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本文利用热层-电离层-中间层能量和动力学卫星TIMED中宽带发射辐射计SABER观测的临边大气长波红外背景辐射数据来研究平流层增温效应,基于2012/2013年1—3月在20~100 km高度内的临边大气长波红外背景辐射数据,采用微扰方法,得到辐射扰动的时空分布.结果显示:大气长波红外背景辐射扰动数据能够更精细的展示平流层增温事件的发生,2013年平流层爆发性增温效应下最大辐射扰动幅度出现在40 km处可达160%,而利用温度扰动数据表征此事件的发生时最大温度扰动幅度出现在40 km处只有21%.针对2012年弱平流层增温效应,温度扰动幅度最大值出现在40 km处为16.4%,而辐射扰动幅度的最大值在40 km处可达91%.大气长波红外背景辐射的纬度分布体现出此事件发生于高纬度地区;其经度分布在20~50 km范围内呈现"w"形状;而50 km和80 km处大气长波红外背景辐射的极值区域范围随着事件的发生在高纬度地区都是先扩大随后缩小的过程.这表明高层大气临边红外辐射信号可用于研究平流层增温效应,尤其是对于温度弱起伏的小扰动事件.这对于掌握临近空间环境辐射形成机理及其变化特性亦具有重要意义.  相似文献   

本文利用热层-电离层-中间层能量和动力学卫星TIMED中宽带发射辐射计SABER观测的临边大气长波红外背景辐射数据来研究平流层增温效应,基于2012/2013年1—3月在20~100 km高度内的临边大气长波红外背景辐射数据,采用微扰方法,得到辐射扰动的时空分布.结果显示:大气长波红外背景辐射扰动数据能够更精细的展示平流层增温事件的发生,2013年平流层爆发性增温效应下最大辐射扰动幅度出现在40 km处可达160%,而利用温度扰动数据表征此事件的发生时最大温度扰动幅度出现在40 km处只有21%.针对2012年弱平流层增温效应,温度扰动幅度最大值出现在40 km处为16.4%,而辐射扰动幅度的最大值在40 km处可达91%.大气长波红外背景辐射的纬度分布体现出此事件发生于高纬度地区;其经度分布在20~50 km范围内呈现"w"形状;而50 km和80 km处大气长波红外背景辐射的极值区域范围随着事件的发生在高纬度地区都是先扩大随后缩小的过程.这表明高层大气临边红外辐射信号可用于研究平流层增温效应,尤其是对于温度弱起伏的小扰动事件.这对于掌握临近空间环境辐射形成机理及其变化特性亦具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Continuous MF and meteor radar observations allow detailed studies of winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) as well as temperatures around the mesopause. This height region is characterized by a strong variability in winter due to enhanced planetary wave activity and related stratospheric warming events, which are distinct coupling processes between lower, middle and upper atmosphere. Here the variability of mesospheric winds and temperatures is discussed in relation with major and minor stratospheric warmings as observed during winter 2005/06 in comparison with results during winter 1998/99.Our studies are based on MF radar wind measurements at Andenes (69°N, 16°E), Poker Flat (65°N, 147°W) and Juliusruh (55°N, 13°E) as well as on meteor radar observations of winds and temperatures at Resolute Bay (75°N, 95°W), Andenes (69°N, 16°E) and Kühlungsborn (54°N, 12°E). Additionally, energy dissipation rates have been estimated from spectral width measurements using a 3 MHz Doppler radar near Andenes. Particular attention is directed to the changes of winds, turbulence and the gravity wave activity in the mesosphere in relation to the planetary wave activity in the stratosphere.Observations indicate an enhancement of planetary wave 1 activity in the mesosphere at high latitudes during major stratospheric warmings. Daily mean temperatures derived from meteor decay times indicate that strong warming events are connected with a cooling of the 90 km region by about 10–20 K. The onset of these cooling processes and the reversals of the mesospheric circulation to easterly winds occur some days before the changes of the zonal circulation in the stratosphere start indicating a downward propagation of the circulation disturbances from the MLT region to the stratosphere and troposphere during the stratospheric warming events. The short-term reversal of the mesospheric winds is followed by a period of strong westerly winds connected with enhanced turbulence rates and an increase of gravity wave activity in the altitude range 70–85 km.  相似文献   

The new LIMA/ice model is used to study interhemispheric temperature differences at the summer upper mesosphere and their impact on the morphology of ice particle related phenomena such as noctilucent clouds (NLC), polar mesosphere clouds (PMC), and polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE). LIMA/ice nicely reproduces the mean characteristics of observed ice layers, for example their variation with season, altitude, and latitude. The southern hemisphere (SH) is slightly warmer compared to the NH but the difference is less than 3 K at NLC/PMC/PMSE altitudes and poleward of 70N/S. This is consistent with in situ temperature measurements by falling spheres performed at 69N and 68S. Earth's eccentricity leads to a SH mesosphere being warmer compared to the NH by up to approximately 85 km and fairly independent of latitude. In general, NH/SH temperature differences in LIMA increase with decreasing latitude and reach at 50. The latitudinal variation of NH/SH temperature differences is presumably caused by dynamical forcing and explains why PMSE are basically absent at midlatitudes in the SH whereas they are still rather common at similar colatitudes in the NH. The occurrence frequency and brightness of NLC and PMC are larger in the NH but the differences decrease with increasing latitude. Summer conditions in the SH terminate earlier compared to NH, leading to an earlier weakening and end of the ice layer season. The NLC altitude in the SH is slightly higher by 0.6–1 km, whereas the NLC altitudes itself depend on season in both hemispheres. Compared to other models LIMA/ice shows smaller interhemispheric temperature differences but still generates the observed NH/SH differences in ice layer characteristics. This emphasizes the importance of temperature controlling the existence and morphology of ice particles. Interhemispheric differences in NLC/PMC/PMSE characteristics deduced from LIMA/ice basically agree with observations from lidars, satellites, and radars.  相似文献   

Bremer and Berger (J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys. 64 (2002) 805) applied a correction for trends in the NO concentration and αeff in the interpretation of trends in the low frequency (LF) phase height measurements and obtained results less consistent with model simulations as well as the observed trends in mesospheric temperatures. The correction is shown to be too large most probably due to the application of inappropriate trends in αeff of Chakrabarty (Adv. Space Res. 20 (1997) 2117), which yield a trend in electron density opposite to that which is observed. The discrepancy between the observational data and model-simulated trends of Bremer and Berger (J. Atoms. Solar. Terr. Phys. 64 (2002) 805) in the LF phase heights can be largely removed. Even more important, the trends in mesospheric temperatures inferred by Bremer and Berger (J. Atmos. Solar Terr. Phys. 64 (2002) 805) from trends in the LF phase heights without the inappropriate correction agree well with the results of analysis of a global set of results on trends in the mesospheric temperatures by Beig et al. (Rev. Geophys. 41 (2003) 1015).  相似文献   

During the past decades, concurrent with global warming, most of global oceans, particularly the tropical Indian Ocean, have become warmer. Meanwhile, the Southern Hemispheric stratospheric polar vortex (SPV) exhibits a deepening trend. Although previous modeling studies reveal that radiative cooling effect of ozone depletion plays a dominant role in causing the deepening of SPV, the simulated ozone-depletion-induced SPV deepening is stronger than the observed. This suggests that there must be other factors canceling a fraction of the influence of the ozone depletion. Whether the tropical Indian Ocean warming (IOW) is such a factor is unclear. This issue is addressed by conducting ensemble atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) experiments. And one idealized IOW with the amplitude as the observed is prescribed to force four AGCMs. The results show that the IOW tends to warm the southern polar stratosphere, and thus weakens SPV in austral spring to summer. Hence, it offsets a fraction of the effect of the ozone depletion. This implies that global warming will favor ozone recovery, since a warmer southern polar stratosphere is un-beneficial for the formation of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs), which is a key factor to ozone depletion chemical reactions. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40775053 and 90711004), National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB421401), and Innovation Key Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant Nos. KZCXZ-YW-Q11-03, KZCZ2-YW-Q03-08)  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析风场资料和NOAA海表温度(SST)资料,分析了冬、夏季Hadley环流的变化特征及其与热带海温在年际、年代际尺度上的关系. 结果表明,冬季北半球Hadley环流强度具有明显的年际和年代际变化,同时还呈现出明显的增强趋势. 伴随着Hadley环流的加强,环流中心位置南移,高度上升;夏季南半球Hadley环流变化主要表现为强、弱、强的年代际振动,没有明显的线性趋势. 研究还显示冬季Hadley环流与Nino3区SST正相关,这种相关性具有年代际变化特征. 年际尺度上,冬季北半球Hadley环流与Nino3区SST正相关;夏季南半球Hadley环流与Nino3区SST负相关,即当赤道中东太平洋SST异常偏暖(冷)时,冬、夏季Hadley环流变强(弱).  相似文献   

平流层爆发性增温(SSW)期间,低层大气温度场和风场等的剧烈变化会直接影响潮汐和风剪切作用.此举可能会导致电离层Es的相应变化.本文以2009年1月事件为例,分析了SSW期间Es层的响应.首先,在排除太阳活动和地磁活动对Es层影响的前提下,分析了昆明站附近MLT区域行星波和潮汐波的波动特性,发现此期间存在显著的2日行星波,并伴有日潮汐减弱和半日潮汐增强等波动现象;随后,分析相应时间段内Es层的变化特性发现,重庆和昆明站附近Es层强度明显减弱,且其高度显著抬升.这一现象与低层大气的波动变化具有同步性.最后,通过模拟经典风剪切理论下Es层金属离子的汇聚过程和运动轨迹,再现了SSW期间Es层与低层大气波动的耦合演化过程.该分析结果为研究低层-中层-高层大气的耦合过程提供了一种新的思路.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of the maintenance of the tropical upper tropospheric quasi-stationary ultralong waves during the northern hemisphere summer season are briefly reviewed and discussed. Diagnostic and prognostic studies indicate that the waves are maintained by the land-ocean contrast heating. These scales of motion as a whole (sum of the zonal wavenumbers 1, 2 and 3) are considered to supply kinetic energy to all other scales of motion.The ultralong waves predicted in the real data numerical prediction experiment over the global tropics using a multi-level primitive equation model are examined and compared with the observed climatological waves. The predicted waves are found to have several similarities with the observations. Further investigations of the baroclinic nature of the waves indicate that their thermal structure is essential for understanding their dynamics.The vorticity budget computations are performed for the predicted ultralong waves at 200 mb and also compared with the climatological observations. It is found that the advection term is one of the leading terms in the vorticity equation.This study indicates that the tropical quasi-stationary ultralong waves are fully nonlinear, non-geostrophic, three-dimensional waves forced mainly by the convective heating over the monsoon Indian subcontient.  相似文献   




WINDII data from the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite show an integrated OH emission rate systematically increasing with decreasing airglow peak altitude. A Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (SATI) at 74°N shows strong positive correlations between the integrated emission rate and the rotational OH temperature. Taken together, the two correlations are consistent with vertical motions of the mesopause region, over periods from hours to winter to winter. SABER data are consistent with these correlations. The O2 atmospheric band shows much weaker correlations. The SATI mesospheric temperatures also correlate with Resolute Bay temperatures for the 22.5 km level, a mesosphere–stratosphere relationship.  相似文献   

冷空气入侵对热带气旋发生发展的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
韩瑛  伍荣生 《地球物理学报》2008,51(5):1321-1332
本文从梯度风方程出发,证明温度梯度增强对涡度起到增强作用.因此当冷空气侵入热带气旋外围时,只要没有破坏热带气旋的暖心结构,就会引起温度梯度的增长,从而促进热带气旋的发生发展.本文采用NCAR/PSU研制的非静力中尺度模式MM5,研究北半球冷暖空气入侵在热带气旋形成和加强过程中的作用.通过研究冷暖空气对热带气旋发展影响的试验发现,冷暖空气在入侵热带气旋外围时,最主要改变的是外围的环流场.北半球冷空气的入侵将会增强热带气旋北面的北风,形成指向热带气旋中心的推力,即辐合增强,暖空气入侵减弱北面的北风,形成背向热带气旋中心的拉力,即辐合减弱.由于拉力作用,一方面把边界上由于冷空气入侵而生成的能量往热带气旋中心输送,另一方面导致温度梯度的增加.因此从天气学形势来看,在热带气旋发生发展的过程中,北方的冷高压将会增强热带气旋北面的风速,从而导致热带气旋的增强;南半球澳高的增强,将使越赤道气流增强,热带气旋南面的风速也因此增强,从而引起热带气旋的增强.  相似文献   

热带气旋集合预报中的不确定性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
综合考虑了数值天气预报过程中的两种不确定性:初值和模式的不确定性,建立了一个拥有20个成员的中尺度集合预报系统来模拟1997年热带气旋Danny的路径和对流系统.发现模拟气旋路径的集合平均误差在12 h以后比所有成员的误差都小.通过考察模拟结果对各种不确定性的敏感性,发现两种不确定性在模拟中都很重要,但不同的不确定性对模拟结果的贡献是不同的.初值的不确定性主要影响模式积分的前12 h,模式的不确定性在整个积分过程中始终存在.不确定性最敏感的区域主要分布在气旋附近的强天气区.  相似文献   

本文以MSIS90大气模式和3D NeUoG电离层模式为大气背景,用三维射线追踪法模拟研究了太阳活动强度、地方时、掩星平面方位角对弯曲角电离层残差和温度电离层残差的影响,以及电离层残差对全球日平均温度的影响.结果表明:电离层残差是平流层顶部(35~50 km)和中间层底部(50~70 km)掩星大气温度反演的主要误差.在太阳活动活跃期,电离层残差对单一掩星事件的平流层顶部平均温度的影响可达1.8 K,中间层底部平均温度的影响可达7 K;对全球日平均温度的影响在平流层顶可达-0.6 K,在70 km高度处可达1.2 K.发展新的电离层改正方法或电离层残差修正算法对提高掩星大气反演精度和全球气候监测意义重大.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the importance of physical, chemical and biological factors (e.g., chlorophyll-a, and carbon) in the regulation of the summer epilimnion thickness (Zmix) of the tropical lakes focusing on trends of the current environmental variability. We sampled a set of tropical lakes from the middle Rio Doce lacustrine system (Minas Gerais, Brazil) for two consecutive summers. Besides Zmix, we analyzed the visible light attenuation (KdPAR), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), total suspended solids (TSS), and fetch. We also analyze the quality of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) through colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), spectral slope (S), DOC-specific absorbance (SUVA) and the ratio between the absorbance at 250 nm and 365 nm (E250:365). Our results showed quite different results during the two years studied. In the summer of 2012, when there was higher rainfall, variations in Zmix were correlated to the optical factors associated with DOM quality, while in the drier summer of 2013 Chl-a, TSS and fetch were the variables that more explained Zmix. It suggests that DOM regulates the Zmix in the rainy periods in the studied tropical lakes and that control is determined by the balance between the DOM input (runoff) and output (such as photodegradation) of the aquatic systems. In reduced rain conditions (summer 2013), the factors responsible by chemistry photodegradation of DOM were predominant, and the organic matter was no longer controlling Zmix, which was driven by internal mixing, productivity, and the wind (Chl-a, TSS and fetch). In this study we showed how changes in precipitation might cause shifts in the factors that regulate the epilimnion thickness in tropical lakes.  相似文献   

牛驼镇凸起区内岩溶型白云岩广泛发育,其层内地下水对流造成浅表温度异常,沉积盖层段的地温梯度值为50.0℃·km-1,但随着高渗性白云岩埋深的增加,上覆沉积盖层段地温梯度值逐渐减小.本文以6口钻井测温曲线和213块样品热物性资料为基础,对高渗性白云岩层内流体对流对上覆地层温度影响的大小开展水热耦合研究.结果表明:一定厚度高渗透层随着其埋深的增加对浅部地层温度的影响减小,2.0 km厚度高渗层其温度影响范围在3.0 km左右;当高渗透层埋深一定时,其温度影响会随着其厚度的增加而增大.其次,通过安01测温曲线获取牛驼镇凸起底部变质基岩温度场特征,地温梯度值为18.6℃·km-1,结合其热导率值,计算知热流值在58.2 mW·m-2左右.通过该热流值累加上上部碳酸盐和沉积岩层生热率热流值贡献,得知牛驼镇凸起区及周边真实地表热流值为59.6 mW·m-2左右.相比于受到地下水对流或热折射效应影响的沉积盖层段90.0 mW·m-2的"热流值",通过该变质基岩层段计算出的地表热流值更加能够反映该区域的热流值背景.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the gross mean vertical structure of the undisturbed tropical atmosphere may be understood in terms of convective boundary layers driven in different ways and on different time scales by the evaporation of water from the sea surface. The mixed layer on a short time scale is driven partly by the buoyancy produced by the light weight of the water vapor; the trade cumulus layer on an intermediate time scale by the buoyancy (but not heating) produced by the condensation of the water vapor in shallow trade cumulus clouds; and the troposphere itself on a long time scale by the buoyancyand heating produced by the condensation of the water vapor in the deep cumulonimbus clouds.May 1985This paper was issued as a Harvard University report in 1974. For this version only Section 5 has been rewritten. There has been sufficient interest in this work over the years to warrant making it more widely available through the open literature.Contribution No. 783 from NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory  相似文献   

Climate changes will promote the growth of invasive aquatic macrophytes. The aim of our study was to analyse the responses of three invasive plants (Elodea canadensis, Egeria densa and Lagarosiphon major) to a temperature increase of 3 °C in spring, summer and winter. At each season we measured four functional traits: the Relative Growth Rate ‘RGR’, Relative Leaf surface area Growth Rate, number of lateral branches and roots. E. canadensis showed the highest growth and vigour in spring and in summer. The Relative Growth Rate was enhanced by an elevation of temperature for E. canadensis and for E. densa. A 3 °C temperature increase stimulated root production for all species in summer, whereas the number of lateral branches was favoured in spring for E. canadensis. Climate warming had a greater impact on plant growth in spring than in summer and late winter. The response of species to climate warming was species-specific and so an increase in temperature should favour the spread of E. canadensis.  相似文献   

本文通过分析1957~2002年平流层爆发性增温(SSW)的环流特征,研究平流层爆发性增温可能对我国天气气候的影响.平流层爆发性增温发生后平流层高纬地区有异常的环流变化,但是这种变化并不仅局限于平流层内部,其产生的环流异常能够向下传播,并对对流层的天气和气候产生影响.研究发现,平流层出现强爆发性增温后,平流层异常温度场和位势高度场在中、高纬度形成AO型振荡并向下传播,使得对流层低层西伯利亚高压增强、阿留申低压加深,500 hPa东亚大槽加深且偏西,导致东亚冬季风增强,我国北部大部分地区气温偏低.而在爆发性增温前,强行星波扰动使得东亚大槽加深,西伯利亚高压和阿留申低压同时增强,也可能导致东亚冬季风偏强.El Nio可能激发出强行星波,有利于强SSW事件的发生.通过上述的两个过程可能造成东亚冬季风的加强,这将会对"El Nio事件通过对流层过程而引起东亚冬季风减弱"的结论有一定影响. 因此,ENSO事件影响东亚冬季风及中国的天气气候存在不止一种途径,具体影响情况应该是几种途径的综合结果.  相似文献   

Four techniques for soil erosion assessment were compared over two consecutive seasons for bare-fallow plots and a maize-cowpea sequence in 1985 at IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. The techniques used were: tracer (aluminium paint), nails (16 and 25), the rill method, and the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). Soil loss estimated by these techniques was compared with that determined using the runoff plot technique. There was significantly more soil loss (P < 0·01) in bare-fallow than in plots under maize (Zea mays) or cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). In the first season, soil loss from plots sown to maize was 40·2 Mg ha?1 compared with 153·3 Mg ha?1 from bare-fallow plots. In the second season, bare-fallow plots lost 87·5 Mg ha?1 against 39·4 Mg ha?1 lost from plots growing cowpea. The techniques used for assessing erosion had no influence on the magnitude of soil erosion and did not interfere with the processes of erosion. There was no significant difference (P < 0·05) between soil erosion determined by the nails and the runoff plot technique. Soil loss determined on six plots (three under maize, three bare-fallow) by the rill technique, at the end of the season, was significantly lower (P < 0·05) than that determined by the runoff plot technique. The soil loss estimated by the rill method was 143·2, 108·8 and 121·9 Mg ha?1 for 11, 11, and 8 per cent slopes respectively, in comparison with 201·5, 162·0, and 166·4 Mg ha?1 measured by the runoff plot method. Soil loss measured on three bare-fallow plots on 10 different dates by the rill technique was also significantly lower (P < 0·01) than that measured by the runoff plot. In the first season the USLE significantly underestimated soil loss. On 11, 11, and 8 per cent slopes, respectively, soil loss determined by the USLE was 77, 92, and 63 per cent of that measured by the runoff plot. However, in the second season there was no significant difference between soil loss determined by the USLE and that determined by the conventional runoff plot technique.  相似文献   

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