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The Quaternary and Tertiary deposits on the south coast of Portugal are distinguished by their excellent aquifer characteristics. The transmissivity of the Pleistocene-Pliocene formations reaches a maximum of 1 550 m2 d?1. In comparison the Miocene deposits are fairly good aquifers with a transmissivity of about 270 m2 d?1. Among the Holocene deposits the barrier dunes show reasonably good water-bearing qualities. The good hydraulic conductivities (19–22 m d?l) result in a flat shape of the groundwater table and fresh water flows towards the ocean. Excessive groundwater withdrawal has caused sea-water intrusion. The locations of the sea-water intrusions correspond with those centres where a spectacular growth of the tourist industry has taken place since 1968, and also with those areas where new developments in the irrigation techniques for the citrus industry have been applied. On the ocean front where sea water intrusion occurs, the thickness of the freshwater-lens has been reduced to 27–32 m.  相似文献   


A simple guide (shown in the appendix) is produced, which enables a water manager or engineer to make an estimate of statistics of water equivalent of snow cover for return periods between 5 and 100 years for most places in the United Kingdom. This paper describes how the guide was produced using many different sources of data. The methods described here will be of help to both meteorologists and hydrologists in temperate countries with similar snow questions.  相似文献   

Résumé Après avoir précisé les conditions dans lesquelles les mesures de la radiation solaire directe, de la radiation globale, de la radiation du ciel et de la durée d'insolation sont effectuées au Service du Rayonnement, à Uccle, une étude du climat solaire est présentée. On montre sous quelle forme on peut calculer l'énergie du rayonnement solaire direct à partir de la durée d'insolation. On détermine ensuite la radiation globale pour toutes les conditions d'insolation. Les nouvelles formules proposées permettent de fixer les limites de validité des formules classiques.
Summary The conditions for the measurement of the intensity of the solar and sky radiation and the sunshine by the Department of Radiation at Uccle are given. A study of the radiation climate is presented. In connection with a determination of the sunshine, a comparison of observationnal results is made with that calculated from new formulas. The intensity of direct solar radiation and of total solar and sky radiation on a horizontal surface is known by a computation. The limitations of the classical formulas are given.

1 PROBLEM DEFINITION Owing to the practical importance of the initiation of motion many researchers began to tackle this problem even at the beginning of the last century (e.g. Kramer (1932, 1935), Casey (1935)). Shields (1936, Fig. 1) developed a non-dimensional representation based on the measured data of Casey, Kramer, USWES and Gilbert, together with his own data based on investigations with succinite sand, lignite, granite chips and heavy spar. Despite the different material p…  相似文献   


Cette étude est basée sur l'analyse des données gravimétriques; elle a pour but d'améliorer la connaissance de la structure de la plaine de Mornag. La carte de l'anomalie résiduelle a d'abord été calculée à partir de la carte de l'anomalie de Bouguer en enlevant un gradient régional. La résiduelle calculée fournit des informations sur la variation de la densité dans le bassin de Mornag. Afin de mettre en évidence les différentes structures dans le bassin, nous avons calculé la magnitude du gradient horizontal (MGH). Cette technique a permis de déterminer des linéaments gravimétriques représentant l'emplacement des contrastes de densité, et de déduire une carte structurale de la zone d'étude. Cette carte constitue un document très utile pour orienter l'exploration des ressources en eau dans la plaine de Mornag.

Citation Farhat, B., Benassi, R., Jallouli, C. & Ben Mammou, A. (2010) Contribution de la gravimétrie à l'étude de la structure de la plaine de Mornag (nord est de la Tunisie): implications hydrogéologiques. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(8), 1396–1404.  相似文献   

Résumé Il s'agit de la détermination de l'aplatissement de la Terre et de la pesanteur équatoriale en utilisant la définition de l'ellipsoïde de référence donnée par l'auteur dans une publication antérieure et les anomalies isostatiques moyennes calculées parL. Tanni. Les résultats obtenus, e =978.055, =1/296.3, sont sensiblement égaux à ceux qui proviennent de la méthode habituelle des moindres carrés; l'aplatissement calculé est compris entre les limites déduites parA. Véronnet de la précession terrestre.
Summary This article contains the numerical computation of the Earth's flattening and the equatorial gravity on the basis of the definition of the reference ellipsoid, given by the author in a former work, and the mean isostatic anomalies computed byL. Tanni. The results, e =978.055, =1/296.3, show that the method of least squares is accurate enough under the present conditions; the flattening computed is bounded by the values derived byA. Véronnet from the terrestrial precession.

The closure of third stage diversion channel for the Three Gorges Dam is characterized by large closure discharge, large drop in water surface, and high gap velocity. 1D and 2D flow mathematical models were used in this paper to simulate the hydraulic conditions during the closure. The variation of discharge in the diversion channel and the drops in water surface shared by the upstream and downstream cofferdams were computed using the ID model, and the detailed hydraulic patterns in the diversion channel were simulated using the 2D model. The computed results indicate that the designed closure scheme for discharge of 9,010 m^3/s was feasible for construction, while the designed closure scheme for discharge of 12,200 m^3/s was inapplicable.  相似文献   

The Tangshan earthquake(M=7.8)which occurred on July 28, 1976 is the greatest event among the modern catastrophes in China. It occurred in a region that was the most densely networked with seismic stations, a region that had the longest history in seismological work and had received  相似文献   

I. INTRODUCTIONThe Yellow River is a heavily sediment--laden river. The sediment load of the Yellow River ranks the first in the world while its annual runoff is only of medium size. Toharness the river, it is necessary to build reservoirs for regulating runoff to meet the demands of economic development. Since the founding of PRC in 1949, I S4 large and medium--sized reservoirs have been constructed on the main stem and the tributaries with atotal storage capacity of 84.5 billion m3.…  相似文献   

1 wrsoorCnoxThe Yenow mver delta is ereated by the river transponing sediment bom the Loess Plateau to the shallOWBOhai Gulf during the paSt l45 years. lh recent years, the water discharge and sediment load enedg thesea have bein ched dramacaily The river end chann shital northeastWed hom QingshulgOuN to qngshulgou-Chah chaDnel in 1996, resulting in a new regfor of sedimenboon and erosion ofthe subaqucous delta.,A nUInerial model for river sediInen dispersion and seabed mOrPhofogy of t…  相似文献   

Relative sea level change can be derived from tide records. In order to study the general sea level change along the coast of China, it is necessary to make a unified reduction for all the results obtained from various tide stations. A so-called isostatic datum of vertical movement of thecoastal land hasbeen suggested as a basis of the unified reduction in this paper, established by useof precise releveling data completed between 50's and 80's.The vertical movement velocities relative  相似文献   

MODELING OF THE HIGH CONCENTRATION LAYEROF COIIESIVE SEDMNT UNDER Tus ACTIONOF WAVES AND CURRENTSQinghe ZHANG', Yongsheng WU', Jiian LIAN1 and Pingxing DING3Abstract:High concenhation layer of cohesive sediment frequenhy occurs in muddy estUaries and coastalzones, and causes raPid siltation of the waterways. A one dimensional vertical coupled modeldescribing the interactions betWeen waves, currentS and suspended cohesive sediment is develoPed inthe pre…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION China is rich in mountains. The mountainous area occupies 69% of the total land of the country. Thus, landslides frequently occur in the mountain areas of China. Landslides originating in subsurface soils are typical, and constitute approxi…  相似文献   

Résumé Les données relatives à la councheE au-dessus de Léopoldville sont analysées pour la période allant de la fin du dernier cycle solaire (Février 1952) au delà du maximum du présent cycle (Décembre 1958). L'examen de la variation diurne de la densité électronique maximum montre que la loi de Chapman est très bien vérifiée à un facteur près; en coordonnées logarithmiques les régressions sont linéaires. Les deux paramètres de cette regression, l'ordonnée à l'origine (logarithme de la densité maximum pour un angle de hauteur du soleil nul) et la pente, sont exprimées en fonction du nombreR de Wolf. Leur variation saisonnière est alors étudiée théoriquement et selon les données mesurées: il est ainsi prouvé que la densité électronique a une variation saisonnière due essentiellement à la géométrie du système Terre-Soleil.
Summary Data relative to theE layer over Leopoldville are analysed for the period between the end of the last solar cycle and the maximum of the present one (February 1952 to December 1958). It is shown that the diurnal variation of the maximum electronic density follows the Chapman law very well; in logarithmic coordinates the regressions are linear. The two parameters of this regression, the ordinate at the origin (logarithm of the maximum density for a zero Sun-height) and the slope, are expressed in function of the Wolf numberR. Their seasonal variations are studied theoretically and from the actual data: it is shown that the seasonal variation of the electronic density is essentially due to the geometry of the Earth-Sun system.

The Changjiang River is characterized by the enormous volume of runoff and the great amount of sediment load with remarkable seasonal variation. The annual runoff sometimes is respondent to the amount of sediment load, and sometimes not. The amount of monthly sediment load after the month of the maximum runoff is larger than those before the month. The sediment concentration and net quantity of sediment transport in the vicinity of the river mouth varies greatly in time between the ebb and flood, spring and neap, and dry seasons and flood seasons. The three bifurcations also have differences in concentration and net quantity in space. Even in the same bifurcation they have differences in and out of the sand bar. At present, the North Channel is the main passage for water and sediment load emptying into the sea from the Changjiang River. More than 50 percent of the sediments from the river basin are deposited nearby the South Branch entrance and the main depositional area is situated in subaqueous delta off the South Channel. Between 122°30'E and 123°E is an important boundary for eastward sediment dispersion from which the suspended sediment are dispersed towards the east by south.  相似文献   

Résumé Les moyennes mensuelles des pluies publiées parM.F. Eredia pour 3.601 stations ont servi à l'extraction de la composante annuelle par la méthode des combinaisons linéaires d'ordonnées de M. et MmeH. Labrouste. L'examen de la répartition géographique de la phase de cette composante fait ressortir les différentes influences du relief continental et de l'orientation des côtes sur la mise en place dans le temps de cette fraction permanente des pluies.
Summary The monthly average values of rain, published byF. Eredia for 3.601 stations enabled the autors to calculate the annual component by the linear combinations method (established by M. and MmeH. Labrouste). The geographical repartition of the phase of this component shows the different bearings of continental relief and coast orientation on time-distribution of this permanent fractions of rain.

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