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The electron collision excitation rates recently calculated for transitions in Si xiii by Keenan et al. (1987) are used to derive the electron temperature sensitive ratio G(=(f + i)/r and the density sensitive ratio R(=f/i), where i, f, and r are the intercombination (1s 2 1 S – 1s2p 3 P 1, 2) forbidden (1s 2 1 S – 1s2s 3 S), and resonance (1s 2 1 S – 1s2p 1 P), transitions respectively. Also estimated are the values of R in the low-density limit (R 0) as a function of electron temperature. The theoretical G ratio at the temperature of maximum emissivity for Si xiii, G(T m) = 0.70, is in much better agreement with the observed G for the 1985, May 5 flare determined by McKenzie et al. (G = 0.60 ± 0.07) than is the earlier calculation of Pradhan, who derived G(T m) = 0.85. The error in the observed R 0 ratio is so large that both our result and Pradhan's fall within the acceptable limits of uncertainty and hence one cannot estimate which of the two is the more accurate.  相似文献   

Data obtained by the OSO-7 spectroheliograph on strong XUV lines of five, different Fe ions from the outer equatorial corona are presented. Interpretation of the data with a spherically symmetric model atmosphere gives average ion abundances for lines of sight at 0.3R from the limb. Fe xvi is usually more abundant than Fe xv, xiv, xii and ix, but there are times when Fe xii is more abundant than the other ions. The deviation of measured relative abundances of Fe xii, xiv, and xvi from predictions of ionization equilibrium at one temperature seems to indicate that there are appreciable temperature variations along lines of sight. Element abundances are very uncertain since they appear to depend so heavily on likely but unknown density irregularities along lines of sight.  相似文献   

Theoretical line ratios for the A1viii ion have been investigated using an atomic model including the first fifteen energy levels, and taking account of various physical processes. The line emissivities as a function of electron density have been computed. Density-dependent theoretical line ratios are presented and their diagnostic applications in the solar atmosphere are discussed with the help of theoretical line intensities computed using an atmospheric model for the quiet Sun.  相似文献   

Rikard Smitt 《Solar physics》1977,51(1):113-119
The transitions 3s 23p 43d 4 D, 4 F–3s3p 53d 4 F have been studied in the Cl i isoelectronic sequence from Ca iv to Fe x. The determination of the 3s 23p 43d quartet intervals in Fe x has led to the identification of eleven coronal lines in the region from 1463 Å to 5539 Å as forbidden transitions within this configuration. By extrapolation, an additional coronal line is identified with a similar transition in Ni xii.  相似文献   

Morozhenko  N. N. 《Solar physics》1974,34(2):313-322
Observations of the lines He i 3888 and H8 in 80 quiescent prominences by the author, and in other prominences by Kubota et al. (1972) and Morozhenko (1971), have been used to derive the dependences of I(3888)/I(H8) on I(H8), N 2 3 s on 0 (H), and N + n e on 0(H) (Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4). The equations of ionization equilibrium and triplet system steady state for a helium atom (27 levels and continuum were considered) were solved together with the radiation transfer equation in the helium Lyman continuum. As given n e () distribution with depth and T e =7500 K were assumed. The 23 S level population N2 3 s, helium emission measure N + n e and the intensity ratios of the He i 3888 and H8 lines were calculated and compared with observation (Figures 2, 3 and 4, solid lines). The figures show that in bright prominences the observed values of N 2 3 s and N + n e are systematically higher than the calculated ones. These deviations cannot be eliminated by decreasing n e . One can make the calculations and observations agree for bright prominences by increasing the UV radiation which penetrates into the prominence.  相似文献   

Identifications of coronal lines with transitions of Fe ix and Ni xi, as proposed by Wagner and House, and Svensson, Ekberg and Edlén, are checked by means of line intensity ratios, from observations obtained at the 1965 eclipse. All the suggestions of Svensson, Ekberg and Edlén are suitable.  相似文献   

Theoretical ArXIII electron-density-sensitive emission line ratios, derived using electron impact excitation rates interpolated from accurateR-matrix calculations, are presented forR 1 =I(242.22 )/I(236.27 ),R 2 =I(210.46 )/I(236.27 ), andR 3 =I(248.68 )/I(236.27 ). Electron densities deduced from the observed values ofR 1,R 2, andR 3 for solar flares obtained with the NRL S082A slitless spectrograph on boardSkylab are in excellent agreement, and furthermore compare favorably with those determined from line ratios in CaXV, which is formed at a similar electron temperature to that of ArXIII. These results provide experimental support for the accuracy of the atomic data adopted in the analysis, as well as for the techniques used to calculate the line ratios.  相似文献   

Autoionization rate coefficients for some ions found in solar corona have been computed in the temperature range 105–108 K semiempirically. In each case the coefficients decrease as we go from less to more ionized ones and have a typical temperature dependence.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the low contrast of the Fabry-Perot (FP) fringes observed in the interferograms of the solar corona. The various factors which affect the interfringe intensity of Fabry-Pérot line profiles are considered. The effect of continuum radiation on the interfringe intensity of Fabry-Pérot line profiles is calculated by assuming a coronal model. For the given FP, it was found that unless the ratio of line to continuum intensity (integrated line intensity to continuum per angström) is less than 10, continuum contribution has no significant effect on the fringe contrast. The analysis may be pertinent in the design aspects of a FP interferometer for astronomical observations. The excess interfringe intensity found in the coronal line profiles is interpreted as due to the presence of fast moving plasma components in corona along the line of sight. A detailed analysis qualitatively shows that the line excitation conditions existing in ambient corona and coronal loops are different in active regions while they are more similar in polar regions.  相似文献   

By means of a photographic polarimeter, we attempted to measure both the amount and direction of linear polarization of all emission lines between 3400 and 9000 Å in the inner corona (1.034 r/r 0 1.085). Only the green and red coronal lines have been analyzed in detail. Neither of these lines shows polarization exceeding the probable error of 1.0% for 5303 and 1.8% for 6374. None of the other 17 coronal lines observed during the 7 March, 1970 solar eclipse show any obvious (>5%) polarization.Presently at the Sacramento Peak Observatory.  相似文献   

The excitation of the lowest (3s23p2) configuration of Fexiii is discussed for the range of density and temperatures experienced in the solar corona. The principal features are the introduction of proton collisions as an important mechanism for exciting the 3p2 3P levels, the use of improved electron collision strengths and a detailed discussion of the influence of the excited configurations. The predicted intensity ratios are shown to be consistent with available observations with the single exception of an eclipse measurement of the ratio of the intensities of the infrared lines.  相似文献   

The excitation of the 2s22p2 ground configuration of Caxv is calculated for coronal densities and temperatures. The calculations include electron and proton excitation of the forbidden transitions and electron excitation via the first excited (2s2p3) configuration. It is shown that measurements of the line intensity ratio I( 5694)/I( 5446) are in good agreement with the predictions. The line to continuum observations for limb flares and coronal condensations are discussed. It is suggested that the calcium abundance in condensations is enhanced owing to diffusion processes.Present address: Department of Astronomy, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The time sequence of line profiles of Fe xiv emission obtained at the 1965 solar eclipse is examined for temporal variations of intensity and profile. Although no variations are found in some regions examined, two regions with intensity and profile line width variations are found. A simple temperature wave is consistent with observations.Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration.Work accomplished at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming.  相似文献   

New O v rate coefficients are used to calculate the ratio of the intensity of the 760 Å multiplet to that of the 630 Å line. Results are given for a range of electron densities and temperatures. The theoretical ratios are compared with observed line ratios for different solar regions.  相似文献   

The analysis of the daily measurements of the coronal green line intensity, which have been extensively tested for homogeneity and freedom of trends observed at the Pic-du-Midi observatory during the period 1944–1974, has revealed some characteristic asymmetric variations. A north-south asymmetry of the green line intensity is the main feature of the period 1949–1971 while a south-north one is obvious within 1972–1974 and the minor statistical significance span 1944–1948. On the other hand a significant W-E asymmetry has been confirmed in the whole period 1944–1974. It is noteworthy that the period 1949–1971, where the N-S asymmetry takes place consists a 22-yr solar cycle which starts from the epoch of the solar magnetic field inversion of the solar cycle No. 18 and terminates in the relevant epoch of the cycle No. 20.The combination of N-S and S-N asymmetry with a W-E one makes the NW solar-quarter to appear as the most active of all in the 22-yr cycle 1949–1971, while in the periods 1944–1948 and 1972–1974 the SW quarter is the most active. Finally, from the polar distribution of the green line intensity has been derived that the maximum values of the asymmetries occur in heliocentric sectors ± 10°–20° far from the solar equator on both sides of the central meridian.Physical mechanisms which could contribute to the creation of both N-S and E-W asymmetries of the solar activity and the green line intensity as an accompanied event, like different starting time of an 11-yr solar cycle in the two solar hemispheres, the motion of the Sun towards the Apex, and short-lived active solar longitudes formed by temporal clustering of solar active centers, have been discussed.  相似文献   

We have obtained images in solar coronal emission lines under high sky-background conditions by making precise differential measurements between the coronal emission line and the near-by continuum, which is primarily due to scattered light from the solar disk. Chopping between the two wavelengths was performed at 100 kHz to avoid artifacts from fast-flying dust particles and other aerosols, and also from seeing effects. The differential signal was detected with a novel CCD camera that demodulates signals up to 100 kHz. These preliminary observations show coronal emission at the 0.2% level of the scattered-light background and pave the way to efficient and precise imaging of coronal emission features under less than ideal coronal-sky conditions.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of short time-scale intensity variations in the coronal green line as obtained with high time resolution observations. The observed data can be divided into two groups. The first one shows periodic intensity variations with a period of 5 min. the second one does not show any significant intensity variations. We studied the relation between regions of coronal intensity oscillations and the shape of white-light coronal structures. We found that the coronal green-line oscillations occur mainly in regions where open white-light coronal structures are located.  相似文献   

Predicted allowed and forbidden EUV line intensities of Fe xv and Ni xvii are presented in explicit graphical form, clarifying and extending the earlier treatment of Bely and Blaha (1968). In the case of the former ion a detailed comparison with available observations leads to questioning or rejection of some presently accepted line identifications (323.57 Å, 317.61 Å), and on the other hand suggests that a quiet Sun line at 304.853 Å is due to Fe xv. For the little known ion Ni xvii estimates of level structure and line wavelengths are given and a preliminary comparison is made with recent flare observations.  相似文献   

The off-limb spectra, recorded by the NRL Skylab spectrograph, have been used to infer electron densities from theoretical curves of Si viii and S x density-sensitive line ratios. The derived densities are found to be in agreement with those reported by Feldman et al. (1978). Computed line intensities using the Kopp and Orrall (1976) model have also been used to estimate densities in the quite Sun and coronal holes from these curves.  相似文献   

The results of the spectrophotometrical measurements of the polarization in the coronal lines Fe xiv 5303 Å and Fe × 6374 Å are given. Polarization spectrograms were obtained by two spectrographs (prism and echelle types) during the solar eclipse in Mexico on 7 March, 1970 near the region of the second contact at the heights 0.06 to 0.12 R above the limb. The polarization in the green line is about 30% (for averaged height 1.08 R ). The polarization in the red line is close to the errors of the measurement and does not exceed 6%. A brief discussion of the results is also given.  相似文献   

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