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J. Lehmann Th. Puff H. Damke J. Eidam K.-H. Henning W.-D. Jülich H. Roßberg 《洁净——土壤、空气、水》1999,27(5):321-324
The Odra river flood of 1997 was a rare hydrological as well as an interesting sedimentological event. At Hohenwutzen (Lower Odra River) we observed the suspended particulate matter transport and the temporal development of water and solidsπ pollution with heavy metals and As. While the suspended particulate matter concentration decreased the trace element concentrations increased during the flood by fractionation of particles and solution processes. Because of a successive flooding of differently contaminated sedimentary sources and polluted regions the contents of heavy metals developed irregularly. Their median particulate concentrations did not exceed the values of older samples taken under mean discharge conditions between 1989 and 1995. The dissolved amounts correspond to those of the Elbe river in 1990. During the flood the dissolved share of all analyzed total element contents increased. The total loads increased 4fold (Cr) to 17fold (Cd). 相似文献
At the beginning of August 1997, 72 samples of flood sediments were taken along the Upper and Middle Odra river and its tributaries. The concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Co, Ni, Cr, Mn, and Fe in the bulk samples and in the <20 μm fraction were determined by AAS method. The contents of metals vary in wide ranges and are significantly higher in the <20 μm fraction of sediments. The range concentrations vary as following: Zn 274...3 656 mg/kg, Pb 79...1 773 mg/kg, Cd 1.7...11.8 mg/kg, Cu 38...2 244 mg/kg, Cr 14...384 mg/kg, Co 4...73 mg/kg, Hg 0.2...3.9 mg/kg, Mn 214...6 972 mg/kg, and Fe 1.5...16.3 %. The highest amount of the metals was found in the Wrocław and Głogów regions. The mobile (exchangeable and carbonatic fractions) portions of metals reached up to 50 % of Zn, 40 % of Pb and Cu and 60 % of Mn. 相似文献
Immediately after the flood event in summer 1997 at the Odra river, samples of flood sediments were taken for a complex phase analysis. The realized investigations show that the sampled flood sediments are very inhomogeneous. The main reasons for this substantial condition are surely different states of flow during the flood event. It is possible to characterize the investigated material as middle to fine sands with variable phase compositions. The mineral content of the fraction <2 μm shows a complex composition of amorphous matter, quartz, feldspars, and a different composed clay mineral matter. A high distribution of several mixed layers in the clay mineral phase is detectable. Within the scope of the taken analyses the following minerals were detected: kaolinite (disordered), kaolinite/smectite-mixed layer, chlorite/smectite-mixed layer, montmorillonite, illite/smectite-mixed layer, celadonite. The investigation of the heavy fraction shows heavy minerals and heavy particles of different geneses. Mainly these are geogenic, transparent heavy minerals like zircon, amphibole, garnet, pyroxene, apatite, rutile, and epidote. Furthermore there were analysed geogenic, opaque heavy minerals (magnetite and ilmenite), anthropogenic, opaque heavy particles (fly ashes and slags), and biogenic components (pyrite framboids). The substantial character of the investigated flood sediments (e.g. content of organic matter, content of clay minerals) shows that this material is able to act as a fixation medium of contaminants. 相似文献
The flood in the Odra river in 1997 has led to considerable additional pollution of the Stettin Lagoon and the Baltic Sea with contaminated suspended solids. For some priority substances, the pollutant entries via suspended solids during the flood period are estimated to be approximately 1/3 of the usual annual load. Among these priority pollutants there are total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen, and the heavy metals Cu, Pb and Zn. For the concentrations of the priority pollutants in suspended solids accumulation factors from 2 to 4 in the comparison with normal conditions were observed. On the basis of the analysis of sediments sampled after the flood, main sources of the pollutants should be evaluated. As reference area with an industrial background as well as a typical pollutant pattern the region around Glogow/Legnica is proposed. 相似文献
Changes in the levels and spatial distribution of PAHs as a consequence of the Oder flood in the summer of 1997 were investigated in post‐flood sediments from the Oder River and the Oder Lagoon. The aim of this study was to identify sources of the PAH pollution and in particular investigate polluted sites (“hot spots”) in the most highly suspected locations of the drainage area. Molecular indices based on isomeric PAH ratios and the ratio of the parent PAHs to methylated PAHs were used to distinguish between the pollution sources. Elevated levels of PAHs were discovered in the post‐flood sediments of the Oder River in comparison to the average regional values. Elevated concentrations of PAHs were also found in fluffy layer samples taken from the Oder Lagoon and the Pomeranian Bight in late August. The highest concentrations of PAHs were observed near power plants or roads with heavy traffic. Most of the contamination originates from high temperature pyrogenic sources with some slight overlays of petrogenic sources. These increased concentrations of pyrogenic origin may be attributable to flooding of municipal and industrial waste disposal areas in the Oder River drainage. 相似文献
The variability of flow in river channels influences the spatial and temporal variability of many biophysical processes including the transport of sediment and waterborne pollutants and the recruitment of aquatic animals and plants. In this study, inter- and intra-basin patterns of flood variability are examined for catchments east of Australia’s Great Dividing Range. Three measures of flood variability are explored with uncertainty quantified using bootstrap resampling. The two preferred measures of flood variability (namely a flood quantile ratio and a power law scaling coefficient) produced similar results. Catchments in the wet tropics of far north Queensland experience low flood variability. Flood variability increased southwards through Queensland, reaching a maximum in the vicinity of the Fitzroy and Burnett River basins. The small near-coast catchments of southern Queensland and northern New Wales experience low flood variability. Flood variability is also high in the southern Hunter River and Hawkesbury–Nepean basins. Using L-moment ratio diagrams with data from 424 streamflow stations, we also conclude that the Generalised Pareto distribution is preferable for modelling flood frequency curves for this region. These results provide a regional perspective that can be used to develop new hypotheses about the effects of hydrologic variability on the biophysical characteristics of these Australian rivers. 相似文献
Changes in the levels and spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as a consequence of the Oder flood in the summer of 1997 were investigated in surface water samples and fluffy layer material from the Oder Lagoon and the Pomeranian Bight. The measurements of the contaminants were complemented by satellite data to describe the spreading of the Oder flood discharge including the distribution of the particulate material. During the flood elevated levels of PAHs were discussed in the surface water and fluffy layer material of the Oder River Estuary in comparison to the average values in this region. These increased concentrations were attributed to flooding of municipal and industrial waste disposal areas in the drainage area of the Oder River. The meteorological conditions during the sampling period were characterized by predominant easterly winds, which guided the river plume along the German coast into the Arkona Sea, as verified by satellite observations. The highest concentrations of PAHs were observed near the mouth of the Swina and along the main direction of the river plume. Elevated concentrations of PAHs were also found in fluffy layer samples taken from the Oder Lagoon in late August. As derived from satellite data the eastern and the western parts of the lagoon differed in their SPM load during the entire flood period. The eastern part was covered by Oder water, while the western part contained a mixture of Oder Lagoon water. The highest concentrations of PAHs were not observed in the western part with the highest suspended matter values, but in the eastern part where the flood water entered the lagoon. Despite the significantly increased PAH levels measured during the flood, all measured concentrations were below the values that are considered to pose a risk to the ecosystem. 相似文献
Fourteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), six monosaccharides (SA) formed following the hydrolysis of polysaccharides, as well as water and organic matter contents were determined in river sediments sampled in thirteen points in the Odra basin after the catastrophic flood of 1997. The water content is related to the water absorbing capacity of the soil in the Odra catchment area. The PAH content increases together with the increase in the organic matter (OM) content which suggests that these species are mainly of anthropogenic origin. On the other hand, SA and OM contents decrease with increasing water content, which implies that both enhance biological life. The PAH content tends to decrease when the SA content increases. This relation goes hand in hand with the quality of water resources, which is greater when the quantity of polysaccharides is higher. 相似文献
M. Protasowicki E. Niedz?agwiecki W. Ciereszko A. Perkowska E. Meller 《洁净——土壤、空气、水》1999,27(5):338-342
The concentration of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Mn) and chloroorganic substances (γ-HCH, ΣDDT, PCB) in surface sediments of the Western and the Eastern Odra River was analyzed after the 1997 flood and compared with data from 1995. The research has shown that, like in 1995, the Western Odra sediments were more contaminated with heavy metals and PCBs than the Eastern Odra ones. In comparison with the state of 1995, after the flood in both arms of the Odra, the amount of Cr, Mn, and PCBs has increased while the amount of Pb concentration decreased. The levels of Cd, Zn, and Ni have remained unchanged. The changes of the other pollutants were not so clear. The concentration of Hg and Cu increased in the Western Odra, while it decreased in the Eastern Odra; changes of γ-HCH and ΣDDT content were inverted. 相似文献
The Odra river flood of July through August 1997 transported a large additional volume of water into the Szczecin Lagoon area for a period of about one month. The dispersion of this water in the Szczecin Lagoon and Pomeranian Bight was simulated using the operational hydrodynamic model of the North Sea and Baltic Sea operated by the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany (BSH). The model system receives as input meteorological forecast fields from the EUROPA model of the German Weather Service. As a result of the model simulation, the temporal development of the river plume can be described as follows: First the eastern part of Szczecin Lagoon, the Zalew Wielki, filled with flood water displacing θnormalρ Odra river water from that area. After about a week, Odra river flood water started to flow into the Pomeranian Bight. Its dispersion within Szczecin Lagoon was by no means uniform. The Kleines Haff, the western part of the Lagoon, was not much affected at first. When large labelled water masses had already left the Zalew Wielki area through the Swina river, at most only about half the water volume in Kleines Haff had been replaced by Odra flood water. In the Pomeranian Bight, the concentration was higher at the coast of Usedom – at least initially – than at the coast of Wolin. After 30 August 1997, northwesterly winds caused undiluted Baltic water to flow from the northern to the southern part of the Pomeranian Bight, pushing the water body marked, or distinguished, by Odra water eastward along the coast of Wolin. At the same time, outflow began from Kleines Haff through the Peenestrom into the Greifswalder Bodden. Due to light winds, and hence limited vertical mixing in summer, the proportion of freshwater in Baltic surface water reached about 50% in the southern Pomeranian Bight. Near Rügen, it fell below 10%. Within 2 months of stronger wind caused major shifts of the water bodies concerned. The scale considerations and model simulations discussed in this paper allowed qualitative estimates to be made in the course of the flood event, which were later confirmed by measurements, presented at a HELCOM (Helsinki Commission, Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission) Scientific Workshop in January 1998. 相似文献
Małgorzata Szwed Iwona Pińskwar Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz Dariusz Graczyk Abdelkader Mezghani 《Acta Geophysica》2017,65(1):65-76
The present paper examines variability of characteristics of snow cover (snow cover depth, number of days with snow cover and dates of beginning and end of snow cover) in Poland. The study makes use of a set of 43 long time series of observation records from the stations in Poland, from 1952 to 2013. To describe temporal changes in snow cover characteristics, the intervals of 1952–1990 and of 1991–2013 are compared and trends in analysed data are sought (e.g., using the Mann–Kendall test). Observed behaviour of time series of snow-related variables is complex and not easy to interpret, for instance because of the location of the research area in the zone of transitional moderate climate, where strong variability of climate events is one of the main attributes. A statistical link between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index and the snow cover depth, as well as the number of snow cover days is found. 相似文献
ForshowingtheepicentraldistributioninandnearChinaaswelasalovertheworld,twoepicentralmapsfortheearthquakesoccuredlastyeararepu... 相似文献
对1998~2010年度地震大形势东北地区预测效果和预测依据进行了总结和评估分析。结果显示1998年以来东北地震大形势预测的5~6级地震危险区主要集中在环渤海、辽蒙交界和黑吉蒙交界地区。地质构造背景和地震活动实况也表明上述三个地区及邻区为东北中强震的主体活动地区,历年报告对东北危险区的把握较好,东北地震大形势第一年度趋势预测准确率为57%,1~2年度预测准确率为71%。东北地震大形势预测判据主要有8项,其中中小地震活动增强、空区和条带以及地震活动性参数扫描等3项地震学指标可靠性较高,R值评分均大于0.22。统计结果显示,预测报告中每年给出的异常指标数量与次年最大震级没有明显的关联,但中强震前中小地震活动增强是东北地区地震活动的主要特征之一。活跃—平静期、构造背景以及历史地震活动等在预测时,虚报的概率较大,二者或许对长趋势的预测起一定的借鉴作用。正确判断东北地区地震活动目前所处的状态(活跃状态还是平静状态)以及活跃—平静期转换的界定指标,可适当提高危险区预测的准确性,减少虚报率。回顾和总结的过程中也发现,目前1~3年地震形势的预测分析以统计性、定性判定依据为主,主要基于震例资料的统计和定性对比分析,反映大地震孕育和发生物理过程的资料非常有限,今后应在努力提高统计分析严谨性的同时,尽可能多地获得并采用多学科观测资料,从地球物理场动态变化的角度来分析地震趋势的发展。 相似文献
Changes in thermal extremes of the climate of Poland in 1951–2010 are examined. Warm extremes have become more frequent, while cold extremes have become less frequent. In the warming climate of Poland, the increase in the number of extremely warm days in a year and the decrease in the number of extremely cold days in a year have been observed. Also the increase of the maximum number of consecutive hot days in a year and the decrease of the maximum number of consecutive very cold and extremely cold days in a year have been observed. However, the trends are not of ubiquitous statistic significance, as the natural variability is strong. 相似文献
Ⅰ. SURVEY OF GLOBAL SEISMICITY A total of 23 earthquakes with M_s ≥ 7.0 occurred over the world in 1997 according to the determination of the Chinese Seismic Station Network. The strongest one was the Kamchatka peninsula earthquake (M_s 7.9, December 5, 1997) (Fig. 1). Although the frequency and strength of global seismicity was lower compared with the higher activity state in 1995 and 1996, the frequency of seismicity was still obviously higher than the average level during this century. 相似文献