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An analytical spectral model of the barotropic divergent equations on a sphere is developed using the potential-stream function formulation and the normal modes as basic functions. Explicit expressions of the coefficients of nonlinear interaction are obtained in the asymptotic case of a slowly rotating sphere, i.e. when the normal modes can be expressed as single spherical harmonics.  相似文献   


The model equations describing two-dimensional thermohaline convection of a Boussinesq fluid in a rotating horizontal layer are known to support multiple instabilities, depending on the values of certain control parameters (Arneodo et al., 1985). Most of these multiple instabilities have already been studied for double or triple diffusive convection, where behaviours ranging from simple steady to irregular motions have been found. Here we consider the one remaining bifurcation mentioned by Arneodo et al. (1985): the interaction between a steady and an oscillatory convection roll when the linear spectrum for a single wavenumber comprises one zero and one pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues. The method of centre manifolds and normal forms is used to derive evolution equations for the amplitudes of the convection rolls close to bifurcation and the behaviours associated with the equations is discussed.  相似文献   

The dispersion of inertial particles continuously emitted from a point source is analytically investigated in the limit of small but finite inertia. Our focus is on the evolution equation of the particle joint probability density function p(x,?v,?t), x and v being the particle position and velocity, respectively. For arbitrary inertia, position and velocity variables are coupled, with the result that p(x,?v,?t) can be determined by solving a partial differential equation in a 2d-dimensional space, d being the physical-space dimensionality. For small (but nevertheless finite) inertia, (x,?v)-variables decouple and the determination of p(x,?v,?t) is reduced to solve a system of two standard forced advection–diffusion equations in the space variables x. The latter equations are derived here from first principles, i.e., from the well-known Lagrangian evolution equations for position and particle velocity.  相似文献   


The Magneto-Boussinesq approximation is derived as a set of leading order equations in an asymptotic expansion. An analogous set of equations is derived for the case when the Alfvén speed is comparable to the sound speed.  相似文献   


The mechanism of nonlinear interaction in hydrodynamics is studied with dynamical systems having finite degrees of freedom. The equations are assumed to have the same integrals of motion and main features as those peculiar to hydrodynamical equations. The simplest system of this kind is a triplet (a system described by three parameters). Its equations of motion coincide with the Euler equations in the theory of the gyroscope. The forced motion of a triplet is treated theoretically. A real hydrodynamical system controlled by the equations of motion of a triplet was devised and verified in the laboratory.

The simplest theoretical model of baroclinic motion which provides a basis for studies of of forced heat convection in an ellipsoidal cavity was also constructed. Under certain conditions, the addition of rotation causes a regime of motion analogous to the Rossby regime in a rotating annulus.

More complicated models constructed from a large number of interacting triplets can simulate the cascade process of energy transformation in developed turbulence.  相似文献   


This paper considers the static force-free equilibrium V×BB of a magnetic field in which all of the lines of force connect without knotting between parallel planes. The field is formed by continuous deformation from an initial uniform field, and is conveniently described in terms of the scalar function ψ, which is effectively the stream function for the incompressible wrapping and interweaving of the lines of force, and the scalar function θ, which describes the local compression and expansion. Equilibrium requires satisfaction of two independent equations (the third equation defines α), which cannot be accomplished without the full freedom of both functions ψ and θ. It is shown by integration along the characteristics of the equilibrium equations that, when ψ is predetermined by an arbitrary winding pattern, there appear discontinuities in α. Discontinuities in α have discontinuities in the field (i.e. current sheets) associated with them.

We expect such discontinuities to be produced in the magnetic fields extending outward from the convecting surfaces of the cooler stars.  相似文献   

The generation of the second and higher order moment equations for a set of stochastic differential equations based on Ito's differential lemma is difficult, even for small system of equations. From the knowledge of the statistical properties of the Gaussian white noises associated with the parameters and input coefficients of a set of stochastic differential equations of typeA.+B.Z=C(t), a way to automatically generate the second order moment equations in a computer is presented in this paper. The resulting set of first and second order moment equations is also presented in the same state-space form of the original set of stochastic differential equations through a vectorization of the correlation matrix, which takes advantage of its symmetry. The procedure involved here avoids the inversion of matrixA to apply Ito's differential lemma. Therefore, the presented numerical implementation reduces the computational effort required in the formulation and solution of the moment equations. Moreover, other robust and efficient numerical deterministic integration schemes can be equally applied to the solution of the moment equations.  相似文献   


Nonlinear internal gravity waves in a slightly dissipative, slightly compressible fluid are discussed for the case when the properties of the medium vary slowly on a scale determined by the local wave structure. A two‐timing technique is used to obtain transport equations which describe the changes in amplitude, phase and mean flow of a wave packet. Various solutions of these transport equations are discussed, with relevance to critical layer absorption.  相似文献   


Formation of electric current sheets in the corona is thought to play an important role in solar flares, prominences and coronal heating. It is therefore of great interest to identify magnetic field geometries whose evolution leads to variations in B over small length-scales. This paper considers a uniform field B 0[zcirc], line-tied to rigid plates z = ±l, which are then subject to in-plane displacements modeling the effect of photospheric motion. The force-free field equations are formulated in terms of field-line displacements, and when the imposed plate motion is a linear function of position, these reduce to a 4 × 4 system of nonlinear, second-order ordinary differential equations. Simple analytic solutions are derived for the cases of plate rotation and shear, which both tend to form singularities in certain parameter limits. In the case of plate shear there are two solution branches—a simple example of non-uniqueness.  相似文献   

In viscoelastic media, the slowness vector p of plane waves is complex-valued, p = P + iA. The real-valued vectors P and A are usually called the propagation and the attenuation vector, repectively. For P and A nonparallel, the plane wave is called inhomogeneousThree basic approaches to the determination of the slowness vector of an inhomogeneous plane wave propagating in a homogeneous viscoelastic anisotropic medium are discussed. They differ in the specification of the mathematical form of the slowness vector p. We speak of directional specification, componental specification and mixed specification of the slowness vector. Individual specifications lead to the eigenvalue problems for 3 × 3 or 6 × 6 complex-valued matrices.In the directional specification of the slowness vector, the real-valued unit vectors N and M in the direction of P and A are assumed to be known. This has been the most common specification of the slowness vector used in the seismological literature. In the componental specification, the real-valued unit vectors N and M are not known in advance. Instead, the complex-valued vactorial component p of slowness vector p into an arbitrary plane with unit normal n is assumed to be known. Finally, the mixed specification is a special case of the componental specification with p purely imaginary. In the mixed specification, plane represents the plane of constant phase, so that N = ±n. Consequently, unit vector N is known, similarly as in the directional specification. Instead of unit vector M, however, the vectorial component d of the attenuation vector in the plane of constant phase is known.The simplest, most straightforward and transparent algorithms to determine the phase velocities and slowness vectors of inhomogeneous plane waves propagating in viscoelastic anisotropic media are obtained, if the mixed specification of the slowness vector is used. These algorithms are based on the solution of a conventional eigenvalue problem for 6 × 6 complex-valued matrices. The derived equations are quite general and universal. They can be used both for homogeneous and inhomogeneous plane waves, propagating in elastic or viscoelastic, isotropic or anisotropic media. Contrary to the mixed specififcation, the directional specification can hardly be used to determine the slowness vector of inhomogeneous plane waves propagating in viscoelastic anisotropic media. Although the procedure is based on 3 × 3 complex-valued matrices, it yields a cumbersome system of two coupled equations.  相似文献   


A wave theory based on the non-linear shallow water equations for a two-layer fluid is constructed. The initial value conditions for the equations are the same as for the sudden release of a buoyant fluid. The theory has been tested in a series of experiments of lock-exchange type. Good agreement was found between prediction and experimental data for large times.  相似文献   


It is shown that the equations of an α2-dynamo in a cylindrical disk with perfectly conducting surroundings allow an analytic representation of some special solutions. The related problem of free decay can be solved completely.  相似文献   

Motivated by consideration of the solar tachocline, we derive, via an asymptotic procedure, a new set of equations incorporating velocity shear and magnetic buoyancy into the Boussinesq approximation. We demonstrate, by increasing the magnetic field scale height, how these equations are linked to the magneto-Boussinesq equations of Spiegel and Weiss (Magnetic buoyancy and the Boussinesq approximation. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 1982, 22, 219–234).  相似文献   


We introduce a general expansion approach to obtain a fully consistent closed set of magnetohydrodynamic equations in two independent variables, which is particularly useful to describe axially symmetric, time-dependent problems with weak variation of all quantities in the radial direction. This is done by considering the hierarchy of expanded magnetofluid equations in cylindrical coordinates and equating terms with equal powers in the radial coordinate r. From geometrical considerations it is shown that the radial expansions of the pertaining physical quantities are either even series or odd series in r; this introduces a significant reduction in the number of variables and equations. The closure of the system is provided by appropriate boundary conditions. Among other possible applications, the method is relevant for the analysis of structure and dynamics of magnetic field concentrations in stellar atmospheres.  相似文献   


The problem of identifying and reproducing the hydrological behaviour of groundwater systems can often be set in terms of ordinary differential equations relating the inputs and outputs of their physical components under simplifying assumptions. Conceptual linear and nonlinear models described as ordinary differential equations are widely used in hydrology and can be found in several studies. Groundwater systems can be described conceptually as an interlinked reservoir model structured as a series of nonlinear tanks, so that the groundwater table can be schematized as the water level in one of the interconnected tanks. In this work, we propose a methodology for inferring the dynamics of a groundwater system response to rainfall, based on recorded time series data. The use of evolutionary techniques to infer differential equations from data in order to obtain their intrinsic phenomenological dynamics has been investigated recently by a few authors and is referred to as evolutionary modelling. A strategy named Evolutionary Polynomial Regression (EPR) has been applied to a real hydrogeological system, the shallow unconfined aquifer of Brindisi, southern Italy, for which 528 recorded monthly data over a 44-year period are available. The EPR returns a set of non-dominated models, as ordinary differential equations, reproducing the system dynamics. The choice of the representative model can be made both on the basis of its performance against a test data set and based on its incorporation of terms that actually entail physical meaning with respect to the conceptualization of the system.

Citation Doglioni, A., Mancarella, D., Simeone, V. & Giustolisi, O. (2010) Inferring groundwater system dynamics from hydrological time-series data. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(4), 593–608.  相似文献   


A new model of convection and mixing is presented. The fluid is envisioned as being composed of two buoyant interacting fluids, called thermals and anti-thermals. In the context of the Boussinesq approximation, pairs of governing equations are derived for thermals and anti-thermals. Each pair meets an Invariance Principle as a consequence of the reciprocity in the roles played by thermals and anti-thermals. Each pair is transformed into an average equation for which interaction terms cancel and another very simple equation linking the two fluid properties. An important parameter of the model is the fraction, f, of area occupied by thermals to the total area. A dynamic saturation equilibrium between thermals and antithermals is assumed. This implies a constant values of f throughout the system. The set of equations is written in terms of mean values and root-mean-square fluctuations, in keeping with equations of turbulence theories. The final set consists of four coupled non-linear differential equations. The model neglects dissipation and can be applied to any convective situations where molecular viscosity and diffusivity may be neglected. Applications of the model to mixed-layer deepening and penetrative convection are presented in subsequent papers.  相似文献   


This paper demonstrates the appearance of tangential discontinuities in deformed force-free fields by direct integration of the field equation ? x B = αB. To keep the mathematics tractable the initial field is chosen to be a layer of linear force-free field Bx = + B 0cosqz, By = — B 0sinqz, Bz = 0, anchored at the distant cylindrical surface ? = (x 2 + y 2)1/2 = R and deformed by application of a local pressure maximum of scale l centered on the origin x = y = 0. In the limit of large R/l the deformed field remains linear, with α = q[1 + O(l 2/R 2)]. The field equations can be integrated over ? = R showing a discontinuity extending along the lines of force crossing the pessure maximum. On the other hand, examination of the continuous solutions to the field equations shows that specification of the normal component on the enclosing boundary ? = R completely determines the connectivity throughout the region, in a form unlike the straight across connections of the initial field. The field can escape this restriction only by developing internal discontinuities.

Casting the field equation in a form that the connectivity can be specified explicitly, reduces the field equation to the eikonal equation, describing the optical analogy, treated in papers II and III of this series. This demonstrates the ubiquitous nature of the tangential discontinuity in a force-free field subject to any local deformation.  相似文献   


The interaction of a mean flow with a random fluctuation field is considered. This interaction is described by the averaged Navier-Stokes equation in which terms nonlinear in the fluctuation field are expressed in terms of the mean flow and the statistical properties of the fluctuation field, which is assumed to be homogeneous, isotropic, and helical. Averaged equations are derived using a functional technique. These equations are solved for a mean background flow that depends linearly on the position vector. The solutions show that large-scale vortices may arise in this system.  相似文献   

The Navier–Stokes-α equation is a regularised form of the Euler equation that has been employed in representing the sub-grid scales in large-eddy simulations. Determined efforts have been made to place it on a secure deductive foundation. This requires two steps to be completed. The first is fundamental and consists of establishing from the equations governing the fluid flow, a relationship between two velocities called by Holm (Chaos, 2002a, 12, 518) the “filtered” and “unfiltered” velocities. The second consists of the relation between these two velocities. Until now, the preferred route to the first objective has been variational, by varying the action using Hamilton's principle. Soward and Roberts (J. Fluid Mech., 2008, 604, 297) followed that variational route and established the existence of an important but unwelcome term omitted by Holm in his derivation. It is shown here that the Soward and Roberts result may be derived from Euler's equation by a direct approach with considerably greater efficiency. Holm achieved the second objective by making a “Taylor hypothesis”, which we use here to evaluate the unwelcome term missing from his analysis of the first step. The resulting model equations differ from those of Holm's α model, and the attractive mean Kelvin's circulation theorem that follows from his α equations is no longer valid. For that reason, we call the term omitted by Holm unwelcome.  相似文献   


In this paper, starting from the spectral DIA equations obtained by Veltri et al. (1982), describing the spectral dynamical evolution of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in the presence of a background magnetic field B 0, we have derived an approximate form of these equations (shell model) more appropriate for numerical integration at high Reynolds numbers.

We have studied the decay of an initially isotropic state, with an initial imbalance between the energies for the two signs of the cross-helicity. Reynolds numbers up to 105 have been considered.

Numerical results show that the nonlinear energy cascade behaves anisotropically in the k-space, i.e. in the spectra there is a prevalence of the wavevectors perpendicular to B 0 with respect to the parallel wavevectors. This anisotropic effect, which is due to the presence of the background magnetic field, can be understood in terms of the so-called ‘‘Alfvén effect''.

A different source of anisotropy, due to the difference of the energy transfer for the two polarizations perpendicular to k, is recovered, but its effect is found to be mainly concentrated in the injection range.

Only little differences have been found, in the inertial range, in the spectral indices from the Kraichnan 3/2 value, which is valid for an isotropic spectrum. A form for the anisotropic spectrum can be recovered phenomenologically from our results. Values of the spectral indices quite different from the Kraichnan 3 2 value are obtained only when we consider stationary states with different forcing terms for the two modes of Alfvén wave propagation.

The comparison of our results with the observations of the v and B fluctuations in the interplanatery space shows that the anisotropy found in interplanetary fluctuations might be attributed only partially to the result of a nonlinear energy cascade.  相似文献   

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