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We relocate the spatial distribution of the devastating 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and its aftershocks.The relocation database is obtained from 89 stations deployed by the China Earthquake Administration,including 54 525 seismograms from 1 376 local earthquakes over MS3.5 between 12 May 2008 and 3 August 2008.The cross-correlation technique used in this paper has greatly improved the relocation precision by giving much more accurate P-wave differential travel-time measurements than those obtained from ...  相似文献   

Based on abundant aftershock sequence data of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, we studied the spatio-temporal variation process and segmentation rupture characteristic.Dense aftershocks distribute along Longmenshan central fault zone of NE direction and form a narrow strip with the length of 325 km and the depth between several and 40 km.The depth profile(section of NW direction) vertical to the strike of aftershock zone(NE direction) shows anisomer-ous wedgy distribution characteristic of aft...  相似文献   

本文采用理论震源机制解的分析方法,以汶川地震序列震源机制解为约束,探讨龙门山地区构造变形模式及其与汶川地震序列的关系.通过有限元模拟,计算了龙门山地区不同构造变形模式下的构造应力场,得到了理论震源机制解,并与汶川地震序列实际震源机制解进行对比分析,初步探讨了该区构造变形模式对汶川地震序列的影响.结果显示,在龙门山地区,青藏高原内深部构造变形快于地表的构造变形模式下,区域构造应力场对应的理论震源机制解与汶川地震序列震源机制解的相符程度较高.这种一致性可能表明:(1)青藏高原内部深部构造变形快于地表,是龙门山地区比较合理的构造模式;(2)构造应力场是影响汶川地震序列震源机制的重要力学因素.  相似文献   

本文采用理论震源机制解的分析方法,以汶川地震序列震源机制解为约束,探讨龙门山地区构造变形模式及其与汶川地震序列的关系.通过有限元模拟,计算了龙门山地区不同构造变形模式下的构造应力场,得到了理论震源机制解,并与汶川地震序列实际震源机制解进行对比分析,初步探讨了该区构造变形模式对汶川地震序列的影响.结果显示,在龙门山地区,青藏高原内深部构造变形快于地表的构造变形模式下,区域构造应力场对应的理论震源机制解与汶川地震序列震源机制解的相符程度较高.这种一致性可能表明:(1)青藏高原内部深部构造变形快于地表,是龙门山地区比较合理的构造模式;(2)构造应力场是影响汶川地震序列震源机制的重要力学因素.  相似文献   

Based on abundant aftershock sequence data of the Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008, we studied the spatio-temporal variation process and segmentation rupture characteristic. Dense aftershocks distribute along Longmenshan central fault zone of NE direction and form a narrow strip with the length of 325 km and the depth between several and 40 km. The depth profile (section of NW direction) vertical to the strike of aftershock zone (NE direction) shows anisomerous wedgy distribution characteristic of aftershock concentrated regions; it is related to the force form of the Longmenshan nappe tectonic belt. The stronger aftershocks could be divided into northern segment and southern segment apparently and the focal depths of strong aftershocks in the 50 km area between northern segment and southern segment are shallower. It seems like 'to be going to rupture' segment. We also study focal mechanisms and segmentation of strong aftershocks. The principal compressive stress azimuth of aftershock area is WNW direction and the faulting types of aftershocks at southern and northern segment have the same proportion. Because aftershocks distribute on different secondary faults, their focal mechanisms present complex local tectonic stress field. The faulting of seven strong earthquakes on the Longmenshan central fault is mainly characterized by thrust with the component of right-lateral strike-slip. Meantime six strong aftershocks on the Longmenshan back-range fault and Qingchuan fault present strike-slip faulting. At last we discuss the complex segmentation rupture mechanism of the Wenchuan earthquake.  相似文献   


2008年汶川MS8.0强震过去已十几年,这期间,震源区发生了大量的余震,震源周边地区发生了多次中强震.本研究利用大量震源机制解资料系统地研究汶川地震对其周边中强震及其余震触发作用,并将研究结果与先前研究结果进行了对比和分析,获得以下结论:(1)汶川地震对其周边发生的中强震存在一定的触发作用;(2)当等效摩擦系数为0.4时,由三种震源破裂模型获得的余震触发率均为65%左右(以0.01 MPa为阈值);(3)随着等效摩擦系数的增大,余震震源机制解节面上ΔCFS为正的地震数增多,反映主震触发作用增强,这与等效摩擦系数增大地震难以发生并不矛盾,而是反映等效摩擦系数增大时,断层面上正应力对ΔCFS的贡献增大,同时表明在分析库仑应力触发作用时,合理选取等效摩擦系数是至关重要的;(4)统计余震震源机制解节面上受到的库仑应力大于某一数值和小于其相反数的地震数之比时,随着统计阈值的增大,比值呈现出增大的趋势,同时比值也变得离散,该现象还有待于进一步研究.


The seismicity of Longmenshan fault zone and its vicinities before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake is studied.Based on the digital seismic waveform data observed from regional seismic networks and mobile stations, the focal mechanism solutions are determined.Our analysis results show that the seismicities of Longmenshan fault zone before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake were in stable state.No obvious phenomena of seismic activity intensifying appeared.According to focal mechanism solutions of ...  相似文献   

2008年汶川大地震对周围断层的影响   总被引:51,自引:4,他引:51       下载免费PDF全文
2008年5月12日的汶川地震明显地改变了区域地震的应力场.理解这种应力场的改变对周围断层构造加载进程和区域地震危险性的改变非常重要.本文以汶川地震的破裂为驱动源,计算了该地震造成周围断层上的静态库仑破裂应力变化.结果表明,汶川大地震的发生使得龙门山断裂北部和最南端、鲜水河断裂最南端、东昆仑断裂、陇县——宝鸡断裂、鄂拉山断裂、白玉断裂、日月山断裂南端、马边——盐津断裂南部、班公错——嘉黎断裂西部、则木河断裂的库仑破裂应力增加,量值达0.00001——0.06MPa.库仑破裂应力增加尤为显著的断裂量值分别为:龙门山断裂的地震断层南端最大增加0.01MPa、北端0.03MPa,秦岭南缘断裂的西南部最大增加0.03MPa,东昆仑断裂的东南部为0.007MPa,地震破裂断层西南部的鲜水河断裂为0.005MPa,西秦岭北缘断裂的天水——宝鸡段为0.004MPa,陇县——宝鸡断裂为0.0003MPa.该地震还使得龙日坝断裂、怒江断裂、西秦岭北缘断裂西部、秦岭北缘断裂、庄浪河断裂、日月山断裂北部、海原断裂、岷江断裂、玉树——玛曲断裂、金沙江断裂的库仑破裂应力减少;减少尤为显著的断裂为龙门山断裂的断层破裂段、岷江断裂和鲜水河断裂的炉霍段,其库仑破裂应力减少分别达0.04——0.7MPa,0.001——0.1MPa和0.008——0.01MPa.本次地震在小金河、安宁河和大凉山断裂面上产生的库仑应力变化很小,对断层地震活动没有显著影响.   相似文献   

The seismicity of Longmenshan fault zone and its vicinities before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan MS8.0 earthquake is studied. Based on the digital seismic waveform data observed from regional seismic networks and mobile stations, the focal mechanism solutions are determined. Our analysis results show that the seismicities of Longmenshan fault zone before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake were in stable state. No obvious phenomena of seismic activity intensifying appeared. According to focal mechanism solutions of some small earthquakes before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, the direction of principal compressive stress P-axis is WNW-ESE. The two hypocenter fault planes are NE-striking and NW-striking. The plane of NE direction is among N50°?70°E, the dip angles of fault planes are 60°?70° and it is very steep. The faultings of most earthquakes are dominantly characterized by dip-slip reverse and small part of faultings present strike-slip. The azimuths of principal compressive stress, the strikes of source fault planes and the dislocation types calculated from some small earthquakes before the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake are in accordance with that of the main shock. The average stress field of micro-rupture along the Longmenshan fault zone before the great earthquake is also consistent with that calculated from main shock. Zipingpu dam is located in the east side 20 km from the initial rupture area of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. The activity increment of small earthquakes in the Zipingpu dam is in the period of water discharging. The source parameter results of the small earthquakes which occurred near the initial rupture area of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake indicate that the focal depths are 5 to 14 km and the source parameters are identical with that of earthquake.  相似文献   

汶川MS8.0地震余震震源机制时空分布特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用CAP波形反演方法,获取了汶川MS8.0地震序列中312个具有较高信噪比波形资料的4级以上余震的震源机制解和震源深度. 基于震源深度空间分布与震源机制时空分布,分析了主震后余震区断层行为特征与应力场时空变化,并对龙门山断裂带中北段的发震断层面几何形态进行了初步探讨. 获得的主要认识如下:(1)余震震源深度分布存在显著的空间分段差异. 绵竹以西的余震区南段与平武以东的北段余震深度范围大于中段(绵竹-平武段),但深度小于5 km的5级以上超浅源地震主要分布在明显偏离龙门山断裂带走向的理县NW向分支与余震区北端NNE向分支,而中段余震主要分布在7~19 km深度. (2)余震机制类型存在明显的时空差异. 余震区中段逆冲型地震占绝对优势,理县NW向分支余震则以走滑型为主,机制类型随时间变化不显著. 沿龙门山断裂带走向的余震区南段,早期(2008年8月底前)逆冲型地震比例高于走滑型、晚期走滑型地震比例显著升高并超过逆冲型;而余震区北段早期走滑型地震占绝对优势、晚期逆冲型地震比例大幅上升且超过走滑型. 南、北两段余震机制类型比例的显著变化,可能是余震区两端断层调整性运动的表现. (3)节面走向及P轴方位优势方向均存在显著的空间差异. 南段NWW向P轴方位与区域应力场一致,中段及理县NW向分支P轴优势方向NEE,而北段具NWW和NEE两个优势方向,这种差异反映了余震活动除了受区域应力场控制外,还受到主震引发的局部应力场的控制. 节面走向的多方位分布则反映不同走向的构造参与了主震后的余震活动. (4)沿龙门山断裂带走向,余震区南段具深部缓倾角、浅部高倾角的铲形断面特征;中段深部倾角均值较稳定、浅部倾角均值随深度减小而增大;北段倾角均值相对稳定,显示其断面几何形态相对简单. 上述不同区段倾角均值随深度的变化揭示龙门山断裂带中北段断层面几何形态复杂.  相似文献   

本研究采用双差定位法对2014年 8月3日至7日期间鲁甸MS6.5级主震及647个余震序列进行重新定位,得到471个重定位结果.结果显示,主震的震源深度为13.3 km,与破裂过程显示的初始破裂深度较为接近,余震序列呈现出近东西向-北西向的不对称共轭状分布,近东西向长约17 km,而北西向长约22 km,小震优势分布深度为10 km以上,且由主震处沿共轭断层分别向东南向和近东西向逐渐往10 km深度以上的浅部迁移.小震分布还展示出发震断层高倾角分布,且与昭通-鲁甸断裂分支断裂包谷垴-小河断裂活动相关.由于主震破裂的质心深度可为深入认识本次地震灾害严重提供重要证据,为此我们采用gCAP(generalized Cut And Paste)方法反演了包括主震在内共5个4.0级以上地震的震源机制解,结果显示主震质心深度仅约5.0 km,与已有破裂过程显示的较大滑移量处于2~8 km之间的深度一致.本次主震错断了互为共轭的两条断裂,这种共轭破裂模式与矩心深度较浅,可能为本次地震致灾严重的重要原因.  相似文献   

ntroductionXinjiangisaseismicalyactiveregioninChina,andJiashiisafocalmonitoringareainXinjiang.IntheperiodfromJanuary21toApril...  相似文献   

Introduction Increasing evidences show that the properties of candidate earthquake precursors seem to befocal mechanism dependent (Tsuruoka, et al, 1995; Reasenberg, 1999; Wan, et al, 2002). Test ofearthquake precursors without the classification of earthquakes could be misleading (Wu, 1999,Nature debates, http://helix.nature.com/debates/). In this paper we use the reported earthquakeprecursors for some earthquakes in China (ZHANG, 1988; 1990a, b; 1999; 2000; CHEN, 2002a, b;2003) to…  相似文献   

Statistical properties of reported earthquake precursors show apparent focal mechanism dependence. Intensity of anomaly is described by the ‘anomaly ratio’ as defined by the number of stations/items reporting anomalies before the target earthquake over the number of stations/items in operation around the target earthquake. Variation of the ‘anomaly ratio’ with the magnitude of the target earthquake was studied for dip-slip earthquakes all over China, strike-slip earthquakes in eastern China, and strike-slip earthquakes in western China, respectively. It is observed that for strike-slip earthquakes, the ‘anomaly ratio’ increases linearly with the magnitude of the target earthquake, while earthquakes in eastern China and western China have different slopes. For dip-slip earthquakes, however, the ‘anomaly ratio’ has no statistically significant change with the magnitude of the target earthquake. Limited data imply that the ‘anomaly ratio’ seems proportional to the apparent stress of the target earthquake. The result might be heuristic for the analysis of candidate earthquake precursors. Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (40274013) and MOST Project (2001BA601B02). Contribution No.04FE1020, Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration.  相似文献   

利用P波初动资料求解汶川地震及其强余震震源机制解   总被引:30,自引:18,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
通过查阅国家地震台网、各省区域地震台网和流动地震台网,以及IRIS数据中心给出的一些国际台站的数字波形记录,读取P波初动方向,利用格点尝试法计算了2008年5月12日汶川8.0级(MS)特大地震以及其后发生的部分强余震(44次)的震源机制解.这组震源机制解是对哈佛大学已公布的9个地震的最佳双力偶解的很好补充.  相似文献   

张致伟  程万正  阮祥  吴朋 《地震学报》2009,31(2):117-127
研究了2008年5月12日汶川8.0级地震前龙门山断裂带及其附近地区的地震活动.利用区域地震台网和流动测震台的数字地震波资料,测定了震源机制解.结果表明,震中所在的龙门山断裂带震前地震活动平稳,未出现显著异常增强或平静现象.根据汶川8.0级地震前地震活动求出的震源机制解,其主压应力P轴方位为WNE——ESE向,震源断层面呈NE向与NW 向两组节面走向.其中NE向节面呈N50deg;——70deg;E,断面倾角均陡,达60deg;——70deg;,震源力学作用方式多呈逆倾型,少部分呈走滑型.震前地震活动呈现的主压应力方位、震源断面走向及其错动类型,与汶川8.0级地震给出的解是一致的.巨大地震发生前沿龙门山断裂带微破裂呈现的平均应力场与主震一致.起始破裂区东侧20km内是紫坪铺水库水域区,这一区域发生小震活动增加的现象处于水库放水的卸载阶段.本文研究了汶川8.0级地震起始破裂区附近的小震活动,其震源参数表明,震源位于8.0级地震之上的5——14km深度,其震源参数与8.0级地震给出的解也是一致的.   相似文献   

2010年1月24日,山西省运城市河津-万荣交界地区发生Ms4.8地震.由于本次地震强度较低,并未形成地表破裂带,分析其发震构造具有一定的困难.地震现场工作队只能根据浅层人工地震剖面、附近钻孔资料、烈度等震线长轴和震中区附近活动断裂等来推定,认为西辛封隐伏断裂为可能的发震断裂.为此,下面我们将在分析本次地震的震源机制解、序列三维空间分布特征的基础上,结合本次地震的宏观考察结果,确定其发震构造并探讨发震机理.  相似文献   

使用中国数字地震台网记录的区域和远震宽频带波形,通过频率域和时间域多步反演,研究四川芦山 MS 7.0地震基于点源模型的震源机制解和有限断层模型。考虑到使用不同波形资料类型、盆地效应及简化的一维速度模型等给反演震源参数带来的影响,经测试比较,结果表明:使用区域波形和本区域简化一维速度模型,波形拟合误差最小。此次地震表现为高倾角纯逆冲型事件矩心在水平方向上位于震中偏南西向约4.5 km,最佳波形拟合矩心深度约17 km,矩震级 MW约6.6。推断此地震大多数能量主要在震源偏南西约4.5 km 处释放。  相似文献   

IntroductionTheinversionapproachofregionalstressfielddevelopedinrecent10to20yearsprovidesausefultoolforstudyingthemeanstressinagivenregion(Angeller,1979;Ellsworth,1981,Xu,Ge,1984).Becauseitusesmultitudinousfaultsinsteadofsinglefault,itcanremovetheinhomogeneityoflocalmediumsoastorevealtheregionalstressinformation.Besides,thismethodproducesaRvalue,whichisdefinedby(O-2--q)/(q--q),andmaydescribestherelativemagnitUdeofintermediateprincipalstress,whereq,acand%arethemaximum,theintermediateandthemi…  相似文献   

Based on P- and S-wave amplitudes and some clear initial P-wave motion data, we calculated focal mechanism solutions of 928 M≥2.5 earthquakes (1994-2005) in four sub-blocks of Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces, namely Sichuan-Qinghai, Yajiang, Central Sichuan and Central Yunnan blocks. Combining these calculation results with those of the focal mechanism solutions of moderately strong earthquakes, we analyzed the stress field characteristics and dislocation types of seismogenic faults that are distributed in the four sub-blocks. The orientation of principal compressive stress for each block is: EW in Sichuan-Qinghai, ESE or SE in Yajiang, Central Sichuan and Central Yunnan blocks. Based on a great deal of focal mechanism data, we designed a program and calculated the directions of the principal stress tensors, σ1, σ2 and σ3, for the four blocks. Meanwhile, we estimated the difference (also referred to as consistency parameter θ^- ) between the force axis direction of focal mechanism solution and the direction of the mean stress tensor of each block. Then we further analyzed the variation of θ^- versus time and the dislocation types of seismogenic faults. Through determination of focal mechanism solutions for each block, we present information on the variation in θ^- value and dislocation types of seismogenic faults.  相似文献   

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