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The Dakar region is a mega city with multiple contaminant sources from urban expansion as well as industrial and agricultural activities. The major part of the region is underlain by unconfined sandy aquifer, which is vulnerable to contaminants derived from human land use. At present, the contaminated groundwater which extends over a large area in the suburban zone of Thiaroye poses a threat to the future of this valuable resource, and more specifically, a health threat. This study focuses on nitrate pollution occurrences and associated processes using nitrate isotope data (15NNO3, 18ONO3) combined with environmental isotopic tracers (18O, 2H, and 3H). Samples from 36 wells were collected to determine the level, distribution, and sources of contamination in relation to land use. Results indicate that shallow groundwater in the urbanized area of Thiaroye shows distinct evidence of surface contamination with nitrate as much as 300 mg/l NO3?. In rural area not serviced by water supply distribution network, much higher NO3? contents were found in few wells due to household and livestock feedlots. In most groundwater samples δ15N values ranged from + 10 to + 22‰, indicative of predominantly human and animal wastes. This was confirmed by environmental isotope data which suggest a mixture of polluted recharge waters. By using the dual δ15N vs δ18O as well as δ15N vs NO3? approach, denitrification may occur to some extent but it is blurred by mixing with new infiltrated nitrates and cycling derived from continuous leaky septic system. Results suggest that nitrate contamination of the aquifer is a consequence of unregulated urbanisation (homemade latrines), continuing contaminant transfer in shallow water depth where aerobic conditions prevail. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Located at southern coast of China, the Pearl River Delta (PRD) is facing serious water problems in both quantity and quality after its rapid urbanization in the last decade. Most remarkably, the local groundwater, that was used to be the source of drinking water before the urbanization was polluted due to poor management of the septic tanks. In order to study the effects of suburban development on local groundwater flow and water quality in the PRD region, Fengcun of Guangzhou has been chosen as the study area. In Fengcun, drinking water was groundwater before the 1990s, but now piped reservoir water is used by each family because the groundwater has been polluted. This study clarifies the source and process of the groundwater pollution from septic tanks using isotopic and geochemical characteristics, especially nitrate (NO3?) concentrations. Water samples were collected from the wells and ponds in Fengcun in March and July 2005 and in July 2006. Based on the pe–pH diagram, NO3? and ammonium of groundwater are from the effect of human activities, rather than from nitrification and ammonification of N2. NO3? pollution of groundwater is from point sources, and NO3? concentrations decrease from northeast to southwest. Groundwater is polluted rapidly by the leakage of septic tanks. NO3? concentrations of pollution sources were lower than 20 mg l?1 in March 2005, but had increased to about 120 mg l?1 in July 2006. This implies that groundwater protection should be strengthened in rural areas of the PRD. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Drastic groundwater resource depletion due to excessive extraction for irrigation is a major concern in many parts of India. In this study, an attempt was made to simulate the groundwater scenario of the catchment using ArcSWAT. Due to the restriction on the maximum initial storage, the deep aquifer component in ArcSWAT was found to be insufficient to represent the excessive groundwater depletion scenario. Hence, a separate water balance model was used for simulating the deep aquifer water table. This approach is demonstrated through a case study for the Malaprabha catchment in India. Multi‐site rainfall data was used to represent the spatial variation in the catchment climatology. Model parameters were calibrated using observed monthly stream flow data. Groundwater table simulation was validated using the qualitative information available from the field. The stream flow was found to be well simulated in the model. The simulated groundwater table fluctuation is also matching reasonably well with the field observations. From the model simulations, deep aquifer water table fluctuation was found very severe in the semi‐arid lower parts of the catchment, with some areas showing around 60 m depletion over a period of eight years. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of storm events on nitrate (NO3?) dynamics is important for efficiently managing NO3? pollution. In this study, five sites representing a downstream progression of forested uplands underlain by resistant sandstone to karst lowlands with agricultural, urban and mixed land‐use were established in Spring Creek, a 201 km2 mixed land‐use watershed in central Pennsylvania, USA. At each site, stream water was monitored during six storm events in 2005 to assess changes in stable isotopes of NO3?15N‐NO3? and δ18O‐NO3?) and water (δ18O‐H2O) from baseflow to peakflow. Peakflow fractions of event NO3? and event water were then computed using two‐component mixing models to elucidate NO3? flow pathway differences among the five sites. For the forested upland site, storm size appeared to affect NO3? sources and flow pathways. During small storms (<35 mm rainfall), greater event NO3? fractions than event water fractions indicated the prevalence of atmospheric NO3? source contributions at peakflow. During larger storms (>35 mm rainfall), event NO3? fractions were less than event water fractions at peakflow suggesting that NO3? was flushed from stored sources via shallow subsurface flow pathways. For the urbanized site, wash‐off of atmospheric NO3? was an important NO3? source at peakflow, especially during short‐duration storms where event water contributions indicated the prevalence of overland flow. In the karst lowlands, very low fractions of event water and even lower fractions of event NO3? at peakflow suggested the dominance of ground water flow pathways during storms. These ground water flow pathways likely flushed stored NO3? sources into the stream, while deep soils in the karst lowlands also may have promoted NO3? assimilation. The results of this study illustrated how NO3? isotopes and δ18O‐H2O could be combined to show key differences in water and NO3? delivery between forested uplands, karst valleys and fully urbanized watersheds. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Measurement of the stable isotopes oxygen‐18 and deuterium in water is an important tool to characterize aquifer recharge sources. In the driest areas of the Mediterranean, this application is of special interest due to the scarcity of water and the resulting common incidence of human influence on natural hydrological systems. The Motril‐Salobreña detrital aquifer (southern Spain) is a clear example of such an impact as inhabitants have designed irrigation systems and a dam was recently built across the course of the Guadalfeo River, which feeds the aquifer. The sampling of (river or ground) water has allowed the determination of stable isotope contents (oxygen‐18 and deuterium), both temporally and spatially, and the relative importance of the main recharge sources in certain sectors. In addition, we were able to infer seasonal trends and to improve existing knowledge of the main flow paths and the position of a seasonal groundwater divide. Data analysis shows evaporation plays a minor role (despite the high temperatures in the zone), scarce rainwater influence, and the overwhelming contribution of recharge from the Guadalfeo River and from the carbonate aquifer (Escalate aquifer) in contact with the Motril‐Salobreña aquifer. Irrigation return flow during the summer months comprises the main recharge due to the significant volumes of water that infiltrate. The construction of the dam will almost certainly entail great changes in the current dynamics of the hydrogeology of the Motril‐Salobreña aquifer; therefore, knowledge of its behaviour is crucial in order to carry out sustainable use of its groundwater resources. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

崔玉环  王杰  郝泷  董斌  高祥 《湖泊科学》2021,33(2):474-482
考虑流域地理特征的空间分异,以升金湖流域人口/农业集约区大渡口(DDK)与森林子流域唐田河(TTH)为研究区,利用贝叶斯同位素混合模型分别解析这2个子流域硝酸盐来源的贡献率,并分析其不确定性. 研究表明:(1)地下水中,DDK?TTH硝酸盐均主要来源于粪便/污水,贡献率可达65%以上,粪便/污水通过土壤下渗导致地下水硝...  相似文献   


Irrigation practice has increased considerably recently and will continue to increase to feed a growing population and provide better life standards worldwide. Numerous studies deal with the hydrological impacts of irrigation, but little is known about the temporal evolution of the affected variables. This work assesses the effects on a gully after irrigation was implemented in its hydrological basin (7.38 km2). Flow, electrical conductivity, nitrate concentration and exported loads of salts and nitrates were recorded in Lerma gully (Zaragoza, Spain) for eight hydrological years (2004–2011), covering the periods before, during and after implementation of irrigation. Non-parametric statistical analysis was applied to understand relationships and trends. The results showed the correlation of irrigation with flow and the load of salts and nitrates exported, although no significant relationship with precipitation was detected. The implementation of irrigation introduced annual trends in flow (3.2 L s-1, +23%), salinity (–0.38 mS cm-1, –9%), and nitrate concentration (5.4 mg L-1, +8%) in the gully. In addition, the annual loads of contaminants exported increased (salts and nitrates, 27.3 Mg km-2 year-1, +19%, and 263 kg NO3-N km-2 year-1, +27%, respectively). The trends presented a strong seasonal pattern, with higher and more significant trends for the irrigation season. The changes observed were different from those of larger irrigation districts or regional basins, due to the differences in land use and irrigation management. It is important to understand these changes in order to achieve an adequate management of the environment and water resources.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Merchán, D., Causapé, J., and Abrahão, R., 2013. Impact of irrigation implementation on hydrology and water quality in a small agricultural basin in Spain. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (7), 1400–1413.  相似文献   

This study employs stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes as natural tracers to assess the headwater of a landslide next to a drainage divide and the importance of the slope's headwater in the study area. The study is undertaken near Wu‐She Township in the mountains of central Taiwan. Because a reservoir is located on the other side of the divide, this study evaluates the relationship between the reservoir water and headwater of the landslide as well. Over a 1‐year period, water samples from September 2008 to September 2009, including local precipitation (LP), Wu‐She Reservoir's water (WSRW), slope groundwater (SGW), upper‐reach stream water (USTW), and down‐reach stream water (DSTW), were analysed for deuterium (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) stable isotopes. Results indicate that WSRW is the predominant component in SGW: approximately 70% of SGW originates from WSRW and 30% from LP based on a two end‐member mass‐balance mixing model for δ18O. The similar two end‐member mixing model is also employed to assess the contributions of USTW and SGW to DSTW. Model results indicate that SGW is the major source of DSTW with a contribution of about 67%. Accordingly, about 47% of DSTW sources from the WSRW. In short, owing to reservoir leakage, WSRW contributes the greater part of both SGW and DSTW. Plentiful WSRW in SGW threatens the stability of the slope in the divide area. To avoid subsequent continuous slope failure, necessary mitigation steps are required. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ground water from springs and public supply wells was investigated for hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes of 3H, 18O and D in Jeju volcanic island, Korea. The wells are completed in a basaltic aquifer and the upper part of hydrovolcanic sedimentary formation. Nitrate contamination is conspicuous in the coastal area where most of the samples have nitrate concentrations well above 1 mg NO3 N/l. Agricultural land use seems to have a strong influence on the distribution of nitrate in ground water. Comparison of stable isotopic compositions of precipitation and ground water show that ground water mostly originates from rainy season precipitation without significant secondary modification and that local recharge is dominant. 3H concentration of ground water ranged from nearly zero to 5 TU and is poorly correlated with vertical location of well screens. The occurrence of the 3H‐free, old ground water is due to the presence of low permeability layers near the boundary of the basaltic aquifer and the hydrovolcanic sedimentary formation, which significantly limits ground water flow from the upper basaltic aquifer. The old ground water exhibited background‐level nitrate concentrations despite high nitrate loadings, whereas young ground water had considerably higher nitrate concentrations. This correlation of 3H and nitrate concentration may be ascribed to the history of fertilizer use that has increased dramatically since the early 1960s in the island. This suggests that 3H can be used as a qualitative indicator for aquifer vulnerability to nitrate contamination. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A two‐dimensional variable‐density groundwater flow and transport model was developed to provide a conceptual understanding of past and future conditions of nitrate (NO3) transport and estimate groundwater nitrate flux to the Gulf of Mexico. Simulation results show that contaminant discharge to the coast decreases as the extent of saltwater intrusion increases. Other natural and/or artificial surface waters such as navigation channels may serve as major sinks for contaminant loading and act to alter expected transport pathways discharging contaminants to other areas. Concentrations of NO3 in the saturated zone were estimated to range between 30 and 160 mg?L?1 as NO3. Relatively high hydraulic vertical gradients and mixing likely play a significant role in the transport processes, enhancing dilution and contaminant migration to depth. Residence times of NO3 in the deeper aquifers vary from 100 (locally) to about 300 years through the investigated aquifer system. NO3 mass fluxes from the shallow aquifers (0 to 5.7 × 104 mg?m?2?day?1) were primarily directed towards the navigation channel, which intersects and captures a portion of the shallow groundwater flow/discharge. Direct NO3 discharge to the sea (i.e. Gulf of Mexico) from the shallow aquifer was very low (0 to 9.0 × 101 mg · m?2?day?1) compared with discharge from the deeper aquifer system (0 to 8.2 × 103 mg?m?2?day?1). Both model‐calibrated and radiocarbon tracer‐determined contaminant flux estimates reveal similar discharge trends, validating the use of the model for density‐dependent flow conditions. The modelling approach shows promise to evaluate contaminant and nutrient loading for similar coastal regions worldwide. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the soil water dynamics and water percolation through the deep vadose zone. A calibrated HYDRUS‐1D model was used to simulate the process of soil water movement and the water budget. Based on the measured volumetric soil water contents, the model was well calibrated and validated. Then, we conducted scenario analyses to determine the combined effects of irrigation amount (IA), antecedent soil moisture (AM), crop evapotranspiration, and deep percolation (DP) in an irrigation event. Four IAs (5, 10, 15, and 20 cm) and three AM conditions (AM‐1, AM‐2, and AM‐3) were controlled in the scenario analyses. The results indicate that according to the Se's (effective saturation) values status and the observed or simulated depth, there could be different conclusions on the influence of DP. Under different IAs in dry (AM‐1) and medium (AM‐2) AM status, DP changed slightly; it was 0.39 and 2.47 cm in AM‐1 and 0.40 and 2.48 cm in AM‐2 for the summer maize and winter wheat crop, respectively; the AM had a crucial contribution to DP. While under the condition of wet AM (AM‐3) or small observation depth, the water inputs could have a significant effect on DP. According to increasing irrigation intensity, the higher values of Se (>0.6) in the whole profile were only displayed between 70 and 300 cm at AM‐1, 70–500 cm at AM‐2, and 70‐below 600 cm at AM‐3, which were gradually extended and moved down with increasing AM. Hence, the IA significantly affected the water percolation at a depth of 200 cm, whereas there was a weak influence at 600 cm except in AM‐3. Furthermore, in the higher values of the Se (>0.65) domain, the correlation between IA and DP was an exponential function and significantly under P < 0.05. In addition, DP began to occur when the soil water content was equal to or greater than 0.75 times that of the field water capacity or the Se > 0.65. When the coarse silt layer became embedded in the silt clay soil profile, it lagged the process of water transport but did not affect permeability in the end.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how irrigation processes affect local climate over arid areas. The chosen study area is northwest China, a typical arid region where three dominant land‐use types are irrigated cropland, grassland, and desert. Observational analysis indicates that the highest precipitation, the coolest surface temperatures, and the slowest warming trend are seen over irrigated cropland from 1979 to 2005. The single column atmospheric model (SCAM), developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), was used to investigate and better understand the differences in long‐term climate conditions and change over the above three land‐use types. The results indicate that local climate conditions are predominantly controlled by large‐scale forcing in this arid region and that local land surface forcing related to vegetation cover change and irrigation processes also has a significant impact. This study strongly suggests that a realistic climate forecast for this region can be achieved only with both accurate large‐scale and local climate forcing. The irrigated cropland of the region generates stronger evaporation that cools the surface and slows the warming trend more than does the evaporation from the natural grassland and desert. Stronger evaporation also significantly increases precipitation, potentially alleviating the stress of irrigation demands in arid regions. A series of sensitivity SCAM simulations indicate that a drier and warmer climate occurs with decreasing vegetation cover in the irrigated cropland region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

明晓星  杨平恒  谢世友  盛婷  罗丹 《湖泊科学》2019,31(5):1299-1309
地下水硝酸盐污染已成为一个普遍的环境问题.为研究重庆金佛山水房泉岩溶地下河系统的硝酸盐来源与转化,于2017年4-10月每24 d左右对地下河系统内的某酒店自来水、化粪池、1#落水洞、水房泉4个采样点开展监测,进行水化学和δ15Nnitrate、δ18Onitrate同位素分析.某酒店污水经化粪池处理后,由1#落水洞排入地下河,最后在水房泉排泄.结果表明:①水房泉NO3-浓度范围为4.65~10.20 mg/L,相对于我国生活饮用水标准处于较低水平;化粪池、1#落水洞、水房泉3个采样点电导率和NO3-、Cl-浓度的高值期与游客人数增多对应关系较好.②某酒店自来水δ15Nnitrate值为3.7‰~5.8‰、δ18Onitrate值为1.6‰~2.7‰,说明硝酸盐主要来源为土壤有机氮,处于自然背景值;1#落水洞δ15Nnitrate值为14.4‰~21.1‰、δ18Onitrate值为3.5‰~11.2‰,显示硝酸盐主要来源为粪肥污水;化粪池和水房泉的δ15Nnitrate值为3.7‰~17.0‰、δ18Onitrate值为-9.0‰~7.3‰,表明硝酸盐主要来源为土壤有机氮与粪肥污水,显示其硝酸盐主要污染源是酒店生活废污水.③某酒店自来水、水房泉地下水的硝酸盐转化过程以同化作用为主;化粪池污水以硝化作用为主,是岩溶地下河系统硝酸盐的重要来源之一;1#落水洞污水表现为反硝化作用.④基于SIAR模型对水房泉的硝酸盐来源进行定量解析,发现大气降水、土壤有机氮和粪肥污水的贡献率分别为28%、36%和36%左右.  相似文献   

Coastal areas are usually the preferred place of habitation for human beings. Anthropogenic activities such as the construction of high‐rise buildings and underground transport systems usually require extensive deep foundations and ground engineering works, which may unintentionally modify the coastal groundwater system because the construction materials of foundations are usually of low hydraulic conductivity. In this paper, the impact of these building foundations on the groundwater regime is studied using hypothetical flow and transport models. Various possible realizations of foundation distributions are generated using stochastic parameters derived from a topographical map of an actual coastal area in Hong Kong. The effective hydraulic conductivity is first calculated for different realizations and the results show that the effective hydraulic conductivity can be reduced significantly. Then a hypothetical numerical model based on FEFLOW is set up to study the change of hydraulic head, groundwater discharge, and saltwater‐fresh water interface. The groundwater level and flow are modified to various degrees, depending on the foundations percentage and the distribution pattern of the buildings. When the foundations percentage is high and the building foundations are aggregated, the hydraulic head is raised significantly and the originally one‐dimensional groundwater flow field becomes complicated. Seaward groundwater discharge will be reduced and some groundwater may become seepage through the ground surface. The transport model shows that, after foundations are added, overall the seawater and fresh groundwater interface moves landward, so extensive foundations may induce seawater intrusion. It is believed that the modification of the coastal groundwater system by building foundations may have engineering and environmental implications, such as submarine groundwater discharge, foundation corrosion, and slope stability. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Extensive nitrogen loads at the soil surface exceed plant uptake and soil biochemical capacity, and therefore lead to nitrogen accumulation in the deep vadose zone. Studies have shown that stored nitrogen in the vadose zone can eventually reach the water table and affect the quality of groundwater resources. Recently, global scale models have been implemented to quantify nitrate storage and nitrate travel time in the vadose zone. These global models are simplistic and relatively easy to implement and therefore facilitate analysis of the considered transport processes at a regional scale with no further requirements. However, the suitability of applying these models at a regional scale has not been tested. Here, we evaluate, for the first time, the performance and utility of global scale models at the regional scale. Applied to the Loess Plateau of China, we compare estimates of groundwater recharge and nitrate storage derived from global scale models with results from a regional scale approach utilizing the Richards and advection-dispersion equations. The estimated nitrate storage was compared to nitrate observations collected in the deep vadose zone (>50 m) at five sites across the Loess Plateau. Although both models predict similar spatial patterns of nitrate storage, the recharge fluxes were three times smaller and the nitrate storage was two times higher compared with the regional model. The results suggest that global scale models are a potentially useful screening tool, but require refinement for local scale applications.  相似文献   

Upper Klamath Lake (UKL) is the source of the Klamath River that flows through southern Oregon and northern California. The UKL Basin provides water for 81,000+ ha (200,000+ acres) of irrigation on the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Klamath Project located downstream of the UKL Basin. Irrigated agriculture also occurs along the tributaries to UKL. During 2013–2016, water rights calls resulted in various levels of curtailment of irrigation diversions from the tributaries to UKL. However, information on the extent of curtailment, how much irrigation water was saved, and its impact on the UKL is unknown. In this study, we combined Landsat-based actual evapotranspiration (ETa) data obtained from the Operational Simplified Surface Energy Balance model with gridded precipitation and U.S. Geological Survey station discharge data to evaluate the hydrologic impact of the curtailment program. Analysis was performed for 2004, 2006, 2008–2010 (base years), and 2013–2016 (target years) over irrigated areas above UKL. Our results indicate that the savings from the curtailment program over the June to September time period were highest during 2013 and declined in each of the following years. The total on-field water savings was approximately 60 hm3 in 2013 and 2014, 44 hm3 in 2015, and 32 hm3 in 2016 (1 hm3 = 10,000 m3 or 810.7 ac-ft). The instream water flow changes or extra water available were 92, 68, 45, and 26 hm3, respectively, for 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016. Highest water savings came from pasture and wetlands. Alfalfa showed the most decline in water use among grain crops. The resulting extra water available from the curtailment contributed to a maximum of 19% of the lake inflows and 50% of the lake volume. The Landsat-based ETa and other remote sensing datasets used in this study can be used to monitor crop water use at the irrigation district scale and to quantify water savings as a result of land-water management changes.  相似文献   

Urbanization negatively impacts water quality in streams by reducing stream-groundwater interactions, which can reduce a stream's capacity to naturally attenuate nitrate. Meadowbrook Creek, a first order urban stream in Syracuse, New York, has an inverse urbanization gradient, with heavily urbanized headwaters that are disconnected from the floodplain and downstream reaches that have intact riparian floodplains and connection to riparian aquifers. This system allows assessment of how stream-groundwater interactions in urban streams impact the net sources and sinks of nitrate at the reach scale. We used continuous (15-min) streamflow measurements and weekly grab samples at three gauging stations positioned longitudinally along the creek to develop continuous nitrate load estimates at the inlet and outlet of two contrasting reaches. Nitrate load estimates were determined using a USGS linear regression model, RLOADEST, and differences between loads at the inlet and outlet of contrasting reaches were used to quantify nitrate sink and source behaviour year-round. We observed a nitrate load of 1.4 × 104 kg NO3 per water year, on average, at the outlet of the urbanized reach while the nitrate load at the outlet of the downstream, connected reach was 1.0 × 104 kg NO3 per water year, on average. We found the more heavily urbanized, hydrologically-disconnected reach was a net source of nitrate regardless of season. In contrast, stream-groundwater exchange caused the hydrologically connected reach to be both a source and sink for nitrate, depending on time of year. Both reaches alter nitrate source and sink behaviour at various spatiotemporal scales. Groundwater connection in the downstream, connected reach reduces annual nitrate loads and provides more opportunities for sources and sinks of nitrate year-round than the hydrologically disconnected stream reach. Mechanisms include groundwater discharge into the stream with variable nitrate concentrations, surface-water groundwater interactions that foster denitrification, and stream load loss to surrounding near-stream aquifers. This study emphasizes how loads are important in understanding how stream-groundwater interactions impact reach scale nitrate export in urban streams.  相似文献   

Declining groundwater levels caused by irrigation is the main problem for agricultural development in Northern China. Due to both economics and increased population, surface water has become almost non‐existent and groundwater is the only water resource left. Currently the groundwater is declining at a rate between 50 and 100 cm per year. Sustainable development in Northern China requires effective management of the groundwater resources. In this study, the effect of future irrigation patterns on the decline of the groundwater table is examined with the aid of MODFLOW. MODFLOW was calibrated for five observation wells in the county. The calibrated model fitted the observed data well over a 7‐year period. The simulated results showed that the groundwater decline would be decreased, and perhaps halted, by decreasing the use of irrigation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stepwise hydrochemical and isotope-based methodology was adopted to identify mineralization processes, assess the impact of resources overexploitation and flood irrigation, and conceptualize groundwater hydrodynamics in the Djérid aquifer system, Tunisia. The study demonstrates that the main processes controlling groundwater geochemistry are dissolution of evaporates and phosphate-bearing rocks, cation exchange, mixing between high and low TDS end-members, and irrigation return flow. Interpretation of isotope data demonstrates that the deep aquifer was mostly recharged by late Pleistocene palaeowater, while the shallow aquifer is entirely recharged by return flow. The intermediate aquifer groundwater is actually a mixing of early to middle Holocene palaeowater, late Pleistocene deep aquifer palaeowater and return flow waters. The established conceptual model shows that deep and shallow groundwater leakages into the intermediate aquifer are enhanced by the presence of deep faults, the high hydraulic head of the deep aquifer, the overexploitation of the intermediate aquifer, and the long-term flood irrigation.  相似文献   

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