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The seismicity rate in the Mudurnu Valley of Turkey was studied using an earthquake catalogue that reports events homogeneously down to magnitude 2.3 for the years 1985–1989, and covers the area between latitudes 40.2° and 41.0°N, and longitudes 30.0° and 31.5°E. During this period the only two main shocks, M = 4.0 and M = 4.3, occurred on 1988 September 6 and 1988 December 9 within about 30km of each other. A highly significant seismic quiescence is evident in the area surrounding these main shocks, while the seismicity rate in the rest of the area covered by the catalogue remains constant. the quiescence becomes more pronounced the smaller the area around the main shocks that is studied. the smallest areas that can be studied contain about 60 earthquakes and have dimensions of approximately 25km on each side. the decreases in seismicity rates are 50–80 per cent depending on the volume and period used for defining the quiescence. the quiescence started in 1988 January and lasted about seven months, with approximately 4.5 months of normal activity separating it from the main shock of December. the precursor time of 12 months for an M = 4.3 main shock is similar to those observed in California. It is concluded that it is possible to resolve precursory quiescence before moderate and large earthquakes in the Mudurnu area with the existing seismograph network.  相似文献   

A highly significant seismic quiescence with a standard deviate Z = 10.1. corresponding to a 99 per cent confidence level, lasted from 1987.7 up to the 1990 February 20 Izu-Oshima M 6.5 earthquake. The quiescent volume had dimensions of 30 km N-S and 10 km E-W and was centred below 14 km depth. Within the recently upgraded seismograph network of the Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), this main shock was the only one with a magnitude M > 5.8 in the upper 30 km of the crust for which the precursory quiescence hypothesis could be tested. Within a radius of 50 km, and during the observation period (1983.5–1995.9), there were no other 1.5 yr or longer periods of quiescence that were rated Z > 6.5 in the declustered earthquake catalogue, except one that was associated with volcanic activity. The total space-time covered by alarms, including the volcanic one, was less than 1 per cent at the Z = 6.5 level. The rarity of highly significant episodes of quiescence, and the correlation in space and time suggest that a precursory seismic quiescence started 2.5 yr before the Izu-Oshima 1990 earthquake in its source volume and to the north of it, and that it can be recognized with an alarm level of Z = 6.0, generating no false alarms. During the 1.5 yr quiescence window, only 10 earthquakes occurred in the quiet volume, whereas 50 events were expected based on the rate seen at other times. In randomly selected volumes containing 50, 100 and 200 events, the anomaly scored Z = 6.1 to 10.1. On the basis of the data from May 1983 to 1995, there is no highly significant quiescence currently present in the Izu-Oshima area.  相似文献   

Seismic quiescence before the M 7, 1988, Spitak earthquake, Armenia   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A detailed analysis of the 35  yr of seismicity between 1962 and 1997 using a gridding technique shows that the M 7, Spitak earthquake of 1988 December 7 was preceded by a quiescence anomaly that started at approximately 1984±0.5, and lasted about 5±0.5  yr, up to the main shock. This quiescence anomaly had a radius of about 20±3  km, estimated from circular areas with 75 per cent rate decrease, centred at the point of maximum significance of the anomaly. The quiescence was clearly present in the aftershock volume during the 5  yr before the 1988 main shock, but its statistically strongest expression was located 30  km NW of the epicentre. This anomaly fulfills the association rules between precursory quiescence anomalies and main shocks, even for a tight definition, and is therefore proposed as a case of precursory quiescence. The largest value of the standard deviate Z , found by random selection of samples by gridding, was Z =14 for a time window of T w=3  yr, using a sample size of N =300 events. This makes this anomaly the strongest observed so far, and it is the first documented in an environment of continental collision. There are no false alarms exceeding in significance the precursor. The Armenian earthquake catalogue used for this study had 4600 earthquakes with M ≥ M min=2.2 in the area bounded by 39.5° to 42°N/42.5° to 47°E. From the point of view of homogeneous reporting this is the best catalogue we have analysed so far. The limits of the data used and the density of the grid are dictated by the data, and have no influence on the results. The choice of free parameters does not influence the results significantly within the following limits: 100≤ N ≤500, 2≤ T w≤7, 2.2≤ M min≤2.8.  相似文献   

Crustal and upper-mantle seismic discontinuities beneath eastern Turkey are imaged using teleseismic S -to- P converted phases. Three crustal phases are observed: the Moho with depth ranging between 30 and 55 km, indicating variable tectonic regimes within this continental collision zone; an upper-crustal discontinuity at approximately 10 km depth; and various crustal low-velocity zones, possibly associated with recent Quaternary volcanism. Imaging of the upper mantle is complicated by the 3-D geometry of the region, in particular due to the Bitlis–Zagros suture zone. However, several upper-mantle S -to- P converted phase are identified as being the signature of the lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary (LAB). The inferred LAB for the Eastern Anatolian Accretionary Complex indicates that eastern Turkey has an anomalously thin (between ∼60 and 80 km) lithosphere which is consistent with an oceanic slab detachment model. The observed LAB phases for the Arabian shield and Iranian plateau indicate that lithospheric thickness for these stable regions is on the order of 100 to 125 km thick, which is typical of continental margins.  相似文献   

Iterative seismic inversion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Curie-point depth map of Turkey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Microseismicity at the boundary between two segments of the Büyük Menderes active normal fault zone, western Turkey, was monitored for two weeks during 1990 April and May, using a dense network of six portable seismographs with spacing ∼1–2 km. Extension rate across this fault zone is investigated by three independent methods; our preferred estimate is 1.2 ± 0.4 mm yr−1. The area contains a geothermal field, but microseismicity appears unrelated to geothermal well positions and was thus lower than expected; six local events were recorded, none larger than magnitude 2. Microearthquakes in this size range contribute negligibly to local tectonic deformation. However, frequency of occurrence of these and local magnitude 7 events both satisfy the standard Gutenberg-Richter relationship. The local geomorphology includes an example of river capture associated with elevation changes accompanying changing patterns of slip on individual fault segments, which appears to have occurred less than 1 Myr ago.  相似文献   

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