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This paper presents problems caused by organic material transported by flowing water. This material is usually referred to as plant debris or organic debris. Its composition depends on the characteristic of the watercourse. For lowland rivers, the share of the so-called small organic matter in plant debris is considerable. This includes both various parts of water plants and floodplain vegetation (leaves, stems, blades of grass, twigs, etc.). During floods, larger woody debris poses a significant risk to bridges or other water engineering structures. It may cause river jams and may lead to damming of the flowing water. This, in turn, affects flood safety and increases flood risk in river valleys, both directly and indirectly. The importance of fine plant debris for the phenomenon being studied comes down to the hydrodynamic aspect (plant elements carried by water end up on trees and shrubs, increase hydraulic flow resistance and contribute to the nature of flow through vegetated areas changed from micro-to macro-structural). The key part of the research problem under analysis was to determine qualitative and quantitative debris parameters and to establish the relationship between the type of debris and the type of land use of river valleys (crop fields, meadows and forested river sections). Another problem was to identify parameters of plant debris for various flow conditions (e.g. for low, medium and flood flows). The research also included an analysis of the materials deposited on the structure of shrubs under flood flow conditions during the 2010 flood on the Warta River.  相似文献   

During strong earthquakes, adjacent structures with non-sufficient clear distances collide with each other. In addition to such a pounding, cross interaction of adjacent structures through soil can exchange the vibration energy between buildings and make the problem even more complex. In this paper, effects of both of the mentioned phenomena on the inelastic response of selected steel structures are studied. Number of stories varied between 3 and 12 and different clear distances up to the seismic codes prescribed value are considered. The pounding element is modeled within Opensees. A coupled model of springs and dashpots is utilized for through-the-soil interaction of the adjacent structures, for two types of soft soils. The pounding force, relative displacements of stories, story shears, and plastic hinge rotations are compared for different conditions as the maximum responses averaged between seven consistent earthquakes. As a result, simultaneous effects of pounding and structure–soil–structure interaction are discussed.  相似文献   

We thank Allen and Berghuijs for continuing the discussion on field hydrology and data sharing and discuss two incentives to promote data collection and sharing in hydrological sciences: a collaborative attitude and additional funding to make data publicly available.  相似文献   

Rainfall–runoff modelling was conducted to estimate the flows that Latonyanda River contribute to Luvuvhu River downstream of Albasini Dam. The confluence of Latonyanda and Luvuvhu Rivers is ungauged. The contributed flows compensate for upstream water abstractions and periodic lack of releases from Albasini Dam. The flow contributions from tributaries to Luvuvhu River are important for ecosystem sustenance, meeting downstream domestic and agricultural water demand and ecological water requirements particularly in Kruger National Park. The upper Latonyanda River Quaternary Catchment (LRQC), with streamflow gauging station number A9H027 was delineated and used for rainfall–runoff modelling. The simulation was done using Mike 11 NAM rainfall–runoff model. Calibration and verification runs of Mike 11 NAM rainfall–runoff model were carried out using data for periods of 4 and 2 years, respectively. The model was calibrated using shuffled complex evolution optimizer. The model efficiency was tested using coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), overall water balance error (OWBE) and percentage bias (PBIAS). The model parameters obtained from the upper LRQC were transferred and used together with rainfall and evaporation data for 40 years period in the simulation of runoff for the LRQC. The flows that Latonyanda River contribute to Luvuvhu River were computed by subtracting irrigation abstractions and runoff drained to Tshakhuma Dam from the simulated runoff time series of the LRQC. The observed and the simulated runoff showed similar trends and measures of performances for both calibration and verification runs fell within acceptable ranges. The pairs of values obtained for R2, RMSE, OWBE and PBIAS for calibration and verification were 0.86 and 0.73, 0.21 and 0.2, 2.1 and 1.3, and 4.1 and 3.4, respectively. The simulated runoff for LRQC correlated well with the areal rainfall showing that the results are reasonable. The mean and maximum daily flow contributions from the Latonyanda River are 0.91 and 49 m3/s respectively. The estimation of these ungauged flows makes it possible to plan and manage the water requirements for the downstream users.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyse periodicities and the long-term variability of monthly Júcar River–Mancha Oriental Aquifer interactions (RAI) and regionally measured precipitation (PP) with special focus on the correlations between these local hydrological variables and the large climatic patterns governing the Iberian Peninsula, represented by their teleconnection indices – the North Atlantic Oscillation index (NAOi) and the Western Mediterranean Oscillation index (WeMOi). To that end, wavelet analysis has been applied since it not only provides insight into the time-series dynamics but also permits statistical interpretation and correlation analysis. As a result, several periodicities have been detected: intermittent semi-annual periodicity in PP and the NAOi and annual periodicity in the RAI, NAOi and WeMOi time series. Long cycles (approximately 14 years) are also observed in the PP and WeMOi time series. The cross-wavelet spectra show a correlation between the RAI and the rest of the variables on the semi-annual and the annual scales, while wavelet coherence detects common behaviour with longer cycles – 5–6 years between the NAOi and the RAI and cycles of both 1–5 years and 7–10 years between PP and the RAI. Furthermore, results show that the periodicities in the teleconnection indices and precipitation propagate into the RAI with certain lead times: 3 months between the RAI and PP and 6 months between the RAI and the NAOi. The results indicate that the detected periodicities and the coherence between the studied variables could have applications in strategic planning on a river basin scale, taking into account the propagation times and the frequency scale. This methodological approach can be applied into strategic water resource planning independently of the geographical location of the hydrogeological system, the basin size and the climate region.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel and enhanced soil–structure model is developed adopting the direct analysis method using FLAC 2D software to simulate the complex dynamic soil–structure interaction and treat the behaviour of both soil and structure with equal rigour simultaneously. To have a better judgment on the inelastic structural response, three types of mid-rise moment resisting building frames, including 5, 10, and 15 storey buildings are selected in conjunction with three soil types with the shear wave velocities less than 600 m/s, representing soil classes Ce, De and Ee, according to Australian Standards. The above mentioned frames have been analysed under two different boundary conditions: (i) fixed-base (no soil–structure interaction) and (ii) flexible-base (considering soil–structure interaction). The results of the analyses in terms of structural displacements and drifts for the above mentioned boundary conditions have been compared and discussed. It is concluded that considering dynamic soil–structure interaction effects in seismic design of moment resisting building frames resting on soil classes De and Ee is essential.  相似文献   

An active aurora was observed at Eureka, Canada (88.9° N magnetic) following the arrivalat the magnetopause of the shock front resulting from the solar Coronal Mass Ejection of 6January 1997. This onset at 02:20 UT on 10 January marked the beginning of an aurora whichcontinued until at least 15:00 UT on 11 January, as viewed from both Eureka and the CANOPUSsite at Ft Smith (67.8° N magnetic). There were enhanced OI 630 nm polar F-region emissionsthroughout this period, with the IMF Bz controlling their form. When Bz was positive, there were continuous polar arcs; when Bzturned negative there were F-layer patches on open field lines. While the strong Hβ observed over Ft Smith (240 R) in addition to the extended 630 nm emissions and theirpersistence over two days suggested a red aurora of global proportions, it apparently did notextend to latitudes below 60°. There was a moderate magnetic storm associated with the aurora,but the Dst index reached only −81 nT on 10 January.  相似文献   

In this paper, stochastic dynamic responses of dam–reservoir–foundation systems subjected to spatially varying earthquake ground motions are investigated using the displacement-based fluid finite elements. For this purpose, variable-number-node two-dimensional (2D) fluid finite elements based on the Lagrangian approach is programmed in FORTRAN language and incorporated into a computer program SVEM, which is used for stochastic dynamic analysis of solid systems subjected to spatially varying earthquake ground motion. The spatially varying earthquake ground motion model includes incoherence, wave-passage and site-response effects. The incoherence effect is examined by considering the Harichandran and Vanmarcke coherency model. The effect of the wave passage is investigated by using various wave velocities. Homogeneous medium and firm soil types are selected for considering the site-response effect where the foundation supports are constructed. The Sar?yar concrete gravity dam, constructed in Turkey is selected for numerical example. The ground motion is described by filtered white noise and applied to each support point of the 2D finite element model of the dam–reservoir–foundation system. The record of Kocaeli earthquake in 1999 is used in the analyses. Displacements, stresses and hydrodynamic pressures occurring on the upstream face of the dam are calculated for four cases. It is concluded that spatially varying earthquake ground motions have important effects on the stochastic dynamic response of dam–reservoir–foundation systems.  相似文献   

Using monthly precipitation and temperature data from national meteorological stations, 90 m resolution DEM and a digital vector map of modern glaciers from the Chinese Glacier Inventory, the glacier mass balance and glacier runoff in the Tarim River Basin (TRB), China, were estimated based on a monthly degree-day model for 1961–2006. The results suggest that the modified monthly degree-day model can simulate the long-term changes in glacier mass balance and glacier runoff, which have been confirmed by shor...  相似文献   

Short┐termandimminentanomaliesofearth┐quakeofloadandunloadresponseratioofthewelleveltoearthtidesZHAO-DONGZHANG(张昭栋)1)XUE-ZHO...  相似文献   

Morphological change in river channels is frequently evaluated in the context of mass balance sediment budgets. In a closed sediment budget, measurements of sediment influx and efflux are coupled with measured changes in channel topography to provide both spatial and temporal resolution, and independent estimates of the mass balance. For sediment budgets constructed over long river segments (~102 channel widths or greater) and long periods (~2 years or longer), spatial and temporal accumulation of measurement uncertainty, compounded by inadequate sampling frequency or spatial coverage, may produce indeterminate results. The degree of indeterminacy may be evaluated in the context of a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which is a function of the magnitude of the mass balance and the magnitudes of potential systematic uncertainties associated with measurements and incomplete sampling. We report on a closed sand budget consisting of measurements of flux and two morphological surveys for a 50-km segment of a large river over a 3-year period. Accurate reporting of the magnitude and sign of the change in sand storage was only possible by using state-of-the-art techniques with high temporal frequency and large spatial extent. Together, a sand flux and morphological mass balance revealed that sand evacuation was temporally concentrated (~100% of mass change occurred during 19% of the study period) and highly localized (70% of mass change occurred in 12% of the study segment). A SNR analysis revealed that uncertainty resulting from undersampling may approach or exceed that caused by measurement uncertainty and that daily sampling of suspended-sand concentration or repeat mapping of at least 50% of the river segment was required to determine the sand budget with SNR > 1. The approach used here to analyze sand budget uncertainty is especially applicable to other river systems with large temporal variability in sediment transport and large spatial variability in erosion and deposition. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This work makes explicit an algebraic expression giving the matrix of transient influence coefficients associated with a one-dimensional semi-confined aquifer model. The domain studied is divided into a series of connected and completely mixed compartments over which the governing equation is discretized. The discrete equations obtained are solved for the compartmental hydraulic head and used to derive the algebraic expression in question. The basic properties of the so-called algebraic influence coefficients are investigated. In particular, their consistency with the exact Green function is highlighted. Finally, the newly derived influence coefficients are applied to a simplified aquifer system in order to formulate and solve the problem of identifying illegal groundwater pumping.  相似文献   


The objectives of this work are: (a) to statistically test and quantify the decreasing trends of streamflow and sediment discharge of the Yellow River in China during 1950–2005, (b) to identify change points or transition years of the decreasing trends, and (c) to diagnose whether the decreasing trends were caused by precipitation changes or human intervention, or both. The results show that significant decreasing trends in annual streamflow and sediment discharge have existed since the late 1950s at three stations located in the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Yellow River (P?=?0.01). Change-point analyses further revealed that transition years existed and that rapid decline in streamflow and sediment discharge began in 1985 in most parts of the basin (P?=?0.05). Adoption of conservation measures in the 1980s and 1990s corroborates the identified transition years. Double-mass curves of precipitation vs streamflow (sediment) for the periods before and after the transition years show remarkable decreases in proportionality of streamflow (sediment) generation. All percentiles of streamflow and sediment discharge after the transition years showed rapid reduction. In the absence of significantly decreasing precipitation trends, it is concluded that the decreasing trends were very likely caused by human intervention. Relative to the period before the transition, human intervention during 1985–2005 reduced cumulative streamflow by 13.5, 14.3 and 24.6% and cumulative sediment discharge by 29.0, 24.8 and 26.5%, at Toudaoguai, Huayuankou and Lijin, respectively, showing the quantitative conservation effect in the basin.

Citation Gao, P., Zhang, X.-C., Mu, X.-M., Wang, F., Li, R. & Zhang, X. (2010) Trend and change-point analyses of streamflow and sediment discharge in the Yellow River during 1950–2005. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(2), 275–285.  相似文献   

The macrotidal Colorado River Delta at the northern end of the Gulf of California in Mexico is hydrologically complex. We review historical accounts, data, field notes and photographs to evaluate the hydrological processes active on the delta prior to the advent of upstream dams. We also employ satellite imagery as well as recent LIDAR data to illustrate the critical role played by headcut erosion in restoring the river's fluvial/tidewater connection during the 1979–1988 floods. Prior to human manipulation, the river's contribution of fresh water to the Gulf was periodically interrupted by natural overflowing, avulsing, and flooding into the sub-sea level Salton Sink on the north slope of the delta plain. River flow south towards the Gulf was also subject to occasional overflow into Laguna Salada, another sub-sea level basin. In the mid-20th century, the Delta was disconnected from its fluvial supply following installation of upstream dams and reservoirs. A tidal sediment obstruction developed in the estuary channel, forming a final barrier to fluvial connectivity. Release of Colorado River floodwaters into Mexico between 1979 and 1988 provided a natural experiment on the hydrological response of a long-disconnected macrotidal delta to restoration of fluvial supply.  相似文献   

Soldatova  E. A.  Savichev  O. G.  Zhou  D.  Ivanova  I. S.  Li  J.  Dong  Y.  Sun  Z. 《Water Resources》2022,49(3):483-492
Water Resources - Data of studies of 2013–2019 were used to assess the current environmental-geochemical conditions of surface water and groundwater in the basin of the Ganjiang River, the...  相似文献   


Equatorial rivers of East Africa exhibit unusually complex seasonal and inter-annual flow regimes, and aquatic and adjacent terrestrial organisms have adapted to cope with this flow variability. This study examined the annual flow regime over the past 40 years for three gauging stations on the Mara River in Kenya and Tanzania, which is of international importance because it is the only perennial river traversing the Mara-Serengeti ecoregion. Select environmental flow components were quantified and converted to ecologically relevant hydraulic variables. Vegetation, macroinvertebrates, and fish were collected and identified at target study sites during low and high flows. The results were compared with available knowledge of the life histories and flow sensitivities of the riverine communities to infer flow–ecology relationships. Management implications are discussed, including the need to preserve a dynamic environmental flow regime to protect ecosystems in the region. The results for the Mara may serve as a useful model for river basins of the wider equatorial East Africa region.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editor M. Acreman  相似文献   

Retrogressive erosion, a widespread phenomenon of sediment transport in reservoirs, often impacts on both the reservoir capacity and the sedimentation in the downstream river channel. Based on field data from the Sanmenxia Reservoir and the Lower Yellow River over the past decades, three courses of ret-rogressive erosion with distinctive features were analyzed. The results indicate that retrogressive erosion, especially caused by rapid reduction in the water level till the reservoir is empty, often results in the serious siltation of the lower Yellow River and threatens the safety of the flood control in the Lower Yellow River. Unreasonable operation of the reservoir and incoming hyperconcentrated floods accom-panied by retrogressive erosion also aggravate the siltation of the main channel of the river. However, a reasonable operation mode of the reservoir so named"storing the clear (low sediment concentration) water in the non–flood season, and sluicing the muddy(high sediment concentration) water in the flood season" was found, which might mitigate the deposition in both the reservoir and the Lower Yellow River. This operation mode provides important experience for the design and operation of large reser-voirs in other large rivers carrying huge amounts of sediment.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple and stable procedure for the estimation of periods and dampings of piled shear buildings taking soil–structure interaction into account. A substructuring methodology that includes the three-dimensional character of the foundations is used. The structure is analyzed as founded on an elastic homogeneous half-space and excited by vertically incident S waves. The strategies proposed in the literature to estimate the period and damping are revised, and a modified strategy is proposed including crossed impedances and all damping terms. Ready-to-use graphs are presented for the estimation of flexible-base period and damping in terms of their fixed-base values and the system configuration. Maximum shear forces together with base displacement and rocking peak response are also provided. It is shown that cross-coupled impedances and kinematic interaction factors need to be taken into account to obtain accurate results for piled buildings.  相似文献   

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