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为了解珠母贝早期发育阶段最适存活和生长条件,于2013年5—6月在珍珠贝养殖场进行不同海水盐度对珠母贝直线铰合期幼虫、壳顶期幼虫和稚贝生长及存活的影响实验。结果表明:珠母贝直线铰合期幼虫存活适宜盐度为2285—3886,最适盐度为2719—3502,壳长增长的适宜盐度为2043—4123,最适盐度为3110;壳顶期幼虫存活适宜盐度为2310-3914,最适盐度为2719—3502,壳长增长的适宜盐度为2029—4009,最适盐度为3110·3502;稚贝存活适宜盐度为2064—3910,最适盐度为2719—3502,壳长增长的适宜盐度为1938—4130,最适盐度为2719—3110。  相似文献   

进行了施氏獭蛤(Lutraria sieboldii Reeve)的人工育苗、幼虫发育及行为观察实验。结果显示:在施氏獭蛤幼虫发育过程中,壳顶后期幼虫只有鳃丝及足出现,而没有眼点出现,发达的足和鳃丝是幼虫变态的标志;幼虫变态期明显的分为3~5d的爬行期和3~5d的附着期;爬行期幼虫有单条水管形成,附着期幼虫只有一条分叉的足丝,水管为单管型;底栖稚贝期开始形成两条水管,底栖稚贝早期的幼虫不具备潜沙能力,只进行爬行活动,随着水管的快速发育,幼虫逐渐具备潜沙能力,幼虫壳长达2500μm、水管长达6000μm以上时,最终具备和成体一样的完全潜沙能力。  相似文献   

研究了光合细菌(下简称PSB)作为饵料添加剂在马氏珠母贝育苗中的饵料效果。结果表明:(1)单独投喂PSB,幼虫能生长发育并附着变态形成稚贝,但其长速、稚贝总育成率均低于单独投喂单胞藻的对照组;(2)用PSB与单胞藻混合投喂,幼虫的长速、稚贝总育成率均高于对照组;(3)添加PSB后,在眼点幼虫附着前不换水,幼虫的长速和眼点形成率均高于换水;但在眼点幼虫进入附着期仍不换水,则稚贝生长速度,总育成率均低于换水;(4)当PSB菌液密度为10×10-6个/cm3时,PSB投喂量以每天25×10-6为最佳,稚贝总育成率达到26.6%,而对照组仅为4.6%。  相似文献   

为解决施氏獭蛤天然种苗匮乏和人工育苗技术尚不成熟的问题,促进其产业发展,于2013年开展了施氏獭蛤(Lutraria sieboldii Reeve)室内规模化人工育苗技术研究。采用池底铺沙,饵料以单胞藻为主,并辅以鸡蛋黄和淀粉,施氏獭蛤亲贝存活率89.7%,雄贝和雌贝性腺成熟率分别为89.1%和78.7%,亲贝产卵量126万粒/个,受精率达到93.4%。在水温25.5~26.5℃,盐度27.3~28.5条件下,施氏獭蛤受精后15 min和25 min分别释放第一极体和第二极体,受精后35 min达到2细胞期,约4 h 40 min形成原肠胚期,6 h 25 min形成担轮幼虫,受精后14 h进入面盘幼虫期。投喂不同的开口饵料,施氏獭蛤面盘幼虫生长速率不同。单独投喂湛江等边金藻、湛江等边金藻+小球藻和单独投喂小球藻,5日龄幼虫壳长分别为130、118和105μm,说明单独投喂湛江等边金藻培育效果最好。湛江等鞭金藻+小球藻、小球藻+牟氏角毛藻、牟氏角毛藻+湛江等鞭金藻、湛江等鞭金藻+亚心形扁藻等不同饵料组合对施氏獭蛤幼虫和稚贝生长影响均差异显著(P0.05),其中小球藻+牟氏角毛藻组合培育幼虫效果最佳,而湛江等鞭金藻+亚心形扁藻培育稚贝效果最好。不同附着基对施氏獭蛤幼虫的生长和存活产生显著影响(P0.05)。采用遮光网、聚乙烯网片、细砂、河口沉积泥和附着板5种附着基,考察幼虫生长和存活两个指标,结果表明,附着板效果最好。通过两批生产性育苗,亲贝的催产率达到90%,浮游幼虫平均存活率为84.3%,培育出壳长为2.5~3.0 mm的稚贝3 180万粒,平均稚贝育成率达到33.1%。  相似文献   

西施舌人工育苗及幼虫、稚贝生长研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对西施舌 (Coelomactraantiquata)室内人工育苗进行了研究。结果表明 ,西施舌在广东的繁殖高峰期为 5~ 6月 ,用阴干加流水刺激的方法诱导亲贝排放精卵 ,其受精率和孵化率可达 98%左右。 1997年和 1999年两次育苗试验结果 :在盐度为 2 6 .0 0~ 32 .0 0、水温为 2 3~ 2 6℃条件下 ,幼虫在培育密度为 1~ 2mL- 1时生长较好 ,经 9~ 10d培育 ,可进入附着变态期 ,其壳长生长速度为14 .1μm·d- 1。稚贝阶段在日流水量为育苗水体的 1.5~ 2 .0倍时取得较好效果 ,其壳长生长速度为 112 .4 μm·d- 1。  相似文献   

用正交试验的方法观察影响马氏珠母贝育苗效果的七个因素:EDTA(A)、水处理(B)、换水(C)、充气(D)、光照(E)、抗菌素(F)、倒池(G)。结果表明:影响成活率的显著因素为A、C、D、E、G;影响贝苗生长的显著因素为B、C、D、E、G。加入EDTA、利用砂滤海水、每天换水、微弱充气、较暗的光照、使用抗菌素和定期倒池为浮游幼虫期较优的育苗方法。  相似文献   

锈斑蟳(Charybdis feriatus)室内人工育苗的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐度30、温度27.5~29.5℃、pH7.8~8.6的条件下,投喂扁藻(10×104mL-1)、轮虫(20mL-1~50mL-1)、卤虫无节幼体(1mL-1~30mL-1)及卤虫成体(0.1mL-1),进行锈斑蟳室内人工育苗试验。结果表明:溞状幼体Z1期2~4d,存活率100%;Z2期2~3d,存活率74.0%~78.0%;Z3、Z4、Z5期各3d,存活率分别为37.5%~59.0%、26.5%~43.0%、22.0%~36.7%;Z6期3~5d,存活率19.0%~26.3%;大眼幼体5~6d,存活率11.0%~11.5%;Ⅰ期幼蟹(蟹苗)存活率4.5%~5.0%,整个育苗过程共计20~26d。  相似文献   

在室内水泥池用淡水和海水培育美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)仔鱼,研究两种培育模式下美洲鲥的生长。结果表明,美洲鲥仔稚鱼可较好地适应海水培育环境,经33 d的培育,淡、海水培育模式下美洲鲥平均全长日增长分别为0.965 7 mm和0.922 0 mm,前者略高于后者;成活率分别为70.3%和74.7%,海水培育模式成活率略高于淡水培育模式;仔稚鱼培育期间的生长模型方程分别为Y=9.614 3+0.500 7 X+1.326 6 X2和Y=9.478 3+0.558 4 X+1.038 0 X2(Y为全长,X为日龄)。可见,两种培育模式生长差异不显著,只要生产条件许可,均可采用淡水或海水培育美洲鲥苗种。  相似文献   

大珠母贝人工繁殖技术的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过大珠母贝人工强化促熟、人工授精、幼虫对不同饵料的消化能力、新型采苗器的采苗以及标粗效果等实验,研究大珠母贝人工繁殖中的有关技术问题。结果表明:使用以骨条藻和天然硅藻做饵料促熟的大珠母贝亲贝进行人工授精可以获得质量较高受精率(达98%);用于亲贝人工授精的氨水溶液最佳浓度为体积分数10×10-6~30×10-6(氨水原液质量分数为25%~28%);D形幼虫对饵料的消化能力较差,宜投喂金藻和面包酵母,壳顶幼虫的消化能力强,宜增加扁藻混合投喂;在附着变态期采用新型的聚氯乙烯绳采苗器可以取得较传统附着板更好的采苗及标粗效果,单个采苗器可采壳长2 mm贝苗3.65万只,标粗40 d后贝苗平均成活率可达66.2%,壳长平均生长率可达295μm/d。  相似文献   

在自然海区设置5个水平养殖密度,分别为100、200、300、500、700只/组,每组分别设置1平行组,观察筏式养殖密度对九孔鲍生长的影响,结果表明:养殖密度对九孔鲍的生长和存活率有显著影响(p值<0.05),在5只密度组中以低密度组的生长最快,存活率最高,平均日增壳长、日增壳宽与日增体质量分别达72.50μm/d、40.00μm/d与14.17 mg/d;随着养殖密度的增加,九孔鲍生长逐渐减慢,存活率逐渐降低;在实验范围内,养殖密度与平均日增体质量的回归方程式为y=12.338 exp(-0.000 2x)。  相似文献   

【目的】研究血清素(5-HT)、蜕皮激素、γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)、腺嘌呤核苷、次黄嘌呤核苷和次黄嘌呤对马氏珠母贝眼点幼虫附着的影响。【方法】以不同浓度的5-HT、蜕皮激素、GABA、腺嘌呤核苷、次黄嘌呤核苷和次黄嘌呤溶液处理马氏珠母贝眼点幼虫,不同时间后,分析眼点幼虫附着率的变化。【结果】在24~96 h作用时间里,5-HT、蜕皮激素、GABA对眼点幼虫附着的诱导效果整体上均呈上升趋势;在24~120 h作用时间里,腺嘌呤核苷、次黄嘌呤核苷和次黄嘌呤对眼点幼虫附着的诱导效果整体上呈上升趋势。眼点幼虫在10-5 mol/L的5-HT和GABA处理24、48、72和96 h后,附着率均显著高于对照组(P<0.01);10-5 mol/L的蜕皮激素处理24 h和72 h,10-6 mol/L的蜕皮激素处理24 h和96 h,10-7 mol/L的蜕皮激素处理24 h,附着率均显著高于对照组(P<0.01);10μmol/L腺嘌呤核苷处理24、48、72和120 h,1μmol/L腺嘌呤核苷处理24、48、72、96和120 h,附着率均显著高于对照组(P<0.01);10μmol/L次黄嘌呤核苷处理48和72 h,1μmol/L次黄嘌呤核苷处理48、72、96和120 h,附着率均显著高于对照组(P<0.01);10μmol/L的次黄嘌呤处理72、96和120 h,附着率均显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。【结论】5-HT、蜕皮激素、GABA、腺嘌呤核苷、次黄嘌呤核苷和次黄嘌呤溶液在适宜的浓度和处理时间均可诱导马氏珠母贝眼点幼虫附着,其中10-5 mol/L的5-HT处理24 h对附着率的诱导效果最佳,可达对照组的6.3倍。  相似文献   

研究了配合饵料、轮虫、蛋黄、轮虫+人工配合饵料(3~12日龄投喂轮虫,13日龄起投喂配合饵料)等4种开口饵料对奥尼罗非鱼仔鱼生长、发育和存活影响。结果表明,1)投喂不同饵料对奥尼罗非鱼仔鱼生长具有显著影响(P<0.05),轮虫+配合饵料组生长较快,绝对增重率和特定增重率分别为0.011g/d和17.18%d-1;蛋黄组生长最慢,绝对增重率和特定增重率与其他各组差异显著(P<0.05)。2)轮虫+配合饵料与轮虫组的仔鱼成活率较高,分别为90.3%和89.7%,2组差异不显著(P>0.05),且仔鱼发育较好,大部分个体进入稚鱼阶段;蛋黄组成活率最低,只有40.7%,个体发育较为缓慢,与其他各组差异显著(P<0.05)。可见,投喂鲜活的天然饵料(轮虫)+配合饵料是罗非鱼苗种培育的最佳开口饵料。  相似文献   

A 13-day feeding trial was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of a microbound diet for rearing the larvae of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis in comparison with the live foods that consist of Isochrysis galbana, Chlorella vulgaris, Tetraselrnis chuii, rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) and Arternia sp. Larvae of 0 to 13d post-hatch (dph) were reared in a temperature-controlled semi-open culture system and stocked at a density of 100 larvae L^-1 in tanks, each containing 50 L sterilized seawater with salinity 30-32. Larvae were manually fed either the live foods or the microbound diet 6 times per day. At 13 dph, the growth of the larvae fed on the microbound diet was approximately 84% of that fed on the live foods. The survival rate of the larvae fed on the microbound diet was 44.29% at 13dph, which was not significantly different from that of larvae fed on live foods (63.55%). The body length and development index (DI) of the larvae fed on the microbound diet were always lower than those of larvae fed on live foods. However, the differences reached significant levels only at 11 and 13 dph (P〈 0.05). The mean dry weight loss of the microbound diet was 9.2% after 90 min immersion in seawater, indicating that this diet has a good water stability. The microbound diet contains 52.23% crude protein and 10.27% lipid and is easy to prepare. These characteristics of the diet suggest good potentials for its successful use in the larviculture of other penaeid and fish species.  相似文献   

In order to improve production and breed new broods of bay scallopArgopecten irradians irradians, different-colored orange, purple and white lines were established by two mating methods of self-fertilization and mass spawning at a commercial scallop hatchery in spring, 2002. And then larval growth and survival of different lines was compared to test whether there is a relationship between shell color and growth and survival at early developmental stage. Both growth and survival have no significant differences among different experimental larvae of self-fertilization or mass spawning. Results are as following in the order of orange, purple and white shell stock. For the self-fertilization, growth rates of larvae were 6.174, 6.412, and 6.599 μm/d, respectively. Survival rates of larvae at Day 3 were 74.41%, 76.86%, and 82.05%; Day 6 were 49.14%, 65.63%, and 52.79%; and Day 9 were 25.06%, 20.80%, and 26.47%, respectively. For the mass spawning, the growth rates were 7.836, 7.941, and 7.878 μm/d, respectively. Survival rates at Day 3 were 93.05%, 91.95%, and 92.50%; Day 6 were 79.17%, 78.05%, and 82.50%; and Day 9 were 34.72%, 36.67%, and 38.33%, respectively. The absence of any relationship between shell color and growth and survival at the larval stage may be resulted from their common genetic basis. This work was financially supported by Project of Scientific Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ZKCX2-211).  相似文献   

Bacterial community presumably plays an essential role in inhibiting pathogen colonization and maintaining the health of scallop larvae, but limiting data are available for Yesso scallop(Patinopecten yessoensisis Jay, 1857) larval development stages. The aim of this study was to characterize and compare the bacterial communities associating with Yesso scallop larval development at fertilized egg S1, trochophora S2, D-shaped larvae S3, umbo larvae S4, and juvenile scallop S5 stages by Illumina high-throughput sequencing. Genomic DNA was extracted from the larvae and their associating bactera, and a gene segment covering V3-V4 region of 16 S r RNA gene was amplified and sequenced using an Illumina Miseq sequencer. Overall, 106760 qualified sequences with an average length of 449 bp were obtained. Sequences were compared with those retrieved from 16 S r RNA gene databases, and 4 phyla, 7 classes, 15 orders, 21 families, 31 genera were identified. Proteobacteria was predominant phylum, accounting for more than 99%, at all 5 larval development stages. At genus level, Pseudomonas was dominant at stages S1(80.60%), S2(87.77%) and S5(68.71%), followed by Photobacterium(17.06%) and Aeromonas(1.64%) at stage S1, Serratia(6.94%), Stenotrophomonas(3.08%) and Acinetobacter(1.2%) at stage S2, Shewanella(25.95%) and Pseudoalteromonas(4.57%) at stage S5. Moreover, genus Pseudoalteromonas became dominant at stages S3(44.85%) and S4(56.02%), followed by Photobacterium(29.82%), Pseudomonas(11.86%), Aliivibrio(8.60%) and Shewanella(3.39%) at stage S3, Pseudomonas(18.16%), Aliivibrio(14.29%), Shewanella(4.11%), Psychromonas(4.04%) and Psychrobacter(1.81%) at stage S4. From the results, we concluded that the bacterial community changed significantly at different development stages of Yesso Scallop larvae.  相似文献   

A 13-day feeding trial was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of a microbound diet for rearing the larvae of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis in comparison with the live foods that consist of Isochrysis galbana, Chlorella vulgaris, Tetraselmis chuii, rotifer (Brachionus plicatilis) and Artemia sp. Larvae of 0 to 13d post-hatch (dph) were reared in a temperature-controlled semi-open culture system and stocked at a density of 100 larvae L−1 in tanks, each containing 50 L sterilized seawater with salinity 30–32. Larvae were manually fed either the live foods or the microbound diet 6 times per day. At 13dph, the growth of the larvae fed on the microbound diet was approximately 84% of that fed on the live foods. The survival rate of the larvae fed on the microbound diet was 44.29% at 13 dph, which was not significantly different from that of larvae fed on live foods (63.55% ). The body length and development index (DI) of the larvae fed on the microbound diet were always lower than those of larvae fed on live foods. However, the differences reached significant levels only at 11 and 13dph (P<0.05). The mean dry weight loss of the microbound diet was 9.2% after 90min immersion in seawater, indicating that this diet has a good water stability. The microbound diet contains 5223% crude protein and 10.27% lipid and is easy to prepare. These characteristics of the diet suggest good potentials for its successful use in the larviculture of other penaeid and fish species.  相似文献   

潘状幼体厌食症是指潘状幼体发育到第2期后,出现摄食突然减少和停食的现象,幼体发病率和死亡率较高。探讨育苗用水处理方法、抗菌素、有益微生物制剂对防治凡纳滨对虾潘状幼体厌食症的效果。结果表明:1)用次氯酸钠、百碘、溴氯海困对育苗用水进行消毒处理没有预防潘状幼体厌食症作用,用甲醛处理水有一定的预防效果,幼体发病率为75.3%,低于对照组的88.2%,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);2)利福平、土霉素、庆大霉素、诺氟沙星、复方新诺明等抗菌药物对潘状幼体厌食症防治效果不佳,除利福平外,其他药物组幼体发病率、存活率与对照组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);3)有益微生物制剂光合细菌、乳酸杆菌、芽孢杆菌、复合活菌制剂EM活菌、虾蟹宝活菌和乐多源活菌对潘状幼体厌食症都有不同程度的预防作用,幼体发病率、存活率与对照组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),以乐多源活菌预防效果最好,幼体发病率仅19.8%,比对照组低63.3%,治疗作用仅乐多源活菌较好,可治愈50.0%的发病幼体,其他活菌治疗效果不佳。建议潘状幼体厌食症应采取处理水和使用有益微生物制剂相结合方法进行防治。  相似文献   

比较在0、5、10、15、20、25、30(自然海水)、35、40、45、50等11个盐度梯度下,菊黄东方鲀(Takiugu flavidus)的受精卵发育和仔鱼生长情况,测定仔鱼的不投饵存活系数(SAI).结果表明:1)菊黄东方鲀受精卵在盐度0~50范围内均可孵化,最适盐度20~25.盐度(x)与孵化时间(y)呈正相关关系,表达式为:y=0.345 x+141.1,R2=0.956.2)实验盐度范围内,菊黄东方鲀仔鱼SAI值为1.55~30.10.3)在盐度5~45条件下,仔鱼皆可存活,存活率为3%~27%.其中,在10~30盐度下存活率较高,为20%~27%.经15 d的培育,仔鱼平均全长为6.28~7.34 mm.低盐度对菊黄东方鲀仔鱼生长更有利,在15~20盐度条件下,仔鱼生长较好,最终平均全长为7.30~7.34 mm.4)根据SAI值和生长状况,仔鱼生长和存活的适宜生长盐度为10~30,最适盐度范围为15~20.  相似文献   

温度对匙吻鲟胚胎与仔鱼发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究不同温度下匙吻鲟(Polyodon spathula)的胚胎与仔鱼发育。结果表明,26℃时,匙吻鲟胚胎发育到大卵黄栓期全部死亡;在15~24℃范围内,胚胎均可孵化出膜,孵化时间与温度呈极显著的负相关关系(P<0.01)。胚胎发育的最适温度范围为18~22℃,最佳温度为20℃,生物学零度为12.30℃。卵黄囊期仔鱼历时随温度的升高而缩短。在16~22℃范围内,温度对卵黄囊期仔鱼生长的影响极显著(P<0.01),22~24℃影响不显著(P<0.05)。在22~26℃范围内,仔鱼生长的差异不显著(P<0.05),成活率低,且畸形率极显著地高于16~20℃(P<0.01)。匙吻鲟仔鱼早期发育的最适温度范围为18~20℃,温度过高是造成仔鱼畸形率增加的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

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