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Late Quaternary Slip Rate of the Xiugou Segment,Eastern Kunlun Fault Zone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Eastern Kunlun fault zone (EKLF) is a large left-lateral strike-slip fault, whose slip rate is meaningful to seismic hazard assessment and geodynamics of the Tibetan Plateau. Previous studies suggested that the late Quaternary average slip rate was stable and uniform (10~13 mm/a) in the central and western segment of the EKLF. But there were a few researches of accurate slip rate in the central segment on the EKLF. Therefore, we focused on an offset and well preserved alluvial fan from Xiugou basin, located in the east of Xidatan-Dongdatan, to make it clear. Moreover, we used high-resolution satellite images and digital elevation model extracted from SPOT7 stereo image pairs to restore the offset alluvial fan, and combined terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides method, including 13 quartz-rich samples from this fan surface, 1 quartz-rich sample from the main active channel bed and 1 10Be depth profile from this fan edge to eliminate the 10Be concentration of inheritance accurately, with 1 optically stimulated luminescence sample to obtain the reliable age of this alluvial fan together. Referring to field observations, this alluvial fan was offset left-laterally by (1 862±103) m, and its age is (76.55±3.20)~(106.37±3.38) ka which can be determined through the actual geologic setting and improving chi-square test. Thus, we used the Monte Carlo method to obtain a left-lateral slip rate of (20.3+3.5/-2.3) mm/a with 68% confidence envelopes since the late Pleistocene in the Xiugou basin. As a result, combining with the results of previous studies, the left-lateral slip rate indicated that the obviously decreasing activity transferred from late Pleistocene to Holocene on the central segment of the EKLF.  相似文献   

The easternmost Tian Shan lies in eastern Xinjiang, Central Asia. The South Barkol basin fault(SBF) in the northern part of the easternmost Tian Shan is a major tectonic structure in this orogenic region. The late Quaternary activity, paleoseismology, and deformation characteristics of the fault provide important clues for understanding the tectonic process of the eastern Tian Shan orogen and implementing seismic mitigation. Through interpretation of high-resolution satellite images, unmanned aerial vehicle measurements, and detailed geological and geomorphic investigations, we suggest that the fault exhibits clear left-lateral slip along its western segment. Paleoseismic trenches dug near Xiongkuer reveal evidence of six large paleoearthquakes. The four latest paleoearthquakes were dated: the oldest event occurred at 4663 BC–3839 BC. Data on the horizontal offsets along the probable 1842 Barkol earthquake coseismic rupture suggest clear multiple relationships between cumulative offsets and possible ~4 m of coseismic left-lateral slip per event. From the cumulative offsets and 14 C sample ages, we suggest an average Holocene left-lateral slip rate of 2.4–2.8 mm/a on the SBF, accounting for ~80% of lateral deformation within the entire eastern Tian Shan fault system. This result is comparable with the shortening rate of 2–4 mm/a in the whole eastern Tian Shan, indicating an equal role of strike-slip tectonics and compressional tectonics in this orogen, and that the SBF may accommodate substantial lateral tectonic deformation.  相似文献   

天景山断裂带是青藏高原东北缘一条重要的左旋走滑边界断裂,但是对该断裂左旋走滑运动速率的空间分布特征缺少足够的研究和认识.通过卫星影像解译和野外地质调查,我们在天景山断裂带中段滑动速率限定范围较宽泛的段落选择两个典型的断错地貌观察点,以期获得更为可靠的断裂晚第四纪滑动速率.首先,利用差分GPS和无人机摄影测量技术分别对孟家湾和崾岘沟两点的冲沟或河流阶地的左旋走滑位移量进行精确测量和恢复.然后,利用光释光测年技术对被断错地貌面的年龄进行限定.最后,在综合分析地貌标志物位移和地貌面年龄之间关系以及其形成演化过程,计算和讨论孟家湾和崾岘沟两个点的滑动速率,分别为(1.2±0.3)mm/a和(0.9±0.3)~(1.1±0.2)mm/a.通过与前人研究结果进行对比和分析,认为天景山断裂带晚第四纪左旋走滑运动速率在空间上较为稳定,约为1.1 mm/a.  相似文献   

活动断裂几何学特征及滑动速率是研究断裂运动学、动力学机制及其评估区域强震危险性的重要依据。青藏高原东缘左行走滑的鲜水河断裂带是控制高原物质向南东挤出的重要边界,是中国陆内活动性最强的断裂之一。本文以鲜水河断裂带北西段为研究对象,通过高精度遥感影像解译、野外考察、OSL(光释光)和14C测年方法以及LiDAR(激光雷达)扫描获得乾宁段龙灯乡冲积阶地的位错量和废弃年龄。T4和T3′水平位错量分别为106±5 m和77±2 m, T4阶地垂直位错量为9.6±0.5 m。T4和T3′阶地的废弃年龄分别为11±1 ka和7±1 ka。结合对应的年龄和位错量,得到乾宁段晚第四纪走滑速率左行走滑速率为10.5±1 mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.9±0.1 mm/a,断层倾向北东,具有正断运动学特征。通过重新计算断裂两侧GPS矢量沿断裂方向分量,得到鲜水河断裂带炉霍段、炉霍—康定段、磨西段现今左行走滑速率分别约为8.1 mm/a、8.2 mm/a、9.4 mm/a,整体表现为自北西向南东递增。综合乾宁段晚第四纪走滑速率和最新强震活动的离逝时间估算,认为鲜水河断裂带乾宁段目前应变累积...  相似文献   

东昆仑东段中更新世以来的成山作用及其动力转换   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:6  
对东昆仑造山带东段第四纪构造及与地貌关系的分析表明,现代山盆相间的地貌格局成型于中更新世,且在中更新世以来发生了多次构造变形体制的转换。根据布青山北部查干额热格地区第四系剖面的构造、地层时代及地层与构造关系的分析表明,中更新世时期为伸展构造体制,昆仑山内部开始发生了差异隆升,布青山开始崛起。中更新世末应力体制发生急剧变化,由伸展体制转为收缩事件,又急速转为伸展构造体系,短暂的收缩事件造成了中更新世冲洪积层的褶皱,随后的伸展则导致了影响深刻的向北依次断落的阶地状正断层系统。晚更新世应力体系再度发生重大转换,伸展正断层体系被左旋走滑运动体系所代替,并一直延续至今。中更新世以来多次隆升构造变形体制的转换说明东昆仑地区的成山过程受控于多种动力背景,而非单一的挤压抬升。隆升构造变形体系的确定及其时代约束为深入刻划青藏高原东北缘隆升作用的动力过程提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

东昆仑东段第四纪成山作用过程与地貌变迁   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
东昆仑山的现代地貌格局为一系列北西西向的山系和盆地(谷地) 相间列, 第四纪沉积和岩相分布与地貌格局存在良好的匹配性, 第四纪不同时代沉积反映了山系的成山作用过程.显著地貌分异首先出现于北部的布尔汗布达山, 即早更新世中晚期(1525ka), 表现为受布尔汗布达山地貌控制的其南部山脚的早更新世中期(1525ka) 左右冲洪积物的始现.南部马尔争—布青山的成型发生于早中更新世之交, 这次成山作用在整个青藏高原昆仑—黄河源地区具有广泛影响.更南部的查哈西里山在1113.9~979.6ka间的沉积特征也显示了这一事件的影响, 即由湖相转变为冲洪积相, 但在这一时期查哈西里山总体仍为沉积区, 山系并未形成, 山顶最高层位粗冲洪积物的砾石成分统计和砾石扁平面产状统计仍显示物源来自北部, 沉积与北部隆起的马尔争-布青山有关, 查哈西里山真正隆起高于两侧, 应发生在晚更新世.伸展断裂组合与地貌之间的良好耦合关系表明, 东昆仑地区山体的崛起与伸展断裂构造之间存在密切的成因关系.山系突出于高原面的成山作用主要受控于近南北向的伸展作用, 这一伸展作用应与青藏高原整体隆升后边缘的重力失稳垮塌及均衡作用相联系, 这种伸展垮塌随着时间的迁移向南发展.   相似文献   

秀沟盆地是发育在东昆仑走滑断裂带上的一级拉分盆地,位于该断裂带西大滩-东大滩段与托索湖段的左阶连接部位。本研究通过解译分析高分辨率遥感影像和数字高程模型(DEM)数据,并结合野外高精度实时差分GPS(RTK-GPS)测量数据,对秀沟盆地第四纪构造活动及其地貌特征进行了研究。研究结果表明,沿东昆仑活动断裂带秀沟盆地段发育了晚第四纪地表地震破裂带、次级走滑拉分盆地、错断阶地陡坎、错断冲积扇等典型走滑构造地貌特征。其中秀沟盆地东北部发现约50km长,而且保存完好的地表地震破裂带,很可能是1902年秀沟盆地东北部M7.0级的地震地表破裂带。在破裂带的长度上,它与1963年发生在其东部阿拉克湖段的M7.0所产生的40km长的地震地表破裂带相近。高分辨率遥感影像的解译结果表明,冲积扇上发育的河流T3阶地与T4阶地之间发生了90m左右的水平断错累积位移,根据同一海拔高度沉积物的宇宙成因核素暴露年代测定资料得出的T3和T4阶地的形成年龄分别是 6276±262a和 8126±346a,估算出东昆仑活动断裂带秀沟盆地段全新世以来的平均走滑速率为12.9±2.9mm/a。此外,遥感影像解析和野外测量指示晚第四纪冲积扇发生的累积错断距离为2970±30m,根据这些推测冲积扇形成年代约为 297±19kaB.P.,由此估算出秀沟盆地段晚更新世以来的长期平均走滑速率为10.1±0.8mm/a。两者结果接近,表明东昆仑活动断裂带秀沟盆地段晚第四纪以来有比较一致的走滑速率。  相似文献   

丹江口地区地震地质因修建丹江水库而得到深入研究,但针对断裂进行的系统性研究较少。通过对丹江断裂东段进行1:1万大比例条带状活动断裂填图,综合采用地质地貌调查、岩样年龄测试、地质钻探、浅层地震勘探等多种手段进行研究,认为:1)丹江断裂东段第四纪以来累积左旋走滑量在250~500 m之间,上更新统地层垂直断距为10~20 m;2)断裂最新活动时代为晚更新世,活动性质以由NE向SW的逆冲为主,兼具有左旋走滑分量;3)断裂活动性由山地向盆地迁移。丹江断裂晚更新世以来活动表明,南襄盆地西缘活动性较强。该认识可为进一步评估丹江口地区乃至南襄盆地西缘的地震构造环境提供依据。  相似文献   

东昆仑活动断裂带玛曲段活动特征及其东延   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
东昆仑活动断裂是青藏高原东北缘一条重要的NWW向边界断裂。通过野外观测和遥感解译,发现东昆仑活动断裂带玛曲段主要由玛曲、迭部-武都和迭山-舟曲3条左阶斜列的活动断裂组成。该断裂带晚第四纪的活动性非常强烈,晚更新世晚期以来的平均左旋走滑运动速率达(10.15±0.34)mm/a,与该断裂带在西大滩、东大滩、花石峡和玛沁等地的运动速率基本相同,说明东昆仑活动断裂带延伸到玛曲段并没有逐渐消亡,而是继续向东延伸,最终与秦岭南缘活动断裂相接。  相似文献   

胡惟  朱光  宋利宏  严乐佳  刘备 《地学前缘》2013,20(4):137-150
郯庐断裂带渤海段也称为营潍断裂带。文中利用一系列地震剖面,对营潍断裂带第四纪活断层的几何学特征、活动方式与时间、应力场及活动性进行了综合分析,探讨其第四纪活动规律。结果表明,该断裂带第四纪以来活动广泛而强烈,基本上继承了新近纪的断裂格局,由东、西两支主干断裂构成,各自呈左阶雁列式展布。其主干断裂在第四系内陡立的断面、常见的第四系背斜构造及区域上NEESWW向挤压应力状态,皆表明该断裂带第四纪以来呈逆右行平移活动。大量的地震剖面揭示,该断裂带渤中地区为全新世活断层,而潍北-莱州湾和辽东湾地区呈现为全新世、晚更新世与第四纪活断层相间出现的现象。地震分布表明,该断裂带近代在中段渤中地区活动性最强,而南、北段活动性较弱。  相似文献   

The Quaternary activity of the faults at the eastern end of the Altyn Tagh fault, including the Dengdengshan–Chijiaciwo, Kuantanshan and Heishan faults, was studied on the basis of interpretation of satellite images, trenching, geomorphologic offset measurements and dating. The Altyn Tagh fault has extended eastwards to Kuantanshan Mountain. The left–slip rates of the Altyn Tagh fault decreased through the Qilianshan fault and were transformed into thrust and folds deformation of many NW–trending faults within the Jiuxi basin. Meanwhile, under NE–directed compression of the Tibetan plateau, thrust dominated the Dengdengshan–Chijiaciwo fault northeast of the Kuantanshan uplift with a rate lower than that of every fault in the Jiuxi basin south of the uplift, implying that tectonic deformation is mainly confined to the plateau interior and the Hexi Corridor area. From continual northeastward enlargement of the Altyn Tagh fault, the Kuantanshan uplift became a triangular wedge intruding to the east, while the Kuantanshan area at the end of this wedge rose up strongly. In future, the Altyn Tagh fault will continue to spread eastward along the Heishan and Jintananshan faults. The results have implications for understanding the propagation of crustal deformation and the mechanism of the India–Eurasian collision.  相似文献   

We compared the stable carbon isotopic records from a loess transect of the Jiaochang in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, spanning the last ~21,000 years, with multiproxy data for pedogenesis, including magnetic susceptibility, clay fraction, Fed/Fet ratio, carbonate and total organic carbon content, in order to probe the mechanisms of δ13C values of organic matter and Late Quaternary climate variations in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Our results indicate that there is no simple relationship between δ13C of organic matter and summer monsoon variations. The change in δ13C values of organic matter (in accordance with the ratios of C3 to C4 plants) results from the interaction among temperature, aridity and atmospheric pCO2 level. Drier climate and lower atmospheric pCO2 level contribute to positive carbon isotopic excursion, while negative carbon isotopic excursion is the result of lower temperature and increased atmospheric pCO2 level. Additionally, our results imply that the Tibetan monsoon may play an important role in climate system in the eastern Tibet Plateau, which specifically reflects frequently changing climate in that area. The results provide new insights into the forcing mechanisms on both the δ13C values of organic matter and the local climate system.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of the kinematics of the active faults distributed around the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is critical to understand current tectonic processes of the plateau. Chronological analysis, based on the comparison among regional climate and geomorphology, digital photogrammetry, offset landforms, and the tectonics were adopted in this study on the Xianshuihe fault in the eastern Tibetan plateau. Two or more offset-age data were obtained for each segment of the Xianshuihe and the Yunongxi faults. The offset landforms, including river terrace, alluvial fan and glacial moraine, provide constraints for the late Quaternary slip rate of the Xianshuihe fault. The left-lateral strike slip rate of the Xianshuihe fault decreases from 17 mm/a on the northwest segment to 9.3 mm/a on the southeast segment. Regarding the Xianshuihe fault zone and its adjacent blocks as a regional tectonic system, vector analysis was used to quantitatively analyze the longitudinal kinematical transformation and transversal slip partitioning on the fault zone in terms of the kinematical parameters of the main faults within the zone. The results show that there is a distributed vertical uplift at a rate of 6.1 mm/yr caused by shortening across the Gongga Mountains region. Based on these results, we established a model of the slip partitioning for the southeastern segment of the Xianshuihe fault zone.  相似文献   

日干配错断裂位于青藏高原中部, 是"V"型共轭走滑构造中班公湖—怒江缝合带以北的一条NEE-SWW走向左行走滑断裂, 在调节青藏高原南北向挤压和东西向伸展过程中起着重要的作用.在2008年1月9日及2020年7月23日, 先后在该断裂南西端和北东支分别发生6级以上强震.因此, 查明该断裂的晚第四纪活动性及其与区域强震活...  相似文献   

东昆仑南部晚新生代逆冲推覆构造系统   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对东大滩—东温泉地区的路线地质观测与构造填图,在东昆仑南部发现晚新生代大型逆冲推覆构造系统。沿低角度逆冲断层,早二叠世大理岩和早三叠世砂板岩自北向南逆冲推覆于古新统—始新统风火山群紫红色砾岩和渐新世砖红色砂砾岩之上,形成大量不同规模的飞来峰;沿主逆冲断层发育厚层断层角砾岩与断层泥,局部形成碳酸盐质糜棱岩。东昆仑南部逆冲推覆构造的发育时代为渐新世晚期—中新世早期,主要形成、活动时期为26~13.5Ma;估算最小逆冲推覆距离为30~35km,最小逆冲推覆运动速率为2.4~2.8mm/a。东昆仑南部晚新生代逆冲推覆构造运动与现今山脉快速隆升存在着动力学成因联系。  相似文献   

昆中断裂带是东昆仑成矿带发育多条巨型断裂构造之一,控制并切割自元古宙以来的不同地质体,对区域成矿具有明显的控制作用,其次级断裂或主断裂构造的交叉部位往往是成矿通道和容矿部位。研究区位于昆中断裂两侧,属活动区造山带,成矿期次多,类型复杂,具有良好成矿地质条件,已发现矿床、矿(化)点多处,与Nb,Y,La,Cu,Zn,Mo,Au,Ag,As,Pb元素为主的地球化学异常对应较好。  相似文献   

浙江杭州地区孝丰-三门湾断裂晚第四纪活动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北西走向的孝丰—三门湾断裂是浙北地区一条重要的断裂。该断裂第四纪以来表现为左旋走滑,并水平断错了北东走向的萧山—球川断裂和东西走向的昌化—普陀断裂。这三条断裂交汇于杭州地区并造成了钱塘江的拐弯。在孝丰—三门湾断裂与北东走向断裂的交汇处曾有多次地震发生。通过在孝丰—三门湾断裂(杭州段)上布设的4 个探槽,发现该断裂附近存在一系列近于东西走向及北东走向的晚更新世活动断裂。这些断层活动可能是由孝丰—三门湾主干断裂的活动引起的,并调节着孝丰—三门湾主干断裂的活动,减弱断裂附近应力,降低区域地震危害性。采用了光释光(OSL)测年方法来限定断层活动时代,并采用孢粉测年对OSL 年龄进行验证。依据OSL 年龄,探槽所揭露的断层活动均发生距今1.65 万年之前,存在两次断层活动,分别发生于1.65~1.97 万年和4.2~5.12 万年。孝丰—三门湾断裂在晚更新世有所活动的认识对于杭州地区乃至整个浙北地区未来的地震危险性评价具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

东昆仑东段新生代高原隆升重大事件的沉积响应   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
根据新生代沉积盆地的地层序列、环境演变及地貌和水系变迁分析将研究区新生代高原隆升过程划分为5个重大事件.首次在研究区内海拔5400m的主夷平面上发现古土壤、岩溶角砾岩及钟乳石等, 认为沱沱河组上段细碎屑沉积及五道梁组石膏沉积(中新世) 是主夷平面形成期的沉积响应, 提出了主夷平面的高程具有东西向排列的盆岭地貌特点, 这种高程差异反映了后期构造隆升的不均衡, 应该是上新世以来差异断块抬升的结果; 早更新世中期(1525.5ka后) 一套河流砂砾卵石沉积是青藏运动C幕的沉积响应, 体现在布尔汗布达山的强烈上升和成山; 早更新世晚期(1113.9~836.3ka) 先湖滨砾石沉积, 后转为河流砂砾卵石沉积, 是昆黄运动在研究区的沉积响应, 并体现在马尔争-布青山的强烈上升和成山, 中更新世早期冰碛物的发育说明昆黄运动后研究区已隆升达到"水汽冻结高度"; 研究区T5阶地沉积前的强烈下蚀, 柴达木盆地内陆水系溯源侵蚀切过布尔汗布达山主分水岭, 袭夺了昆南断裂带原由西向东流向共和古湖的东西向水系并到达阿拉克湖一带, 晚更新世洪冲积角度不整合于中更新世洪冲积之上等是共和运动的具体表现.   相似文献   

晚第四纪柴达木盆地东部古湖泊高湖面光释光年代学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高湖面是湖泊演化的鼎盛期,指示区域的温暖湿润气候。关于青藏高原湖泊高湖面的年代有不同的观点。一种观点(主要是基于14C测年)认为在氧同位素三阶段晚期青藏高原普遍存在"大湖期"或"泛湖期",并且其温度和降水可能比全新世还高。另一种观点(主要基于释光、铀系测年等)认为青藏高原湖泊的最高古湖面出现在氧同位素五阶段,之后湖面逐渐下降。柴达木盆地位于青藏高原的东北部,其高湖面年代的研究可为认识青藏高原环境演化提供基础资料。本文选择柴达木盆地东部的托素湖和尕海湖高出现代湖面的湖相沉积和湖岸砂堤为研究对象,利用石英光释光测年方法建立其年代序列。根据沉积物沉积特征和光释光年代结果认为,尕海湖和托素湖古高湖面出现在82~73ka、63~55ka、34.4ka和全新世早期。通过与青藏高原及周边湖泊高湖面年代记录对比,认为尕海湖和托素湖的最高湖面主体出现在氧同位素五阶段,之后湖面逐渐下降。  相似文献   

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