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Filtration systems, used for the preparation of coastal seawater samples for trace analysis, have been intercompared to determine the extent of contamination arising during the filtration process. The results show that all the systems intercompared are able to provide uncontaminated filtrates for copper, nickel, cobalt and manganese and, with two exceptions, for cadmium and iron, at levels that would be encountered in uncontaminated coastal waters.  相似文献   

The growing concern for health‐related problems deriving from pollutants leaching is driving national and international administrations to support the development of tools for evaluating the effects of alternate management scenarios and identifying vulnerable areas. Cropping systems models are powerful tools for evaluating leachates under different environmental, social, and management conditions. As percolating water is the transport vehicle for pollutants transport in soil, a reliable evaluation of water balance models is a fundamental prerequisite for investigating pesticides and nitrate fate. As specific approaches for the evaluation of multi‐layer evolution of state variables are missing, we propose a fuzzy‐based, integrated indicator (ISWC: 0, best; 1, worst) for a comprehensive evaluation of soil water content (SWC) simulations. We aggregated error metrics with others quantifying the homogeneity of errors across different soil layers, the capability of models to reproduce complex dynamics function of both time and soil depth, and model complexity. We tested ISWC on a sample dataset where the models CropSyst and CERES‐Wheat were used to simulate SWC for winter wheat systems. ISWC revealed that, in the explored conditions, the global assessment of the two models' performances allowed identification of CropSyst as the best (average ISWC = 0·441, with a value of 0·537 obtained by CERES‐Wheat), although each model prevailed for some of the metrics. CropSyst presented the highest accuracy (average agreement module = 0·400), whereas CERES‐Wheat's accuracy was slightly worse, although achieved with a simplified modelling approach (average Akaike Information Criterion = − 230·44), thereby favouring large‐area applicability. The non‐univocal scores achieved by the models for the different metrics support the use of multi‐metric evaluation approaches for quantifying the different aspects of water balance model performances. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological responses vary spatially and temporally according to watershed characteristics. In this study, the hydrological models that we developed earlier for the Little Miami River (LMR) and Las Vegas Wash (LVW) watersheds in the USA were used for detailed sensitivity analyses. To compare the relative sensitivities of the hydrological parameters of these two models, we used normalized root mean square error (NRMSE). By combining the NRMSE index with the flow duration curve analysis, we derived an approach to measure parameter sensitivities under different flow regimes. Results show that the parameters related to groundwater are highly sensitive in the LMR watershed, whereas the LVW watershed is primarily sensitive to near-surface and impervious parameters. The high and medium flows are more impacted by most of the parameters. The low flow regime was highly sensitive to groundwater-related parameters. Moreover, our approach is found to be useful in facilitating model development and calibration.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR S. Huang  相似文献   

Soil moisture (SM) can be retrieved from active microwave (AM), passive microwave (PM) and thermal infrared (TIR) observations, each having unique spatial and temporal coverages. A limitation of TIR‐based retrievals is a dependence on cloud‐free conditions, whereas microwave retrievals are almost all weather proof. A downside of SM retrievals from PM is the coarse spatial resolution. Although SM retrievals at coarse spatial resolution proved to be valuable for global‐scale and continental‐scale studies, their value for regional‐scale studies remains limited. To increase the use of SM retrievals from PM observations, an existing method to enhance their spatial resolution was applied. We present an intercomparison study over the Iberian Peninsula for three SM products on two different spatial sampling grids. The remotely sensed SM products were also compared with in situ observations from the Remedhus network. Variations between ground data and satellite‐based SM are observed; all three remotely sensed SM products show good agreement to the ground observations. The comparison shows that these ground observations and satellite data are consistent, based on the correlation coefficient (R) and root mean square error (RMSE). The remotely sensed products were intercompared after sampling at 25 × 25 km2 and after applying the smoothing filter‐based intensity modulation (SFIM) downscaling technique at 10 × 10 km2 grids. After the application of the SFIM technique, the SM retrievals from PM observations show better agreement with the other remotely sensed SM products for approximately 40% of the study area. For another 40% of the study area, we found a similar agreement between these product combinations, whereas in extreme environments, both arid and densely vegetated regions, the agreement decreases after the application of the SFIM technique. Agreement between retrievals of absolute SM content from PM and TIR observations is generally high (R = 0.77 for semi‐arid areas). This study enhances our understanding of the remotely sensed SM products for improvements of SM retrieval and merging strategies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes an intercomparison between the Väisälä, VIZ and Swiss (used at upper-air station 06610) radiosondes. The field experiment was supported by a series of carefully implemented laboratory tests. The results show that the temperature sensor data from the SMI and VIZ sondes both require additional radiation compensation for daylight ascents whilst the Swiss sonde's pressure sensor has particularly large errors in the 200–100 mb region. New correction parameters have been determined for the SMI and VIZ sondes and these have now been built into the systems' software.  相似文献   

This study focuses mainly on observing urban development in Taiwan's Wu‐Tu watershed from the perspective of urban hydrological theory. An approach is proposed for developing a method for incorporating available meteorological data to define the degree of change in a runoff hydrograph for urbanizing basins. The mean rainfall was estimated using the Kriging method. For calibration, two methods of calculating the effective rainfall (the Φ‐index method and the non‐linear‐programming (NLP) method) were used as model inputs, and the optimal global parameters of the linear reservoir model were then obtained from the shuffled complex evolution (SCE) algorithm. Twenty‐six (1966–1991) and eight (1994–1997) rainfall–runoff events were used for calibration and verification, respectively. The NLP method yielded better results than the Φ‐index method, especially for multipeak rainfall–runoff events. The regression equation determined the relationship between the parameters of the model and impervious areas. A comparison based on the results of the instantaneous unit hydrograph of the study area revealed that three decades of urbanization had increased the peak flow by 27%, and the time to peak was decreased by 4 h. The study simply describes the results of the impact of imperviousness on hydrological modelling. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes an extension to the Combined Hydrology And Stability Model (CHASM) to fully include the effects of vegetation and slope plan topography on slope stability. The resultant physically based numerical model is designed to be applied to site‐specific slopes in which a detailed assessment of unsaturated and saturated hydrology is required in relation to vegetation, topography and slope stability. Applications are made to the Hawke's Bay region in New Zealand where shallow‐seated instability is strongly associated with spatial and temporal trends in vegetation cover types, and the Mid‐Levels region in Hong Kong, an area subject to a variety of landslide mechanisms, some of which may be subject to strong topographic control. An improved understanding of process mechanism, afforded by the model, is critical for reliable and appropriate design of slope stabilization and remedial measures. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of hydrological and hydraulic models for transferring instantaneous discharges from a water gauge station to budgeting sites on rivers. Calculations were done using the following models: MIKE NAM rainfall-runoff model and a hydrodynamic MIKE 11 HD model. The simulations were carried out for the catchment of Warta River and its tributaries for the multiyear period 1999–2009.  相似文献   

A finite element model (namely TELEMAC) with a range of mesh refinements and assumptions of coastal water depths is used to determine an optimal mesh for computing the M 2 tide in a region of significant geographical extent. The region adopted is the west coast of Britain covering the Irish and Celtic Seas. The nature of the spatially varying topography and tidal distribution, together with a comprehensive set of measurements and existing accurate finite difference model makes it ideal for such a study. Calculations show that a water-depth dependent criterion for determining element size gives an optimal distribution over the majority of the region. However, local refinements in narrow channels such as the North Channel and Bristol Channel are required. Although the specification of a zero coastal water depth, leads to a fine near coastal grid, this does not yield the most accurate solution. In addition the computational cost is high. In practice in a large area model the use of a non-zero coastal water depth yields optimum accuracy at minimal computational cost. However, calculations show that accuracy is critically dependent upon nearshore water depths. Comparison with the finite difference model shows that the bias in elevation amplitude in the finite difference solution is removed in the finite element calculation.  相似文献   

A luminescence dating study has been applied to inform the history and archaeology of two early medieval buildings in north western France. Five bricks were sampled from the medieval churches (10th–11th centuries A.D.) of Rugles and Condé-sur-Risle in Normandy. The samples were divided and tested in the luminescence laboratories of the University of Durham (UK) and of Iramat-CRP2A, University of Bordeaux 3 (France). The fine grain and quartz inclusion techniques were applied, and tests included an examination of the anomalous fading of the luminescence signal from fine grain samples and coarse grains of feldspar. With one exception, the dates produced using the fine grain technique, although corrected for fading, were significantly younger than those produced with quartz inclusions. Although most of the corrected fine grain dates were consistent with the medieval construction of the churches, the brick fabric is of Roman type by archaeological assessment, and this is supported by the quartz coarse grain dates. We conclude that the bricks sampled are re-used, likely to be of Roman origin, and that the reliability of measurements with feldspars in brick fabrics requires wider investigation.  相似文献   

The Tretyakov non-recording precipitation gauge has been used historically as the official precipitation measurement instrument in the Russian (formerly the USSR) climatic and hydrological station network and in a number of other European countries. From 1986 to 1993, the accuracy and performance of this gauge were evaluated during the WMO Solid Precipitation Measurement Intercomparison at 11 stations in Canada, the USA, Russia, Germany, Finland, Romania and Croatia. The double fence intercomparison reference (DFIR) was the reference standard used at all the Intercomparison stations in the Intercomparison. The Intercomparison data collected at the different sites are compatible with respect to the catch ratio (measured/DFIR) for the same gauge, when compared using mean wind speed at the height of the gauge orifice during the observation period. The Intercomparison data for the Tretyakov gauge were compiled from measurements made at these WMO intercomparison sites. These data represent a variety of climates, terrains and exposures. The effects of environmental factors, such as wind speed, wind direction, type of precipitation and temperature, on gauge catch ratios were investigated. Wind speed was found to be the most important factor determining the gauge catch and air temperature had a secondary effect when precipitation was classified into snow, mixed and rain. The results of the analysis of gauge catch ratio versus wind speed and temperature on a daily time step are presented for various types of precipitation. Independent checks of the correction equations against the DFIR have been conducted at those Intercomparison stations and a good agreement (difference less than 10%) has been obtained. The use of such adjustment procedures should significantly improve the accuracy and homogeneity of gauge-measured precipitation data over large regions of the former USSR and central Europe.  相似文献   

The Global-Scale Wave Model (GSWM) is a steady-state two-dimensional linearized model capable of simulating the solar tides and planetary waves. In an effort to understand the capabilities and limitations of the GSWM throughout the upper mesosphere and thermosphere a comparative analysis with observational data is presented. A majority of the observational data used in this study was collected during the World Day campaign which ran from 20 January to 30 January 1993. During this campaign data from 18 ground-based observational sites across the globe and two instruments located on the UARS spacecraft were analyzed. Comparisons of these data with the simulations from the GSWM indicate that the GSWM results are in reasonable agreement with the observations. However, there are a number of cases where the agreement is not particularly good. One such instance is for the semidiurnal tide in the northern hemisphere, where the GSWM estimates may exceed observations by 50%. Through a number of numerical simulations, it appears that this discrepancy may be due to the eddy diffusivity profiles used by the GSWM. Other differences relating to the diurnal tide and the quasi-two-day wave are presented and discussed. Additionally, a discussion on the biases and aliasing difficulties which may arise in the observational data is alos presented.  相似文献   

This short paper describes the use of Excel spreadsheet Solver facility for deriving estimates in a solute mixing model equation with more than one unknown.  相似文献   

Spatial heterogeneity in the subsurface of karst environments is high, as evidenced by the multiphase porosity of carbonate rocks and complex landform features that result in marked variability of hydrological processes in space and time. This includes complex exchange of various flows (e.g., fast conduit flows and slow fracture flows) in different locations. Here, we integrate various “state‐of‐the‐art” methods to understand the structure and function of this poorly constrained critical zone environment. Geophysical, hydrometric, and tracer tools are used to characterize the hydrological functions of the cockpit karst critical zone in the small catchment of Chenqi, Guizhou Province, China. Geophysical surveys, using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), inferred the spatial heterogeneity of permeability in the epikarst and underlying aquifer. Water tables in depression wells in valley bottom areas, as well as discharge from springs on steeper hillslopes and at the catchment outlet, showed different hydrodynamic responses to storm event rainwater recharge and hillslope flows. Tracer studies using water temperatures and stable water isotopes (δD and δ18O) could be used alongside insights into aquifer permeability from ERT surveys to explain site‐ and depth‐dependent variability in the groundwater response in terms of the degree to which “new” water from storm rainfall recharges and mixes with “old” pre‐event water in karst aquifers. This integrated approach reveals spatial structure in the karst critical zone and provides a conceptual framework of hydrological functions across spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

The method of Relative Entropy with Fractile constraints (REF method) is explained and applied to model extreme compound hydrological phenomena, such as extreme sea levels under storm conditions. Also presented is a simple method of Tail Entropy Approximation (TEA), which amounts to a correction of traditional statistical estimates for extreme observations.Distribution assumptions are necessary but downplayed in the REF method, relegating the prior distribution to the role of an extrapolation function. The estimates are objective in an information-theoretical sense. They also satisfy a strict requirement of self-consistency that is generally not satisfied by standard statistical methods: invariance under monotonic transformations of the random variable.Historical records of storm surge levels in the Netherlands and annual maximum tidal heights for Sheerness, UK, are used as examples. Comparison is made with distributions obtained using other methods.It is concluded that the tail entropy approximation provides simple, objective estimates of extremes in the tail beyond the range of observations.  相似文献   

Four sediment traps of radically different design were deployed in the Santa Barbara Basin for approximately 45 days. The measured fluxes ranged from 370 to 774 g m?2 yr?1 for the different designs. These values lie within flux measurements previously determined for the basin. Compared to the 25-year record (920 g m?2 yr?1), however, all fluxes determined in this experiment are somewhat low. Because this experiment was conducted during a general period of high storm activity and runoff, measurement of greater than average flux was expected. It is probable that the higher flux recorded by the sediments results from a significant input of detritus into the basin by near bottom transport.The chemical composition of trapped material was nearly identical in all four trap designs. The deep cone design, however, had a significantly lower Mn content. Since this trap was the only one in which reducing conditions were produced in the sample container, reduction and mobilization of manganese after collection is believed to have occurred.In spite of the very different designs tested, the factor of two agreement in flux determination and the compositional similarity of the material collected is encouraging for future attempts to directly measure the flux of particulates in the ocean.  相似文献   

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