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大兴安岭中北段原岩锆石U-Pb测年及其与区域构造演化关系   总被引:42,自引:19,他引:42  
作者认为单个锆石的同位素年龄记录了所在区域单次构造、岩浆或变质事件活动的时间,不同来源的大量原岩单颗粒锆石的测年数据则可以反映研究区总体构造演化历史。本文对近年来在大兴安岭中北段自测和收集的123件原岩样品的2636个锆石U-Pb测年点的同位素年龄进行统计,结果显示研究区的锆石年龄数据总体上出现840~780Ma, 530~440Ma, 330~280Ma, 240~190Ma,180~160Ma和150~120Ma等多个明显高峰值区间和>840Ma, 770~540Ma和440~400Ma三个相对数据较少的空白地段,且岩浆结晶锆石、变质锆石、继承性锆石等不同成因类型的锆石的年龄统计分布有良好的对应性。年龄数据的高峰值区间与该地区基底形成、陆壳生长、主要板块或微板块俯冲、碰撞、拼贴等主要构造事件时间吻合;而年龄空白区间则与主要的洋底扩张、被动陆缘时代相吻合。研究说明大量原岩锆石的测年数据与河流碎屑锆石同位素年代学一样,可以用于研究物源区的地壳生长和构造演化历史。综合大兴安岭中北段大量单颗粒锆石的同位素年代学、岩石组合和构造特征研究,说明该地区经历了古元古代基底形成、新元古代陆壳生长、新元古代末期板块裂解,古生代期间古陆块间的俯冲、拉张、拼贴碰撞,早中生代碰撞造山、晚中生代造山后伸展垮塌、大陆边缘弧后伸展等复杂的构造演化历史;同时表明蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋在早中生代时期(晚三叠世)即已碰撞造山,大兴安岭中北段及额尔古纳地区发育大量与碰撞有关的花岗岩、混合岩及碰撞后伸展跨塌有关的构造和岩石产物(盆岭构造、滑脱构造、变质核杂岩、陆相双峰式火山岩和多金属成矿等),这对于重新认识研究区中生代多金属成矿的地球动力学背景提供了新的依据。  相似文献   

The carbon isotope composition of microdiamonds found in products of the Tolbachik Volcano eruption, Kamchatka (porous lavas and ash), was studied. The isotope composition of microdiamonds (with an average value of δ13C =–25.05‰) is close to that of microsized carbon particles in lavas (from–28.9 to–25.3‰). The general peculiarities of the diamond-forming environment include (1) no evidence for high pressure in the medium; (2) a reduced environment; and (3) mineralogical evidence for the presence of a fluid. The geochemical data characterizing the type of diamonds studied allow us to suggest that they were formed in accordance with the mechanism of diamond synthesis during cavitation in a rapidly migrating fluid, which was suggested by E.M. Galimov.  相似文献   

The REE distribution patterns in the Meso-Cenozoic volcanic rocks of central-western Liaoning Province are characterized by high LREE/HREE ratios. The REE distribution patterns in volcanic rocks ranging from Early Jurassic to Early Tertiary in this area are essentially the same. A comparison of (La/Yb) N and (Ce/Yb) N ratios in the rocks studied with those in oceancrustal basalts shows that the former rocks possess the characteristic values for the rift-geotectonic environment in the studied area.  相似文献   

U-Pb data of zircons from various gneisses of the eastern Sierra de Guadarrama, Central Spain, make it possible to reconstruct the pre-Hercynian and Hercynian history of this area: (1) upper intercept ages (2400 Ma for meta-igneous and 2000 Ma for meta-sedimentary rocks) of discordias defined by data of anhedral zircon fractions document the existence of Early Proterozoic crust; (2) lower intercept minimum ages of anhedral zircon fractions show radiogenic lead loss at about 540 Ma due to a thermal event leading to volcanism and emplacement of granitoid rocks into Precambrian crust: growth of euhedral zircons is possibly related to this event; (3) lower intercept minimum ages of about 380 Ma defined by anhedral zircon fractions in meta-sedimentary rocks prove an Early Hercynian event. According to present knowledge on the metamorphism in the Sierra de Guadarrama this event could be explained in terms of a Barrow-type medium-pressure metamorphism. The inferred Cadomian igneous event relates the geological history of Central Spain with that of western Africa to the south and Brittany to the north. Furthermore, similarities of the crustal evolution in the area studied and other internal zones of the Hercynian belt (Moldanubian zone, French Central Massiv) are confirmed. The Early Hercynian event for the first time affected all the rocks of the area together. The pre-Hercynian evolution of the two complexes is different and the present association of the basement rocks may be explained by thrusting or in terms of Early-Hercynian nappe transport.  相似文献   

Summary The three major units of the Bergstr?sser Odenwald (Frankenstein Complex, Flasergranitoid Zone and southern Bergstr?sser Odenwald) are, according to literature, separated by two major shear zones. The aim of the present paper is to evaluate the importance of these sutures by comparing new hornblende geothermobarometry data from five plutons of the Flasergranitoid Zone with published P-T data from the entire Bergstr?sser Odenwald. Furthermore radiometric, geochemical and structural data from the literature were also used for this purpose. Temperatures were calculated with the amphibole-plagioclase thermometer and range from 600 to 800 °C. Determinations of the intrusion depth, using the Al-in-hornblende barometer show that most plutons intruded at pressures ranging from about 4 to 6 kbar (13 to 20 km). These combined data do not allow to postulate a major suture zone between the Flasergranitoid Zone and the southern Bergstr?sser Odenwald, while comparison of similar data from the Flasergranitoid Zone and the Frankenstein Complex verify the importance of this shear zone. Moreover, our P-T data show that the high temperature – low pressure metamorphism in the Bergstr?sser Odenwald can also be interpreted as contact metamorphism and not necessarily as regional metamorphism.
Zusammenfassung Hornblende-Thermobarometrie an Granitoiden des Mittleren Odenwaldes (Deutschland) und ihre Implikation für die geotektonische Entwicklung des Odenwaldes Die drei Haupteinheiten des Bergstr?sser Odenwaldes (Frankenstein-Komplex, Flasergranitoid-Zone und südlicher Bergstr?sser Odenwald) werden nach der Literatur durch zwei bedeutende Scherzonen voneinander getrennt. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die wirkliche Bedeutung dieser beiden Suturen herauszuarbeiten. Dazu wurden eigene, neue Hornblende-Geothermobarometrie-Daten, die an fünf Plutonen der Flasergranitoid-zone ermittelt wurden, mit bereits publizierten P-T-Date aus dem gesamten Bergstr?sser Odenwald verglichen. Zudem wurden radiometrische, geochemische und strukturgeologische Datens?tze aus der Literatur für diesen Zweck benutzt. Kristallisationstemperaturen wurden mit Hilfe des Amphibol-Plagioklas-Thermometers errechnet und liegen zwischen 600 und 800 °C. Die Bestimmung der Intrusionstiefe mit dem Al-in-Hornblende-Barometer ergab für die meisten Plutone Drücke im Bereich von 4–6 kbar (13–20 km). Diese, sowie radiometrische, geochemische und strukturgeologische Daten aus der Flasergraitoid-zone und dem südlichen Bergstr?sser Odenwald geben keinen Hinweis auf eine wichtige Suturzone zwischen diesen beiden geotektonischen Einheiten, wohingegen der Vergleich ?hnlicher Daten aus der Flasergranioid-Zone und dem Frankenstein-Komplex die Bedeutung der Scherzone zwischen diesen beiden Einheiten hervorhebt. Unsere P-T-Daten zeigen au?erdem, da? die Hochtemperatur-Niederdruck-Metamorphose im Bergstr?sser Odenwald nicht notwendigerweise eine Regionalmetamorphose sein mu?, sondern ebenso gut als Kontaktmetamorphose interpretiert werden kann.

Received July 14, 1999; revised version accepted October 6, 2000  相似文献   

This paper provides the first measurements of the nitrogen (N) concentrations and isotopic compositions of high- and ultrahigh-pressure mafic eclogites, aimed at characterizing the subduction input flux of N in deeply subducting altered oceanic crust (AOC). The samples that were studied are from the Raspas Complex (Ecuador), Lago di Cignana (Italy), the Zambezi Belt (Zambia) and Cabo Ortegal (Spain), together representing subduction to 50-90 km depths. The eclogites contain 2-20 ppm N with δ15Nair values ranging from −1 to +8‰. These values overlap those of altered oceanic crust, but are distinct from values for fresh MORB (for the latter, ∼1.1 ppm N and δ15Nair ∼ −4‰). Based on N data in combination with other trace element data, the eclogite suites can be subdivided into those that are indistinguishable from their likely protolith, AOC, with or without superimposed effects of devolatilization (Lago di Cignana, Cabo Ortegal), and those that have experienced metasomatic additions during subduction-zone metamorphism (Zambezi Belt, Raspas). For the former group, the lack of a detectable loss of N in the eclogites, compared to various altered MORB compositions, suggests the retention of N in deeply subducted oceanic crust. The metasomatic effects affecting the latter group can be best explained by mixing with a (meta)sedimentary component, resulting in correlated enrichments of N and other trace elements (in particular, Ba and Pb) thought to be mobilized during HP/UHP metamorphism. Serpentinized and high-pressure metamorphosed peridotites, associated with the eclogites at Raspas and Cabo Ortegal, contain 3-15 ppm N with δ15Nair values ranging from +3 to +6‰, significantly higher than the generally accepted values for the MORB mantle (δ15Nair ∼ −5‰). Based on their relatively high N contents and their homogeneous and positive δ15N values, admixing of sedimentary N is also indicated for the serpentinized peridotites.One possible pathway for the addition of sediment-derived N into eclogites and peridotites involves mixing with fluids along the slab-mantle wedge interface. Alternatively, sedimentary N could be incorporated into peridotites during serpentinization at bending-related faults at the outer rise and, during later deserpentinization, released into fluids that then infiltrate overlying rocks. Deep retention of N in subducting oceanic crust should be considered in any attempt to balance subduction inputs with outputs in the form of arc volcanic gases. If materials such as these eclogites and serpentinized peridotites are eventually subducted to beyond sub-arc depths into the deeper mantle, containing some fraction of their forearc-subarc N inventory (documented here), they could deliver isotopically heavy N into the mantle to potentially be sampled by plume-related magmas.  相似文献   

East Othris area consists of scattered ophiolitic units, as well as ophiolitic mélange occurrences, which encompass gabbroic rocks. These rocks have been affected by low-grade ocean floor metamorphism (T?<?350°C and P?<?8?kbar). Based on their petrography, mineral chemistry and geochemistry gabbroic rocks have been distinguished into gabbros and diorites, with the latter being divided into two groups. Gabbros seem to have been formed from moderate to high partial melting degrees (~8–25%) of a highly depleted mantle source, while group (1) diorites have been differentiated after variable fractionation processes (up to 30%). Group (2) diorites seem to have been derived from low partial melting degrees (~3%) of a fertile or moderately depleted mantle source and with extensive fractionation processes (~50%). Geochemical results suggest that partial melting processes occurred at relatively shallow depths, in the plagioclase-spinel stability field, while amphibole chemistry data indicate shallow level crystallization. Chondrite and PM-normalized patterns, Th/Yb, and Nb/Th ratios as well as mineral chemistry analyses show that gabbros and group (1) diorites (with relatively low PM-normalized Nb and Ta values and negative Ti anomalies) suggest subduction processes, while group (2) diorites are MORB or BAB related. Some gabbros have been characterised as high-Mg, being compositionally similar to picrites or boninites. Variability in extent of partial melting of the mantle source and the different geotectonic environment affinities are consistent with a supra-subduction zone (SSZ) origin of the east Othris ophiolites. The fact that IAT related rocks are more abundant in east rather than in west Othris may possibly be explained by a slab rollback model retreating to the east within the Pindos oceanic basin.  相似文献   

Morphoscopic studies of zircons, including optical microscopic and SEM (backscattered electron mode), from the Rôniers valley (West-Poli, Northern Cameroon) indicate an important crystallization of zircon during a medium-grade garnet-kyanite metamorphic event. This was associated with a deformation (D1) and with the emplacement of a basic and intermediate plutonic suite (BIP). U-Pb dating of these zircon gave almost concordant Pan-African ages (630 Ma) which contribute to a solution of a major regional uncertainty about the age of the regional D1 event, which, in the mobile belt of Central Africa, has been considered previously either as Pan-African or as Lower to Middle Proterozoic. A chronological framework is proposed for the evolution of northern Cameroon.
Zusammenfassung Eine kristallmorphologische Bearbeitung von Zirkonen aus Glimmerschiefern des Rôniers-Tals (Westlich von Poli, Nord-Kamerun) wurde mit Durchlicht- und mit RasterElektronen-Mikroskopie (Rückstrahl Elektronen) ausgeführt. Verbunden mit einer Bearbeitung des strukturgeologischen und metamorphen Rahmens führt sie zu der Vorstellung einer massiven Auskristallisation der Zirkone anläßlich eines tektono-metamorphen Ereignisses mittlerer Stärke in der Granat-Disthen Fazies. Dieses Ereigniss ist von einer Deformationsphase (D1) und der Platznahme eines basischen bis intermediären Gesteinsverbandes (BIP) begleitet worden. Eine U/Pb Datierung dieser Zirkone ergibt praktisch konkordante pan-afrikanische Alter (630 M.J.) Diese Resultate klären eine Ungewissheit in Bezug auf das Alter des stärksten metamorphen Schieferung, die hier als Resultat des Ereignisses D1 gedeutet wird. Je nach der geographischen Stellung innerhalb der zentral-afrikanischen mobilen Zone wurde bis jetzt das Alter dieser Schieferung als pan-afrikanisch oder als unter- bis mittelproterozoisch gegeben. Ein chronologischer Ablauf kann somit für die Entwicklung des nordkamerunischen Gebietes vorgeschlagen werden.

Résumé Une étude morphologique de zircons provenant des micaschistes de la vallée des Rôniers (ouest de Poli, Nord Cameroun) a été menée aussi bien en microscopie optique qu'en microscopie à balayage (électrons rétrodiffusés). Combinée à l'étude de l'environnement structural et métamorphique, elle conduit à l'idée d'une cristallisation massive du zircon pendant un événement tectono-métamorphique de degré moyen dans le faciès à grenat-disthène. Cet épisode s'accompagne d'une phase de déformation (D1) et de la mise en place d'une association basique à intermédiaire (BIP). Une datation U/Pb de ces zircons donne des âges panafricains (630 Ma) pratiquement concordants. Ces résultats permettent de lever une ambiguïté sur l'âge de la foliation métamorphique principale interprétée comme résultant de l'événement D1: elle est considérée selon les endroits de la zone mobile d'Afrique centrale soit d'âge panafricain soit d'âge protérozoïque inférieur à moyen. Une chronologie de l'évolution du domaine nord camerounais est proposée.

Rniers ( , ). , - , - . (D 1) (). , -, - (630 . ). , , D 1. - , - . .

A 1000-km-long lithospheric transect running from the Variscan Iberian Massif (VIM) to the oceanic domain of the Northwest African margin is investigated. The main goal of the study is to image the lateral changes in crustal and lithospheric structure from a complete section of an old and stable orogenic belt—the Variscan Iberian Massif—to the adjacent Jurassic passive margin of SW Iberia, and across the transpressive and seismically active Africa–Eurasia plate boundary. The modelling approach incorporates available seismic data and integrates elevation, gravity, geoid and heat flow data under the assumptions of thermal steady state and local isostasy. The results show that the Variscan Iberian crust has a roughly constant thickness of 30 km, in opposition to previous works that propose a prominent thickening beneath the South Portuguese Zone (SPZ). The three layers forming the Variscan crust show noticeable thickness variations along the profile. The upper crust thins from central Iberia (about 20 km thick) to the Ossa Morena Zone (OMZ) and the NE region of the South Portuguese Zone where locally the thickness of the upper crust is <8 km. Conversely, there is a clear thickening of the middle crust (up to 17 km thick) under the Ossa Morena Zone, whereas the thickness of the lower crust remains quite constant (6 km). Under the margin, the thinning of the continental crust is quite gentle and occurs over distances of 200 km, resembling the crustal attitude observed further north along the West Iberian margins. In the oceanic domain, there is a 160-km-wide Ocean Transition Zone located between the thinned continental crust of the continental shelf and slope and the true oceanic crust of the Seine Abyssal Plain. The total lithospheric thickness varies from about 120 km at the ends of the model profile to less than 100 km below the Ossa Morena and the South Portuguese zones. An outstanding result is the mass deficit at deep lithospheric mantle levels required to fit the observed geoid, gravity and elevation over the Ossa Morena and South Portuguese zones. Such mass deficit can be interpreted either as a lithospheric thinning of 20–25 km or as an anomalous density reduction of 25 kg m−3 affecting the lower lithospheric levels. Whereas the first hypothesis is consistent with a possible thermal anomaly related to recent geodynamics affecting the nearby Betic–Rif arc, the second is consistent with mantle depletion related to ancient magmatic episodes that occurred during the Hercynian orogeny.  相似文献   

秦岭岩群副变质岩碎屑锆石年龄谱及其地质意义探讨   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
报道了北秦岭地块中秦岭岩群夕线黑云石英片岩61个碎屑锆石测点的207Pb/206Pb年龄测试结果,其中15个测点在SHRIMPⅡ上进行,46个测点来自LA-ICPMS的测定结果。61个年龄值显示锆石主要来源为1·5~1·9Ga(共51个测点,占所有测点的83·6%)的古元古代末至中元古代早期的大陆地壳,1粒碎屑锆石来自新太古代岩石,5粒来自中元古代晚期的蚀源区,4个测点为0·9~1·0Ga。由于秦岭岩群被新元古代早期960~900Ma的花岗岩体侵入,新的碎屑锆石测年结果表明秦岭岩群副变质岩的沉积时代至少介于1500~960Ma之间,亦可能为中元古代末期。秦岭岩群在早古生代造山过程中受到强烈改造,但本次测定未从夕线黑云石英片岩中获得这次变质作用的年代学信息。  相似文献   

华夏陆块西南部云开地块变质杂岩主要由天堂山岩群和云开群以及古生代花岗质岩石组成。天堂山岩群主要由片麻岩、变粒岩、石英岩等岩石组成,变质程度较深;云开群主要由片岩、板岩、千枚岩、变质砂岩等岩石组成。应用LA-ICP-MS U-Pb微区定年和Lu-Hf同位素分析以及全岩地球化学分析方法,本文对天堂山岩群和云开群变质沉积岩进行了研究。在阴极发光图像中,变质沉积岩的锆石显示岩浆震荡环带,但普遍遭受重结晶改造及存在变质增生边。由于变质增生边普遍较窄,U-Pb定年和Hf同位素分析几乎都在具岩浆环带和重结晶结构的成分域上完成的。具岩浆环带和重结晶结构的成分域的Th/U比值普遍大于0.1。年龄变化从3000~500Ma,但主要集中在600~1200Ma之间,主峰值为960Ma左右。碎屑锆石的ε_(Hf)(t)值在-25.6~15.4之间,两阶段Hf模式年龄在972~4496Ma之间。全岩地球化学分析显示LREE富集,HREE亏损,具有较明显的负Eu异常(δEu=0.55~0.71),天堂山岩群与云开群REE配分模式一致,反映源区物质相似,主要来源于花岗质地壳物质。结合前人研究成果,可得出如下结论:天堂山岩群与云开群形成时代没有明显差别,虽然它们在变质变形方面存在较明显区别;天堂山岩群和云开群沉积时代为古生代早期-新元古代;格林威尔期岩浆岩为主要物源区,新元古代时期华夏陆块处于格林威尔造山带内与之相邻;华夏陆块存在太古宙古老陆壳。  相似文献   

松辽盆地火山岩的同位素年代、地球化学特征及意义   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
沉积盆地内部的火山岩是研究盆地形成的构造环境以及探讨盆地发展演化的动力学特征的重要线索。松辽盆地具有二元结构特征,断陷构造层发育大量的火山岩。但是,前人尚未对比进行深入系统的研究。根据采自钻井岩芯的火山岩样品,通过同位素测年(K/Ar)和地球化学分析等结果,讨论了松辽盆地晚中生代火山岩的岩石学、岩石化学和地球化学特征,探讨了盆地发育早期的构造环境及其地球动力学背景。指出松辽盆地在其形成早期(即断陷期)是一个发育陆缘岩浆弧构造背景上的走滑拉张盆地,火山岩岩浆源区具有多成分、复合性的演化特点。  相似文献   

中国最老岩石和锆石   总被引:6,自引:12,他引:6  
在中国大陆的许多地区都已发现大于3.4Ga的锆石和岩石.鞍山是全球仅有几个存在≥3.8Ga岩石的地区之一.它们以不大的规模存在于白家坟、东山、深沟寺杂岩中,由糜棱岩化奥长花岗岩、条带状奥长花岗岩和变质石英闪长岩组成.近年来,在鞍山地区还发现了许多3.7~3.6Ga岩石和锆石.锆石Hf同位素组成表明鞍山地区在3.8~3.6Ga期间存在周期性的地幔添加和陆壳形成.除鞍山外,在中国许多地区的不同类型岩石中也获得了≥3.4Ga锆石,虽然它们大多数都是碎屑和残余成因.(1)华北克拉通冀东铬云母石英岩中3.85~3.55Ga碎屑锆石:(2)华北克拉通信阳中生代火山岩长英质麻粒岩中3.66Ga岩浆锆石;(3)华南克拉通宜昌地区杨子地块新元古代砂岩中3.80Ga碎屑锆石(一颗);(4)华南克拉通华夏地块新元古代一古生代变质沉积岩中3.76~3.6Ga碎屑锆石;(5)西北地区塔里木地块阿克塔什塔格地区古元古代片麻状花岗岩中3.6Ga残余锆石;(6)西秦岭奥陶纪变质火山岩中4.08Ga捕掳锆石(一颗);(7)西藏普兰地区奥陶纪石英岩中4.1Ga碎屑锆石(一颗,有3.61Ga增生边).一些古老锆石有高达4.1~4.0Ga的Hf同位素模式年龄.在中国,>3.4Ga地壳物质的比例以往被低估了,发现冥古宙和始太古代物质的可能性仍然存在,它们将对中国早期陆壳演化提供新的制约.  相似文献   

纳赤台群是东昆仑造山带中段出露的构造混杂岩的重要组成部分,对纳赤台群碎屑岩段的地层时代及物质来源进行限定,可以为恢复和反演东昆仑早古生代的构造格局提供依据。前人多认为纳赤台群的地层时代为奥陶纪或奥陶纪—志留纪,但是志留纪、二叠纪甚至新生代的观点也同时存在。通过对纳赤台群碎屑岩段进行碎屑锆石年龄研究,得到最年轻的锆石年龄538±10Ma,结合侵入其中的英云闪长岩体的年龄为427.7Ma,将纳赤台群碎屑岩的沉积时代限定于538~427Ma之间,另外由于纳赤台群特殊的演化意义,结合沙松乌拉组和赛什腾组的地层时代,将纳赤台群碎屑岩的地层时代确定为奥陶纪,并认为有可能延伸至早志留世。得到的碎屑锆石年龄谱显示约2450Ma、约1100Ma、约980Ma、约810Ma、约650Ma五个明显峰值,结合纳赤台群碎屑岩近源堆积的特征,将得到的锆石年龄与东昆仑及邻区出露的老地层和岩体时代进行比对,推测白沙河岩组、小庙群、万宝沟群及新元古代早期在东昆仑地区形成的中酸性岩体为其可能物源。将得到的锆石年龄与各期重大构造-岩浆事件在昆仑造山带留下的地质记录进行对比,推测认为,纳赤台群碎屑岩的源区存在太古宙结晶基底,并经历了古元古代早期构造-岩浆事件、中元古代晚期构造-岩浆事件(格林威尔运动)和新元古代早期构造-岩浆事件。  相似文献   

本文收集大量锆石U-Pb年代学数据,通过制作年龄-频数图谱,简略探讨了西伯利亚克拉通、华北克拉通、东北地区微地块以及内蒙古大石寨地区的演化史,并对大石寨二叠系与其周边块体的锆石年龄作比较分析,进而探讨了大石寨地区二叠系的物源问题。碎屑锆石年龄-频数图表明,大石寨地区二叠系碎屑锆石年龄可以划分出古生代年龄段(500~250 Ma),中—新元古代年龄段(1.6~0.8 Ga),新太古一古元古代年龄段(2.6~1.7 Ga)。华北克拉通北缘与西伯利亚克拉通南缘基底年龄均1.6 Ga,其二者都不能反映大石寨地区二叠系物源年龄信息,而大石寨地区二叠系碎屑锆石年龄峰值与东北地区地块年龄峰具有很好一致性,说明二者锆石年龄峰值反映的构造岩浆事件一致,表明大石寨地区二叠系物源应来源于东北地块而不是华北克拉通和西伯利亚克拉通。同时,东北地区大量古老基底锆石年龄数据的存在,暗示东北地块可能独立于上述两大板块而存在,并响应中亚造山带内存在古老微大陆的观点;东北地块由诸多微小块体拼贴而成,并分别与西伯利亚克拉通和华北克拉通碰撞拼接,缝合线分别是贺根山一黑河缝合带与西拉木伦缝合带。  相似文献   

浙江中生代侵入岩遍布全省,且绝大多数岩体与火山岩共生。其时代也随火山岩划分为燕山早期与燕山晚期。近年来,随着生物地层与年代地层的研究表明,浙江晚侏罗世—白垩纪火山沉积岩系时代改为白垩纪;中生代侵入岩同位素年龄为135~85 Ma,据此,侵入岩也由分燕山早、晚两期改为燕山晚期。通过对浙江西部与金属矿产有密切关系的开岭脚、里陈家花岗闪长岩体进行锆石SHRIMP U-Pb同位素测年,其加权平均年龄值分别为(151±3)Ma(MSWD=0.74),(148±2)Ma(MSWD=1.2),说明浙西存在晚侏罗世侵入岩,该时期也为重要的成矿期。  相似文献   

Gravity signals from the lithosphere in the Central European Basin System   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the gravity signals from different depth levels in the lithosphere of the Central European Basin System (CEBS). The major elements of the CEBS are the Northern and Southern Permian Basins which include the Norwegian–Danish Basin (NDB), the North-German Basin (NGB) and the Polish Trough (PT). An up to 10 km thick sedimentary cover of Mesozoic–Cenozoic sediments, hides the gravity signal from below the basin and masks the heterogeneous structure of the consolidated crust, which is assumed to be composed of domains that were accreted during the Paleozoic amalgamation of Europe. We performed a three-dimensional (3D) gravity backstripping to investigate the structure of the lithosphere below the CEBS.Residual anomalies are derived by removing the effect of sediments down to the base of Permian from the observed field. In order to correct for the influence of large salt structures, lateral density variations are incorporated. These sediment-free anomalies are interpreted to reflect Moho relief and density heterogeneities in the crystalline crust and uppermost mantle. The gravity effect of the Moho relief compensates to a large extent the effect of the sediments in the CEBS and in the North Sea. Removal of the effects of large-scale crustal inhomogeneities shows a clear expression of the Variscan arc system at the southern part of the study area and the old crust of Baltica further north–east. The remaining residual anomalies (after stripping off the effects of sediments, Moho topography and large-scale crustal heterogeneities) reveal long wavelength anomalies, which are caused mainly by density variations in the upper mantle, though gravity influence from the lower crust cannot be ruled out. They indicate that the three main subbasins of the CEBS originated on different lithospheric domains. The PT originated on a thick, strong and dense lithosphere of the Baltica type. The NDB was formed on a weakened Baltica low-density lithosphere formed during the Sveco-Norwegian orogeny. The major part of the NGB is characterized by high-density lithosphere, which includes a high-velocity lower crust (relict of Baltica passive margin) overthrusted by the Avalonian terrane. The short wavelength pattern of the final residuals shows several north–west trending gravity highs between the Tornquist Zone and the Elbe Fault System. The NDB is separated by a gravity low at the Ringkøbing–Fyn high from a chain of positive anomalies in the NGB and the PT. In the NGB these anomalies correspond to the Prignitz (Rheinsberg anomaly), the Glueckstadt and Horn Graben, and they continue further west into the Central Graben, to join with the gravity high of the Central North Sea.  相似文献   

The results of the U-Pb (SHRIMP-II secondary ion microprobe) study of zircons from the metamorphic, ultrametagenic, and metamorphosed plutonic rocks of the southeastern Aldan-Stanovoy shield are reported and their geological interpretation is given. The obtained dates represent mainly the timing of the rock transformation at the different stages of prograde and retrograde metamorphism, ultrametamorphism, magmatism, and tectonic dislocations, rather than the age of the rock formation. The age values were united into nine generalized groups corresponding to definite geological events, which, in turn, are correlated with tectonic and petrological events in the western parts of the Stanovoy granite-greenstone and Aldan granulite-gneiss domains.  相似文献   

变形岩石的显微构造与岩石圈流变学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘俊来 《地质通报》2004,23(9):980-985
岩石圈的流变学分析和岩石构造、显微构造证据揭示出大陆岩石圈具有显著的横向和纵向上的异向性,并具有明显的非板块表现.全面开展不同温度和压力条件下变形岩石的构造与显微构造分析,正确认识岩石圈不同层次上岩石的流变学规律、流动机理及其制约因素等,将成为后板块构造研究与新的岩石圈演化理论建立的基础和主要动力.岩石流动的宏观-微观尺度问题(岩石圈结构与流变性、边界弱化效应和岩石流变学与显微构造响应等)、岩石流动的时间问题(不同时间尺度岩石的流动性、实验室模拟与天然岩石流动的协调性、浅层岩石流动变形的有效定年等)、岩石流动的制约因素(内在的成分与结构、外在的物理与化学环境)将成为岩石圈流动与岩石变形显微构造研究的重要方面.现代化实验室建设和最新实验技术、手段的利用将成为解决上述科学问题的必要条件.  相似文献   

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