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基于Mohr-Coulomb准则的黏弹-塑性海冰动力学本构模型   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
针对中小尺度下海冰动力作用过程中的漂移、重叠和堆积特征,在连续介质力学基础上建立了一个黏弹塑性海冰动力学本构模型.该模型主要包括四部分,即海冰在屈服前的Kelvin Vogit黏弹模型、海冰塑性屈服的Mohr Coulomb准则、屈服后相关联的正交流动法则和影响海冰强度的静水压力.采用黏弹塑性本构模型对规则海域内的海冰堆积过程进行了数值试验,其结果与传统黏塑性模型、改进的黏塑性模型和经典冰坝理论的解析解相符,可合理地模拟海冰堆积的动力过程.为进一步检验该黏弹塑性本构模型的适用性,对渤海海冰的动力过程进行了48h的数值模拟,计算结果与海冰卫星遥感现场观测资料一致.通过与传统的黏塑性和改进的黏塑性模型结果的对比分析,进一步验证了黏弹塑性模型在中小尺度海冰动力学模拟中的可靠性.在以上海冰堆积的数值试验和渤海海冰动力学模拟中均采用了光滑质点流体动力学(SPH)方法.  相似文献   

海冰弯曲强度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了国内外海冰弯曲强度研究概况;给出了1990年冬作者在辽东湾西部的实验结果;并且讨论了海冰弯曲强度与应力率的关系。  相似文献   

Microwave remote sensing has become the primary means for sea-ice research, and has been supported by a great deal of field experiments and theoretical studies regarding sea-ice microwave scattering. However, these studies have been barely carried in the Bohai Sea. The sea-ice microwave scattering mechanism was first developed for the thin sea ice with slight roughness in the Bohai Sea in the winter of 2012, and included the backscattering coefficients which were measured on the different conditions of three bands(L, C and X), two polarizations(HH and VV), and incident angles of 20° to 60°, using a ground-based scatterometer and the synchronous physical parameters of the sea-ice temperature, density, thickness, salinity, and so on. The theoretical model of the sea-ice electromagnetic scattering is obtained based on these physical parameters. The research regarding the sea-ice microwave scattering mechanism is carried out through two means, which includes the comparison between the field microwave scattering data and the simulation results of the theoretical model, as well as the feature analysis of the four components of the sea-ice electromagnetic scattering. It is revealed that the sea-ice microwave scattering data and the theoretical simulation results vary in the same trend with the incident angles. Also, there is a visible variant in the sensitivity of every component to the different bands.For example, the C and X bands are sensitive to the top surface, the X band is sensitive to the scatterers, and the L and C bands are sensitive to the bottom surface, and so on. It is suggested that the features of the sea-ice surfaces and scatterers can be retrieved by the further research in the future. This experiment can provide an experimental and theoretical foundation for research regarding the sea-ice microwave scattering characteristics in the Bohai Sea.  相似文献   

研究了黄海北部海冰物理力学性质,试验内容有海冰的晶体结构,单轴压缩强度和弯曲强度,分析了海冰的压缩强度和弯曲强度与冰温,应力率和加载方向的关系。  相似文献   

海冰单轴压缩强度是寒区海洋工程中的一个重要设计参数,也是影响海冰动力学行为的主要因素。在2008-2012年间的三个冬季,对渤海沿岸的海冰单轴压缩强度进行了现场与室内试验,由此分析了其在温度、卤水体积和应力率下的基本特征。测试结果表明,海冰单轴压缩强度与其温度呈幂函数关系,与卤水体积平方根呈指数关系,与应力率呈线性关系。此外还分别在不同温度与卤水体积下确定了海冰单轴压缩强度上包络限的变化规律。最后,综合考虑卤水体积和应力率的影响,对海冰单轴压缩强度分布特征进行了分析。以上研究有助于揭示渤海海冰基本力学性质,为冰区结构设计和海冰动力学分析提供参考依据。  相似文献   

渤海湾海冰及黄河口河冰的剪切性质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文叙述了冰的剪切实验方法,此实验是一种小规模的野外实验,主要测试渤海湾海冰及黄河口河冰在不同温度和不同形变速率情况下的剪切强度.冰的剪切强度是冰的温度和形变速率的函数.在一定的温度和形变速率范围内,冰的剪切强度随着冰的温度降低和形变速率的加快而变,超过了一定的范围,冰的剪切强度随着冰的温度降低和形变速率的加大而变小.  相似文献   

渤海海冰漂移数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用海冰-海洋动力耦合模式对渤海典型天气形势下海冰动力过程作了数值模拟,海冰模式建立在动量和质量守恒基础上,忽略了海冰变化的热力过程。海冰厚度被划分为三类:堆积冰、平整冰和开阔冰,冰的形变由一个厚度的重新分布约束条件确定。海洋模式是一个二维风暴潮模式.同时考虑了潮汐的作用。风场资料来自于沿岸气象观测站每日四次的风观测,计算网格是十分之一经纬度。主要的分析和模拟是在大气和海洋共同作用下海冰的漂流特点。观测结果比较表明,数值模拟结果基本上反映了该海域流冰的漂移性质,同时也可为短期冰情预报提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

海冰的压缩强度是海冰最主要的力学特性.针对辽河口附近海域海冰的压缩强度指标,2014~2015年冬季于辽河口附近采样并进行室内测试.内容包括单轴压缩强度实验、侧限压缩强度实验、变尺寸压缩强度测试.实验表明辽河口海冰压缩强度受应变速率、卤水体积影响显著.侧限压缩实验要比单轴压缩实验所得结果略大.不同高宽比的试样在相同应变速率的前提下压缩强度变化不明显,尺寸影响不显著.  相似文献   

辽东湾海冰光衰减特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据渤海海冰多年的调查资料以及现场测量数据,建立辽东湾海冰的辐射传输模式,进而研究辽东湾沿岸海冰的光衰减特性及其主要影响因素,并对可能的影响因素进行了讨论。结果表明,海冰中卤水泡的吸收(主要是短波400~600nm)、纯冰的吸收(主要是长波700~900nm)以及卤水泡和气泡的散射对海冰的光衰减系数有很大的影响。辐射传输模式的估算结果与实测数据的估算结果基本一致,这表明该模式适用于辽东湾海冰的光学特性研究。  相似文献   

本文利用辽东湾东岸鲅鱼圈、营口和长兴岛三地实测海冰抗压强度资料,分析了海冰破坏应力与破坏时间的关系,应变率和冰温对海冰抗压强度的影响,以及海冰生成环境对海冰抗压强度的影响。综合分析表明,三地破坏应力随破坏时间变化的整体趋势一致,应变率对三地海冰抗压强度有显著的影响,三地海冰抗压强度随温度降低总体有增大的趋势,冰龄、盐度、含沙量的差异是造成辽东湾东岸海冰抗压强度不同的主要原因。  相似文献   

利用美国冰雪数据中心(NSIDC)发布的海冰速度和范围数据,本文分析了1979—2012年间北极海冰的运动学特征,以及北极海冰运动与分布范围演变之间的关系。结合欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)发布的2007和2012年高分辨率的气压场、风场数据,探讨了北极风场和气压场与海冰运动、辐散辐合和海冰面积的关系。结果表明,在1979-2012年间北极海冰平均运动速度呈显著增强的趋势,冬季海冰平均运动速度增加趋势明显强于夏季;北极、波弗特-楚科奇海域和弗拉姆海峡的冬、夏季海冰平均运动速度的增加率分别为2.1%/a和1.7%/a、2.0%/a和1.6%/a以及4.9%/a和2.2%/a。1979-2012年北极海冰平均运动速度和范围的相关性为-0.77,二者存在显著的负相关关系。北极冬季和夏季风场的长期变化趋势与海冰平均运动速度的变化趋势一致,冬季和夏季的相关系数分别为0.50和0.48。风场和气压场对海冰的运动、辐散及重新分布发挥着重要作用。2007年夏季,第234~273天波弗特海域一直被高压系统控制,波弗特涡旋加强,使得波弗特海域海冰聚集在北极中央区;顺时针的风场促使海冰向格陵兰岛和加拿大北极群岛以北聚合。2012年,白令海峡和楚科奇海域处于低压和高压系统的交界处,盛行偏北风,海冰从北极东部往西部输运,加拿大海盆的多年海冰因离岸运动而辐散,向楚科奇海域的海冰输运增加,受太平洋入流暖水影响,移入此区域的海冰加速融化,从而加剧海冰的减少。  相似文献   

本文对2000~2004年连续5年冬季老虎滩水温与渤海冰面积数据进行统计分析,得到渤海海冰面积与老虎滩水温的回归关系,对冬季海冰预报具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

基于2018年8月至2019年5月布放在北极随海冰漂流的自动气象站和温度链浮标获取的观测数据,分析了北极高纬度区域的大气特征和海冰生消过程。根据海冰的漂移轨迹分为两个阶段分析,第1阶段,海冰主要向东南漂移;第2阶段,海冰主要向东北漂移。第1阶段观测的平均气温和平均相对湿度分别为–6.6℃和93%,第2阶段观测的平均气温和平均相对湿度分别为–29.3℃和76%,第2阶段平均气压高于第1阶段。海冰的漂移轨迹主要受到波弗特高压外围气流的影响。利用自动气象站漂移轨迹计算得到海冰漂移速度,与美国国家冰雪数据中心海冰漂移速度比较显示,两者纬向速度更为接近。海冰在第1阶段以融化为主,海冰厚度略有减小,8月份海冰生长率为–0.11 cm/d;海冰的生长过程主要发生在第2阶段,1–3月生长率均超过0.9 cm/d,2019年3月海冰生长最快,平均生长率为1.3 cm/d,海冰的增长一直持续至观测结束。  相似文献   

The present paper describes the results of a rather long series of full–scale, flexural–strength tests on ice beams (over 70 tests) performed in–situ in seawater and freshwater ice at and near Svalbard archipelago during the period 2010–2018. Ice thickness varied in the range of 0.2–0.8 m. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the test data, characteristic plots of ice flexural strength and effective elastic modulus versus the liquid–brine–volume fraction, which varied over a large range of 0–0.2 and were obtained specifically for the geographic region under consideration. The observed range in flexural strength for seawater ice was 0.109–0.415 MPa, and the same for freshwater ice was 0.275–0.807 MPa. The test results with cantilever beams did not show a dependence of the ice flexural strength on the direction of bending force applied to the free end of a beam. Experiments complemented with numerical analysis have demonstrated that stress concentrations in root sections of cantilever ice beams have significant impact on the accuracy of measurement of flexural strength of freshwater ice. It is noted that modifications have to be introduced in the methodology that is used to measure the effective elastic modulus of ice based on the free–end deflection of cantilever ice beams.  相似文献   

以2010~2015年的岸基雷达海冰监测数据为基础,简要分析了鲅鱼圈海域的冰期、冰型和冰厚等冰情基本特征。近年来的海冰监测数据表明,鲅鱼圈海域的冰期明显偏短,冰期内不同阶段的冰型变化较明显,鲅鱼圈海域部分时段海冰分布比例变化较大,这主要归因于该区域的海冰运动。针对目前岸基雷达海冰监测的技术发展现状,提出了岸基雷达海冰监测技术研发的主要问题是雷达像元回波值不稳定与海冰实测样本量匮乏。  相似文献   

应用1973~1999年南极气温和海冰资料,分别对它们进行了统计分析,结果表明,南极的最低温度中心位于东南极大陆(东方站),这种分布特征是与南极地形相对应的.南极东方站的年平均地面气温是-55.3℃;地面最高气温出现在12月至翌1月,其温度为-32.1℃;地面最低气温出现在8月,其温度为-68.2℃.南极各地区的地面气温具有不同的变化特征.根据温度的变化特征,将南极的气候分为4种类型:南极大陆型、南极半岛型、东南极沿岸型和海湾型.近年来南极半岛的气温有明显升高的趋势,而东南极沿岸的气温有明显下降的趋势,它们的变化呈明显的反位相.南极海冰与南极气温变化有较好的对应关系,气温升高的南极半岛的海冰有减少的趋势,而气温下降的东南极的海冰有增加的趋势.这种结果很难用温室效应来解释南极与全球气候变化的差异.东南极海冰变化与南太平洋的海温场存在密切关系,其影响过程是通过南极海冰范围的异常增加或减少,直接影响南极绕极流的冷暖结构及其异常冷暖水的经向输送,从而导致热带和副热带太平洋上层海温场的异常变化.  相似文献   

Sea ice export through the Baffin Bay plays a vital role in modulating the sea ice cover variability in the Labrador Sea.In this study,satellite-derived sea ice products are used to obtain the sea ice area flux (SIAF) through the three passages in the Baffin Bay (referred to as A,B,and C for the north,middle,and south passages,respectively).The spatial variability of the monthly sea ice drift in the Baffin Bay is presented.The interannual variability and trends in SIAF via the three passages are outlined.The connection to several large-scale atmospheric circulation modes is assessed.Over the period of 1988–2015,the average annual (October to the following September) SIAF amounts to 555×10~3 km~2,642×10~3 km~2,and 551×10~3 km~2 through Passages A,B,and C,respectively.These quantities are less than that observed through the Fram Strait (FS,707×10~3 km~2) of the corresponding period.The positive trends in annual SIAF,on the order of 53.1×10~3 km~2/(10 a) and 43.2×10~3 km~2/(10 a)(significant at the 95%confidence level),are identified at Passages A and B,respectively.The trend of the south passage (C),however,is slightly negative (–13.3×10~3 km~2/(10 a),not statistically significant).The positive trends in annual SIAF through the Passages A and B are primarily attributable to the significant increases after 2000.The connection between the Baffin Bay sea ice export and the North Atlantic Oscillation is not significant over the studied period.By contrast,the association with the cross-gate sea level pressure difference is robust in the Baffin Bay (R equals 0.69 to 0.71,depending on the passages considered),but relatively weaker than that over FS (R=0.74).  相似文献   

南极海冰是全球气候系统的重要组成部分。不同于北极海冰的快速减少,近40年来,南极海冰范围在2014年前是缓慢增加、后是突变减少。单一的大尺度大气环流因素无法解释南极海冰的长期变化趋势,海洋−大气相互作用对海冰的耦合影响还未得到充分研究。受南极海冰厚度遥感观测和数值模拟能力所限,现有数据仍无法准确量化全球变化背景下南极海冰的厚度和体积变化;目前南极海冰变化的气候效应还未充分明确。当前国内外对南极海冰研究的不足迫切要求发展长期可靠的南极海冰厚度数据,以突破南极海冰体积变化研究的难题,同时应综合考虑多气候模态和海气系统耦合的作用,研究南极海冰变化的机制及其气候效应。  相似文献   

The results on the uniaxial compressive strength of Arctic summer sea ice are presented based on the samples collected during the fifth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2012(CHINARE-2012). Experimental studies were carried out at different testing temperatures(-3,-6 and-9°C), and vertical samples were loaded at stress rates ranging from 0.001 to 1 MPa/s. The temperature, density, and salinity of the ice were measured to calculate the total porosity of the ice. In order to study the effects of the total porosity and the density on the uniaxial compressive strength, the measured strengths for a narrow range of stress rates from 0.01 to 0.03 MPa/s were analyzed. The results show that the uniaxial compressive strength decreases linearly with increasing total porosity, and when the density was lower than 0.86 g/cm3, the uniaxial compressive strength increases in a power-law manner with density. The uniaxial compressive behavior of the Arctic summer sea ice is sensitive to the loading rate, and the peak uniaxial compressive strength is reached in the brittle-ductile transition range. The dependence of the strength on the temperature shows that the calculated average strength in the brittle-ductile transition range, which was considered as the peak uniaxial compressive strength, increases steadily in the temperature range from-3 to-9°C.  相似文献   

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