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周雪松  宋松岩 《中国地震》1997,13(3):253-262
通过对繁峙-怀安-太仆寺旗三分向深地震测深宽角反射/折射剖面的S波资料进行处理、结合P波处理结果,给出了地壳上地幔的S波速度VS及介质物性参数泊松比σ的二维结构;综合地质及其它的地球物理资料,参照国内外岩石物理参数的实验结果,对地壳深部结构,构造及岩性进行了解释和推测。  相似文献   

On the basis of S wave information from Tai’an-Xinzhou DSS profile and with reference to the results from P-wave interpretation, the 2-D structures, including S-wave velocity V s, ratio γ between V p and V s; and Poisson’ s ratio σ, are calculated; the structural configuration of the profile is presented and the relevant inferences are drawn from the above results. Upwarping mantle districts (V s≈4.30 km/s) and sloping mantle districts (V s≈4.50 km/s) of the profile with velocity difference about −4% at the top of upper mantle are divided according to the differences of V s, γ and σ in different media and structures, also with reference to the information of their neighbouring regions; the existence of Niujiaqiao-Dongwang high-angle ultra-crustal fault zone is reaffirmed; the properties of low and high velocity blocks (zones) including the crust-mantle transitionalzone and the boudary indicators of North China rift valley are discussed. A comprehensive study is conducted on the relation of the interpretation results with earthquakes. It is concluded that the mantle upwarps, thermal material upwells through the high-angle fault, the primary hypocenter was located at the crust-mantle juncture 30.0∼33.0 km deep, and additional stress excited the M S=6.8 and M S=7.2 earthquakes at specific locations around 9.0 km below Niujiaqiao-Dongwang, the earthquakes took place around the high-angle ultra-crustal fault and centered in the brittle media and rock strata with low γ and low σ values. This subject is part of the 85-907-02 key project during the “8th Five-Year Plan” from the State Science and Technology Commission.  相似文献   

Receiver function of body wave under the 23 stations in Yunnan was extracted from 3-component broadband digital recording of teleseismic event. Thus, the S-wave velocity structure and distribution characteristics of Poisson's ratio in crust of Yunnan are obtained by inversion. The results show that the crustal thickness is gradually thinned from north to south. The crustal thickness in Zhongdian of northwest reaches as many as 62.0 km and the one in Jinghong of further south end is only 30.2 km. What should be especially noted is that there exists a Moho upheaval running in NS in the Chuxiong region and a Moho concave is generally parallel to it in Dongchuan. In addition, there exists an obvious transversal inhomogeneity for the S-wave velocity structure in upper mantle and crust in the Yunnan region. The low velocity layer exists not only in 10.0-15.0 km in upper crust in some regions, but also in 30.0-40.0 km in lower crust. Generally, the Poisson's ratio is on the high side, however it has a better co  相似文献   

S-wave velocity structure beneath the Ailaoshan-Red River fault was obtained from receiver functions by using teleseismic body wave records of broadband digital seismic stations. The average crustal thickness, Vp/Vs ratio and Poisson’s ratio were also estimated. The results indicate that the interface of crust and mantle beneath the Ailaoshan-Red River fault is not a sharp velocity discontinuity but a characteristic transition zone. The velocity increases relatively fast at the depth of Moho and then increases slowly in the uppermost mantle. The average crustal thickness across the fault is 36―37 km on the southwest side and 40―42 km on the northeast side, indicating that the fault cuts the crust. The relatively high Poisson’s ratio (0.26―0.28) of the crust implies a high content of mafic materials in the lower crust. Moreover, the lower crust with low velocity could be an ideal position for decoupling between the crust and upper mantle.  相似文献   

采用随机能量场的概念,将地震活动能量场看作时间和空间的随机函数场,用自然正交函数展开的分析方法,研究江苏及邻区自1970年1月至2007年12月的中小地震(2.1≤M_L≤4.5)能量场变化特征,以及主要典型能量场的时间"权重"系数的变化特征.结果显示:前7个典型场的展开精度为0.9244.研究区内不同构造块体的地震活动能量场强度存在明显差异,其中下扬子块体的苏中、苏南地区及南黄海海域的地震背景能量值高于其他地区;从典型场的分布来看,该区域对研究区能量场的影响也最为显著.前6个主要典型场的时间"权重"系数随时间的变化幅度与研究区大部分中强震之间在时间上存在很强的相关性.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes the variation characteristics of energy fields of seismicity 2.1≤M L ≤4.5 in Jiangsu and its neighboring areas during the period between January 1970 and December 2007.It also analyzes the variations of time "weight" coefficients of the major typical energy fields,using random function theory with seismic energy fields as a space-time random function field based on Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) expansion methods.The results show that the expansion accuracy of the first seven typical fields is 0.9244.The strength of seismic energy varies remarkably in different tectonic blocks in the study area.High value areas are in middle and southern Jiangsu,and the south Yellow Sea.The distribution of the typical fields also shows that it is an area that affects most significantly the seismic energy fields of the study region.The time "weight" coefficients of the first six typical fields vary with time,and the amplitude of the variations has strong temporal correlations with moderate-strong earthquakes in the region.  相似文献   

根据多台和达法,利用邯郸—邢台地区9个数字地震台的观测数据研究了该区波速比和泊松比分布特征.结果显示:(1)9个小区域波速比值在1.696~1.737之间,相关系数在0.988 3~0.999 1之间,研究区平均波速比值为1.719,平均泊松比值为0.244,所得泊松比值与研究区内地壳介质以花岗岩为主一致.(2)研究区内波速比和泊松比变化比较复杂,反映了区内上地壳介质性质的不同乖地质构造的复杂性.  相似文献   

以大芦家地区为例详细论述了复杂断块精细构造解释的方法和流程.对地震资料的选取、层位标定、断裂系统识别与组合、层位立体解释及构造成图每个步骤的方法给以具体论述,重点分析了三维精细构造解释使用的关键技术如时变子波标定技术、相干体技术、变速成图技术.在实际应用中取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

利用辽宁数字台网2001年以来的观测报告,采用单台和达法计算辽宁测震台网34个台站的平均波速比,重点分析辽宁地区波速比的空间分布特征.结果显示,辽宁地区的波速比空间分布呈横向不均匀性,下辽河盆地的波速比平均值低于整个辽宁地区波速比的均值,而辽西隆起和辽东隆起区的波速比却明显高于下辽河盆地的波速比和辽宁地区的均值.研究也...  相似文献   

The data of the strike-slip offset along the Xiaojiang active fault can be obviously grouped.The groups of small orders of magnitude data within 100 m show clear linear characteristics of increments between 8 m and 12 m,which indicates that the segments of the Xiaojiang active fault is of characteristic seismicity and the distribution of the values of each group indicates that there are smaller earthquakes and creep between two large earthquakes along each segment of the Xiaojiang active fault.The interval between two characteristic large earthquakes can be calculated with the increments for two groups of slip data and the slip rate of the fault.Furthermore,the frequency of smaller earthquakes can also be estimated by comparing the distributions of the displacements of the large earthquakes with the distributions of the values of each group of data.The groups of large slip displacements show that there is close relationship between the records of the displacements of the fault and the changes of the cli  相似文献   

秦岭北缘断裂带温泉水渗流特征与地震活动水平研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前人对秦岭北缘断裂带出露温泉水的氢氧同位素、He同位素和SiO2含量进行了计算,得到了温泉水的热储温度和循环深度。在此基础上,运用温度场作用下的热水垂向运移数学模型演算了循环深度和断层带渗透性之间的关系。根据1970~2008年的区域台网资料,对断裂带进行了分段地震活动多参数组合方法分析,并结合历史中强地震(公元前781年~公元2008年)的空间分布特点,分析总结了断层带不同区段渗透特征和地震活动的关系。最后对秦岭北缘断裂带的渗透性成因进行了解释。  相似文献   

Dynamic tracing of space-time evolution pattern of wave velocity ratio before the Lijiang earthquake with M=7.0 occurred on February 3, 1996 in northwestern Yunnan. We compared the Ninglang earthquakes with M=6.7 and M=6.4 which occurred on November 7 and December 13. 1976, 90 km away from the Lijiang earthquake. We found that the space-time evolution patterns of velocity that various authors' studied at different times are very similar.Anomaly areas of wave velocity ratio with high values appeared in the seismogenic areas 5 -7 years before the strong earthquake. Anomalies with low values in large areas appeared 3-4 years before the earthquake. Once again the anomaly areas of wave velocity ratio with high values appear in a lower range 1 ~2 years before. The strong earthquake occurred in the overlapping area of two high value anomaly areas, surrounded by the anomaly areas with low values. The monthly mean values of wave velocity ratio before the two strong earthquakes had maintained low value anomalies  相似文献   

自1977~2006年,新疆伽师地区相继发生了多次强地震.本文运用哈佛大学公布的该区域的CMT解,通过对不同地震的分布及断层性质的定量化分析,将地震分为三个时段,并由P,T轴拟合了该区域分时段的应力场方向,分析震源性质及区域应力场发现,1997年3月1日至2003年1月4日该区域的地震断层性质及应力场均发生了较大变化,而2003年2月24日起,其地震断层性质和应力场方向又恢复到了第一时段的状态,结合该区域地层速度模型和区域受力状况、构造背景、以及地震断层性质和分布规律等,作者提出了该区域地震断层性质及应力场变化原因是由于障碍体的存在结论.  相似文献   

对比分析利用涡度距平法提出的2022年1月8日青海门源 MS6.9 地震震前射出长波辐射(OLR)短期异常分布和震后InSAR技术提取的门源地震同震形变空间分布,结果显示,震前红外辐射增强区与InSAR同震破裂形变区的空间位置基本吻合,扩展形式基本相似(同震破裂形变区分布在红外辐射异常区内部)。在震前的全国范围OLR空间分布上,仅青海德令哈—西宁—甘肃武威一带出现了呈“哑铃”状近WE向展布的OLR热辐射增强区,空间可辨识度高,OLR异常时空演化过程遵循了岩石应力加载破裂过程中的热异常规律,显示热异常变化与应力变化存在关联; InSAR技术提取的同震形变同样位于肃南—祁连断裂(俄堡段)、托莱山断裂和冷龙岭断裂的交汇区。InSAR同震形变结果揭示了地表形变以水平方向为主,断层运动具有典型的走滑变形特征。InSAR同震形变结果为红外遥感反映地震形变提供可检验的地质实体监测证据,验证了门源地震前辐射增强异常是地震构造地应力强度变化的遥感物理参量反映。  相似文献   

近年来我国布设的强震动观测结构台阵越来越多,并在数次地震中捕获了一批宝贵的观测记录,这些记录既是对应用日益广泛的结构数值模拟结果的检验和参数标定的依据,也是结构健康监测的重要数据。本文选取昆明防灾减灾中心大楼观测台阵捕获的3次中远场小震记录作为研究对象,对比ANSYS结构数值模拟和观测值之间在时程以及谱特性等方面的响应差别,证明了在弹性范围下二者结果具有较好的一致性。最后,基于观测记录,采用高效简单的经验谱比法进行了结构模态参数快速识别,3次地震下的自振频率计算结果相对稳定,与数值建模计算结果的差值可控制在0.17Hz以内。  相似文献   

简要介绍同车公司地裂缝观测站情况,以2013年至2016年数字化改造后的观测数据为基础,结合仪器工作原理,分析三维断层形变测量仪测值与观测仪两端辅助温度测值的关系。结果表明,地裂缝三维断层形变观测中,垂直向DFG观测受地裂缝两端辅助温度影响较显著,地裂缝垂直形变变化是热形变效应和断层运动信息的综合反映。  相似文献   

This paper expounds the features of the buildings and analyzes the seismic disaster characteristics of the Jiuzhaigou M_S7. 0 earthquake in the area between Songpan and Jiuzhaigou. New buildings (especially the frame structure) had good anti-seismic performance,but brick-wood structures and brick-concrete structures sustained large amounts of damage in the earthquake. By computing the seismic damage index,we found that the seismic damage index of the frame structure was far less than that of civil structures and brick-wood structures. The seismic damage index of frame structures were all zero in the Ⅵ area,and increased rapidly with the increase of intensity,but the increasing range was reduced. We also discussed how to evaluate the intensity in areas where there was a lack of buildings or there was only one structure type,which can be referenced in future field work.  相似文献   

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