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Abstract Base flows make up the flows of most rivers in Zimbabwe during the dry season. Prediction of base flows from basin characteristics is necessary for water resources planning of ungauged basins. Linear regression and artificial neural networks were used to predict the base flow index (BFI) from basin characteristics for 52 basins in Zimbabwe. Base flow index was positively related to mean annual precipitation (r = 0.71), basin slope (r = 0.76), and drainage density (r = 0.29), and negatively related to mean annual evapotranspiration (r = –0.74), and proportion of a basin with grasslands and wooded grasslands (r = –0.53). Differences in lithology did not significantly affect BFI. Linear regression and artificial neural networks were both suitable for predicting BFI values. The predicted BFI was used in turn to derive flow duration curves of the 52 basins and with R 2 being 0.89–0.99.  相似文献   


Flood data were assembled for 168 Scottish basins containing 3071 station-years of record. Multiple regression techniques were used to produce equations for predicting mean annual flood from physiographic and climatological basin characteristics. Mean annual rainfall (SAAR) gave better results than measures of extreme rainfall (M52D and RSMD). Percentage area of lake storage (LOCH) was found to be a better predictor than fraction of the basin draining through a lake (LAKE). Apart from SAAR and LOCH, the recommended equation requires the basin area (AREA), stream frequency (STMFRQ) and an index of the soil type (SOIL). Measures of average basin slope (AVES) and main stream slope (S1085) were not statistically significant. The standard error of the estimate of the predicted mean annual flood is 0.147. The equation has a coefficient of determination, R2, of 0.914 and appears robust over a wide range of basin types without requiring regionally derived multipliers or coefficients. No significant improvement in fit was acheived by ridge regression, Stein estimation or use of the influence function.  相似文献   


Based on a Chinese saying: “Even a clever housewife cannot cook a meal without rice”, a simple categorization of the methods for Predictions in Ungauged Basins (PUB) is proposed, including: Borrowing, obtaining hydrological information by transplanting measurements from a similar basin, or extrapolating/interpolating the data from neighbouring catchments; Substituting, finding substitutes either from the ungauged basin or from donating area(s); and Generating, obtaining data via field or laboratory observations. The Substituting category is classified further into: S1, substitution only from within the ungauged basin using fully process-based models without calibration; S2-1, from similar gauged basins using established index/distribution; S2-2, from various gauged basins using regression and/or process-based relationships between the climate/catchment features and hydrological signatures (CCH), and S3, from the information beyond the CCH relationship. Based on a review, the Darwinian S2-2 and Newtonian S1 were found to be the two most popular methods, both for China and worldwide PUB.
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz  相似文献   


The management of water resources requires knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of surface and groundwater resources, and an assessment of the influence of man on the hydrological regime.

For small water courses regional estimates can be made from representative basins which offer guidelines (1) for the computation of mean annual flow and in some cases for the determination of the statistical distribution of the annual flow; (2) for the computation of the 10-year flood maximum discharge and volume.

An example concerning the tropical African Sahel is given. From a general study of the daily precipitation, a simple rainfall/runoff model used on a daily basis and calibrated on data from representative basins, and also the direct comparison of results from 55 representative basins, statistical distribution curves were established for annual runoff based on mean annual precipitation and the geomorphological characteristics of the basins.

Another example concerning tropical Africa west of Congo presents a methodology for the computation of the 10-year flood (maximum discharge and volume).

The systematic study of 60 representative basins makes it possible to plot the runoff coefficient R/P as a function of basin climate, mean slope and soil permeability. Other curves are used to determine the time of rise and the base time of the hydrograph as a function of the basin area and the mean slope.

The experimental basin is a good tool for the assessment of the influence of man on hydrological parameters. An example shows the influence of land use on the regression between annual precipitation and annual runoff.  相似文献   


The baseflow characteristics of some of the numerous small basins in southeastern Nigeria have been analysed to estimate the developable groundwater in the basins. It is shown that from 5.62 × 104 to 1.59 × 106 m3 of groundwater can be developed per square kilometre of basin per annum. The relationship between the baseflow characteristics and other attributes of the basins, such as geology and stream density, were studied statistically, leading to the development of empirical equations for predicting the hydrological features of the several ungauged streams in the region. It is shown, for example, that the basin geology (represented as the percentage of sands), the drainage density, the basin area, the baseflow depletion rate and the total groundwater stored in the basin, Qtp, are related by the equation:

Qtp = ?1.85 × 109?7.96 × 108 dd+4.18 × 107 gf?2.01 × 106 df+6.25 × 105 wa

where dd is drainage density; gf geological factor; df depletion factor; and wa basin area.  相似文献   


After defining the several terms that have come to be used to describe basins of various types this paper deals with some of the problems of basin studies. The relative sizes of different basins is one such problem, overland flow and interflow are others. Simulation of basins is considered, particularly the use of the Stanford Watershed Model and how this model can be applied to investigate changes due to urbanization and deforestation. The future role of representative and experimental basins is discussed.  相似文献   


Shape indices have been in use for several decades to describe the characteristics and hydrological properties of drainage basins. Due to the fractal behaviour of the basin boundary, perimeter-based shape indices depend on the scale at which they are determined. Therefore, these indices cannot objectively compare drainage basins across a range of scales and basin sizes. This paper presents an objective GIS-based methodology for determining scale-dependent shape indices from gridded drainage basin representations. The scale effect is addressed by defining a representative scale at which the indices should be determined, based on a threshold symmetric difference between two grids representing the drainage basin at different resolutions.  相似文献   


To assess the predictive significance of meteorological parameters for forecasting discharge from the Dokriani Glacier basin in the Himalayan region, discharge autocorrelation and correlations between discharge and meteorological factors were investigated on a monthly and a seasonal basis. Changes in correlations between discharge and meteorological variables, lagged by 0–3 days, were determined. Discharge autocorrelation was found to be very high for each individual summer month and for the melt season as a whole. This suggests that a substantial meltwater storage in the glacier, which results in a delayed response of runoff, and therefore discharge, from the highly glacierized basins is very much dependent on the previous day's discharge. A comparison of correlations between discharge and temperature, and discharge and precipitation shows that temperature has a better correlation with discharge during June and September, while precipitation has good correlation with discharge in July and August. Variations in the physical features of the glacier, weather conditions, and precipitation and its distribution with time over the basin account for changes in correlations. To forecast the runoff from the Dokriani Glacier basin, multiple linear regression equations were developed separately for each month and for the whole melt season. A better forecast was obtained using the seasonal regression equation. A comparison of correlations for the Dokriani Glacier with those for the Z'mutt Glacier basin, Switzerland, illustrates that, for both basins, the previous day's discharge (Qi-1) shows maximum autocorrelation throughout the melt period. Whereas a good correlation between discharge and temperature was observed for the Z'mutt Glacier basin for the whole melt period, for the Dokriani Glacier basin it was strong at the beginning and end of the ablation season. Runoff delaying behaviour in the Dokriani Glacier basin is found more prominent than in the Z'mutt Glacier basin early in the melt season. Water storage appears to be less significant in the Dokriani Glacier than in the Z'mutt Glacier towards the end of the ablation season. The strength of correlation between discharge and precipitation is higher for the Dokriani Glacier basin than for the Z'mutt Glacier basin. This is due to higher rainfall in the Dokriani Glacier basin. In general, for both glacier basins, maximum correlation is found between discharge and precipitation on the same day.  相似文献   


A canonical correlation method for determining the homogeneous regions used for estimating flood characteristics of ungauged basins is described. The method emphasizes graphical and quantitative analysis of relationships between the basin and flood variables before the data of the gauged basins are used for estimating the flood variables of the ungauged basin. The method can be used for both homogeneous regions, determined a priori by clustering algorithms in the space of the flood-related canonical variables, as well as for “regions of influence” or “neighbourhoods” centred on the point representing the estimated location of the ungauged basin in that space.  相似文献   


Steep mountainous areas account for 70% of all river catchments in Japan. To predict river discharge for the mountainous catchments, many studies have applied distributed hydrological models based on a kinematic wave approximation with surface and subsurface flow components (DHM-KWSS). These models reproduce observed river discharge of catchments in Japan well; however, the applicability of a DHM-KWSS to catchments with different geographical and climatic conditions has not been sufficiently examined. This research applied a DHM-KWSS to two river basins that have different climatic conditions from basins in Japan to examine the transferability of the DHM-KWSS model structure. Our results show that the DHM-KWSS model structure explained flow regimes for a wet river basin as well as a large flood event in an arid basin; however, it was unable to explain long-term flow regimes for the arid basin case study.  相似文献   


The French national project IMAGINE2030 aims to assess future water availability in the Garonne River basin (southwest France) by taking account of changes in both climate and water management in the 2030s. Within this project, two mountainous drainage basins located in the Pyrenees were examined to assess the specific impact of climate change on reservoir management. The Salat River basin at Roquefort, is considered as a proxy (representative of a natural basin), whereas the Ariège River at Foix is influenced by hydropower production in winter and by water releases to sustain low flows in summer. The Cequeau rainfall–runoff model, combined with a simplified model of reservoir management operations, was calibrated on present-day conditions and forced with climate projections derived from the IPCC AR4 report. The results show that a warming climate over the basins induces a decrease in mean annual runoff, a shift to earlier snow melting in mountainous areas and more severe low-flow conditions. The simulations show a decrease in electricity generation. Under two water management scenarios (one “business-as-usual” and the other incorporating an increased downstream water demand in compliance with requirements for increased minimum flow), simulations for the Ariège River basin suggest an earlier filling of the reservoir is necessary in winter to anticipate the increased release from reservoirs in summer to support minimum flow farther downstream.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Hughes

Citation Hendrickx, F. and Sauquet, E., 2013. Impact of warming climate on water management for the Ariège River basin (France). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (5), 976–993.  相似文献   


The spatial variability of the factors of the universal soil loss equation is examined on the mediterranean basin of Conca de Tremp covering 43.1 km2 in Spain. The evaluation of the rainfall erosivity R and the soil erodibility K is relatively straightforward and spatially-averaged values of these parameters can be applied to the entire basin. Conversely, the spatial variability of annual soil erosion losses on large basins depends primarily on the factors L, S and C describing topographic, vegetation and land use parameters. A grid size analysis of soil erosion losses from the Conca de Tremp basin under mediterranean climatic conditions in Spain shows excellent agreement with the earlier results on the Chaudière basin in Canada. It is concluded for both basins that unbiassed estimates of soil erosion losses are obtained for grid sizes less than about 0.125 km2. The analysis of the Conca de Tremp basin validates the use of the grid size factor proposed by Julien & Frenette (1987). It is also found that the grid size factor primarily depends on the average slope gradient which decreases with increasing grid size or drainage area. On the other hand, the grid size factor does not depend on the spatial variability of the factors R, K, L and C.  相似文献   


Recent developments in hydrological modelling of river basins are focused on prediction in ungauged basins, which implies the need to improve relationships between model parameters and easily-obtainable information, such as satellite images, and to test the transferability of model parameters. A large-scale distributed hydrological model is described, which has been used in several large river basins in Brazil. The model parameters are related to classes of physical characteristics, such as soil type, land use, geology and vegetation. The model uses two basin space units: square grids for flow direction along the basin and GRU—group response units—which are hydrological classes of the basin physical characteristics for water balance. Expected ranges of parameter values are associated with each of these classes during the model calibration. Results are presented of the model fitting in the Taquari-Antas River basin in Brazil (26 000 km2 and 11 flow gauges). Based on this fitting, the model was then applied to the Upper Uruguay River basin (52 000 km2), having similar physical conditions, without any further calibration, in order to test the transferability of the model. The results in the Uruguay basin were compared with recorded flow data and showed relatively small errors, although a tendency to underestimate mean flows was found.  相似文献   

Assessments of hydrological response to climatic changes are characterized by different types of uncertainties. Here, the uncertainty caused by weather noise associated with the chaotic character of atmospheric processes is considered. A technique for estimating such uncertainty in simulated water balance components based on application of the land surface model SWAP and the climate model ECHAM5 is described. The technique is applied for estimating the uncertainties in the simulated water balance components (precipitation, river runoff and evapotranspiration) of some northern river basins of Russia. It is shown that the larger the area of a basin the less the uncertainty. This dependency is smoothed by differences in natural conditions of the basins. Analysis of the spectral densities of water balance components shows that a river basin filters out high-frequency harmonics of spectral density of precipitation (corresponding to synoptic or sub-seasonal scale) during its transformation into evapotranspiration and especially into runoff.
EDITOR D. Koutsoyiannis

ASSOCIATE EDITOR H. Kreibich  相似文献   


A major goal in hydrological modelling is to identify and quantify different sources of uncertainty in the modelling process. This paper analyses the structural uncertainty in a streamflow modelling system by investigating a set of models with increasing model structure complexity. The models are applied to two basins: Kielstau in Germany and XitaoXi in China. The results show that the model structure is an important factor affecting model performance. For the Kielstau basin, influences from drainage and wetland are critical for the local runoff generation, while for the XitaoXi basin accurate distributions of precipitation and evapotranspiration are two of the determining factors for the success of the river flow simulations. The derived model uncertainty bounds exhibit appropriate coverage of observations. Both case studies indicate that simulation uncertainty for the low-flow period contributes more to the overall uncertainty than that for the peak-flow period, although the main hydrological features in these two basins differ greatly.

Citation Zhang, X. Y., Hörmann, G., Gao, J. F. & Fohrer, N. (2011) Structural uncertainty assessment in a discharge simulation model. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(5), 854–869.  相似文献   


Rainfall and runoff depths were analysed for 47 storms recorded on three urban drainage basins in Canberra, Australia. Three runoff mechanisms have been identified: runoff generated on effective impervious surfaces in all storms; runoff from pervious areas of small storage capacity during both large and small storms; and runoff from pervious areas of large storage capacity for larger storms. The data indicate that pervious surface runoff is generated on only a small part of the total basin area.  相似文献   


Estimates of potential evapotranspiration (PET) and reference evapotranspiration (RET) were compared over the Mekong and Yellow river basins, representing humid and semi-arid Asian monsoon regions. Multiple regression relationships between monthly RET, PET, LAI (leaf area index) and climatic variables were explored for different vegetation types. Over the Mekong River basin, the spatial average of RET is only 1.7% lower than PET; however, RET is 140% higher than PET over parts of the Tibetan Plateau, due to the short and sparse grassland, and 30% lower than PET in parts of the lower basin due to the tall and well-developed forests. Over the Yellow River basin, RET is estimated to be higher than PET, on average about 50% higher across the whole basin, due to the generally sparse vegetation. A close linear relationship between annual RET and PET allows the establishment of a regional regression to predict monthly PET from monthly RET, climatic variables and/or vegetation LAI. However, the large prediction errors indicate that the Shuttleworth-Wallace (S-W) model, although it is more complex, should be recommended due to its more robust physical basis and because it successfully accounts for the effect of changing land surface conditions on PET. The limited available field data suggest that the S-W estimate may be more realistic. It was also found that vegetation conditions in summer are primarily controlled by the regional antecedent precipitation in the cold and dry seasons over the Loess Plateau in the middle reaches of the Yellow River.  相似文献   


Abstract Assessment of the impacts of mining and reclamation, and design of management practices to reduce chemical loads in stream channels, require knowledge of changing hydrological conditions and of changing sources and rates of release of chemicals into stream waters. One simple method for evaluating these impacts is to combine flow duration curves with regression relations between surface-water chemical concentrations (C) and instantaneous discharge (Q). However, little is known regarding the drainage basin-scale effects of mining and reclaiming drainage basins on regression relations. These effects were assessed on three small experimental drainage basins in Ohio subjected to surface mining for coal. Comparisons were made between regression parameter changes for natural/undisturbed conditions, land disturbances caused by mining and reclamation, incomplete reclamation, and the final condition of the reclaimed drainage basins. Regression analysis used a total of 5047 laboratory analyses of 36 constituents. Of 429 regressions, 153 (36%) were statistically significant. Knowledge of changes in regression parameters is important because regressions supply information on the rate of release and supply of chemical constituents in mined and reclaimed drainage basins. Duration curves of concentration and loads can be constructed using these regressions with flow–duration curves to give estimates of the percentage of time that concentrations and loads are exceeded during different phases of disturbance. This study assessed the changes in regression relations due to mining coal seams and reclamation activities for 36 chemical constituents, two mining methods, three reclamation practices and three distinct geologic settings.  相似文献   

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