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The Hronov-Po?í?í Fault Zone (HPFZ) is an active tectonic area with regularly occurring shallow earthquakes up to magnitude 5. For their exact locations, at least an average velocity model of the area is needed. A method of measuring local phase velocities of surface waves using the array of stations deployed permanently in the HPFZ is introduced. Seven regional and teleseismic events are selected to represent different backazimuths of propagation. Applicable range of periods is estimated for each event. The coherency of the waves reaching the array is constraining the short period range. The dimension of the array is a limiting factor for the long-periods. A dispersion curve of Rayleigh wave phase velocity measured at the vertical component and characterizing 1D properties of the target area is determined using the seven measurements for the interval from 1 to 40 s. An isometric method is used to invert the determined dispersion curve for shear and longitudinal velocity distribution from the surface to the depth of 65 km.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the tectonic history and describes the paleostress evolution of the Hronov-Po?í?í Fault Zone in the northeastern part of the Bohemian Massif. A detailed structural research has been carried out in 50 localities. Faults and fractures have been investigated and measured. An analysis of the fault-slip data within the studied area resulted in the identification of four tectonic phases. The maximum principal stress was observed to be acting NE-SW during the first and youngest phase. The trend of the horizontal compression runs at 223° in the horizontal plane perpendicular to the reverse faults occurring in this phase, as well as to the studied fault zone. The minimum principal stress was found to be subvertical dipping at 87° and trending at 358°. Both the brittle tectonic investigations and paleostress analysis have documented that, at present, the Hronov-Po?í?í Fault Zone is under compressive regime with dextral component.  相似文献   

Global climate during the Jurassic has been commonly described as a uniform greenhouse climate for a long time.However,the climate scenario of a cool episode during the Callovian-Oxfordian transition following by a warming trend during the Oxfordian(163.53 to157.4 Ma) is documented in many localities of the western Tethys.It is still unclear if a correlatable climate scenario also occurred in the eastern Tethys during the same time interval.In this study,a detailed geochemical analysis on the 1060 m thick successions(the Xiali and Suowa formations) from the Yanshiping section of the Qiangtang Basin,located in the eastern Tethys margin during the Callovian-Oxfordian periods,was performed.To reveal the climate evolution of the basin,carbonate content and soluble salt concentrations(SO_4~(2-),Cl~-) were chosen as climatic indices.The results show that the overall climate patterns during the deposition of the Xiali and Suowa formations can be divided into three stages:relatively humid(~164.0 to 160.9 Ma),dry(~160.9 to159.6 Ma),semi-dry(~159.6 to 156.8 Ma).A similar warming climate scenario also occurred in eastern Tethys during the Callovian-Oxfordian transition(~160.9 to159.6 Ma).Besides,we clarify that the Jurassic True polar wander(TPW),the motion of the lithosphere and mantle with respect to Earth's spin axis,inducing climatic shifts were responsible for the aridification of the Qiangtang Basin during the Callovian-Oxfordian transition with a review of the paleolatitude of the Xiali formation(19.7+2.8/-2.6° N) and the Suowa formation(20.7+4.1/-3.7° N).It is because the TPW rotations shifted the East Asia blocks(the North and South China,Qiangtang,and Qaidam blocks) from the humid zone to the tropical/subtropical arid zone and triggered the remarkable aridification during the Middle-Late Jurassic(ca.165-155 Ma).  相似文献   


Multisource rainfall products can be used to overcome the absence of gauged precipitation data for hydrological applications. This study aims to evaluate rainfall estimates from the Chinese S-band weather radar (CINRAD-SA), operational raingauges, multiple satellites (CMORPH, ERA-Interim, GPM, TRMM-3B42RT) and the merged satellite–gauge rainfall products, CMORPH-GC, as inputs to a calibrated probability distribution model (PDM) on the Qinhuai River Basin in Nanjing, China. The Qinhuai is a middle-sized catchment with an area of 799 km2. All sources used in this study are capable of recording rainfall at high spatial and temporal resolution (3 h). The discrepancies between satellite and radar data are analysed by statistical comparison with raingauge data. The streamflow simulation results from three flood events suggest that rainfall estimates using CMORPH-GC, TRMM-3B42RT and S-band radar are more accurate than those using the other rainfall sources. These findings indicate the potential to use satellite and radar data as alternatives to raingauge data in hydrological applications for ungauged or poorly gauged basins.  相似文献   

Garnet geochronology was used to provide the first direct measurement of the timing of eclogitization in the central Himalaya. Lu–Hf dates from garnet separates in one relict eclogite from the Arun River Valley in eastern Nepal indicate an age of 20.7 ± 0.4 Ma, significantly younger than ultra-high pressure eclogites from the western Himalaya, reflecting either different origins or substantial time lags in tectonics along strike. Four proximal garnet amphibolites from structurally lower horizons are 14–15 Ma, similar to post-eclogitization ages published for rocks along strike in southern Tibet. PT calculations indicate three metamorphic episodes for the eclogite: i) eclogite-facies metamorphism at ~ 670 °C and ≥ 15 kbar at 23–16 Ma; ii) a peak-T granulite event at ~ 780 °C and 12 kbar; and iii) late-stage amphibolite-facies metamorphism at ~ 675 °C and 6 kbar at ~ 14 Ma. The garnet amphibolites were metamorphosed at ~ 660 °C. Three models are considered to explain the observed PTt evolution. The first assumes that the Main Himalayan Thrust (basal thrust of the Himalayan thrust system) cuts deeper at Arun than elsewhere. While conceptually the simplest, this model has difficulty explaining both the granulite-facies overprint and the pulse of exhumation between 25 and 14 Ma. A second model assumes that (aborted) subduction, slab breakoff, and ascent of India's leading edge occurred diachronously: ~ 50 Ma in the western Himalaya, ~ 25 Ma in the central Himalaya of Nepal, and presumably later in the eastern Himalaya. This model explains the PTt path, particularly heating during initial exhumation, but implies significant along-strike diachroneity, which is generally lacking in other features of the Himalaya. A third model assumes repeated loss of mantle lithosphere, first by slab breakoff at ~ 50 Ma, and again by delamination at ~ 25 Ma; this model explains the PTt path, but requires geographically restricted tectonic behavior at Arun. The PTt history of the Arun eclogites may imply a change in the physical state of the Himalayan metamorphic wedge at 16–25 Ma, ultimately giving rise to the Main Central Thrust by 15–16 Ma.  相似文献   

A 4.8 m long gravity core was recovered on a relative topographic high in the northern part of the Marsili Basin (southern Tyrrhenian Sea) at a water depth of 3200 m. The core was taken in order to decipher the sedimentary record of the past volcanic events of the nearby Aeolian arc. A succession of thin (2 cm to 5 cm thick) fine-grained turbidites, mainly of volcaniclastic origin, topped by hemipelagic mud layers and a number of primary tephra layers were recovered by the core. The most prominent turbidite occurs in the lower part of the core at 385 cm. It consists of a 20 cm-thick, thinning-upward, pebble to sand-sized bed.  相似文献   

During long-lived basaltic eruptions, overflows from lava channels and breaching of channel levées are important processes in the development of extensive 'a'ā lava flow-fields. Short-lived breaches result in inundation of areas adjacent to the main channel. However, if a breach remains open, lava supply to the original flow front is significantly reduced, and flow-field widening is favoured over lengthening. The development of channel breaches and overflows can therefore exert strong control over the overall flow-field development, but the processes that determine their location and frequency are currently poorly understood. During the final month of the 2008–2009 eruption of Mt. Etna, Sicily, a remote time-lapse camera was deployed to monitor events in a proximal region of a small ephemeral lava flow. For over a period of ~10 h, the flow underwent changes in surface elevation and velocity, repeated overflows of varying vigour and the construction of a channel roof (a required prelude to lava tube formation). Quantitative interpretation of the image sequence was facilitated by a 3D model of the scene constructed using structure-from-motion computer vision techniques. As surface activity waned during the roofing process, overflow sites retreated up the flow towards the vent, and eventually, a new flow was initiated. Our observations and measurements indicate that flow surface stagnation and flow inflation propagated up-flow at an effective rate of ~6 m h−1, and that these processes, rather than effusion rate variations, were ultimately responsible for the most vigorous overflow events. We discuss evidence for similar controls during levée breaching and channel switching events on much larger flows on Etna, such as during the 2001 eruption.  相似文献   

We present new space geodetic data indicating that the present slip rate on the Hunter Mountain–Panamint Valley fault zone in Eastern California (5.0 ± 0.5 mm/yr) is significantly faster than geologic estimates based on fault total offset and inception time. We interpret this discrepancy as evidence for an accelerating fault and propose a new model for fault initiation and evolution. In this model, fault slip rate initially increases with time; hence geologic estimates averaged over the early stages of the fault's activity will tend to underestimate the present-day rate. The model is based on geologic data (total offset and fault initiation time) and geodetic data (present day slip rate). The model assumes a monotonic increase in slip rate with time as the fault matures and straightens. The rate increase follows a simple Rayleigh cumulative distribution. Integrating the rate-time path from fault inception to present-day gives the total fault offset.  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - In order to look for climatological changes on significant wave height and wind magnitude distributions, two decades of altimeter data were analyzed in a monthly 1° ×...  相似文献   

By studying the light isotopic compositions of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, combined with previous research results on the ore-forming source of the deposit, the authors try to uncover its metallogenic origin. The δ18O and δ13C isotope signatures of dolomite samples vary between 10.2 and 13.0‰, and between-7.2 and-5.2‰, respectively, implying that the carbon derives from the upper mantle. δD and δ18O of quartz, biotite, and muscovite from different ore veins of ...  相似文献   

Products of subglacial volcanism can illuminate reconstructions of paleo-environmental conditions on both local and regional scales. Competing interpretations of Pleistocene conditions in south Iceland have been proposed based on an extensive sequence of repeating lava-and-hyaloclastite deposits in the Síða district. We propose here a new eruptive model and refine the glacial environment during eruption based on field research and analytical data for the Síða district lava/hyaloclastite units. Field observations from this and previous studies reveal a repeating sequence of cogenetic lava and hyaloclastite deposits extending many kilometers from their presumed eruptive source. Glasses from lava selvages and unaltered hyaloclastites have very low H2O, S, and CO2 concentrations, indicating significant degassing at or close to atmospheric pressure prior to quenching. We also present a scenario that demonstrates virtual co-emplacement of the two eruptive products. Our data and model results suggest repeated eruptions under thin ice or partially subaerial conditions, rather than eruption under a thick ice sheet or subglacial conditions as previously proposed.  相似文献   

This study presents the groundwater flow and salinity dynamics along a river estuary, the Werribee River in Victoria, Australia, at local and regional scales. Along a single reach, salinity across a transverse section of the channel (~80 m long) with a point bar was monitored using time-lapse electrical resistivity (ER) through a tidal cycle. Groundwater fluxes were concurrently estimated by monitoring groundwater levels and temperature profiles. Regional porewater salinity distribution was mapped using 6-km long longitudinal ER surveys during summer and winter. The time-lapse ER across the channel revealed a static electrically resistive zone on the side of the channel with a pronounced cut bank. Upward groundwater flux and steep vertical temperature gradients with colder temperatures deeper within the sediment suggested a stable zone of fresh groundwater discharge along this cut bank area. Generally, less resistive zones were observed at the shallow portion of the inner meander bank and at the channel center. Subsurface temperatures close to surface water values, vertical head gradients indicating both upward and downward groundwater flux, and higher porewater salinity closer to that of estuary water suggest strong hyporheic circulation in these zones. The longitudinal surveys revealed higher ER values along deep and sinuous segments and low ER values in shallow and straighter reaches in both summer and winter; these patterns are consistent with the local channel-scale observations. This study highlights the interacting effects of channel morphology, broad groundwater–surface water interaction, and hyporheic exchange on porewater salinity dynamics underneath and adjacent to a river estuary.  相似文献   

This paper reports geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of the Indosinian Yangba (215 Ma),Nanyili (225 Ma) and Mopi granitoids from the Bikou block of the northwestern margin of the Yangtze plate. These granitoids are enriched in Al (Al2O3:14.56%―16.48%) and Sr (352 μg/g―1047 μg/g),and depleted in Y (<16 μg/g) and HREE (e.g. Yb<1.61 μg/g),resulting in high Sr/Y (36.3―150) and (La/Yb)N (7.8―36.3) ratios and strongly fractionationed REE patterns. The Indosinian granotoids show initial Sr isotopic ratios (ISr) from 0.70419 to 70752,εNd(t) values from-3.1 to -8.5,and initial Pb isotopic ratios 206Pb/204Pb=17.891-18.250,207Pb/204Pb=15.494-15.575,and 208Pb/204Pb=37.788-38.335. Their geochemi-cal signatures indicate that the granitoids are adakitic. However,they are distinct from some adakites,generated by partial melting of subducted oceanic slab and/or underplated basaltic lower crust,be-cause they have high K (K2O: 1.49%―3.84%) and evolved Nd isotopic compositions,with older Nd iso-topic model ages (TDM=1.06―1.83 Ga). Geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions suggest that the magmas of the Insoninian adakitic rocks in the Bikou block were derived from partial melting of thick-ened basaltic lower crust. Combined with regional analyses,a lithospheric delamination model after collision between the North China and South China plates can account for the Indosinian adakitic magma generation. On the other hand,based on the Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic probing to the magma sources of the adakitic rocks,it is suggested that there is an unexposed continent-type basement under the exposed Bikou Group volcanic rocks. This can constrain on the Bikou Group volcanic rocks not to be MORB-or OIB-type.  相似文献   

The cratonization history of the North China Craton(NCC) and the nature of tectonothermal events are still highly controversial. Tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) gneisses, as the dominant lithological assemblages in Archean metamorphic terranes, can provide significant clues to the magmatic and metamorphic evolution of Precambrian crust. This study presents zircon laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometry U–Pb ages, trace-element, and in-situ LA-MC-ICPMS zircon Hf isotope data for the TTG gneisses from the Bengbu-Wuhe area on the southeastern margin of the NCC.Cathodoluminescence images and trace elements indicated that magmatic zircons display the characteristics of euhedral-subhedral crystals with oscillatory growth zoning structures, high RREE contents, marked Ce positive anomalies, and Pr–Eu negative anomalies. The metamorphic zircons display the spherical-oval crystals with distinct core-rim structures, high and homogeneous luminescent intensity, lower RREE, Nb, Ta, Hf contents,relative flat REE patterns, weak Ce positive anomalies, and Pr-Eu negative anomalies. The Ti–in–zircon geothermometer data indicate that the crystallization temperature of the TTG gneiss ranged from 754 to 868 ℃. Zircon U–Pb ages indicate that the TTG gneisses formed at 2.79–2.77 Ga and 2.50 Ga and underwent metamorphism at 2.57–2.52 Ga. The Hf isotopic data indicate that the magmatic zircons exhibit high, positive eHf(t) values close to those of the coeval depleted mantle, whereas the metamorphic zircons exhibit negative or nil eHf(t) values. This implies that the TTG gneisses were derived from the partial melting of the ~ 2.9–2.6 Ga juvenile crustal sources mixed with ~ 3.0–2.8 Ga ancient crustal materials.Combined with the regional tectonic evolution, we propose that the metamorphic basement at the southeastern margin of the NCC underwent episodic crustal growth at ~ 2.7 and ~ 2.5 Ga and subsequently underwent crustal reworking or re-melting of the ancient crust during the Neoarchean. The Neoarchean TTG gneisses might have been derived from the partial melting of lower crustal materials related to plate subduction.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the large-scale open field and solar activity at the second stage of the MHD process, including the origination and disappearance of the four-sector structure during the decline phase of cycle 23 (the stage when the blocking field is displaced from the main zone of active longitudes), has been considered. Extremely fast changes in the scales of one of new sectors (from an extremely small sector (“singularity”) to a usual sector that originated after the uniform expansion (“explosion”) of singularity with a “kick” into the zone of active longitudes, westward motion of the MHD disturbance front in the direction of solar rotation, and formation of an active quasi-rigidly corotating sector boundary responsible for the heliospheric storm of November 2004) have been detected in the field dynamics. It has been indicated that a very powerful group of sunspots AR 10656 (which disappeared after the explosion) with an area of up to 1540 ppmh (part per million hemisphere), a considerable deficit of the external energy release, and zero geoeffectiveness in spite of the closeness to the Earth helioprojection existed within singularity. It has been assumed that the energy escaped from this group with effort owing to the interaction between coronal ejections and narrow sector walls (singularity), and a considerable part of the energy was released in the outer layers of the convective zone, as a result of which singularity exploded and this explosion was accompanied by the above effects in the large-scale field and solar activity.  相似文献   

In 2023, two consecutive earthquakes exceeding a magnitude of 7 occurred in Türkiye, causing severe casualties and economic losses. The damage to critical urban infrastructure and building structures, including highways, railroads, and water supply pipelines, was particularly severe in areas where these structures intersected the seismogenic fault. Critical infrastructure projects that traverse active faults are susceptible to the influence of fault movement, pulse velocity, and ground motions. ...  相似文献   

New major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotope data are presented for basaltic glasses from active spreading centers (Central Lau Spreading Center (CLSC), Relay Zone (RZ) and Eastern Lau Spreading Center (ELSC)) in the Central Lau Basin, SW Pacific. Basaltic lavas from the Central Lau Basin are mainly tholeiitic and are broadly similar in composition to mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). Their generally high 87Sr/86Sr ratios, combined with relatively low 143Nd/144Nd ratios are more akin to MORB from the Indian rather than Pacific Ocean. In detail, the CLSC, RZ and ELSC lavas are generally more enriched in large ion lithophile elements (Rb, Ba, Sr, and K) than average normal-MORB, which suggests that the mantle beneath the Central Lau Basin was modified by subducted slab-derived components. Fluid mobile/immobile trace element and Sr – Nd isotope ratios suggest that the subduction components were essentially transferred into the mantle via hydrous fluids derived from the subducted oceanic crust; contributions coming from the subducted sediments are minor. Compared to CLSC lavas, ELSC and RZ lavas show greater enrichment in fluid mobile elements and depletion in high field strength elements, especially Nb. Thus, with increasing distance away from the arc, the influence of subduction components in the mantle source of Lau Basin lavas diminishes. The amount of hydrous fluids also influences the degree of partial melting of the mantle beneath the Central Lau Basin, and hence the degree of melting also decreases with increasing distance from the arc.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The analysis of Nb–Zr–Y systematics and thermal regimes of lithospheric mantle of the Siberian, Kaapvaal, North American, North...  相似文献   

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