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Parameteric instabilities in the relativistic plasma are considered. It is shown that in the electron relativistic plasma (T em 0e c 2) the electron mass oscillation in the external electrical field leads to the instability of Langmuir and low frequency aperiodic oscillations as well. In the case of the hot electron ion plasma with relativistic electron temperature the low frequency aperiodic and periodic oscillations are studied. The wave increments for all considered cases are obtained.  相似文献   

The pulsed plasma probe technique has been expanded to include simultaneous determinations of absolute electron density, density fluctuations, electron temperature, and mean-ion-mass with resolution limited only by probe geometry, sheath size, and telemetry. The technique has been designed to test for coupling of electron density variations and ion composition irregularities in multi-component plasmas by the comparison of electron density fluctuation power spectraP N(k) and a newly-developed diagnostic parameter, the mean-ion-mass fluctuation spectraM i/M iP M(k). In addition, the experiment extends satellite-borne irregularity spectral analyses down to the 5–20 m range while attempting to identify F-region plasma instability processes on the basis of characteristics inN e,T e, N e,P N,M i, andP M. Initial results demonstrate the expanded diagnostic capability for high spatial resolution measurements of mean-ion-mass and provide experimental evidence for the role of ion composition in multi-stepped plasma instability processes. Specific results include a spectral indexX n inP N=A nf–X n of 1.6–2.9 over the wavelength range from 1 km to 6 m under conditions identified with an unstable equatorial nighttime ionosphere. Simultaneous measurements ofM i/M i(P M=A M f –X m) andN e/N e(P N=A n f –X n) have shown a general behavior tending to lower power (A m<A n) and softer spectra (X m<X n) in ion mass fluctuations when compared with fluctuations in total plasma density. Limited analyses of the two power spectral elements raise hopes for the differentiation between plasma mechanisms that can lead to similar indices inP N.Paper originally submitted to the journalSpace Science Instrumentation.  相似文献   

Existence of compressive relativistic solitons is established in an arbitrary ξ-direction, inclining at an angle to the direction of the weak magnetic field (ω pi ω Bi ) in this plasma compound with ions, relativistic electrons and relativistic electron beams. It is observed that the absolute linear growth of amplitudes of compressive solitons is due to inactive role of the weak magnetic field and the initial streaming speeds of relativistic electrons, electron beams, and Q b (ion mass to electron beam mass). Besides, the small initial streaming of electrons is found to be responsible to generate relatively high amplitude compressive solitons. The non-relativistic ions in the background plasma, but in absence of electron-beam drift and in presence of weak magnetic field are the causing effect of interest for the smooth growth of soliton amplitudes in this model of plasma.  相似文献   

A beam of collisionless plasma is injected along a longitudinal magnetic field into a region of curved magnetic field. Two unpredicted phenomena are observed: The beam becomes deflected in the directionopposite to that in which the field is curved, and itcontracts to a flat slab in the plane of curvature of the magnetic field.The plasma is produced by a conical theta-pinch gun and studied by means of high speed photography, electric and magnetic probes, ion analyser, and spectroscopy.The plasma beam is collisionless and its behaviour is, in principle, understood on the basis of gyro-centre drift theory. A fraction of the transverse electric fieldE=–v×B, which is induced when the beam enters the curved magnetic field, is propagated upstream and causes the reverse deflection byE×B drift. The upstream propagation of the transverse electric field is due to electron currents.The circuit aspect on the plasma is important. The transverse polarization current in the region with the curved field connects to a loop of depolarization currents upstream. The loop has limited ability to carry current because of the collisionless character of the plasma; curlE is almost zero and electric field components arise parallel to the magnetic field. These play an essential role, producing runaway electrons, which have been detected. An increased electron temperature is observed when the plasma is shot into the curved field. Runaway electrons alone might propagate the electric field upstream in case the electron thermal velocity is insufficient.The phenomenon is of a general character and can be expected to occur in a very wide range of ensities. The lower density limit is set by the condition for self-polarization,nm i / 0 B 2 1 or, which is equivalent,c 2/v A 2 ;1, wherec is the velocity of light, andv A the Alfvén velocity. The upper limit is presumably set by the requirement e e 1.The phenomenon is likely to be of importance, for example, for the injection of plasma into magnetic bottles and in space and solar physics. The paper illustrates the complexity of plasma flow phenomena and the importance of close contact between experimental and theoretical work.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978  相似文献   

Starting from the Vlasov equation the steady state and stability properties of the electron sheet in the Cowley neutral sheet model of the geomagnetic tail are considered. Electrostatic ion plasma oscillations propagating from dusk to dawn are found to be unstable provided the thermal spread normal to the current is sufficiently large. Assuming the population of the neutral sheet to be supplied by the polar wind it is shown how a localisation of the cross tail electric field could lead to the instability first appearing around midnight. It is conjectured that the localisation of the cross tail electric field could continually feed the instability, so leading to enough turbulence to give enhanced reconnection of the magnetic field.List of symbols f distribution function - B magnetic field strength far from the neutral sheet - a sheet half thickness - total potential drop across the tail which is localised to the dusk end of the tail in Cowley's model - potential for the steady state electric field normal to the electron current sheet. This potential exists in that region of the tail that excludes the localised region of cross tail electric field - average velocity across the tail of electrons in the current sheet - v average velocity of the electrons normal to the current sheet - p canonical momentum of a particle - energy of a particle - KT electron energy normal to the sheet (1/2m e v 2 ) - KT i ion energy (1/2m i V 2 ) - electron gyrofrequency far from the neutral sheet - i ion gyrofrequency far from the neutral sheet - Ay steady state vector potential for the magnetic field - A –Ay/aB 0 (normalised vector potential) When perturbing the steady state, dashes have been used to denote the time dependent first order quantities. Where no confusion could arise the dashes are dropped, e.g.Ey=Ey since there is no zero orderEy in the region considered in the stability analysis.  相似文献   

A non-linear Schrödinger equation which characterizes the non-linear electrostatic waves in collisionless turbulent plasma is derived. Detailed analysis of this equation for the non-linear Langmuir waves is presented to show how the ion dynamics affects the envelope behaviour of these waves. Necessary condition for the existence of Langmuir envelope solitons is found to bek 2 D 2 (m/M);k being the characteristic wave number, D the electron Debye length andm andM the electron and the proton mass.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.  相似文献   

The adiabatic theory of interaction between high and low frequency waves has been studied for the case of electron plasma oscillations and ion acoustic waves and the results are applied to the solar wind. The modified dispersion relation for ion acoustic waves has been derived, taking a Gaussian distribution for plasmons. Two limiting cases of the spectrum are studied. For a broad spectrum, the plasma turbulence has a destabilising effect by introducing a growth rate denoted by turbulence, which is positive for k 0 > (m e/ m i )1/2 De –1 , k 0 being the central wave numger of the spectrum, De the electron Debye length. Also, even for v d(drift velocity between electrons and ions) < c s, we arrive at unstable ion acoustic modes. For narrow spectrum, the plasma turbulence has a stabilising effect.  相似文献   

In the two component relativistic plasmas subject to pressure variation of adiabatic electrons and isothermal ions, both compressive and rarefactive KdV solitons are established in a quite different physical plasma model. It is desirable to define c s in a new way to substantiate the validity of the model under relativistic effects. The corresponding mathematical condition is also determined, which is a new report of this kind. It is also interesting to report that the relativistic rarefactive solitons cease to exist below some critical ion initial streaming speed v i0 for a fixed temperature α and electron streaming speed v e0. Besides, higher initial flux v i0 of ions under constant temperature is observed to generate higher speed v i at the passage of time which causes to increase (in relativistic sense) its mass diminishing thereby the growth of soliton amplitudes.  相似文献   

Low frequency electromagnetic lower hybrid waves (so-called hybrid whistlers) propagating nearly transverse to the magnetic field can be driven unstable by a resonant interaction with halo electron distributions carrying solar wind heat flux. The electromagnetic lower hybrid instability is excited when the halo electron drift exceeds the parallel phase velocity of the wave. The growth rate attains a maxima at a certain value of the wavenumber. The maximum growth rate decrease by an increase in e (the ratio of electron pressure to magnetic field pressure) and halo electron temperature anisotropy. At 0.3 AU the growth time of the electromagnetic lower hybrid instability is of the order of 25 ms or shorter, whereas the most unstable wavelengths associated with the instability fall typically in a range of 27 to 90 km. The instability would give rise to a local heating of solar wind ions and electrons in the perpendicular and parallel directions relative to the magnetic field, B0. The observations of low frequency whistlers having high values ofB/E ratios (B andE being the magnitude of the wave magnetic and electric field, respectively) and propagating at large oblique angles to B0 behind interplanetary shocks, can be satisfactorily explained in terms of electromagnetic lower hybrid instability. The instability is also relevant to the generation mechanism of correlated whistler and electron plasma oscillation bursts detected on ISEE-3.  相似文献   

It is usually assumed that the ions of cosmic rays contribute nothing to the observable electromagnetic radiation. However, this is true only when these ions are moving in a vacuum or a quiet (nonturbulent) plasma. In the case of fast ions in a turbulent plasma, there is an effective nonlinear mechanism of radiation which is discussed in this paper. The fast ion (relativistic or nonrelativistic) moving in the plasma creates a polarization cloud around itself which also moves with the particles. The turbulent plasma waves may scatter on the moving electric field of this polarization cloud. In the process of this scattering an electromagnetic wave with frequency (2.7) is generated. Let 1 and k1 be the frequency and wave vector of turbulent plasma waves,V is the velocity of the ion, and is the angle between the wave vector of electromagnetic radiation and the direction of the ion velocity. The method of calculating the probability of the conversion of plasma waves (k1) into electromagnetic waves (k) by scattering on an ion with velocityV is described in detal in Section 2 (Equation (2.14)).The spectral coefficients of spontaneous radiation in the case of scattering of plasma waves on polarization clouds created by fast nonrelativistic ions are given in (3.6) for an ion energy distribution function (3.4) and in (3.8) for more general evaluations. The Equations (3.9)–(3.13) describe the spectral coefficients of spontaneous emission for different modes of plasma turbulence (Langmuir (3.9), electron cyclotron in a weak (3.10) or strong (3.11) magnetic field and ion acoustic (3.12)–(3.13) waves). The coefficients of reabsorption or induced emission are given by Equations (3.14) and (3.16)–(3.19). There is a maser effect in the case of scattering of plasma waves on a stream of ions. The effective temperature of the spontaneous emission is given by Equation (3.15). The spectral coefficients of radiation due to scattering of plasma waves on relativistic ions are calculated in the same manner (Equations (4.14)–(4.15)). The total energy loss due to this radiation is given in Equations (4.23)–(4.25). The coefficients of induced emission are given in (4.26)–(4.28).The results are discussed in Section 5. It is shown that the loss of energy by nonlinear plasma radiation is much smaller than the ionization loss. However, the coefficients of synchrotron radiation of electrons and nonlinear radiation of ions under cosmic conditions may be comparable in the case of a weak magnetic field and fairly low frequencies (5.5)–(5.6). Usually the spectrum of nonlinear plasma radiation is steeper than in the case of synchroton radiation. Equation (5.10) gives the condition for nonlinear radiation to prevail over thermal radiation.Translated by D. F. Smith.  相似文献   

The modulational instability of the weakly nonlinear longitudinal Langmuir as well as the transverse electromagnetic waves, propagation in the relativistic plasma without the static fields is described. The nonlinear Schrödinger equation taking account of the nonlinear Landau damping for these waves has been derived by means of the relativistic Vlasov and Maxwell equations. The plasma with the weakly relativistic temperature and that with an ultrarelativistic one has been investigated. In the first case, for the electron-proton plasma with the temperature more than 2.3 KeV we found the regional change of the wave numbers for which the soliton of two types, subsonic and supersonic, can exist. The soliton of the transverse waves can exist when the group velocity of the waves is between the thermal velocity of the electron and ion and the length of the linear waves is less than 2c/ pi .In the second case the regions of the wave numbers, with the solitons of the Langmuir and transverse waves have been determined.The nonlinear waves in the electron-positron plasma and the waves with the phase velocity, which is about the light one, are also considered in the following paper.  相似文献   

In this article the GEM (Brandenburg, 1992; Brandenburg, 1988) theory is applied to the problem of the cosmos in which most of the matter is hydrogen, spacetime is flat, and a Cosmic Background Radiation CBR field exists. Using the two postulates of the GEM theory: 1. That gravity fields are equivalent to an array ofE ×B drifts or a spacially varying Poynting field, such that spacetime is determined by EM fields so that the stress tensor of ultrastrong fields is self-canceling; 2. That EM and gravity fields and protons and electrons are unified at the Planck scale of lengths and energies and split apart to form distinct fields and separate particles at the Mesoscale of normal particle rest energies and classical radii. A new derivation is made of the formula forG found previously:G =e 2/(m p m e ) exp(-2R 1/2) = 6.668 × 10–8 dynes cm2 g–2wherem p andm e are the proton and electron masses respectively,R =m p /m e and is the fine structure constant, shows that quantum processes may occur which make the vacuum unstable to appearance of hydrogen thus allowing matter creation and a steady state universe to occur. The value for the Hubble Time calculated from this model isT o = (3/((2)(R 1/2)4))1/3(r e /c)(e 2/Gm p m e )= 19 Gyr wherer e =e 2 / (m e c 2)and follows the form first hypothesized by Dirac(1937). The CBR is traced to this process of matter creation and its temperature is calculated as beingT CBR = ((3/4)Gm e 2 c/( 2 o ))1/4 = 2.66K where is the Thomson cross section of the electron and o is the Stefan-Boltzman constant.  相似文献   

The effect of a poloidal magnetic field on the structure of isothermal gas spheres in hydrostatic equilibrium under the pressure of partially degenerate relativistic electrons and radiation has been considered. An equation of state involving Fermi-Dirac functionsF 2() andF 3() has been used. Modifications to the values of various structural parameters have been tabulated for the cases c =0, 2, 3, 5, and 10, c being the central degeneracy parameter.  相似文献   

Nonlinear kinetic Alfvén waves where m e /m i , have been solved both with and without the Poisson equation correction. It is found that the ratio of the perpendicular electric field and magnetic field, and the ratio of parallel and perpendicular electric field increase with deepening of the depressive density soliton. The former ratio may be larger than the Alfvén velocity in the case of a large amplitude solitary kinetic Alfvén wave. The Poisson equation correction is important for the nonlinear kinetic Alfvén wave propagating along the magnetic field, which solves a puzzle of Sagdeev potential to approach infinity in the limit ofK x 0. This correction causes the solitary KAW possessing an electrostatic character along the direction of wave moving frame. These results have been compared with the observations from the Freja satellite in the low aurora.  相似文献   

Cosmic ray (c. r.) propagation in interstellar magnetic fields is often considered in the diffusion approximation, i.e. by the diffusion equation in the coordinate space. Cosmic ray momentum distribution in this case is considered isotropic when the space gradients of c.r density are absent. This approach, with the use of an unfixed effective diffusion coefficientD independent of the energyE enables one to describe all the data available However, neither the diffusion mechanism nor the limits of applicability of the diffusion approximation is clear particularly ifD is independent ofE. Furthermore, the diffusion coefficientD must be expressed through the characteristics of the interstellar medium and possibly through the flux velocity and density of c.r. etc. One of the possible approaches for the analysis of the mechanism and characteristic features of c.r. distribution and isotropization is the account taken of the plasma effects and specifically, the study of c.r. flux instability arising when c.r. are moving in the interstellar plasma. As a result of such instability c.r. may generate waves of different types (magnetohydrodynamic, high-frequency plasma and other waves). Generation of waves and scattering on them result in isotropization of cosmic rays while their propagation under certain conditions turns out similar to that under diffusion.An attempt is made here to systematically analyse the avove mentioned plasma effects and to find out to what extent they are responsible for the behaviour of c.r. in the Galaxy. It turns out that c.r. In any case this is true if this mechanism is regarded as the only c.r. isotropization mechanizm within a wide energy range from 1 to 1000 GeV. Isotropization and spatial diffusion of c.r. up toE100–1000 GeV on the waves from external sources (for example, on the waves from the supernova shells) also proved impossible if the diffusion coefficient is assumed to be independent of c.r. energy. Some new possibilities of c.r. isotropization are also considered.A List of Notations D cosmic ray (c.r.) space diffusion coefficient - degree of c.r. anyisotropy - E,E kin total and kinetic particle energy - p,p particle momentum and its absolute value - angle between the particle momentum direction and the magnetic field direction (z-axis) - cos - v, particle velocity and its absolute value - c light velocity - f(p),f(E) momentum and energy particle distribution function - N( > E) = N( > p) = f(p) dp/(2)3 = E f dE c.r. particle density - c.r. spectrum index,N(>E)=KE –+1 - n H neutral particle density - n=n e=n i ion and electron density - H niagnetic field - T temperature - thermal velocities of electrons and ions - Boltzmann constant - Alfén velocity - M, m proton and electron masses - e electron charge - wave frequency - H =eH/Mc, = H (Mc 2/E) gyrofrequency of a plasma proton and relativistic particle - H =eH/mc gyrofrequency of an electron - plasma frequency - v ii,v ei,v en,v in collision frequencies between ions, electrons and ions, electrons and neutrals, ions and neutrals - growth rate of wave amplitude - k,k wave vector and its absolute value - angle between the directions of the vectorsk andH - wave energy density  相似文献   

In the present paper we consider the frequency spectrum, time variations and polarization of the flux of synchrotron radio emission from a source which consists of two components flying apart in opposite directions with relativistic velocities at the same time expanding. A comparison of the calculations with unusual double-humped spectra of some radio sources suggests the existence in their nuclei of such double components which are at an early stage of relativistic ejection. In particular the double-humped spectra of 3C 84 and 4C 50.11/NRAO-150 can be interpreted in the proposed model (see Figures 6, 7, 12 and Equations (22), (32)). In this model the ratio of maximum frequenciesv 1m/v 2m should be larger than that of the maximum fluxesF v1m (1)/F v2m (2).The linear polarization of the double-humped spectrum is analysed. It is found under rather specific conditions that at the low-frequency maximum of the spectrum of the type given in Figures 6 and 7 a lower degree of linear polarization is expected than at the high-frequency maximum. In addition, it is natural to expect the appearance of circular polarization in sources with internal largescale relativistic motions. The time variations of the radio flux of some QSS, N-galaxies, and nuclei of Seyfert galaxies can also be interpreted in the suggested model of two clouds of relativistic electrons flying apart in different directions with relativistic velocities while simultaneously expanding. For example, Figure 11 shows the flux variations at 3 frequencies whose ratio is 16:4:1. This picture is similar to the observations of 3C 279 at 3.4 mm, 2 cm and 6 cm, and several other sources (Kellermann andPauliny-Toth, 1968).There have been a number of attempts to explain the flux variations of radio sources in the model of successive, but unrelated outbursts of clouds of relativistic electrons caused by supernova explosions. This model meets many difficulties and seems improbable. In this paper we suggest experimental tests to make a final choice between the model of double components flying apart relativistically and the model of two successive, but unrelated, outbursts from supernovae.If the suggested model of explosions in radio sources is correct, then the processes of variable energy output in such different populations as QSS, N-galaxies, radio-galaxies and the nuclei of normal galaxies have a similar nature, differing only in quantity.Translated by D. F. Smith.  相似文献   

D. F. Smith  S. H. Brecht 《Solar physics》1994,153(1-2):337-345
A critical examination of the components of the recent impulsive loop flare model of Takakura is made. It is found that his analysis of the stability of the electron distribution resulting from anomalous heat conduction is in error and electron plasma waves would not be excited. Rather, in the regions where the electron/proton temperature ratioT e/T i 10, electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves would be excited and in the regions whereT e 10, ion-acoustic waves would be excited. Ratios ofT e/T i 10 occur only in the late time development behind the conduction fronts. Since the anomalous resistivity due to electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves is fortuitously about 70% of the one used by Takakura, the general development will follow closely the one calculated by him. Because the anomalous resistivity due to ion-acoustic waves is about 95 times the one used by Takakura, the development in the parts of the loop whereT e/T i 10 for late times would be altered considerably.Also Guest Worker at NOAA Space Environment Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The processes by which streams of charged particles become charge and current neutralized in the corona are investigated. It is shown that a large amplitude plasma wave, which is related to precursor phenomenon in type III bursts and possibly plasma radiation from type IV bursts, will be excited at the head of the stream. The energy extracted from the stream to produce this plasma wave is computed and used to set conservative upper limits on the densities of possible excitors for type III bursts. For electron streams the density n s < 10–5 n e, where n e is the density of the background plasma. For proton streams n s < 1.8 × 10–2 n e. The energy extracted from the stream is also used to set upper limits on the lifetimes of relativistic electrons stored in the corona and it is concluded that for n e > 102 cm–3 this loss must be taken into account. Since electron streams cannot produce their own stabilizing ionacoustic waves because they would violate the condition n s < 10–5 n e, other mechanisms for producing ion-acoustic waves in the corona are examined. Another stabilization mechanism due to velocity inhomogeneity is investigated.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

As a possible mechanism for particle acceleration in the impulsive phase of solar flares, a new particle acceleration mechanism in shock waves is proposed; a collisionless fast magnetosonic shock wave can promptly accelerate protons and electrons to relativistic energies, which was found by theory and relativistic particle simulation. The simultaneous acceleration of protons and electrons takes place in a rather strong magnetic field such that ce pe . For a weak magnetic field ( ce pe ), strong acceleration occurs to protons only. Resonant protons gain relativistic energies within the order of the ion cyclotron period (much less than 1 s for solar plasma parameters). The electron acceleration time is shorter than the ion-cyclotron period.  相似文献   

It is pointed out that at frequencies near the plasma cut-off frequencies, the corrections to wave refractive indices in a cold plasmaN 0due to the contribution of ions and relativistic effects can be of the same order of magnitude or greater thanN 0. Expressions for wave refractive indicesN taking into account these corrections are derived in a limiting case |N| I. It is shown that the increase in cut-off frequencies due to effects of ions is negligibly small unless the electron plasma frequency is well below the electron gyrofrequency. The decrease of the cut-off frequencies due to relativistic effects is significant ( 1%) only in a rather hot plasma (T e 1 keV), which may be observed in a plasma sheet region of the Earth's magnetosphere and in astrophysical conditions. These effects appear to be particularly important in a strongly anisotropic plasma (the electron perpendicular temperature is noticeably greater than the parallel one).  相似文献   

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