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In this paper the relation between fault movement and stress state in deep crust is discussed, based on synthetic analysis of the crustal stresses measured over the world and the concerned data of focal mechanism. Using Coulomb criterion for shear failure and frictional slip, analytical expressions for estimating stabilities of intact rock and existing fault in the crust and for identifying the type of faulting (normal, strike-slip or thrust fault) are derived. By defining the Failure FunctionF m and the Fraction FunctionF f, which may describe steadiness of crustal rock and existing fault, respectively, a synthetic model is set up to consider both fracturing mechanism and the sliding mechanism. By this model, a method to study stability and unstable behavior of crustal rock and fault at different depths is given. According to the above model, quantitative study on the crustal stability in the North China plain is made in terms of the measured data of hydraulic fracturing stress, pore-fluid pressure, terrestrical heat flow in this region. The functionsF m andF f and the shear stresses on faults with different strike angle and dip angle at various depths in this region are calculated. In the calculation the constraint condition of fault movement obeys Byerlee’s Law, and the depth-dependent nonlinear change in the vertical stress due to inhomogeneity of crustal density and the high anomalous pore-fluid pressure in deep crust of this region are considered. The conclusions are: the unstable behavior of the crust in the North China plain is not failure of crustal rock but slip on existing fault; the depth range where stick-slip of fault may happen is about from 8 to 20 km or more; stability of steep fault is lower than that of gentle sloping fault; the shear stresses in the range where may occur stick-slip are nearly horizontal; the steep faults trending from NNE to NE in this region are liable to produce strong earthquakes, whose co-seismic faultings are, for the most part, right lateral slip; the change in pore-fluid pressure in depth remarkably affects the stability of the crust and the increase in pore-fluid pressure, therefore, would be an important factor exciting strong earthquake in this region. The above theoretical inferences are consistent with the data measured in this region. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologia Sinica,13, 450–461, 1991. This work is supported by Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the physical mechanism of seismo-electromagnetic signals, many scholars from China and other countries have carried out laboratory and field experiments of rock samples by loading them up to fracture in recent ten-odd years. In each of these experiments, the phenomenon of electromagnetic radiation was observed during the process of rock sample fracture. However, the experimental results can not explain the non-synchronous electromagnetic radiation in actual observation records. In these records, some stations displayed anomalies but some others did not, and the signals of different frequency bands observed by the same station did not occur simultaneously. This has brought about many difficulties to the application of electromagnetic radiation in earthquake prediction. The experimental result of this paper can explain the phenomenon of non-synchronous electromagnetic radiation. In the experiment of this paper, rock samples are uniaxially compressed up to fracture. The antennas of different frequency bands are installed two meters away from the rock sample in different directions. The electromagnetic signals during the whole process of rock sample fracture are recorded synchronously by a 14-channel tape recorder. The experimental results are as follows: (1) signals of the four frequency bands: VLF, MF, HF and VHF, are all recorded during the main fracturing process of rock samples, but signals of different frequencies may somtimes occur non-synchronously; (2) the intensity of electromagnetic radiation is the highest at the moment when the main fracture occurs, but signals in different directions are of different intensities. The above results are consistent with the non-synchronous electromagnetic radiation observed in real earthquakes. It seems possible to predict the orientation of future seismic source by the electromagnetic method of the LF or VLF frequency bands. Contribution No. 95A0075, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, China. The paper is translated by Prof.Jie-Fan HUANG, Peking University from the Chinese into English version.  相似文献   

大同5.5级地震前的电磁前兆信号   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1976年唐山地震皮后,上地震引起的电磁信号异常现象开始引起人们的极大关注,我国相继建立了200多个地震电磁波观测台,并且积累了许多震例资料。同时在国外也发表了一些相关的文章,但大多数文章仅涉及到震前一个台的异常信号或某个频段上的异常信号。  相似文献   

天然电磁辐射测深技术的部分应用实例曾在本刊做过介绍,本文以应用实例为依据,对本项探测技术的工作机理做一些定性解释.在电磁能量的返回方式,测量对象与探测结果的表示形式方面,与典型大地电磁法进行了比较.简要叙述了本项探测技术的特点与适用范围.  相似文献   

天然电磁辐射测深技术工作机理在本刊做过介绍,本文以实际观测为依据,对本项探测技术的工作机理做了验证叙述.对本项探测的技术特点加以归纳,并提出目前的一些局限.  相似文献   

岩石破裂电磁辐射(EMR)现象实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
岩石破裂电磁辐射现象是客观存在的物理现象.随着电磁辐射观测技术在地震研究、冲击矿压预测等领域的应用,极大地推动了岩石破裂电磁辐射的实验研究.本文对岩石破裂电磁辐射的影响因素以及相伴生的现象,以及有关的物理解释进行了概括介绍.由于不同研究者使用实验设计、实验参数、实验条件的不同,使得观测和研究结果同样难以统一认识.不同的研究者根据各自的试验提出了不同的物理机制.同时对已发现现象的重复性、证实性研究岩石试验缺乏.严重匮乏利用数值模拟以及建立模型定量研究岩石破裂的电磁辐射.此外,岩样实验系统不同于实际的地震系统,进行模拟震源环境的实验研究,发展大尺度的标本和原岩现场实验的基础上,如何建立室内室外岩石实验与地震观测事实之间的联系是问题的关键.  相似文献   

电磁辐射与地震关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用辽宁省沈阳市苏家屯地震台电磁辐射数字化观测资料,分析ML3.5以上地震前电磁辐射的变化,结果表明,3.5≤ML≤4.9、ML≥5.0地震前电磁辐射异常信息量、异常起始时间及持续时间与震中距、震级有关。  相似文献   

介绍了弹性滑移支座的原理、构造和特点;通过对其在不同工况下的性能试验,研究了竖向荷载、位移幅值以及加载频率对弹性滑移支座力学性能的影响,并给出了试验值与理论计算值之间的对比。研究结果表明:弹性滑移支座具有良好的工作性能,滞回曲线饱满,耗能能力强;竖向荷载和加载频率对弹性滑移支座的力学性能有一定的影响,而位移幅值对其影响较小;弹性滑移支座的恢复力模型,可以用考虑速度的指数摩擦力模型来描述,并且模拟得较为准确。  相似文献   

The high accuracy, automatic, digital MT measurement system with five electromagnetic components was firstly adopted by the author to the section MT monitor and measurement in the middle Qilian mountain in the Northwestern China, the more real precursory information of impending earthquake electromagnetic rediation of GongheM=7.0 earthquake (April, 1990) in Qinghai province was obtained by the system. The new complete quantification frequency analysis was firstly used in this paper in both time and space domains for the analysis of repeated measurement data at all sites. This paper concludes the precursory spectral characteristics of electromagnetic radiation before strong earthquake as following: 1. The spectra appears as the synchronous electric field interference type mainly of conduction current; 2. Narrow band (0.5 – 20s) of spectral period; 3. The singularity of amplitude (the pulse amplitudes of interference electric field is 102 times the normal values); 4. They show the directionality of preparing focus to some extent; 5. The intermittent of radiation (three peak periods appeared three days before the main shock). It is more significant that there existed a relative quiet period of about 48 hours between the peak period and the occurrence, observators can response quickly at observational sites and take it as one of the observational criterions for impending prediction. This paper also points out that the impending earthquake electromagnetic radiation obtained by the MT measurement system is mainly the conduction current, and the high-conductive layer existed commonly in the crust may serve as the better paths for the conduction current circuit and enables the far away MT measurement sites to receive it. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 186–193, 1993.  相似文献   

1999年9月14日和11月30日在四川省绵竹县清平乡和汉源乡先后发生Ms5.0地震.本文通过都江堰电磁波ULF超低频观测仪震前接收到的电磁辐射信号,对观测场量的某些特征进行理论分析和估算.结果表明:理论估算是针对地下发射、空中接收的方式进行的,且针对ULF频段的磁场,与地下发射-地下接收方式的ULF频段的电场所计算的对比结果表明,此估算结果是合理的;两次地震辐射源峰值电流矩为108~106 A·m量级(平均为107A·m量级),表明两次地震的孕震体与孕震过程可能不是"独立"的.  相似文献   

汶川8.0级地震前电磁辐射异常变化特征初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川8.0级地震前,距离震中只有35km的金河电磁波台记录到了宝贵的电磁扰动信息。本文分析了汶川5.12大地震前后该台的电磁波异常变化特征,表明:①强震前确实有电磁辐射异常存在,震前存在丰富的电磁扰动信息;②电磁扰动前兆异常在时间进程上有明显的阶段性变化特征,这可能是地震孕育不同阶段特征的反映。  相似文献   

受载煤体变形破裂微波辐射前兆规律的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对煤体在单轴压缩条件下的微波辐射效应和规律进行了实验研究.实验结果表明,受载煤体具有微波辐射效应,在煤体的变形破裂过程中伴随有6.6 GHz微波辐射信号产生,其前兆规律具有3种类型.基于电介质物理学对实验现象进行了解释.在单轴压缩实验中,煤体的亮温最大变化值为1.9~2.7 K,这表明煤体的微波辐射特性明显优于红外辐射特性.运用微波遥感基本原理的理论知识,分析了受载煤体变形破裂过程中微波辐射特性的影响因素.利用受载煤体变形破坏过程中的微波辐射前兆特性预报煤岩动力灾害具有广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

TheinfluencingfactorsandmechanismsoftheelectromagneticradiationduringrockfractureYU-ZHONLIU1)(刘煜洲)YINLIU1)(刘因)YIN-SHENGWANG2...  相似文献   

分析和整理了青海平安电磁辐射台自1993年7月以来的资料,发现震前平安单台电磁辐射在中强地震临震前有最大脉冲信号,并通过对无震异常,地震异常的分析判断,对其预报效能进行了R值评价。  相似文献   

免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖砌体力学性能试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖是一种新型承重墙体材料,为使其在地震区村镇建筑中得到推广应用,进行了多孔砖砌体抗压强度和抗剪强度试验,分析了砌体裂缝开展及破坏过程。试验结果表明:免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖砌体的受压、受剪破坏过程及特征与普通黏土砖砌体类似,但具有更大的脆性;抗压、抗剪强度均小于普通黏土砖砌体;采用6次多项式的受压本构关系数学模型,反映了免蒸压免烧结粉煤灰多孔砖砌体受压应力-应变全过程,计算值与实测数据比较接近。  相似文献   

利用福州地震台电磁辐射1999年以来观测资料,研究福建省内4级以上地震,中国台湾6级以上地震电磁辐射接收的异常信息,找出震前有震异常次数及有震无异常次数,从而得出福州电磁辐射观测资料的映震效能。  相似文献   

史保平  杨勇 《地震学报》2008,30(3):217-229
利用2001年昆仑山口西MS8.1地震现场观测所提供的地表破裂同震位移数据,使用简单滑移弱化破裂模型,估算了发震主断层上的破裂传播速度. 该模型中考虑了断层破裂时动摩擦过程中应力上调和下调机制对地震波辐射能量分配的影响. 对比Bouchon和Valleacute;e有关昆仑山口西地震主断层破裂传播速度超过剪切波速度,甚至达到P波速度的结果, 采用动摩擦应力下调时的滑移弱化模型 (分数应力降模型),结果表明,伴随较高的地震波辐射效率,主断层的平均破裂传播速度等于或小于瑞利波速度,这与许力生和陈运泰的体波反演结果,以及陈学忠震源应力场估算的结果是一致的. 最后,联系到由地表破裂现象所反映出的断层力学特征,如与视应力相关的分数应力降 (动摩擦应力下调), 基于滑移弱化模型, 讨论了可能的震源破裂机制.   相似文献   

电磁辐射"EMOLS"仪观测结果原理及震例   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
关华平  肖武军 《地震》2004,24(1):96-103
“九五”期间研制的“EMAOS”电磁辐射仪,其接收原理是按大地电磁测深的原理改进而研制的。选择接收频段为0.01~10Hz,该频段探测深度在0~20km,是浅源地震发生的层位。记录的电磁扰动是在应力场作用下,动电效应产生的电磁场。电场和磁场同时记录增强了信息可信度的判断能力,记录震例表明,异常规律与已有模拟结果基本相同。因此,已总结的模拟记录预报指标等可在数字记录结果中使用。  相似文献   

There are many reports about the abnormal electromagnetic signals observed before great earthquakes. In particular, the signals of electromagnetic anomalies before the Hyogo-Ken Nanbu, Japan, MS=7.2 earthquake on January 17, 1995 (Hayakawa, et al, 1996) and those before the Loma Prieta, USA, MS=7.1 earthquake on October 19, 1989 (Fraser-Smith, et al, 1990) are especially remarkable. However, what the above authors reported are only the phenomena of one or two observatories. In order to …  相似文献   

With co-seismic surface rupture slip displacements provided by the field observation for the 2001 MS8.1 West Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake, this paper estimates the rupture speed on the main faulting segment with a long straight fault trace on the surface based on a simple slip-weakening rupture model, in which the frictional overshoot or undershoot are involved in consideration of energy partition during the earthquake faulting. In contrast to the study of Bouchon and Vallée, in which the rupture propaga...  相似文献   

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