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Isotopic and geochemical data of the Zerenda series metamorphic rocks from the Kokchetav massif are reported. Some of these rocks contain microdiamond inclusions in garnets and other indicators of ultrahigh pressure metamorphism (P > 40 kbar, T = 900–1000 °C). The diamond-bearing rocks exhibit distinctive geochemical characteristics compared to typical crustal rocks. The REE patterns range from LREE depleted to slightly LREE enriched [chondrite normalized (La/Yb)N– 0.1–5.4] with a negative Eu anomaly. They are depleted in incompatible elements (e.g. Sr, Ba, U, Th) with respect to the upper crust. In contrast non-diamondiferous rocks of the Zerenda series exhibit normal crustal geochemistry. All rocks of the Zerenda series have very radiogenic lead isotopes. The measured μ values (238U/204Pb) compared with those calculated for the interval between crust formation and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphism suggest a decrease by factors of up to 200 during the UHP metamorphism. The Sm-Nd mineral isochrons from the diamond-bearing rocks and other rock types of the Zerenda series give a Middle Cambrian (524–535 Ma) age of metamorphism. The Nd model ages show that crust formation occurred about 2.3 Ga ago. Significant fractionation of Sm and Nd and loss of incompatible elements may be due to partial melting of the protoliths. The Ar-Ar age determinations of secondary biotite and muscovite from the diamond-bearing rocks yield an age of 517 ± 5 Ma. This cooling age requires a short time interval between UHP metamorphism and uplift to a crustal level. Ultrahigh pressure metamorphism might be a significant source of Pb for the mantle. We propose that the radiogenic Pb of the oceanic array is the contamination traces of numerous UHP events. Beside the geological aspect we demonstrate a method of dating a high grade metamorphic terrain using Nd isotopes. We compare whole rock isochrons and mineral isochrons and in this way get some insight into the behaviour of the Sm-Nd system during very high grade metamorphic events. Received: 14 August 1998 / Accepted: 1 June 1999  相似文献   

The Gromadnen-Vurguveem peridotite-gabbro massif is confined to one of the largest ophiolite complex of western Chukotka and composed mainly of intrusive rocks. This paper reports the first comprehensive compositional data for its plutonic rocks (petrochemistry, geochemistry, and compositions of minerals). In terms of petrography, two groups of rocks can be distinguished in the Gromadnen-Vurguveem peridotite-gabbro massif. The first group includes leucocratic gabbroids (mostly gabbronorites), composing most of the massif. The second group includes olivine-bearing cumulate rocks: olivine gabbros, troctolites, plagioclase-bearing dunites, and amphibolized wehrlites. The major element variations in these rocks suggest their affiliation to low-titanium, low-potassium, and high-alumina plutonic derivatives of island-arc magmatism. According to geochemical characteristics (distribution of REEs and indicator incompatible elements), the gabbroids of the first group are akin to both island-arc tholeiites and boninites. The olivine-bearing rocks of the second groups show boninitic affinity. Based on these observations, it was concluded that the intrusive complex of the Gromadnen-Vurguveem massif was formed during an early stage of the development of an ensimatic island arc.  相似文献   

The Kalininsky ultramafic massif is a fragment of lower structural zone of the Kurtushiba ophiolitic belt in the extreme northeastern part of the Western Sayan. The massif is composed largely of rocks making up the dunite-garzburgite banded complex. The northeastern part of the massif is composed mainly of dunite with linear NW-trending chromite-bearing zones, the localization of which is controlled by banding of the dunite-harzburgite complex. Harzburgite and dunite are characterized by inhomogeneous structures and textures caused by nonuniform ductile deformation, which is expressed as heterogeneous extinction, kink bands, and syntectonic and annealing recrystallization. The petrostructural patterns of olivine in harzburgite and dunite provide evidence for three stages of ductile deformation. At the first stage under deep mantle-crustal conditions, the ductile flow of ultramafic rocks developed mainly in a regime of axial compression, high temperature (>1000°C), and low strain rate (? < 10?6 s?1), which resulted in translational gliding along the (010)[100] and (100)[001] systems in olivine and enstatite, respectively, in combination with a subordinate role of syntectonic recrystallization. Consequently, the rocks acquired a medium-grained (mesogranular) microstructure. At the second stage, related to the thermal effect on ultramafics, the ductile flow developed under the settings of low strain rate (? < 10?6 s?1) and rising temperature (>1000°C). The translational gliding in olivine proceeded largely along (010)[100] and was accompanied by diffusion creep. As the temperature rose, ductile deformation gave way to secondary recrystallization of annealing, which facilitated the growth of olivine grains free of dislocations owing to absorption of individual grains oriented adversely relative to the compression axis and deformed grains saturated with dislocations. As a result, dunite and harzburgite with a coarse-grained porphyroblastic microstructure have been formed. The third stage of ductile flow was apparently related to their transport along deep-seated thrust faults under settings of intense shear deformations at a high temperature (~1000°C) and strain rate (? >10?4 s?1). The ductile flow in olivine resulted in heterogeneous translational gliding along (010)[100] and accompanied by intense syntectonic recrystallization with the formation of a porphyroblastic microstructure. Chromite mineralization in dunite is controlled by internal banding. Intense ductile flow facilitated the metamorphic separation of linearbanded Cr-spinel segregations. Thus, the results of a petrostructural study show that ultramafic rocks of the Kalninsky massif, ascending to the upper lithosphere, underwent both axial and shear ductile deformations in the mantle and lower crust, and these deformations controlled chromite mineralization.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of the Adamello massif (northern Italy)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Tertiary Adamello massif, outcropping over an area of more than 550 km2 in the southern Alps (northern Italy) is composed mainly of granitoid rocks (granodiorite, tonalite, quartz diorite) with minor amounts of diorite and gabbro. The major and trace element composition of these rocks is comparable to calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of continental margins. The granitoid rocks display spatial and temporal variations in their composition, particularly in Na, P, Sr, La, Nb and Y contents and 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The variations were probably produced by concurrent contamination/wall-rock assimilation and fractional crystallization of high-alumina basaltic magma.  相似文献   

Tourmaline-rich rocks associated with clastic metasedimentary rocks of Carboniferous age occur in the Cinco Villas massif, western Pyrenees. Three types of tourmaline-rich rocks were distinguished: (1) Fine-grained stratiform tourmaline-rich rocks, which are associated with carbonaceous metapelites (TR1); (2) stratabound tourmaline-rich rocks, associated with metapelites in the contact aureole of the Aya granitoid pluton (TR2); (3) stratabound to massive tourmaline-rich rocks, associated with psammopelites in contact with granites and pegmatites (TR3). Tourmalines belong to the schorl–dravite solid solution series and have a wide compositional range, from nearly end-member dravite for TR1 tourmalines to schorl for TR3 tourmalines; TR2 tourmalines have intermediate compositions. The Fe/(Fe+Mg) typically varies between 0.02 and ≈0.55, increasing from TR1 to TR3. The TR1 tourmalines commonly display a discontinuous chemical zoning with Fe-rich green cores (8–8.5% FeO) and Mg-rich colorless rims (10–11% MgO). In contrast, crystals that exhibit fine growth lamellae appear to lack significant chemical zoning. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions also reveal major differences between TR1 and TR3 tourmalines, the former displaying heavier δ18O values (17.7–19‰) and δD values (−35 to −42‰) than TR3 tourmalines 11 to 13‰ and −47 to −76‰, respectively. The TR2 tourmalines show intermediate values of 11.3 to 14.6‰ for δ18O and −40 to −55‰ for δD. Linear and continuous chemical variations obtained for major and trace elements of the whole rocks reflect mixing between clay-rich and quartz-rich end-members, indicative that some tourmaline-rich rocks contain a significant detrital component. Chondrite normalized REE (rare earth element) patterns of tourmaline-rich rocks are similar to those of surrounding unaltered clastic metasediments, except for some TR1 rocks which are characterized by low contents of ΣREE. Mass-balance calculations show that tourmaline-forming processes plus metamorphism led to mass and volume changes at mesoscopic scales (≈10% for the TR1 tourmalinites). Silicon, Fe, Mn, and REE elements were partially lost from sedimentary rocks, whereas Mg and particularly B were added to pelitic sediments. Available data, nevertheless, do not allow an assessment of the boron source. Formation of the TR1 tourmaline-rich rocks probably was the net result of several processes, including direct precipitation from B-rich hydrothermal fluids or colloids, early diagenetic reactions of carbonaceous pelitic sediments with these fluids, and subsequent recrystallization during regional metamorphism. The TR2 tourmaline-rich rocks mainly developed by metamorphic recrystallization of TR1. Tourmaline-rich rocks and veins adjacent to pegmatites and granitic rocks (TR3) are the result of boron metasomatism; the primary boron having been recycled from stratiform tourmalinites during regional metamorphism and magmatism. Received: 18 November 1996 / Accepted: 25 April 1997  相似文献   

Spinel-anthophyllite rocks that may be classified as ultrabasic low-Ca spinel amphibolites have been first discovered in the Kokchetav collision zone (northern Kazakhstan). They outcrop 2 km west of Enbek-Berlyk Village among schists and quartzites and are closely associated with spinel harzburgites and garnet pyroxenites. The main hosted minerals are spinel (hercynite) and anthophyllite. The rocks bear magnetite-hornblende-spinel-anthophyllite pseudomorphs with rounded and polygonal sections, which might have been resulted from the replacement of garnet grains. The prismatic anthophyllite crystals and scarce olivine relics contain elongate parallel spinel inclusions resembling spinel-olivine syntactic intergrowths in the Enbek-Berlyk spinel harzburgites. The spinel-anthophyllite rocks are similar to the associated spinel harzburgites in CaO, MnO, SiO2, and Al2O3 contents but are richer in FeO and poorer in MgO (F = FeO/(FeO + MgO) = 57% against 35% in the harzburgites). Geological, mineralogical, and geochemical data suggest that the spinel-anthophyllite rocks formed during the isochemical contact metamorphism of garnet-bearing spinel harzburgites, which contained more FeO and less MgO than garnet-free harzburgites of the same area. Variations in FeO and MgO contents in both types of harzburgites seem to be due to different chemical compositions of the chlorite protoliths of these rocks.  相似文献   

The structure and petrologic composition of new gold-ore provinces in southeastern East Sayan (Tissa-Sarkhoi cluster) are considered. Several morphogenetic types of gold mineralization have been established: quartz veins with beresitization zones, veinlet-disseminated ores in granitoids, and listwaenitization and sulfidation zones in effusions of the Sarkhoi Group and intrusive rocks of the Late Riphean Khorin-Gol complex. According to geochronological dates and some mineralogical and geochemical features, the gold mineralization is close in age to these Precambrian island-arc complexes. Parageneses of two stages of ore formation have been recognized: early high-temperature (250–460 °C) gold-pyrite and late low-temperature (110–280 °C) gold-telluride. The latter mineralization is widespread and is represented by tellurides of Au, Ag, Pb, Bi, and Ni — petzite, calaverite, hessite, tellurobismuthite, altaite, and melonite. Native gold associated with these tellurides is characterized by a fineness of 750–900‰. The intimate temporal and spatial relationships of the gold mineralization with island-arc volcanoplutonic complexes and the wide occurrence of its veinlet-disseminated type suggest that this is porphyry gold mineralization related to the Late Riphean-Vendian island-arc magmatism.  相似文献   

Specific rocks (tectonomixtites) developed in the framing of Mongolian granite massifs (Dzuramtai and some others) at the Mesozoic section bottom are studied. It is shown that the tectonomixtites are tectonic rocks rather than eluvial or sedimentary rocks, as was considered previously. They formed in the Cenozoic in the process of granite protrusion beneath a thick sedimentary cover owing to the crushing of granites and abrasion of granite fragments with the subsequent transformation of clastic rocks by groundwaters (suffosion). In this process, clastic rocks yielded fine products of the destruction of feldspars and quartz was concentrated. The rocks formed at relatively low temperatures (no more than 200–300°C) under stress strains.  相似文献   

Quartz-albite-microcline metasomatic rocks (qualmites) localized in the Main Sayan Fault Zone at the boundary of Irkutsk oblast and Buryatia (Eastern Sayan, middle reaches of the Kitoi River) were formed after dynamometamorphic biotite and biotite-amphibole granite gneisses. The zone of alkaline metasomatism up to 250–300 m thick extends for about 12 km along the Main Sayan Fault. Riebeckite-aegirine and hornblende-clinopyroxene qualmites were formed during the early alkaline stage of metasomatism. Biotite-magnetite qualmites, which are occasionally superimposed on riebeckite-aegirine rocks, are products of the following stage of increasing acidity. The 40Ar/39Ar age of amphibole from metasomatic rocks is 321 ± 5 Ma. The metasomatic rocks are enriched by 2–4 times in Zr, Nb, Y, REE, Be, Th, and U relative to unaltered granite gneisses and contain rare-metal mineralization (fergusonite-(Y), betafite, Nb- and Y- bearing titanites, gadolinite-(Y), zircon, thorite, allanite-(Ce), chevkinite-(Ce), etc.). The composition of accessory minerals was studied on a LEO-1430VP SEM. Their composition and mineral assemblages show that meta-somatic alteration and Ti-Nb-Zr-REE mineralization were formed synchronously. The stage of acid solution neutralization was characterized by crystallization of epidote and andradite and by replacement of chevkinite with allanite and titanite in metasomatic rocks. Hydro- and fluorcarbonates of LREE, phosphates (monazite-(Ce)), and fluorides (F-bearing thorianite?) were formed during the final low-temperature stage.  相似文献   

Dating of zircon (SHRIMP) from dunite and harzburgite of the Karabash massif was carried out for the first time. Relics of ancient crystals (1940 ± 30 Ma in harzburgite, 1860 ± 16 Ma in dunite) provide evidence for the Paleoproterozoic age of the protolith. The morphological peculiarities of zircon crystals allow us to assume differentiation of the magmatic source 1720 m. y. ago. The major variety of zircons indicates stages of metamorphic evolution in the Neoproterozoic (530–560 Ma) and Early–Late Ordovician (440–480 Ma).  相似文献   

鄂西古生代硅质岩的地球化学特征及沉积环境   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
鄂西地区的上奥陶统五峰组、下志留统龙马溪组下部、下二叠统孤峰组和上二叠统大隆组中发育有薄层硅质岩。二叠系栖霞组、茅口组和吴家坪组灰岩中发育有结核状或似层状燧石。Fe-Al-Mn三角图,Cu、Ni、Co、Cr、Zr的关系,U-Th判别图,Ba、As、Sb元素和REE配分模式等地球化学指标表明:五峰组和龙马溪组层状硅质岩属于正常海水中生物化学和化学沉积;孤峰组和大隆组层状硅质岩、茅口组灰岩中燧石结核不属于典型的热水沉积相,但受热水作用的影响,而孤峰组硅质岩受热水作用明显。鄂西五峰组和龙马溪组硅质岩的沉积环境是四周被古陆或台地环绕的半封闭深水相滞流盆地。鄂西孤峰组和大隆组硅质岩的沉积环境是由裂陷作用形成的碳酸盐台地内部的盆地(或台沟)滞流还原环境。CaO/(Fe+CaO)值和(MgO/Al2O3)×100值表明:五峰组、龙马溪组和大隆组硅质岩沉积环境海水略有淡化。栖霞组、茅口组和吴家坪组含结核状或似层状燧石的生物灰岩,形成于陆棚上快速海侵和上升洋流形成的还原环境。  相似文献   

Rock samples from the lithologic units forming the Adamello massif were analyzed for Rb and Sr concentrations and for87Sr/86Sr and18O/16O ratios. The most important features are as follows:
  1. the strontium and oxygen isotopes show a systematic variation from south to northwest across the massif, the older units in the south being lower both in87Sr and18O;
  2. a good positive correlation was found between strontium and oxygen isotopic compositions.
Two genetic models are advanced for explaining the results: (1) the mixing of two magmas with different18O and87Sr contents; (2) magma formation at different depths in a crust layered with respect to both oxygen and strontium isotope composition.  相似文献   

New geochemical data are presented on the magmatic rocks of the Late Jurassic Koksharovka alkaline-ultrabasic massif, which is associated with deposits of vermiculite, apatite, V-bearing titanomagnetite, and placer isoferroplatinum. The REE geochemistry and strontium, oxygen, and carbon isotopic composition of carbonatites and related ijolites and pyroxenites, together with geological observations, point to the magmatic origin of the Koksharovka carbonatites. The origin of associated magmatic rocks is discussed. Trace element modeling of partial melting of mantle sources was conducted to decipher the genesis of the melts of the Koksharovka carbonatites and host titanite-kaersutite pyroxenites.  相似文献   

We present results of U-Pb (SHRIMP II) geochronological study of the rocks of the Mukhal alkaline massif in the Vitim alkaline province, western Transbaikalia. The available K-Ar and Rb-Sr dates for the alkaline rocks (Saizhen complex) of the Vitim province, including the Mukhal massif, vary over a broad range of values. The obtained age of crystallization of the Mukhal urtites refines the time when the regional alkaline magmatism began. The age of zircons and magmatic processes within the Barguzin area (315–275 Ma) is close to the peak of main events, which occurred between 295 and 275 Ma. These processes took place at the early stage of evolution of the Late Paleozoic rift system in Central Asia, whose activity was associated with the activity of mantle superplume.  相似文献   

New data are presented on the geologic structure, age, petrogeochemical composition, and conditions of formation of the Late Proterozoic Meteshikha ultramafic-mafic pluton of the Ikat complex. Mafic rocks are the main rocks of the massif, whereas ultramafic rocks are secondary; both of them correspond to two intrusive phases. The first phase includes a layered rock series enriched in intercumulus amphibole, which varies in composition from olivine gabbro to leucocratic gabbro-anorthosite; the second is composed of wehrlite, plagiowehrlite, and olivine clinopyroxenite. Mineralogical, petrographic, geochemical, and isotope studies show that the rocks of both phases crystallized from the same mantle melt; note that the PT-conditions of their formation were considerably different. We suppose that they were separated in the intermediate chamber during fractional crystallization and the accumulation of early minerals (olivine and, probably, clinopyroxene) in the lower part of the chamber. Using the COMAGMAT software, we have found the composition of the parental melt for the rocks of the first phase—normal tholeiitic basalt with 0.2-0.5 wt.% water, which might have crystallized at 3.0-3.5 kbar and the oxygen activity controlled by the QFM buffer. The differentiated series is characterized by gradual depletion with Cr and Ni and enrichment with Sr, Ti, Cu, and REE during the evolution of melt. The REE patterns for the massif rocks have a similar low-fractionation trend with domination of light lanthanides over heavy ones and (La/Yb)N = 1.25-2.75. Multielement spectra are characterized by negative anomalies of K, Th, Nb, and Zr and positive anomalies of Ba, U, Sm, and Sr. The geochemical characteristics of the rocks are similar to those of the tholeiitic basalts of present-day island arcs. Studies show that the Meteshikha massif formed in the subduction setting of the active margin of the Siberian continent in the Late Riphean (809 Ma). © 2015, V.S. Sobolev IGM, Siberian Branch of the RAS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

The REE distribution patterns and Nd whole-rock and mineral isotope ratios of the Kingash ultramafic-mafic massif enabled us to propose a multistage history for its evolution at 1410 and 875 Ma. These stages reflect the magmatic evolution of the Siberian paleocontinent margin during the Late Precambrian. The age of metamorphism of the massif during collision and accretion in the Early Paleozoic (∼500 Ma) was obtained based on a Sm-Nd mineral isochron from rheomorphic veined albitite. The Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of rocks from the Kingash massif suggest mantle sources for picritic and basic magmas, which are thought to have originated by mixing of different proportions of depleted (PREMA or DM) and enriched (EM) melts. The initial isotope ratios of the parental melts transformed during interaction with Sr-rich material from the host metasedimentary complexes.  相似文献   

Characteristics of geology, petrology, and geochemistry of the Zijinshan massif were studied in the eastern part of the Ordos basin. Geochemical analysis shows that the massif is characterized by high alkali, relatively high Fe, and low Mg and Ca contents. The rocks are undersaturated in SiO2, rich in REE (with no Eu anomaly) and belong to the alkaline-peralkaline series. The geologic history of the Zijinshan massif consists of several stages of magmatism. The obtained isotope-geochronological (U-Pb SHRIMP) data show that the magmatic activity climaxed in the interval 150–110 Ma, while the age of 16 zircon grains fitted a narrower interval, 132–125 Ma, i.e., the Early Cretaceous. The younger age corresponds to the middle and late stages of the evolution of the Ordos basin and agrees with a large Early Cretaceous tectonothermal event in North China. This event led to the large-scale uplift of the eastern flank of the Ordos basin, rise of the Lüliang asthenosphere, and to the formation of a large west-sloping monocline. The U-Pb SHRIMP studies have also revealed magmatic zircons of Carboniferous–Permian age, which evidences the multistage character of the thermal process.  相似文献   

Acta Geochimica - Quartzites are widespread within Earth’s lithosphere, but their highly pure varieties occur quite infrequently. With the development of alternative energy sources, including...  相似文献   

An Early Permian volcanic assemblage is well exposed in the central-western part of the Apuseni Mountains (Romania). The rocks are represented by rhyolites, basalts and subordinate andesites suggesting a bimodal volcanic activity that is intimately associated with a post-orogenic (Variscan) syn-sedimentary intra-basinal continental molasse sequences. The mafic and mafic-intermediate rocks belong to sub-alkaline tholeiitic series were separated in three groups (I–III) showing a high Th and Pb abundances, depletion in Nb, Ta and Sr, and slightly enriched in LREE patterns (LaN/YbN = 1.4–4.4). Isotopically, the rocks of Group I have the initial ratios 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.709351–0.707112, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512490–0.512588 and high positive ?Nd270 values from 3.9 to 5.80; the rocks of Group II present for the initial ratios values 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.709434–0.710092, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512231–0.512210 and for ?Nd270 the negative values from −1.17 to −1.56; the rocks of Group III display for the initial ratios the values 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.710751–0.709448, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512347–0.512411 and for ?Nd270 the positive values from 1.64 to 2.35. The rocks resembling continental tholeiites, suggest a mantle origin and were further affected by fractionation and crustal contamination. In addition, the REE geochemistry (1 > SmN/YbN < 2.5; 0.9 > LaN/SmN < 2.5) suggests that these rocks were generated by high percentage partial melting of a metasomatized mantle in the garnet peridotite facies. The felsic rocks are enriched in Cs, Rb Th and U and depleted in Nb, Ta, Sr, Eu, and Ti. The REE fractionation patterns show a strong negative Eu anomaly (Eu/Eu* = 0.23–0.40). The felsic rocks show the initial ratios the values: 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.704096–0.707805, 143Nd/144Nd(i) = 0.512012–0.512021 and for ?Nd270 the negative values from −5.27 to −5.44. They suggest to be generated within the lower crust during the emplacement of mantle-derived magmas that provided necessary heat to crustal partial melting.  相似文献   

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