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River bifurcations strongly control the distribution of water and sediment over a river system. A good understanding of this distribution process is crucial for river management. In this paper, an extensive data set from three large bifurcations in the Dutch Rhine is presented, containing data on bed‐load transport, suspended bed sediment transport, dune development and hydrodynamics. The data show complex variations in sediment transport during discharge waves. The objective of this paper is to examine and explain these measured variations in sediment transport. It is found that bend sorting upstream of the bifurcations leads to supply limitation, particularly in the downstream branch that originates in the outer bend of the main channel. Tidal water level variations lead to cyclical variations in the sediment distribution over the downstream branches. Lags in dune development cause complex hysteresis patterns in flow parameters and sediment transport. All bifurcations show evidence of sediment waves, which probably are intrinsic bifurcation phenomena. The complex transport processes at the three bifurcations cause distinct discontinuities in the downstream fining trend of the river. Differences among the studied river bifurcations are mainly due to differences in sediment mobility (Shields value). Because the variations in sediment transport are complex and poorly correlated with the flow discharge, prediction of the sediment distribution with existing relationships for one‐dimensional models is problematic.  相似文献   

The effects of discharge of municipal wastes on water quality within the lower Mississippi River below Old River have been reevaluated using published water quality data in the Louisiana reach of the river for the water years 1974–1984. A novel graphical technique has facilitated the evaluation of upriver controls on water quality and the identification of sources and sinks along the lower Mississippi. Comparison of calculated annual fluxes at different downstream monitoring stations has simplified some of the problems inherent in evaluating analyses of samples collected from different water masses during a typical sampling run. The absolute concentrations of chloride, nitrite plus nitrate, total phosphorous, dissolved oxygen, BOD, and COD are all strongly dependent on processes occurring upriver. Nonpoint influx of materials from agricultural wastes and natural plant debris may be the dominant upstream sources of N, P, BOD, and COD. Increases in chloride and phosphorous downstream within the Lower Mississippi appear to be caused by discharge of industrial wastes. Nitrogen fluxes decrease downriver, except where there is local discharge of high-N, high-P industrial waste water, possibly from fertilizer plants. Removal of N and increases in BOD may be due in part to biological uptake. High river discharge rates and efficient, natural processes of reaeration maintain high oxygen saturation levels. With the exception of an increase in bacterial count, the discharge of municipal waste into the Mississippi River in Louisiana appears to have had no significant effect on water quality, a finding consistent with the earlier U.S. Geological Survey study of Wells (1980). It would be highly desirable for future mass balance studies if existing water quality programs on the Mississippi River were to adopt a Lagrangian sampling approach.  相似文献   

Large symmetric and asymmetric dunes occur in the Fraser River, Canada. Symmetric dunes have stoss and lee sides of similar length, stoss and lee slope angles <8°, and rounded crests. Asymmetric dunes have superimposed small dunes on stoss sides, sharp crests, stoss sides longer than lee sides, stoss side slopes <3° and straight lee side slopes up to 19°. There is no evidence for lee side flow separation, although intermittent separated flow is possible, especially over asymmetric dunes. Dune symmetry and crest rounding of symmetric dunes are associated with high sediment transport rates. High near-bed velocity and bed load transport near dune crests result in crest rounding. Long, low-angle lee sides are produced by deposition of suspended sediment in dune troughs. Asymmetric dunes appear to be transitional features between large symmetric dunes and smaller dunes adjusted to lower flow velocity and sediment transport conditions. Small dunes on stoss sides reduce near-bed flow velocity and bed load transport, causing a sharper dune crest. Reduced deposition of suspended sediment in troughs results in a short, steep lee slope. Dunes in the Fraser River fall into upper plane bed or antidune stability fields on flume-based bedform phase diagrams. These diagrams are probably not applicable to large dunes in deep natural flows and care must be taken in modelling procedures that use phase diagram relations to predict bed configuration in such flows.  相似文献   

Interactions between catchment variables and sediment transport processes in rivers are complex, and sediment transport behaviour during high‐flow events is not well documented. This paper presents an investigation into sediment transport processes in a short‐duration, high‐discharge event in the Burdekin River, a large sand‐ and gravel‐bed river in the monsoon‐ and cyclone‐influenced, semi‐arid tropics of north Queensland. The Burdekin's discharge is highly variable and strongly seasonal, with a recorded maximum of 40 400 m3 s?1. Sediment was sampled systematically across an 800 m wide, 12 m deep and straight reach using Helley‐Smith bedload and US P‐61 suspended sediment samplers over 16 days of a 29‐day discharge event in February and March 2000 (peak 11 155 m3 s?1). About 3·7 × 106 tonnes of suspended sediment and 3 × 105 tonnes of bedload are estimated to have been transported past the sample site during the flow event. The sediment load was predominantly supply limited. Wash load included clay, silt and very fine sand. The concentration of suspended bed material (including very coarse sand) varied with bedload transport rate, discharge and height above the bed. Bedload transport rate and changes in channel shape were greatest several days after peak discharge. Comparison between these data and sparse published data from other events on this river shows that the control on sediment load varies between supply limited and hydraulically limited transport, and that antecedent weather is an important control on suspended sediment concentration. Neither the empirical relationships widely used to estimate suspended sediment concentrations and bedload (e.g. Ackers & White, 1973) nor observations of sediment transport characteristics in ephemeral streams (e.g. Reid & Frostick, 1987) are directly applicable to this river.  相似文献   

Will lowering estuarine salinity increase Gulf of Mexico oyster landings?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies provide conflicting opinions on whether lower than average salinities in Gulf of Mexico (GOM) estuaries are likely to increase or decrease oyster harvests (Crassostrea virginica), which represented 69% and 54% of the United States oyster landings by weight, and dockside value, respectively, in 2003. The present study examined a 54-yr record (1950–2003) of oyster harvests and river discharge in five major estuaries in GOM states (Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas). Oyster landings were inversely related to freshwater inflow. Peaks in landings, 21 of 23 in West Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas combined, were coincidental with lows in river discharge from the major rivers in the estuaries. Lows in landings in these states (17 of 19) coincided with peaks in discharge of the major rivers feeding their estuaries. Landings in Breton Sound, Louisiana, were also inversely related to river discharge. The only exception to this pattern was for landings in the Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, part of the Breton Sound estuary, where there were higher landings following increased Mississippi River discharge. The Bonnet Carré spillway, completed in 1931, diverts flood waters from the Mississippi River to Lake Pontchartrain, and it has been opened to reduce flood heights in 1937, 1950, 1973, 1975, 1979, 1983, and 1997. Twenty-five of 28 times after the spillway was opened, oyster landings in Mississippi were lower than in the other four states. The inverse relationship between freshwater inflow and oyster landings suggests that the proposed Bonnet Carré Freshwater Project, designed to reduce estuarine salinity, cannot be justified on the basis of anticipated higher oyster yields in Mississippi or Louisiana. Manipulating estuarine salinity in the GOM should be done within the context of the whole estuary and not just part of the estuary.  相似文献   

Preliminary results are reported from an experimental study of the interaction between turbulence, sediment transport and bedform dynamics over the transition from dunes to upper stage plane beds. Over the transition, typical dunes changed to humpback dunes (mean velocity 0–8 ms-1, depth 01 m, mean grain size 0.3 mm) to nominally plane beds with low relief bed waves up to a few mm high. All bedforms had a mean length of 0.7–0.8 m. Hot film anemometry and flow visualization clearly show that horizontal and vertical turbulent motions in dune troughs decrease progressively through the transition while horizontal turbulence intensities increase near the bed on dune backs through to a plane bed. Average bedload and suspended load concentrations increase progressively over the transition, and the near-bed transport rate immediately downstream of flow reattachment increases markedly relative to that near dune crests. This relative increase in sediment transport near reattachment appears to be due to suppression of upward directed turbulence by increased sediment concentration, such that velocity close to the bed can increase more quickly downstream of reattachment. Low-relief bedwaves on upper-stage plane beds are ubiquitous and give rise to laterally extensive, mm-thick planar laminae; however, within such laminae are laminae of more limited lateral extent and thickness, related to the turbulent bursting process over the downstream depositional surface of the bedwaves.  相似文献   

有效流量是天然河流某一时段内悬移质输沙量最大所对应的流量,可反映中、短期造床作用。根据监利水文站1991—2016年逐月流量、输沙量及悬移质级配,分析三峡建库前后流量频率及不同粒径组悬移质泥沙输移特性;运用理论分析法与分组频率法计算下荆江分组悬移质输沙量对应有效流量的大小、重现期、历时。研究成果表明:受来水来沙、水流挟沙能力以及床沙补给等因素影响,有效流量随泥沙粒径增大而减小。建库后,因河床冲刷各粒径组间有效流量偏差增大,0. 062 mm0. 125 mm粒径组泥沙有效流量重现期减小;细颗粒泥沙含沙量严重不饱和河道输送粗颗粒泥沙的能力相对较大,悬移质级配粗化;累积50%的泥沙输移需43%~82%的累积流量以及62%~90%的累积历时,且累积流量和累积历时随着泥沙粒径的增大而减小和缩短。研究三峡建库前后有效流量变化对分析冲刷条件下下荆江河段河床演变具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Burdekin River is an example of a class of tropical streams which experience two to four orders of magnitude variation in discharge, in response to seasonal but erratic monsoonal rainfall. Floods of the Burdekin rise abruptly, reaching peak discharges of up to 40,000 m3 s-1 in less than 24 h; maintain peak flow for up to a few days, and recede exponentially. The geomorphology and deposits of these rivers reflect the extreme discharge fluctuations, and have not previously been described. A stretch of the upper Burdekin River comprising four bends and one straight reach was examined near the town of Charters Towers. The river bed is largely exposed for most of any year, with a small, misfit perennial channel carrying low stage flow. Major geomorphic elements of bends include point bars with ridge-and-swale topography, three distinct types of chute channels, avalanche slipfaces up to 5 m or more high around the downstream edges of bars, and on the outer part of one point bar an elevated, vegetated ridge. Straight reaches are flat or gently inclined, sand- and gravel-covered surfaces. Much of the river bed is covered by well sorted, in places gravelly, coarse to very coarse-grained sand with local accumulations of pebble to boulder gravel. Lower parts of the river bed are periodically draped by mud which is desiccated on exposure. Dunes and plane beds are the most commonly occurring bedforms, with local development of gravelly antidunes. Most bank tops and upper, vegetated bars are covered by silt and fine-grained sand. The river bed also hosts a low-diversity but locally high-abundance, flood-tolerant flora dominated by the paperbark tree Melaleuca argentea, which plays an important role in controlling the distribution of sediment. The gross geomorphology of the river bed and most of the sedimentary features are interpreted as having formed during major (bankfull or near bankfull) flows, which have a recurrence of about 18 years (based on 65 years hydrographic data). The initial rapid drop in discharge following flood peaks appears to preserve flood peak features on upper bars more or less intact, whereas lower areas are subjected to variable degrees of modification during falling stage and by more frequent, non-bankfull discharge events.  相似文献   

Nutrient and trace element distributions were determined in the outflow region of the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers during high river discharge. This outflow region can be divided into two physiographic areas: the broad, shallow Louisiana Shelf off the Atchafalaya River and the narrow shelf off the Mississippi Delta. The physiographic differences between these two areas lead to observable differences in the chemical distributions. During high discharge conditions, nutrient depletion occurs at lower salinities on the Louisiana Shelf, relative to the delta outflow plume, and significant uptake of nickel and cadmium is apparent in these shelf waters, too. Important factors that appear to connect the physiographic to the chemical include the fate of the fluvial suspended load, rates of mixing, and the extent of productivity supported by recycled nutrients. The results suggest that the Mississippi-Atchafalaya outflow region may provide a natural laboratory for examining the possible effects of sea-level change on the biogeochemistry of estuarine and coastal environments.  相似文献   

The interaction between channel geometry, flow, sediment transport and deposition associated with a midstream island was studied in a braided to meandering reach of the Calamus River, Nebraska Sandhills. Hydraulic and sediment transport measurements were made over a large discharge range using equipment operated from catwalk bridges. The relatively low sinuosity channel on the right-hand side of the island carries over 70% of the water discharge at high flow stages and 50–60% at low flow stages. As a result, mean velocity, depth, bed shear stress and sediment transport rate tend to be greater here than in the more strongly curved left-hand channel. The loci of maximum flow velocity, depth and bed shear stress are near the centre of the channel upstream of the island, but then split and move towards the outer banks of both channels downstream. Variations in these loci depend on the flow stage. Topographically induced across-stream flows are generally stronger than the weak, curvature-induced secondary circulations. Water surface topography is controlled mainly by centrifugal accelerations and local changes in downstream flow velocity. The averaged water surface slope of the study reach varies very little with discharge, having values between 0·00075 and 0·00090. As bed shear stress generally varies in a similar way to mean velocity, friction coefficients vary little, normally being in the range 0·07–0·13. These values are similar to those in straight channels with sandy dune-covered beds. Bedload is moved mainly as dunes at all flow stages. Grain size is mainly medium sand with coarse sand moved in thalwegs adjacent to the cut banks, and with fine sand at the downstream end of the island. These patterns of flow velocity, depth, water surface topography, bed shear stress, bedload transport rate and mean grain size can be accurately predicted using theoretical models of flow, bed topography and sediment transport rate in single river bends, applied separately to the left and right channels. During high flow stages deposition occurs persistently near the downstream end of the island, and cut banks are eroded. Otherwise, erosion and deposition occurs only locally within the channel as discharge varies. Abandonment and filling of a strongly curved channel segment may occur by migration of an upstream bar into the channel entrance at a high flow stage.  相似文献   

Dispersal of river sediments in coastal seas: Six contrasting cases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The fate of sediment seaward of river mouths involves at least four stages: supply via plumes; initial deposition; resuspension and transport by marine processes; and long-term net accumulation. The processes that operate at each stage, and relative roles of each stage in governing the long-term accumulation patterns, vary appreciably with river regime and coastal ocean environment. To illustrate the diversity and illuminate the process of dispersal, information is synthesized for six systems: Amazon, Changjiang, Mississippi, Columbia, Purari, and Huanghe. These systems differ markedly in terms of water discharge, sediment discharge, and coastal energy regime and much of the diversity of dispersal patterns is attributed to these differences as well as to the temporal sequencing of river discharge relative to oceanographic transport processes. Although the sediment: water ratio of the discharge of the Mississippi River is 70 times less than that of the Huanghe, both of these systems exhibit rapid deposition and accumulation of sediments near the river mouths. In contrast, sediments dispersed by, the other four systems are transported greater distances from the mouths by oceanographic processes, and are accumulating over relatively wide areas.  相似文献   

Trapping of sustained turbidity currents by intraslope minibasins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Depositional turbidity currents have filled many intraslope minibasins with sediment creating targets for petroleum exploration. The dynamics of sustained turbidity currents and their depositional characteristics are investigated in a scaled physical model of a minibasin. Each turbidity current deposited a downstream thinning wedge of sediment near the inlet. Farther downstream the turbidity current was ponded by a barrier. The ponded part of the turbidity current was separated from the sediment‐free water above by a relatively sharp, horizontal settling interface indicating highly Froude‐subcritical flow. The very slow moving flow within the ponded zone created conditions for the passive rainout of suspended sediment onto the bed. In the lower part of the ponded zone, the concentration and mean grain‐size of the sediment in suspension tended to be relatively uniform in both the vertical and streamwise directions. As a result, the deposit emplaced in the ponded zone showed only a weak tendency toward downstream fining and was passively draped over the bed in such a way that irregularities in the inerodible bed were accurately reflected. The discharge of suspended sediment overflowing the downstream end of the minibasin was significantly less than the inflow discharge, resulting in basin sediment trapping efficiencies >95%. A simple model is developed to predict the trapping of sediment within the basin based on the relative magnitudes of the input discharge of turbid water and the detrainment discharge of water across the settling interface. This model shows a limiting case in which an intraslope basin captures 100% of the sediment from a ponded turbidity current, even through a succession of sustained flow events, until sediment deposition raises the settling interface above the downstream lip of the minibasin. This same process defines one of the mechanisms for minibasin filling in nature, and, when this mechanism is operative, the trap efficiency of sediment can be expected to be high until the minibasin is substantially filled with sediment.  相似文献   

Freshwater and sediment management in estuaries affects water quality, particularly in deltaic estuaries. Furthermore, climate change-induced sea-level rise (SLR) and land subsidence also affect estuarine water quality by changing salinity, circulation, stratification, sedimentation, erosion, residence time, and other physical and ecological processes. However, little is known about how the magnitudes and spatial and temporal patterns in estuarine water quality variables will change in response to freshwater and sediment management in the context of future SLR. In this study, we applied the Delft3D model that couples hydrodynamics and water quality processes to examine the spatial and temporal variations of salinity, total suspended solids, and chlorophyll-α concentration in response to small (142 m3 s?1) and large (7080 m3 s?1) Mississippi River (MR) diversions under low (0.38 m) and high (1.44 m) relative SLR (RSLR = eustatic SLR + subsidence) scenarios in the Breton Sound Estuary, Louisiana, USA. The hydrodynamics and water quality model were calibrated and validated via field observations at multiple stations across the estuary. Model results indicate that the large MR diversion would significantly affect the magnitude and spatial and temporal patterns of the studied water quality variables across the entire estuary, whereas the small diversion tends to influence water quality only in small areas near the diversion. RSLR would also play a significant role on the spatial heterogeneity in estuary water quality by acting as an opposite force to river diversions; however, RSLR plays a greater role than the small-scale diversion on the magnitude and spatial pattern of the water quality parameters in this deltaic estuary.  相似文献   

In this study, the distribution of channel‐bed sediment facies in the lowermost Mississippi River is analysed using multibeam data, complemented by sidescan sonar and compressed high‐intensity radar pulse seismic data, as well as grab and core samples of bed material. The channel bed is composed of a discontinuous layer of alluvial sediment and a relict substratum that is exposed on the channel bed and sidewalls. The consolidated substratum is made up of latest Pleistocene and Early Holocene fluvio‐deltaic deposits and is preferentially exposed in the deepest thalweg segments and on channel sidewalls in river bends. The exposed substratum commonly displays a suite of erosional features, including flutes that are quantitatively similar in form to those produced under known laboratory conditions. A total of five bed facies are mapped, three of which include modern alluvial deposits and two facies that are associated with the relict substratum. A radius of curvature analysis applied to the Mississippi River centreline demonstrates that the reach‐scale distribution of channel‐bed facies is related to river planform. From a broader perspective, the distribution of channel‐bed facies is related to channel sinuosity — higher sinuosity promotes greater substratum exposure at the expense of alluvial sediment. For example, the ratio of alluvial cover to substratum is ca 1·5:1 for a 45 km segment of the river that has a sinuosity of 1·76 and this ratio increases to ca 3:1 for a 120 km segment of the river that has a sinuosity of 1·21. The exposed substratum is interpreted as bedrock and, given the relative coverage of alluvial sediment in the channel, the lowermost Mississippi River can be classified as a mixed bedrock‐alluvial channel. The analyses demonstrate that a mixed bedrock‐alluvial channel boundary can be associated with low‐gradient and sand‐bed rivers near their marine outlet.  相似文献   

Bedload is moved down the East Fork River in distinct wavelike pulses that have the form of composite dune fields The moving material consists mostly of coarse sand and fine gravel The wavelengths of the pulses are about 500–600 m, a distance that is predetermined by the pattern of stoage of bed sediment in the river during low water As the river discharge increases, the bed sediment is scoured from the storage areas, and it is moved onto and across the interventing riffles As the river discharge decreases, the bed sediment is scoured off the riffles and moved into the next storage area downstream Each successive pulse of water discharge sets into motion a wave of bedload that continues to move unitil it reaches the next storage area  相似文献   

The lowest part of the Ebro River is a microtidal salt-wedge estuary. Penetration of the salt-wedge is largely controlled by the fluvial discharge and the morphology of the river bed, although sea level variations caused by tides and atmospheric conditions can also play significant roles. The concentration and distribution of suspended particulate matter in this part of the river and the fluvial sediment discharge are strongly influenced by the dynamics of the salt-wedge. Damming of the river has caused sediment to be trapped in reservoirs and has regulated the fluvial discharge. Intrusion of the salt wedge has thus also been regulated. At present, sediment discharge is between 1 and 1·5 × 105 tons per year, which is less than 1% of the sediment that the Ebro River discharged into the sea before construction of the dams. This extreme reduction in sediment supply has allowed marine erosional processes to dominate in the delta.  相似文献   

We synthesize and update the science supporting the Action Plan for Reducing, Mitigating, and Controlling Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico (Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force 2001) with a focus on the spatial and temporal discharge and patterns of nutrient and organic carbon delivery to the northern Gulf of Mexico, including data through 2006. The discharge of the Mississippi River watershed over 200 years varies but is not demonstrably increasing or decreasing. About 30% of the Mississippi River was shunted westward to form the Atchafalaya River, which redistributed water and nutrient loads on the shelf. Data on nitrogen concentrations from the early 1900s demonstrate that the seasonal and annual concentrations in the lower river have increased considerably since then, including a higher spring loading, following the increase in fertilizer applications after World WarII. The loading of total nitrogen (TN) fell from 1990 to 2006, but the loading of total phosphorus (TP) has risen slightly, resulting in a decline in the TN:TP ratios. The present TN:TP ratios hover around an average indicative of potential nitrogen limitation on phytoplankton growth, or balanced growth limitation, but not phosphorus limitation. The dissolved nitrogen:dissolved silicate ratios are near the Redfield ratio indicative of growth limitations on diatoms. Although nutrient concentrations are relatively high compared to those in many other large rivers, the water quality in the Mississippi River is not unique in that nutrient loads can be described by a variety of land-use models. There is no net removal of nitrogen from water flowing through the Atchafalaya basin, but the concentrations of TP and suspended sediments are lower at the exit point (Morgan City, Louisiana) than in the water entering the Atchafalaya basin. The removal of nutrients entering offshore waters through diversion of river water into wetlands is presently less than 1% of the total loadings going directly offshore, and would be less than 8% if the 10,093 km2 of coastal wetlands were successfully engineered for that purpose. Wetland loss is an insignificant contribution to the carbon loading offshore, compared to in situ marine production. The science-based conclusions in the Action Plan about nutrient loads and sources to the hypoxic zone off Louisiana are sustained by research and monitoring occurring in the subsequent 10 years.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of suspended sediment load is very complex in Mina River basin because of its important soil heterogeneity, vegetation deficiency and rainfall variability in time and space. The methodological approach adopted in this paper consists of finding a regressive power model, which may explain better the suspended sediment discharge as a function of the flow discharge collected at Wadi El-Abtal and Sidi AEK Djilali hydrometric stations by studying this relation at various temporal scales: daily, annual, monthly and seasonal. The obtained monthly power relations, explaining the greatest part of the variance, lead to interpolate, extrapolate and analyse suspended and bed loads deposited on Sidi M’hamed Ben Aouda (SMBA) reservoir since being in service in 1977/1978. These allow authors to find relations between specific erosion and effective rainfall and propose some solutions for river basin managers and policy makers to reduce the silting of SMBA reservoir.  相似文献   

In recent decades, due to river regulations and their impact on river morphology, brown trout populations have been declining along Lar River downstream of Lar Dam located near Tehran, Iran. Considering the recent water scarcity in the country, development of river habitat assessment models seems necessary. Therefore, in this research, an analytically applied approach is adopted to evaluate brown trout habitat by creating a relation among the hydrologic, hydraulic, geomorphic and ecologic processes. After field survey, dimensionless shear stress of the stream flow thresholds including environmental flow, bankfull flow, surface and subsurface sediment flow thresholds was calculated for Lar, Dalichay and Sefidab Rivers using Shields formula. Then, by considering the dimensionless shear stress ranges of the stream flow thresholds, functional flows ranges and duration were calculated together with ecological efficiency of the cross sections. In addition, effects of annual water yield and entrenchment ratio of the cross sections on habitat functionality were also worked out as a result of which an exponential interaction was developed between the dimensionless shear stress and discharge. Results show that an increase in functional flows ranges and duration, together with rising of ecological efficiency, is directly proportional to an increase in median bed sediment size, entrenchment ratio and annual water yield. Therefore, flow regime, cross-sectional geometry, water-surface slope and bed sediment size could be effective on the ecological functions of the brown trout’s life cycle and functionality of river flow.  相似文献   

A deterministic, mass balance model for phytoplankton, nutrients, and dissolved oxygen was applied to the Mississippi River Plume/Inner Gulf Shelf (MRP/IGS) region. The model was calibrated to a comprehensive set of field data collected during July 1990 at over 200 sampling stations in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The spatial domain of the model is represented by a three-dimensional, 21-segment water-column grid extending from the Mississippi River Delta west to the Louisiana-Texas border, and from the shoreline seaward to the 30–60 m bathymetric contours. Diagnostic analyses and numerical experiments were conducted with the calibrated model to better understand the environmental processes controlling primary productivity and dissolved oxygen dynamics in the MRP/IGS region. Underwater light attenuation appears relatively more important than nutrient limitation in controlling rates of primary productivity. Chemical-biological processes appear relatively more important than advective-dispersive transport processes in controlling bottom-water dissolved oxygen dynamics. Oxidation of carbonaceous material in the water column, phytoplankton respiration, and sediment oxygen demand all appear to contribute significantly to total oxygen depletion rates in bottom waters. The estimated contribution of sediment oxygen demand to total oxygen-depletion rates in bottom waters ranges from 22% to 30%. Primary productivity appears to be an important source of dissolved oxygen to bottom waters in the region of the Atchafalaya River discharge and further west along the Louisiana Inner Shelf. Dissolved oxygen concentrations appear very sensitive to changes in underwater light attenuation due to strong coupling between dissolved oxygen and primary productivity in bottom waters. The Louisiana Inner Shelf in the area of the Atchafalaya River discharge and further west to the Texas border appears to be characterized by significantly different light attenuation-depth-primary productivity relationships than the area immediately west of the Mississippi Delta. Nutrient remineralization in the water column appears to contribute significantly to maintaining chlorophyll concentrations on the Louisiana Inner Shelf.  相似文献   

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