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黄土塬区地形起伏大,地表黄土切割剧烈。地形起伏导致黄土厚度巨大变化,由于黄土密度与下伏地层之间存在较大的密度差异,由此产生了具有一定幅值的高频重力异常,并给重力勘探资料的处理、解释带来了困难。在SHJZ构造带高精度重力勘探中,综合运用了地形校正和黄土校正技术,有效地克服了由于地形起伏和黄土厚度变化对重力勘探产生的不利影响,取得了精确的重力资料。并将该重力异常,结合其它物探资料进行综合解释,对圈定局部构造发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   

Understanding the natural low flow of a catchment is critical for effective water management policy in semi-arid and arid lands. The Geba catchment in Ethiopia, forming the headwaters of Tekeze-Atbara basin was known for its severe land degradation before the recent large scale Soil and Water conservation (SWC) programs. Such interventions can modify the hydrological processes by changing the partitioning of the incoming rainfall on the land surface. However, the literature lacks studies to quantify the hydrological impacts of these interventions in the semi-arid catchments of the Nile basin. Statistical test and Indicators of Hydrological Alteration (IHA) were used to identify the trends of streamflow in two comparatives adjacent (one treated with intensive SWC intervention and control with fewer interventions) catchments. A distributed hydrological model was developed to understand the differences in hydrological processes of the two catchments. The statistical and IHA tools showed that the low flow in the treated catchment has significantly increased while considerably decreased in the control catchment. Comparative analysis confirmed that the low flow in the catchment with intensive SWC works was greater than that of the control by >30% while the direct runoff was lower by >120%. This implies a large proportion of the rainfall in the treated catchment is infiltrated and recharge aquifers which subsequently contribute to streamflow during the dry season. The proportion of soil storage was more than double compared to the control catchment. Moreover, hydrological response comparison from pre- and post-intervention showed that a drastic reduction in direct runoff (>84%) has improved the low flow by >55%. This strongly suggests that the ongoing intensive SWC works have significantly improved the low flows while it contributed to the reduction of total streamflow in the catchment.  相似文献   

Fractalanalysisappliedtofaultsandearthquakes———AcasestudyofChinaJIANWANG(王建)XIAOHUAZHU(朱晓华)YONGHUIXU(徐永辉)DepartmentofGeog...  相似文献   

The characteristics and correlation of faults and earthquakes are discussed based on fractal and statistical analysis of the earthquakes in the last 500 years and the active faults in China. It is found that fractal relationship exists between the frequency and the length of the active faults, and the fractal dimension is 1.70 in the continental region of China, and 1.40 in the northwest China. The fractal relationship also exists between the frequency and the scales of earthquakes during the last five centuries and the fractal dimension is 1.30 for the whole continental region of China and 1.08 for the northwest China. The differences of the fractal dimensions between the active faults and the earthquakes indicate that some of the active faults have not caused earthquakes during the last 500 years. The differences of fractal dimensions of the active faults and earthquakes between the northwest China and the whole continental region of China suggest that the frequency of strong earthquakes is greater in northwest China than that of the average level of China, because the number of longer active faults is larger in northwest China than that of the average in whole China. Thus, the fractal analysis is an effective method for studies of faults and earthquakes.  相似文献   

We investigate possible changes in flood hazard over a 77-km2 area around the city of Ravenna. The subsidence rate in the area, naturally a few mm year?1, increased dramatically after World War II because of groundwater and natural gas extraction, exceeding 110?mm year?1 and resulting in cumulative drops larger than 1.5?m. The Montone–Ronco river system flows in the southern portion of the area, which is protected against frequent flooding by levees. We performed two-dimensional simulations of inundation events associated with levee breaching by considering four different terrain configurations: current topography and a reconstruction of ground elevations before anthropogenic land subsidence, both neglecting and representing the main linear infrastructures (e.g. roads, artificial channels). Results show that flood-hazard changes due to anthropogenic land subsidence (e.g. significant changes in computed water depth and velocity) are observed over less than 10% of the study area and are definitely less important than those resulting from construction of the linear infrastructures.  相似文献   

Accretionary lapilli are common in fine-grained pyroclastic flow and surge deposits and related co-ignimbrite/co-surge ash layers of Laacher See volcano. Two morphologically different types are distin-guished: (1) Rim-type lapilli are composed of a coarse-grained core surrounded by a fine-grained rim. Rims are internally graded or made up of several layers of alternating fine and very-fine grained ash. (2) Core-type lapilli lack fine-grained rims. Field relationships, internal, and grain-size characteristics are specific to accretionary lapilli from different types of tephra deposits. Accretionary lapilli may therefore be a helpful tool to infer the origin of tephra of different origin. In co-ignimbrite ashfall, accretionary lapilli are generally concentrated at the base, whereas pyroclastic flow and surge deposits contain lapilli in the upper parts of individual, thin-bedded layers. Rim-type lapilli are found in pyroclastic flow and surge deposits up to 4 km from the source. Core-type lapilli occur at greater distances or are associated with vesiculated tuffs where they are within 1 km from the vent. Accretionary lapilli from co-ignimbrite/co-surge ash show open framework textures and edge-to-face contacts of individual ash particles. Vesicularity is generally low but the overall porosity of 40% to 50% results in an average density of 1200 kg/m3. Accretionary lapilli in pyroclastic flow and surge deposits are more densely packed and platy particles are often in face-to-face contacts. Vesicularity of those from pyroclastic flow deposits is significantly higher; the overall porosity is about 30% to 40% and the average density 1600 kg/m3. Grain-size analyses show that the accretionary lapilli in co-ignimbrite/co-surge ashfall deposits are the most fine-grained with a median (Md) of 20 to 30 m and a maximum grain size of 250 to 350 m. Accretionary lapilli from pyroclastic flow deposits have intermediate Md-values of 30 to 50 m and a maximum grain size of 350 to 500 m. Those of surge deposits are the coarsest grained with Md-values of 30 to >63 m and a maximum grain size up to 2 mm.  相似文献   

The polar ionospheric X-ray imaging experiment (PIXIE) and the UV imager (UVI) onboard the Polar satellite have provided the first simultaneous global scale views of the patterns of electron precipitation through imaging of the atmospheric X-ray bremsstrahlung and the auroral UV emissions. While the UV images in the Lyman–Birge–Hopfield-long band used in this study respond to the total electron energy flux which is usually dominated by low-energy electrons (<10 keV), the PIXIE images of X-ray bremsstrahlung above ∼2.7 keV respond to electrons of energy above ∼3 keV. Comparison of precipitation features seen by UVI and PIXIE provides information on essentially complementary energy ranges of the precipitating electrons. In this study an isolated substorm is examined using data from PIXIE, UVI, ground-based measurements, and in situ measurements from high- and low-altitude satellites to obtain information about the global characteristics during the event. Results from a statistical study of isolated substorms, which has reported a significant difference in the patterns of energetic electron precipitation compared to the less energetic precipitation are confirmed. A localized maximum of electron precipitation in the morning sector delayed with respect to substorm onset is clearly seen in the X-ray aurora, and the time delay of this morning precipitation relative to substorm onset strongly indicates that this intensification is caused by electrons injected in the midnight sector drifting into a region in the dawnside magnetosphere where some mechanism effectively scatter the electrons into the loss cone. In this study, we also present the results from two low-altitude satellite passes through the region of the localized maximum of X-ray emission in the morning sector. Measured X rays are compared with X-ray fluxes calculated from the electron spectral measurements. By fitting the electron spectra by a sum of two exponentials we obtain fairly good agreement between calculated and directly measured X-ray flux profiles.  相似文献   

Erosion processes on active volcanoes in humid climates result in some of the highest sediment yields on Earth. Episodic sediment yields after large eruptions have been evaluated, but not the long-term and continuous patterns on persistently active volcanoes. We have used high-spatial resolution satellite imagery and DEMs/DSMs along with field-based geologic mapping to assess accurately sediment budgets for the active Semeru Volcano in Java, Indonesia. Patterns of aggradation and degradation on Semeru differ from that of other active volcanoes because (1) both episodic pyroclastic density currents (PDC) and continuous supplies of tephra generate pulses of sediment, (2) sediment is transferred via cycles of aggradation and degradation that continue for >15 years in river channels after each PDC-producing eruption, and (3) rain-triggered lahars remove much greater material than fluvial transport during long, intense rainfall events. The geomorphic response of two of Semeru’s rivers to volcanic sediment migration indicates that (1) each river experiences alternating aggradation and degradation cycles following PDC-producing eruptions and (2) spatial patterns of sediment transfer are governed by geomorphic characteristics of the river reaches. Usually high degradation in the steep source reach is followed by a long bypassing middle reach. Aggradation predominates in the depositional reaches further down valley on the ring plain. Average sediment yields (103–105 t/km2/year) at persistently active volcanoes are two to three orders of magnitude lower than sediment yields after large and infrequent eruptions, but the continuous and steady sediment transfer in rivers removes more sediment on a mid-term (10 years) to long-term (30 years) basis. In contrast to the trend observed on composite cones after large and infrequent eruptions, decay of sediment yields is not exponential and river channels do not fully recover at steadily active volcanoes as episodic inputs from BAF eruptions, superimposed on the background remobilization of daily tephra, have a greater cumulative effect.  相似文献   


This paper aims to compare the shift in frequency distribution and skill of seasonal climate forecasting of both streamflow and rainfall in eastern Australia based on the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) Phase system. Recent advances in seasonal forecasting of climate variables have highlighted opportunities for improving decision making in natural resources management. Forecasting of rainfall probabilities for different regions in Australia is available, but the use of similar forecasts for water resource supply has not been developed. The use of streamflow forecasts may provide better information for decision-making in irrigation supply and flow management for improved ecological outcomes. To examine the relative efficacy of seasonal forecasting of streamflow and rainfall, the shift in probability distributions and the forecast skill were evaluated using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test and the linear error in probability space (LEPS) skill score, respectively, at three river gauging stations in the Border Rivers Catchment of the Murray-Darling Basin in eastern Australia. A comparison of rainfall and streamflow distributions confirms higher statistical significance in the shift of streamflow distribution than that in rainfall distribution. Moreover, streamflow distribution showed greater skill of forecasting with 0–3 month lead time, compared to rainfall distribution.  相似文献   


In this study, a hybrid factorial stepwise-cluster analysis (HFSA) method is developed for modelling hydrological processes. The HFSA method employs a cluster tree to represent the complex nonlinear relationship between inputs (predictors) and outputs (predictands) in hydrological processes. A real case of streamflow simulation for the Kaidu River basin is applied to demonstrate the efficiency of the HFSA method. After training a total of 24?108 calibration samples, the cluster tree for daily streamflow is generated based on a stepwise-cluster analysis (SCA) approach and is then used to reproduce the daily streamflows for calibration (1995–2005) and validation (2008–2010) periods. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients for calibration and validation are 0.68 and 0.65, respectively, and the deviations of volume are 1.68% and 4.11%, respectively. Results show that: (i) the HFSA method can formulate a SCA-based hydrological modelling system for streamflow simulation with a satisfactory fitting; (ii) the variability and peak value of streamflow in the Kaidu River basin can be effectively captured by the SCA-based hydrological modelling system; (iii) results from 26 factorial experiments indicate that not only are minimum temperature and precipitation key drivers of system performance, but also the interaction between precipitation and minimum temperature significantly impacts on the streamflow. The findings are useful in indicating that the streamflow of the study basin is a mixture of snowmelt and rainfall water.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis; ASSOCIATE EDITOR G. Thirel  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a significant threat in the Rif region in northern Morocco. Hence, accurate cartography of the phenomenon, magnitude, and extent of erosion in the area needs a simple, rapid, and economical method such as magnetic susceptibility (MS). The current study aims to: (i) determine the factors influencing the variation of soil MS, (ii) exploit MS to estimate soil loss using two approaches in different homogenous units characterized by the same climatic conditions with different edaphic characteristics (land use, slope, and lithology), and (iii) highlight the potential for using MS as a cheap and rapid tracer of a long term erosion and deposition processes. Mass-specific magnetic susceptibility at low (χlf) and high (χhf) frequencies were measured for 182 soil samples collected in the study area. A tillage homogenization (T-H) model and a simple proportional model (SPM) were applied on an undisturbed soil profile to predict the eroded soil depths for given cores. The results confirm that χlf is influenced by land use, slope, and soil type. Pedogenesis is the main factor affecting soil MS enhancement, indicated by homogenous magnetic mineralogy with a dominance of super-paramagnetic (SP) and stable single domain (SSD) magnetic grains. The study results show that higher soil losses have occurred in almost all the soil samples when applying the T-H model compared to application of the SPM. The SPM underestimates erosion due to its ignorance of the MS of the plow layers after erosion. The current study implies the high efficacy of magnetic susceptibility as the quick, easily measurable, simple, and cost-effective approach that can be used as an alternative technique for evaluating soil redistribution.  相似文献   

Identifying high groundwater recharge areas is important for the conservation of groundwater quality and quantity. A common practice used by previous studies is to estimate groundwater recharge potential (GRP) using recharge potential analysis (RPA) under different environments. These studies use the estimated GRP to identify the high potential groundwater recharge sites. However, the RPA parameters are subjectively defined for these previous studies. To remove the supposition, this study proposes a systematic approach that defines the RPA parameter values based on the theory of parameter identification. This study uses dissolved oxygen (DO) indicators to calibrate the RPA parameters. This calibration improves the correlation coefficient between the DO indicators and computed GRP values from 0.63 to 0.87. By comparing the initial values, these results indicate that the estimated RPA parameters better represent the field infiltration characteristic. This result also indicates that defining the RPA parameter values based on DO indicators is necessary and important for accuracy. These calibrated parameters are used to estimate the GRP distribution of Taiwan’s Pingtung Plain. The GRP values are delineated into five levels. High and excellent GRP areas are defined as high recharge areas, which compose about 26.74 % of the study area. Based on the proposed method, the estimated GRP distribution can accurately represent the study area’s field recharge characteristics. These study results can be a good reference for groundwater recharge analyses, specifically if well data is limited or difficult to obtain.  相似文献   


Universal kriging is applied to the command area of a set of canal irrigation projects in north-western India to show its applicability for optimal contour mapping of groundwater levels. This command area faces the problem of a rising groundwater table and manifestation of waterlogging over the years at many places. With the use of measured elevations of the water table in September 1990 at 143 observation sites in an area of 4500 km2, an omni-directional experimental semivariogram was constructed. The concave upward shape of omni-directional experimental semivariogram indicated the non-stationarity of the data and so the need for universal kriging. Directional semivariograms were calculated to find out the direction along which there is least drift. This directional semivariogram was considered as the underlying semivariogram and various theoretical semivariogram models were fitted to it. The drift order was estimated from the cross-validation procedure. The model and drift order finally selected were used to estimate the groundwater levels and corresponding estimation variances at the nodes of a square grid of 2 km × 2 km, and to develop the corresponding contour map.  相似文献   

The problem of two-dimensional mathematical modelling of heated cooling water discharges into running waters is considered in the paper. Two models — one for the evaluation of 2D turbulent velocity field and the other, developed by authors of the study, for 2D heat transport in open-channels — were used in the calculations. Relevant scenarios of the spread of heated water discharged from a designed gas-stem power plant to be constructed at the Vistula River were presented. Environmentally most friendly variant of the discharge of the thermal pollution was selected from among four various variants.  相似文献   

With the development of hydropower in the karst area of Southwest China, a series of cascade canyon reservoirs have been formed through the construction of dams. Given that hydrodynamic conditions in canyon reservoirs play a pivotal role in controlling the spatiotemporal distribution of physical and chemical properties of the stored water, hydrodynamic characteristics are of great importance in understanding biogeochemical cycles in those reservoirs. To further this understanding, a field campaign was conducted in the Wujiangdu Reservoir of Guizhou Province. It was found that from the reservoir inlet to the front of the dam, velocity(v) was negativelycorrelated and had a logarithmic relationship with distance along the ship track(s) under dry-season flow conditions[v =-0.104 ln(s) + 0.4756]. Analysis showed that dryseason flow velocity had no significant correlation with water temperature, p H, or dissolved oxygen(DO). However, when velocity decreased to 0.061 m/s, water depth increased abruptly. In addition, DO displayed a sudden drop and the trend in p H changed from increasing to decreasing, while water temperature showed an opposite trend, indicating the existence of a transition zone from the river to the reservoir.  相似文献   

Soil erosion in catchment areas reduces soil productivity and causes a loss of reservoir capacity. Several parametric models have been developed to predict soil erosion at drainage basins, hill slopes and field levels. The well-known Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) represents a standardized approach. Miyun reservoir, which sits on Chaobaihe River, is the main surface source of drinking water for Beijing, the capital of China. Water and soil loss are the main reasons for sediment to enter a reservoir. Sediment yield is assessed using a version of the universal soil loss equation modified by Chinese researchers. All year 2001 and 2002 data for factors in the equation are obtained from remote sensing or collected to form an analysis database. These factors are computed and mapped using Geographic Information System tools. Based on the complex database, the modified model is developed. Through pixel-based computing the sediment yield per hydrological unit is calculated. The model does not consider sediment deposition occurring on hillslopes. Gross soil loss is often higher than the sum of those measured at catchment outlets. The sediment delivery ratio (SDR) per hydrological unit is also computed. This study analyzes the main contributions of sediment yields on sub-basins of the Chaobaihe River to the Miyun Reservoir, and discusses the possible reasons for the difference between SDRs in 2001 and 2002 at different outlets. The result shows that in the upper basin of the Miyun Reservoir, in 2001 the area of erosion that could be neglected was 8,202.76 km^2, the area of low erosion 3,269.59 km^2, the area of moderate erosion 3,400.97 km^2, the area of high erosion 436.89 km^2, the area of strong erosion 52.19 km^2 and the area of severe erosion 3.13 km^2. The highest soil loss was 70,353 t/km^2. yr in Fengning County in 2001, followed by 64,418 t/km^2. yr by Chicheng County in 2001. The SDR in 2002 was lower than that in 2001. The main reasons are the decreasing rainfall erosivity and total runoff.  相似文献   

Flooding hazard evaluation is the basis of flooding risk assessment which has significances to natural environment, human life and social economy. This study develops a spatial framework integrating naïve Bayes (NB) and geographic information system (GIS) to assess flooding hazard at regional scale. The methodology was demonstrated in the Bowen Basin in Australia as a case study. The inputs into the framework are five indices: elevation, slope, soil water retention, drainage proximity and density. They were derived from spatial data processed in ArcGIS. NB as a simplified and efficient type of Bayesian methods was used, with the assistance of remotely sensed flood inundation extent in the sampling process, to infer flooding probability on a cell-by-cell basis over the study area. A likelihood-based flooding hazard map was output from the GIS-based framework. The results reveal elevation and slope have more significant impacts on evaluation than other input indices. Area of high likelihood of flooding hazard is mainly located in the west and the southwest where there is a high water channel density, and along the water channels in the east of the study area. High likelihood of flooding hazard covers 45 % of the total area, medium likelihood accounts for about 12 %, low and very low likelihood represents 19 and 24 %, respectively. The results provide baseline information to identify and assess flooding hazard when making adaptation strategies and implementing mitigation measures in future. The framework and methodology developed in the study offer an integrated approach in evaluation of flooding hazard with spatial distributions and indicative uncertainties. It can also be applied to other hazard assessments.  相似文献   

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