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Remote sensing has great, but largely unrealized, potential in operational hydrology especially in countries where conventional data are not adequate even to meet existing needs. It is argued in this paper, and illustrated with special reference to the monitoring of rainfall, that organizational, not physical, problems have been the most significant in limiting the spread of satellite remote sensing applications within the developing world. Looking to the future, the relative merits of tactical (“bottom up”) and strategic (“top down”) approaches for the promotion of satellite remote sensing for hydrology in such areas are outlined and discussed. It is concluded that existing and proposed IHP projects may proffer some suitable channels through which significant progress could be made.  相似文献   


The case is made that the hydrological sciences are data limited and that future progress in understanding hydrological processes is hampered by the lack of adequate data. The future applications of remote sensing to hydrology should provide new types of data that enable hydrologists to address the previously unsolved questions.  相似文献   


The use of remote sensing information in operational hydrology is relatively limited, but specific examples can be cited for determining precipitation, soil moisture, groundwater, snow, surface water and basin characteristics. The application of remote sensing in hydrology can be termed operational if at least one of two conditions are met: (a) the application produces an output on a regular basis, or (b) the remote sensing data are used regularly on a continuing basis as part of a procedure to solve a problem or make decisions. When surveying the various operational applications, simple approaches and simple remote sensing data sets are the most successful. In the data-sparse developing countries, many operational remote sensing approaches exist (out of necessity) that may not be needed in developed countries because of existing data networks. To increase the use of remote sensing in operational hydrology in developed countries, pilot projects need to be increased and information services must be improved. Increased utilization of GIS to combine remote sensing with other information will promote new products and applications. End user training must be improved by focusing on satellite data processing and manipulation. In developing countries the same improvements are needed plus some more basic ones. There is a need for international monetary assistance to establish long-term remote sensing data, improved database systems and image processing capabilities. There is also the need to set up innovative regional training centres throughout the developing world.  相似文献   


The geological and hydrological caracteristics of the ground-water reservoirs used for the Barcelona water suply are described. The conection between surface and ground water is emphasized.

Ground water meets about 50% of the courrent water demands for water suply to Barcelona Metropolitan area (500 hm3 for year or 360 MGD).

Present and future problems such as water pollution and water shortage, legal cuestions and education are briefty touched upon. Finally the operational plan to solve or to avoid these problems is described This plan includes combined use of surface and sub-surface reservoirs for water concervation.  相似文献   


Remote sensing techniques are useful for agro-hydrological monitoring at the farm scale because the availability of spatially and temporally distributed data improves agricultural models for irrigation and crop yield optimization under water scarcity conditions. This research focuses on the surface water content retrieval using active microwave data. Two semi-empirical models were chosen as these showed the best performances in simulating cross and co-polarized backscatter. Thus, these models were coupled to obtain reliable assessments of both soil water content and soil roughness. The use of the coupled model enables one to avoid using roughness measured in situ. Remote sensing images and in situ data were collected between April and July 2006 within the European Space Agency-funded project AgriSAR 2006. The images data set includes L-band in HH, VV and VH polarizations acquired from the airborne E-SAR sensor, operated by the German Aerospace Centre. Results were validated using in situ soil water content and roughness measurements. The results show that reliable assessment of both soil roughness (r 2 up to ?0.8) and soil water content (r 2 ? 0.9) can be retrieved in fields characterized by low fractional coverage.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor C. Onof

Citation Capodici, F., Maltese, A., Ciraolo, G., La Loggia, G., and D’Urso, G., 2013. Coupling two radar backscattering models to assess soil roughness and surface water content at the farm scale. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (8), 1677–1689.  相似文献   


Abstract MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is a new generation remote sensing (RS) sensor and its applications in hydrology and water resources have attracted much attention. To overcome the problems of slow response in flood disaster monitoring based on traditional RS techniques in China, the Flood Disaster Monitoring and Assessing System (FDMAS), based on MODIS and a Geographic Information System (GIS), was designed and applied to Dongting Lake, Hunan Province, China. The storage curve of Dongting Lake for 1995 was obtained using 1:10 000 topographic map data and then a relationship between water level at the Chenglingji hydrological station and lake area was derived. A new relationship between water level and lake area was obtained by processing MODIS images of Dongting Lake from April 2002 to April 2003 and the influence of lake area variation on water level was analysed with the 1996 flood data. It was found that the water level reduction reached 0.64 m for the 1996 flood if the original lake area curve was replaced with the area curve of 2002. This illustrates that the flood water level has been considerably reduced as a result of the increased area of Dongting Lake since the Chinese Central Government’s ?return land to lake? policy took effect in 1998.  相似文献   


Access to hydrometric information underpins many areas of effective water management. This paper explores the operational practices of one national hydrological information service, the UK National River Flow Archive, in collating, managing and providing access to river flow data. An information lifecycle approach to hydrometric data management is advocated, with the paper detailing current UK procedures in the areas of: monitoring network design and development; data sensing and recording; validation and archival; synthesis and analysis; and data dissemination. The methods and policies outlined herein are widely transferable to other hydrological data archives around the world.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Dixon, H., Hannaford, J., and Fry, M.J., 2013. The effective management of national hydrometric data: experiences from the United Kingdom. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (7), 1383–1399.  相似文献   


This paper assesses strategic water availability and use under different development pathways on a basin scale using remote sensing (RS), geographical information systems (GIS) and a spatial water budget model (SWBM). The SWBM was applied to the Upper Ing Basin in northern Thailand to investigate the spatial and temporal variations in the location of streams and water yields from different parts of the basin. The base simulation was carried out for the years 1998–2007 using a DEM and actual land-use data at 100-m resolution. The simulated stream network was compared with topographic maps under different flow conditions, which were successfully represented. The 10-year average simulated river flow rate was 1300 L/s, but it more than doubled during periods of heavy rainfall and decreased below 600 L/s in dry seasons. The total length of the streams (based on flow threshold of 25 L/s) on a typical day in the dry season differed by a factor of approx. 1.5. Agricultural water needs and possible extraction were assessed and presented by dividing the basin into 10 different zones based on the stream network. The results show that there is the potential for harvesting significant quantities of water at different spatial gradients with no initial water supply for irrigation. Monthly water yields for each zone were computed; the results varied from less than 50% to over 137% of the per hectare water yield for the entire basin. This variation was due to differences in topography and land cover. The impact of land use and climate change on streamwater availability was also studied. The basin shows very different hydrological responses. The changes in average river flow relative to the base simulation were +27.6%,??32.1%, +94% and +52.9% under deforestation, changing land use from paddy field to orchard, bare soil and increased rainfall scenarios, respectively.

Citation Bahadur KC, K. (2011) Assessing strategic water availability using remote sensing, GIS and a spatial water budget model: case study of the Upper Ing Basin, Thailand. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(6), 994–1014.  相似文献   

Remote sensing technology has matured significantly over the past decade. Operational satellites provide reliable, periodic coverage for all areas of the Earth. Data from these satellites are in a digital format that provides enhanced flexibility in hydrological modelling. Considerable advances in acquiring hydrological data from airborne and in situ sensors have also been achieved. Additionally, data from non-traditional remote sources such as weather radar from which spatial and temporal rainfall rates may be estimated are widely available. These new data acquisition capabilities have been paralleled by equal advancements in digital array processing and geographic information systems, which allow the effective extraction of both temporal and spatial information. This paper examines the use of object-oriented programming techniques to create dynamic hydrological models, and explores their potential to receive real and near real-time data from remote sensors as input to improve hydrological forecasting. In particular, the COE SSARR model is used to illustrate how an established hydrological model may be adapted to create a dynamic object model.  相似文献   


Remote sensing is considered the most effective tool for estimating evapotranspiration (ET) over large spatial scales. Global terrestrial ET estimates over vegetated land surfaces are now operationally produced at 1-km spatial resolution using data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the MOD16 algorithm. To evaluate the accuracy of this product, ground-based measurements of energy fluxes obtained from eddy covariance sites installed in tropical biomes and from a hydrological model (MGB-IPH) were used to validate MOD16 products at local and regional scales. We examined the accuracy of the MOD16 algorithm at two sites in the Rio Grande basin, Brazil, one characterized by a sugar-cane plantation (USE), the other covered by natural savannah vegetation (PDG) for the year 2001. Inter-comparison between 8-day average MOD16 ET estimates and flux tower measurements yielded correlations of 0.78 to 0.81, with root mean square errors (RMSE) of 0.78 and 0.46 mm d-1, at PDG and USE, respectively. At the PDG site, the annual ET estimate derived by the MOD16 algorithm was 19% higher than the measured amount. For the average annual ET at the basin-wide scale (over an area of 145 000 km2), MOD16 estimates were 21% lower than those from the hydrological model MGB-IPH. Misclassification of land use and land cover was identified as the largest contributor to the error from the MOD16 algorithm. These estimates improve significantly when results are integrated into monthly or annual time intervals, suggesting that the algorithm has a potential for spatial and temporal monitoring of the ET process, continuously and systematically, through the use of remote sensing data.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor T. Wagener

Citation Ruhoff, A.L., Paz, A.R., Aragao, L.E.O.C., Mu, Q., Malhi, Y., Collischonn, W., Rocha, H.R., and Running, S.W., 2013. Assessment of the MODIS global evapotranspiration algorithm using eddy covariance measurements and hydrological modelling in the Rio Grande basin. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (8), 1658–1676.  相似文献   


Remote sensing instruments obtain an optical measure of water colour and turbidity. Colour increases the absorption of light in water and decreases the remotely sensed signal; turbidity increases the backscatter of light. For low concentrations of suspended materials, spectral reflectance is determined mostly by the absorptance characteristics of water; for higher concentrations, the absorptance characteristics of suspended particles are the most important factor. Remote sensing offers considerable advantages for the study of large areas, determination of current and circulation patterns, and monitoring of sedimentation, water productivity, and eutrophication.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to present the methodology set up to derive catchment soil moisture from Earth Observation (EO) data using microwave spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images from ERS satellites and to study the improvements brought about by an assimilation of this information into hydrological models. The methodology used to derive EO data is based on the appropriate selection of land cover types for which the radar signal is mainly sensitive to soil moisture variations. Then a hydrological model is chosen, which can take advantage of the new information brought by remote sensing. The assimilation of soil moisture deduced from EO data into hydrological models is based principally on model parameter updating. The main assumption of this method is that the better the model simulates the current hydrological system, the better the following forecast will be. Another methodology used is a sequential one based on Kalman filtering. These methods have been put forward for use in the European AIMWATER project on the Seine catchment upstream of Paris (France) where dams are operated to alleviate floods in the Paris area.  相似文献   

Remote sensing technology has been widely recognized for contributing to emergency response efforts after the World Trade Center attack on September 11th, 2001. The need to coordinate activities in the midst of a dense, yet relatively small area, made the combination of imagery and mapped data strategically useful. This paper reviews the role played by aerial photography, satellite imagery, and LIDAR data at Ground Zero. It examines how emergency managers utilized these datasets, and identifies significant problems that were encountered. It goes on to explore additional ways in which imagery could have been used, while presenting recommendations for more effective use in future disasters and Homeland Security applications. To plan adequately for future events, it was important to capture knowledge from individuals who responded to the World Trade Center attack. In recognition, interviews with key emergency management and geographic information system (GIS) personnel provide the basis of this paper. Successful techniques should not be forgotten, or serious problems dismissed. Although widely used after September 11th, it is important to recognize that with better planning, remote sensing and GIS could have played an even greater role. Together with a data acquisition timeline, an expanded discussion of these issues is available in the MCEER/NSF report “Emergency Response in the Wake of the World Trade Center Attack; The Remote Sensing Perspective” (Huyck and Adams, 2002)  相似文献   


Quantifying the reliability of distributed hydrological models is an important task in hydrology to understand their ability to estimate energy and water fluxes at the agricultural district scale as well the basin scale for water resources management in drought monitoring and flood forecasting. In this context, the paper presents an intercomparison of simulated representative equilibrium temperature (RET) derived from a distributed energy water balance model and remotely-sensed land surface temperature (LST) at spatial scales from the agricultural field to the river basin. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the use of LST retrieved from operational remote sensing data at different spatial and temporal resolutions for the internal validation of a distributed hydrological model to control its mass balance accuracy as a complementary method to traditional calibration with discharge measurements at control river cross-sections. Modelled and observed LST from different radiometric sensors located on the ground surface, on an aeroplane and a satellite are compared for a maize field in Landriano (Italy), the agricultural district of Barrax (Spain) and the Upper Po River basin (Italy). A good ability of the model in reproducing the observed LST values in terms of mean bias error, root mean square error, relative error and Nash-Sutcliffe index is shown.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Gerten  相似文献   


Small dams represent an important local-scale resource designed to increase water supply reliability in many parts of the world where hydrological variability is high. There is evidence that the number of farm dams has increased substantially over the last few decades. These developments can have a substantial impact on downstream flow volumes and patterns, water use and ecological functioning. The study reports on the application of a hydrological modelling approach to investigate the uncertainty associated with simulating the impacts of farm dams in several South African catchments. The focus of the study is on sensitivity analysis and the limitations of the data that would be typically available for water resources assessments. The uncertainty mainly arises from the methods and information that are available to estimate the dam properties and the water use from the dams. The impacts are not only related to the number and size of dams, but also the extent to which they are used for water supply as well as the nature of the climate and the natural hydrological regimes. The biggest source of uncertainty in South Africa appears to be associated with a lack of reliable information on volumes and patterns of water abstraction from the dams.

Citation Hughes, D. A. & Mantel, S. K. (2010) Estimating the uncertainty in simulating the impacts of small farm dams on streamflow regimes in South Africa. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(4), 578–592.  相似文献   


The increasing demand for water in southern Africa necessitates adequate quantification of current freshwater resources. Watershed models are the standard tool used to generate continuous estimates of streamflow and other hydrological variables. However, the accuracy of the results is often not quantified, and model assessment is hindered by a scarcity of historical observations. Quantifying the uncertainty in hydrological estimates would increase the value and credibility of predictions. A model-independent framework aimed at achieving consistency in incorporating and analysing uncertainty within water resources estimation tools in gauged and ungauged basins is presented. Uncertainty estimation in ungauged basins is achieved via two strategies: a local approach for a priori model parameter estimation from physical catchment characteristics, and a regional approach to regionalize signatures of catchment behaviour that can be used to constrain model outputs. We compare these two sources of information in the data-scarce region of South Africa. The results show that both approaches are capable of uncertainty reduction, but that their relative values vary.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Kapangaziwiri, E., Hughes, D.A., and Wagener, T., 2012. Incorporating uncertainty in hydrological predictions for gauged and ungauged basins in southern Africa. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (5), 1000–1019.  相似文献   

Although remote sensing data are often plentiful, they do not usually satisfy the users’ needs directly. Data assimilation is required to extract information about geophysical fields of interest from the remote sensing observations and to make the data more accessible to users. Remote sensing may provide, for example, measurements of surface soil moisture, snow water equivalent, snow cover, or land surface (skin) temperature. Data assimilation can then be used to estimate variables that are not directly observed from space but are needed for applications, for instance root zone soil moisture or land surface fluxes. The paper provides a brief introduction to modern data assimilation methods in the Earth sciences, their applications, and pertinent research questions. Our general overview is readily accessible to hydrologic remote sensing scientists. Within the general context of Earth science data assimilation, we point to examples of the assimilation of remotely sensed observations in land surface hydrology.  相似文献   


Water balance studies with stable water isotopes have rarely been conducted in remote and tropical wetland areas. As such, little is known regarding the water balance and groundwater–surface water interaction in the Pantanal, one of the largest and most pristine wetlands in the world. We applied MINA TrêS, a water balance model utilizing stable water isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) and chloride (Cl-) to assess the dry-season hydrological processes controlling groundwater–surface water interactions and the water balance of six floodplain lakes in the northern Pantanal, Brazil. Qualitatively, all lakes exhibited similarity in hydrological controls. Quantitatively, they differed significantly due to morphological differences in controlling groundwater inflow and lake volume. Our approach is readily transferable to other remote and tropical wetland systems with minimal data input requirements, which is useful in regions with sparse hydrometric monitoring.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   


The purpose of an hydrometric network is to obtain data giving answers to problems raised by the use of water. The methodology suggested in this paper is essentially based on the regional identification of the actual and potential uses of water, on the estimate of the intensity of their use and on the determination of the hydrological characteristics related to this demand.

The level of accuracy required for these characteristics is an important feature in the rationalization procedure.

The various types of stations are defined according to the purpose of their use and the network considered is on a dynamic basis depending on the evolution of uses. The major results obtained for Quebec by the application of this method are described.  相似文献   


A geographical information system (GIS) was used for the integration of hydrological data acquired using remote sensing and geoelectrical techniques to understand the groundwater condition of Bakhar watershed, Mirazpur District, UP, India. Indian remote sensing IRS-1D, LISS—III data were used to prepare a geomorphological and lineament map of the Bakhar watershed. Vertical electrical sounding (VES) was carried out in different geomorphic units, and ranges of electrical resistivity values were assigned to the different formations by calibrating electrical resistivity with borehole data. Based on these, a subsurface resistivity map and an aquifer thickness map were prepared. Several layers were superimposed using GIS techniques. Each theme was assigned a weight, depending on its influence on groundwater recharge. Each class or unit in the map was assigned a knowledge-based rank from one to four, depending on its significance in storage and transmittance of groundwater, and these were then multiplied by the layer weighting to produce a score. Based on these scores, the watershed was categorized into different groundwater potential zones. The results indicate that the eastern and northern parts of the study area have very good groundwater potential to meet the demands of water for irrigation and domestic purposes, whereas the southern region has poor groundwater potential zones. Such integrated analysis has not been attempted so far in this region for hydrogeological investigation.  相似文献   

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