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Groundwater recharge is estimated using an improved daily soil moisture balance based on a single soil water store for a climate classified as tropical with distinct dry seasons; an upland area in northwest Sri Lanka is used as an example. When the water availability is limited and the soil is under stress, the actual evapotranspiration is less than the potential value; the stress factor is estimated in terms of the readily and total available water, soil properties and effective root depth. Runoff is estimated using coefficients which depend on rainfall intensity and soil moisture deficits. A new component, near surface storage, is used to represent continuing evapotranspiration on days following heavy rainfall even though the soil moisture deficit is high. Recharge is estimated for permanent grass and a commonly cultivated vegetable crop. The plausibility of the model outputs is examined using independent information and data, including well water level fluctuations. Uncertainties and variations in parameter values are explored using sensitivity analyses.  相似文献   

To assess recharge through floodwater spreading, three wells, approx. 30 m deep, were dug in a 35-year-old basin in southern Iran. Hydraulic parameters of the layers were measured. One well was equipped with pre-calibrated time domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors. The soil moisture was measured continuously before and after events. Rainfall, ponding depth and the duration of the flooding events were also measured. Recharge was assessed by the soil water balance method, and by calibrated (inverse solution) HYDRUS-1D. The results show that the 15 wetting front was interrupted at a layer with fine soil accumulation over a coarse layer at the depth of approx. 4 m. This seemed to occur due to fingering flow. Estimation of recharge by the soil water balance and modelling approaches showed a downward water flux of 55 and 57% of impounded floodwater, respectively.  相似文献   


Estimating groundwater recharge is essential to ensure the sustainable use of groundwater resources, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. Soil water balances have been frequently advocated as valuable tools to estimate groundwater recharge. This article compares the performance of three soil water balance models (Hydrobal, Visual Balan v2.0 and Thornthwaite) in the Ventós-Castellar aquifer, Spain. The models were used to simulate wet and dry years. Recharge estimates were transformed into water table fluctuations by means of a lumped groundwater model. These, in turn, were calibrated against piezometric data. Overall, the Hydrobal model shows the best fit between observed and calculated levels (r2 = 0.84), highlighting the role of soil moisture and vegetation in recharge processes.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor X. Chen

Citation Touhami, I., et al., 2014. Comparative performance of soil water balance models in computing semi-arid aquifer recharge. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (1), 193–203.  相似文献   

Rapidly depleting unconfined aquifers are the primary source of water for irrigation on the North China Plain. Yet, despite its critical importance, groundwater recharge to the Plain remains an enigma. We introduce a one‐dimensional soil‐water‐balance model to estimate precipitation‐ and irrigation‐generated areal recharge from commonly available crop and soil characteristics and climate data. To limit input data needs and to simplify calculations, the model assumes that water flows vertically downward under a unit gradient; infiltration and evapotranspiration are separate, sequential processes; evapotranspiration is allocated to evaporation and transpiration as a function of leaf‐area index and is limited by soil‐moisture content; and evaporation and transpiration are distributed through the soil profile as exponential functions of soil and root depth, respectively. For calibration, model‐calculated water contents of 11 soil‐depth intervals from 0 to 200 cm were compared with measured water contents of loam soil at four sites in Luancheng County, Hebei Province, over 3 years (1998–2001). Each 50‐m2 site was identically cropped with winter wheat and summer maize, but received a different irrigation treatment. Average root mean‐squared error between measured and model‐calculated water content of the top 180 cm was 4·2 cm, or 9·3% of average total water content. In addition, model‐calculated evapotranspiration compared well with that measured by a large‐scale lysimeter. To test the model, 12 additional sites were simulated successfully. Model results demonstrate that drainage from the soil profile is not a constant fraction of precipitation and irrigation inputs, but rather the fraction increases as the inputs increase. Because this drainage recharges the underlying aquifer, improving irrigation efficiency by reducing seepage will not reverse water‐table declines. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Information on water balance components such as evapotranspiration and groundwater recharge are crucial for water management. Due to differences in physical conditions, but also due to limited budgets, there is not one universal best practice, but a wide range of different methods with specific advantages and disadvantages. In this study, we propose an approach to quantify actual evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge and water inflow, i.e. precipitation and irrigation, that considers the specific conditions of irrigated agriculture in warm, arid environments. This approach does not require direct measurements of precipitation or irrigation quantities and is therefore suitable for sites with an uncertain data basis. For this purpose, we combine soil moisture and energy balance monitoring, remote sensing data analysis and numerical modelling using Hydrus. Energy balance data and routine weather data serve to estimate ET0. Surface reflectance data from satellite images (Sentinel-2) are used to derive leaf area indices, which help to partition ET0 into energy limited evaporation and transpiration. Subsequently, first approximations of water inflow are derived based on observed soil moisture changes. These inflow estimates are used in a series of forward simulations that produce initial estimates of drainage and ETact, which in turn help improve the estimate of water inflow. Finally, the improved inflow estimates are incorporated into the model and then a parameter optimization is performed using the observed soil moisture as the reference figure. Forward simulations with calibrated soil parameters result in final estimates for ETact and groundwater recharge. The presented method is applied to an agricultural test site with a crop rotation of cotton and wheat in Punjab, Pakistan. The final model results, with an RMSE of 2.2% in volumetric water content, suggest a cumulative ETact and groundwater recharge of 769 and 297 mm over a period of 281 days, respectively. The total estimated water inflow accounts for 946 mm, of which 77% originates from irrigation.  相似文献   

Groundwater recharge studies in semi‐arid areas are fundamental because groundwater is often the only water resource of importance. This paper describes the water balance method of groundwater recharge estimation in three different hydro‐climatic environments in eastern Mediterranean, in northwest Greece (Aliakmonas basin/Koromilia basin), in Cyprus (Kouris basin and Larnaka area) and in Jordan (northern part of Jordan). For the Aliakmonas basin, groundwater recharge was calculated for different sub‐catchments. For the Upper Aliakmonas basin (Koromilia basin), a watershed‐distributed model was developed and recharge maps were generated on a daily basis. The mean annual recharge varied between 50 and 75 mm/year (mean annual rainfall 800 mm/year). In Cyprus, the mean groundwater recharge estimates yielded 70 mm/year in the Kouris basin. In the Larnaka area, groundwater recharge ranged from 30 mm/year (lowland) to 200 mm/year (mountains). In Jordan, the results indicated recharge rates ranging from 80 mm/year for very permeable karstified surfaces in the upper part of the Salt basin, where rainfall reaches 500 mm/year to less than 10 mm/year and to only about 1 mm/year in the southernmost part of the basin. For the north part of Jordan, a watershed‐distributed model was developed and recharge maps were generated. This water balance model was used for groundwater recharge estimations in many regions with different climatic conditions and has provided reliable results. It has turned out to be an important tool for the management of the limited natural water resources, which require a detailed understanding of regional hydro(geo)logical processes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We assess the relative merits of application of the most commonly used field methods (soil‐water balance (SWB), chloride mass balance (CMB) and soil moisture monitoring (NP)) to determine recharge rates in micro‐irrigated and non‐irrigated areas of a semi‐arid coastal orchard located in a relatively complex geological environment. Application of the CMB method to estimate recharge rates was difficult owing to the unusually high, variable soil‐water chloride concentrations. In addition, contrary to that expected, the chloride concentration distribution at depths below the root zone in the non‐irrigated soil profiles was greater than that in the irrigated profiles. The CMB method severely underestimated recharge rates in the non‐irrigated areas when compared with the other methods, although the CMB method estimated recharge rates for the irrigated areas, that were similar to those from the other methods, ranging from 42 to 141 mm/year. The SWB method, constructed for a 15‐year period, provided insight into the recharge process being driven by winter rains rather than summer irrigation and indicated an average rate of 75 mm/year and 164 mm/year for the 1984 – 98 and 1996 – 98 periods, respectively. Assuming similar soil‐water holding capacity, these recharge rates applied to both irrigated and non‐irrigated areas. Use of the long period of record was important because it encompassed both drought and heavy rainfall years. Successful application of the SWB method, however, required considerable additional field measurements of orchard ETc, soil‐water holding capacity and estimation of rainfall interception – runoff losses. Continuous soil moisture monitoring (NP) was necessary to identify both daily and seasonal seepage processes to corroborate the other recharge estimates. Measured recharge rates during the 1996 – 1998 period in both the orchards and non‐irrigated site averaged 180 mm/year. The pattern of soil profile drying during the summer irrigation season, followed by progressive wetting during the winter rainy season was observed in both irrigated and non‐irrigated soil profiles, confirming that groundwater recharge was rainfall driven and that micro‐irrigation did not ‘predispose’ the soil profile to excess rainfall recharge. The ability to make this recharge assessment, however, depended on making multiple field measurements associated with all three methods, suggesting that any one should not be used alone. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The hydrodynamic behaviour of a sloped phreatic aquifer in the Tigray Highlands in northern Ethiopia is described. The aquifer is situated in the soils of a plateau on top of a basalt sequence and lies on steep slopes; the latter lead to hydraulic gradients that can cause high discharge fluxes. Distinct wet and dry seasons characterize the climate of the Tigray Highlands and recharge is absent during the dry season. Because of the fertile vertisols that have developed, the plateau is heavily cultivated and thus has great local economic, and hence social, importance. Water for land irrigation is almost exclusively delivered by rainfall, which is largely restricted to the period June—September. During the dry season, the water table drops dramatically and the aquifer drains nearly completely, under the strong gravity-driven, sustained discharges. This study strives to give insights into recharge and discharge mechanisms of the aquifer, in order to improve the effectiveness of the implemented water conservation measures.  相似文献   

This study aims at monitoring the behaviour of the rainfall, runoff, drainage, soil water storage, and evapotranspiration variables involved in the water balance measured by lysimeter data. The evaluation of the water balance considered different time scales, where the components were monitored daily and in 10‐day accumulated period intervals. The results demonstrated that in wet periods the soil water content was greater at a depth of 10 cm, whereas in the dry periods a greater concentration was observed at 70 cm depth. At the depth of 30 cm, the lowest values of soil water content were observed for both wet and dry periods. The results, obtained through the use of tensiometers and time domain reflectometry installed internally and externally to the lysimeter, were very close, which was more noticeable during the periods of lower water loss by the soil. The water balance, calculated from the lysimeter data, demonstrated that 70% of the total rainfall was lost by the process of evapotranspiration. The drainage accounted for 27·5% of the precipitated water, highlighting the fact that this component should not be disregarded in the water balance calculation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Many of the hydrological and ecological functions of alluvial flood plains within watersheds depend on the water flow exchanges between the vadoze soil zone and the shallow groundwater. The water balance of the soil in the flood plain is investigated, in order to evaluate the main hydrological processes that underlie the temporal dynamics of soil moisture and groundwater levels. The soil moisture and the groundwater level in the flood plain were monitored continuously for a three-year period. These data were integrated with the results derived from applying a physically-based numerical model which simulated the variably-saturated vertical water flow in the soil. The analysis indicated that the simultaneous processes of lateral groundwater flow and the vertical recharge from the unsaturated zone caused the observed water table fluctuations. The importance of these flows in determining the rises in the water table varied, depending on soil moisture and groundwater depth before precipitation. The monitoring period included two hydrological years (September 2009–September 2011). About 13% of the precipitation vertically recharged the groundwater in the first year and about 50% in the second. The difference in the two recharge coefficients was in part due to the lower groundwater levels in the recharge season of the first hydrological year, compared to those observed in the second. In the latter year, the shallow groundwater increased the soil moisture in the unsaturated zone due to capillary rise, and so the mean hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated soil was high. This moisture state of soil favoured a more efficient conversion of infiltrated precipitation into vertical groundwater recharge. The results show that groundwater dynamics in the flood plain are an important source of temporal variability in soil moisture and vertical recharge processes, and this variability must be properly taken into account when the water balance is investigated in shallow groundwater environments.

Citation Pirastru, M. and Niedda, M., 2013. Evaluation of the soil water balance in an alluvial flood plain with a shallow groundwater table. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 898–911.  相似文献   

Probabilistic water balance modelling provides a useful framework for investigating the interactions between soil, vegetation, and the atmosphere. It has been used to estimate temporal soil moisture dynamics and ecohydrological responses at a point. This study combines a nonlinear rainfall–runoff theory with probabilistic water balance model to represent varied source area runoff as a function of rainfall depth and a runoff coefficient at hillslope scale. Analytical solutions of the soil‐moisture probability density function and average water balance model are then developed. Based on a sensitivity analysis of soil moisture dynamics, we show that when varied source area runoff is incorporated, mean soil moisture is always lower and total runoff higher, compared with the original probabilistic water balance model. The increased runoff from the inclusion of varied source area runoff is mainly because of a reduction in leakage when the index of dryness is less than one and evapotranspiration when the index of dryness is greater than one. Inclusion of varied source area runoff in the model means that the actual evapotranspiration is limited by less available water (i.e. water limit), which is stricter than Budyko’s and Milly’s water limit. Application of the model to a catchment located in Western Australia showed that the method can predict annual value of actual evapotranspiration and streamflow accurately. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding how Amazonian rainforests deal with extended droughts is critical in the face of changing climate. This research analyze the physical properties and the soil water dynamics of a deep soil profile in an area of primary forest in central Amazonia to elucidate these processes under drought and nondrought conditions. Physical soil properties derived from soil cores exhibited a distinctive layer between 480 and 880 cm deep, characterized by higher microporosity and low plant water availability. In situ soil moisture measurements collected during the period from January 2003 through February 2006 and for depths ranging from 10 to 1,430 cm suggest that, in the study site, the top 480 cm of the soil profile satisfied most of the transpirational demands in normal climatological years. However, during exceptionally dry periods, such as the 2005 drought, root uptake occurs below 480 cm. As concluded by previous studies, most of the uptake is concentrated in the first meter of the soil profile: More than 40% of the total demand for transpiration is supplied by the top meter of soil. Because deep root uptake occurred at greater depths than normal during the 2005 drought, our results suggest that this is a fundamental mechanism to cope with prolonged droughts.  相似文献   

In the shallow groundwater areas of the North China Plain (NCP), precipitation infiltration and evapotranspiration in the vertical direction are the main processes of the water cycle, in which the unsaturated zone plays an important role in the transformation process between precipitation and groundwater. In this paper, two typical sites in Cangzhou (CZ) and Hengshui (HS) of Hebei province with shallow water tables were selected to analyse the relationship among precipitation, soil water and groundwater. At each site, precipitation, soil water at depths 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 300 cm, and groundwater were sampled to analyse the stable isotope compositions of hydrogen and oxygen. The soil water potentials at the corresponding depths were observed. Although the climates at the two sites are similar, there are some differences in the infiltration process, soil water movement and groundwater recharge sources. Evaporation occurred at the upper depths, which led to the decrease of soil potential and the enrichment of heavy isotopes. At the CZ site, precipitation infiltrated with piston mode, and an obvious mixture effect existed during the infiltration process. Preferential flow may exist in the soil above 100 cm depth. However, at the HS site soil water moved in piston mode, and groundwater was mainly recharged by precipitation. When precipitation recharged the groundwater it experienced a strong evaporation effect. The results of the soil water movement mechanism provides the transformation relationship among precipitation, soil water and groundwater in the middle and eastern NCP. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The validation of soil water balance models and the evaluation of the quality of the model predictions at field‐scale require time‐series of in situ measured model outputs. In our study, we have validated such a model using a 6‐year period with time‐series of automatically recorded, daily volumetric soil water contents measured with the time‐domain reflectometry with intelligent microelements (TRIME) method and daily pressure heads measured with tensiometers. The comparisons of simulated with measured soil water contents and pressure heads were analysed using the modelling efficiency index (IA) and the square root of the mean square error (RMSE) in order to evaluate the prediction quality of the model. In our study, IA and RMSE, obtained either from the comparison of simulated with measured soil water contents or the comparison of calculated with observed pressure heads, in some cases lead to different results regarding the evaluation of the simulation quality of the soil water balance model. For example, a good fit between simulated and observed soil water contents does not necessarily result in a comparably good fit between the corresponding calculated and measured pressure heads. Therefore, a combined use of both measurement techniques, which takes into account their respective advantages and disadvantages, gives a more complete overview on the simulation quality of the soil water balance model than the single use of one of those techniques. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present effect of watershed subdivision on simulated water balance components using the thoroughly tested Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model has been evaluated for the Nagwan watershed in eastern India. Observed meteorological and hydrological data (daily rainfall, temperature, relative humidity and runoff) for the years 1995 to 1998 were collected and used. The watershed and sub‐watershed boundaries, slope and soil texture maps were generated using a geographical information system. A supervised classification method was used for land‐use/cover classification from satellite imagery of 1996. In order to study the effect of watershed subdivision, the watershed was spatially defined into three decomposition schemes, namely a single watershed, and 12 and 22 sub‐watersheds. The simulation using the SWAT model was done for a period of 4 years (1995 to 1998). Results of the study showed a perfect water balance for the Nagwan watershed under all of the decomposition schemes. Results also revealed that the number and size of sub‐watersheds do not appreciably affect surface runoff. Except for runoff, there was a marked variation in the individual components of the water balance under the three decomposition schemes. Though the runoff component of the water balance showed negligible variation among the three cases, variations were noticed in the other components: evapotranspiration (5 to 48%), percolation (2 to 26%) and soil water content (0·30 to 22%). Thus, based on this study, it is concluded that watershed subdivision has a significant effect on the water balance components. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Land surface models are typically constrained by one or a few observed variables, while assuming that the internal water and energy partitioning is sensitive to those observed variables and realistic enough to simulate unobserved variables. To verify these assumptions, in situ soil climate analysis network (SCAN) observations in the Lower Mississippi Basin (2002–2008) are analysed to quantify water and energy budget components and they are compared to Community Land Model (CLM3·5) simulations. The local soil texture is identified as a major indicator for water storage characteristics and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index shows potential as a drought indicator in summer months. Both observations and simulations indicate a regime where, except in some summer months, evapotranspiration controls soil moisture. CLM simulations with different soil texture assignments show discharge sensitivity to soil moisture, but almost no impact on evapotranspiration and other energy balance components. The observed and simulated water budgets show a similar partitioning. However, the SCAN observed water balance does not close because of precipitation measurement errors, unobserved irrigation, lack of specific storage change measurements and errors in the computed actual evapotranspiration. The simulated heat flux partitioning differs from that ‘observed’, with a larger (resp. smaller) fraction of net radiation being used by latent (resp. sensible) heat flux, and unobserved freeze and thaw events. The comparison between observations and model simulations suggests that a consistent observation collection for multiple variables would be needed to constrain and improve the full set of land surface variable estimates. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water balance variables were monitored in a farmed Mediterranean catchment characterized by a dense ditch network to allow for the separate estimation of the diffuse and concentrated recharge terms during flood events. The 27 ha central part of the catchment was equipped with (i) rain gauges, (ii) ditch gauge stations, (iii) piezometers, (iv) neutron probes, and (v) an eddy covariance mast including a 3D sonic anemometer and a fast hygrometer. The water balance was calculated for two autumnal rain and flood events. We also estimated the uncertainty of this approach with Monte Carlo simulations. Results show, that although ditch area represents only 6% of the total study area, concentrated recharge appeared to be the main source of groundwater recharge. Indeed, it was 40–50% of the total groundwater recharge for autumnal events, which are the major annual recharge events. This indicate that both, concentrated and diffuse recharge should be taken into account in any hydrological modeling approach for Mediterranean catchments. This also means that, since they collect overland flow that is often largely contaminated by chemicals, ditches may be a place where groundwater contamination is likely to occur. The uncertainty analysis indicates that recharge estimates based on water balance exhibit large uncertainty ranges. Nevertheless, Monte Carlo simulations showed that concentrated recharge was higher than expected based on their area.  相似文献   

Stemflow was evaluated in a water balance and its contribution to groundwater recharge determined. Gross precipitation, throughfall and stemflow were measured for one year in a pine forest (Tsukuba, Japan) to determine each component of the water balance in the forest. Groundwater recharge rates by stemflow and throughfall were calculated from a mass balance method using chloride in subsurface waters. The stemflow in the water balance was relatively small when estimated as a value per canopy projected area of the tree in the forest. However, the results for the mass balance of chloride in subsurface waters indicated that it was impossible to disregard the stemflow in determining groundwater recharge. Although the ratio of stemflow to the net precipitation was small in the water balance, the effect of stemflow on groundwater recharge was relatively large.  相似文献   

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