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自20世纪70年代末期以来,西北太平洋的热带气旋在全球变暖的背景下主要发生了两种宏观的气候变化:一个是热带气旋生成频数呈现年代际减少,尤其是在东南部海域;另一个则是其生成与活动位置等总体特征有向西北偏移的趋势。本文对这两个方面的研究进展进行了概述。近些年的研究表明,垂直风切变的增强可能是夏秋季热带气旋频数减少的最主要原因,这与太平洋-印度洋海面温度变化导致的大尺度环境变化有密切联系。同样有研究认为北大西洋海面温度的多年代际振荡对近期西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数的减少也非常重要。但西北太平洋西部强热带气旋的频数呈现出增加的趋势,这可能与东亚近海海面温度的显著升高有关,尽管这种变化是否可信仍有争议。近20年来,西北太平洋热带气旋活动普遍出现西北移倾向,包括生成位置和路径位置,这种变化可能受到了ENSO变异及20世纪90年代末期太平洋气候突变的调控。同时,热带环流的极向扩张又导致了热带气旋的有利环境向北扩张,因此西北太平洋热带气旋活动也出现极向迁移的趋势。  相似文献   

利用Yoshida and Ishikawa(2013)提出的一套客观分类方法对1979-2013年夏季(5-10月)共796个热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)生成前的大尺度环流背景场进行了分型,主要包括了季风切变线型(monsoon Shear Line,SL)、季风涡旋区(monsoon Gyre...  相似文献   

利用1979—2012年西北太平洋热带气旋最佳路径资料,Hadley中心的海温资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料等,研究了夏季(6—10月)热带北大西洋海温异常与西北太平洋热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)生成的关系及其可能机制。结果表明,夏季热带北大西洋海温异常与同期西北太平洋TC生成频次之间存在显著的负相关关系。热带北大西洋海温的异常增暖可产生一对东—西向分布的偶极型低层异常环流,其中气旋性异常环流位于北大西洋/东太平洋地区,反气旋异常环流位于西北太平洋地区。该反气旋环流异常使得TC主要生成区的对流活动受到抑制、低层涡度正异常、中低层相对湿度负异常、中层下沉气流异常,这些动力/热力条件均不利于TC生成。此外,西北太平洋地区低层涡旋动能负异常,同时来自大尺度环流的涡旋动能的正压转换也受到抑制,不能为TC的生成和发展提供额外能量源。反之亦然。  相似文献   

This study examines the tropical cyclone (TC) genesis frequency over the western North Pacific simulated in atmosphere–ocean coupled general circulation models from the World Climate Research Programme’s Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 3. We first evaluate performances of eight models with atmospheric horizontal resolution of T63 or T106 by analyzing their daily-mean atmospheric outputs of twentieth-century climate simulations available from the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison database. The genesis frequency is validated against the best-track data issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency. Five of the eight models reproduce realistic horizontal distribution of the TC genesis with a large fraction over the 10°–20°N, 120°–150°E area. These five high-performance models also realistically simulate the summer–winter contrast of the frequency. However, detailed seasonal march is slightly unrealistic; four of the models overestimate the frequency in the early season (May–June) while all of them underestimate the frequency in the mature season (July–September). Reasons for these biases in the seasonal march for the five high-performance models are discussed using the TC genesis potential (GP) index proposed by Emanuel and Nolan (in Am Meteor Soc, pp 240–241, 2004). The simulated GP has seasonal biases consistent with those of the TC genesis frequency. For all five models, the seasonal biases in GP are consistent with those in environmental lower-tropospheric vorticity, vertical wind shear, and relative humidity, which can be attributed to the simulated behavior of monsoon trough. The observed trough migrates northward from the equatorial region to reach the 10°–20°N latitudinal band during the mature season and contributes to the TC frequency maximum, whereas the simulated trough migrates northward too rapidly and reaches this latitude band in the early season, leading to the overestimation of the TC genesis frequency. In the mature season, the simulated trough reaches as far as 15°–25°N, accompanied by a strong vertical shear south of the trough, providing an unfavorable condition for TC genesis. It is concluded that an adequate simulation of the monsoon trough behavior is essential for a better reproduction of the TC frequency seasonal march.  相似文献   

1979—2012年西北太平洋存在70个形成于0°~5°N的低纬度地区的热带气旋(TC),占TC总量的8%,其中达到台风等级的个数占64%。而针对此类缺少一定科氏力作用而形成的罕见TC生成的研究相对较少。本文利用JTWC的TC最佳观测资料、ERA-Interim再分析资料,以及NOAA-OISST海温资料,以西北太平洋近赤道TC为研究对象,统计诊断了其年际、年代际、季节分布特征,分析了其大尺度环境背景场,重点探讨了近赤道TC生成的影响因子。研究结果表明,近赤道TC具有明显的年际与年代际变化,并且近赤道TC具有与西北太平洋总TC恰好相反的季节变化。近赤道TC生成的大尺度环境背景场是东北冬季风与其在近赤道地区偏转形成的西北风之间的气旋性环流。对流层低层的绝对涡度动力项与对流层中层的湿度热量项是近赤道TC生成的主要贡献因子,并且相对于5°~10°N生成的TC,近赤道TC对对流层低层的正涡度与对流层中层的湿度条件的要求更高。  相似文献   

A high-resolution (T213) coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation model (CGCM) has been used to examine the relationship between El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the western North Pacific (WNP). The model simulates ENSO-like events similar to those observed, though the amplitude of the simulated Niño34 sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly is twice as large as observed. In El Niño (La Niña) years, the annual number of model TCs in the southeast quadrant of the WNP increases (decreases), while it decreases (increases) in the northwest quadrant. In spite of the significant difference in the mean genesis location of model TCs between El Niño and La Niña years, however, there is no significant simultaneous correlation between the annual number of model TCs over the entire WNP and model Niño34 SST anomalies. The annual number of model TCs, however, tends to decrease in the years following El Niño, relating to the development of anticyclonic circulation around the Philippine Sea in response to the SST anomalies in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. Furthermore, it seems that the number of model TCs tends to increase in the years before El Niño. It is also shown that the number of TCs moving into the East Asia is fewer in October of El Niño years than La Niña years, related to the anomalous southward shift of mid-latitude westerlies, though no impact of ENSO on TC tracks is found in other months. It is found that model TCs have longer lifetimes due to the southeastward shift of mean TC genesis location in El Niño years than in La Niña years. As the result of longer fetch of TCs over warm SST, model TCs appear to be more intense in El Niño years. These relationships between ENSO and TC activity in the WNP are in good agreement with observational evidence, suggesting that a finer-resolution CGCM may become a powerful tool for understanding interannual variability of TC activity.  相似文献   

The present study discovered a strong negative correlation between Korea-landfalling tropical cyclone (TC) frequency and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) in the summer. Thus, the present study selected years that had the highest PDO index (positive PDO years) and years that had the lowest PDO index (negative PDO years) to analyze a mean difference between the two phases in order to determine the reason for the strong negative correlation between the two variables. In the positive PDO years, TCs were mainly generated in the southeastern part of the western North Pacific, and lower TC passage frequency was found in most regions in the mid-latitude in East Asia. Moreover, a slightly weaker TC intensity than that in the negative PDO years was revealed. In order to determine the cause of the TC activity revealed in the positive PDO years, 850 hPa and 500 hPa stream flows were analyzed first. In the mid-latitude region in East Asia, anomalous huge cyclonic circulations were strengthened, while anomalous anticyclonic circulations were strengthened in the low-latitude region. Accordingly, Korea was being influenced by anomalous northwesterlies, which played a role in blocking TCs from moving northward to Korea. The results of analysis on 850 hPa air temperature, precipitation, 600 hPa relative humidity, and sea surface temperature (SST) showed that negative anomalies were strengthened in the northwest region in the western North Pacific while positive anomalies were strengthened in the southeast region. The atmospheric and oceanic environments were related to frequent occurrences of TCs in the southeast region in the western North Pacific during the positive PDO years. All factors of air temperature, precipitation, 600 hPa relative humidity, and SST revealed negative (positive for vertical wind shear) anomalies near Korea, so that atmospheric and oceanic environments were formed that could rapidly weaken TC intensity, even if the TCs moved northward to Korea in the positive PDO years.  相似文献   

现阶段使用的热带气旋潜在生成指数(Genesis Potential Index,GPI)在气候场的空间分布上能很好地拟合热带气旋的生成情况,但在热带气旋的年际变化拟合上效果很差。本研究考虑了相对涡度在热带气旋年际变化拟合上的重要作用,并以此为出发点,尝试改善GPI在西北太平洋地区的拟合效果。基于对1979—2011年美国联合飓风警报中心提供的热带气旋最佳路径数据和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料数据集的研究,将之前GPI中的绝对涡度项替换为修正过的相对涡度项。科氏力项仍然保留;将南海(100°~120°E,5°~25°N)与西北太平洋地区(120°~180°E,5°~40°N)热带气旋生成的差异性也纳入了考量,并在这两个区域分别构建GPI公式,改善了对热带气旋生成的气候分布模拟。除此之外,较之已存的GPI指数,改进后的GPI还很大程度提高了GPI对热带气旋生成年际变化的拟合效果,特别是对弱热带气旋年际变化的拟合效果有了显著提升。  相似文献   

基于1970—2016年Hadley中心海温资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和ECHAM4模式,研究了各海盆海表温度异常(SSTA)对1998和2016年这两个超级厄尔尼诺衰减年8月西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)生成及大尺度环流变化的可能影响。结果表明,热带印度洋和大西洋在1998与2016年几乎相反的SSTA型态是导致TC生成频数显著差异的主要原因之一,而热带和北太平洋SSTA在1998与2016年均分别在珠江三角洲和日本以南形成气旋性环流。1998年8月热带印度洋和大西洋SSTA产生的西北太平洋反气旋环流响应强于太平洋SSTA产生的气旋性环流异常,使西北太平洋受异常反气旋控制,减少TC的生成。2016年在三个大洋SSTA共同作用下,西北太平洋受异常气旋控制导致TC生成频数偏多。太平洋经向SSTA模在北半球副热带强迫出东西反向的跷跷板形势,在西北太平洋对流层产生的响应与实际变化相反,因此太平洋经向模对西北太平洋TC生成没有正的贡献。  相似文献   

使用Emanuel和Nolan完善的潜在生成指数(GPI)的计算方法,利用美国联合台风警报中心提供的热带气旋(TC)资料和欧洲中期数值天气预报中心提供的全球ERA-40再分析资料,比较了1970-2001年西北太平洋海域的TC生成频数和GPI的气候特征,分析了包含于GPI中的环境要素对西北太平洋TC频数年代际变化空间分布的影响.结果表明:GPI能近似地表述西北太平洋TC频数的季节变化和空间分布.各环境要素对TC、较弱类TC和较强类TC生成频数的影响有显著差异,相对湿度随着TC强度的增强而减弱,风速垂直切变则相反.西北太平洋TC频数年代际变化空间分布的正异常主要分布于130°E以东,(15°N,140°E)附近最大的正异常频数中心主要受绝对涡度和相对湿度正异常变化的影响;负的风速垂直切变和正的相对湿度异常变化引起了(10~15°N,160°E)附近的TC频数正异常.  相似文献   

Tropical Cyclone (TC) tracks over the western North Pacific (WNP) during 1949–2007, obtained from China Meteorological Administration/Shanghai Typhoon institute, are classified into three track types. These types are the main pathways by which TCs influence the coast of East Asia. The relationships between local sea surface temperature (SST) in WNP and TC tracks are revealed. Results show that the local SST plays an important role in TC tracks, though the relationships between local SST and the frequencies ...  相似文献   

利用1979—2008年日分辨率的向外长波辐射资料以及NCEP再分析资料,去除ENSO影响后,分析了1—3月北极涛动对热带太平洋和热带大西洋对流活动及降水的可能影响。结果表明北极涛动偏强(弱)时,热带太平洋和大西洋对流活动显著偏强(弱)。北半球热带大洋冬季平均向外长波辐射与北极涛动指数的相关系数存在两个显著负相关区:一个位于中太平洋区,大致包括13°—20°N、160°E—170°W;另外一个位于热带大西洋,显著区覆盖的范围大体包括5°—20°N、15°—70°W。这些区域的降水量也表现出显著的正相关。向外长波辐射、强对流面积指数、强对流强度指数、平均降水量等指标与北极涛动指数的相关均以冬季同期最高,随时间滞后相关迅速减弱。与此对应的对流层低层大气环流也有显著变化,850hPa风场的变化表现为热带太平洋有异常的气旋性环流,气旋中心区与显著强对流和降水异常区一致。而热带大西洋有显著的经向环流辐合和风切变,与异常对流和降水区吻合。海洋模式的模拟结果表明,与北极涛动有关联的海温分布,很大程度上与大气强迫有关,说明热带1—3月降水和对流活动与海温的关联较弱。北极涛动与热带太平洋、大西洋对流和降水活动之间主要是通过大气环流的变动产生联系的。  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋潜在生成指数的改进   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
热带气旋潜在生成指数(GPI,Genesis Potential Index)是热带气旋生成可能性大小的空间分布函数,利用大尺度环境场可以应用于热带气旋活动的季节预报,并且可以评估全球气候变化对热带气旋活动的影响。但是目前的GPI基本都是针对全球热带气旋活动构建的,没有考虑到热带气旋不同活动地区及其内部的差异。本研究考虑到南海和西北太平洋热带气旋生成的不同特点,分别构建了适用于南海(5~25°N,100~120°E)和西北太平洋(5~40°N,120~180°E)的热带气旋GPI。改进后的GPI对南海和西北太平洋区域热带气旋生成具有较好的模拟能力,不仅能很好地模拟南海和西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数空间分布的气候特征(相似系数为0.67),而且能够较好地模拟热带气旋生成在年际时间尺度上的空间分布特征。  相似文献   

Tropical cyclone(TC) genesis over the western North Pacific(WNP) is analyzed using 23 CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5) models and reanalysis datasets. The models are evaluated according to TC genesis potential index(GPI). The spatial and temporal variations of the GPI are first calculated using three atmospheric reanalysis datasets(ERA-Interim, NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis-1, and NCEP/DOE Reanalysis-2). Spatial distributions of July–October-mean TC frequency based on the GPI from ERA-interim are more consistent with observed ones derived from IBTr ACS global TC data. So, the ERA-interim reanalysis dataset is used to examine the CMIP5 models in terms of reproducing GPI during the period 1982–2005. Although most models possess deficiencies in reproducing the spatial distribution of the GPI, their multimodel ensemble(MME) mean shows a reasonable climatological GPI pattern characterized by a high GPI zone along 20?N in the WNP. There was an upward trend of TC genesis frequency during 1982 to 1998, followed by a downward trend. Both MME results and reanalysis data can represent a robust increasing trend during 1982–1998, but the models cannot simulate the downward trend after 2000. Analysis based on future projection experiments shows that the GPI exhibits no significant change in the first half of the 21 st century, and then starts to decrease at the end of the 21 st century under the representative concentration pathway(RCP) 2.6 scenario. Under the RCP8.5 scenario, the GPI shows an increasing trend in the vicinity of20?N, indicating more TCs could possibly be expected over the WNP under future global warming.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that spring SST anomalies over the northern tropical Atlantic(NTA) affect the tropical cyclone(TC) activity over the western North Pacific(WNP) in the following summer and fall. The present study reveals that the connection between spring NTA SST and following summer–fall WNP TC genesis frequency is not stationary. The influence of spring NTA SST on following summer–fall WNP TC genesis frequency is weak and insignificant before, but strong and significant after, the late 1980 s. Before the late 1980 s, the NTA SST anomaly-induced SST anomalies in the tropical central Pacific are weak, and the response of atmospheric circulation over the WNP is not strong. As a result, the connection between spring NTA SST and following summer–fall WNP TC genesis frequency is insignificant in the former period. In contrast,after the late 1980 s, NTA SST anomalies induce pronounced tropical central Pacific SST anomalies through an Atlantic–Pacific teleconnection. Tropical central Pacific SST anomalies further induce favorable conditions for WNP TC genesis,including vertical motion, mid-level relative humidity, and vertical zonal wind shear. Hence, the connection between NTA SST and WNP TC genesis frequency is significant in the recent period. Further analysis shows that the interdecadal change in the connection between spring NTA SST and following summer–fall WNP TC genesis frequency may be related to the climatological SST change over the NTA region.  相似文献   

60年来西北太平洋上不同强度热带气旋的变化特征   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
利用美国海军联合台风警报中心(JTWC)提供的1945-2005年西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)最佳路径资料统计分析了不同强度TC的时空变化特征。南海北部至巴士海峡以东140°E附近、15°-25°N范围内为不同强度TC出现次数最多的区域,其中巴士海峡东部至140°E附近洋面为强台风和超级台风观测次数最多的区域。TC强度在123°E以西表现为减弱和稳定略占多数,而在123°E以东或20°N以南主要以增强和稳定为主,在20°N以北主要以减弱和稳定为主。热带风暴的平均增强率大于减弱率,而强热带风暴、台风、强台风和超级台风的平均减弱率大于增强率。一般而言,TC的强度越强其加强和减弱的速度都越快。在1年当中,同其他月份相比,6-8月弱TC占的比例相对偏多,而9-11月强TC占的比例相对偏多。不同强度TC的观测次数和个数都存在年、年际或年代际的变化,在长期趋势上,热带风暴的观测次数和形成个数都呈现显著的线性递增趋势,而TC平均强度和其他TC个数均未出现显著的线性递增或递减趋势。在El Ni?o年超级台风个数及其比例显著偏多,而热带风暴、强热带风暴、台风和强台风的总个数显著偏少,TC平均强度显著偏强;而在La Ni?a年情况相反。  相似文献   

陈春  陶丽 《大气科学学报》2023,46(4):615-629
本研究评估了现有热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,TC)潜在生成指数(Genesis Potential Indice,GPI)对北大西洋和西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数(TC Genesis Frequency,TCGF)时空特征的表征能力。结果表明,现阶段使用的GPIs能较好地再现两个海盆TCGF的空间分布和季节循环特征,以及北大西洋TCGF的年际变化,但几乎不能模拟西太平洋TCGF年际时间尺度上的变化。利用美国联合飓风警报中心(Joint Typhoon Warming Center,JTWC)提供的1979—2017年热带气旋最佳路径数据集和ERA-Interim再分析数据,对西北太平洋GPI进行了改进。考虑到相对涡度在西北太平洋对热带气旋生成的重要作用,将绝对涡度分离为相对涡度和地转涡度(f),移除相对湿度,使用多元线性回归的方法构建了GPIWNP。与现有GPIs相比,改进后的GPIWNP不仅对西北太平洋TCGF的空间分布和季节循环有较好的模拟能力,并且可以再现其年际变化特征。  相似文献   

The frequency of tropical cyclones (TCs) in Taiwan during June to October (JJASO) is found to have a strong negative correlation with the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern in the preceding April. In the negative PNA phase, the anomalous cyclonic and the anomalous anticyclonic circulations are intensified at low latitudes and midlatitudes from East Asia to the North Atlantic, respectively, from April to JJASO. Particularly in East Asia, the anomalous southeasterly that converges between the anomalous anticyclone to the east of Japan and the anomalous cyclone to the east of Taiwan plays a decisive role in moving TCs not only to Taiwan, but also to the midlatitude coastal regions of East Asia as a result of the steering flow. In addition, a southwestward extension of a western North Pacific (WNP) high during the positive PNA phase also contributed to a frequent movement of TCs to southern China without traveling north toward the midlatitude regions of East Asia. Due to the difference in the typical tracks of the TC in the WNP according to the PNA phase, the intensity of the TC in the negative PNA phase is stronger than that in the positive PNA phase.  相似文献   

从外部强迫和大气内部变率两个方面回顾次季节-季节尺度西北太平洋热带气旋活动的主要影响因子及相关机制研究进展,分析统计、动力及混合动力-统计混合3类预测技术的发展历史和现状,对该领域尚未解决的主要科学问题及预测技术发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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