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Monitoring runoff generation processes in the field is a prerequisite for developing conceptual hydrological models and theories. At the same time, our perception of hydrological processes strongly depends on the spatial and temporal scale of observation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate interactions between runoff generation processes of different spatial scales (plot scale, hillslope scale, and headwater scale). Different runoff generation processes of three hillslopes with similar topography, geology and soil properties, but differences in vegetation cover (grassland, coniferous forest, and mixed forest) within a small v‐shaped headwater were measured: water table dynamics in wells with high spatial and temporal resolution, subsurface flow (SSF) of three 10 m wide trenches at the bottom of the hillslopes subdivided into two trench sections each, overland flow at the plot scale, and catchment runoff. Bachmair et al. ( 2012 ) found a high spatial variability of water table dynamics at the plot scale. In this study, we investigate the representativity of SSF observations at the plot scale versus the hillslope scale and vice versa, and the linkage between hillslope dynamics (SSF and overland flow) and streamflow. Distinct differences in total SSF within each 10 m wide trench confirm the high spatial variability of the water table dynamics. The representativity of plot scale observations for hillslope scale SSF strongly depends on whether or not wells capture spatially variable flowpaths. At the grassland hillslope, subsurface flowpaths are not captured by our relatively densely spaced wells (3 m), despite a similar trench flow response to the coniferous forest hillslope. Regarding the linkage between hillslope dynamics and catchment runoff, we found an intermediate to high correlation between streamflow and hillslope hydrological dynamics (trench flow and overland flow), which highlights the importance of hillslope processes in this small watershed. Although the total contribution of SSF to total event catchment runoff is rather small, the contribution during peak flow is moderate to substantial. Additionally, there is process synchronicity between spatially discontiguous measurement points across scales, potentially indicating subsurface flowpath connectivity. Our findings stress the need for (i) a combination of observations at different spatial scales, and (ii) a consideration of the high spatial variability of SSF at the plot and hillslope scale when designing monitoring networks and assessing hydrological connectivity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rise and fall of ancient cultures and civilizations is a hotly debated topic that has generated disagreements and disputes. In this paper we summarize some case studies on the abandonment of ancient sites, the prosperity and collapse of ancient cultures, and demographic changes, as well as the influence of environment and technology during the prehistoric and historic periods. We then suggest that the dominant influencing factors for the evolution of ancient societies vary by spatial scale. At the local scale, sudden disasters are critical factors leading to the destruction and abandonment of large settlements. On a regional scale, climatic variations (e.g., droughts or cold events lasting for decades or centuries) are important factors that induce the collapse of ancient civilizations and mass migrations, while an enduring and stable optimal climate facilitated the prosperity of ancient civilizations. On a global scale, major technological innovations and their dispersion lasting for centuries and even millennia are major catalysts for population growth and social development. Lastly, we illustrate a possible mechanism under which environmental and technological factors played a critical role in ancient human survival and social evolution on different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Electric fields in the near-Earth space was studied in the experiments with artificial plasma clouds and jets in the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The development of a nonmonotonous plasma density stratification of an artificial plasma formation, with the scale of strata across the geomagnetic field reaching several meters and tens of meters, was observed. It has been indicated that the electrodynamics of plasma clouds and jets, decomposing into strata, depends on the excitation and decay of fast oscillations of the electronic plasma component against a background of slow oscillations of the ionic component at frequencies of magnetized plasma electrostatic oscillations (electrostatic Bernstein modes of the plasma electronic and ionic components and ion acoustic oscillations).  相似文献   

Floodplains are depositional features of riverine landscapes that display complex sedimentation patterns that are amenable to multi‐scale approaches. We examined sedimentation in the Lower Balonne floodplain, Queensland, Australia, at three different spatial scales: the channel (103 km), floodplain process zone (10 km) and geomorphic unit (102 m) scales, and compared scale‐related patterns evident from stratigraphy with those evident from quantitative multivariate analysis. Three stratigraphic sequences were found in the Lower Balonne floodplain: generally fining upward, episodic fining upward, and mud‐dominated. Stratigraphical analysis revealed the detailed character of sedimentary sequences embedded within the scale patterns derived from multivariate analysis. Multivariate statistical analyses of a range of textural and geochemical data revealed different patterns of floodplain sedimentation at each scale. At the channel scale, sediment texture and geochemistry were more heterogeneous in the Culgoa River than in Briarie Creek. At the floodplain process zone scale clear patterns of sediment texture and geochemistry were observed along the upper, mid and lower floodplain process zones of Briarie Creek, but not along the Culgoa River. At the geomorphic unit scale, clear patterns of sediment texture and geochemistry were observed among the bank, buried channel and flat floodplain units of the Culgoa River, but were not as clear in Briarie Creek. Recognition of rivers as hierarchically organized systems is an emerging paradigm in river science. Our study supports this paradigm by demonstrating that different sedimentation patterns occur at different scales to reveal a hierarchically organized floodplain environment. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The conversion of forests into agriculture has been identified as a key process for stream homogenization. However, the effects of this conversion can be scale-dependent. In this context, our aim was to identify the influence of different land uses at different spatial scales (catchment, drainage network and local) on instream features in agricultural streams. We defined six classes of land use: native forest, reforestation, herbaceous and shrubs, pasture, sugarcane and other categories. We obtained 22 variables related to instream, riparian area, stream morphology and water physicochemical characteristics in 86 stream reaches. To identify and isolate the effect of different land uses at different spatial scales on instream features, we performed a partial redundancy analysis (p-RDA). Different land uses and scales influenced instream features and defined two stream groups: (i) homogeneous streams with a higher proportion of sand substrate and instream grasses that were associated with the proportion of herbaceous vegetation at the local scale and with pasture at all scales and (ii) heterogeneous streams with a higher physical habitat integrity associated with the proportion of forest and sugarcane at the local and catchment scales. Land use at the catchment scale affected the physicochemical water properties and stream morphology, whereas stream physical habitat (i.e., substrate, instream cover, marginal vegetation and stream physical habitat condition) was mainly influenced by land use at the local scale (i.e., 150 m radius). Pure catchment, drainage network and local land uses explained 9%, 7% and 4%, respectively, of the total variation of instream features. Thus, to be most effective, stream conservation and restoration efforts should not be limited to only one scale.  相似文献   

An overview of studies of the ionospheric E-region using artificial periodic inhomogeneities (API) is presented. Generation of the electron density API is considered theoretically. Methods of measurements of the electron density profile and neutral atmosphere temperature, density and vertical velocity are outlined and illustrated by experimental results. Some suggestions concerning investigations of the atmospheric turbulence using API are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel semi-analytical method, called Decoupled Equations Method (DEM), is presented for modeling of elastic wave propagation in the semi-infinite two-dimensional (2D) media which are involved surface topography. In the DEM, only the boundaries of the problem are discretized by specific subparametric elements, in which special shape functions as well as higher-order Chebyshev mapping functions are implemented. For the shape functions, Kronecker Delta property is satisfied for displacement function. Moreover, the first derivatives of displacement function with respect to the tangential coordinates on the boundaries are assigned to zero at any given node. Employing the weighted residual method and using Clenshaw–Curtis numerical integration, coefficient matrices of the system of equations are transformed into diagonal ones, which leads to a set of decoupled partial differential equations. To evaluate the accuracy of the DEM in the solution of scattering problem of plane waves, cylindrical topographical features of arbitrary shapes are solved. The obtained results present excellent agreement with the analytical solutions and the results from other numerical methods.  相似文献   

A modelling approach is presented for simulating and predicting future changes in streamwater Gran alkalinity throughout a large, heterogeneous river system. The methodology is based on integrating End Member Mixing Analysis (EMMA), the Model of Acidification of Groundwater in Catchments (MAGIC) and spatial data describing the catchment characteristics stored on a Geographical Information System (GIS). These are integrated within a Functional Unit Network (FUN) to predict the changes in Gran alkalinity resulting from possible future changes in atmospheric deposition and land use (low intensity afforestation) in the River Dee catchment, NE Scotland. Model results indicate that declining sulphate and constant nitrogen deposition, combined with low intensity Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) afforestation are unlikely to contribute significantly to streamwater acidification.  相似文献   

During the melting of a snowpack, snow water equivalent (SWE) can be correlated to snow‐covered area (SCA) once snow‐free areas appear, which is when SCA begins to decrease below 100%. This amount of SWE is called the threshold SWE. Daily SWE data from snow telemetry stations were related to SCA derived from moderate‐resolution imaging spectroradiometer images to produce snow‐cover depletion curves. The snow depletion curves were created for an 80 000 km2 domain across southern Wyoming and northern Colorado encompassing 54 snow telemetry stations. Eight yearly snow depletion curves were compared, and it is shown that the slope of each is a function of the amount of snow received. Snow‐cover depletion curves were also derived for all the individual stations, for which the threshold SWE could be estimated from peak SWE and the topography around each station. A station's peak SWE was much more important than the main topographic variables that included location, elevation, slope, and modelled clear sky solar radiation. The threshold SWE mostly illustrated inter‐annual consistency. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The relationship between stream water DOC concentrations and soil organic C pools was investigated at a range of spatial scales in subcatchments of the River Dee system in north‐east Scotland. Catchment percentage peat cover and soil C pools, calculated using local, national and international soils databases, were related to mean DOC concentrations in streams draining small‐ (<5 km2), medium‐ (12–38 km2) and large‐scale (56–150 km2) catchments. The results show that, whilst soil C pool is a good predictor of stream water DOC concentration at all three scales, the strongest relationships were found in the small‐scale catchments. In addition, in both the small‐ and large‐scale catchments, percentage peat cover was as a good predictor of stream water DOC concentration as catchment soil C pool. The data also showed that, for a given soil C pool, streams draining lowland (<700 m) catchments had higher DOC concentrations than those draining upland (>700 m) catchments, suggesting that disturbance and land use may have a small effect on DOC concentration. Our results therefore suggest that the relationship between stream water DOC concentration and catchment soil C pools exists at a range of spatial scales and this relationship appears to be sufficiently robust to be used to predict the effects of changes in catchment soil C storage on stream water DOC concentration. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Estimates of soil hydraulic properties using pedotransfer functions (PTF) are useful in many studies such as hydrochemical modelling and soil mapping. The objective of this study was to calibrate and test parametric PTFs that predict soil water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity parameters. The PTFs are based on neural networks and the Bootstrap method using different sets of predictors and predict the van Genuchten/Mualem parameters. A Danish soil data set (152 horizons) dominated by sandy and sandy loamy soils was used in the development of PTFs to predict the Mualem hydraulic conductivity parameters. A larger data set (1618 horizons) with a broader textural range was used in the development of PTFs to predict the van Genuchten parameters. The PTFs using either three or seven textural classes combined with soil organic mater and bulk density gave the most reliable predictions of the hydraulic properties of the studied soils. We found that introducing measured water content as a predictor generally gave lower errors for water retention predictions and higher errors for conductivity predictions. The best of the developed PTFs for predicting hydraulic conductivity was tested against PTFs from the literature using a subdata set of the data used in the calibration. The test showed that the developed PTFs gave better predictions (lower errors) than the PTFs from the literature. This is not surprising since the developed PTFs are based mainly on hydraulic conductivity data near saturation and sandier soils than the PTFs from the literature. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Geochemically based hydrograph separation techniques were used in a preliminary assessment to infer how runoff processes change with landscape characteristics and spatial scale (1–233 km2) within a mesoscale catchment in upland Scotland. A two‐component end‐member mixing analysis (EMMA) used Gran alkalinity as an assumed conservative tracer. Analysis indicated that, at all scales investigated, acidic overland flow and shallow subsurface storm flows from the peaty soils covering the catchment headwaters dominated storm runoff generation. The estimated groundwater contribution to annual runoff varied from 30% in the smallest (ca 1 km2) peat‐dominated headwater catchment with limited groundwater storage, to >60% in larger catchments (>30 km2) with greater coverage of more freely draining soils and more extensive aquifers in alluvium and other drift. This simple approach offers a useful, integrated conceptualization of the hydrological functioning in a mesoscale catchment, which can be tested and further refined by focused modelling and process‐based research. However, even as it stands, the simple conceptualization of system behaviour will have significant utility as a tool for communicating hydrological issues in a range of planning and management decisions. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The measurements of the critical frequencies of the ionospheric F2 layer based on vertical radiosounding, which was performed with a CADI digital ionosonde at the Voeykovo magnetic–ionospheric observatory in February 2013, have been considered. The observations have been compared with the upper atmosphere numerical model (UAM) data for three days that differ in the amplitude and the character of solar and magnetic activity and correspond to quiet and moderately disturbed states of the ionosphere. The work was performed in order to improve the methods for determining the ionospheric state by vertical sounding ionograms. The time variations in the F2 layer critical frequency, electric field vector zonal component, and thermospheric wind velocity meridional component have been analyzed. Calculations were performed with three UAM variants. The UAM version providing the best agreement with the CADI ionosonde data was the version in which the neutral temperature, neutral composition, and pressure gradients are calculated according to the MSIS empirical model and the horizontal neutral wind velocity is determined by the equation of motion with pressure gradients from MSIS. The calculated values corresponded to the measurements, except those for the evening, because the electron density at the ionospheric F2 layer maximum depends more strongly on electric fields and thermospheric wind velocities during this period. Thus, the indicated UAM version with the above limitations can be used to determine the state of the subauroral ionosphere.  相似文献   

In geostatistical applications, the terms correlation length and range are often used interchangeably and refer to a characteristic covariance length ξ that normalizes the lag distance in the variogram or the covariance model. We present equations that strictly define the correlation length (r c ) and integral range (ℓ c ). We derive analytical expressions for r c and ℓ c of the Whittle–Matérn, fluctuation gradient curvature and rational quadratic covariances. For these covariances, we show that the correlation length and integral range for a given model are not fully determined by ξ. We define non-trivial covariance functions, and we formulate an ergodicity index based on ℓ c . We propose using the ergodicity index to compare coarse-grained measures corresponding to non-trivial covariance functions with different parameters. Finally, we discuss potential applications of the proposed covariance models in stochastic subsurface hydrology.  相似文献   

W. T. Sloan  J. Ewen 《水文研究》1999,13(6):823-846
A method has been developed to simulate the long‐term migration of radionuclides in the near‐surface of a river catchment, following their release from a deep underground repository for radioactive waste. Previous (30‐year) simulations, conducted using the SHETRAN physically based modelling system, showed that long‐term (many decades) simulations are required to allow the system to reach steady state. Physically based, distributed models, such as SHETRAN, tend to be too computationally expensive for this task. Traditional lumped catchment‐scale models, on the other hand, do not give sufficiently detailed spatially distributed results. An intermediate approach to modelling has therefore been developed which allows flow and transport processes to be simulated with the spatial resolution normally associated with distributed models, whilst being computationally efficient.The approach involves constructing a lumped model in which the catchment is represented by a number of conceptual water storage compartments. The flow rates to and from these compartments are prescribed by functions that summarize the results from physically based distributed models run for a range of characteristic flow regimes. The physically based models used were, SHETRAN for the subsurface compartments, a particle tracking model for overland flow and an analytical model for channel routing. One important advantage of the method used in constructing the lumped model is that it makes down scaling possible, in the sense that fine‐scale information on the distributed hydrological regime, as simulated by the physically based distributed models, can be inferred from the variables in the lumped model that describe the hydrology at the catchment scale. A 250‐year flow simulation has been run and the down scaling process used to infer a 250‐year time‐series of three‐dimensional velocity fields for the subsurface of the catchment. This series was then used to drive a particle tracking simulation of contaminant migration. The concentration and spatial distribution of contaminants simulated by this model for the first 30 years were in close agreement with SHETRAN results. The remaining 220 years highlighted the fact that some of the most important transport pathways to the surface carry contaminants only very slowly so both the magnitude and spatial distribution of concentration in surface soils are not apparent over the shorter SHETRAN simulations. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Solar wind plasma and magnetic field observations from multiple spacecraft can be used to separate temporal and spatial variations and to determine the accuracy of predictions of solar wind conditions near Earth based on distant-spacecraft measurements. The study of correlations between the ion fluxes measured by three spatially separated spacecraft (IMP 8, WIND and INTERBALL-1) was one of the first steps in this direction. This paper describes a complex multifactor analysis of different physical, geometrical, and statistical parameters that control such correlations (considered separately and in combination). A linear-regression and an artificial neural network techniques are used for this analysis. The analysis is applied to an extensive array of correlation coefficients for the ion flux in the solar wind and provides estimates of the relative significance of the factors that control these correlation coefficients. The study shows that the most influential parameters are the solar wind density and the standard deviations of solar wind density, solar wind velocity and interplanetary magnetic field. This set of parameters permits us to develop a sufficiently accurate (with a relative error of less than a few per cent) quantitative model for the correlation between the ion fluxes measured on two spatially separated spacecraft.  相似文献   

The current study deals with a parameterization of diapycnal diffusivity in an ocean model. The parameterization estimates the diapycnal diffusivity depending on the location of tidal-related energy dissipation over rough topography. The scheme requires a bottom roughness map that can be chosen depending on the scales of topographic features. Here, we implement the parameterization on an ocean general circulation model, and we examine the sensitivity of the modeled circulations to different spatial scales of the modeled bottom roughness. We compare three simulations that include the tidal mixing scheme using bottom roughness calculated at three different ranges of spatial scales, with the largest scale varying up to 200?km. Three main results are discussed. First, the dependence of the topographic spectra with depth, characterized by an increase in spectral energy over short length scales in the deep ocean, influences the vertical profile of the diffusivity. Second, the changes in diffusivities lead to different equilibrium solutions in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and bottom circulation. In particular, the lower cell of the Atlantic overturning and the bottom water transport in the Pacific Ocean are stronger for stronger diffusivities at the corresponding basins and depths, and the strongest when using the small-scale roughness map. Third, a comparison of the density fields of the three simulations with the density field of World Ocean Atlas dataset, from which the models are initialized, shows that among the simulations with three different roughness maps, the one using small-scale bottom roughness map has the smallest density bias.  相似文献   


The current study deals with a parameterization of diapycnal diffusivity in an ocean model. The parameterization estimates the diapycnal diffusivity depending on the location of tidal-related energy dissipation over rough topography. The scheme requires a bottom roughness map that can be chosen depending on the scales of topographic features. Here, we implement the parameterization on an ocean general circulation model, and we examine the sensitivity of the modeled circulations to different spatial scales of the modeled bottom roughness. We compare three simulations that include the tidal mixing scheme using bottom roughness calculated at three different ranges of spatial scales, with the largest scale varying up to 200 km. Three main results are discussed. First, the dependence of the topographic spectra with depth, characterized by an increase in spectral energy over short length scales in the deep ocean, influences the vertical profile of the diffusivity. Second, the changes in diffusivities lead to different equilibrium solutions in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and bottom circulation. In particular, the lower cell of the Atlantic overturning and the bottom water transport in the Pacific Ocean are stronger for stronger diffusivities at the corresponding basins and depths, and the strongest when using the small-scale roughness map. Third, a comparison of the density fields of the three simulations with the density field of World Ocean Atlas dataset, from which the models are initialized, shows that among the simulations with three different roughness maps, the one using small-scale bottom roughness map has the smallest density bias.


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