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In this study, linkage between changing characteristics of precipitation extremes and cloud covers over Central India is explored during summer monsoon period using Satellite data (1998–2015). This is a first attempt to relate the changes in cloud cover to the changes in precipitation extremes. Non-rainy cirrus clouds are excluded from this study. Results show that heavy rainfall (≥ 60 mm/day) is associated with cold cloud tops (Tb≤220 K) while moderate rainfall (<60 mm/day and ≥20 mm) occurs mostly with middle clouds (Tb>220 K and ≤245 K). Low level clouds (Tb> 245 K) are responsible for light rainfall (<20 mm/day). Increases in top 20%, 10%, 5% and 1% heavy precipitation relate well with the increases in very deep convective, deep convective and convective cloud cover. Among these relations, increase in top 5% heavy precipitation relates best with increase in very deep convective cloud cover. Decrease in bottom 30% low precipitation relates with decrease in low level cloud cover. The results reported in this study fit into the framework of how weather extremes respond to climate change.  相似文献   

杨薇  冯文  李勋 《暴雨灾害》2017,59(1):8-17

利用WRF(ARW)V3.6模式模拟了2010年10月5-6日发生在海南的一次秋季大暴雨过程,从降水、风场、反射率和云结构等方面分析WRF模式中3个积云参数化方案(KF,BMJ,TiedTke)和4个微物理参数化方案(Lin et al,WSM5,WSM6,Thompson)对海南岛秋季暴雨模拟的影响。结果表明:此次秋季暴雨过程模拟对不同的积云参数化方案和微物理参数化方案组合是比较敏感的,不同的积云参数化方案和微物理参数化方案组合通过调整温湿场结构,从而影响模拟降水的时间、强度和落区。对比发现,Thompson微物理方案的组合对于降水量级的模拟更为敏感,能较合理的描述暴雨发生发展过程中的水汽输送、热力和动力条件,并通过影响雨水混合比和云水混合比的高度和大小从而影响降水。其中Thompson微物理方案和TiedTke积云方案的组合能较好的模拟出本次暴雨过程的特征,与实测最为接近,该组合模拟的最大垂直速度和反射率区与最大云水混合比对应。另外,积云方案和微物理方案的选择不影响水汽混合比的模拟。


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