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许荞晖  张彦敏  王运华 《海洋学报》2021,43(12):111-121
本文首先对合成孔径雷达(SAR)海浪成像中的3种调制(倾斜调制、流体力学调制与速度聚束调制)的影响进行了对比分析,结果显示:速度聚束调制对SAR图像的影响最为显著。另外,由于SAR图像中固有相干斑噪声的存在,较低波数范围的噪声难以滤除或抑制,利用经典MPI方法反演海浪谱会造成低波数范围谱值偏大。基于此,本文借鉴经典MPI海浪谱反演算法,建立了基于速度聚束调制的海浪方位向斜率谱和有效波高的反演算法。通过将经典MPI方法、同极化调制法及本文算法等3种海浪反演方法所得有效波高与浮标数据进行比较,结果显示:本文方法反演得到的海浪有效波高与浮标数据获得的有效波高之间的均方误差为0.79 m,为3种方法中最小。  相似文献   

基于Hasselmanns提出的SAR反演海浪方向谱的MPI算法,对2003-2012年间的中国海Envisat ASAR波模式数据进行了海浪方向谱反演。统计由反演的海浪方向谱得到的海浪有效波高数据,依据海浪浪级的划分,分析了中国海海浪浪级的分布特点,获得一些有参考价值的结果:(1)中国海3-4级海况的年出现概率最高,达85%;(2)中国海累月不同浪级的海浪出现概率分布符合高斯分布函数:f(x)=a*exp(-((x-1-b)/c)^2);(3)分析上述高斯分布函数的拟合系数a、b、c,发现其分布也有一定规律性。同时应用反演得到的海浪有效波高、平均波周期、平均波向等数据,分析了中国海的海浪时空分布特性,得到一些可供参考的结果。  相似文献   

受全球气候变化的影响,极区海浪尤其是北极海浪在过去几十年发生了显著的变化,使得海冰边缘区海冰与海浪的相互作用愈发显著。本文从物理海洋学的角度出发,较系统地总结了海冰对海浪作用研究的国内外现状,从理论和实测的角度分别探讨了海冰对海浪能量的耗散及其引起的波动频散关系的变化,同时分析了当前海冰覆盖海域海浪的数值模拟与现场观测研究,指出了未来开展有冰海域海浪数值模拟与预报所面临的主要问题,并对该方向今后的研究做出展望。总体来看,尽管海冰对海浪作用的机理复杂且与海冰类型高度相关,但是海冰对海浪能量的衰减与传播距离基本呈指数关系,并且海冰会一定程度上影响海浪的传播速度。未来依然需要更多不同海冰类型下海浪的观测数据以开展进一步的机理分析、模型检验和参数校准,进而实现高精度的业务化预报。  相似文献   

采用第三代海浪模式和线性全流风暴潮模式计算封闭海域内风暴潮对风浪的影响。海浪模式中包含水深变化及平均流变化引起的波浪绕射项。计算了不同风速和不同静水深情况下风暴潮引起的风浪波南的变化。计算结果表明:静水深为10m及风速为30m/3时,风暴潮引起的风浪波高的相对变化的最大值达39%;而静水深超过40m时,即使风速为40m/s,风暴潮引起的风浪波高的相对变化的最大值小于5%。  相似文献   

采用第三代海浪模式和线性全流风暴潮模式计算封闭海域内风暴潮对风浪的影响,海浪模式中钫含水深变化及平均流变化引起的波浪绕射项,计算了不同风速和不同静水深情况下风暴潮引起的风浪波高的变化,计算结果表明:静水深为10m及风速为30m/s,风暴潮引起的风浪波高的相对变化的最大值达39%;而静水深超过40m时,即使风速为40m/s,风暴潮引起的风浪波高的相对变化的最大值小5%。  相似文献   

海浪对水下电磁场幅值影响的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了海浪波动基本规律,分析了海浪波动对水下接收点电磁场幅值的影响。理论计算表明,这种影响取决于海浪的有效波高和电波穿透深度的比值。在近似正态分布的海浪作用下,水下场强幅值呈现出对数正态分布的规律。海浪波动会造成场强均值增加和场强幅值波动。海浪对场强幅值的影响随着电磁场频率的下降显著地降低。  相似文献   

水下弹道是潜艇垂直发射导弹特有的一段弹道,导弹在航行过程中受到表层海水自然流动的影响,运动姿态发生复杂变化,其中,以海浪的影响最为明显。根据二维线性波理论在发射坐标系下建立了波浪模型,通过莫里森方程分析了海浪对水下垂直运动导弹的作用形式,建立了导弹水中运动数学模型,借助有限元思想,在Matlab/Simulink环境下仿真分析了不同航向和浪级下导弹水中运动姿态的变化规律,结论可为研究潜射导弹水中弹道提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

以运动坐标系中的海浪谱为靶谱应用静止坐标系中随机波面的模拟方法─—线性叠加法和线性过滤法模拟匀速运动坐标系中的随机波面,给出了两种方法的原理及模拟手续。通过模拟实验发现,在高速运动的坐标系中线性叠加法优于线性过滤法,在低速情形,线性过滤法好于线性叠加法,并在模拟技术上给出了各参数的选取方法。  相似文献   

设计了一系列理想的数值实验,利用高分辨率的WAVEWATCHIII海浪模式定量分析热带气旋移动速度、强度、最大风速半径和热带气旋移动时的转向等风场细节因素对热带气旋下表面海浪分布特征的影响。实验结果表明,热带气旋移动速度、最大风速半径和热带气旋移动时的转向会影响海浪的空间非对称分布。最大风速半径增大会使最大有效波高的位置向后移动,而移动速度增大会使最大有效波高位置向前移动。移动速度增大会使右侧象限内的有效波高增大,左侧象限内有效波高减小。最大风速半径增大和强度增强使各象限内有效波高均增高。热带气旋的转向使各象限内有效波高增高,除了右后象限。这些风场特征对各个象限内海浪的平均波长、平均周期、平均波向、和波峰方向都有很重要的影响,尤其以左后象限最为显著。  相似文献   

本文在Miles准层流风生波模型基础上,引入表面粗糙度沿波面不均匀分布的线性模型,通过不稳定性分析,导出了平均压力随表面粗糙度变化和海浪成长率之间的关系,表明表面粗糙度的不均匀分布是影响海浪成长率的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

A number of models which would explain ocean wave imagery taken with a synthetic aperture imaging radar are analyzed analytically and numerically. Actual radar imagery is used to support some conclusions. The models considered correspond to three sources of radar backscatter cross section modulation: tilt modulation, roughness variation, and the wave orbital velocity. The effect of the temporal changes of the surface structure, parametric interactions, and the resulting distortions are discussed.  相似文献   

A process of synthetic aperture radar imaging of ocean surface waves is considered on the basis of the two-scale model of microwave scattering by a disturbed sea surface. Analytical expressions are obtained to relate characteristics of a large-scale wave image, averaged over an ensemble of realizations of the small-scale ripple, with the wave, radar, and viewing scheme as parameters. It is shown that the wave image would be defocused as an image of a target moving in the along-track direction with a speed equal to a half of the wave phase speed projection on the line of flight. The defocusing magnitude was measured experimentally for the ocean swells images, obtained with an airborneS-band radar, and the results are found to be in satisfactory agreement with the model prediction.  相似文献   

X- andL-band simultaneously obtained synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data of ocean gravity waves collected during the Marineland Experiment were analyzed using wave contrast measurements. The Marineland data collected in 1975 represents a unique historical data set for testing still-evolving theoretical models of the SAR ocean wave imaging process. The wave contrast measurements referred to are direct measurements of the backscatter variation between wave crests and troughs. These modulation depth measurements, which are indicators of wave detectability, were made as a function of: a) the settings used in processing the SAR signal histories to partially account for wave motion; b) wave propagation direction with respect to radar look direction for bothX- andL-band SAR data; c) SAR resolution; and d) number of coherent looks. The contrast measurements indicated that ocean waves imaged by a SAR are most discernible whenX-band frequency is used (as compared toL-band), and when the ocean waves are traveling in the range direction. Ocean waves can be detected by bothX- andL-band SAR, provided that the radar surface resolution is small compared to the ocean wavelength (at least 1/4 of the ocean wavelength is indicated by this work). Finally, wave detection withL-band SAR can be improved by adjusting the focal distance and rotation of the cylindrical telescope in the SAR optical processor to account for wave motion. The latter adjustments are found to be proportional to a value that is near the wave phase velocity.  相似文献   

The availability of 10 h of continuous, uninterrupted field measurements of wind waves recorded in the western Pacific and containing a complete wave growth episode, has provided a distinct opportunity for us to make a novel, unprecedented examination of detailed wave growth processes. We found that the significance of the size of data used in the measurement, which can only be addressed with continuous and uninterrupted measurements, reflected the ineptness of the conventional approach toward further detailed understanding of realistic wave growth processes, as the conventional 20 min data size essentially stamped out any dynamics with time scale below 20 min. While our conventional understanding and modeling were generally operative and useful, they left no real vestige on time localized mechanisms such as wave grouping or wave breaking processes all with time scales much less than 20 min.  相似文献   

On ensemble prediction of ocean waves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The numerical ensemble prediction is a well accepted method for improving the performance of atmospheric models. In the context of ocean wave modeling little has been researched or documented about this technique. An essential study of the method of ensemble prediction applied to deep water waves has been carried out. A framework is defined for obtaining perturbations of the directional wave spectra and for employing an ensemble of wind fields generated by an atmospheric model. The third-generation global wave model WAM is used with real atmospheric conditions to investigate the effect on wave predictions of perturbed initial conditions and atmospheric forcing. Due to spectral shape stabilisation, perturbing wave initial conditions has limited utility in ensemble prediction. However, the members could be used in wave data assimilation schemes in an interactive way. Using ensembles of the atmospheric condition can generate diverging solutions, justifying the ensemble procedure by itself. In the cases studied, it is observed that the ensemble mean outperformed the other members. The solution behaviour suggests using a lower-order approximation of the model to generate ensemble members with less computational cost.  相似文献   

Over the past decade there has been a rapid growth of interest in wave propagation through ice covers. This paper summarizes the author’s observation of the modeling efforts on this topic. Models can be theory-based, data-driven, or a combination of the two. A pure data-driven model relies on a large amount of observations and is only becoming available recently. Theory-based models on the other hand have a long history. They are always a simplified version of the reality. As our knowledge grows, theories become more complicated. A theory for waves-in-ice that captures all possible processes does not exist. However, when integrated with observation through calibration, these combined theory + data-based models may be used with some confidence. In this paper, different models, their basic concepts, their calibration and validation are discussed. The present theory-based models do not have the correct spectral attenuation trend as observed from field or laboratory experiments. Hence, through calibration they may fit different parts of the wave spectra but not all. Pure data-driven models can reproduce the correct trend, but its dependability outside the situation where the data are collected is uncertain. In addition to offering tools to forecast waves-in-ice, these model building and validating efforts point to missing mechanisms that should be carefully studied. Despite the many challenges towards building a satisfactory general waves-in-ice model, significant progress has been made for models that work reasonably well in the marginal ice zone. We anticipate much more data will become available in the coming years to help us improve the existing models.  相似文献   

A theory of the coastal Kelvin wave is presented in which the pressure is assumed not to be hydrostatic. The results show that the non-hydrostatic Kelvin wave is dispersive and that the e–1 decay distance of the wave amplitude from the coast decreases as the wave length becomes shorter. Similar conclusions can be drawn on the equatorial Kelvin wave.  相似文献   

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