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An investigation on the groundwater potentials of the Egbe-Mopa area in central Nigeria, underlain by the Basement Complex, is presented. The investigation involved mapping of the subsurface by use of vertical electrical soundings; measurement of depth to groundwater; and evaluation of hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity and yield by means of pumping test interpretation. The results indicate subsurface units that range from three to five resistivity layers; depth to groundwater of 0–10 m; overburden thickness of 3–16 m; hydraulic conductivity of 6.2?×?10?6 to 3.4?×?10?4 m/s; transmissivity of 4.3?×?10?7 to 2?×?10?3 m2/s; and groundwater yield of 0.2–2.5 L/s. The hydraulic head assessments revealed a general northward groundwater flow direction. The study identified three aquifer potential types, of high, medium and low productivity, respectively. Based on the longitudinal conductance of the overburden units, four distinct Aquifer Protective Capacity zones were delineated, namely, poor, weak, moderate and good.

Citation Okogbue, C.O. and Omonona, O.V., 2013. Groundwater potential of Egbe-Mopa basement area, central Nigeria. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (4), 826–840.  相似文献   


Leakage properties and the potential for land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal from a multi-aquifer water supply system were investigated by applying leaky type curve and one dimensional consolidation models to drawdown data that were obtained during a pumping test experiment in an aquifer-aquitard system. The producing aquifer has transmissivity and storativity values of 5.3 × 10?3 m2 s?1 and 9.54 × 10?4 respectively. It is recharged through leakage at a rate of 5.67 × 10?8 m s?1, giving a leakage amount of more than 0.007 m3 s?1. Drainage of the aquifer-aquitard system could result in aquitard compaction of between 50 and 180 mm year?1 for pumping periods of 6 and 22 h day?1, respectively. The observed leakage has important implications for land subsidence problems and waste disposal practices in the area.  相似文献   

Groundwater flow modelling of the Kwa Ibo River watershed in Abia State of Nigeria is presented in this paper with the aim of assessing the degree of interaction between the Kwa Ibo River and the groundwater regime of the thick sandy aquifer. The local geology of the area comprises the Quaternary to recent Benin Formation. Potential aquifer zones that were delineated earlier using geoelectrical resistivity soundings and borehole data for the area formed the basis for groundwater flow modelling. The watershed has been modelled with a grid of 65 rows by 43 columns and with two layers. Lateral inflow from the north has been simulated with constant heads at the Government College, Umuahia, and outflow at Usaka Elegu in the south. The Kwa Ibo River traverses the middle of the watershed from north to south. The river‐stage data at Umudike, Amawom, Ntalakwu and Usaka Elegu have been used for assigning surface water levels and riverbed elevations in the model. Permeability distribution was found to vary from 3 to 14·5 m day?1. Natural recharge due to rainfall formed the main input to the aquifer system, and abstraction from wells was the main output. A steady‐state groundwater flow simulation was carried out and calibrated against the May 1980 water levels using 26 observation wells. The model computations have converged after 123 iterations. Under the transient‐state calibration, the highest rainfall (and hence groundwater recharge) over the 10‐year study period was recorded in 1996, whereas the lowest was recorded in 1991. The computed groundwater balance of 55 274 m3 day?1 was comparable to that estimated from field investigations. Results from the modelling show that abstraction is much less than groundwater recharge. Hence there is the possibility for additional groundwater exploitation in the watershed through drilling of boreholes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Hydrogeochemical data of groundwater samples from 35 boreholes drilled in the Okposi-Uburu salt lake area are analysed. The data reveal that concentrations of dissolved geochemical constituents such as calcium (Ca2+), manganese (Mn2+), magnesium (Mg2+), chloride (C1?), and sulphate (SO2+ 4) ions show significant areal variations. Dissolved solids, chloride and manganese ions have concentrations up to and above the objectionable limits for drinking water in the salt lake area. Concentrations of dissolved solids in this zone are about 1200 mg 1?1. Concentrations of chloride and manganese ions are 350 mg 1?1 and 1.0 mg 1?1 respectively. These geochemical constituents and groundwater flow patterns show that transport of contaminants away from the source zone has been greatly influenced by advection, while in areas of high velocity dispersion is the controlling factor. Temperatures for the Okposi and Uburu salt springs are 34.4 and 37.5°C respectively. Bomb tritium indicated water of pre-1953 age. Deuterium and oxygen-18 showed high isotopic enrichment. The high concentrations of dissolved salts resulted from the combined effects of migration of dissolved salts through fractures at the lake floor and evaporation from the lake surface. These findings are related to the tectonic history of the Okposi-Uburu area.  相似文献   


Lateral subsurface flow within a 10% forested slope in a part of the humid tropics of southwestern Nigeria during 1982 is described with particular regard to the cumulative amount, timing and frequency of seepage, the relative contributions of the various soil horizons to the total seepage, and factors affecting these seepage parameters. Seepage was collected at 30, 500, 900, 1200 and 1800 mm depths by means of troughs connected to plastic collectors, and measurements were made between March and November 1982. The total amount of seepage during the study year was 67.7 mm and this was obtained from a total of 29 seepage days. This is considered low given the number of rainy days (106), the total rainfall for this period (924 mm) and results from other environments. The impeding layer in the soil is within the 900–1200 mm horizon, but the largest relative contribution to total seepage was not from the horizon immediately above this layer (i.e. 500–900 mm), but from the surface 0–30 mm horizon. Soil moisture status and hydraulic conductivity as influenced by the rainfall pattern were found to be very important in controlling the seepage patterns.  相似文献   

We review some analytical techniques that use underground thermal data as tracers of groundwater flow. These techniques allow the evaluation of the Darcy velocity in shallow aquifers of mid-low permeability and the evaluation of heat gain/loss by conduction in deeper aquifers. Examples of application are then given for the Acqui Terme hydrothermal system, located in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (northwestern Italy). The analysis of borehole temperatures allowed the inference of the hydraulic features of the sedimentary cover of the hydrothermal system. The results show the presence of a relatively weak flow, with upward and horizontal components, only in conglomerates occurring at the base of the marly impermeable cover. The analysis of the heat transported in the deep parts of the hydrothermal system was approached by splitting the water path into different sections, each with given shape, slope and hydraulic properties. The recharge area is situated in the upland, south of the discharge area. Meteoric water initially descends and then flows horizontally within the fractured metamorphic basement of the basin, heating by conduction. Finally, from a reservoir positioned at intermediate depths, hot water reaches rapidly the surface through a sub-vertical fault. This scheme of deep water flow is constrained by the regional surface heat flow and the local geothermal gradient, and it is consistent with data of rock–water equilibrium temperature.  相似文献   

Summary The time distribution of earthquake occurrence in the European area is investigated by statistical laws. The original data of shallow-focus earthquakes are taken from the European catalogue 1901–1967. Evidence is given that the process with the negative binomial entries as a model describing the occurrence of shallow-focus earthquakes is better than the Poisson process. Further, the influence of magnitude classes and magnitude threshold value on the time distribution of earthquake occurrence is examined.Communication presented at the XIII General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission in Brasov in 1972.  相似文献   

Allan Rodhe  Jan Seibert 《水文研究》2011,25(12):1899-1909
Knowledge of groundwater dynamics is important for the understanding of hydrological controls on chemical processes along the water flow pathways. To increase our knowledge of groundwater dynamics in areas with shallow groundwater, the groundwater dynamics along a hillslope were studied in a boreal catchment in Southern Sweden. The forested hillslope had a 1‐ to 2‐m deep layer of sandy till above bedrock. The groundwater flow direction and slope were calculated under the assumption that the flow followed the slope of the groundwater table, which was computed for different triangles, each defined by three groundwater wells. The flow direction showed considerable variations over time, with a maximum variation of 75°. During periods of high groundwater levels the flow was almost perpendicular to the stream, but as the groundwater level fell, the flow direction became gradually more parallel to the stream, directed in the downstream direction. These findings are of importance for the interpretation of results from hillslope transects, where the flow direction usually is assumed to be invariable and always in the direction of the hillslope. The variations in the groundwater flow direction may also cause an apparent dispersion for groundwater‐based transport. In contrast to findings in several other studies, the groundwater level was most responsive to rainfall and snowmelt in the upper part of the hillslope, while the lower parts of the slope reached their highest groundwater level up to 40 h after the upper parts. This can be explained by the topography with a wetter hollow area in the upper part. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Valerio Faraoni 《水文研究》2004,18(9):1735-1743
By applying the technique of conformal transformation of the metric, widely used in general relativity and cosmology, the analysis of groundwater flow in an anisotropic aquifer (in which the hydraulic conductivity is a tensor) is reduced to the case of an isotropic one. This reduction is achieved for a particular conformal factor of the transformation. Examples of application of this technique are given. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Comprehensive studies, based on isotope geochemistry of C, H, O, S and Sr, chronology, common element and trace element geochemistry of fluid inclusions for the epithermal Au, As, Sb and Hg deposits in the Youjiang Basin and its peripheral areas, suggested that the ore fluid was the basin fluid with abundant metallic elements and the large-scale fluid flow of the same source in the late Yenshan stage was responsible for huge epithermal mineralization and silicification. The ore fluid flowed from the basin to the platform between the basin and the platform and migrated from the inter-platform basin to the isolated platform in the Youjiang Basin. The synsedimentary faults and paleokast surface acted respectively as main conduits for vertical and lateral fluid flow.  相似文献   


Comprehensive studies, based on isotope geochemistry of C, H, O, S and Sr, chronology, common element and trace element geochemistry of fluid inclusions for the epithermal Au, As, Sb and Hg deposits in the Youjiang Basin and its peripheral areas, suggested that the ore fluid was the basin fluid with abundant metallic elements and the large-scale fluid flow of the same source in the late Yenshan stage was responsible for huge epithermal mineralization and silicification. The ore fluid flowed from the basin to the platform between the basin and the platform and migrated from the inter-platform basin to the isolated platform in the Youjiang Basin. The synsedimentary faults and paleokast surface acted respectively as main conduits for vertical and lateral fluid flow.


Rapid urbanization in the Jakarta area has become a severe subsurface environmental issue as it entails groundwater level decline and land subsidence caused by excessive groundwater pumping. In this study, apparent groundwater age rejuvenation in the deep aquifer under DKI Jakarta was found by comparing 14C activities between 1985 and 2008. We discussed the use of a numerical groundwater flow model to evaluate the rejuvenation process in this urbanized area. When considering the deep aquifer in the DKI Jakarta area, we can assume six direction fluxes toward the aquifer: two vertical fluxes (downward and upward flux) and four horizontal fluxes (northern, southern, western, and eastern flux). Results of model calculations show that the greatest groundwater flux among six flux directions became ‘vertical downward flux’, which means that shallower groundwater intrudes into the deep one because of excessive groundwater pumping from the mid‐1980s. This flux grows about 50% during the 2000s. This result is consistent with the detection of CFC‐12 and SF6, which functions as an indicator of young groundwater even in the deep groundwater. The rejuvenation ratio ‘R’ was determined using 14C activity in the groundwater; R increases with the CFC‐12 concentration and both show good correlation. Furthermore, we estimated the ‘vertical downward flux’ at each well's screen depth using model estimation. Results show that this flux is greater in the urban groundwater depression area and especially at shallower parts of the deep aquifer, and that it affects the magnitude of the shallow groundwater intrusion. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Comprehensive studies, based on isotope geochemistry of C, H, O, S and Sr, chronology, common element and trace element geochemistry of fluid inclusions for the epithermal Au, As, Sb and Hg deposits in the Youjiang Basin and its peripheral areas, suggested that the ore fluid was the basin fluid with abundant metallic elements and the large-scale fluid flow of the same source in the late Yenshan stage was responsible for huge epithermal mineralization and silicification. The ore fluid flowed from the basin to the platform between the basin and the platform and migrated from the inter-platform basin to the isolated platform in the Youjiang Basin. The synsedimentary faults and paleokast surface acted respectively as main conduits for vertical and lateral fluid flow.  相似文献   

Groundwater flow through coarse blocky landforms contributes to streamflow in mountain watersheds, yet its role in the alpine hydrologic cycle has received relatively little attention. This study examines the internal structure and hydrogeological characteristics of an inactive rock glacier in the Canadian Rockies using geophysical imaging techniques, analysis of the discharge hydrograph of the spring draining the rock glacier, and chemical and stable isotopic compositions of source waters. The results show that the coarse blocky sediments forming the rock glacier allow the rapid infiltration of snowmelt and rain water to an unconfined aquifer above the bedrock surface. The water flowing through the aquifer is eventually routed via an internal channel parallel to the front of the rock glacier to a spring, which provides baseflow to a headwater stream designated as a critical habitat for an at‐risk cold‐water fish species. Discharge from the rock glacier spring contributes up to 50% of basin streamflow during summer baseflow periods and up to 100% of basin streamflow over winter, despite draining less than 20% of the watershed area. The rock glacier contains patches of ground ice even though it may have been inactive for thousands of years, suggesting the resiliency of the ground thermal regime under a warming climate.  相似文献   


A hydrogeological research project was conducted in the arid crystalline province of the Southern Sinai. To gain a better understanding of regional groundwater flow patterns, Landsat images as well as air photos were used. Three main flow systems were investigated: (1) The flow system occurring along longitudinal regional crustal fractures with the direction parallel to the Gulf of Elat Rift; this system captures the flow in the main wadi beds draining eastwards. (2) The flow system found in shallow fractured rocks, capturing the flow in small tributaries in the upper part of the drainage basin. (3) The system of dikes governing the flow regime in wadi beds draining westwards. The preliminary estimate of the recharge into the fractured crystalline aquifers and the interconnected gravel bed aquifers is in the order of magnitude of 10–15% of the total precipitation.  相似文献   

Summary TheGumbel's theory of largest values has been applied to the estimation of probability of occurrence and of return periods of largest earthquakes in the European area. For this study shallow shocks from the period 1901–1955 and from 15 earthquake zones were used. For each zone the largest magnitudes corresponding to one-year intervals were arranged in order of increasingM, grouped in classes and then the probabilitiesF(x j) were calculated. The data plotted on the probability paper fit a straight line fairly well. The extrapolated lines yield the possibility of estimating large magnitudes which will be exceeded with a given probability, e.g. 1%. Such values were compared with largest magnitudes observed during the period 1901–1955. Their return periods indicate that in most regions the largest probable shock already occurred. Following the procedure ofEpstein-Lomnitz the coefficients and were calculated and compared with corresponding values ofa andb of the magnitude-frequency relation.  相似文献   


In this study, a GIS-based integration of multi-criteria analysis and the Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) terrain model was adopted to delineate potential flood hazard zones and vulnerability of the Ogun River Basin, Nigeria. Flood causative factors were used as input for multi-criteria analysis using an analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and weighted overlay in ArcGIS 10.5 to generate potential flood hazard zones. The flood hazard map was overlaid with demographic population data to identify areas where vulnerable people and assets are located. The results show the varying degree of people’s susceptibility to flood hazards. Flood hazard zones were classified into Very High, High, Moderate, Low and Very Low, with area coverage of 1269.40, 14139.50, 7188.40, 17.41 and 0.85 km2, respectively (occupied by 466 290, 355 542, 69 554, 231 and 54 people, respectively). This study serves as a preliminary guide for early warning and policy decision-making for flood disaster risk reduction.  相似文献   

Nonpoint sources of nitrogen (N) and other nutrients are a major source of water pollution within the Chesapeake Bay watershed and other basins around the world. Human activities associated with agricultural practices can account for a large percentage of N loadings delivered to streams and rivers. This work aims to improve understanding of N transport from groundwater to surface waters, quantifying the principal hydrological processes driving water and N fluxes into and out of a headwater agricultural stream reach. The study site is a 175-m stream reach in a heavily cultivated 40-ha watershed in east-central Pennsylvania. This subwatershed is underlain by fractured shale bedrock, and receives most of its baseflow from groundwater, either by diffuse matrix discharge through the streambed or by localized discharge through riparian seeps. Samples of stream, seep, and shallow groundwater were collected approximately monthly under steady hydrologic conditions in 2017. Calculated matrix flow from hydraulic head and conductivity measurements paired with differential stream gauging was used to solve for the riparian seep flux using a mass balance approach. Riparian seep fluxes ranged from 45 to 217 m3/d, transporting 0.6–4.2 kg N d−1 of nitrate-N from the fractured bedrock aquifer to the stream. Hydrochemical data suggest that the stream is mainly disconnected from the underlying aquifer and that seeps supply essentially all water and N to the system. Seeps are likely sourced with N in nearby agricultural fields and accelerated through the system with shorter residence times than shallow groundwater. Water isotope data reinforced this notion. This study underscores the importance of agriculture as a source of N to ground and surface waters. Identifying source areas that are causing groundwater enrichment of N and seep areas where N discharges to streams is beneficial for developing N pollution mitigation strategies and implementing management practices that aim to reduce nutrient loads to the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

以诸城—宜川深地震测深速度剖面为约束, 对沿该剖面得到的高精度重力数据进行拟合, 并对临汾强震区平面布格重力异常进行处理, 得到了该地区地壳密度结构及平面重力异常分布. 利用上述结果分析了临汾强震区的地壳结构及构造环境, 结合前人相关研究成果, 认为临汾强震区地壳中存在塑性相对较强的介质, 洪洞和临汾两次历史地震皆发生在其与周边弹性介质的转换边界上. 另外, 临汾凹陷南北两侧局部构造环境存在差异, 在区域应力场作用下, 导致了洪洞地震和临汾地震的发生. 两次地震在发震时间、 地点和震级等地震要素上有所不同.   相似文献   

The occurrence of flowing wells in basins has been found to be closely related to the discharge area with an upward hydraulic gradient. Unfortunately, previous studies on upward gradient induced wellbore flow with equaling total inflow (Qin) in the deep and total outflow (Qout) in the shallow could not explain the occurrence of flowing wells. By representing wells using the MNW2 Package imbedded in MODFLOW 2005, we obtain the exchange of groundwater between the aquifer and the well in the discharge area of 3D unit basins and identify three scenarios: Qin = Qout, Qin > Qout > 0 and Qin > Qout = 0. The relationship of Qin > Qout well explains why flowing wells only develop in a limited part of the discharge area. Sensitivity analysis shows that well location, water table undulation, and basin length–depth ratio do not change the profile of the ratio of cumulative flow rate in a flowing well to total inflow (Qv/Qin) versus the relative elevation in the inflow segment, zin*, but could significantly change the length of the inflow segment; well depth could change both the length of the inflow segment and the profile of Qv/Qin versus zin*. Based on the numerical results in homogeneous and isotropic basins with different basin length–depth ratios in the current study, the ratio of inflow in the lower half part of a flowing well to the total inflow is found to be at least 67% and could be close to 100%, indicating that water at the outlets of flowing wells with long open sections is mainly from the deep part of the well.  相似文献   

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