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AconditionfortheformationofAntarcticBottomWaterinPrydzBay,AntarcticaLiangXiangsan(梁湘三)(SecondInstituteofOceanography,SOA,Hang...  相似文献   

仲学锋  王荣 《极地研究》1995,6(1):58-72
ReproductivecharacteristicsofAntarcticKrill,EuphausiasuperbaDana,inthePrydzBayregionZhongXuefeng(仲学锋)andWangRong(王荣)(Institut...  相似文献   

Distributioncharacteristicsofplanktonicnano-andmicroalgaeinthePrydzBayanditsadjacentSouthernIndianOcean,duringaustralsummerZh...  相似文献   

In this paper, CTD observational data obtained during the 15th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE-15) in the Southern Ocean are used to analyse and study water mass distribution in the Prydz Bay and its adjacent seas. The area, depth, and the thermohaline characteristics are identified for the Prydz Bay summer coastal surface water, the Prydz Bay winter water, the Prydz Bay shelf water, and the circumpolar deep water. Based on the above discussion, the northward extention of the Prydz Bay shelf water are found. Then the thermodynamic and the dynamic characteristics are further discussed, dealing with the inversion layer depth of the water temperature, the locations of the minima of the vertical temperature distribution and the temperature vertical gradient in the water column, the baraclinicity, and the effect of Coriolis deflection force.  相似文献   

SpeciescompositionandquantitativevariationofzooplanktonintheGreatWallBayandits adjacentwaters,AntarcticaHuangFengpeng(黄凤鹏)and...  相似文献   

利用中国第27、28、29和31次南极科学考察期间在普里兹湾海域获取的水文观测数据,分析了该海域的水团分布、夏季表层水年际变化及其原因和绕极深层水涌升的年际变化特征。研究发现:第27和31航次观测到的夏季表层水的温盐范围较大;第27航次观测到的夏季表层水温度相对较高,可达1.22℃;第29航次观测期间海冰较少,夏季表层水的厚度约为50 m(73.00°E、75.50°E和67.25°S断面),第31航次观测到的夏季表层水最深达到100 m;第28和29航次观测到较为明显的绕极深层水涌升,在73.00°E断面尤为突出;观测到的绕极深层水在第28航次向上涌升到90 m,在第29航次向南延伸较远,达到67.67°S;湾内气旋性环流对绕极深层水的涌升有明显的输运作用。  相似文献   

利用5头活动于南极普里兹湾的象海豹携带的CTD观测获得的2011年3—6月埃默里冰架前缘冰间湖区域海水温盐剖面数据, 研究了该海域上层水体结构在初冬的演化过程。结果显示, 可将该演化过程分为三个阶段:第一阶段海水温度从层化到均匀, 3月下旬次表层仍维持暖水特征, 随着表层海水冷却作用, 次表层暖水逐渐消失, 上下水体温度趋于均匀并接近冰点, 温度剖面从“逆温型”演变到“均匀型”; 第二阶段海水盐度从层化到上下均匀, 也就是从“均匀型”演变到“渐变型”, 海水结冰析盐过程使上层海水盐度增加, 增强垂直对流混合, 上下层盐度达到均匀; 第三阶段冷却结冰持续, 海水盐度继续增大, 形成盐度随深度减小, 温度随深度增大的“渐变型”结构。根据温盐剖面数据计算三个阶段的海-气之间的热通量分别是-90.93、-82.20和-43.44 Wm-2。考虑海水盐分的增加主要源于海冰形成, 由此推算三个阶段内平均的海冰形成速率分别是5.4、4.9和2.5 cm d-1。在南极初冬时期, 随着海水上层低温高盐化演变持续, 海水向大气释放的热通量逐渐减少, 海冰形成速率也呈减少趋势。  相似文献   

The investigation of phytoplankton standing stock, euphotic layer and photosynthesis rate were carried out in 19 27 of January, 2000 at three longitudinal sections (70°30′E, 73°00′E and 75°30′E). The results showed that the high value of chlorophyll a concentration was in inshore bay, polynya and the continental slope of the investigated sea area. At various investigated stations, average chlorophyll a concentration at sub surface layer (25 m) was higher than that at surface layer; its concentration at the deeper layers of over 50 m decreased with increasing depth. At anchor station, the maximum chlorophyll a concentration appeared at surface layer in Antarctic summer's afternoon while the minimum value appeared in the morning; chlorophyll a concentration at water layer of 0 25 m was obviously higher than that at deep water layer, being related to the releasing of ice algae. High productivity was in inshore bay and polynya of continental shelf. Chlorophyll a concentration at surface layer is closely correlated to the dissolved oxygen concentration in seawater. The sea area with chlorophyll a concentration of over 1.0 μg/dm 3 may be the convergence of CO 2 and that of below 1.0 μg/dm 3 may be the source of CO 2.  相似文献   

The investigation of size-fractionated chlorophyll a and primary productivity were carried out in three longitudinal sections (63°-69°12'S, 70°30'E, 73°E and 75(30'E) at December 18-26, 1998 and January 12-18, 1999 in Prydz Bay and its north sea area, Antarctica. The results showed that surface chlorophyll a concentration were 0. 16 -3. 99 μg dm-3. The high values of chlorophyll a concentration (more than 3.5 μg dm -3) were in Prydz Bay and in the west Ladies Bank. The average chlorophyll a concentration at sub-surface layer was higher than that at surface layer; its concentration at the deeper layers of 50 m decreased with increasing depth and that at 200 m depth was only 0. 01 -0. 95μg dm -3. The results of size-fractionated chlorophyll a showed that the contribution of the netplanktion to total chlorophyll a was 56% , those of the nanoplankton and the picoplankton were 24% and 20% respectively in the surveyed area. The potential primary productivity at the euphotic zone in the surveyed area wa  相似文献   

吴时国,罗又郎,王有强,陆钧,郑范,孙绍先Holoceneglacial-marinesedimentationinthePrydzBay,Antarctica¥WuShiguo;LuoYoulang;WangYouqiang;LuJun;Zheng...  相似文献   

The distributions and changes of dissolved organic carbon in the Prydz Bay and out open sea were investigated during CHINARE-15 (the 15th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition). The results showed that the content of DOC was higher in the Prydz Bay and outer open sea compared to those typical of surface oceanic levels (70- 80 μM), average content of DOC in the surface water was 102.32 μM, the range was 68.23- 125.92 μM. The vertical distribution of DOC in the water column was similar to many ocean sites, that is to say, the content of upper water is higher than deep water, a subsurface maximum persisted between 25- 50 m. The DOC pool in the Prydz Bay were consisted with labile, semi-labile and refractory pools, in which refractory pools was mainly part. The concentration of refractory DOC was 92.34 and 76.89 μM in Prydz Bay and outer open sea, and account 77% and 82% for total DOC, respectively.  相似文献   

谢泽林  王召民 《极地研究》2017,29(3):368-377
通过分析再分析资料与站点观测资料的差异评估了普里兹湾区域5 套再分析资料的风速、风向以及 温度产品。这5 套再分析资料包括欧洲中心再分析资料(ERA-I)、日本25 年再分析资料(JRA-25)、日本55 年再分析资料(JRA-55)、美国国家环境预报中心再分析资料(CFSR)和美国国家航空航天局再分析资料 (MERRA)。采用的观测资料来自两个人工观测站和三个自动气象站。月平均和季节差异分析结果表明, Mawson 站点再分析资料的风速一般小于站点风速, 其他站点再分析资料一般风速过大, 所有的站点风向与 再分析资料风向差异不大, 再分析资料的2 m 温度总体低于人工观测站的温度, 自动站和再分析资料的差 异则没有一致的差异特征。通过6 h 风速资料对比, 发现当Mawson 站点风速低于5 m·s–1 时, 再分析资料偏 高, 当站点风速高于15 m·s–1 时, 再分析资料偏低, 且该站点记录的极端强风次数远多于再分析资料。  相似文献   

ThechemicalcharacteristicsofseawaterinthePrydz Bay,AntarcticaWangYuheng(王玉衡);DengHengling(董恒霖)andRenDianyong(任典勇)(SecondInsti...  相似文献   

The content and distribution of biogenic silica were investigated in sedi- ment cores from Prydz Bay,Antarctica,during the CHINARE-18/21.cruise.The re- sults show that the content of biogenic silica(BSiO_2) is ranged from 4.89% to 85. 41%,and the average content of biogenic silica is 30.90%,the highest value oc- curred at theⅣ-10 station.The profile of BSiO_2 in sediment is contrast to that of sili- cate in the interstitial water.The content of biogenic silica and organic carbon in the surface sediments in the central area of Prydz Bay gyre were much higher than those in other area,and closely related to the Chla content and primary productivity of phyto- plankton in the surface water column.  相似文献   

南极普里兹湾营养盐分布特征及季节性消耗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用中国南极科学考察CHINARE-25/27/29航次获取的普里兹湾营养盐数据,对该海域营养盐的含量分布特征进行了分析,利用水柱T_(min)层的存在估算了夏季的营养盐消耗量(NNU、NPU和NSiU),并对营养盐的吸收比例及结构做了初步探讨。结果显示,普里兹湾营养盐空间分布呈现明显的区域特征,上表层水营养盐浓度分布表现为冰架边缘区陆架区深海区的区域性特征。夏季普里兹湾受到浮游植物旺发的影响,湾内营养盐(NO_3-N、PO4_-P和SiO_3-Si)的消耗值相对湾外较高。营养盐吸收比值的变化表明,NSiU/NNU比值由湾内向湾外呈现升高的特征,与叶绿素a具有相反的分布趋势,推测这一现象与湾内陆架区铁的供应要高于湾外深海区有关。本文对营养盐结构与变化的探讨,将有益于进一步深入了解南极普里兹湾各生源要素的循环过程,为预测未来南极浮游群落结构的演变提供依据。  相似文献   

张光涛  孙松 《极地研究》2001,12(1):75-81
As a structure linking the ecosystem and population, community plays an important role in the marine ecology. Abundance of different species and development stages were used in our classification to the sampling stations with clustering analysis and multi dimension scaling, through which three geographic communities were marked out, respectively as following: the Salp community characterized by presence of Salp thompni in the northern area, the Near shore community by Euphausia crystallorophias in the south and the main ocean community located between the above two communities. Indicator species method was then carried out between every two communities to find out which species or stages differ most. It tells that Rhincalanus gigas , adult cheatognath, late stages of Metridia gerlachei and calyptopis of Euphausiidae are indicators between Salp and neritic communities, between Krill and Salp communities are Salp thompni , adult and larvae of Cheatognath and R.gigas , and the most notable indicator between the Krill and the neritic communities are E.crystallorophias , then nauplii of Euphausiidae and Onceae conifera with less evidence.  相似文献   

ThedistributionandstandingcropsofAntarctickrilinthePrydzBayregionduringtheaustralsummerof1991/1992and1992/1993ChenXuezhong(陈雪...  相似文献   

刘会莲  孙松  吉鹏 《极地研究》2002,13(2):117-128
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) were collected from the Prydz Bay region during the austral summer of 1999/2000. The sample - collection was made at 15 sites in 3 longitudinal transects. Although krill were encountered at 14 sites, the abundance was comparatively low in general. The main component of the krill population was of post -larval stages. The mean numerical and weight density of krill integrated for all sampling stations in the survey area were 16. 17 ind. 1000 m -3and 12.02 g 1000 m -3 , respectively. In the survey area, stations with larger krill density are mainly located in the slope zone, except that the largest sample was collected in the open sea zone. No krill occurred in the only station of the shelf zone during our investigation. Krill collected from the slope zone were under better growth condition than those from the open sea zone, but when the survey area is considered as a whole, the growth condition is normal. The results of the comprehensive analysis of the environmental fa  相似文献   

During the CHINARE ⅩⅤ cruise in austral summer of 1998/1999, the abundance and feeding activity of Salpa thompsoni were investigated in the Prydz Bay region. Salps samples were collected by vertical tows from the depth of 200 m to the surface with a conical net of 330 μm mesh size. At ⅤⅠ 3 station, the grazing rates were studied by the gut fluorescence method and culture experiments. S. Thompsoni was mainly distributed in the northern part of the survey area, and its maximum densities reached to 2795 ind.·1000 m -3 . A dramatic decrease in salp stock was observed at the Marginal Ice Zone. The results of the feeding experiments at the ⅤⅠ 3 show that the gut pigment contents of S. thompsoni ranged from (0.14 1.27) μg ind. -1 (average 0.98 μg ind. -1 ). The individual ingestion rate is 7.9 μg ind. -1 ·day -1 , and the filtration rate is 28 L ind. -1 ·day -1 . Through the daily grazing rate of S. thompsoni , which takes account of less than 1% of the phytoplankton standing stock, it shows a relatively higher grazing impress on the primary production (72.2%).  相似文献   

船载地磁三分量测量仪(STCM)具有易携带、无时空限制、多参数测量等特点,在极地恶劣环境下,显然比拖曳磁力仪更具优势。对第29次南极科学考察获得的船载地磁三分量数据进行船磁干扰场的校正分离,获得相应的三分量数据以及总场。校正后地磁三分量数据与拖曳磁力数据进行对比,其标准差为47.56 n T,表明其在极区内工作性能良好,数据质量可靠。计算结果为我国首次在极区海域内获得的地磁三分量磁异常,有关的技术流程方法将为今后中国极地科考实施船载地磁三分量测量提供有效的技术支持。  相似文献   

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