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Even though the study of urban sociology in China is just a beginning, it doesn’t mean that urban social problems in China are new or simple. As a very sensitive field, urban residential community has not been deeply analysed before owing to various reasons. This article tries to start with the background of China’s social development and analyse the pattern, essence and evolution direction of China’s urban residential community which is in the course of transfer of social pattern. This article first analyzes the functional mechanism of seven main elements affecting Chinese urban residential community in the course of transfer of social pattern. Some of the elements come into being under the social economic background, with Chinese characteristics, and have a profound influence on urban residential community. Based on that, the author then respectively infers the evolution of four main patterns of urban residential communities in China now. Finally, it puts forward the basic principles of urban community development in the current transfer period in China, and with a development eyesight, it makes a summary of the general characteristics of the Chinese urban residential community in the future.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAfter2decades'opendoorpractice,Chinahasnotonlybeenabigplayerasanimportanthostnationtoforeigndirectinvestment(FDI),butalsothelargestFDIhomenationamongthedevelopingcountries(SUN,1998;ZHANG,1995;WorldInvestmentReport,1998).Infact,sincethelate1980s,theChinesegovernmenthasnotsimplyputitseffortintoexportingmade-in-China"productstoearnforeigncurrencyorintoencouragingforeigninwardcapital.Ithasactivelyencourageditsmanufacturerstoinvestoverseas,andhasdeliberatelyandstrategical…  相似文献   

Growth of Chinese small towns is a continuing process of urbanization. By analyzing regional disparity and comprehensive development level of Chinese small towns, it is considered that town development depends mainly on the regional agriculture and social development level. Their spatial distribution is restricted by population distribution and regional economic development level. Chinese urbanization, just the same as urbanization in developed countries, is a sign of socio-economic vigour and prosperity, and is not related to social and political systems. Thus, it is worth to discuss China’s anti-urbanism with abroad scholars.  相似文献   

Urban internal structure is essential information for urban geography researchers and urban planners or managers. This research aims to examine the spatial structure changes of internal urban land use based on the interpreted datasets of 1984 and 2008. Spatio-temporal patterns of internal land use conversion and urban expansion are analyzed, and then dominant driving factors (e.g., social economy, population growth and urban planning) were identified. The results indicate that Beijing′s intra-urban layout has experienced tremendous adjustment from compact to disperse configure, otherwise its function objects have shifted from the major economic and industrial development before the 1990s to the combination with cultural, high-technological and inhabitable city at present. The dominant urban land use transformations include the relocation of industrial lands from core districts to suburban or other provinces, and the accelerating expansion of residential areas and green spaces for supplying the demand of housing and ecological protection. Although Beijing′s urban planning has experienced three major adjustments and improvement since the 1980s, its optimization of urban internal patterns still remains a challenge.  相似文献   

Beijing’ population has experienced a dramatic increase eversince the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Population growthin Beijing can be broadly broken down into three major components:natural increase, immigration, and the growth of floating population. Thecontinuous growth of Beijing’s population is closely linked with its centralized multi-function. The comprehensive countermeasures to control Beijing’s population growth are proposed, for example, decentralizing economicfunctions, including developing the suburbs, developing the metropolitan areaand creating counter-magnetic centers, reforming the administrative and economic systems.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONNoonecandoubtthatoneofthemostexcitingsoundsinnineteenthcenturyAmericawasthewhistleofalocomotive.ThroughoutthewholecenturyespeciallyinthesecondhalfrailroadsplayedadramaticroleintransformingtheAmericanwestfromabarrenlandintoapopulatedone…  相似文献   

Human beings have had a tremendous impact on natural ecosystems and are now the principal power to change the biosphere.It is logical that we should pay close attention to the interaction between human systems and environ-mental systems.Taking Minqin bsin ,Gansu Province,as a case,this paper focuses on the evolution of regional physic-cal environments and the cultural systems by which people maintain their relationships with those environments.This pa-per presents the conceptural framework for the man-land system.Expecting to accelerate the regional sustainable develop-ment,it also analyses the evolutionary mechanism of regional man-land system.On the basis of reviewing and analyzing the evolution of man-land system in Minqin basin,the paper also brings forward an adujusting mode for the studied area, which consists of three aspects:to build up a concept that economic growth must harmonize with environmental qualityˊs and land productivityˊs improvement;to make a whole planning and management in the drainage area;and to push for-ward the technique of water-saving irrigation and establish water-saving agricultural system. Itˊs meaningful for resource exploitation and sustainable development of Chinese northwestern arid area,which is represented by Minqin basin,by under-standing what great changes the basin has experienced is experiencing at the global background,and studying its time standing what great changes the basin has experienced and is experiencing at the global background,and studying its time order and territorial structure ,the systemˊs character and law of evolution,trend and the regulating ways to improve man-land relationship.  相似文献   

While China’s economic growth has been impressive since 1978, regional disparity in terms of provincial per capita GDP has been increasing. On the other hand, this rapid but uneven growth was accompanied by China’s deepening openness and structural reforms including the development of non-state-owned enterprises (non-SOEs) and fiscal decentralization. Based on quantitative analyses, this paper tries to explore the features of regional disparity in China and the relationships between regional growth and China’s openness and economic structure reforms in the period from 1981 to 2000. The paper finds that the catching-up of the coastal region to the initially rich provinces, which are mainly located in inland areas, brought about a convergence of the growth pattern across provinces in the 1980s. The subsequent divergence in the provincial growth rates between the coast and the interior generated an enlarging regional disparity in China in the 1990s. The ever-faster growth in the coastal region was benefited by China’s openness and the development of non-state-owned enterprises. The development of non-state-owned enterprises underlies the higher operational efficiency in the coastal region. Additionally, with the insignificant regression results, fiscal decentralization was observed to facilitate faster growth in the coast region. The findings justify the initiative of the "West Region Development Strategy" and offer some policy implications for China. Biography: SHEN Bing (1966–), female, a native of Hebei Province, associate professor, specialized in regional economy and urban development. E-mail: shenbing@mx.cei.gov.cn  相似文献   

1 Introduction It is indisputable that the urbanization has been consid- ered as an important indicator for evaluating a nation’s or a region’s modernization and industrialization. Therefore, the issue of urbanization will arouse wide and remarkable concern in both domestic and international geography in the 21st century. From a comprehensive survey of the development of urbanization all over the world, some successful modes of urbanization, such as the American mode and the Japanese mode, …  相似文献   

法律如何规定妇女的结婚年龄,是妇女社会地位变迁的重要标志。当妇女在社会劳动中发挥重要作用,社会地位提高时,她们的结婚年龄就规定得比较适当;当她们在社会劳动中作用被削弱,社会地位降低被当成生育的工具时,她们的结婚年龄也就规定得不适当。这种结婚年龄的变化,反映出了古代妇女社会地位的历史变迁。在注重妇女权益保护的现代社会,妇女法定婚龄的规定应当更加符合人性。  相似文献   

Metropolises are centers of politics, economy, culture and information, and also economic growth poles in comparatively large areas. After 1949, China’s urban structure have changed greatly, from original "pyramid" shape into "upside-down pyramid" shape, that is, more megalopolises and metropolises, fewer medium-sized and small cities. The most distinguishing feature of urban population growth was the remarkable increase of population in megalopolises and metropolises. The key reason for urban population expansion is to want to obtain the benefits of scale-agglomeration economy of metropolises. The number of urban functions directly determines the quality and quantity of urban population. Metropolises appeal not only agricultural population but also the population of medium-sized and small cities, which put much more population pressure on metropolises. The ideal goals of scale-control of metropolitan population are discussed in terms of economy, society and ecollogy. In order to control the metropolitan population expansion, the following measures should be taken: developing medium-sized and small cities, and satillite cities establishing rationally regional urban system, reasonably distributing industrial enterprises, and greatly developing township enterprises.  相似文献   

Based on the characteristic of 'one river one oasis' in the arid areas, the Yerqiang River Basin, which is the largest irrigated area of Xinjiang, is taken as an example in this paper, and the regional water circulation pattern is investigated through the analysis of 60 groups of isotope data in the basin. From the phreatic evaporation data analysis of different soils, we study the law of phreatic evaporation, complete the research of the main consumption path of the groundwater, and improve the assessment precision of water resources. The transformation mount of regional water resources are predicted by calculation, which provides a scientific basis for water resources assessment and allocation in arid regions, and offers a new method for the study of regional water circulation patterns.  相似文献   

Miyun Reservoir was designated as the water source of Beijing City in 1982.Since that time ,so-cio-economic development in Miyun Area has been slowing due to the restriction of severe environmental standards.More and more attention from the public and government has been paid to the regional sustainable development.And an effect-tive planning for the local society management system is urgently desired.In this study,a regional sustainable develop-ment system dynamics model,named MiyunSD, is developed for supporting this planning task.MiyunSDconsists of dynamo-ic simulation models that explicitly consider information feedback that governs interactions in the system.Such models are capable of simulating the systemˊs behavior and predicting its developing situation of the future.For the study case,interact-tions among a number of system components within a time frame of fifteen years are examined dynamically.Three plan-ning altermatives are carefully considered.The base run is based on an assumption that the existing pattern of human active-ties will prevail in the entire planning horizon,and the other altermatives are based on previous and present planning stud-ies.The different alternatives will get different systemˊs environmental and socio-economic results.Through analyzing these dynamic results,local authorities may find an optimal way to realize the objectives that the regional environment will be well protected and at the same time the economy will be rapidly developed.  相似文献   

Chinaˊs urban reforms have brought social progress and development,but a comprehensive national system of social welfare(for example,unemployment insurance,pensions,medical care and public housing)for new migrants from rural areas is lacking.One of the most remarkable changes in Chinese cities in the last decade was a change in so-cial“equality“,with the rise of new poverty both in individual communities and some social groups in urban society.Howev-er,there is little social assistance and public infrastructure for the migrants.Governments or communities or individual should pay attention to the control of new urban poverty and new slums.This paper consider that it is necessary to launch a successful policy,which include mainly:1)accommodating urban growth through low-cost investment projects;2)ur-ban economy depends heavily on successful macroeconomic policy;3)to broaden the three channels linking adjustment to the incidence of urban poverty;4)to restructure urban economic based on the high or new technology;5)to coordi-nate relationship between urban economic growth and environment management for sustainable development of Beijingˊs metropolitan fringe.  相似文献   

区域人口迁移流的规模不仅取决于迁出地与目的地的“双边”要素,也与前期迁移流和周边迁移流息息相关。传统重力模型揭示了区域人口迁移过程的“推-拉”机制,但受制于对时空维度的忽视,无法有效表达迁移流之间的时空依赖关系,因而难以度量区域要素变化对迁移流产生的时空溢出效应。本文引入多种形式的时空依赖结构,构建迁移流时空重力模型,并采用贝叶斯马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)方法进行估计。在此基础上,结合时空效应框架量化区域要素对迁移流的影响,定量分析人口迁移过程的时空溢出效应与动力机制。本文以1985-2015年中国省际人口迁移为例,通过与非空间的动态重力模型估计结果比较,初步表明时间依赖、空间依赖以及时空扩散依赖在区域人口迁移过程中不容忽视;时空维度上,区域要素变化在初期对迁移网络的溢出效应超过对该区域迁移流的直接影响;逐渐衰减的时空溢出效应维持了区域人口迁移规模发展的相对稳定,与动态重力模型估计结果形成了鲜明对比。区域人口规模、人均GDP水平及其时空溢出效应共同驱动中国省际人口迁移系统的发展。耦合时空维度依赖关系的时空重力模型能更好地理解区域人口迁移过程的演化特征,为促进区域人口均衡发展提供科学的决策依据。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Northeast China consists of the three provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, this region has supported the whole country with huge quantity of grain, raw materials, primary products, and heavy industrial products at the cost of environment and resources, and thereafter became an old industrial base as well as an important marketable grain base in the whole country (Zhang et al., 2004). However, since the 19…  相似文献   

Wetlands of China cover an area of 63 million ha, among which, natural wetlands 25 million ha, including mires, shallow lakes, etc., artificial wetlands 38 million ha. Besides these, there are a lot of rivers and islands, stretching 18,000 km of coastal line and coastal zone below the tidal within the water depth of 6 m. Based on the climatic regional differences, biota similarity and biodiversity abundance, China’s wetlands can be divided into 9 main regions. Wetlands not only have huge functions to regulate mankind’s living environment, but also are the important and precious natural resources. For a long period, since the contradiction between population and resources, energy, grain is getting more and more obvious, China’s wetlands are facing to serious disturbances, such as large-scale reclamation, overhunting, industrial waste water pollution and species introducing. They have brought about the wetland quantity reducing and quality falling, furthermore have effects on sustainable development. For the special national conditions of China, higher population pressure, China should carry out wetland resource protection and rational utilization, not only protection.  相似文献   

In China, systematic studies on economic base of a single city are very weak. Based on the 1990 census and relevant statistics during 1990 – 1994, a comparative study is conducted on Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin. The major conclusions are as follows: (1) Beijing is not only the national political and cultural center, but also the national economic center, viz the commercial service center and the low water-consuming, light polluting, external economy-typed and knowledge-intensive manufacturing industrial center, which is appropriate for Beijing’s comparative advantage. (2) The high water-consuming, heavy polluting and regional market-oriented industry is overdeveloped as far as Beijing’s scarce water and other natural resources are concerned. (3) Beijing’s industrial base is smaller, more regional market-based, and the service base is more diverse, larger and more national market-based than Shanghai’s and Tianjin’s. (4) With the development of socialist market economy and implement of sustainable development strategy, the external economy-typed and knowledge-intensive manufacturing industry with lower input of water and less environmental pollution, and information-intensive service industries will centralize further, and the industry with higher input of water and/or severe environmental pollution will decentralize.  相似文献   

京津冀都市圈人口集疏过程与空间格局分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人口集疏过程及其空间格局变化是人口空间分布最直观的表现。以1982-2010年4期人口普查数据为基础,采用人口总量和人口密度指标,结合人口增减变化分级、人口商度等方法,定量分析了京津冀都市圈人口集疏过程及其空间格局变化。研究表明:近30年来,京津冀都市圈人口总量呈现持续增长趋势,人口空间分布日益不均衡,区域人口分布存在明显的南北、东西差异;人口增加是主要特征,人口集聚效应凸显,人口增加地区的县域单元比例在80%以上,以人口显著增加为主;人口减少只是零星分布,人口减少地区的县域单元比例占不到20%;人口流动比较频繁,以人口流入为主,主要流向北京、天津和河北的市辖区,人口流出地区仅是散落分布在张家口和承德的山区贫困县域;无论从静态人口指标还是动态人口分析方法,都表明京津冀都市圈人口地域集疏特征十分明显,已形成以北京、天津、石家庄为中心,其他地市(县域)人口分别向外依次扩展的人口多中心分布的圈层结构。  相似文献   

The adjustment of administrative divisions is one of the important factors guiding China’s urbanization, which has profound economic and social effects for regional development. In this paper, we comprehensively describe the process of the adjustment of administrative divisions at provincial and municipal levels in China and summarize the effects on the basic structure and patterns of the spatial development. We quantitatively assess the effects on fields such as urbanization and social economy through the use of multidimensional scaling. The results show that: 1) Upgrading county to municipality (or city-governed district) is the main way of adjusting the administrative divisions. It is also an important factor in the spatial differentiation of interprovincial urbanization. China’s population urbanization can be divided into four patterns including interprovincial migration, provincial migration, natural growth, and growth caused by the adjustment of administrative divisions, which is also the main reason for the increased Chinese urbanization rate at the provincial level. 2) Taking the city of Beijing as an example, we generalize five adjustment patterns made to administrative divisions: the set-up of sub-districts, the set-up of regional offices, the upgrading of townships to sub-districts, the upgrading of townships to towns, and the set-up of towns and the addition of new regional offices. We summarize the municipal urban spatial structure, including the sub-district office area in the central urban area, the regional office area in the new urban area, the mixed area of villages, towns, and sub-district offices in the suburb area, and the township area in the outer suburb area. 3) The adjustment of administrative divisions triggers a significant circulative accumulation effect, resulting in the spatial locking of population and industrial agglomeration. It affects the evolution of the urban spatial form and plays an important role in shaping the urban spatial structure to move to the characteristic of multicenter. In general, the adjustment of administrative divisions was an important factor affecting the inflated statistical level of urbanization and also an important driving force for the evolution of Chinese urban spatial organization structure.  相似文献   

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