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鄱阳湖水面蒸发量的计算与变化趋势分析(1955-2004年)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闵骞  刘影 《湖泊科学》2006,18(5):452-457
利用器测折算法与气候模式法,分别计算鄱阳湖周围康山、棠荫、都昌、星子、湖口5站的单站水面蒸发量,以5站两种方法计算值的平均值代表鄱阳湖大湖面的水面蒸发量,求得鄱阳湖1955-2004年各月的水面蒸发量和蒸发水量,结果为:多年平均年蒸发量1081.2 mm.年蒸发水量27.06×10~8 m~3.对年、月水面蒸发量在近50年来的变化趋势进行了分析,表明除5月份外,其他各月蒸发量和年蒸发量均呈逐渐减少趋势,年蒸发量平均每年减小2.79 mm,年蒸发水量平均减少0.05×10~8 m~3,对湖区水资源持续利用和湖泊环境将产生明显影响.对水面蒸发量递减原因进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

V. P. SINGH  C.-Y. XU 《水文研究》1997,11(11):1465-1473
The influence of data errors on the performance of mass transfer-based evaporation equations was investigated for both monthly and daily data from a climatological station in the State of Vaud in Switzerland. Evaporation estimates were found to be particularly sensitive to vapour pressure gradient, less sensitive to wind speed and most insensitive to temperature. A quantitative analysis showed that: (1) systematic errors in vapour pressure data influenced evaporation estimates inversely to more or less the same magnitude for both monthly and daily cases; (2) systematic errors in wind speed and temperature data influenced evaporation estimates inversely to the magnitude of about a half and a quarter of the magnitude of the influence of vapour pressure errors, respectively; and (3) evaporation estimates were much more sensitive to random errors in the case of monthly data than daily data. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

崔逸凡  刘元波 《湖泊科学》2023,35(5):1501-1515
湖泊蒸发是连接湖泊水分循环与能量平衡的关键纽带之一,认识湖泊蒸发过程对于理解湖-气间相互作用机制十分重要。然而,由于湖泊的形态结构、地理位置和气候背景不同,各湖泊在不同时间尺度上的蒸发特征不同。湖泊蒸发存在复杂的物理驱动过程、时间尺度相关的反馈以及空间异质性。准确地捕捉并量化湖泊蒸发过程,仍是湖沼学、水文学和气象学等学科的重要研究内容。本文首先介绍了湖泊蒸发的主要观测手段,然后概述了湖泊蒸发在日内、季节、年际、年代际四种不同时间尺度的变化特征;梳理了不同时间尺度各要素对湖泊蒸发的影响,以及湖泊蒸发与湖泊面积和深度等形态结构特性及纬度和海拔等地理因素之间的关系;对自涡度相关技术等高精度仪器应用以来的湖泊蒸发研究进展做出了总结。  相似文献   

C. Sezen 《水文科学杂志》2020,65(11):1909-1927

In this study, annual and seasonal precipitation trend analysis was performed in the Euphrates-Tigris basin, Turkey, using innovative trend analysis (ITA) and discrete wavelet transformation. In this context, it was seen that there is a downward trend in winter, spring and annual precipitation, whereas precipitation has an increasing tendency in summer and autumn seasons, in the greater part of the basin. When annual and seasonal data were decomposed into wavelet components, the most significant trends were observed for high-periodic wavelet components, such as D3 (8-year), D4 (16-year) and D5 (32-year), where these components represent the periods of the precipitation data. Then, the relationship between North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and trend in precipitation was investigated. In this regard, it was found that there could be a significant relationship between the NAO and precipitation trends of the Euphrates-Tigris basin, especially in winter, based on the wavelet ITA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the possible trends in annual total precipitation series by using the non-parametric methods such as the wavelet analysis and Mann-Kendall test. The wavelet trend (W-T) analysis is for the first time presented in this study. Using discrete wavelet components of measurement series, we aimed to find which periodicities are mainly responsible for trend of the measurement series. We found that some periodic events clearly affect the trend of precipitation series. 16-yearly periodic component is the effective component on Bal?kesir annual precipitation data and is responsible for producing a real trend founded on the data. Also, global wavelet spectra and continuous wavelet transform were used for analysis to precipitation time series in order to clarify time-scale characteristics of the measured series. The effects of regional differences on W-T analysis are checked by using records of measurement stations located in different climatic areas. The data set spans from 1929 to 1993 and includes precipitation records from meteorological stations of Turkey. The trend analysis on DW components of the precipitation time series (W-T model) clearly explains the trend structure of data.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖夏季水面蒸发与蒸发皿蒸发的比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
水面蒸发是湖泊水量平衡要素的重要组成部分.基于传统蒸发皿观测蒸发不能代表实际水面蒸发,而实际水面蒸发特征仍不清楚.本研究基于涡度相关系统观测的鄱阳湖水体实际水面蒸发过程,在小时和日尺度分析了水面蒸发的变化规律及其主要影响因子,并与蒸发皿蒸发进行比较.研究表明,实际水面蒸发日变化波动剧烈,变化范围在0~0.4 mm/h之间.水面蒸发的日变化特征主要受风速的影响.鄱阳湖8月份日水面蒸发量与蒸发皿蒸发量在总体趋势上具有很好的一致性.8月份平均日水面蒸发速率(5.90 mm/d)比蒸发皿蒸发速率(5.65 mm/d)高4.6%.水面日蒸发量与蒸发皿蒸发量的比值在8月上、中、下旬平均值分别为1.24、1.00、0.92,呈现下降的趋势.鄱阳湖夏季水面日蒸发量与风速和相对湿度相关性显著,而蒸发皿蒸发与净辐射、气温、饱和水汽压差和相对湿度均呈显著相关.这是由于蒸发皿水体容积小,与湖泊相比其水体热存储能力小,因此更容易受到环境因子的影响.  相似文献   

对不同的小波变换算法和小波基函数进行了研究,得到了适用于地震资料处理的最佳小波基函数,并用Visual C 语言开发了基于Windows操作平台下的地震资料小波剖面制作系统。利用小波剖面制作系统和最佳小波基函数对煤田实际地震资料进行了处理,取得了令人满意的地质效果。  相似文献   

三参数小波及其在地震资料分析中的应用   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一类含有三个可调参数的分析小波(称为三参数小波),通过选择这三个参数,可使其最适合于所给定的问题.Morlet小波及改进的Morlet小波是其特例.通过对三参数小波中的参数加以约束,可以获得一类新的近似解析小波.论证了通过恰当的选择参数,三参数小波不仅适合于分析包含慢变频率和振幅分量的信号,而且也适合于包含快变分量的信号.以三参数小波为分析小波,提出了一种用于薄互层地震资料分析的方法.该方法能够刻画薄互层的沉积旋回,也能研究薄互层内部的局部结构,并采用模型资料验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   


This paper presents an analysis of trends in six drought variables at 566 stations across India over the period 1901–2002. Six drought variables were computed using standardized precipitation index (SPI). The Mann-Kendall (MK) trend test and Sen’s slope estimator were used for trend analysis of drought variables. Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) was used to identify the dominant periodic components in trends, whereas the significance of periodic components was examined using continuous wavelet transform (CWT) based global wavelet spectrum (GWS). Our results show an increasing trend in droughts in eastern, northeastern and extreme southern regions, and a decreasing trend in the northern and southern regions of the country. The periodic component influencing the trend was 2–4 years in south, 4–8 years in west, east and northeast, 8–64 years in central parts and 32–128 years in the north; however, most of the periodic components were not statistically significant.  相似文献   

李育  李卓仑  王乃昂 《湖泊科学》2012,24(3):474-479
湖泊不同位置沉积物重建的古环境变化过程往往具有差异,而这种差异可能揭示了不同的古环境信息.本文以河西走廊石羊河流域终端湖泊猪野泽为例,探讨湖泊不同位置沉积物所代表的古环境意义.位于湖盆边缘的三角城剖面可能反映了石羊河上游地区的降水及其古径流量的变化,这种变化在千年尺度上对应了北大西洋Bond事件,显示该区域通过季风环流系统与全球气候系统的联系.位于湖泊中部的QTH01、QTH02、QTL-03剖面反映了湖泊演化的信息,显示中全新世期间(约7.0-约3.5 cal ka BP)湖泊水位较高的特征,但是这种特征并不能和该流域的古径流相联系,说明该区域湖泊演化除了受千年尺度大气环流特征的影响外,湖泊表面蒸发可能也起了重要作用.该研究为中亚地区普遍存在的中全新世高湖面问题提供了研究思路.  相似文献   

小波分析在地震资料去噪中的应用   总被引:17,自引:17,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
本文阐述了小波变换和去噪的基本原理,根据模拟信号和实际地震信号的频谱分析,讨论了如何选择小波基,及去噪中的阈值问题,从小波分解出发,利用多尺度分解对地震资进行分析,并基于MATLAB语言和小波工具箱,实现了对地震资料的去噪.  相似文献   

湖泊蒸发量的准确估算对于水文学、气象学和湖泊学等研究有重要的意义.基于2013-2015年太湖水量收支资料、气象观测数据和稳定同位素观测资料,采用稳定同位素质量守恒模型、水量平衡法和Priestley-Taylor模型估算太湖蒸发量,分析太湖蒸发量的季节变化和年际变化特征,并以Priestley-Taylor模型结果为参考值,评价水量平衡法和同位素质量守恒方程的计算精度.结果表明:5-9月太湖蒸发量较高,冬季最低.2013-2015年太湖年总蒸发量分别为1069、894和935 mm,蒸发量的年际变化受到天气条件的影响.2013年12月2014年11月期间,用Priestley-Taylor模型计算的湖泊蒸发量为885 mm;同位素质量守恒模型的估算结果较一致,为893 mm;而水量平衡方程的估算结果明显偏高,为1247 mm.  相似文献   

The chemical compositions of a total of 120 thermal water samples from four different tectonically distinct regions (Central, North, East and West Anatolia) of Turkey are presented and assessed in terms of geothermal energy potential of each region through the use of chemical geothermometers. Na–Ca–HCO3 type waters are the dominant water types in all the regions except that Na–Cl type waters are typical for the coastal areas of West Anatolia and for a few inland areas of West and Central Anatolia where deep water circulation exists. The discharge temperature of the springs ranges up to 100°C, and the bottom-hole temperatures in drilled wells up to 232°C. Geothermometry applications yield reservoir temperatures of about 125°C for Central Anatolia, 110°C for North Anatolia, 136°C for East Anatolia and 251°C for West Anatolia, the latter agreeing with some of the bottom hole temperatures measured in drilled wells. The results reveal that the highest geothermal energy potential in Turkey is associated with the West Anatolian extensional tectonics which provides a regional, deep-seated heat source and a widespread graben system allowing deep circulation of waters. The North Anatolian region, bounded to the south by the dextral North Anatolian Fault along which most of the geothermal sites are located, has the lowest energy potential, probably due to the restriction of the heat source to local magmatic activities confined to pull-apart basins. The East Anatolian region (undergoing contemporary compression) and the Central Anatolian region (where the compressional regime in the east is converted to the extensional regime in the west) have moderate energy potential. Although the recently active volcanoes suggest the presence, at depth, of still cooling magma chambers that are potential heat sources, the lack of well-developed fault systems is probably responsible for the comparatively low energy potential of these regions. Almost all the thermal waters of Turkey are saturated with respect to calcite and, hence, have a significant calcite scaling potential which is particularly high for West Anatolian waters.  相似文献   

Introduction Fourier transform that summed up a series discomposed sin functions of signal has been one of the widely used methods in the field of signal process all along. While for time information be-ing thrown away by this transform, it is difficult for us to judge when a special signal occurs on the way. Though short time Fourier transform (STFT) was developed later, which can probe local features of signals, it can not reveal what is really there because uniform window functions de-fin…  相似文献   

小波分析在地球物理及大地测量中的应用   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
小波分析是重要的时—领域分析工具,在地球物理和大地测量相关问题研究中逐渐显示出其独特的作用。本文较全面地介绍了现阶段小波分析在重力异常分解、固体潮、地球自转变化、ENSO和重力场展开等地球物理及大地到量领域的研究进展,并在此基础上对地球物理及大地测量领域小波分析的应用前景做了进一步分析。  相似文献   

小时尺度水面蒸发可影响水面大气边界层热力和动力结构,分析湖泊小时尺度水面蒸发主要影响因素,选取准确模拟其特征的蒸发模型,将有助于改善流域天气预报和空气质量预报.基于太湖避风港站2012—2013年通量、辐射和气象观测数据,分析太湖小时尺度水面蒸发主要影响因子和3个模型(传统质量传输模型、Granger and Hedstrom经验模型、DYRESM模型)的模拟效果.结果表明:影响太湖小时尺度水面蒸发的主要因子为水气界面水汽压差和风速的乘积,而非净辐射.传统质量传输模型、Granger and Hedstrom经验模型、DYRESM模型模拟值与全年实测值的一致性系数分别为0.92、0.87和0.89,均方根误差分别为28.35、41.58和38.26 W/m~2.传统质量传输模型对太湖小时尺度水面蒸发的日变化和季节动态模拟效果最佳,其夜间模拟相对误差小于3%,除秋季外,其他季节的模拟绝对误差均小于4 W/m~2.Granger and Hedstrom经验模型系统性地高估太湖潜热通量,在大气较为稳定的午后(高估22~32 W/m~2)和冬季(高估72%)高估最为明显,模拟效果最差.DYRESM模型也系统地高估太湖潜热通量,模拟效果居中.考虑水汽交换系数随风速的变化特征将有助于改善传统质量传输模型和DYRESM模型对太湖小时尺度水面蒸发的模拟精度.  相似文献   

The Yinchuan Plain has more than 2000 years of history of irrigation by diverting water from the Yellow River. Currently, the amount of water diverted from the Yellow River is about 21.7 times the water formed on the plain as a result of precipitation and inflow of groundwater. Under the intensive influence of irrigation, the plain changed from a desert into a rich and populous area, earning its name as ‘South China Beyond the Great Wall’, with lakes scattered across the Yinchuan Plain just as stars in the sky. In this research, 17 representative lakes were sampled to analyze and study 2H and 18O content; the results showed that lakes on the plain have undergone obvious non‐equilibrium evaporation. Recharges of the lakes can be divided into three types: recharge from the Yellow River, from groundwater and from both of these. The Craig–Gordon non‐equilibrium evaporation model for isotope fractionation was used to estimate the evaporation proportion of each lake. The results showed that evaporation from lakes on Yinchuan Plain is generally extensive under the dry climatic conditions. Most lakes have an evaporation proportion of over 25%, with the largest originating from Shahu lake and Gaomiaohu lake in the northern part of the plain, at 42.5% and 42.8%, respectively. The evaporation proportions calculated on the basis of 18O and 2H are very close to each other. This shows that the method used in this paper is feasible for estimating the evaporation proportions of lakes in areas with a heavy anthropogenic influence. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Turkey was struck by two major events on August 17th and November 12th, 1999. Named Kocaeli (Mw=7.4) and Düzce (Mw=7.2) earthquakes, respectively, the two earthquakes provided the most extensive strong ground motion data set ever recorded in Turkey. The strong motion stations operated by the General Directorate of Disaster Affairs, the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute of Bogazici University and Istanbul Technical University have produced at least 27 strong motion records for the Kocaeli earthquake within 200 km of the fault. Kocaeli earthquake has generated six motions within 20 km of the fault adding significantly to the near-field database of ground motions for Mw>=7.0 strike–slip earthquakes. The paper discusses available strong motion data, studies their attenuation characteristics, analyses time domain, as well as spectral properties such as spectral accelerations with special emphasis on fault normal and fault parallel components and the elastic attenuation parameter, kappa. A simulation of the Kocaeli earthquake using code FINSIM is also presented.  相似文献   

Jianting Zhu 《水文科学杂志》2020,65(11):1872-1878

In this study, an approach is developed to investigate the impact of fractal characteristics of unsaturated soil between the water table and land surface on the steady-state evaporation and infiltration across a heterogeneous landscape. The soil domain is conceptualized as a collection of stream tubes of soils and the particle diameters in various stream tubes follow a fractal distribution. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of each stream tube is related to the representative particle diameter in the tube. The effective specific discharge is then integrated from the specific discharge for each stream tube and the fractal distribution. The effective evaporation and infiltration in unsaturated soils increase with the fractal dimension. The ratio of minimum over maximum diameters does not significantly affect the specific discharge in the fractal soil. The specific discharge in unsaturated fractal soils calculated by using the simple average particle diameter mostly over-predicts the actual effective specific discharge.  相似文献   

水面蒸发与散热系数公式研究(二)   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
濮培民 《湖泊科学》1994,6(3):201-210
根据自1976年以来全国水面蒸发与散热研究协作组在我国各典型地区的原体与室内实验资料和大量水文站历史资料,通过理论分析和统计检验,确定了影响水面蒸发的诸因子及其非线性相互作用,引入了新的无量纲参数和公式结构,用实测资料统计确定了公式中的常系数,得到了用开敞湖面一般水文气象资料计算逐日蒸发和散热系数的公式。经全国务典型气候带内务季节湖泊(水库)和受热污染水体上原体观测和室内专题实验共1860组日平均检验,公式的精度高于现有其他公式。全文分两部分,本文刊出第二部分,内容包括:公式的检验;水文气象要素对α的影响;水面散热系数的计算和结语。  相似文献   

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