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Abstract:    University research in coastal geomorphology, processes and management has made a major contribution to the fundamental understanding of coastal systems in New Zealand over the past 43 years. This article examines the growth in university-based coastal research since 1964 and discusses the geographical pattern and themes of this research. Data indicate a significant geographical concentration of research effort and focus on a narrow range of research themes. Underlying reasons for these characteristics of New Zealand coastal research are explored and challenges facing university based research are discussed. Such challenges can be overcome through a more coordinated research effort to realize the huge potential to undertake coastal science of national relevance and international significance.  相似文献   

Abstract:    Marine dispersal provides a mechanism for introduced plants to invade coastal systems. Regular surveillance is essential for management of marine dispersed weeds. This paper outlines the biological, physical and management dimensions of this coastal issue in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Coastal research and monitoring on New Zealand beaches have typically examined seasonal and event-driven (storms) changes in the coast. However, historical records are now of sufficient length to indicate that change occurs at longer timescales. This paper presents examples of multi-decadal change at three case-study locations around New Zealand. Results show that morphological adjustment of the coast occurs at multi-decadal scales and is much larger than short-term dynamics. Physical mechanisms driving changes are ill defined but may be associated with El Niños and La Niña episodes which modulate waves and sea level, as well as changes in sediment supply.  相似文献   

New Zealand coastal system boundaries, connections and management   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract:    Understanding coastal boundaries, connections and drivers of landscape change is integral to effective coastal planning and management. This concept is explored here through case studies representing two very different New Zealand systems: embayed sand beaches in eastern and western open-coast settings; and mixed sand and gravel coast river-mouth lagoons. When framed within a resource and environmental management context these studies indicate that national recognition of the dynamic and interactive nature of coastal environments is a relatively new and amorphous phenomenon in New Zealand and, as such, has been ineffective in driving integrated regional management practices and sustainable coastal outcomes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The restricted influence of geographers in the policy arena has been the source of some angst. This paper reports on a new initiative at the University of Canterbury, which aims to strengthen geography's contribution to health policy debates in New Zealand. The GeoHealth Laboratory is a joint initiative between the Department of Geography and Public Health Intelligence group at the Ministry of Health that seeks to provide a pathway for the integration of health geography research into policy development. This new facility aligns the expertise in health geography, GIS and other spatial analytical methods with policy-relevant research priorities. An overview of the strategic aims of the GeoHealth Laboratory is provided along with some examples of recent research activities that are contributing to understandings of the health landscape in New Zealand. It is argued that such partnerships provide important opportunities for geographers to engage with policy-relevant issues.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Public health planners should be providing evidence to the public that maternity units are fairly distributed. This research demonstrates how a Geographical Information System (GIS) can be used to provide information on travel time to the closest maternity unit from the 38 000 population census enumeration districts in New Zealand. The distribution of accessibility is mapped and regions and population groups that appear under-serviced are highlighted. We conclude by stating that GIS accessibility models provide important evidence for health policy and that the information generated from these models should be routinely produced for a wide range of health services and communicated to the public.  相似文献   

Abstract:    Understanding past sea levels is essential to respond to the challenges of climate change. In the Pacific and Tasman, sea level has been up to 1.5 m higher during the mid-Holocene, similar to the predictions of some global warming models. Within New Zealand the knowledge of sea-level movements, especially during the recent past is poor, with the last major investigation being conducted 20 years ago. This paper reviews the state of local understanding of higher sea levels and suggests regions for further study and new methods of analysis to understand the nature of sea-level change in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This study investigates why New Zealanders move to Australia. A survey of New Zealanders living in Australia found 'pull' factors, notably greater opportunities and better climate, were the most common reasons. While desire for change or sense of adventure was important, dissatisfaction with life in New Zealand was also a factor. Results indicated a form of transnationalism as migrants felt at home in both countries. They maintained links with New Zealand evident in support for New Zealand sporting teams, expressions of New Zealand nationality, emotional connection and regular contact with New Zealand.  相似文献   

This review responds to Richard Peet's ‘policy regimes’ account of New Zealand's neoliberal experiment published in this volume of the New Zealand Geographer. It welcomes Peet's intervention, especially its comparative approach and its political economy focus, but suggests further insight may have been gained from closer engagement with the work of New Zealand geographers. The review argues that Peet misses opportunities to learn from the New Zealand case. The review subjects a ‘northern’ account of southern experience to a critique by ‘splitting’, a characteristically southern approach to analysing social change from the Antipodes that pays close attention to the situatedness of knowledge production.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper explores the impediments to optimizing the economic and environmental performance of agriculture in the North Island hill country. The work draws on a range of data sources including consolidated statistical data obtained from The New Zealand Meat and Wool Board's Economic Service (NZMWB) for all North Island hill and hard country farms for the period 1976–77 to 1996–97 and interviews in June and July 1999 with 35 farm households throughout the North Island. Despite generally low levels of profitability, there is considerable evidence that New Zealand farmers have engaged in moves to sustainability to a significant extent.  相似文献   

'Here we go again': Christchurch's antiracism rally as a discursive crisis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Abstract:   An antiracist rally in Christchurch, New Zealand in May 2004 was organized by Asian immigrants to protest and advocate for an end to everyday racism in their dealings with long settled New Zealanders, but public debate focused not on the experiences of recent migrants but on the question of whether Christchurch is racist. A discursive crisis, indicated by heavy media coverage in the weeks immediately before and after the event, is characterized by discourses of denial, affront and whiteness that indicate the social context in which racialization occurs. Such discourses are similar to those of 'new racism' in other immigrant societies.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper considers the political and normative dimensions of local government responses to homelessness in New Zealand. It outlines the context for local government action, the approaches adopted by three case study cities, and arguments for rejecting anti-homeless regulations in favour of supportive policies conducive to forging inclusive public space. It contributes to debates over homelessness policy by articulating an approach that integrates regulatory, funding and leadership roles. It argues that in addressing antisocial behaviour in public spaces, policy-makers must eschew approaches which effectively criminalize the sight, and status, of poverty.  相似文献   

Regional governance to address climate change is being constituted in New Zealand through domestic policy measures and international discourses. We examine climate change responses in two regions: Marlborough and Waikato. Informants expressed a desire for more transparent government policy; that planning for climate change makes good business sense for farmers and other businesses; that technology is sought to increase productivity and decrease environmental impact; and research networks build capacity for local action, linking sectors and organisations. Often conflicting, these responses to climate change were informed by a mix of discourses shaping New Zealand, including participatory democracy, the knowledge economy and sustainable development.  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper identifies and explains the pattern of memorialization in New Zealand for English nurse Edith Cavell, arguing that while the influences of empire and colonial mimicry provided a strong overarching framework, local context and parochial expressions were also strong at the colonial edge. In 1915 Cavell was executed by the occupying German forces in Belgium for her resistance work. The general transnational pattern of remembrance that resulted from the huge reaction to her death is explained. The paper then turns to the New Zealand memorialization of Cavell. With reference to monuments for other medical women, and addressing where Cavell does not appear in the landscape, the last section contextualizes Cavell's New Zealand memorialization.  相似文献   

Future coastal defence policies and 'natural' processes will have an impact on habitats within Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), Special Protection Areas (SPA) and Ramsar sites. An overview of the potential nature and extent of these changes (losses or gains over the next 50 years) around the coast of England and Wales was carried out to inform policy decisions on the legal and funding aspects of coastal defence options and possible habitat replacement. It is predicted that there could be a net loss of freshwater and brackish habitat of around 4000 hectares, together with a net gain of intertidal (saltmarsh and mudflat/sandflat) habitats of around 770 hectares, with the gains associated with managed retreat ( c .12 500 ha) balancing the expected losses due to coastal squeeze and erosion on the unprotected coast. The likely costs of freshwater and brackish habitat replacement, on a hectare-for-hectare basis, is estimated to be in the order of £50–60 million, including site purchase, set-up and on-going management costs.  相似文献   

A magnetotelluric study of the Alpine Fault, New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetotelluric soundings have been made at seven locations on a 4  km profile crossing the Alpine Fault in the South Island of New Zealand. The 'distortion' techniques of Groom & Bailey (1989 ) and Lilley (1998a , b ) have been used to derive regional apparent resistivity and phase curves that correspond to electromagnetic induction in orientations parallel and perpendicular to the fault. 2-D inversion of the regional responses reveals that a narrow (<1  km wide) conductive zone is associated with the Alpine Fault. This conductor is most probably related to the heating of deep circulating meteoric water in a region in which enhanced temperatures occur at shallow depth due to the tectonic uplift of the Southern Alps.  相似文献   

In common with many other advanced capitalist nations, the rolling back of the state in New Zealand has seen a decline in direct state intervention in heal and regional economies. Yet since 2000 the current Labour Coalition Government has sought to promote a renaissance in economic development at local and regional scales. A survey of New Zealand territorial local authorities indicates involvement in heal economic development (LED) is a recent phenomenon involving facilitation of outside agencies which is orientated toward tourist, advisory and promotional activities. The implications of these findings for future research in an environment of ‘revitalised’ policy and practice in the New Zealand context is explored.  相似文献   

Abstract:   This article briefly outlines the aims and activities of the New Zealand Coastal Society, a technical interest group formed in 1992. It explains the history of the society, who its members are, and addresses the question of who would benefit from joining the society.  相似文献   

Abstract:   There has been considerable international progress towards sustainable forest management (SFM) of temperate and boreal forest. However, the effectiveness of SFM legislation in providing for the protection of natural forest values has been largely undemonstrated. In this study, all the SFM Plans in the North Island, New Zealand, approved under the Forests Amendment Act (1993) are assessed. It is concluded that the requirements in the plans for assessing, monitoring and maintaining natural values are inadequate with the lack of public participation, and associated appeal rights over decisions, viewed as the key gap in the legislation.  相似文献   

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