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Vein-type W-Sn deposits occur both in and around the Regoufe granite. The muscovite-albite granite hosts several roof pendants of schist along its eastern and northern margins. Biotite, tourmaline and K-feldspar megacrysts are virtually absent from the roof zone of the granite but sulphides are abundant. These sulphides disappear through a transition zone and the granite becomes a tourmaline-bearing porphyritic two-mica granite. Fifty-five rock samples were collected within the granite resulting in a sample density of about 10 samples per km2. The analytical results show that the granite is extremely rich in Sn, W, Li and Cs, rich in P, Ta, Rb, F and U, about normal in Cu, Zn and Nb and low in Sr, Ti and Zr in comparison with the global averages for low-Ca granites. Factor analysis was applied to the data and the resulting three factor model could be correlated to the field relations. Factor 1 reflects greisenization and albitization processes. Factor 2 scores are high in the mineralized areas and factor 3 appears to be connected with the transition zone.  相似文献   

The Guposhan–Huashan district is an important W–Sn–Sb–Zn–(Cu) metallogenic area in South China. It is located in the middle‐west segment of the Nanling Range. Granitoids in the Guposhan–Huashan district possess certain properties of A‐type or I‐type granites. The W–Sn–Sb–Zn mineralization in the district is closely associated with magma emplacement. Two igneous biotite and seven hydrothermal muscovite samples from skarn, veins and greisenization ores were analyzed by Ar–Ar methods. Two igneous biotite samples from fine‐grained quartz monzodiorite and fine‐grained biotite granite show plateau ages of 168.7 ± 1.9 Ma and 165.0 ± 1.1 Ma, respectively. Seven hydrothermal muscovite samples from ores yield plateau ages as two groups: 165 Ma to 160 Ma and 104 Ma to 100 Ma. These data suggest that the emplacement of fine‐grained granitoids in this district is coeval with the main phase magma emplacement, different from previous studies. The W–Sn–Sb–Zn mineralization took place in two stages, i.e. the Middle–Late Jurassic and early Cretaceous. W–Sn mineralization in the Guposhan–Huashan district is closely related to the magmatism, which was strongly influenced by underplating of asthenospheric mantle along trans‐lithospheric deep faults and related fractures.  相似文献   

The Sn–W mineralized Mole Granite in Eastern Australia hosts zircon populations that crystallized at several stages during a protracted magmatic to hydrothermal evolution. Thirty-four elements have been quantified by laser-ablation inductively-coupled-plasma mass-spectrometric microanalysis with the aim of relating the chemistry of zircon to its growth environment. Trace element contents are highly variable for all textural occurrences. Zircon inclusions in earliest quartz phenocryst suggest that zircon was a liquidus phase that crystallized probably deep in the crust. Trace element contents are conspicuously high, showing only a slight positive Ce anomaly but a pronounced negative Eu-anomaly. Successive crystallization stages of magmatic zircon are characterized by progressive depletion in trace element contents, notably the rare earth elements, with an increasingly important positive Ce-anomaly. This evolution reflects saturation of REE accepting minerals such as monazite, thorite, xenotime and possibly apatite and is affected little by the exsolution of a magmatic–hydrothermal fluid. Zircon that is interpreted to have precipitated from aqueous fluids in Sn–W-bearing quartz veins shows REE patterns indistinguishable from those of late magmatic zircon. When combined with experimental evidence on the fluid–melt partitioning of REE, it indicates that the REE distribution coefficients for zircon/melt and zircon/fluid are largely comparable.

The second example of hydrothermal zircon crystallized some 2 My after the host granite. These crystals reveal an intragranular zonation of increasing trace element concentrations from core to rim. Therefore, REE abundances and patterns alone are not conclusive indicators of the geological environment in which zircon crystallized. Nevertheless, variations in trace element contents of zircon that relate to the chemistry of the melt or fluid from which zircon crystallized, as measured in cogenetic melt and fluid inclusions, are promising for future petrogenetic modeling.

Lead and Cs are strongly incompatible in hydrothermal zircon, with estimated zircon–fluid distribution coefficients D ≤ 0.001, while Sn and Li are moderately incompatible, DSn  0.6 and DLi  0.1, and Ce is compatible, DCe  14. Moreover, hydrothermal zircon has a more pronounced negative Eu-anomaly and higher Ta/Nb and U/Th ratios than the magmatic zircons of the Mole Granite.  相似文献   

The Woxi W–Sb–Au deposit in Hunan, South China, is hosted by Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks, a turbiditic sequence of slightly metamorphosed (greenschist facies), gray-green and purplish red graywacke, siltstone, sandy slate, and slate. The mineralization occurs predominantly (> 70%) as stratabound/stratiform ore layers and subordinately as stringer stockworks. The former consists of rhythmically interbedded, banded to finely laminated stibnite, scheelite, quartz, pyrite and silty clays, whereas the latter occurs immediately beneath the stratabound ore layers and is characterized by numerous quartz + pyrite + gold + scheelite stringer veins or veinlets that are typically either subparallel or subvertical to the overlying stratabound ore layers. The deposit has been the subject of continued debate in regard to its genesis. Rare earth element geochemistry is used here to support a sedimentary exhalative (sedex) origin for the Woxi deposit. The REE signatures of the metasedimentary rocks and associated ores from the Woxi W–Sb–Au deposit remained unchanged during post-depositional processes and were mainly controlled by their provenance. The original ore-forming hydrothermal fluids, as demonstrated by fluid inclusions in quartz from the banded ores, are characterized by variable total REE concentrations (3.5 to 136 ppm), marked LREE enrichment (LaN/YbN = 28–248, ∑LREE/∑HREE = 16 to 34) and no significant Eu-anomalies (Eu/Eu = 0.83 to 1.18). They were most probably derived from evolved seawater that circulated in the clastic sediment pile and subsequently erupted on the seafloor. The bulk banded ores are enriched in HREE (LaN/YbN = 4.6–11.4, ∑LREE/∑HREE = 3 to 14) and slightly depleted in Eu (Eu/Eu = 0.63 to 1.14) relative to their parent fluids. This is interpreted as indicating the influence of seawater rather than a crystallographic control on REE content of the ores. Within a single ore layer, the degree of HREE enrichment tends to increase upward while the total REE concentrations decrease, reflecting greater influence and dilution of seawater. There is a broad similarity in chondrite-normalized REE patterns and the amount of REE fractionation of the banded ores in this study and exhalites from other sedex-type polymetallic ore deposits, suggesting a similar genesis for these deposits. This conclusion is in agreement with geologic evidence supporting a syngenetic (sedex) model for the Woxi deposit.  相似文献   

The flatfish community of the Sado estuary was studied based on beam trawl catches in six sampling areas. Temperature and salinity were recorded during surveys and sediment composition was determined at each sampling area. A total of 12 species were identified (1 Bothidae, 1 Pleuronectidae, and 10 Soleidae).Dicologoglossa hexophthalma (Bennett 1831),Microchirus ocellatus (Linnaeus 1758), andSynaptura lusitanica (Capello 1868) were new records to this estuarine system.Monochirus hispidus Rafinesque, 1814, was the most abundant species (about 80% of the total individuals caught). Community structure reflected both spatial and temporal patterns. A longitudinal abundance pattern was noticed with some species much more abundant in outer estuarine areas, namelyM. hispidus, Arnoglossus laterna (Walbaum 1792), andBuglossidium luteum (Risso 1810), while others, such asSolea solea (Linnaeus 1758) andSolea senegalensis Kaup, 1858, presented the highest densities in inner areas. Besides temperature and salinity gradients, species distribution was also influenced by sediment composition. Seasonal variation was mainly determined by the different periods of juvenile peak abundance according to the species which emphasize the role of the estuary as a nursery ground for several flatfish species.  相似文献   

A suite of Australian shales, greywackes and subgreywackes ranging in age from Proterozoic to Triassic were analyzed for the rare earth elements (REE) in order to detect any secular changes in rare earth distribution. These post-Archean sediments show remarkably similar relative rare earth patterns. They are characterized by negative Eu anomalies of almost constant magnitude (average Eu/Eu* = 0.67 ± 0.05) relative to chondrites and nearly constant ratios of light to heavy rare earths (average ∑LREE/∑HREE = 9.7 ± 1.8).

The REE abundances are generally higher in the younger sediments which may suggest that the absolute abundances of the rare earths in clastic sediments have gradually increased with time. Since no secular change in relative rare earth distribution was detected in the post-Archean sediments, a uniform process of crustal growth and evolution seems to have operated over the past 1500 million years at least.

Australites show rare earth distributions very similar to that of the average clastic sediment. This suggests that the tektite parent material originated in the upper crust.  相似文献   

Zircon, monazite and xenotime crystallized over a temperature interval of several hundred degrees at the magmatic to hydrothermal transition of the Sn and W mineralized Mole Granite. Magmatic zircon and monazite, thought to have crystallized from hydrous silicate melt, were dated by conventional U–Pb techniques at an age of 247.6 ± 0.4 and 247.7 ± 0.5 Ma, respectively. Xenotime occurring in hydrothermal quartz is found to be significantly younger at 246.2 ± 0.5 Ma and is interpreted to represent hydrothermal growth. From associated fluid inclusions it is concluded that it precipitated from a hydrothermal brine ≤ 600 °C, which is below the accepted closure temperature for U–Pb in this mineral. These data are compatible with a two-stage crystallization process: precipitation of zircon and monazite as magmatic liquidus phases in deep crustal magma followed by complete crystallization and intimately associated Sn–W mineralization after intrusion of the shallow, sill-like body of the Mole Granite. Later hydrothermal formation of monazite in a biotite–fluorite–topaz reaction rim around a mineralized vein was dated at 244.4 ± 1.4 Ma, which distinctly postdates the Mole Granite and is possibly related to a younger hidden intrusion and its hydrothermal fluid system.

Obtaining precise age data for magmatic and hydrothermal minerals of the Mole Granite is hampered by uncertainties introduced by different corrections required for multiple highly radiogenic minerals crystallising from evolved hydrous granites, including 230Th disequilibrium due to Th/U fractionation during monazite and possibly xenotime crystallization, variable Th/U ratios of the fluids from which xenotime was precipitating, elevated contents of common lead, and post-crystallization lead loss in zircon, enhanced by the fluid-saturated environment. The data imply that monazite can also survive as a liquidus phase in protracted magmatic systems over periods of 106 years. The outlined model is in agreement with prominent chemical core-rim variation of the zircon.  相似文献   

The Lesser Qinling carbonatite dykes are mainly composed of calcites. They are characterized by unusually high heavy rare earth element concentrations (HREE; e.g. Yb > 30 ppm) and flat to weakly light rare earth element (LREE) enriched chondrite-normalized patterns (La/Ybn = 1.0–5.5), which is in marked contrast with all other published carbonatite data. The trace element contents of calcite crystals were measured in situ by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). Some crystals show reduced LREE from core to rim, whereas their HREE compositions are relatively constant. The total REE contents and chondrite-normalized REE patterns from the cores of carbonate crystals are similar to those of the whole rock. The carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of calcites fall within the range of primary, mantle-derived carbonatites. The initial Sr isotopic compositions (0.70480–0.70557) of calcites are consistent with an EM1 source or mixing between HIMU and EM1 mantle sources. However these sources cannot produce carbonatite parental magmas with a flat or slightly LREE enrichment pattern by low degrees of partial melting. Analyses of carbonates from other carbonatites show that carbonates have nearly flat REE pattern if they crystallize from a LREE enriched carbonatite melt. This implies that when carbonates crystallize from a carbonatite melt the calcite/melt partition coefficients (D) for HREE are much greater than the D for the LREE. The nearly flat REE patterns of the Lesser Qinling carbonatites can be explained if they are carbonate cumulates that contain little trapped carbonatite melt. Strong enrichment of HREE in the carbonatites may require their derivation by small degrees of melting from a garnet-poor source.  相似文献   

The Baishaziling greisen-type tin deposit is located in the Dayishan ore field, Nanling Range, Southern China. In this study, for the first time, we present both zircon and cassiterite UPb dating, whole-rock elements, zircon LuHf and apatite Nd isotopic compositions to better constrain the petrogenesis of granite and its genetic link with Sn mineralization. Zircon UPb ages of fine-grained granite and coarse-grained granite are 154 ± 1.8 Ma and 153 ± 2.1 Ma, respectively, which are consistent with the cassiterite UPb dating of 154 ± 5.4 Ma, implying genetic relationship between the Baishaziling granite and tin metallogenesis. The Baishaziling granites exhibit high SiO2, K2O + Na2O, Zr + Nb + Ce + Y contents, low P2O5 and Sr contents, and high ratios of Ga/Al, TFeO/(TFeO + MgO), implying A-type granite affinity with characteristics of high-K calc-alkaline and weakly peraluminous. The zircon εHf(t) values and apatite εNd(t) values of the granite vary from ?4.46 to ?1.81 and ?8.37 to ?7.10, with two-stage Hf and Nd model ages of 1.40 to 1.50 Ga and 1.52 to 1.64 Ga, indicating that they were generated by the partial melt of the Proterozoic basement with the involvement of mantle magma. In addition, formation of Dayishan granite was likely associated with an intraplate extensional setting caused by the subduction of the Palaeo-Pacific plate. The Baishaziling reduced granites have high stannum and boron contents, which are in favor of the tin mineralization.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the geochemical behavior of Cu, Zn, As, Mo, Ba, La and Ce under the reducing conditions of a bank infiltration system. To identify and interpret individual processes laboratory experiments were performed on columns containing sandy sediments of an anoxic pleistocene aquifer from the Ruhr valley (western Germany). The flow rate being the key variable was varied from 0.21 to 0.46 and 0.82 m/d (meters per day), whereas the concentration of the reducing agent (acetate) remained constant. A second experiment lasting 80 weeks was carried out at a flow rate of 0.80 m/d, in order to characterize interactions between the pore water and solid phase. The results of these experiments show that the geochemistry of the trace elements involved can be explained to a large extent by the major redox processes of manganese, iron and sulfate turnover. The trace elements As, Mo, Ce and La were released into the pore water as a result of the reduction of Mn- and Fe-(hydr)oxides within the zone of major redox processes. Cu and Zn were removed from the infiltrating water within the first centimeters of the column by sulfide (co)precipitation, whereas the mobility of Mo was controlled by sulfidic fixation further down the flow path. As a result of the decreasing S2−-concentrations along the flow path, dissolved As(III) was re-oxidized (EH>− 250 mV) and precipitated as As(V) in a barium–arsenate-phase.  相似文献   

Runoff processes in Mongolian drainage basins have received little study. The present work clarifies differences in runoff characteristics between granite (G-basin) and sandstone (S-basin) drainage basins near Ulaanbaatar. The drainage area of the G- and S-basins studied is 1.675 and 2.695 km2 and the maximum relief is 450 and 500 m, respectively. These hydrological measurements reveal clear differences in runoff characteristics. First, the constant small discharge in the G-basin implies that the dominant runoff process is infiltration into bedrock or weathered mantle and that only baseflow occurs; quickflow and through-flow are not dominant. Second, clear peak discharges and rapid response of discharge to rainfall in the S-basin implies that surface flow occurs. Finally, the slow recession rate after peak discharge suggests that through-flow is more significant in the S-basin than in the G-basin.  相似文献   

The Xihuashan and Tieshanlong tungsten deposit is an important large quartz vein‐type W‐polymetallic deposit in the southern Jiangxi Province, eastern Nanling Range. Zircon U–Pb analyses of representative ore‐forming granites from the Xihuashan and Tieshanlong tungsten deposit yield ages of 146.3 ± 2.9 Ma and 146.0 ± 3.8 Ma, respectively. According to the zircon Raman spectroscopy, these granitic rocks are disturbed by different degrees of hydrothermal alteration, whereas most zircons exhibit primary oscillatory zoning and Th/U ratios in the range of magmatic zircon, which means the analysis results represent the crystallization age of metallogenetic granitic assemblages. In combination with regional geological data, it is suggested that the Late Jurassic is probably another important episode of granitic magmatism and W‐Sn mineralization in southern Jiangxi Provinces, even South China.  相似文献   




An anomalous area (100 km2) revealed by a previous regional overbank sediment sampling survey by the Geological Survey of Norway was followed-up for Ti, Nb, Y, Zr, La and Ce by drainage and lithogeochemical sampling and analyses. The drainage samples were anomalous in the same elements as in the overbank samples and contained similar concentrations. The lithogeochemical results did not indicate mineralization and showed only a small enhancement of Ti, Zr, La and Ce in mylonitic rocks.Mineralogical studies of the drainage samples revealed, apart from proportions of quartz and feldspars, that stream sediments and heavy mineral concentrates are similar in mineralogy, with epidote predomination and several vol% of fine-grained titanite and zircon. Drainage samples contained amounts of Nb, Y, and Zr up to ten times larger than average contents of rock samples. Enhanced light REE (La and Ce) and Nb reflect host minerals, titanite, and enhanced Y possibly zircon and/or allanite.Anomalies in both media do not relate to mineralization. The overbank samples and the drainage samples provide comparable geochemical data.  相似文献   

The interaction of granitic rock with meteoric fluid is instrumental in determining the chemistry of pore fluids and alteration mineralogy in downflow portions of convective groundwater circulation cells associated with many hydrothermal systems in the continental crust. Hydrothermal experiments and a detailed mineralogical study have been carried out to investigate the hydrothermal alteration of the Carnmenellis Granite, Cornwall, UK. Samples of drill chippings from a borehole 2 km deep in the Carnmenellis Granite have been reacted with a dilute Na-HCO3-Cl fluid in hydrothermal solution equipment at temperatures of 80°, 150° and 250° C and a pressure of 50 MPa, with a water/rock mass ratio of 10, for experiment durations up to 200 days. Fluid samples were analysed for seventeen different chemical components, and solids were examined prior to, and after reaction using SEM, electron microprobe and conventional light optic techniques. Experimental fluids were mildly alkaline (pH 7–8.5) and of low salinity (TDS <800 mgl–1). Mineral-fluid reaction was dominated by the dissolution of plagioclase and the growth of smectite, calcite (at all temperatures), laumontite (at 150° C), wairakite and anhydrite (at 250° C). Final fluids were saturated with respect to quartz and fluorite. Certain trace elements (Li, B, Sr) were either incorporated into solids precipitated during the experiments or sorbed onto mineral surfaces and cannot be considered as conservative (partitioned into the fluid phase) elements. Concentrations of all analysed chemical components showed net increases during the experiments except for Ca (at 250° C) and Mg (at all temperatures). A comparison of the alteration mineralogy observed in the experiments with that present as natural fracture infills in drillcore from the Carnmenellis Granite reveals that the solid products from the experiments correspond closely to mineral assemblages identified as occurring during the later stages of hydrothermal circulation associated with the emplacement of the granite.  相似文献   

于际民  蒋少涌 《地球化学》2001,30(2):140-146
对葡萄牙Neves Corvo Cu.Sn多金属矿床锡矿石,富铜硫化物矿石和贫铜硫化物矿石中锡石的微量元素电子探针分析结果的综合研究表明,该矿床存在高温(>300度),富W的早期锡矿化阶段,钞晚的贫W,富Cu,温度略低(245-295度)的Cu,Sn主矿化阶段,以旬晚的贫W,贫Cu温度更低(约200度)的Cu,Sn矿化阶段,结合Pb同位素研究可以推测矿床中Sn可能来源于矿体下部深处未出露的,与板块俯冲有关的富Sn古老地壳岩石,与其他类型锡矿床的微量元素对比表明,Neves Corvo矿床属于处于火山岩容矿(VHMS)型和沉积岩容矿(SHMS)型块状硫化物矿床之间的一种过渡类型--伊比利亚型。  相似文献   

Many low-efficiency hydrocarbon reservoirs are productive largely because effective reservoir permeability is controlled by faults and natural fractures. Accurate and low-cost information on basic fault and fracture properties, orientation in particular, is critical in reducing well costs and increasing well recoveries. This paper describes how we used an advanced numerical modelling technique, the finite element method (FEM), to compute site-specific in situ stresses and rock deformation and to predict fracture attributes as a function of material properties, structural position and tectonic stress. Presented are the numerical results of two-dimensional, plane-strain end-member FEM models of a hydrocarbon-bearing fault-propagation-fold structure. Interpretation of the modelling results remains qualitative because of the intrinsic limitations of numerical modelling; however, it still allows comparisons with (the little available) geological and geophysical data.

In all models, the weak mechanical strength and flow properties of a thick shale layer (the main seal) leads to a decoupling of the structural deformation of the shallower sediments from the underlying sediments and basement, and results in flexural slip across the shale layer. All models predict rock fracturing to initiate at the surface and to expand with depth under increasing horizontal tectonic compression. The stress regime for the formation of new fractures changes from compressional to shear with depth. If pre-existing fractures exist, only (sub)horizontal fractures are predicted to open, thus defining the principal orientation of effective reservoir permeability. In models that do not include a blind thrust fault in the basement, flexural amplification of the initial fold structure generates additional fracturing in the crest of the anticline controlled by the material properties of the rocks. The folding-induced fracturing expands laterally along the stratigraphic boundaries under enhanced tectonic loading. Models incorporating a blind thrust fault correctly predict the formation of secondary syn- and anti-thetic mesoscale faults in the basement and sediments of the hanging wall. Some of these faults cut reservoir and/or seal layers, and thus may influence effective reservoir permeability and affect seal integrity. The predicted faults divide the sediments across the anticline in several compartments with different stress levels and different rock failure (and proximity to failure). These numerical model outcomes can assist classic interpretation of seismic and well bore data in search of fractured and overpressured hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

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