cost and accuracy are a pair of conflicts, for which spatial sampling is
a preferable solution with the aim of an optimal balance between economic input and accuracy of results, or in other words,
acquirement of higher accuracy at less cost. Counter to drawbacks of previous application models, e.g. lack of comprehensive
and quantitativecomparison, the optimal decision-making model of spatial sampling is proposed. This model first acquires the
possible accuracy-cost diagrams of multiple schemes through initial spatial exploration, then regresses them and standardizes
them into a unified reference frame, and finally produces the relatively optimal sampling scheme by using the discrete decision-making
function (built by this paper) and comparing them in combination with the diagrams. According to the test result in the survey
of the arable land using remotely sensed data, the Sandwich model, while applied in the survey of the thin-feature and cultivated
land areas with aerial photos, can better realize the goal of the best balance between investment and accuracy. With this
case and other cases, it is shown that the optimal decision-making model of spatial sampling is a good choice in the survey
of the farm areas using remote sensing, with its distinguished benefit of higher precision at less cost or vice versa. In order to extensively apply the model in the surveys of natural resources, including arable farm areas, this paper proposes
the prototype of development using the component technology, that could considerably improve the analysis efficiency by insetting
program components within the software environment of GIS and RS. 相似文献
Optimal decision-making model of spatial sampling for survey of China’s land with remotely sensed data 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
LI Lianfa WANG Jinfeng & LIU Jiyuan . Institute of Geographic Sciences & Natural Resources Research Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China . Department of Intelligence Science Peking University Beijing China Correspondence should be addressed to Li Lianfa 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2005,(6)
For a long term,in the survey of the country land areas,how to balance the conflicts between survey cost and result accuracy,or in other words,how to acquire the highest accuracy within the capital limit or vice verse,is a major problem that couldn’t have well been solved[1].Spatial sampling,aiming this,is the preferable option and the important and the first stepin the survey of geo-analysis,including the survey of the country land resource as well in that whether the sampling scheme is good … 相似文献
陈培善 《地震学报(英文版)》2001,(6)
For showing the epicentral distribution in and near China as well as all over the world, two epicentral maps for the earthquakes occurred last year are published annually in the 6-th issue each year. Figures 1 and 2 represent the epicentral distribution in and near China and all over the world in 2000, respectively. ~~Map of epicentre distribution for 2000@陈培善… 相似文献
陈培善 《地震学报(英文版)》2002,(6)
For showing the epicenter distribution in and near China as well as all over the world, two epicentral maps for the earthquakes occurred last year are published annually in 6-th issue each year. Figure 1 and 2 represent the epicentral distribution in and near China and all over the world in 2001, respectively. Map of epicentre distribution for 2001@陈培善$InstituteofGeophysics,ChinaSeismologicalBureau!Beijing100081,China… 相似文献
NIU ZhenGuo GONG Peng CHENG Xiao GUO JianHong WANG Lin HUANG HuaBing SHEN ShaoQing WU YunZhao WANG XiaoFeng WANG XianWei YING Qing LIANG Lu ZHANG LiNa WANG Lei YAO Qian YANG ZhenZhong GUO ZiQi & DAI YongJiu State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science Jointly Sponsored by Institute of Remote Sensing Applications Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing Normal University Beijing China School of Geography Beijing Normal University Beijing 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2009,52(6):723-738
In this paper, we report the first wetland mapping of the entire China using Landsat enhanced thematic mapper plus (ETM+) data. These data were obtained from the Global Land Cover Facility at the University of Maryland spanning from 1999 to 2002. A total of 597 scenes of Landsat images were georeferenced and mosaiced. Manual image interpretation of satellite images was aided with elevation data, soil data, land cover/land use data and Google Earth. The minimum mapping unit is 10 pixel × 10 pixel, equivalent... 相似文献
The government of Ghana in a bilateral agreement with the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) has established a National Data Center in Ghana with the aim of monitoring the testing of nuclear explosions. Seismic, hydroacoustic, radionuclide and infrasound methods are used for the monitoring. The data center was commissioned on 3 February, 2010 at the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission. At present Ghana does not have any operational, centralised data (seismic, hydroacoustic, radionuclide and infrasound) acquisition system with the capability of accessing data from other international stations. Hence, the need of setting up the National Data Center which would enable us constantly monitor, manage and coordinate both natural and man-made seismic activities in the country and around the globe, upload data to the International Data Center (IDC) as well as receive and use International Monitoring System (IMS) data and IDC products for treaty verification and compliance. Apart from these, the center also accesses and analyzes seismic waveforms relevant to its needs from the International Data Center; makes data available to its stakeholder institutions for earthquake disaster mitigation; reports on all aspects of disasters related to earthquake to the relevant government agencies that deal with disasters; makes recommendations to the government of Ghana on earthquake safety measures; provides information to assist government institutions to develop appropriate land and building policies. The center in collaboration with stakeholder agencies periodically organises public lectures on earthquake disaster risk mitigation. 相似文献
Hua Chen Tiantian Xiang Xing Zhou Chong-Yu Xu 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2012,26(6):847-858
Qingjiang River, the second largest tributary of the Yangtze River in Hubei Province, has taken on the important tasks for power generation and flood control in Hubei Province. The Qingjiang River watershed has a subtropical monsoon climate and, as a result, has dramatic diversity in its water resources. Recently, global warming and climate change have seriously affected the Qingjiang watershed’s integrated water resources management. In this article, general circulation model (GCM) and watershed hydrological models were applied to analyze the impacts of climate change on future runoff of Qingjiang Watershed. To couple the scale difference between GCM and watershed hydrological models, a statistical downscaling method based on the smooth support vector machine was used to downscale the GCM’s large-scale output. With the downscaled precipitation and evaporation, the Xin-anjiang hydrological model and HBV model were applied to predict the future runoff of Qingjiang Watershed under A2 and B2 scenarios. The preformance of the one-way coupling approach in simulating the hydrological impact of climate change in the Qingjiang watershed is evaluated, and the change trend of the future runoff of Qingjiang Watershed under the impacts of climate change is presented and discussed. 相似文献
(黄玮琼)(李文香)(曹学锋)ResearchoncompletenessofearthquakedataintheChinesemainland(Ⅱ)──Theregionaldistributionofthebeginningyearsofbas... 相似文献
Introduction In recent years, with the development of earthquake observation technology, increasing ofobservation stations and improvement of observation instruments which are digitalized and con-nected by network, a great deal of data is recorded, to some extend, which brings difficulty for usto manage and store them. It leads to traditional methods, which use the file system to managemass data, could not satisfy our requirement, and it is necessary to find a new method in place oftradit… 相似文献
G. Milana R. M. Azzara E. Bertrand P. Bordoni F. Cara R. Cogliano G. Cultrera G. Di Giulio A.M. Duval A. Fodarella S. Marcucci S. Pucillo J. R��gnier G. Riccio 《Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering》2011,9(3):741-759
After the 2009 April 6th Mw 6.3 L??Aquila earthquake (Central Italy) the Italian Civil Defense Department promoted the microzoning study in the ten zones in the epicentral area that suffered major damage. In this paper we present the activities and the results concerning a temporary seismic network installed in the historical L??Aquila city center indicated as ??macroarea 1?? in the microzoning project. Seismic data were collected to investigate the amplification effects in the city and to support the microzoning activities in verifying both geological profiles and 1D numerical modeling of the seismic response of the city. The conventional spectral approaches using both microtremor and earthquake data allowed to determine the fundamental resonance frequencies and the amplification factors within the city respectively. The spatial variability of these quantities can be related to the geological and geomorphologic characteristics of the investigated area. A comparison between the network data and the data recorded by the two strong motion instruments installed in the city was also made. This allows verifying the relative response of the accelerometric stations that recorded in the city the major events of the sequence. 相似文献
Determination of impedances is necessary in order to eliminate some shortcoming of our knowledge about structures of the exciting
source fields and their fickleness. The experimental impedances for induction soundings result from the impedance boundary
conditions or heuristic models. The simplified models give just a rough idea of their domain of applicability. Impedances
can depend on many factors, including the exciting field structures of several source types which are present in the period
range of the mantle soundings (104−4×108 s). The problem in the mantle investigations arises if impedances measured by different methods have to be jointly inverted
in order to essentially prolongate the analyzed period range and hence to increase the reliability and depth of induction
soundings on land. The subject of our work is an analysis of the known magnetotelluric and magnetovariation impedances to
suggest a physically substantiated approach for their joint inversions. 相似文献
ABSTRACTA hybrid hydrologic model (Distributed-Clark), which is a lumped conceptual and distributed feature model, was developed based on the combined concept of Clark’s unit hydrograph and its spatial decomposition methods, incorporating refined spatially variable flow dynamics to implement hydrological simulation for spatially distributed rainfall–runoff flow. In Distributed-Clark, the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) curve number method is utilized to estimate spatially distributed runoff depth and a set of separated unit hydrographs is used for runoff routing to obtain a direct runoff flow hydrograph. Case studies (four watersheds in the central part of the USA) using spatially distributed (Thiessen polygon-based) rainfall data of storm events were used to evaluate the model performance. Results demonstrate relatively good fit to observed streamflow, with a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (ENS) of 0.84 and coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.86, as well as a better fit in comparison with outputs of spatially averaged rainfall data simulations for two models including HEC-HMS. 相似文献
Massimiliano Favalli Andrew J. L. Harris Alessandro Fornaciai Maria Teresa Pareschi Francesco Mazzarini 《Bulletin of Volcanology》2010,72(1):119-127
Etna’s 2001 basaltic lava flow provided a good example of the distal flow segment between the flow front and stable channel,
across which the flow evolves from channel-contained to dispersed. This zone was mapped with meter precision using LIDAR data
collected during 2004 and 2005. These data, supported by field mapping, show that the flow front comprised eight lobes each
10 to 20 m high. The flow front appears to have advanced not as a single unit, but as a series of lobes moving forward one
lobe at a time. Primary lobes were centered on the channel axis and marginal lobes were off-axis. The lobes advanced as breakouts
of low-yield-strength lava from the flow core of the stalled flow front. Marginal lobes were abandoned and contributed to
marginal levees flanking the transitional channel. For Etna’s 2001 flow, the transitional channel is 140 m wide, 700 m long
and fed a 240-m-long zone of dispersed flow; the change from stable to transitional channel occurred at a major reduction
in slope. Above this, the stable channel is 5.2 km long, 55 to 105 m wide and bounded by 15- to 25-m-high levees, and the
stable channel is located over a previous channel. In a final stage of activity, lava ponding at the break-in-slope that marks
the terminus of the stable channel put pressure on the eastern levee, causing it to fail. Liberated lava then fed a final
break-out to the east. Similar flow front-features occur at other volcanoes, indicating that similar processes are characteristic
of dispersed flow zones. 相似文献
Jinhai Yu 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》1997,40(3):322-328
The following Poisson’s equation with the Stokes’ boundary condition is dealt with $$\left\{ \begin{gathered} \nabla ^2 T = - 4\pi Gp outside S, \hfill \\ \left. {\frac{{\partial T}}{{\partial h}} = \frac{1}{\gamma }\frac{{\partial y}}{{\partial h}}T} \right|_s = - \Delta g, \hfill \\ T = O\left( {r^{ - 3} } \right) at infinity, \hfill \\ \end{gathered} \right.$$ whereS is reference ellipsord. Under spherical approximation transformation, the ellipsoidal correction terms about the boundary condition, the equation and the density in the above BVP are respectively given. Therefore, the disturbing potentialT can he obtained if the magnitudes aboveO(ε4) are neglected. 相似文献
V. M. Pavlov 《Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth》2017,53(4):556-564
The problem of calculating complete synthetic seismograms from a point dipole with an arbitrary seismic moment tensor in a plane parallel medium composed of homogeneous elastic isotropic layers is considered. It is established that the solutions of the system of ordinary differential equations for the motion–stress vector have a reciprocity property, which allows obtaining a compact formula for the derivative of the motion vector with respect to the source depth. The reciprocity theorem for Green’s functions with respect to the interchange of the source and receiver is obtained for a medium with cylindrical boundary. The differentiation of Green’s functions with respect to the coordinates of the source leads to the same calculation formulas as the algorithm developed in the previous work (Pavlov, 2013). A new algorithm appears when the derivatives with respect to the horizontal coordinates of the source is replaced by the derivatives with respect to the horizontal coordinates of the receiver (with the minus sign). This algorithm is more transparent, compact, and economic than the previous one. It requires calculating the wavenumbers associated with Bessel function’s roots of order 0 and order 1, whereas the previous algorithm additionally requires the second order roots. 相似文献
V. G. Ivanov 《Geomagnetism and Aeronomy》2012,52(8):999-1004
This paper investigates the trend towards an increase in the tilt of sunspot groups with increasing latitude (Joy??s law) and the relationship between the features of this law and solar activity parameters. In addition to the known data of the Mount Wilson and Kodaikanal observatories, the analysis uses the Pulkovo database of solar activity, which allows for the estimation of the reliability of the conclusions obtained by other authors from the first two catalogs. It is shown that Joy??s law is manifested in all three data series and has many features in common. In particular at latitudes above 25?C30°, the tilt of sunspot groups is not linearly dependent on latitude and displays a slight decrease. However, some features of this law found previously in the data of the first two observatories (e.g., a decrease in its strength with an increase in the strength of the solar cycle) are not confirmed by our analysis. 相似文献
The Earth’s free core nutation (FCN) is a retrograde eigenmode which is attributed to the interaction between the solid mantle and the liquid core of the rotational elliptical Earth. 相似文献