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It is suggested that the apparent change in height of the horizon over a lake will be a useful measure of the atmospheric stability, i.e. of the difference in temperature of the water and the air over it.  相似文献   


The present study is based on field exploration and production records. The producing formation consists of consolidated continental sediments which are overlain by clays, sands and gravels. No areally extensive aquifers can be distinguished. The only zone of consistently high permeability is associated with a buried channel in the bedrock and is interrupted by a hydraulic barrier. Salt concentrations in the groundwater range from less than 500 ppm to over 2000 ppm. Groundwater temperatures range form 38 °F (3·3 °C) to 41 °F (5·0 °C).

The sustainable yields of individual wells of the three-well field range from 60 igpm to 150 igpm with a combined maximum of 350 igpm. Pumping creates an elongated hydraulic depression which is interrupted by the barrier in one direction and causes major changes in water levels 2 miles distant in the other direction. Short and long-term water-level fluctuations suggest two sources of recharge: direct infiltration and lateral flow.

Significantly different values of transmissivity (T) are computed from production tests of different lengths. Tests of duration of 10 to 500 min, 70 to 130 h, and several months yield values for T, in igpd/ft, of 10,000 to 50,000, 2000 to 6000, and 1300, respectively. From the three methods of attempted yield evaluation the one based on empirical relations between operating pumping rates and drawdowns yields the most satisfactory results.  相似文献   


An innovative methodology that combines an indirect physiography-based method for determining the runoff coefficient at a sub-basin scale and a water balance model applied on a daily time scale was developed to calculate the natural groundwater recharge in three watersheds within the Oum Zessar arid area, Tunisia. The effective infiltration was calculated as part of the water surplus by considering the average available water content (AWC) of soil and an average runoff coefficient for each sub-basin. The model indicates that the sub-basins covered mainly by the “artificial” soils of tabias and jessour, characterized by average AWC values greater than 150 mm, did not contribute to natural groundwater recharge over the 10-year period (2003–2012) considered. The estimated volume for the Triassic aquifer amounted to about 4.5 hm3 year?1, which is consistent with previous studies. For the Jurassic and Cretaceous aquifers, the estimated volumes amounted to about 200 dm3 year?1.  相似文献   


The Sebkhet El Behira–Garaat El Majdoul multilayer aquifer system is composed of Mio-Plio-Quaternary and Oligocene groundwater exploited in Sidi Bouzid and Kairouan governorates. Annual withdrawal volumes from El Behira Oligocene groundwater were about 0.37 hm3 in 2005 and 0.36 hm3 in 2008. The present study of the Oligocene reservoir in the Sebkhet El Behira–Garaat El Majdoul basin is based on various data including 2D seismic sections, petroleum wells, field geological cross-sections and geochemical analysis. The gathered data allowed us to establish the tectonic framework and to define its influence on the structure of the aquifers seated in the deep Oligocene sandstone reservoirs. Three Oligocene sub-basin aquifers are defined showing different depth, thickness and petrophysical characteristics: lower salinity (<1.5 g/L) and higher porosity (30%). Two field sections in the northern and in the southern parts of Cherahil anticline exhibit the presence of four to five sandstone levels. The anticlines limit the Sebkhet El Behira–Garaat El Majdoul basin. In addition, the morphostructural configuration controls the piezometry of underground flows in the Oligocene and Mio-Plio-Quaternary unconfined aquifers.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor M. Besbes  相似文献   

The development of intense agriculture in semiarid areas modifies intensity and spatial distribution of groundwater recharge by summing irrigation return flow to limited rainfall infiltration. Environmental tracers provide key information, but their interpretation is complicated by more complex groundwater flow patterns. In multilayered aquifers, the real origin of the groundwater samples is hard to assess because of local mixing processes occurring inside long‐screened boreholes. We use environmental tracers (14C, 13C, 2H, 18O, 3H) to investigate the long‐term evolution of recharge in the five‐layer Campo de Cartagena aquifer in South‐Eastern Spain, in addition to high‐resolution temperature loggings to identify the depth of origin of groundwater. Despite the complex background, this methodology allowed a reliable interpretation of the geochemistry and provided a better understanding of the groundwater flow patterns. The tritium method did not give good quantitative results because of the high variability of the recharge signal but remained an excellent indicator of recent recharge. Nonetheless, both pre‐anthropization and post‐anthropization recharge regime could be identified and quantified by radiocarbon. Before the development of agriculture, recharge varied from 17 mm.year‐1 at the mountain ranges to 6 mm.year‐1 in the plain, whereas the mean annual rainfall is about 300 mm. In response to the increase of agricultural activity, recharge fluxes to the plain were amplified and nowadays reach up to 210 mm.year‐1 in irrigated areas. These values are strengthened by global water budget and local unsaturated zone studies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The multi-layered Jeffara de Gabes aquifer system is greatly influenced by tectonics. This system is limited at the base and laterally by evaporite layers and has lateral contacts with the sebkhas (salt flats). The groundwater in this aquifer is characterized by high salinity (3–10 g L-1). Multivariate statistical analysis and a geochemical approach were applied to determine the influence of the evaporite layers and sebkhas on the hydrochemical quality of the Jeffara de Gabes aquifer, and to understand the processes governing its salinity. According to these methods, and based in part on the Sr2+/Ca2+ ratio, it is demonstrated that the strong salinity of the groundwater is due to interactions between water and the evaporite layers that act as a substratum of this aquifer, as well as saltwater intrusion from the sebkhas. Moreover, the medium- to poor-quality groundwaters are characterized by geochemical interactions: cationic exchange and the precipitation/dissolution process of minerals in the aquifer formations.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Ben Alaya, M., Zemni, T., Mamou, A. et Zargouni, F., 2014. Acquisition de salinité et qualité des eaux d’une nappe profonde, Tunisie: approche statistique et géochimique. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (2), 395–419.  相似文献   

The sustainability of groundwater resources for agricultural and domestic use is dependent on both the groundwater recharge rate and the groundwater quality. The main purpose of this study was to improve the understanding of the timing, or seasonality, of groundwater recharge through the use of stable isotopes. Based on 768 groundwater samples collected from aquifers underlying natural resources districts in Nebraska, the isotopic composition of groundwater (δ2H and δ18O) was compared with that of precipitation by (a) mapping the isotopic composition of groundwater samples and (b) mapping a seasonality index for groundwater. Results suggest that for the majority of the state, groundwater recharge has a nongrowing season signature (October–April). However, the isotopic composition of groundwater suggests that in some intensively irrigated areas, human intervention in the water cycle has shifted the recharge signature towards the growing season. In other areas, a different human intervention (diversion of Platte River water for irrigation) has likely produced an apparent but possibly misleading nongrowing season recharge signal because the Platte River water differs isotopically from local precipitation. These results highlight the need for local information even when interpreting isotopic data over larger regions. Understanding the seasonality of recharge can provide insight into the optimal times to apply fertilizer, specifically in highly conductive soils with high leaching potential. In areas with high groundwater nitrate concentrations, this information is valuable for protecting the groundwater from further degradation. Although previous studies have framed nongrowing season recharge within the context of future climate change, this study also illustrates the importance of understanding how historical human intervention in the water cycle has affected groundwater recharge seasonality and subsequent implications for groundwater recharge and quality.  相似文献   

The rise in stream stage during high flow events (floods) can induce losing stream conditions, even along stream reaches that are gaining during baseflow conditions. The aquifer response to flood events can affect the geochemical composition of both near‐stream groundwater and post‐event streamflow, but the amount and persistence of recharged floodwater may differ as a function of local hydrogeologic forcings. As a result, this study focuses on how vertical flood recharge varies under different hydrogeologic forcings and the significance that recharge processes can have on groundwater and streamflow composition after floods. River and shallow groundwater samples were collected along three reaches of the Upper San Pedro River (Arizona, USA) before, during and after the 2009 and 2010 summer monsoon seasons. Tracer data from these samples indicate that subsurface floodwater propagation and residence times are strongly controlled by the direction and magnitude of the dominant stream–aquifer gradient. A reach that is typically strongly gaining shows minimal floodwater retention shortly after large events, whereas the moderately gaining and losing reaches can retain recharged floodwater from smaller events for longer periods. The moderately gaining reach likely returned flood recharge to the river as flow declined. These results indicate that reach‐scale differences in hydrogeologic forcing can control (i) the amount of local flood recharge during events and (ii) the duration of its subsurface retention and possible return to the stream during low‐flow periods. Our observations also suggest that the presence of floodwater in year‐round baseflow is not due to long‐term storage beneath the streambed along predominantly gaining reaches, so three alternative mechanisms are suggested: (i) repeated flooding that drives lateral redistribution of previously recharged floodwater, (ii) vertical recharge on the floodplain during overbank flow events and (iii) temporal variability in the stream–aquifer gradient due to seasonally varying water demands of riparian vegetation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Groundwater of the Tertiary-Quaternary Formations in the Jeloula basin (Central Tunisia), together with rain and surface waters, were analysed to investigate the mineralization processes, the origin of the water and its recharge sources. The water samples present a large spatial variability of chemical facies which is related to their interaction with the geological formations. The main sources of the water mineralization are the dissolution of evaporitic and carbonate minerals and cation exchange reactions. Stable isotopes indicate that most groundwater samples originate from infiltration of modern precipitation. Surface water samples from small dam reservoirs show a 18O/2H enrichment, which is typical of water exposed to open-surface evaporation in a semi-arid region. Considerable data of 3H and 14C allow the qualitative identification of the present-day recharge that is probably supplied by infiltration of recent flood waters in the Wadi El Hamra valley, and by direct infiltration of meteoric water through the local carbonate outcrops.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor S. Faye  相似文献   

We examined the fire‐induced changes in groundwater recharge rate. This aspect is particularly important in the case of large forested areas growing over a coastal aquifer affected by saltwater intrusion. In the Ravenna coastal area (Italy), pine forests grow on coastal dune belts, overlying a sandy unconfined aquifer, which is strongly affected by marine ingression. Three groundwater profiles across the forest and perpendicular to the coastline were monitored for groundwater level, physical, and chemical parameters. The aims were to define groundwater quality, recharge rate, freshwater volume, and highlight change, which occurred after a forest fire with reference to pre‐fire conditions. Analytical solutions based on Darcy Law and the Dupuit Equation were applied to calculate unconfined flow and compare recharge rates among the profiles. The estimated recharge rates increased in the partially and completely burnt areas (219 and 511 mm year?1, respectively) compared with the pristine pine forest area (73 mm year?1). Although pre‐fire conditions were similar in all monitored profiles, a post‐fire decrease in salinity was observed across the burnt forest, along with an increase in infiltration and freshwater lens thickness. This was attributed to decrease canopy interception and evapotranspiration caused by vegetation absence after the fire. This research provided an example of positive forest fire feedback on the quantity and quality of fresh groundwater resources in a lowland coastal aquifer affected by saltwater intrusion, with limited availability of freshwater resources. The fire provided an opportunity to evaluate a new forest management approach and consider the restoration and promotion of native dune herbaceous vegetation.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatio-temporal variability in groundwater recharge is a prerequisite to sustainable management of aquifers. Spatial analysis of groundwater stable isotopes uncovered predominant controls on groundwater recharge in the Nairobi aquifer system (NAS) and the South Coast aquifer (SC), two exemplar East African aquifers relied upon by 7 million people. We analysed 368 samples for stable isotopes and basic physico-chemical parameters. The NAS groundwater isotopes are controlled by precipitation orographic effects and enriched recharge from impounded lakes/wetlands; the SC isotopes are correlated with water-table depth influencing evapotranspiration. Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation (GNIP) data revealed groundwater recharge during months of heavy rains in the NAS, whilst the SC experiences spatio-temporally diffuse recharge. Inferred “isoscapes” show: in the NAS, (1) direct, rapid recharge favoured by faults, well-drained soils and ample rainfall in uplands, (2) delayed recharge from impounded lakes and wetlands in mid-lands, and (3) focused, event-based recharge in floodplains; and in the SC, diffuse recharge complicated by significant water-table evapotranspiration processes.  相似文献   


The groundwater flow equation governing the elevation (h) of the steady-state phreatic surface in a sloping aquifer fed by constant recharge over a bi-circular sector is rhh′ ? r 2 Bh′ + Pr 2 ? PR 2 = 0, where r is the radial coordinate, P is a constant involving recharge and aquifer properties, and B is the slope of the aquifer—bedrock boundary. The derived flow equation describes radially convergent flow through a sloping aquifer that discharges to a water body of fixed head. One important simplification is that in which the width of the bi-circular sector is constant, and the draining land becomes a rectangular aquifer. The bi-circular sector and rectangular-strip groundwater flow problems are solved in terms of implicit equations. The solutions for the steady-state phreatic surfaces depend on the ratio of recharge to hydraulic conductivity, the slope of the aquifer-bedrock, and the downstream constant-head boundary. Computational examples illustrate the application of the solutions.  相似文献   


The evaporation tank consists of a square pan with a flat base, 2 metres long and 0, 7 metre deep, set into the ground with the rim 0, 1 metre above, and connected to a well on which is installed a limnigraph. This limnigraph records continuously fluctuations of the free water surface.

The recordings show that a large amount of water can be evaporated during rainfall. This phenomenon is specific at every evaporation tank with a free water surface. It is only during the dry intervals that a strong correlation can be established between the evaporation measured in the tank and the potential evapotranspiration of the surrounding natural surfaces. In order to locate the dry intervals and to measure the evaporation only during these intervals, it is necessary to use an apparatus provided with a continuous recording mechanism  相似文献   


La méthode classique de simulation d'une nappe captive consiste à résoudre le problème en régime transitoire à partir de la situation originelle. Dans cet article est présentée une méthode qui permet de déterminer directement l'état de la nappe à un instant donné si l'on peut connaître la chute piézométrique à cet instant.  相似文献   

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