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The straight arc in the galaxy-cluster Abell 2390 is investigated in the framework of a gravitational lens model that invokes a single background source galaxy. An extended source galaxy at a redshift of 0.913 is being marginally lensed by the foreground X-ray cluster of galaxies at a redshift of 0.231. It is demonstrated that a single lensed galaxy lying on or very near to the lip caustic of the cluster lens is capable of reproducing the linear morphology with the observed breaks.  相似文献   

We perform a detailed analysis of the optical gravitational lens ER 0047–2808 imaged with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 on the Hubble Space Telescope . Using software specifically designed for the analysis of resolved gravitational lens systems, we focus on how the image alone can constrain the mass distribution in the lens galaxy. We find that the data are of sufficient quality to strongly constrain the lens model with no a priori assumptions about the source. Using a variety of mass models, we find statistically acceptable results for elliptical isothermal-like models with an Einstein radius of 1.17 arcsec. An elliptical power-law model  (Σ∝ R −β)  for the surface mass density favours a slope slightly steeper than isothermal with  β= 1.08 ± 0.03  . Other models including a constant mass-to-light ratio (M/L), pure Navarro, Frenk & White halo and (surprisingly) an isothermal sphere with external shear are ruled out by the data. We find the galaxy light profile can only be fit with a Sérsic plus point-source model. The resulting total  M/L B   contained within the images is  4.7  h 65± 0.3  . In addition, we find the luminous matter is aligned with the total mass distribution within a few degrees. This is the first time a resolved optical gravitational lens image has been quantitatively reproduced using a non-parametric source.
The source, reconstructed by the software, is revealed to have two bright regions, with an unresolved component inside the caustic and a resolved component straddling a fold caustic. The angular size of the entire source is ∼0.1 arcsec and its (unlensed) Lyα flux is  3 × 10−17 erg s−1 cm−2  .  相似文献   

The ultraluminous broad absorption line quasar APM 08279+5255 is one of the most luminous systems known. Here, we present an analysis of its nuclear  CO(1–0)  emission. Its extended distribution suggests that the gravitational lens in this system is highly elliptical, probably a highly inclined disc. The quasar core, however, lies in the vicinity of a naked cusp, indicating that APM 08279+5255 is truly the only odd-image gravitational lens. This source is the second system for which the gravitational lens can be used to study structure on sub-kiloparsec scales in the molecular gas associated with the AGN host galaxy. The observations and lens model require CO distributed on a scale of ∼400 pc. Using this scale, we find that the molecular gas mass makes a significant, and perhaps dominant, contribution to the total mass within a couple of hundred parsecs of the nucleus of APM 08279+5255.  相似文献   

The availability of a robust and efficient routine for calculating light curves of a finite source magnified due to bending of its light by the gravitational field of an intervening binary lens is essential for determining the characteristics of planets in such microlensing events, as well as for modelling stellar lens binaries and resolving the brightness profile of the source star. However, the presence of extended caustics, and the fact that the images of the source star cannot be determined analytically while their number depends on the source position (relative to the lens system), makes such a task difficult in general. Combining the advantages of several earlier approaches, an adaptive contouring algorithm is presented, which only relies on a small number of simple rules and operations on the adaptive search grid. By using the parametric representation of critical curves and caustics found by Erdl & Schneider, seed solutions to the adaptive grid are found, which ensures that no images or holes are missed.  相似文献   

We fit binary lens models to the data covering the initial part of real microlensing events in an attempt to predict the time of the second caustic crossing. We use approximations during the initial search through the parameter space for light curves that roughly match the observed ones. Exact methods for calculating the lens magnification of an extended source are used when we refine our best initial models. Our calculations show that the reliable prediction of the second crossing can only be made very late, when the light curve has risen appreciably after the minimum between the two caustic crossings. The best observational strategy is therefore to sample as frequently as possible once the light curve starts to rise after the minimum.  相似文献   

The light deviation caused by the gravitational potential in the vicinity of the sun could be used as a means of focussing radiation that cannot be focussed easily otherwise. The gravitational lens formed by the sun is not stigmatic, but does have the advantage of being achromatic and acts identically on all types of mass-less radiations. For a source at infinity, its geometrical characteristics present a “caustic” line starting at 550 astronomical units (UA) downstream from the sun. In a plane perpendicular to that caustic line, images of distant objects are formed.The perturbations by the solar corona plasma will significantly blur electromagnetic radiation for wavelengths longer than those of the IR domain. At shorter wavelengths, for example the γ domain, the focussing process could lead to 108 amplification factors. In order to reach the regions where images are formed, long distance space missions are necessary. Once launched, missions of this type would be dedicated to a single field. Some possible targets are considered, such as Sagitarius A observed in X and γ rays.In this paper we study the point spread function (PSF) of the sun as a gravitational lens. Taking into account perturbations by the planets, the non sphericity of the sun and coronal plasma index, we derive limits within which such observations could be possible.  相似文献   

The focussing of gravitational radiation by the interior and exterior gravitational field of a Newtonian gravitational lens is considered. A graphical method for determining the caustic structure of a Newtonian gravitational lens is presented and the caustic structure of a solar type gravitational lens is discussed. Estimates of the amplitude magnification in the caustic region indicate that waves with frequencies less than a critical cutoff frequency ω c are not amplified significantly. For a lens of massM this cutoff frequency is ω c ≈(10-1πM)-1; for the Sun ω c ≈104s-1. Work supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant PHY78-05368.  相似文献   

Detecting colour changes of a gravitational microlensing event induced by the limb-darkened extended source effect is important for obtaining useful information about both the lens and the source star. However, precise measurements of the colour changes are hampered by blending, which also causes colour changes of the event. In this paper, we show that although the colour change measured from the subtracted image by using the recently developed photometric method of the 'difference image analysis' (DIA) differs from the colour change measured by using the conventional method based on the extraction of the individual source stars' point spread functions, the curve of the colour changes (colour curve) constructed by using the DIA method enables one to obtain the same information about the lens and source star, but with significantly reduced uncertainties due to the absence of blending. We investigate the patterns of the DIA colour curves for both single lens and binary lens events by constructing colour change maps.  相似文献   

The possible corrections to the thermodynamic quantities of higher dimensional Schwa-rzschild black hole have been investigated by considering the generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) and the modified dispersion relation (MDR) separately. The quantum gravitational corrections to the Hawking temperature, energy and entropy of the black hole have been calculated based on both the GUP and the MDR analysis. The explicit form of the corrections are worked out up to the sixth power of the Planck length. The impacts of GUP and MDR have been used separately to obtain the quantum gravitational corrections to the Cardy-Verlinde (C-V) formula. It has been shown that the usual C-V entropy formula receives some new corrections. Also the renormalized form of the C-V formula has been introduced by redefining Virasoro operator and central charge within both the GUP and the MDR. Through comparison of the corrections obtained from GUP and MDR approaches it has been found that the results of these two alternative approaches should be identical if one uses the suitable expansion coefficients.  相似文献   

Despite expanding research activity in gravitational lens modeling, there is no particular software which is considered a standard. Much of the gravitational lens modeling software is written by individual investigators for their own use. Some gravitational lens modeling software is freely available for download but is widely variable with regard to ease of use and quality of documentation. This review of 13 software packages was undertaken to provide a single source of information. Gravitational lens models are classified as parametric models or non-parametric models, and can be further divided into research and educational software. Software used in research includes the GRAVLENS package (with both gravlens and lensmodel), Lenstool, LensPerfect, glafic, PixeLens, SimpLens, Lensview, and GRALE. In this review, GravLensHD, G-Lens, Gravitational Lensing, lens and MOWGLI are categorized as educational programs that are useful for demonstrating various aspects of lensing. Each of the 13 software packages is reviewed with regard to software features (installation, documentation, files provided, etc.) and lensing features (type of model, input data, output data, etc.) as well as a brief review of studies where they have been used. Recent studies have demonstrated the utility of strong gravitational lensing data for mass mapping, and suggest increased use of these techniques in the future. Coupled with the advent of greatly improved imaging, new approaches to modeling of strong gravitational lens systems are needed. This is the first systematic review of strong gravitational lens modeling software, providing investigators with a starting point for future software development to further advance gravitational lens modeling research.  相似文献   

The key to using a strong gravitational lens system to measure the Hubble constant is to obtain an accurate model of the lens potential. In this paper, we investigate the properties of gravitational lens B1608+656, a quadruply imaged lens system with an extended source intensity distribution. Our analysis is valid for generic quadruply lensed systems. Limit curves and isophotal separatrices are defined for such systems, and we show that the isophotal separatrices must intersect at the critical curves and the satellite isophotes must be tangent to the limit curves. The most recent model of B1608+656 by Koopmans et al. satisfies these criteria for some, but not all, of the isophotal separatrices within the observational uncertainty. We study a non-parametric method of potential reconstruction proposed by Blandford, Surpi & Kundic and demonstrate that although the method works in principle and elucidates image formation, the initial potential only converges to the true model when it is within ∼1 per cent of the true model.  相似文献   

Gravitational lensing provides a unique and powerful probe of the mass distributions of distant galaxies. Four-image lens systems with fold and cusp configurations have two or three bright images near a critical point. Within the framework of singularity theory, we derive analytic relations that are satisfied for a light source that lies a small but finite distance from the astroid caustic of a four-image lens. Using a perturbative expansion of the image positions, we show that the time delay between the close pair of images in a fold lens scales with the cube of the image separation, with a constant of proportionality that depends on a particular third derivative of the lens potential. We also apply our formalism to cusp lenses, where we develop perturbative expressions for the image positions, magnifications and time delays of the images in a cusp triplet. Some of these results were derived previously for a source asymptotically close to a cusp point, but using a simplified form of the lens equation whose validity may be in doubt for sources that lie at astrophysically relevant distances from the caustic. Along with the work of Keeton, Gaudi & Petters, this paper demonstrates that perturbation theory plays an important role in theoretical lensing studies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the colour changes of gravitational microlensing events caused by the two different mechanisms of differential amplification for a limb-darkened extended source and blending. From this investigation, we find that the colour changes of limb-darkened extended source events (colour curves) have dramatically different characteristics depending on whether the lens transits the source star or not. We show that for a source transit event, the lens proper motion can be determined by simply measuring the turning time of the colour curve instead of fitting the overall colour or light curves. We also find that even for a very small fraction of blended light, the colour changes induced by blending are equivalent to those induced by limb darkening, causing serious distortion in the observed colour curve. Therefore, to obtain useful information about the lens and source star from the colour curve of an event, it will be essential to correct for blending. We discuss various methods of blending correction .  相似文献   

We study analytically a gravitational lens due to a deformed star, which is modelled by using a monopole and a quadrupole moment. Positions of the images are discussed for a source on the principal axis. We present explicit expressions for the lens equation for this gravitational lens as a single real 10th-order algebraic equation. Furthermore, we compute an expression for the caustics as a discriminant for the polynomial. Another simple parametric representation of the caustics is also presented in a more tractable form. A simple expression for the critical curves is obtained to clarify a topological feature of the critical curves; the curves are simply connected if and only if the distortion is sufficiently large.  相似文献   

引力透镜效应是探测星系团物质分布的有效方法之一.目前,利用引力透镜数据重构星系团质量分布的主流方法可以分为两大类,即参数法和非参数法.在实际研究工作中,受限于质量模型假设和计算分辨率等方面的影响,现有的重构算法仍有诸多亟需解决的问题.基于Shapelets基函数的引力透镜质量重构方法通过基函数来实现引力透镜质量重构,使用Shapelets基函数分解引力透镜势,以引力透镜中多重像的位置和背景星系椭率畸变为限制条件来迭代求解基函数系数从而得到透镜体的质量分布.通过拟合一个模拟的NFW (Navarro,Frenk and White)透镜系统测试了新方法的可行性,结果表明新方法可以在整体上重构出透镜体的质量分布,并拟合出接近真实的源位置,能够为星系团质量测量提供一套灵活且高效的重构算法.  相似文献   

We have studied the science rationale, goals and requirements for a mission aimed at using the gravitational lensing from the Sun as a way of achieving high angular resolution and high signal amplification. We find that such a mission concept is compromised by several practical problems. Most severe are the effects due to the plasma in the solar atmosphere which cause refraction and scattering of the propagating rays. These effects either limit the frequencies that can be observed to those above ∼1 THz, or they move the optical point outwards beyond the vacuum value of ≥550 au. (Thus for observing frequency of 300 GHz the optical point is moved outwards to ∼ 680 au.) Density fluctuations in the inner solar atmosphere will further cause random pathlength differences for different rays. The corrections for the radiation from the Sun itself will also be a major challenge at any wavelength used, but could be mitigated with coronographic techniques. Given reasonable constraints on the spacecraft (particularly in terms of size and propulsion), source selection as well as severe navigational constraints further add to the difficulties for a potential mission. Nevertheless, unbiased surveys of small-scale structure on the sky at short wavelengths might be the most promising application of such a mission.  相似文献   

Detection of caustic crossings of binary-lens gravitational microlensing events is important because by detecting them one can obtain useful information about both the lens and the source star. In this paper, we compute the distribution of the intervals between two successive caustic crossings, f ( t cc), for Galactic bulge binary-lens events to investigate the observational strategy for the optimal detection and resolution of caustic crossings. From this computation, we find that the distribution is highly skewed towards short t cc and peaks at t cc∼1.5 d. For the maximal detection of caustic crossings, therefore, prompt initiation of follow-up observations for intensive monitoring of events will be important. We estimate that, under the strategy of the current follow-up observations with a second caustic-crossing preparation time of ∼2 d, the fraction of events with resolvable caustic crossing is ∼80 per cent. We find that if the follow-up observations can be initiated within 1 d after the first caustic crossing by adopting more aggressive observational strategies, the detection rate can be improved to ∼90 per cent.  相似文献   

Galaxies acting as gravitational lenses are surrounded by, at most, a handful of images. This apparent paucity of information forces one to make the best possible use of what information is available to invert the lens system. In this paper, we explore the use of a genetic algorithm to invert in a non-parametric way strong lensing systems containing only a small number of images. Perhaps the most important conclusion of this paper is that it is possible to infer the mass distribution of such gravitational lens systems using a non-parametric technique. We show that including information about the null space (i.e. the region where no images are found) is prerequisite to avoid the prediction of a large number of spurious images, and to reliably reconstruct the lens mass density. While the total mass of the lens is usually constrained within a few per cent, the fidelity of the reconstruction of the lens mass distribution depends on the number and position of the images. The technique employed to include null space information can be extended in a straightforward way to add additional constraints, such as weak-lensing data or time-delay information.  相似文献   

We present a non-parametric technique to infer the projected mass distribution of a gravitational lens system with multiple strong-lensed images. The technique involves a dynamic grid in the lens plane on which the mass distribution of the lens is approximated by a sum of basis functions, one per grid cell. We used the projected mass densities of Plummer spheres as basis functions. A genetic algorithm then determines the mass distribution of the lens by forcing images of a single source, projected back on to the source plane, to coincide as well as possible. Averaging several tens of solutions removes the random fluctuations that are introduced by the reproduction process of genomes in the genetic algorithm and highlights those features common to all solutions. Given the positions of the images and the redshifts of the sources and the lens, we show that the mass of a gravitational lens can be retrieved with an accuracy of a few percent and that, if the sources sufficiently cover the caustics, the mass distribution of the gravitational lens can also be reliably retrieved. A major advantage of the algorithm is that it makes full use of the information contained in the radial images, unlike methods that minimize the residuals of the lens equation, and is thus able to accurately reconstruct also the inner parts of the lens.  相似文献   

In recent years, it has been shown that microlensing is a powerful tool for examining the atmospheres of stars in the Galactic bulge and Magellanic Clouds. The high gradient of magnification across the source during both small impact parameter events and caustic crossings offers a unique opportunity for determining the surface brightness profile of the source. Furthermore, models indicate that these events can also provide an appreciable polarization signal: arising from differential magnification across the otherwise symmetric source. Earlier work has addressed the signal from a scattering photosphere for both point mass lenses and caustic crossings. In a previous paper, polarimetric variations from point lensing of a circumstellar envelope were considered, as would be suitable for an extended envelope around a red giant. In this work, we examine the polarization in the context of caustic crossing events, the scenario that represents the most easily accessible situation for actually observing a polarization signal in Galactic microlensing. Furthermore, we present an analysis of the effectiveness of using the polarimetric data to determine the envelope properties, illustrating the potential of employing polarimetry in addition to photometry and spectroscopy with microlensing follow-up campaigns.  相似文献   

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