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The dependence of geomagnetic activity during a recurrent magnetic storm on the solar-wind magnetic field and plasma parameters has been studied. According to variations of solar-wind magnetic field strength B, a recurrent magnetic storm is divided into two stages: the first proceeding during the peak of B, and the second proceeding after the return of B to quiet level. The Kp index vs solar-wind parameters scattering diagrams for stages I and II differ significantly. In particular, the random scattering for stage I is much larger than for stage II. It was found that for stage I the Kp index correlates with B, with the sign and value of northsouth field component Bz and with the magnitude ΔB of field fluctuations, the situation being similar to that during sporadic magnetic storms, though the scale of the event is smaller. For stage II, the Kp index does not correlate with B, but strongly correlates with ΔB and weaker—with Bz. So geomagnetic activity at stage II is supported mainly by solar-wind magnetic field fluctuations. The dependence of the Kp index on plasma parameters (concentration of protons n, bulk velocity v and temperature T) is weak for both stages.  相似文献   

Observations, from the Apollo 16 Spacecraft, in lunar orbit, of the total radiance of the K + F corona, from 3 R to 55 R are presented and discussed.

The logarithmic slope of the K + F coronal radiance, in the region r > 20 R, is found to be n = 1.93, slightly less steep than previous determinations. The photometric axis of the radiance is found to be displaced 3 ± 1° north of the ecliptic, for the region r > 20 R, and this displacement is interpreted as an annual variation due to non-coincidence of the ecliptic and the symmetry axis of the zodiacal cloud.  相似文献   

The near-infrared data of the quasar 3C273 are collected from available literature and are used to analyze its variability properties. The largest amplitudes of variations are ΔJ = 1.0, ΔH = 0.9, and ΔK = 0.86. The color indices are JH = 0.82, JK = 1.96, and HK = 1.13. Analysis with the discrete correlation function (DCF) method indicates that the variability between any two infrared bands is correlated without any time lag. The relation between the color index and brightness is also investigated and the result indicates that the spectrum steepens when the source first dims, while it flattens after the source has dimmed to a some extent, suggesting that the emission of 3C 273 at near-IR consists of at least two components. Some discussions are presented.  相似文献   

The propagation of hydromagnetic and low frequency radio waves in all directions in a fully ionized gas containing a magnetic field is examined. For longitudinal and transverse propagation the addition of one extra term in the magneto-ionic formulae (without collisions) accounts for the presence of heavy ions.

The partition of energy of disturbance between kinetic (K) and magnetic (M) for longitudinal propagation of all frequencies is given by

where V is the Alfvén speed. Thus approximate equipartition may exist for some audio- and radio-frequencies in the Earth's exosphere.

Some errors in Paper I of this series are corrected.  相似文献   

Icy surfaces like the polar caps of Mars, comets, Edgeworth-Kuiper belt objects or the surface areas of many moons in the outer Solar System behave different than rock and soil surfaces when irradiated by solar light. The latter ones absorb and reflect incoming solar radiation immediately at the surface. In contrast, ices are partially transparent in the visible spectral range and opaque in the infrared. Due to this fact it is possible for the solar radiation to reach a certain depth and increase the temperature of the sub-surface layers directly. This internal temperature rise is called “solid-state greenhouse effect,” in analogy to the classical greenhouse effect in an atmosphere. It may play an important role in the energy balance of various icy bodies in the Solar System. Within the scope of a project conducted at the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Graz the solid-state greenhouse effect was investigated experimentally and theoretically. A number of experiments with diverse materials, focussing mainly on layered samples with a surface cover consisting of transparent H2O-ice, were performed. The samples were irradiated under cryo-vacuum conditions by a solar simulator. The temperature distributions inside the samples were measured and compared with the results of numerical model calculations. We found that the predicted sub-surface temperature maximum is very clearly measurable in glass beads samples with various particle size distributions, but can also be detected in transparent compact surface ice layers. However, in the latter case it is less distinct than originally expected. Measuring the effect by laboratory methods turned out to be a difficult task due to the shallow depth where the temperature maximum occurs.  相似文献   

We present optical and near-infrared (NIR) surface brightness and colour profiles, in bands ranging from U to K, for the disk and bulge components of a complete sample of 30 nearby S0 to Sbc galaxies with inclinations larger than 50 °. We describe in detail the observations and the determination of colour parameters. Calibrated monochromatic and real-colour images are presented, as well as colour index maps. This data set, tailored for the study of the population characteristics of galaxy bulges, provides useful information on the colours of inner disks as well. In related papers, we have used them to quantify colour gradients in bulges, and age differentials between bulge and inner disk.  相似文献   

The discrimination between air showers initiated by γ rays and by hadrons is one of the fundamental problems in experimental cosmic-ray physics. The physics of this ‘γ/hadron separation’ is discussed in this paper. We restrict ourselves to the energy range from about 20 to 500 TeV, and take only the information contained in the lateral Čerenkov light distribution and the number of electrons at the detector level into consideration. An understanding of the differences between air showers generated by γ rays and those due to hadrons leads us to formulate suitable observables for the separation process. Angle integrating Čerenkov arrays (AICA) offer a promising new approach to ground-based γ-ray astronomy in the energy region from about 20 to 500 TeV. In order to establish this technique, an efficient suppression of the overwhelming hadronic background radiation is required. As an example for our general discussion, we present one method for γ/hadron separation in AICAs called ‘LES’. It is based on the simultaneous determination of the shower size and some characteristic parameters of the lateral distribution of the Čerenkov light. The potential inherent within this technique is demonstrated in quantitative detail for the existing ‘AIROBICC’ AICA. We also propose an objective measure of the intrinsic sensitivity of a detection scheme in ground-based γ-ray astronomy, the ‘reduced quality factor’. It is shown that AICAs may reach a sensitivity to γ-ray point sources in the high VHE range similar to that of the Čerenkov-telescope imaging technique in the low VHE region.  相似文献   

If a massive neutrino halo transparent to light surrounds a compact body (galactic nucleus or black hole), then the strong gravitational field inside the halo will radically alter the spectral line profiles of a light-emitting Keplerian ring. This paper gives precise solutions of the spectral profile in a core-halo structure of matter and neutrino, and the result is compared with the no-halo case. The distribution of the neutrino mass is also given under typical circumstances.  相似文献   

Intensified Reticon spectra have been obtained at a high dispersion for the Algol system, RT Persei. They were measured by the cross-correlation technique. The spectroscopic elements, revised for the primary component and determined for the secondary for the first time, are: T0 = HJD 2,446,038.9332, K1 = 55.0, K2 = 194.7, V0 = −8.3 km/s. A mass ratio q = m2/m1 = 0.282 is deduced. A circular orbit is adopted. The spectrum of the primary is F5V, and the secondary is a subgiant. With the elements determined here and the published photometric parameters, the absolute dimensions of the binary are: A = 4.20, R1 = 1.20, R2 = 1.08 R; M1 = 1.08, M2 = 0.30 M.  相似文献   

Optical photometric observations at the I and R wavebands were carried out towards Mkn501 using the 1.56 meter optical telescope of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory at Sheshan. Combining our new observations with the published historical data, we have obtained the light curves of Mkn501 at the optical, infrared and radio wavebands with a time coverage of nearly 80 years. The relationship between the light variability and the color index is discussed, it is found that a strong correlation exists between the color indices (BV) and (BR), with the correlation coefficient reaching r = 0.73. The correlations of multi-band light variabilities are analyzed by the DCF method, it is found that certain positive correlations of B-band light variability with the 4.8 GHz and infrared light variabilities exist. And the spectral analysis on the B-band light curve with the CLEANest method indicates that the light curve of Mkn501 contains probably two periodical components of (10.06 ± 0.04) yr and (21.60 ± 0.17) yr.  相似文献   

We used light curve analysis to search for evidence of the dustball meteoroid model. Leonid, Taurid, Alpha Monocerotid and sporadic meteors from November 2003 were observed and analyzed using uniform methodology. Meteors from these four sources were examined for evidence of fragmentation by examining light curve shape and searching for light curve irregularities. Differences in meteoroid structure should be reflected by differences in meteor light curves. The resulting meteor light curve F-parameter values showed no statistically significant differences between the meteors from the various cometary showers or the sporadic meteors. The F-parameter values also suggest that the meteoroids from these sources do not follow a single body ablation model, which suggests that all four sources produce meteoroids with a dustball structure.  相似文献   

We discuss certain properties of the external field of a rotating and charged body in the frame of the vector graviton metric field theory. We find: 1) a black hole cannot have angular momentum or charge, that is, a rotating body whether charged or not, cannot be a black hole. The Kerr black hole and the Kerr-Newman black hole do not exist. 2) For a rotating and charged axisymmetric body, there exists a latitude-dependent critical distance rk(θ), such that the radial force acting on a test particle is attractive or repulsive according as the particle is outside or inside the critical distance. The repulsive force means that a massive object cannot collapse indefinitely. Maximum redshift in this case comes from sources on the equator. 3) A test particle also experiences a force along the meridian.  相似文献   

We have determined for the first time a spectroscopic orbit for WX Cnc. The orbital elements are V0 = +9.8 km/s, k1 = 110.2 km/s, K2 = 149.0 km/s, To = HJD 2446 480.0309. After combining with the published photometric results, we derive the the following absolute parameters: A = 6.32R, R1 = 1.53R, R2=1.18R, M1 = 1.29 M, M2 = 0.96M. The spectroscopic mass-ratio is q = 0.74.  相似文献   

The PLANCK mission, originally devised for cosmological studies, offers the opportunity to observe Solar System objects at millimetric and submillimetric wavelengths. In this paper we concentrate on the asteroids of the Main Belt, a large class of minor bodies in the Solar System. At present, more that 40 000 of these asteroids have been discovered and their detection rate is rapidly increasing. We intend to estimate the number of asteroids that can be detected during the mission and to evaluate the strength of their signal. We have rescaled the instrument sensitivities, calculated by the LFI and HFI teams for sources fixed in the sky, introducing some degradation factors to properly account for moving objects. In this way a detection threshold is derived for asteroidal detection that is related to the diameter of the asteroid and its geocentric distance. We have developed a numerical code that models the detection of asteroids in the LFI and HFI channels during the mission. This code performs a detailed integration of the orbits of the asteroids in the timespan of the mission and identifies those bodies that fall in the beams of PLANCK and their signal strength. According to our simulations, a total of 397 objects will be observed by PLANCK and an asteroidal body will be detected in some beam in 30% of the total sky scan-circles. A significant fraction (in the range from 50 to 100 objects) of the 397 asteroids will be observed with a high S/N ratio. Flux measurements of a large sample of asteroids in the submillimeter and millimeter range are relevant since they allow to analyze the thermal emission and its relation to the surface and regolith properties. Furthermore, it will be possible to check on a wider base, the two standard thermal models, based on a nonrotating or rapidly rotating sphere. Our method can also be used to separate Solar System sources from cosmological sources in the survey. This work is based on PLANCK LFI activities.  相似文献   

We investigate the MHD waves in a double magnetic flux tube embedded in a uniform external magnetic field. The tube consists of a dense hot cylindrical cord surrounded by a co-axial shell. The plasma and the magnetic field are taken to be uniform inside the cord and also inside the shell. Two slow and two fast magnetosonic modes can exist in the thin double tube. The first slow mode is trapped by the cord, the other is trapped by the shell. The oscillations of the second mode have opposite phases inside the cord and shell. The speeds of the slow modes propagating along the tube are close to the tube speeds inside the cord and the shell. The behavior of the fast modes depends on the magnitude of Alfvén speed inside the shell. If it is less than the Alfvén speed inside the cord and in the environment, then the fast mode is trapped by the shell and the other may be trapped under the certain conditions. In the opposite case when the Alfvén speed in the shell is greater than those inside the cord and in the environment, then the fast mode is radiated by the tube and the other may also be radiated under certain conditions. The oscillation of the cord and the shell with opposite phases is the distinctive feature of the process. The proposed model allows to explain the basic phenomena connected to the coronal oscillations: i) the damping of oscillations stipulated in the double tube model by the radiative loss, ii) the presence of two different modes of perturbations propagating along the loop with close speeds, iii) the opposite phases of oscillations of modulated radio emission, coming from the near coronal sources having sharply different densities.  相似文献   

We discuss the effects in ionospheric absorption of particle precipitation observed in the afternoon-early evening sector during substorms with onset in the midnight sector. All events considered here occurred during magnetically disturbed periods, Kp > 3. For many of the substorm events a smooth southward moving absorption bay is seen in the midnight and evening sectors about 1 h preceeding the onset. The magnetic pulsation activity is low during this preceding bay.

After substorm onset near magnetic midnight the precipitation region may expand with a sharp onset at the front towards the West in spatially confined regions at high and low L-values separately with about equal velocities. The observations are consistent with a model of westward expansion of the energetic electron precipitation in two regions, aligned parallel to the auroral oval, at high and low L-values of about L 6 and L 4.8.

The westward expanding absorption activity correlates well with local magnetic variations. In magnetic pulsations PiB events are seen at high latitudes simultaneously with the westward moving onsets while at low latitudes IPDP pulsations are observed during the active part of the absorption events. Later in the substorm event a slowly varying absorption event (SVA) is sometimes observed at the lower L-values, L 3–4.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the short-period tidal fluctuations in the new LOD series of ERP (1962.0 – 1982.0) reduced by Li Zhengxin, using the Marple algorithm. The Marple spectral analysis reveals sharp peaks at 13.652, 27.586 and 31.746 days. They are consistent with the tidal terms Mf, Mm and MSm. Their amplitudes are estimated.

The elastic deformation parameter K/C is calculated at the fortnightly and monthly frequencies. A least squares solution gives 0.56 ± 0.21 and 0.89 ± 0.21 at these two frequencies. The difference between these two values is not significant.  相似文献   

We investigate the light gravitino regeneration rate in the early Universe in models based on N = 1 supergravity. Motivated by a recent claim by Fischler, we evaluate finite-temperature effects on the gravitino regeneration rate due to the hot primordial plasma for a wide range of the supersymmetry-breaking scale F. We find that the leading thermal corrections to the gravitino pole mass and to the Goldstino coupling are negligible for a wide range of temperatures, thereby justifying the extension of the equivalence theorem for the helicity-1/2 gravitino and Goldstino to a hot primordial plasma background. Utilizing the Braaten-Pisarski resummation method, and assuming that the other particles are close to thermal equilibrium, the helicity-1/2 gravitino regeneration rate is found to be insensitive to magnetic Debye screening and of order s(T) log(1/s(T))¦msoft/ F ¦2T3(1s(T) log(1/s(T))T2/¦F ¦) up to a calculable, model-dependent O(1) numerical factor. We review the implications of this regeneration rate for supergravity cosmology, focusing in particular on scenarios for baryogenesis.  相似文献   

We have examined several theories that imply the generation of X-rays by the Moon. The X-ray fluxes to be expected at the top of the Earth's atmosphere are estimated and compared. For example, we find that an X-ray flux is to be expected when the Moon is full and Kp high, as a consequence of the configuration of the auroral electrons in space deduced from the long tail model of the magnetosphere. The X-ray photons are caused by energetic electrons in the tail that bombard the lunar surface. Alternatively, Gold has suggested that lunar X-rays are produced by the bombardment by solar-wind electrons; this results in a lunar phase dependence that is different from the long tail model. The background is discussed and we conclude that the lunar X-ray flux may be detectable. Experiments of this kind may provide useful tools for investigating the models.  相似文献   

It is shown that the phase difference between the horizontal components of the wind velocity induced by the first diurnal propagating tidal mode between 90 and 100 km altitude is modified by turbulent diffusion. Experimental data are compared with calculations made by two different methods. The calculated results agree well with the data for a coefficient of eddy diffusion K = 5 × 106 cm2 s−1 which is a realistic one at this altitude. Incidentally, it is shown that some measurements which have been interpreted as a presence of evanescent modes are probably due to an increase in vertical wavelength of the first propagating diurnal mode due to turbulent diffusion.  相似文献   

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