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The effect of pressure-driven groundwater recharge signal propagation in the Andean-Atacamenian environment is investigated by assessing a record of 15 years of water table fluctuations of an unconfined–confined aquifer system. Based on a singular spectrum analysis of water table time series, it is shown that, in the given case, groundwater levels in the central Atacama Desert are hydraulically controlled by two distant recharge areas associated with the Andes. The maximum observed range of the pressure signal propagation is ~50 km over an elevation difference of more than 3000 m at a lag of ~25 months. Several findings indicate that an often-cited study misinterpreted a water level rise at the same site as an in-situ alluvial fan recharge. Thus, the effect’s impact on groundwater dynamics in complex aquifer systems can easily be overlooked. Singular spectrum analysis could be of use to investigate pressure effects at hydrologically comparable sites.  相似文献   

Reinforced concrete structure may exhibit significant inelastic hysteretic behavior when subject to strong earthquake excitation. To investigate such an inelastic behavior, in this study, a new system identification technique is applied by using the deteriorating distributed element (DDE) model to simulate the hysteretic behavior of a degrading structure. Through the advanced signal processing technique, the multiple singular spectrum analysis (SSA) and the nonlinear SSA, the recorded inelastic restoring force of a deteriorating structure can be decomposed into several independent additive components in its sequentially degrading order and with decreasing weight. With each decomposed hysteresis loop, the model parameters of the DDE model are identified. The evolutionary properties of the progressive stiffness degradation behavior of reinforced concrete structure can be observed from the identified model parameters. Finally, comparison on the physical properties of the identified DDE model with respect to the seismic response data of the deteriorating structure is also discussed. The result shows that the proposed identification technique can have a good estimation on the seismic behavior of the degrading structure. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

R. Graf 《水文科学杂志》2013,58(9):1587-1606

This study analyses the statistical and dynamic properties of time series of mean annual groundwater levels for the years 1961–2000, with the purpose of preparing reference statistics for the study period. Data came from 62 measurement stations of the groundwater observation network of the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management—the National Research Institute IMGW-PIB—located across the Wielkopolska Lowland (western Poland). Station-grouping criteria were as follows: the availability of a 40-year measurement series, spatial location, as well as separation of the aquifer from the surface. For estimating the time series structure of groundwater levels, the following stationarity tests were conducted: the augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test and the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS) test, with positive results in 44% of the stations, the majority comprising a group that represents confined aquifers. Their non-stationarity was attributed to the presence of a long-term stochastic trend. In the majority of cases the groundwater-level frequency distributions were within the group of platykurtic distributions, right asymmetrical. In the period studied, 62% of the series showed a downward tendency of groundwater levels, including 45% for which the trend was statistically significant; a rising trend was only statistically significant in half of the series. The masking effect of anthropogenic factors was indicated as a fundamental element interfering with the statistical properties of the groundwater observation series in the period 1961–2000 in the Wielkopolska Lowland. This information can be of use for the management and protection of water resources and in prognostic studies on modifying aquiferous systems with recorded water deficits.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor T. Ouarda  相似文献   

Five years of hydrogeological monitoring and field activities performed in the complex hydrogeological system of the Acque Albule basin (AAB) were conducted to define the hydrogeological setting, the relationship between deep and shallow aquifers and a conceptual groundwater flow model of this exploited area using conventional quantitative techniques. The basin, which is located close to Rome (Italy) on the west side of the Apennine chain and just north of the Colli Albani volcano, subsided after development of a north–south fault system (about 115 000 y bp). The AAB experiences intense hydrothermal activity, which has produced a large travertine deposit (80‐m thick). The travertine deposit constitutes a fractured aquifer that is the final destination of more than 5 m3 s‐1 of water and is strongly dewatered by quarry activities. The complex hydrogeology of this basin was investigated, revealing two main hydraulically connected aquifers, one thermalised and partly confined into the limestone bedrock and one unconfined in the travertine. The two aquifers are separated by a non‐continuous clayey aquiclude. The hydrogeological survey and geological characterisation contributed to the development of the groundwater flow conceptual model. Analysis and comparison of the monitored levels highlighted the pattern of flow between the deep and shallow parts of the flow system. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Electrical resistivity tomography was used in order to explore an experimental site of the LaSalle Beauvais Polytechnic Institute (France). The test was conducted along a profile line of 315 m length, using 64 electrodes deployed at an inter‐electrode spacing of 5 m, and the data were recorded using gradient, Wenner and pole–dipole arrays. The performance of plate electrodes (non‐conventional flat‐based) is compared with the performance of peak electrodes (conventional spike). The hydrogeophysical investigation of the chalk aquifer system of Beauvais shows that the performance of plate electrodes is satisfactory, leading to inversions of small root‐mean‐square errors. Peak and the plate electrodes were tested before and after injection of a salt tracer in the piezometer of the experimental site. The study demonstrates the usefulness of plate electrodes (efficient, less time consuming) and the possibility of aquifer characterization by a salt tracer. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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