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Temperature measurements of hydrothermal vent fluids provide an important indicator of the physical and chemical state of mid-ocean ridge crest hydrothermal and magmatic systems. Changes in vent fluid temperature and chemistry can have dramatic effects on biological communities that inhabit these unique ecosystems. In an attempt to understand temporal variability of ridge crest hydrothermal activity as it relates to geological processes at the ridge axis, six high-temperature hydrothermal vents on the East Pacific Rise crest between 9°49′N and 9°51′N were instrumented and sampled repeatedly during five years following a submarine volcanic eruption in 1991. Bio9 vent, located on the floor of the axial trough near 9°50.2′N, has the most complete record of fluid temperatures from 1991 to 1997, including a continuous temperature record of nearly three years (1994–1997). Bio9 vent fluids were 368°C in 1991, increased to an estimated temperature ≥388°C after a second volcanic event in 1992, and thereafter declined over the next 2 years reaching a temperature of 365°C in December 1993. Continuous temperature records and point measurements made by Alvin's thermocouple probe show Bio9 vent fluids were stable for 15 months at 365±1°C, until March 26, 1995. On March 26, an abrupt 7°C increase occurred over a period of eight days at this vent, and a maximum temperature of 372±1°C persisted for 14 days. The vent fluid cooled gradually over 3.5 months to 366±1°C, and for several months at the end of the recording period the temperature increased a few degrees. A continuous record of fluid temperature at this vent between November 1995 and November 1997 shows a 5±1°C increase for the two-year period. The abrupt temperature increase at Bio9 vent, and coincident changes in faunal community structure, and geochemistry of vent fluids from this area suggest that a crustal event occurred, either in the form of a cracking front in the crust or intrusion of a small dike. Based on the results of a microseismicity experiment conducted around the Bio9 vent in 1995 [Sohn et al., Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 78 (1997) F647; Sohn et al., Nature (in press)], and the identification of a small earthquake swarm which occurred on March 22, 1995 we conclude that the temperature anomaly measured at Bio9 four days following the swarm was caused by a cracking front penetrating into hot crustal rocks beneath the vent.  相似文献   

We report results from an investigation of the geologic processes controlling hydrothermal activity along the previously-unstudied southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (3–7°S). Our study employed the NOC (UK) deep-tow sidescan sonar instrument, TOBI, in concert with the WHOI (USA) autonomous underwater vehicle, ABE, to collect information concerning hydrothermal plume distributions in the water column co-registered with geologic investigations of the underlying seafloor. Two areas of high-temperature hydrothermal venting were identified. The first was situated in a non-transform discontinuity (NTD) between two adjacent second-order ridge-segments near 4°02′S, distant from any neovolcanic activity. This geologic setting is very similar to that of the ultramafic-hosted and tectonically-controlled Rainbow vent-site on the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The second site was located at 4°48′S at the axial-summit centre of a second-order ridge-segment. There, high-temperature venting is hosted in an  18 km2 area of young lava flows which in some cases are observed to have flowed over and engulfed pre-existing chemosynthetic vent-fauna. In both appearance and extent, these lava flows are directly reminiscent of those emplaced in Winter 2005−06 at the East Pacific Rise, 9°50′N and reference to global seismic catalogues reveals that a swarm of large (M 4.6−5.6) seismic events was centred on the 5°S segment over a  24 h period in late June 2002, perhaps indicating the precise timing of this volcanic eruptive episode. Temperature measurements at one of the vents found directly adjacent to the fresh lava flows at 5°S MAR (Turtle Pits) have subsequently revealed vent-fluids that are actively phase separating under conditions very close to the Critical Point for seawater, at  3000 m depth and 407 °C: the hottest vent-fluids yet reported from anywhere along the global ridge crest.  相似文献   

In the Seventh cruise of R/V “Professor Logatchev” anomalies of natural electric field (EF), Eh and pS were discovered using a towed instrument package (RIFT) at 14°45′N on the MAR (Logatchev hydrothermal field). The anomalous zone (AZ) is situated close (10–35 m) to two low-temperature venting areas of degrading sulphides and a black smoker (Irina-Microsmoke) forming a distinct buoyant plume. Over or close to the main area of high-temperature venting situated to the south-east from the AZ, no EF or Eh anomalies were observed. According to the results of Mir dives the highly mineralised solutions from smoking craters at the main mound mostly form non-buoyant plumes (reverse-plumes). The buoyant plume structure shows the differentiation of the electrical and Eh fields within the plume. Maxima of the EF, Eh and EH2S anomalies were revealed in the lower part (15 m) of the plume. The negative redox potential plume coupled with a sulphide anomaly is more localized in comparison with the EF. This observation indicates a distinct change in the composition of buoyant plume water, which may be due to the formation and fallout of early formed Fe sulphide particles soon after venting.  相似文献   

We report new trace element data for an extensive suite of quench basalt glasses dredged from the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) between 40°S and 52.5°S. Ratios between highly incompatible trace elements are strongly correlated and indicate a systematic distribution of incompatible element enriched mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) (E-type: Zr/Nb=5.9-19, Y/Nb=0.9-8.4, (La/Sm)n=1.0-2.9) and incompatible element depleted MORB (N-type: Zr/Nb=30-69, Y/Nb=11-29, (La/Sm)n=0.48-0.79) along this section of the southern MAR. A notable feature of N-type MORB from the region is the higher than usual Ba/Nb (4-9), La/Nb (1.2-2.4) and primitive mantle normalised K/Nb ratios (>1). Ba/Nb ratios in E-type MORB samples from 47.5 to 49°S are especially elevated (>10). The occurrence and geographic distribution of E-type MORB along this section of the southern MAR can be correlated with the ridge-centred Shona and off-axis Discovery mantle plumes. In conjunction with published isotope data for a subset of the same sample suite [Douglass et al., J. Geophys. Res. 104 (1999) 2941], a model is developed whereby prior to the breakup of Gondwana and the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, the underlying asthenospheric mantle was locally contaminated by fluids/melts rising from the major Mesozoic subduction zone along the south-southwest boundary of Gondwana, leaving a subduction zone geochemical imprint (elevated (K/Nb)n and 87Sr/86Sr ratios, decreased 143Nd/144Nd ratios). Subsequent impingement of three major mantle plume heads (Tristan/Gough, Discovery, Shona) resulted in heating and thermal erosion of the lowermost subcontinental lithosphere and dispersal into the convecting asthenospheric mantle. With the opening of the ocean basin, continued plume upwelling led to plume-ridge interactions and mixing between geochemically enriched mantle derived from the Shona and Discovery mantle plumes, material derived from delamination of the subcontinental lithosphere, and mildly subduction zone contaminated depleted asthenospheric mantle.  相似文献   

We report a comprehensive morphological, gravity and magnetic survey of the oblique- and slow-spreading Reykjanes Ridge near the Iceland mantle plume. The survey extends from 57.9°N to 62.1°N and from the spreading axis to between 30 km (3 Ma) and 100 km (10 Ma) off-axis; it includes 100 km of one arm of a diachronous ‘V-shaped' or ‘chevron' ridge. Observed isochrons are extremely linear and 28° oblique to the spreading normal with no significant offsets. Along-axis there are ubiquitous, en-echelon axial volcanic ridges (AVRs), sub-normal to the spreading direction, with average spacing of 14 km and overlap of about one third of their lengths. Relict AVRs occur off-axis, but are most obvious where there has been least axial faulting, suggesting that elsewhere they are rapidly eroded tectonically. AVRs maintain similar plan views but have reduced heights nearer Iceland. They are flanked by normal faults sub-parallel to the ridge axis, the innermost of which occur slightly closer to the axis towards Iceland, suggesting a gradual reduction of the effective lithospheric thickness there. Generally, the amplitude of faulting decreases towards Iceland. We interpret this pattern of AVRs and faults as the response of the lithosphere to oblique spreading, as suggested by theory and physical modelling. An axial, 10–15 km wide zone of high acoustic backscatter marks the most recent volcanic activity. The zone's width is independent of the presence of a median valley, so axial volcanism is not primarily delimited by median valley walls, but is probably controlled by the lateral distance that the oblique AVRs can propagate into off-axis lithosphere. The mantle Bouguer anomaly (MBA) exhibits little mid- to short-wavelength variation above a few milliGals, and along-axis variations are small compared with other parts of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Nevertheless, there are small axial deeps and MBA highs spaced some 130 km along-axis that may represent subdued third-order segment boundaries. They lack coherent off-axis traces and cannot be linked to Oligocene fracture zones on the ridge flanks. The surveyed chevron ridge is morphologically discontinuous, comprising several parallel bands of closely spaced, elevated blocks. These reflect the surrounding tectonic fabric but have higher fault scarps. There is no evidence for off-axis volcanism or greater abundance of seamounts on the chevron. Free-air gravity over it is greater than expected from the observed bathymetry, suggesting compensation via regional rather than pointwise isostasy. Most of the observed variation along the ridge can be ascribed to varying distance from the mantle plume, reflecting changes in mantle temperature and consequently in crustal thickness and lithospheric strength. However, a second-order variation is superimposed. In particular, between 59°30′N and 61°30′N there is a minimum of large-scale faulting and crustal magnetisation, maximum density of seamounts, and maximum axial free-air gravity high. To the north the scale of faulting increases slightly, seamounts are less common, and there is a relative axial free-air low. We interpret the 59°30′N to 61°30′N region as where the latest chevron ridge intersects the Reykjanes Ridge axis, and suggest that the morphological changes that culminate there reflect a local temperature high associated with a transient pulse of high plume output at its apex.  相似文献   

Helium, neon and argon isotope compositions of fluid inclusions have been measured in hydrothermal sulfide samples from the TAG hydrothermal field at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Fluid-inclusion3He/4He ratios are 2.2—13.3 times the air value (Ra), and with a mean of 7.2 Ra. Comparison with the local vent fluids (3He/4He=7.5—8.2 Ra) and mid-ocean ridge basalt values (3He/4He=6—11 Ra) shows that the variation range of3He/4He ratios from sulfide-hosted fluid inclusions is significantly large. Values for20Ne/22Ne are from 10.2 to 11.4, which are significantly higher than the atmospheric ratio (9.8). And fluid-inclusion40Ar/36Ar ratios range from 287 to 359, which are close to the atmospheric values (295.5). These results indicate that the noble gases of fluid inclusions in hydrothermal sulfides are a mixture of mantle- and seawater-derived noble gases; the partial mantle-derived components of trapped hydrothermal fluids may be from the lower mantle; the helium of fluid inclusions is mainly from upper mantle; and the Ne and Ar components are mainly from seawater.  相似文献   

We present multichannel seismic reflection data collected over the Atlantis megamullion, at the eastern ridge-transform intersection of Atlantis fracture zone on the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and over its conjugate crust. These data image for the first time the internal structure of a young, well-developed megamullion dome formed by tectonic extension across a long-lived oceanic detachment fault. The exposed, corrugated detachment-fault surface exhibits a sharp, coherent reflection that contrasts with less organized reflectivity of surrounding basaltic seafloor. At the termination of the megamullion the fault is imaged ∼13 km along-strike beneath a volcanic hanging-wall block at a sub-seafloor depth of 0.2-0.5 s two-way travel time, reaching north as far as 30°19′N. The eastward dipping of the fault beneath the hanging-wall block is estimated to be ∼6-14°. The corrugated fault surface is underlain by a continuous, strong, and relatively smooth reflection (D) at 0.2-0.25 s sub-bottom below the central axis of the dome. This reflection deepens up to 0.6 s sub-bottom beneath the western slope and it appears to intersect the seafloor on the eastern slope. We suggest that Atlantis massif formed by sequential slip on two different detachment faults that merged at depth, with breakaways as little as ∼2 km apart. The initial detachment is represented by reflection D, and the second corresponds to the presently exposed fault surface. In this interpretation, much of the sliver between the faults is interpreted to be strongly serpentinized peridotite with reduced seismic velocity; it lies in contact with less altered, higher-velocity mantle below the first detachment, resulting in the strong, smooth character of reflection D. Mantle rocks exposed in the megamullion indicate that the feature formed during a period of extreme tectonic extension and probably limited magmatism. In conjugate crust corresponding to termination of the megamullion, observed sub-bottom reflections are interpreted as base of seismic layer 2A. This layer is as thick as or thicker (∼570-900 m) than layer 2A in normal Atlantic crust, and it suggests that relatively normal crustal accretion occurred by the time the megamullion stopped forming.  相似文献   

Submersible observations and sampling were carried out in the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) near 34°40′N–35°N. The 4-km-wide rift valley consists of a Neo Volcanic Zone (NVZ) (<1 km wide) bounded at the west by a Median Ridge (MR) (5 km wide and 20 km long) and at the east by the first scarps of the eastern wall. The MR and the eastern wall are characterized by volcanic cones about 200–300 m height culminating at depths of 1500–1900 m which are made up of volcaniclastic deposits (pyroclasts and hyaloclasts) suggestive of explosive volcanism. Based on their surface morphology, degree of vesicularity, and composition, the erupted deposits are classified into four groups: (1) poorly vesicular (<15% vesicles) N- and T-MORBs (K/Ti <0.25, Na2O+K2O<2.9%) consisting of sheet flows and pillows formed during fissure eruptions in the NVZ at 2000–2300 m depths; (2) vesicular (15–30% vesicles) E-MORBs (K/Ti=0.25−0.45,Na2O+K2O>2.8−3.2%) and alkali basalts (K/Ti=0.45−0.70,Na2O+K2O>3.3−4) made up mainly of pillows; (3) highly vesicular (>35% vesicles) pillow lava and pyroclastic (scoria-like) alkali basalts (K/Ti>0.45−0.80,Na2O+K2O>3−4%); and (4) hyaloclastites consisting of glassy shards of alkali basalt composition. The total water and carbon contents of the deposits increase with the incompatible element concentrations. The estimated initial H2O content for the N- and T-MORBs is less than 3500 ppm, whereas for the E-MORBs and alkali basalts the H2O content is near 4000 and 7000 ppm, respectively. While the H2O is mainly in the melt, the carbon is in the form of CO2 filling vesicles. The vesicles are formed from magma with an initial carbon content of 1000–3000 for the N- and T-MORBs, 3000–6500 ppm for the E-MORBs and higher than 1 wt% for the alkali basalts.The various lava types were derived from a heterogeneous mantle source composed of enriched and depleted components during sequential eruptions of N-, T- and E-MORBs and alkali basalts (K/Ti>0.7). The amount of CO2 and H2O in equilibrium with the dissolved species present in the vesicles indicates that CO2 (XCO2=1−0.84) was the main exsolved compound responsible for bubble nucleation. The increase in the degree of vesicularity and pressure of the volatile phases is mainly due to the early exsolution of CO2 from an alkali melt. The exsolution of significant amounts of dissolved water occurred only for the alkali basalt a few hundred meters beneath the seafloor and contributed to late bubble expansion. This subsequent addition of magmatic water to the vesicles increased the gas pressure and triggered explosions. An alternative hypothesis for the explosive volcanism is based on field observations. During crater collapsed, seawater could have been trapped in fractured volcanic conduits and later sealed by hydrothermal fluid circulation and precipitation. In such an environment, this seawater will be heated and vaporized during renewed magmatic upwelling. Both scenarios give rise to fragmented debris (hyaloclasts and pyroclasts) and the explosive events create turbulent flows followed by differential gravity settling of the particles (shards versus lapilli) through the seawater.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal emission of mantle helium appears to be directly related to magma production rate, but other processes can generate methane and hydrogen on mid-ocean ridges. In an on-going effort to characterize these processes in the South Atlantic, the flux and distribution of these gases were investigated in the vicinity of a powerful black smoker recently discovered at 8°17.9' S, 13°30.4' W. The vent lies on the shoulder of an oblique offset in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and discharges high concentrations of methane and hydrogen. Measurements during expeditions in 2004 and 2006 show that the ratio of CH4 to 3He in the neutrally buoyant plume is quite high, 4 × 108. The CTD stations were accompanied by velocity measurements with lowered acoustic Doppler current profilers (LADCP), and from these data we estimate the methane transport to have been 0.5 mol s− 1 in a WSW-trending plume that seems to develop during the ebb tidal phase. This transport is an order of magnitude greater than the source of CH4 calculated from its concentration in the vent fluid and the rise height of the plume. From this range of methane fluxes, the source of 3He is estimated to be between 0.14 and 1.2 nmol s− 1. In either case, the 3He source is significantly lower than expected from the spreading rate of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. From the inventory of methane in the rift valley adjacent to the vent, it appears that the average specific rate of oxidation is 2.6 to 23 yr− 1, corresponding to a turnover time between 140 and 16 days. Vertical profiles of methane in the surrounding region often exhibited Gaussian-like distributions, and the variances appear to increase with distance from the vent. Using a Gaussian plume model, we obtained a range of vertical eddy diffusivities between 0.009 and 0.08 m2m2 s− 1. These high values may be due to tidally driven internal waves across the promontory on which the vent is located.  相似文献   

Bathymetry, gravity and deep-tow sonar image data are used to define the segmentation of a 400 km long portion of the ultraslow-spreading Knipovich Ridge in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Discrete volcanic centers marked by large volcanic constructions and accompanying short wavelength mantle Bouguer anomaly (MBA) lows generally resemble those of the Gakkel Ridge and the easternmost Southwest Indian Ridge. These magmatically robust segment centers are regularly spaced about 85-100 km apart along the ridge, and are characterized by accumulated hummocky terrain, high relief, off-axis seamount chains and significant MBA lows. We suggest that these eruptive centers correspond to areas of enhanced magma flux, and that their spacing reflects the geometry of underlying mantle upwelling cells. The large-scale thermal structure of the mantle primarily controls discrete and focused magmatism, and the relatively wide spacing of these segments may reflect cool mantle beneath the ridge. Segment centers along the southern Knipovich Ridge are characterized by lower relief and smaller MBA anomalies than along the northern section of the ridge. This suggests that ridge obliquity is a secondary control on ridge construction on the Knipovich Ridge, as the obliquity changes from 35° to 49° from north to south, respectively, while spreading rate and axial depth remain approximately constant. The increased obliquity may contribute to decreased effective spreading rates, lower upwelling magma velocity and melt formation, and limited horizontal dike propagation near the surface. We also identify small, magmatically weaker segments with low relief, little or no MBA anomaly, and no off-axis expression. We suggest that these segments are either fed by lateral melt migration from adjacent magmatically stronger segments or represent smaller, discrete mantle upwelling centers with short-lived melt supply.  相似文献   

The roadcuts of Belize's Mountain Pine Ridge feature numerous coarsely textured earth pillars less than 10 cm in height. Preferential impregnation of iron occurs over a buried pebble resulting in a dripline. The higher concentration of iron along the buried pebble's dripline is later oxidized and exposed to the surface by rainsplash erosion. For slopes greater than five degrees, the intensity of sheetwash erosion is great enough to remove pillars. Earth pillar genesis thus seems a function of laterization, slope angle, and sheetwash intensity.  相似文献   

The Main Endeavour Field, northern Juan de Fuca Ridge, experienced intense seismic activity in June 1999. Hydrothermal vent fluids were collected from sulfide structures in September 1999 and July 2000 and analyzed for the abundance of H2, H2S, CH4, CO2, NH3, Mg and Cl to document temporal and spatial changes following the earthquakes. Dissolved concentrations of CO2, H2, and H2S increased dramatically in the September 1999 samples relative to pre-earthquake abundances, and subsequently decreased during the following year. In contrast, dissolved NH3 and CH4 concentrations in 1999 and 2000 were similar to or less than pre-earthquake values. Aqueous Cl abundances showed large decreases immediately following the earthquakes followed by increases to near pre-earthquake values. The abundances of volatile species at the Main Endeavour Field were characterized by strong inverse correlations with chlorinity. Phase separation can account for 20-50% enrichments of CO2, CH4, and NH3 in low-chlorinity fluids, while temperature- and pressure-dependent fluid-mineral equilibria at near-critical conditions are responsible for order of magnitude greater enrichments in dissolved H2S and H2. The systematic variation of dissolved gas concentrations with chlorinity likely reflects mixing of a low-chlorinity volatile-enriched vapor generated by supercritical phase separation with a cooler gas-poor hydrothermal fluid of seawater chlorinity. Decreased abundances of sediment-derived NH3 and CH4 in 1999 indicate an earthquake-induced change in subsurface hydrology. Elevated CO2 abundances in vent fluids collected in September 1999 provide evidence that supports a magmatic origin for the earthquakes. Temperature-salinity relationships are consistent with intrusion of a shallow dike and suggest that the earthquakes were associated with movement of magma beneath the ridge crest. These data demonstrate the large and rapid response of chemical fluxes at mid-ocean ridges to magmatic activity and associated changes in subsurface temperature and pressure.  相似文献   

Hydrate Ridge is located at the second accretion-ary ridge along the Cascadia margin of Oregon in the eastern North Pacific (fig. 1). The Bottom Simulating Reflector (BSR) underlies the entire Hydrate Ridge[1]. The Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) in 1992 at Site 892 and the TECFLUX99 and 2000 showed that the gas hydrate occurs just beneath the thin sediment- covered surface and at the horizon of around 64 meter below seafloor (mbsf) on Hydrate Ridge[25]. The col-lision of the Juan de …  相似文献   

During August 1994 to March 1995, a period that included ODP Leg 158 drilling, bottom-water and sub-bottom temperatures were continuously logged by a long-term temperature monitoring system ‘Daibutsu’ at the base of the central black-smoker complex (CBC) and within the low heat flow zone at the TAG hydrothermal mound on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The temperature of hydrothermal fluid at CBC was also measured with a small high-temperature probe ‘Hobo’. Bottom-water temperature variations measured with Daibutsu at both sites have predominant semi-diurnal periods, causing the sub-bottom temperatures to fluctuate at these periods with reduced amplitudes and phase delays at sub-bottom depths. Seawater entrainment into the mound has been previously suggested at the low heat flow zone. We quantitatively evaluate the seawater entrainment rate at both sites from a one-dimensional numerical model, combined with a heat conduction model for the semi-diurnal variations. The entrainment rate of seawater at the base of CBC is estimated as 1.3±0.5×10−5 m/s, at least from August 17 to 30, 1994. On the other hand, the seawater entrainment rate at the low heat flow zone was undetected by long-term temperature monitoring at shallow sub-bottom depth. Nevertheless an increase in heat flow observed at the low heat flow zone during ODP drilling can be interpreted as a decrease in the entrainment rate of seawater. Before ODP Leg 158, Daibutsu measured three sub-bottom temperature anomalies at the base of CBC not derived from bottom-water temperature variations and Hobo also detected a CBC fluid temperature anomaly, indicating some natural changes in fluid flow within the mound. Daibutsu and Hobo also measured temperature anomalies during and after drilling at the ODP TAG-1 area. The Hobo temperature anomalies are inferred to have occurred when the cold fluid entrained through the drill holes at TAG-1 site reached or cooled the main fluid path to CBC. The entrained seawater through the drill holes appears to have contributed to dissolution and precipitation of anhydrite within the mound and perhaps affected the local permeability structure inside the mound. The temperature anomalies measured with Daibutsu at the base of CBC may have been induced by the change in the fluid flow pattern as a result of such permeability changes within the mound.  相似文献   

Deep CTD/transmissometer tows and water bottle sampling were used during 1985 to map the regional distribution of the neutrally-buoyant plumes emanating from each of two major vent fields on the Southern Symmetrical Segment (SSS) and Endeavour Segment (ES) of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. At both vent fields, emissions from point and diffuse hydrothermal sources coalesced into a single 200-m-thick plume elongated in the direction of current flow and with characteristic temperature anomalies of 0.02–0.05°C and light-attenuation anomalies of 0.01–0.08 m−1 (10–80 μg/l above background). Temperature anomalies in the core of each plume were uniform as far downcurrent as the plumes were mapped (10–15 km). Downcurrent light-attenuation trends were non-uniform and differed between plumes, apparently because different vent fluid chemistries at each field cause significant differences in the settling characteristics of the hydrothermal precipitates. Vent fluids from the SSS are metal-dominated and mostly precipitate very fine-grained hydrous Fe-oxides that remain suspended in the plume. Vent fluids from the ES are sulfur-dominated and precipitate a high proportion of coarser-grained Fe-sulfides that rapidly settle from the plume. The integrated flux of each vent field was estimated from measurements of the advective transport of each plume. Heat flux was 1700 ± 1100 MW from the ES and 580 ± 351 MW from the SSS. Particle flux varied from 546 ± 312 g/s to 204 ± 116 g/s at the ES depending on distance from the vent field, and was 92 ± 48 g/s from the SSS.  相似文献   

Water-column surveys by combined nephelometer/CTD (NCTD) tows contributed to the 1985 discovery of the first black smokers on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Subsequent regional water-column mapping has helped define the extent, mass and interactions of the suspended particulate matter phase (SPM) of the hydrothermal plumes emanating from the known and other nearby sources. The results of 29 NCTD cast/tows, covering 25–30 km2 of ridge segment, indicate the presence of as many as two additional sources based on SPM concentration gradients and plume-top doming over source areas. Plume doming, documented here for the first time from field observations, conforms strikingly with laboratory experiments and can serve as a marker for source field location. A comparison of the plumes' SPM with potential temperature and salinity distributions indicates close correlation in water-column anomaly patterns for each, confirming modification of the regional potential temperature and salinity structure by hydrothermal plumes, which is expressed by wide separation and sloping of isotherms and isohalines.  相似文献   

The Kuoerzhenkuola gold field (including the Kuo- erzhenkuola and the Buerkesidai gold deposits), lo- cated 68 km east of Jimunai County in northern Xing- jiang, China, is an important component of the Sawuer gold belt which is the eastward extending part of the Zarma-Sawur gold-copper belt in Kazakhstan. Some studies are concerned with the geology of the gold ores[1―3], the associated volcanic rocks[4], radiogenic isotope[5―8], and the ore-forming environment[8]. Most researchers inferr…  相似文献   

The edifice of Mount Rainier, an active stratovolcano, has episodically collapsed leading to major debris flows. The largest debris flows are related to argillically altered rock which leave areas of the edifice prone to failure. The argillic alteration results from the neutralization of acidic magmatic gases that condense in a meteoric water hydrothermal system fed by the melting of a thick mantle of glacial ice. Two craters atop a 2000-year-old cone on the summit of the volcano contain the world's largest volcanic ice-cave system. In the spring of 1997 two active fumaroles (T=62°C) in the caves were sampled for stable isotopic, gas, and geochemical studies.Stable isotope data on fumarole condensates show significant excess deuterium with calculated δD and δ18O values (−234 and −33.2‰, respectively) for the vapor that are consistent with an origin as secondary steam from a shallow water table which has been heated by underlying magmatic–hydrothermal steam. Between 1982 and 1997, δD of the fumarole vapor may have decreased by 30‰.The compositions of fumarole gases vary in time and space but typically consist of air components slightly modified by their solubilities in water and additions of CO2 and CH4. The elevated CO2 contents (δ13CCO2=−11.8±0.7‰), with spikes of over 10,000 ppm, require the episodic addition of magmatic components into the underlying hydrothermal system. Although only traces of H2S were detected in the fumaroles, most notably in a sample which had an air δ13CCO2 signature (−8.8‰), incrustations around a dormant vent containing small amounts of acid sulfate minerals (natroalunite, minamiite, and woodhouseite) indicate higher H2S (or possibly SO2) concentrations in past fumarolic gases.Condensate samples from fumaroles are very dilute, slightly acidic, and enriched in elements observed in the much higher temperature fumaroles at Mount St. Helens (K and Na up to the ppm level; metals such as Al, Pb, Zn Fe and Mn up to the ppb level and volatiles such as Cl, S, and F up to the ppb level).The data indicate that the hydrothermal system in the edifice at Mount Rainier consists of meteoric water reservoirs, which receive gas and steam from an underlying magmatic system. At present the magmatic system is largely flooded by the meteoric water system. However, magmatic components have episodically vented at the surface as witnessed by the mineralogy of incrustations around inactive vents and gas compositions in the active fumaroles. The composition of fumarole gases during magmatic degassing is distinct and, if sustained, could be lethal. The extent to which hydrothermal alteration is currently occurring at depth, and its possible influence on future edifice collapse, may be determined with the aid of on site analyses of fumarole gases and seismic monitoring in the ice caves.  相似文献   

High frequency magnetotelluric (MT) measurements made on the summit plateau of Mount Ruapehu, some 1 km to the north of the presently active vent beneath Crater Lake, have been used to derive the electrical resistivity structure associated with the volcanic hydrothermal vent system. The entire summit plateau area is underlain at shallow depth by low resistivity which is inferred to be the result of hydrothermal alteration caused by rising volcanic gases mixing with local groundwater. Two areas of localised higher resistivity, one between 200 and 500 m depth beneath the central part of the plateau, and one at a depth of 1000 m below the northern part of the plateau, are interpreted as being the result of hydrothermal alteration at higher temperature forming chlorite dominated alteration products. These regions are believed to represent the locations of further heat pipes within the volcanic system. Both correlate with the locations of eruption centres on Ruapehu active within the last 10 ka.  相似文献   

An earthquake catalog derived from the detection of seismically-generated T-waves is used to study the time-clustering behavior of moderate-size (?3.0 M) earthquakes between 15 and 35°N along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Within this region, the distribution of inter-event times is consistent with a non-periodic, non-random, clustered process. The highest degrees of clustering are associated temporally with large mainshock-aftershock sequences; however, some swarm-like activity also is evident. Temporal fluctuations characterized by a power spectral density P(f) that decays as 1/fα are present within the time sequence, with α ranging from 0.12 to 0.55 for different regions of the spreading axis. This behavior is negligible at time scales less than ∼5×103 s, and earthquake occurrence becomes less clustered (smaller α) as increasing size thresholds are applied to the catalog. A power-law size-frequency scaling for Mid-Atlantic Ridge earthquakes also can be demonstrated using the distribution of acoustic magnitudes, or source levels. Although fractal seismic behavior has been linked to the structure of the underlying fault population in other environments, power-law fault size distributions have not been observed widely in the mid-ocean ridge setting.  相似文献   

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