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The observational properties of a sample ofCII andSII layers within neutral interfaces separating hot ionised regions and cold molecular clouds, for which the data have been published elsewhere, are summarised and discussed. Observational trends are found (for the first time) between the depth and the electron density within theCII andSII layers, and also between the depth and the thermal pressure within theCII andSII layers. A pressure equilibrium is confirmed here, between the pressure of the associatedHII regions and the pressure of theCII andSII layers. The electron densities in theCII andSII layers are found here to be directly proportional to the electron density in the associatedHII regions.  相似文献   

We have studied the interstellar column densities of Alii, Siii,Sii, Feii, Niii, and Znii in the direction of 18 O- and 6 B-type stars so as to improve the relations of element depletions withE(B-V), and to look for other possible relations with two stellar parameters: namely, the rate of mass loss and rotational velocity. The stars were chosen in order to cover several directions in the Galaxy, as well as a wide range in interstellar reddening. We found a clear inverse trend relating the abundance of elements to interstellar reddening.  相似文献   

The heights of formation of a number of extreme ultraviolet lines in active regions have been measured from OSO-IV spectroheliograms. Using the Lyman continuum at 2000 km above the white light limb as a reference, we find heights for Hei, Heii, Ciii, Niii, Oiv, Ovi, Neviii, Mgx, Sixii, Fexv and Fexvi that are in approximate agreement with models based on analysis of EUV emission intensities. The height of Cii is anomalously high. The accuracy of measurement is typically about 2000 km. The data suggest that the transition zone is less steep than calculated from EUV emission intensities; however, higher resolution observations are necessary to resolve the discrepancy.  相似文献   

Ionization equilibrium is a useful assumption which allows temperatures and other plasma properties to be deduced from spectral observations. Inherent to this assumption is the premise that the ion stage densities are determined solely by atomic processes which are local functions of the plasma temperature and electron density. However, if the time scale of plasma flow through a temperature gradient is less than the characteristic time scale for an important atomic process, deviations from the ionization stage densities expected for equilibrium will occur which could introduce serious errors into subsequent analyses. In the past few years, significant flow velocities in the upper solar atmosphere have been inferred from observations of emission lines originaing in the transition region (about 104–106 K) and corona. In this paper, three models of the solar atmosphere (quiet Sun, coronal hole, and a network model) are examined to determine if the emission expected from these model atmospheres could be produced from equilibrium ion populations when steady flows of several kilometers per second are assumed. If the flows are quasi-periodic instead of steady, spatial and temporal averaging inherent in the observations may allow for the construction of satisfactory models based on the assumption of ionization equilibrium. Representative emission lines are analysed for the following ions: C iii, iv, O iv, v, vi, Ne vii, viii, Mg ix, x, Si xii, and Fe ix–xiv. Two principle conclusions are drawn. First, only the iron ions are generally in equilibrium for steady flows of 20 km s–1. For carbon and oxygen, ionization equilibrium is not a valid assumption for steady flows as small as 1 km s–1. Second, the three models representing different solar conditions behave in a qualitatively similar manner, implying that these results are not particularly model dependent over the range of temperature gradients and electron densities thus far inferred for the Sun. In view of the flow velocities which have been reported for the Sun, our results strongly suggest caution in using the assumption of ionization equilibrium for interpreting spectral lines produced in the transition region.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Moderately accurate oscillator strengths are obtained by application of systematic corrections to Warner's-log(gf) for the once ionized elements of the iron group. Corrections are derived by comparison of Warner's values with those of Kurucz-Peytremann (Scii, Tiii,Vii, Crii, Mnii, Coii, and Niii) and Kurucz (Feii).K–P andK derived log(gf) by semi-empirical methods for many transitions using scaled Thomas-Fermi-Dirac potentials for the atoms of the elements from B to Ni. Although their individual values may be seriously in error, it has been shown that their mean scales are acceptable, being affected at most by rather small errors. It is known, for example, that when interacting terms are not properly accounted for in the semi-empirical method, very small values are derived for log(gf); these were dropped away in calculating mean corrections as they exhibited gross deviations.The relations loggf(KP)–loggf(W) vs , loggf(W), andE u (energy of the upper level) have been investigated, and constant corrections, or weak dependences are found.Using Warner's corrected log(gf) for these elements, we have shown in a rather qualitative way that abundances consistent with the values accepted at present are found in the solar photosphere.Research supported in part by the SECYT.  相似文献   

A list of emission lines in the spectra of solar flares between 6 Å and 25 Å has been compiled using data obtained with a KAP crystal spectrometer on the OSO-5 satellite. The emission lines have been classified according to their sensitivity to flare activity. This classification provides a method for discriminating between iron in high stages of ionization (Fe xx-Fe xxv) and lower stages (Fe xvii- Fe xix), the lines of which are both present in the same spectral region during flares. Identifications consistent with these classifications are proposed. Anomalous intensities in the spectra of Fe xvii and Fe xx are pointed out, and implications of the observations for models of the X-ray emitting regions are discussed.  相似文献   

Eclipse observations of total line intensities (Cr i: two groups of lines; Ti ii, Fe ii and Cr ii: two lines each) are interpreted in terms of departures from LTE. The same method as described in Paper III (van Dessel, 1974) is used. The HSRA model is used to compute the LTE populations. A distribution of NLTE-coefficients is obtained for each group of lines. The lines discussed in the present paper are seen to remain in emission down to some 1000 km inside the limb. As a consequence, interpretation is less simple than for the Fe i lines (Paper III); population and excitation temperatures are found to be rather divergent from Holweger's temperature, which was used for a first approximation.  相似文献   

OSO-IV observations of the equatorial limb brightening of XUV resonance lines of Nv, O vi, Ne viii, Mg x and Si xii are interpreted with a modified version of a coronal model developed by Dupree and Goldberg (1967). Good agreement is obtained between the observed limb brightening and that predicted by the model. The sensitivity of the predicted limb-brightening curves to changes in parameters describing the model is discussed. Coronal abundances for N, O, Ne, Mg, and Si are obtained.  相似文献   

In a total of 181 photographic spectrograms, obtained at the Manuel Foster Observatory of the Catholic University in Santiago (Chile), the equivalent widths of the absorption lines HeI 4471 and MgII 4481 have been determined for 10 selected southern Be stars and 4 normal B-type stars. The mean equivalent widths of each star are compared to published mean values from largers samples of B stars. On the average, Be stars coincide with normal B-type stars in their equivalent width. However, a striking difference between rapidly and slowly rotating stars in their line ratios (HeI/MgII) was found, which is probably an artifact due to a systematic misclassification of spectral types of rapidly rotating B stars (v sini>200 km s–1). Six of the ten Be stars show evidence for variability in HeI and/or MgII with time-scales shorter than a few days and amplitudes up to a factor 2 in equivalent width. Line variability occurs in the entire range of projected rotation velocity (70 km s–1<v sini<350 km s–1), but seems to be restricted to spectral types B2-B4. In addition, variations at longer time-scales (years) were observed in two cases. Three of the variable stars (HR 4074, HR 4537, and Ara) present correlated variations in both lines, one ( Cen) anti-correlated variability. We interpret our results in terms of nonradial pulsations and stress the importance to study the HeI/MgII lines and their variability in a larger sample of Be, Bn, and normal B stars, including archival material in order to follow-up line variability for several decades in the past.  相似文献   

The available data speak in favour of space and time inhomogeneity of gaseous corona of our Galaxy. The observedCIV and SiIV ions are formed mainly by fast photons and localized inHII-clouds of the galactic halo. On the other hand, theNV ions are thermally ionized and localized in the gas corresponding to a transformation of hot intercloud coronal gas in theHII-clouds. TheHII-clouds exhibit downward the gas flow. The galactic fountain can eject the interstellar matter up to height of 1 kpc. Such ejections may be also displayed inCIV, SiIV, and partiallyNV, and partiallyNV absorptions. But large gaseous corona extending up to 3–5 kpc proves to be mass-unbalanced. It is possible that the existence of corona is evidence for violent star formation in the galactic disc in the recent past.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the main features of the far UV spectrum of the binary star AX Mon, observed with the IUE satellite at phase 0.568.Ions indicating a large range of ionization stages, going fromCi,Oi,Ni toSiv,Civ,Nv are present.The spectrum is dominated by shell absorption lines of Feii, Feiii, Siiii,Cii, Alii, Mgii and Niii.Two satellite components are clearly indicated in all these lines except for Niii which presents only one. Their mean velocities are +10±5 km s–1, –75±10 km s–1, and –260±15 km s–1.Red emission wings are observed in the Mgii resonant doublet at 2800 Å, which shows a P Cygni profile. Each of the absorption lines of the Mgii doublet is formed by a narrow component, which is blended with the Mgii interstellar line and a broad component, which shows a complex structure.Broad and asymmetrical profiles are observed for the Siiv,Civ, andNv resonance lines with blue edge velocities about –700±30 km s–1.  相似文献   

Molecular clouds are clumpy on length scales down to the limits of observational resolution. At least some ultracompactHii regions (UCHiiR) may result from the interaction of a young early type star and this type of cloud. The clumps can act as reservoirs of ionized gas distributed within theHii region. These models reproduce the relatively long lifetimes implied by the population statistics of UCHiiR. We present line profile and emission measure plots based on the simplest case where the flow remains supersonic through to a recombination front. The morphology agrees with the shell-like UCHiiR as classified by Churchwell. The predicted line profiles are broad and double peaked with a separation of about 50 km s–1 for the example given.  相似文献   

IUE ultraviolet spectral recording for a low excitating planetary nebula NGC 6369 is obtained. The very strong doublet 2800 Mgii in emission as well as not less strong absorption line 2852 Mgi are discovered in the spectrum of this nebula. It is shown that the resonance line 2852 Mgi may originate only in a neutral envelope, around the nebula, consisting of neutral hydrogen, neutral magnesium, and dust particles (Hi+Mgi). The importance of this absorption line as a powerful indicator of the discovery of neutral envelopes around the planetary nebulae is outlined.The possibility of the existence of one more envelope—transition zone—immediately contacting with the bright that is ionized part of nebula (Hii+Mgii) is also shown. The transition zone consists of neutral hydrogen, ionized magnesium, and dust particles (Hi+Mgii), main parameters of this zone are also obtained (Table IV).The temperature of the central star of this nebula is obtained for the first time:T *=48000 K. Continuous background in the interval 2600–3000 Å is identified with Balmer continuum with electron temperatureT e =12500 K.  相似文献   

Five 230 Å/mm infrared spectra of Nova Delphini 1967 have been obtained from May to September 1970 on Kodak hypersensitized IN plates. Visual brightness has dropped by one magnitude between fall 1969 and fall 1970. The continuous spectrum remains strong and a mean value of 2.35 is found for the gradient in the region 6000–8000 Å, indicating a slight increase in temperature since 1969. Permitted lines ofHi,Oi, Hei, Feii are weakening, while intensities of forbidden transitions due [Nii], [Fevii], [Oi], [Oii], [Aiii], [Av], [Fevii], [Fex], [Fexi], [Fexi], [Nixv] are much more stable At the dispersion of our spectra, there is little evidence of activity in the nova shell during 1970. Temperature seems to be slightly increasing in the lower layers as well as in the external, low density regions.

Les observations ont été effectuées à l'Observatoire de Haute-Provence (C.N.R.S.)  相似文献   

The concept of homology, introduced by Ellison, Mc Kenna, and Rceid (1960) for optical flares, can be extended to flare-associated radio events. Successive flares within the same centre of activity sometimes produce radio events that are remarkably similar. The similarity amounts to the fact that they extend over about the same range(s) in frequency, producing at each frequency responses of comparable intensity and duration. On some occasions the intensity curves at individual frequencies show even detailed resemblance. The occurrence of homologous radio events is commonly restricted to periods of less than 48 hours.Without being homologous, radio events that occur in the same centre of activity may present a common characteristic that is typical for that centre. Two such characteristics are (1) the production of radio responses at centimetric, decimetric and metric frequencies, and (2) the impulsiveness of microwave outbursts. The distribution of time intervals during which such bursts occur is compared with the same distribution for homologous events (Figure 3).  相似文献   

A rocket borne spectrometer was flown to measure absolute intensities of extreme ultraviolet spectral lines from the three ions O vi, Ne viii, and Mg x present in the Sun. From these measurements, intensity ratios of lines from O vi, ratios of lines from Ne viii, and ratios of lines from Mg x were formed. These experimental ratios were compared with ratios calculated by using specific theoretical values of the ionization equilibrium in which dielectronic recombination was included in the processes establishing ionization balance. The effects of the electron density and temperature gradient on the temperature distribution of the flux of the spectral lines in the solar atmosphere have been taken into account in the calculations of the ratios. The agreement between the experimental and calculated ratios is good for the ions Ne viii and Mg x and satisfactory for the ion O vi for which the calculated ratio is subject to large uncertainties. A reliable measurement of the electron temperature in the lower corona was obtained from the experimental ratios for Mg x. This experimental temperature is in good agreement with the emission temperature of the spectral lines of Mg x predicted from the theoretical values of the ionization equilibrium. The design and photometric calibration of a new rocket spectrometer developed to measure the intensity ratios over the broad spectral region 50 to 1250 Å are also described.  相似文献   

The results of observations of the Rosette Nebula using the equipment described byMeaburn andSmith (1968) and the reduction procedures outlined inSmith andWalker (1968) are reported. The results and conclusions differ markedly from an earlier report (Flynn, 1965), of detailed radial-velocity observations of this nebula. The peak positions of the H-line profiles have now been shown not to vary greatly. The mean of 37 measurements at different points gives, for the heliocentric velocity of the Rosette nebula, +35±5 km sec–1. The widths of the lines are consistent with a model of randomly directed streaming motions of order 15 to 25 km sec–1.  相似文献   

Fluxes have been computed for Fex (6374 Å) and Fe xiv (5303 Å) lines as a function of solar radii and at various coronal tempratures. The electron density derived from the white light corona during the total solar eclipse of 1980 were used in the computations. Fluxes in adjacent continua have also been computed. The computed ratios of line flux to the square of continuum flux at a coronal temperature of 1.6 × 106 K show a good fit with the observed values for Fex line. Further, radiative excitation seems to dominate over collisional excitation beyond 1.3 solar radius.  相似文献   

Continued spectroscopic observations of Nova Del 67 during 1971 and 1972 show a general decrease of the nebular and coronal emission with respect to the local continuum. The continuous spectrum exhibits a strong Balmer emission (figure 1). Equivalent widths of Hi, Hei, Heii, Oi, [Oi], Oii, [Oii], Oiii, [Oiii], Niii, [Sii], [Aiii], [Neiii], [Nev], [Fevi], [Fevii], [Fex], [Fexi], [Fexiv], [Nixvi], [Nixv] are listed in tables 1 and 2.Figures 5 to 10 show several line profiles, which can be interpreted in terms of a model proposed by Hutchings (1972). Kinematical properties of the nova envelope do not seem to have changed in the 1968–1972 time interval. However, a study of the [Oiii] (4959 Å) line indicates that the physical conditions in the polar blobs in 1972 (T e=10 660 K,N e=5,5×105 cm–3) are different from those prevailing in equatorial rings (T e=9×100 K,N e=7×105 cm–3).

Le matérial d'observation utilisé pour cette étude a été obtenu à l'aide de téléscopes de 120 cm, 152 cm et 193 cm de l'Observatoire de Haute-Provence (CNRS).  相似文献   

The variation of spectral index 1.4 5 with luminosity (P 1.4) was investigated for Fanaroff and Riley type II galaxies and also for type I and type I/II galaxies. To reduce the effect of the redshift dependence of luminosity, samples which did not have widely different median redshifts were used and the data was binned into redshift ranges.By a comparison of the median spectral indices in different redshift bins for FRII galaxies, no dependence of spectral index was formed on redshift. However, an increase in spectral index with increasing luminosity was found. The results for FRI and FRI/II galaxies were similar to those for the FRII galaxies.  相似文献   

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