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The Theis equation has been widely used to study the transient movement of groundwater as a result of pumping in a confined aquifer. It is well known that the observed drawdown at early times has an obvious departure from the theoretical drawdown based on the Theis equation. The Theis equation was derived under the assumption that total stress in the aquifer was constant and the mechanical behavior of the confining unit was neglected. However, most geological formations, especially those which are well consolidated, have rigidity and therefore may bend like a plate to a certain extent. The increase in the effective stress in the aquifer due to pumping may not contribute entirely to the compression of the aquifer, but may be partially cancelled out by bending of the overlying aquitard. This means only a part of the total stress is used to compact the aquifer, or the aquifer cannot produce as much water as estimated from the Theis equation. This paper investigated the impact of the bending effect of the confining unit on drawdown. An analytical model which couples flow in the aquifer and bending of the confining unit was presented. The theory is based on elastic plates and solutions were given to the drawdown of groundwater level and deflection of the overlying formation. The drawdown estimated from the new equation was compared with that from the Theis equation. It can be concluded that drawdown from the Theis equation is less than the drawdown predicted by including the bending effect of the confining unit. Both a hypothetical example and a field pumping test in Shandong Province, China, were used to demonstrate the bending effect of the confining unit in the analysis of pumping test data. This paper demonstrated that the initial disagreement between observed drawdown and the Theis solution could be caused by the bending effect of the confining unit, a phenomenon not well addressed in traditional pumping test analysis. A quantitative understanding of this phenomenon can provide improved guidelines for analyzing drawdown data in a confined aquifer.  相似文献   

The buried-valley aquifers that are common in the glacial deposits of the northern hemisphere are a typical case of the strip aquifers that occur in many parts of the world. Pumping from a narrow strip aquifer leads to much greater drawdown and much more distant drawdown effects then would occur in a sheet aquifer with a similar transmissivity and storage coefficient. Widely used theories for radial flow to wells, such as the Theis equation, are not appropriate for narrow strip aquifers. Previously published theory for flow to wells in semiconfined strip aquifers is reviewed and a practical format of the type curves for pumping-test analysis is described. The drawdown response of strip aquifers to pumping tests is distinctive, especially for observation wells near the pumped well. A case study is presented, based on extensive pumping test experience for the Estevan Valley Aquifer in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Evaluation of groundwater resources in such buried-valley aquifers needs to take into account the unusually large drawdowns in response to pumping.  相似文献   

A single recovery type curve from Theis'' exact solution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Samani N  Pasandi M 《Ground water》2003,41(5):602-607
The Theis type curve matching method and the Cooper-Jacob semilog method are commonly used for estimation of transmissivity and storage coefficient of infinite, homogeneous, isotropic, confined aquifers from drawdown data of a constant rate pumping test. Although these methods are based on drawdown data, they are often applied indiscriminately to analyze both drawdown and recovery data. Moreover, the limitations of drawdown type curve to analyze recovery data collected after short pumping times are not well understood by the practicing engineers. This often may result in an erroneous interpretation of such recovery data. In this paper, a novel but simple method is proposed to determine the storage coefficient as well as transmissivity from recovery data measured after the pumping period of an aquifer test. The method eliminates the dependence on pumping time effects and has the advantage of employing only one single recovery type curve. The method based on the conversion of residual drawdown to recovered drawdown (buildup) data plotted versus a new equivalent time (delta(t) x t(p)/t(p) + delta(t)). The method uses the recovery data in one observation point only, and does not need the initial water level h0, which may be unknown. The accuracy of the method is checked with three sets of field data. This method appears to be complementary to the Cooper-Jacob and Theis methods, as it provides values of both storage coefficient and transmissivity from recovery data, regardless of pumping duration.  相似文献   

John Briscoe 《Ground water》1984,22(5):573-578
An exact expression is derived for the optimal spacing between interfering wells in a rectangular well field in an ideal confined aquifer. A simple, practical method for determining the optimal spacing is presented. The optimal spacing is shown to be substantially different from the spacing determined by use of the Theis formulation. The economic savings resulting from use of the revised approach are evaluated and found to be considerable, especially when the number of wells is large and the transmissivity of the aquifer low.  相似文献   

Detecting and quantifying small drawdown at observation wells distant from the pumping well greatly expands the characterized aquifer volume. However, this detection is often obscured by water level fluctuations such as barometric and tidal effects. A reliable analytical approach for distinguishing drawdown from nonpumping water‐level fluctuations is presented and tested here. Drawdown is distinguished by analytically simulating all pumping and nonpumping water‐level stresses simultaneously during the period of record. Pumping signals are generated with Theis models, where the pumping schedule is translated into water‐level change with the Theis solution. This approach closely matched drawdowns simulated with a complex three‐dimensional, hypothetical model and reasonably estimated drawdowns from an aquifer test conducted in a complex hydrogeologic system. Pumping‐induced changes generated with a numerical model and analytical Theis model agreed (RMS as low as 0.007 m) in cases where pumping signals traveled more than 1 km across confining units and fault structures. Maximum drawdowns of about 0.05 m were analytically estimated from field investigations where environmental fluctuations approached 0.2 m during the analysis period.  相似文献   

The solutions of constant‐head and constant‐flux tests are commonly used to predict the temporal or spatial drawdown distribution or to determine aquifer parameters. Theis and Thiem equations, for instance, are well‐known transient and steady‐state drawdown solutions, respectively, of the constant‐flux test. It is known that the Theis equation is not applicable to the case where the aquifer has a finite boundary or the pumping time tends to infinity. On the other hand, the Thiem equation does not apply to the case where the aquifer boundary is infinite. However, the issue of obtaining the Thiem equation from the transient drawdown solution has not previously been addressed. In this paper, the drawdown solutions for constant‐head and constant‐flux tests conducted in finite or infinite confined aquifers with or without consideration of the effect of the well radius are examined comprehensively. Mathematical verification and physical interpretation of the solutions to these two tests converging or not converging to the Thiem equation are presented. The result shows that there are some finite‐domain solutions for these two tests that can converge to the Thiem equation when the time becomes infinitely large. In addition, the time criteria to give a good approximation to the finite‐domain solution by the infinite‐domain solution and the Thiem equation are investigated and presented. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aquifer parameter estimation using an incremental area method   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Theoretical well functions have been derived over the years to predict ground water level behaviour in aquifer systems under stress owing to groundwater extraction. The drawdown data collected during pump tests are typically analysed using graphical curve‐matching procedures to estimate aquifer parameters based on these well functions. Difficulty in aquifer characteristic identification and parameter estimation may arise when the field data do not perfectly match the drawdown curves obtained from the well functions. The present study provides a new method for the interpretation of aquifer pump tests which supplements the existing curve‐matching procedures in case ideal conditions do not exist; the proposed method provides a greater degree of flexibility in the data analysis for diagnostic tool purposes. The method, referred to as the Incremental Area Method (IAM) is based on integrating the logarithmic‐based drawdown curves within a discrete time and matching the results with a corresponding time integral of the Theis ( 1935 ) Well Function which governs ideal confined aquifers. The application of the proposed method to synthetically generated data and field data showed that IAM represents a viable method which yields information on potential non‐idealness of the aquifer and provides aquifer parameter estimates thus potentially overcoming drawdown data curve‐matching difficulties. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to analyse a drawdown pattern around a pumping well in an unconfined sandy gravelly aquifer constructed in a laboratory tank by means of both experimental and numerical modelling of groundwater flow. The physical model consisted of recharge, aquifer and discharge zones. Permeability and specific yield of the aquifer material were determined by Dupuit approximation under steady‐state flow and stepwise gravitational drainage of groundwater, respectively. The drawdown of water table in pumping and neighbouring observation wells was monitored to investigate the effect of no‐flow boundary on the drawdown pattern during pumping for three different boundary conditions: (i) no recharge and no discharge with four no‐flow boundaries (Case 1); (ii) no recharge and reservoir with three no‐flow boundaries (Case 2); (iii) recharge and discharge with two no‐flow boundaries (Case 3). Based on the aquifer parameters, numerical modelling was also performed to compare the simulated drawdown with that observed. Results showed that a large difference existed between the simulated drawdown and that observed in wells for all cases. The reason for the difference could be explained by the formation of a curvilinear type water table between wells rather than a linear one due to a delayed response of water table in the capillary fringe. This phenomenon was also investigated from a mass balance study on the pumping volume. The curvilinear type of water table was further evidenced by measurement of water contents at several positions in the aquifer between wells using time domain reflectometry (TDR). This indicates that the existing groundwater flow model applicable to an unconfined aquifer lacks the capacity to describe a slow response of water table in the aquifer and care should be taken in the interpretation of water table formation in the aquifer during pumping. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical model of stream/aquifer interaction is proposed that predicts drawdown in an aquifer with leakage from a finite-width stream induced by pumping from a well. The model is formulated based on the assumptions of stream partial penetration, a semipervious streambed, and distributed recharge across a finite-width stream. Advantages of the analytical solution include its simple structure, consisting of the Theis well function with integral modifications. The solution is derived for the semi-infinite domain between the stream and pumping well, which is of primary interest to hydrogeologists. Previous stream/aquifer analytical models are compared to the analytical solution based on dimensionless drawdown profiles. Drawdown in the aquifer near a wide stream was found to be less than that predicted by a solution that ignored stream width. Deviations between the proposed analytical solutions and previous solutions increase as stream width increases. For a hypothetical stream/aquifer system, the proposed analytical solution was equivalent to prior solutions when the ratio of the distance between the stream and aquifer to the stream width was greater than 25. This analytical solution may provide improved estimates of aquifer and streambed leakage parameters by curve fitting experimental field drawdown data.  相似文献   

Chenaf D  Chapuis RP 《Ground water》2002,40(4):385-389
Starting from the equations of Theis and Cooper-Jacob, two new mathematical methods are proposed for interpreting the residual drawdown data for an infinite confined aquifer. Under Theis' assumptions and using the Cooper-Jacob approximation, the principal aquifer characteristics of transmissivity, pumping storativity, and recovery storativity are expressed without any correction or additional assumption. An actual case is used for illustration and confirms the validity of proposed equations and methods.  相似文献   

Tomas Perina 《Ground water》2021,59(3):438-442
Time-domain analytical solution for groundwater flow to a fully penetrating flowing well is derived using the same substitution technique used to re-derive (Perina 2010) the Theis (1935) equation and the approximate solution by Mishra and Guyonnet (1992) is confirmed. The exponential integral-based flowing well function is a computationally effective alternative to the original Jacob and Lohman (1952) solution in integral form. For a constant drawdown test, the ratio of drawdown at an observation well to the flowrate is equivalent to drawdown response to pumping at unit constant rate; the transformed observations can be analyzed using the Theis (1935) function. Analysis of field test shows that simultaneous fitting to measurements of flow from the test well and drawdown at an observation well results in more accurate and better resolved estimates of aquifer properties than fitting to flow observations only.  相似文献   

Faults can act as flow barriers or conduits to groundwater flow by introducing heterogeneity in permeability. We examine the hydrogeology of the Sandwich Fault Zone, a 137 km long zone of high-angle faults in northern Illinois, using a large-scale historic aquifer test. The fault zone is poorly understood at depth due to the majority of the faults being buried by glacial deposits and its near-vertical orientation which limits geologic sampling across faults. The aquifer test—perhaps one of the largest in terms of overall withdrawal in North American history—was conducted in 1942 at a facility adjacent to the fault zone. More than 34,000 m3/day was pumped for 37 days from nine multiaquifer wells open to the stratified Cambrian-Ordovician sandstone aquifer system. We modeled the aquifer test using a transient MODFLOW-USG model and simulated pumping wells with the CLN package. We tested numerous fault core/damage zone conceptualizations and calibrated to drawdown values recorded at production and observation wells. Our analysis indicates that the fault zone is a low-permeability feature that inhibits lateral movement of groundwater and that there is at least an order of magnitude decrease in horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the fault core compared to the undeformed sandstone. Large head declines have occurred north of the fault zone (over 300 m since predevelopment conditions) and modifying fault zone parameters significantly affects calibration to regional drawdown on a decadal scale. The flow-barrier behavior of the fault zone has important implications for future groundwater availability in this highly stressed region.  相似文献   

Alexander SC  Saar MO 《Ground water》2012,50(2):256-265
Numerous refinements have been proposed to traditional pumping test analyses, yet many hydrogeologists continue to use the Jacob method due to its simplicity. Recent research favors hydraulic tomography and inverse numerical modeling of pumping test data. However, at sites with few wells, or relatively short screens, the data requirements of these methods may be impractical within physical and fiscal constraints. Alternatively, an improved understanding of the assumptions and limitations of Theis and, due to their widespread usage, Jacob analyses, leads to improved interpretations in data-poor environments. A fundamental requirement of Jacob is a "small" value of u = f(r(2)/t), with radial distance, r, and pumping time, t. However, selection of a too stringent (i.e., too low) maximum permissible u-value, u(max), results in rejection of usable data from wells beyond a maximum radius, r(max). Conversely, data from small radii, less than r(min), where turbulent- and vertical-flow components arise, can result in acceptance of inappropriate data. Usage of drawdown data from wells too close to the pumping well, and exclusion of data from wells deemed too far, can cause unrealistic aquifer transmissivity, permeability, and storativity determinations. Here, data from an extensive well field in a glacial-outwash aquifer in north-central Minnesota, USA, are used to develop a new estimate for u(max). Traditionally quoted values for u(max) range from 0.01 to 0.05. Our proposed value for Jacob distance-drawdown analyses is significantly higher with u(max) up to 0.2, resulting in larger allowable r(max)-values and a higher likelihood of inclusion of additional wells in such pumping test analyses.  相似文献   

Tonkin MJ  Larson SP 《Ground water》2002,40(2):185-193
Ground water levels measured in the vicinity of pumping wells are kriged using a regional-linear and point-logarithmic drift, the latter derived from the approximation to the Theis equation for drawdown in response to a pumping well. Kriging is widely used throughout the hydrogeologic discipline, most commonly as the preferred method for constructing gridded hydrogeologic datasets suitable for contouring. Residuals arising from using the most common (linear) drift to krige water levels in the vicinity of extraction wells often indicate large local departures from the linear drift, which correlate with areas of drawdown. The combined regional-linear and point-logarithmic drift accounts for these drawdowns using a logarithmic approximation for the curvature of the potentiometric surface. The drift model approximates the principal physical processes that govern ground water flow and ultimately govern the autocorrelation of ground water elevation data. This approach produces maps of contoured water levels that more realistically represent physical conditions and allow for improved interpretation of measured water-level data by including features and information known to be present. Additional benefits include an improved estimate of the regional (background) hydraulic gradient and generation of an approximately flow-conserved grid suitable for two-dimensional particle tracking.  相似文献   

In order to understand the flow pattern around a pumping well partially penetrating a vertically extensive aquifer, a specially designed pumping test was carried out in Pakistan. In this paper salient features of the test have been described. The spatial distributions of drawdown have been shown graphically. Some of the preliminary conclusions made from the drawdown pattern include:
  • • The distance beyond which the flow is likely to be horizontal increases with decrease in the degree of aquifer penetration.
  • • In equidistant observation wells open at different depths, (1) the drawdowns tend to merge at larger times, provided the observation point is located within the screened section of the aquifer; (2) the less the depth of penetration is, the earlier the drawdowns start merging; and (3) the initial rate of drawdown near the aquifer top is slow but catches up with time to exceed those at deeper points.

Data from a large-scale canal-drawdown test were used to estimate the specific yield (sy) of the Biscayne Aquifer, an unconfined limestone aquifer in southeast Florida. The drawdown test involved dropping the water level in a canal by about 30 cm and monitoring the response of hydraulic head in the surrounding aquifer. Specific yield was determined by analyzing data from the unsteady portion of the drawdown test using an analytical stream-aquifer interaction model (Zlotnik and Huang 1999). Specific yield values computed from drawdown at individual piezometers ranged from 0.050 to 0.57, most likely indicating heterogeneity of specific yield within the aquifer (small-scale variation in hydraulic conductivity may also have contributed to the differences in sy among piezometers). A value of 0.15 (our best estimate) was computed based on all drawdown data from all piezometers. We incorporated our best estimate of specific yield into a large-scale two-dimensional numerical MODFLOW-based ground water flow model and made predictions of head during a 183-day period at four wells located 337 to 2546 m from the canal. We found good agreement between observed and predicted heads, indicating our estimate of specific yield is representative of the large portion of the Biscayne Aquifer studied here. This work represents a practical and novel approach to the determination of a key hydrogeological parameter (the storage parameter needed for simulation and calculation of transient unconfined ground water flow), at a large spatial scale (a common scale for water resource modeling), for a highly transmissive limestone aquifer (in which execution of a traditional pump test would be impractical and would likely yield ambiguous results). Accurate estimates of specific yield and other hydrogeological parameters are critical for management of water supply, Everglades environmental restoration, flood control, and other issues related to the ground water hydrology of the Biscayne Aquifer.  相似文献   

The acceptability of the hypothesis of Darcian flow through a semiconfined carbonate aquifer was tested prior to running a multiple-day aquifer test in Pinellas County, Florida. The approach used to test the hypothesis was to run a number of hour-long aquifer tests at different discharges with drawdown measured at the same time during each test in two observation wells, one at 35 feet and the other at 733 feet from the pumped well. If the hypothesis were acceptable, a plot of drawdown versus discharge should describe a straight line. A linear relation was described in 15-minute and 1-hour data plots of drawdown versus discharge for both observation wells. Thus, the hypothesis of Darcian flow through the semiconfined carbonate aquifer was deemed acceptable. Drawdown data from the distant observation well collected during the following multiple-day aquifer test were then analyzed for aquifer-property values of transmissivity, storage coefficient, and leakance coefficient using standard methods. Discharge for the multiple-day test was within the discharge range of the hour-long tests.  相似文献   


Drawdown-test data from a brine-saturated consolidated sandstone reservoir in central Oklahoma show that permeability can be determined accurately from laboratory measurement of small core samples. Such confirmation is significant because permeability values determined by core analyses are frequently considered not representative, at least quantitatively, of reservoir conditions. Yet such analyses are often the only way to obtain the permeability value necessary to predict the performance of a reservoir.

The field value for permeability was computed by applying the Theis typecurve solution of the non-equilibrium formula to drawdown data from 64 wells in an 8-acre area surrounding a single discharging well. The laboratory value was based on complete cores from 39 of these wells. For objective analysis, the gross reservoir thickness was defined as that entire interval in which flow was confiined, regardless of the permeability of the included rock strata. This thickness was measured directly from the cores. Each plug was saturated with reservoir water and permeability was measured with a constant-head discharging apparatus.

Both laboratory and drawdown-test methods show the reservoir to have a permeability of about 0.4 darcy and a mean transmissibility (permeability x thickness) of about 3.4 darcy-ft.  相似文献   


Well storage effect is generally considered while interpreting pumping test data from large diameter wells. However, in an aquifer of low permeability, the well storage is found to be significant during pumping tests conducted on bore wells. The interpretation of such data gives ambiguous results unless well storage effect is taken into account. A field example is presented to illustrate the difficulty in interpretation of the pumping test data. In order to take into account the well storage effect, a finite difference approach of interpreting pumping test data is suggested.  相似文献   

In confined aquifers, the influence of neighboring active wells is often neglected when interpreting a pumping test. This can, however, lead to an erroneous interpretation of the pumping test data. This paper presents simple methods to evaluate the transmissivity (T) and storativity (S) of a confined aquifer under Theis conditions, when an interfering well starts pumping in the neighborhood of the tested well before the beginning of the test. These new methods yield better estimates of the T and especially S values than when the interfering well influence is neglected. They also permit to distinguish between interfering wells and other deviations from the Cooper‐Jacob straight line, such as impermeable boundaries. The new methods were then applied on data obtained from a numerical model. The new methods require knowing the pumping rate of the interfering well and the time elapsed since the pumping started in each well, but contrary to previous methods, they do not require the aquifer natural level at the beginning of the test, which is often unknown if the interfering well has started pumping before the tested well.  相似文献   

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