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Summary The dependence of stratospheric intrusions on solar events is analyzed on the basis of 8-years' recordings of the concentration of stratospheric radionuclides and the ozone at 3 km altitude, as well as of the atmospheric profile of the ozone concentration and the total ozone.A significant, even though weak influence of solar magnetic sector structure boundary passages of type-/+ can be identified, a seasonal influence, however, is also observed. The strong 50 to 80% increase in the frequency of stratospheric intrusions after solarH -flares is significant and completely independent of the phase of the solar cycle and season. The total atmospheric ozone shows also a correlation with solar flares: A well defined maximum on the day preceding the flare. The neutron density clearly shows the Forbush decrease on theH -key day. Using key days with Forbush minimum for the superposed epoch analysis reveals a significant maximum of the Be 7-concentration on the day before the flare (rise by about 45 to 60%).Notable is the following sequence: Approximately 3 days before the solar flare the neutron density begins to decrease, 1 to 2 days before the flare the total atmospheric ozone maximizes, and 2 to 3 days after the flare one finds the maximum of the Be 7 in the troposphere as a consequence of the stratospheric intrusion.Around days with maximum Be 7-concentration the reliability of weather forecasts is clearly reduced — a fact, which at this point is obviously indicative of an acute activation of a labile atmospheric condition.We selected some characteristic individual cases to demonstrate by means of tables the time lapse of typical solar atmospheric and geophysical variables associated with solar flares. The attendant structures of the vertical ozone profile are discussed.Some preliminary reflections on a physical link are set forth.
Neue Ergebnisse über den Einfluß der Sonnenaktivität auf den stratosphärisch-troposphärischen Austausch
Zusammenfassung Anhand 8jähriger Registrierungen der Konzentration stratosphärischer Radionuklide und des Ozon in 3 km Höhe sowie des atmosphärischen Profils der Ozon-Konzentration und des Gesamt-Ozon wird die Abhängigkeit stratosphärischer Lufteinbrüche in die Troposphäre von solaren Ereignissen analysiert.Ein signifikanter, wenn auch schwacher Einfluß von Sektordurchgängen des interplanetarischen Magnetfeldes beim Polaritätswechsel vom Typ-/+ läßt sich nachweisen, jedoch geht ein jahreszeitlicher Einfluß mit ein.Signifikant und völlig unabhängig von der Phase des solaren Zyklus und der Jahreszeit ist die starke Zunahme der Häufigkeit bzw. der Stärke von stratosphärischen Lufteinbrüchen 2 bis 3 Tage nachH -Eruptionen (Zunahme um 50 bis 80%). Das atmosphärische Gesamt-Ozon zeigt ebenfalls eine Korrelation mitH -Eruptionen: Ein gut ausgeprägtes Maximum am Tag vor der Eruption wird festgestellt. Die Neutronendichte zeigt amH -Stichtag deutlich den Forbush-Effekt. Verwendet man Stichtage mit einem Forbush-Effekt für die Überlagerungs-Analyse, so findet man am Tage vor dem Stichtag ein signifikantes Maximum der Be 7-Konzentration (Anstieg um 45–60%). Auffallend ist die folgende Zeitfolge: Etwa 3 Tage vor derH -Eruption beginnt die Neutronendichte abzusinken, 1 bis 2 Tage vor der Eruption erreicht das atmosphärische Gesamt-Ozon das Maximum, 2 bis 3 Tage nach derH -Eruption findet man das Maximum des Be 7 in der Troposphäre als Folge der stratosphärischen Lufteinbrüche.Um Tage mit maximaler Be 7-Konzentration ist die Treffsicherheit von Wetterprognosen eindeutig reduziert. Man hat es also zu diesem Zeitpunkt offensichtlich mit der akuten Aktivierung eines labilen atmosphärischen Zustandes zu tun.Anhand von Tabellen wird der zeitliche Ablauf von charakteristischen solaren atmosphärischen und geophysikalischen Größen im Zusammenhang mit solaren Ereignissen für einige charakteristische Einzelfälle dargelegt. Die zugehörigen Strukturen des vertikalen Ozon-Profiles werden besprochen.Einige vorläufige Gedanken über einen Kausalzusammenhang werden dargelegt.

With 12 Figures  相似文献   

The effect of the meridional migration of the wind field on the interior Sverdrup flow is examined near the boundary between a subtropic gyre and a subpolar gyre. An idealized model ocean is used which has a flat bottom. For annual wind variation with realistic magnitude, the cross-gyre Lagrangian mass flux in the model ocean can reach more than one-tenth of the total Sverdrup transport. The maximum northward penetration occurs for those particles that leave the western boundary at the autumnal equinox while the opposite occurs at the spring equinox.  相似文献   

An automated system for measuring the dry deposition fluxes of SO2 on a routine basis based on the micrometeorological gradient technique has been developed for application over grassland and other short vegetation. The ability of the system to determine turbulent exchange parameters such as the friction velocity u * and the heat flux H was investigated by comparison with an automated eddy correlation system.Determinations of u * and H by both methods have generally been found to be in very good agreement for 20 min averages. Aerodynamic resistances derived from both systems showed no systematic differences but individual values differed considerably. From the analysis it appeared that in addition to classical rejection criteria on wind speed and inhomogeneity, etc., periods with large shifts in wind direction also have to be removed from the data set before interpretation.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of the activity concentrations of radon and its progeny, and conductivity of both polarities i.e., positive and negative conductivities, were made at a height of 1 m above the ground at Mysore (12°N, 76°E, 767 m above mean sea level), India. Diurnal and seasonal variations of activities of radon and its progeny show their peak values in the early morning hours throughout the year. Observations show an increase in the concentration of radon and its progeny during nighttime compared to the daytime values, and are higher in winter than in other seasons. The electrical conductivity of the atmosphere that depends on the ionization rate also exhibits similar trends. These results are discussed in terms of ionization rate due to radioactivity and the influence of meteorological parameters on radioactivity. The results also show that the concentrations of radon, its progeny, and the electrical conductivity of both polarities exhibit a positive correlation with the relative humidity and are negatively correlated with the temperature of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Influence of heterogeneous land surfaces on surface energy and mass fluxes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Land-surface heterogeneity affects surface energy fluxes. The magnitudes of selected land-surface influences are quantified by comparing observations with model simulations of the FIFE (First ISLSCP Field Experiment) domain. Several plausible heterogeneous and homogeneous initial and boundary conditions are examined, although soilmoisture variability is emphasized. It turns out that simple spatial averages of surface variation produced biased flux values. Simulated maximum latent-heat fluxes were approximately 30 to 40 W m–2 higher, and air temperatures 0.4 °C lower (at noon), when computations were initialized with spatially averaged soil-moisture and leaf-area-index fields. The planetary boundary layer (PBL) height and turbulent exchanges were lower as well. It additionally was observed that (largely due to the nonlinear relationship between initial soil-moisture availability and the evapotranspiration rate), real latent-heat flux can be substantially less than simulated latent-heat flux using models initialized with spatially averaged soil-moisture fields. Differences between real and simulated fluxes also vary with the resolution at which real soil-moisture heterogeneity is discretized.With 8 Figures  相似文献   

A liquid jet of 90 m diameter and variable length has been utilized to determine absorption rates and, hence, mass accommodation coefficients , of atmospheric trace gases. The compounds investigated are HCl (0.01), HNO3 (0.01), N2O5 (0.005), peroxyacetyl nitrate (>0.001), and HONO (0.005). It is concluded that the absorption of these trace gases by liquid atmospheric water is not significantly retarded by interfacial mass transport. The strengths and limitations of the liquid jet technique for measuring mass accommodation coefficients are explored.  相似文献   


The atmospheric model of Danard et al. (1983) is used to investigate the changes in heat, mass and momentum fluxes at the air‐sea interface in Hudson Bay when the seasonal sea surface temperature is varied. Comparisons of model predictions with data from a meteorological buoy located 400 km offshore showed that the model predicted the variations in wind speed and air temperature fairly well but underestimated their magnitudes. In addition it provided offshore heat and mass fluxes for which no direct observations were available.

The most important parameter determining air‐sea fluxes is the temperature difference between air and water. This determines the stability and the degree of vertical convection of the air. In the spring the colder water stabilizes the air, which depresses vertical convection. This reduces wind stress and evaporation while increasing the heat flux into the water. During the fall, the opposite occurs. The sea surface temperature is thus buffered against man‐made changes. When the temperature is decreased, for example, as the result of hydroelectric development in surrounding watersheds, the heat flux into the water increases while the wind stress decreases. Both effects increase the sea surface temperature, opposing the initial decrease. A one‐degree depression of sea surface temperature in summer is slowly offset by increased heating and no noticeable change in temperature remains at the end of the fall.  相似文献   

The unnoticed (up to now) appreciable component of the land surface heat balance equation is revealed and analyzed in this paper. This component describes the direct heat exchange between the atmosphere and the air in the porous soil. The physical mechanism which causes this exchange is described. The missing component of the heat balance equation is discussed in application to the desert surface heat balance.  相似文献   

The dominant parameters in the Noah land surface model (LSM) are identified, and the effects of parameter optimization on the surface heat exchange are investigated at a temperate desert steppe site during growing season in Inner Mongolia, China. The relative impacts of parameters on surface heat flux are examined by the distributed evaluation of local sensitivity analysis (DELSA), and the Noah LSM is calibrated by the global shuffled complex evolution (SCE) against the corresponding observations during May–September of 2008 and 2009. The differences in flux simulations are assessed between the Noah LSM calibrated by the SCE with 27 parameters and 12 dominant parameters. The systematic error, unsystematic error, root mean squared error, and mean squared error decompositions are used to evaluate the model performance. Compared to the control experiment, parameter optimization by the SCE using net radiation, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, and ground heat flux as the objective criterion, respectively, can obviously reduce the errors of the Noah LSM. The calibrated Noah LSM is further validated against flux observations of growing season in 2010, and it is found that the calibrated Noah LSM can be applied in the longer term at this site. The Noah LSM with 12 dominant parameters calibrated performs similar to that with 27 parameters calibrated.  相似文献   

We analyzed the evolution of surface relative humidity (RH) and specific humidity (q) in Spain, based on complete records available from the State Meteorological Agency of Spain. The surface RH records used span the period 1920–2011, but because of spatial and temporal constraints in the dataset we used a subset of the data, covering the period 1961–2011. The subset contained 50 monthly series of RH, which were created through a process of quality control, reconstruction and homogenization. The data shows that there was a large decrease in RH over mainland Spain from 1961 to 2011, which was greatest in spring and summer. In contrast, there was no overall change in the specific humidity in this period, except in spring, when an increase was observed. The decrease in RH affected the entire country, but the changes in specific humidity were less homogeneous. For specific humidity there was a general increase in the northern and eastern parts of Spain, whereas negative trends dominated in the central and southern areas, mainly during the summer months. The results suggest that an increase in the water holding capacity of the atmosphere as a consequence of warming during recent decades has not been accompanied by an increase in the surface water vapor content, probably because the supply of water vapor from the main terrestrial and oceanic areas has been constrained. We discuss the implications of these findings for evapotranspiration processes, precipitation and water management in Spain.  相似文献   

上呼吸道疾病与气象环境的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析潍坊市上呼吸道疾病的月分布及上呼吸道疾病发病率与气象要素的关系,并且分季节建立多元回归预报方程,对该疾病的发病率作等级预报。  相似文献   

The Loess Plateau, located in northern China, has a significant impact on the climate and ecosystem evolvement over the East Asian continent. In this paper, the preliminary autumn daily characteristics of land surface energy and water exchange over the Chinese Loess Plateau mesa region are evaluated by using data collected during the Loess Plateau land-atmosphere interaction pilot experiment (LOPEX04), which was conducted from 25 August to 12 September 2004 near Pingliang city, Gansu Province of China. The experiment was carried out in a region with a typical landscape of the Chinese Loess Plateau, known as "loess mesa". The experiment's field land utilizations were cornfield and fallow farmland, with the fallow field later used for rotating winter wheat. The autumn daily characteristics of heat and water exchange evidently differed between the mesa cornfield and fallow, and the imbalance term of the surface energy was large. This is discussed in terms of sampling errors in the flux observations-footprint; energy storage terms of soil and vegetation layers; contribution from air advections; and low and high frequency loss of turbulent fluxes and instruments bias. Comparison of energy components between the mesa cornfield and the lowland cornfield did not reveal any obvious difference. Inadequacies of the field observation equipment and experimental design emerged during the study, and some new research topics have emerged from this pilot experiment for future investigation.  相似文献   

Typical numerical weather and climate prediction models apply parameterizations to describe the subgrid-scale exchange of moisture, heat and momentum between the surface and the free atmosphere. To a large degree, the underlying assumptions are based on empirical knowledge obtained from measurements in the atmospheric boundary layer over flat and homogeneous topography. It is, however, still unclear what happens if the topography is complex and steep. Not only is the applicability of classical turbulence schemes questionable in principle over such terrain, but mountains additionally induce vertical fluxes on the meso-γ scale. Examples are thermally or mechanically driven valley winds, which are neither resolved nor parameterized by climate models but nevertheless contribute to vertical exchange. Attempts to quantify these processes and to evaluate their impact on climate simulations have so far been scarce. Here, results from a case study in the Riviera Valley in southern Switzerland are presented. In previous work, measurements from the MAP-Riviera field campaign have been used to evaluate and configure a high-resolution large-eddy simulation code (ARPS). This model is here applied with a horizontal grid spacing of 350 m to detect and quantify the relevant exchange processes between the valley atmosphere (i.e. the ground “surface” in a coarse model) and the free atmosphere aloft. As an example, vertical export of moisture is evaluated for three fair-weather summer days. The simulations show that moisture exchange with the free atmosphere is indeed no longer governed by turbulent motions alone. Other mechanisms become important, such as mass export due to topographic narrowing or the interaction of thermally driven cross-valley circulations. Under certain atmospheric conditions, these topographical-related mechanisms exceed the “classical” turbulent contributions a coarse model would see by several times. The study shows that conventional subgrid-scale parameterizations can indeed be far off from reality if applied over complex topography, and that large-eddy simulations could provide a helpful tool for their improvement.  相似文献   

The concentrations of DMS were simultaneously measured in both water and air at the sea surface on board a vessel during a trans-Pacific cruise around 40° N in August 1988. Those in the surface seawater varied widely with a mean of 162 ng S/1 and a standard deviation of 134 ng S/1 (n=37), but the variation was not a mere fluctuation and the high concentration (376 ng S/1) was found in the area between 145° W and 170° W. The atmospheric DMS concentration varied more widely with a mean value of 177 ng S/m3 and a standard deviation of 203 ng S/m3 (n=23). The diurnal variation of DMS was not significant in the air near the sea surface. However, the concentrations in the surface water was fairly well correlated with those in the surface air. The correlation coefficient (r 2=0.86) was larger than that between the atmospheric concentration and outflux of DMS (r 2=0.64). These findings mean that the turnover time of DMS in the atmosphere is not extremely short. Based on the linear relation between the atmospheric and seawater DMS, the turnover time of the atmospheric DMS has been calculated to be 0.9 days with an uncertainty of around 50%. The oxidation rate agrees fairly well with that expected from the OH radical concentration in the marine atmosphere.  相似文献   

浅谈高空气象探测与天气变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析高空气象探测过程中的气球施放高度、升速、特性层、高空测风等与天气之间存在的联系,找出其相互关系的变化规律.  相似文献   

The variances of fluctuations of scalar quantities can be measured and interpreted to yield indirect estimates of their vertical fluxes in the atmospheric surface layer. Strong correlations among scalar fluctuations indicate a similarity of transfer mechanisms, which is utilized in some of the variance techniques. The ratios of the standard deviations of two scalar quantities, for example, can be used to estimate the flux of one if the flux of the other is measured, without knowledge of atmospheric stability. This is akin to a modified Bowen ratio approach. Other methods such as the normalized standard-deviation technique and the correlation-coefficient technique can be utilized effectively if atmospheric stability is evaluated and certain semi-empirical functions are known. In these cases, iterative calculations involving measured variances of fluctuations of temperature and vertical wind velocity can be used in place of direct flux measurements. For a chemical sensor whose output is contaminated by non-atmospheric noise, covariances with fluctuations of scalar quantities measured with a very good signal-to-noise ratio can be used to extract the needed standard deviation. Field measurements have shown that many of these approaches are successful for gases such as ozone and sulfur dioxide, as well as for temperature and water vapor, and could be extended to other trace substances. In humid areas, it appears that water vapor fluctuations often have a higher degree of correlation to fluctuations of other trace gases than do temperature fluctuations; this makes water vapor a more reliable companion or reference scalar. These techniques provide some reliable research approaches but, for routine or operational measurement, they are limited by the need for fast-response sensors. Also, all variance approaches require some independent means to estimate the direction of the flux.This research has been funded as part of the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through IAGDW89930069-01 to the U.S. Department of Energy.  相似文献   

Data obtained in an intensive field study of the dry deposition of sulfur dioxide, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide, conducted in 1985 in central Pennsylvania, are used to illustrate the factors that must be considered to assure that high quality results are derived. In particular, the quality of the site must be such that flux measurements made above the surface are representative of surface values. For this purpose, tests involving momentum transfer and the surface energy budget are especially useful. In addition, conditions must not be changing rapidly, and the statistical uncertainty associated with flux measurement must be low. For the set of data presented here, conservative quality-assurance guidelines are used to reject potentially erroneous flux data. For ozone, most of the measured fluxes are of use in deriving surface resistances. For SO2, far fewer data points are available. For NO2, fluxes appear to lack the order of the O3 and SO2 fluxes, and do not enable surface resistances to be computed. The highest-quality SO2 and O3 data yield surface resistances in fair average agreement with model predictions for SO2, but substantially higher than predictions for O3.  相似文献   

A surface runoff parameterization scheme that dynamically represents both Horton and Dunne runoff generation mechanisms within a model grid cell together with a consideration of the subgrid-scaie soil heterogeneity, is implemented into the National Climate Center regional climate model (RegCM_NCC). The effects of the modified surface runoff scheme on RegCMANCC performance are tested with an abnormal heavy rainfall process which occurred in summer 1998. Simulated results show that the model with the original surface runoff scheme (noted as CTL) basically captures the spatial pattern of precipitation, circulation and land surface variables, but generally overestimates rainfall compared to observations. The model with the new surface runoff scheme (noted as NRM) reasonably reproduces the distribution pattern of various variables and effectively diminishes the excessive precipitation in the CTL. The processes involved in the improvement of NRM-simulated rainfall may be as follows: with the new surface runoff scheme, simulated surface runoff is larger, soil moisture and evaporation (latent heat flux) are decreased, the available water into the atmosphere is decreased; correspondingly, the atmosphere is drier and rainfall is decreased through various processes. Therefore, the implementation of the new runoff scheme into the RegCMANCC has a significant effect on results at not only the land surface, but also the overlying atmosphere.  相似文献   

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