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This paper presents preliminary results from the application of a transfer‐function rainfall–runoff model to ephemeral streams in Mediterranean Spain. Flow simulations have been conducted for two small catchments (Carraixet and Poyo basins), located in close proximity to one another yet with significantly different geological characteristics. Analysis of flow simulations for a number of high‐flow events has revealed the dominant influence of the rainfall on the catchment response, particularly for high‐rainfall events. Particular success has been attained modelling the highest magnitude events in both catchments and for all events in the faster responding (Poyo) catchment. In order to investigate the viability of the model for forecasting floods in ungauged catchments, additional investigations have been conducted by calibrating the model for one catchment (donor catchment) and then applying it to another (receptor catchment). The results indicate that this can be successful when either the donor catchment is a fast response catchment or when the model is calibrated using a high‐magnitude event in the donor catchment, providing that the modelled receptor catchment event is of a lower magnitude. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological models used for flood prediction in ungauged catchments are commonly fitted to regionally transferred data. The key issue of this procedure is to identify hydrologically similar catchments. Therefore, the dominant controls for the process of interest have to be known. In this study, we applied a new machine learning based approach to identify the catchment characteristics that can be used to identify the active processes controlling runoff dynamics. A random forest (RF) regressor has been trained to estimate the drainage velocity parameters of a geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH) in ungauged catchments, based on regionally available data. We analyzed the learning procedure of the algorithm and identified preferred donor catchments for each ungauged catchment. Based on the obtained machine learning results from catchment grouping, a classification scheme for drainage network characteristics has been derived. This classification scheme has been applied in a flood forecasting case study. The results demonstrate that the RF could be trained properly with the selected donor catchments to successfully estimate the required GIUH parameters. Moreover, our results showed that drainage network characteristics can be used to identify the influence of geomorphological dispersion on the dynamics of catchment response.  相似文献   

Despite uncertainties and errors in measurement, observed peak discharges are the best estimate of the true peak discharge from a catchment. However, in ungauged catchments, the catchment response time is a fundamental input to all methods of estimating peak discharges; hence, errors in estimated catchment response time directly impact on estimated peak discharges. In South Africa, this is particularly the case in ungauged medium to large catchments where practitioners are limited to use empirical methods that were calibrated on small catchments not located in South Africa. The time to peak (TP), time of concentration (TC) and lag time (TL) are internationally the most frequently used catchment response time parameters and are normally estimated using either hydraulic or empirical methods. Almost 95% of all the time parameter estimation methods developed internationally are empirically based. This paper presents the derivation and verification of empirical TP equations in a pilot scale study using 74 catchments located in four climatologically different regions of South Africa, with catchment areas ranging from 20 km2 to 35 000 km2. The objective is to develop unique relationships between observed TP values and key climatological and geomorphological catchment predictor variables in order to estimate catchment TP values at ungauged catchments. The results show that the derived empirical TP equation(s) meet the requirement of consistency and ease of application. Independent verification tests confirmed the consistency, while the statistically significant independent predictor variables included in the regressions provide a good estimation of catchment response times and are also easy to determine by practitioners when required for future applications in ungauged catchments. It is recommended that the methodology used in this study should be expanded to other catchments to enable the development of a regional approach to improve estimation of time parameters on a national‐scale. However, such a national‐scale application would not only increase the confidence in using the suggested methodology and equation(s) in South Africa, but also highlights that a similar approach could be adopted internationally. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new parameter parsimonious rainfall–run‐off model, the Distance Distribution Dynamics (DDD) model, is used to simulate hydrological time series at ungauged sites in the Lygne basin in Norway. The model parameters were estimated as functions of catchment characteristics determined by geographical information system. The multiple regression equations relating catchment characteristics and model parameters were trained from 84 calibrated catchments located all over Norway, and all model parameters showed significant correlations with catchment characteristics. The significant correlation coefficients (with p‐value < 0.05) ranged from 0.22 to 0.55. The suitability of DDD for predictions in ungauged basins was tested for 17 catchments not used to estimate the multiple regression equations. For ten of the 17 catchments, deviations in Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) criteria between the calibrated and regionalised model were less than 0.1, and for two calibrated catchments within the Lygne basin, the deviations were less than 0.08. The median NSE for the regionalized DDD for the 17 catchments for two time series was 0.66 and 0.72. Deviations in NSE between calibrated and regionalised models are well explained by the deviations between calibrated and regressed parameters describing spatial snow distribution and snowmelt respectively. The quality of the simulated run‐off series for the ungauged sites in the Lygne basin was assessed by comparing flow indices describing high, medium and low flow estimated from observed run‐off at the 17 catchments and for the simulated run‐off series. The indices estimated for the simulated series were generally well within the ranges defined by the 17 observed series. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, a quantitative assessment of uncertainty was made in connection with the calibration of Australian Water Balance Model (AWBM) for both gauged and ungauged catchment cases. For the gauged catchment, five different rainfall data sets, 23 different calibration data lengths and eight different optimization techniques were adopted. For the ungauged catchment case, the optimum parameter sets obtained from the nearest gauged catchment were transposed to the ungauged catchments, and two regional prediction equations were used to estimate runoff. Uncertainties were ascertained by comparing the observed and modelled runoffs by the AWBM on the basis of different combinations of methods, model parameters and input data. The main finding from this study was that the uncertainties in the AWBM modelling outputs could vary from ?1.3% to 70% owing to different input rainfall data, ?5.7% to 11% owing to different calibration data lengths and ?6% to 0.2% owing to different optimization techniques adopted in the calibration of the AWBM. The performance of the AWBM model was found to be dominated mainly by the selection of appropriate rainfall data followed by the selection of an appropriate calibration data length and optimization algorithm. Use of relatively short data length (e.g. 3 to 6 years) in the calibration was found to generate relatively poor results. Effects of different optimization techniques on the calibration were found to be minimal. The uncertainties reported here in relation to the calibration and runoff estimation by the AWBM model are relevant to the selected study catchments, which are likely to differ for other catchments. The methodology presented in this paper can be applied to other catchments in Australia and other countries using AWBM and similar rainfall–runoff models. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The clustering of catchments is important for prediction in ungauged basins, model parameterization and watershed development and management. The aim of this study is to explore a new measure of similarity among catchments, using a data depth function and comparing it with catchment clustering indices based on flow and physical characteristics. A cluster analysis was performed for each similarity measure using the affinity propagation clustering algorithm. We evaluated the similarity measure based on depth–depth plots (DD-plots) as a basis for transferring parameter sets of a hydrological model between catchments. A case study was developed with 21 catchments in a diverse New Zealand region. Results show that clustering based on the depth–depth measure is dissimilar to clustering on catchment characteristics, flow, or flow indices. A hydrological model was calibrated for the 21 catchments and the transferability of model parameters among similar catchments was tested within and between clusters defined by each clustering method. The mean model performance for parameters transferred within a group always outperformed those from outside the group. The DD-plot based method was found to produce the best in-group performance and second-highest difference between in-group and out-group performance.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR A. Viglione  相似文献   

In single‐event deterministic design flood estimation methods, estimates of the peak discharge are based on a single and representative catchment response time parameter. In small catchments, a simplified convolution process between a single‐observed hyetograph and hydrograph is generally used to estimate time parameters such as the time to peak (TP), time of concentration (TC), and lag time (TL) to reflect the “observed” catchment response time. However, such simplification is neither practical nor applicable in medium to large heterogeneous catchments, where antecedent moisture from previous rainfall events and spatially non‐uniform rainfall hyetographs can result in multi‐peaked hydrographs. In addition, the paucity of rainfall data at sub‐daily timescales further limits the reliable estimation of catchment responses using observed hyetographs and hydrographs at these catchment scales. This paper presents the development of a new and consistent approach to estimate catchment response times, expressed as the time to peak (TPx) obtained directly from observed streamflow data. The relationships between catchment response time parameters and conceptualised triangular‐shaped hydrograph approximations and linear catchment response functions are investigated in four climatologically regions of South Africa. Flood event characteristics using primary streamflow data from 74 flow‐gauging stations were extracted and analysed to derive unique relationships between peak discharge, baseflow, direct runoff, and catchment response time in terms of TPx. The TPx parameters are estimated from observed streamflow data using three different methods: (a) duration of total net rise of a multipeaked hydrograph, (b) triangular‐shaped direct runoff hydrograph approximations, and (c) linear catchment response functions. The results show that for design hydrology and for the derivation of empirical equations to estimate catchment response times in ungauged catchments, the catchment TPx should be estimated from both the use of an average catchment TPx value computed using either Methods (a) or (b) and a linear catchment response function as used in Method (c). The use of the different methods in combination is not only practical but is also objective and has consistent results.  相似文献   


The manner in which both the seasonal and regional variations in storm duration, intensity and inter-storm period manifest in the runoff response of agricultural water supply catchments is investigated. High-resolution rainfall data were analysed for a network of 17 raingauges located across the semiarid (200–500 mm year?1) agricultural districts of southwest Western Australia. Seasonal variations in mean storm duration, mean rainfall intensity and mean inter-storm period were modelled using simple periodic functions whose parameters were then also regressed with geographic and climatic indices to create spatial fields for each of these statistics. Based on these mean values, a continuous rainfall time series can be synthesized for any location within the region, with the rainfall depth within each storm being downscaled to 5-min time steps using a bounded random cascade model. Runoff from six different catchment surface treatments (“engineered” catchments) was simulated using a conceptual water-balance model, validated using rainfall—runoff data from an experimental field site. The expected yield of the various catchment types at any other location within the study region is then simulated using the above rainfall—runoff model and synthetic rainfall and potential evaporation time series under a range of climatic settings representative of regional climate variation. The resulting coupled model can be used to estimate the catchment area required to yield an acceptable volume of runoff for any location and dam capacity, at a specified reliability level, thus providing a tool for water resource managers to design engineered catchments for water supply. Although the model presented is specific for Western Australia's southwest region, the methodology itself is applicable to other locations.  相似文献   

Frequent human activities and climate change in the karst region of southwest China since the 1950s have led to the investigation of response of runoff to climate and catchment properties. Runoff coefficient (Rc) as an expression variable of the catchment response to rainfall is important to describe runoff dynamics and to estimate available streamflow for utilization. In this study, the equations of Rc associated with its attributors of climate condition and catchment property were derived using the Budyko framework. The equations were used to estimate relationship between the Rc and the attributors in the karst catchments in Guizhou province of southwest China. Analysis in the selected 23 karst catchments demonstrates that the spatial distribution of Rc is dominated by the catchment properties, such as the catchment properties of geology, slope and land use and land cover, rather than climate condition of drought index. Correlation analysis indicates that the catchment with a large slope usually has a high value of Rc, and a large proportion of carbonate rock in a catchment reduces Rc in the study area. Temporal increasing trend of Rc during 1961–2000 was found for most catchments in the study area. This increasing trend was primarily resulted from changes of catchment properties, e.g. deforestation in large areas of Guizhou province during the 1950s–1980s. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rainfall–runoff modelling at ungauged catchments often involves the transfer of calibrated model parameters from ‘donor’ gauged catchments. However, in any rainfall–runoff model, some parameters tend to be more sensitive to the objective function, whereas others are insensitive over their entire feasible range. In this paper, we analyse the effect of selectively transferring sensitive versus insensitive parameters on streamflow predictability at ungauged catchments. We develop a simple daily time‐step rainfall–runoff model [exponential bucket hydrologic model (EXP‐HYDRO)] and calibrate it at 756 catchments within the continental USA. Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency of (NS) is used as the objective function. The model simulates satisfactorily at 323 catchments (NS > 0.6), most of which are located in the eastern part of the USA, along the Rocky Mountain Range, and near the western Pacific coast. Of the six calibration parameters, only three parameters are found to be sensitive to NS. Two of these parameters control the hydrograph recession behaviour of a catchment, and the third parameter controls the snowmelt rate. We find that when only sensitive parameters are transferred, model performance at ungauged catchments is almost at par with that of transferring all six parameters. Conversely, the transfer of only insensitive parameters results in a significant deterioration in model performance. Results suggest that streamflow predictability at ungauged catchments using rainfall–runoff models is largely dependent on the transfer of a small subset of parameters. We recommend that, in any modelling framework, such parameters should be identified and further characterized to better understand the information controlling streamflow predictability at ungauged catchments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Catchments in many parts of the world are either ungauged or poorly gauged, and the dominant processes governing their streamflow response are still poorly understood. The analysis of runoff coefficients provides essential insight into catchment response, particularly if both range of catchments and a range of events are compared. This paper investigates how well the hydrological runoff of 11 small, poorly gauged catchments with ephemeral streams (0·1‐0·6 km2) can be compared using estimated runoff with the associated uncertainty. Data of rainfall and water depth at a catchment's outlet were recorded using automatic logging equipment during 2008‐2009. The hydrological regime is intermittent and the annual precipitation ranged between 569 and 727 mm. Discharge was estimated using Manning's equation and channel cross‐section measurements. Innovative work has been performed under controlled experimental conditions to estimate Manning's coefficient values for the different cover types observed in studied streams: non‐aquatic vegetations (giant reed, bramble and thistle), grass and coarse granular deposits. The results show that estimates derived using roughness coefficients differ from those previously established for larger streams with aquatic vegetation. Catchment runoff was compared at both the event and the annual scale. The results indicate significant variability between the catchment's responses. This variability allows for classification in spite of all the uncertainty associated with runoff estimation. This study highlights the potential of using a network of poorly gauged catch ments. From almost no catchment understanding the proposed methodology allows to compare poorly gauged catchments and highlights similarity/dissimilarity between catchment responses. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sixteen small catchments in the Maroondah region of Victoria, Australia were analysed using rainfall, temperature and streamflow time series with a rainfall–runoff model whose parameters efficiently characterize the hydrological response of a catchment. A set of catchment attributes for each of these catchments was then compared with the associated set of hydrological response characteristics of the catchments as estimated by the model. The time constant governing quickflow recession of streamflow (τq) was related to the drainage network and catchment area. The time constant governing slowflow recession of streamflow (τs) was related to the slope and shape of the catchment. The parameter governing evapotranspirative losses ( f ) was related to catchment gradient and vegetative water use. Forestry activities in the catchments changed evapotranspirative losses and thus total volume of streamflow, but did not affect the rate of streamflow recession.  相似文献   



The effect of land-use or land-cover change on stream runoff dynamics is not fully understood. In many parts of the world, forest management is the major land-cover change agent. While the paired catchment approach has been the primary methodology used to quantify such effects, it is only possible for small headwater catchments where there is uniformity in precipitation inputs and catchment characteristics between the treatment and control catchments. This paper presents a model-based change-detection approach that includes model and parameter uncertainty as an alternative to the traditional paired-catchment method for larger catchments. We use the HBV model and data from the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest in Oregon, USA, to develop and test the approach on two small (<1 km2) headwater catchments (a 100% clear-cut and a control) and then apply the technique to the larger 62 km2 Lookout catchment. Three different approaches are used to detect changes in stream peak flows using: (a) calibration for a period before (or after) change and simulation of runoff that would have been observed without land-cover changes (reconstruction of runoff series); (b) comparison of calibrated parameter values for periods before and after a land-cover change; and (c) comparison of runoff predicted with parameter sets calibrated for periods before and after a land-cover change. Our proof-of-concept change detection modelling showed that peak flows increased in the clear-cut headwater catchment, relative to the headwater control catchment, and several parameter values in the model changed after the clear-cutting. Some minor changes were also detected in the control, illustrating the problem of false detections. For the larger Lookout catchment, moderately increased peak flows were detected. Monte Carlo techniques used to quantify parameter uncertainty and compute confidence intervals in model results and parameter ranges showed rather wide distributions of model simulations. While this makes change detection more difficult, it also demonstrated the need to explicitly consider parameter uncertainty in the modelling approach to obtain reliable results.

Citation Seibert, J. & McDonnell, J. J. (2010) Land-cover impacts on streamflow: a change-detection modelling approach that incorporates parameter uncertainty. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(3), 316–332.  相似文献   

抚仙湖集水域地表径流入湖水量模拟   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
徐金涛  张奇  徐力刚 《湖泊科学》2007,19(6):718-726
采用适用于无资料流域、参数较少的SCS模型计算抚仙湖集水域地表径流量.模型考虑了集水域下垫面条件的空间差异,利用Maplnfo/Arc view软件按照土地利用方式与土壤类型的不同,把集水域划分为若干个水文响应单元,分别计算产流量,较准确地模拟了入湖径流量.通过对梁王河流域和大鲫鱼沟流域实测降雨径流资料的分析与反演,提出了适合该区域的产流计算CN值.在对CN值作坡度修正后再应用到其它无观测数据区域.通过模型计算得到的抚仙湖集水域2005年3月1日-2006年2月28日地表径流量为1.74×108 m3,陆面径流系数为0.395.模型为指导抚仙湖集水域径流观测及入湖污染物负荷的计算提供依据.  相似文献   


Seasonality is an important hydrological signature for catchment comparison. Here, the relevance of monthly precipitation–runoff polygons (defined as scatter points of 12 monthly average precipitation–runoff value pairs connected in the chronological monthly sequence) for characterizing seasonality patterns was investigated to describe the hydrological behaviour of 10 catchments spanning a climatic gradient across the northern temperate region. Specifically, the research objectives were to: (a) discuss the extent to which monthly precipitation–runoff polygons can be used to infer active hydrological processes in contrasting catchments; (b) test the ability of quantitative metrics describing the shape, orientation and surface area of monthly precipitation–runoff polygons to discriminate between different seasonality patterns; and (c) examine the value of precipitation–runoff polygons as a basis for catchment grouping and comparison. This study showed that some polygon metrics were as effective as monthly average runoff coefficients for illustrating differences between the 10 catchments. The use of precipitation–runoff polygons was especially helpful to look at the dynamics prevailing in specific months and better assess the coupling between precipitation and runoff and their relative degree of seasonality. This polygon methodology, linked with a range of quantitative metrics, could therefore provide a new simple tool for understanding and comparing seasonality among catchments.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor K. Heal

Citation Ali, G., Tetzlaff, D., Kruitbos, L., Soulsby, C., Carey, S., McDonnell, J., Buttle, J., Laudon, H., Seibert, J., McGuire, K., and Shanley, J., 2013. Analysis of hydrological seasonality across northern catchments using monthly precipitation–runoff polygon metrics. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (1), 56–72.  相似文献   


Determining the catchment design peak flow is crucial in hydrological practice. In this paper, the conceptual rainfall–runoff model EBA4SUB (Event-Based Approach for Small and Ungauged Basins) was applied in six catchments in Iran. The aims were to test EBA4SUB in reconstructing runoff hydrographs for the investigated case studies and to provide a suitable alternative for the review and updating of design peak flow estimation in Iran. The EBA4SUB output was compared with previous studies on selected catchments. The results show, for all case studies, a large variability in the peak flow values; the EBA4SUB model gave flow values similar to the other methodologies. The EBA4SUB model can be recommended for the following reasons: (i) it minimizes the subjectivity of the modeller. (ii) its modules are based on state-of-the-art procedures, which have been appropriately optimized for ungauged basins; and (iii) it furnishes the whole design flood hydrograph.  相似文献   

A geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph (GIUH) rainfall‐runoff model was applied in a 31 km2 montane catchment in Scotland. Modelling was based on flow path length distributions derived from a digital terrain model (DTM). The model was applied in two ways; a single landscape unit response based on the DTM alone, and a two‐landscape unit response, which incorporated the distribution of saturated areas derived from field‐validated geographic information system (GIS) analysis based on a DTM and soil maps. This was to test the hypothesis that incorporation of process‐information would enhance the model performance. The model was applied with limited multiple event calibration to produce parameter sets which could be applied to a spectrum of events with contrasting characteristics and antecedent conditions. Gran alkalinity was used as a tracer to provide an additional objective measure for assessing model performance. The models captured the hydrological response dynamics of the catchment reasonably well. In general, the single landscape unit approach produced the best individual model performance statistics, though the two‐landscape unit approach provided a range of models, which bracketed the storm hydrograph response more realistically. There was a tendency to over‐predict the rising limb of the hydrograph, underestimate large storm event peaks and anticipate the hydrograph recession too rapidly. Most of these limitations could be explained by the simplistic assumptions embedded within the GIUH approach. The modelling also gave feasible predictions of stream water chemistry, though these could not be used as a basis for model rejection. Nevertheless, the study suggested that the approach has potential for prediction of hydrological response in ungauged montane headwater basins. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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