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Summary. The Lleyn Peninsular earthquake which occurred at 0656 on 1984 July 19 was recorded at three medium aperture seismological array stations located at teleseismic distances. From these recordings an estimate is made of the hypocentre, origin time, magnitude and fault-plane solution of the earthquake. The fault-plane solution was determined using the Pearce algorithm and indicates that the focal mechanism is predominantly strike-slip. The fault-plane solution was used to generate synthetic seismograms for comparison with the observed to confirm the nature of the source and in particular the depth of focus which was estimated to be 20.5 km. It is concluded that the determination of the earthquake parameters using only three teleseismic seismograms is in good agreement with the results obtained from an analysis of 45 local and regional seismological stations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new approach to estimate high-resolution teleseismic receiver functions using a simultaneous iterative time-domain sparse deconvolution. This technique improves the deconvolution by using reweighting strategies based on a Cauchy criterion. The resulting sparse receiver functions enhance the primary converted phases and its multiples. To test its functionality and reliability, we applied this approach to synthetic experiments and to seismic data recorded at station ABU, in Japan. Our results show Ps conversions at approximately 4.0 s after the primary P onset, which are consistent with other seismological studies in this area. We demonstrate that the sparse deconvolution is a simple, efficient technique in computing receiver functions with significantly greater resolution than conventional approaches.  相似文献   

The migration of teleseismic receiver functions yields high-resolution images of the crustal structure of western Crete. Data were collected during two field campaigns in 1996 and 1997 by networks of six and 47 short-period three-component seismic stations, respectively. A total of 1288 seismograms from 97 teleseismic events were restituted to true ground displacement within a period range from 0.5 to 7 s. The application of a noise-adaptive deconvolution filter and a new polarization analysis technique helped to overcome problems with local coda and noise conditions. The computation and migration of receiver functions results in images of local crustal structures with unprecedented spatial resolution for this region. The crust under Crete consists of a continental top layer of 15–20 km thickness above a 20–30 km thick subducted fossil accretionary wedge with a characteristic en echelon fault sequence. The downgoing oceanic Moho lies at a depth of 40–60 km and shows a topography or undulation with an amplitude of several kilometres. As a consequence of slab depth and distribution of local seismicity, the Mediterranean Ridge is interpreted as the recent accretionary wedge.  相似文献   

We propose a two-step inversion of three-component seismograms that (1) recovers the far-field source time function at each station and (2) estimates the distribution of co-seismic slip on the fault plane for small earthquakes (magnitude 3 to 4). The empirical Green's function (EGF) method consists of finding a small earthquake located near the one we wish to study and then performing a deconvolution to remove the path, site, and instrumental effects from the main-event signal.
The deconvolution between the two earthquakes is an unstable procedure: we have therefore developed a simulated annealing technique to recover a stable and positive source time function (STF) in the time domain at each station with an estimation of uncertainties. Given a good azimuthal coverage, we can obtain information on the directivity effect as well as on the rupture process. We propose an inversion method by simulated annealing using the STF to recover the distribution of slip on the fault plane with a constant rupture-velocity model. This method permits estimation of physical quantities on the fault plane, as well as possible identification of the real fault plane.
We apply this two-step procedure for an event of magnitude 3 recorded in the Gulf of Corinth in August 1991. A nearby event of magnitude 2 provides us with empirical Green's functions for each station. We estimate an active fault area of 0.02 to 0.15 km2 and deduce a stress-drop value of 1 to 30 bar and an average slip of 0.1 to 1.6 cm. The selected fault of the main event is in good agreement with the existence of a detachment surface inferred from the tectonics of this half-graben.  相似文献   

Shear-coupled PL     
Summary. Observed teleseismic shear-coupled PL -waves ( SPL ) display a variety of waveforms depending on factors such as source depth, source type and velocity structure. Using a WKBJ spectral method for SV -wave propagation, synthetic seismograms of SPL are produced to examine the factors important in SV and SPL excitation. Results show that SPL is preferentially excited by shallow sources compared to deep sources. This is due to large source area reverberations which consequently leak as SV -waves into the mantle. Interaction at the receiver area then sets up the classic prograde elliptical motion by which SPL can be identified. This is in accordance with the teleseismic observations and indicates that most previous models for the propagation of SPL were not appropriate for shallow source since emphasis was placed on wave interactions occurring only near the receiver.  相似文献   

A curious observation has been made on radial receiver functions calculated from teleseisms recorded by 29 broad-band seismometers distributed over Iceland. The arrival time of the direct P phase of the radial receiver functions depends critically upon the azimuth of the teleseismic source. For a seismic station in West Iceland, the direct P  phase of the radial receiver function arrives consistently later for easterly source azimuths than for westerly source azimuths. The reverse applies for stations in East Iceland. In the original seismograms, the delayed P phase of the receiver function appears up to 450 ms later on the radial than on the vertical component. The seismometer locations in East and West Iceland are separated by the Neovolcanic Zone, a constructive plate boundary. The delayed P phases occur for seismic rays travelling across this zone. However, it is not obvious how wave propagation across the plate boundary zone could cause the observed delays. The tentative explanation proposed here involves the regional dip of the Icelandic lava sequences towards the Neovolcanic Zone. A dipping interface at shallow depth results in a P–S converted phase arriving shortly after the P phase. These phases cannot be separated in the radial receiver functions, given the bandwidth of the observed signals. However, a calculation of receiver functions from estimates of the P , SV and SH wavefields clearly reveals a P–S converted phase at about 500 ms for easterly source azimuths in West Iceland and for westerly source azimuths in East Iceland. The amplitudes of the direct P phase and the P–S phase converted at a dipping interface would be expected to vary strongly with azimuth in accordance with the observed behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary. It is shown that complex teleseismic P waveforms from a shallow earthquake in a tectonic area can be interpreted using a simple source model embedded in a plane layer velocity structure (with sea layer) whose details are based upon independent evidence. This gives hope that structural complexity in tectonic regions may not always make distant P -wave seismograms impossible to interpret, and that, instead, source complexity may be responsible for some of the many complex waveforms observed, even for earthquakes below magnitude m b 5.5.  相似文献   

Adopting Born and ray approximations, time-domain synthetic seismograms for P-P and P-S scattering from a plane wave incident on a thin, laterally heterogeneous layer are presented in this paper. The time-domain P coda is a convolution between a structure function and the second-order derivative of the time function of the incident P wave. Examples of synthetic seismograms are given using a time function from a computed short-period seismogram for a point explosive source in a half-space. These show that it is impossible, with realistic values of the parameters involved, to generate significant codas when only single scattering is involved.  相似文献   

P-SH conversion is commonly observed in teleseismic P waves, and is often attributed to dipping interfaces beneath the receiver. Our modelling suggests an alternative explanation in terms of flat-layered anisotropy. We use reflectivity techniques to compute three-component synthetic seismograms in a 1-D anisotropic layered medium. For each layer of the medium, we prescribe values of seismic velocities and hexagonally symmetric anisotropy about a common symmetry axis of arbitrary orientation. A compressional wave in an anisotropic velocity structure suffers conversion to both SV -and SH -polarized shear waves, unless the axis of symmetry is everywhere vertical or the wave travels parallel to all symmetry axes. The P-SV conversion forms the basis of the widely used 'receiver function' technique. The P-SH conversion occurs at interfaces where one or both layers are anisotropic. A tilted axis of symmetry and a dipping interface in isotropic media produce similar amplitudes of both direct ( P ) and converted ( Ps ) phases, leaving the backazimuth variation of the P-Ps delay as the main discriminant. Seismic anisotropy with a tilted symmetry axis leads to complex synthetic seismograms in velocity models composed of just a few flat homogeneous layers. It is possible therefore to model observations of P coda with prominent transverse components with relatively simple 1-D velocity structures. Successful retrieval of salient model characteristics appears possible using multiple realizations of a genetic-algorithm (GA) inversion of P coda from several backazimuths. Using GA inversion, we determine that six P coda recorded at station ARU in central Russia are consistent with models that possess strong (> 10 per cent) anisotropy in the top 5 km and between 30 and 43 km depth. The symmetry axes are tilted, and appear aligned with the seismic anisotropy orientation in the mantle under ARU suggested by SKS splitting.  相似文献   

The Massif Central, the most significant geomorphological unit of the Hercynian belt in France, is characterized by graben structures which are part of the European Cenozoic Rift System (ECRIS) and also by distinct volcanic episodes, the most recent dated at 20 Ma to 4000 years BP. In order to study the lithosphere-asthenosphere system beneath this volcanic area, we performed a teleseismic field experiment.
During a six-month period, a joint French-German team operated a network of 79 mobile short-period seismic stations in addition to the 14 permanent stations. Inversion of P -wave traveltime residuals of teleseismic events recorded by this dense array yielded a detailed image of the 3-D velocity structure beneath the Massif Central down to 180 km depth. The upper 60 km of the lithosphere displays strong lateral heterogeneities and shows a remarkable correlation between the volcanic provinces and the negative velocity perturbations. The 3-D model reveals two channels of low velocities, interpreted as the remaining thermal signature of magma ascent following large lithospheric fractures inherited from Hercynian time and reactivated during Oligocene times. The teleseismic inversion model yields no indication of a low-velocity zone in the mantle associated with the graben structures proper. The observation of smaller velocity perturbations and a change in the shape of the velocity pattern in the 60–100 km depth range indicates a smooth transition from the lithosphere to the asthenosphere, thus giving an idea of the lithosphere thickness. A broad volume of low velocities having a diameter of about 200 km from 100 km depth to the bottom of the model is present beneath the Massif Central. This body is likely to be the source responsible for the volcanism. It could be interpreted as the top of a plume-type structure which is now in its cooling phase.  相似文献   

Long-period data of the Global Digital Seismograph Network (GDSN) recorded over the three-year period from 1984 to 1986 were studied for the occurrence of S-P and P-S conversions from the upper mantle transition zone that appear as precursors to teleseismic S arrivals. Conversions of this type were identified on a large number of single-station records. Simple stacking of many records enhanced the appearance of converted phases and demonstrated that no major lateral variations in the nature of the transition zone exist between various tectonic regions. S-P and P-S conversions from the 400 km discontinuity were best observed at distances between 70 and 85 while conversions from the 670 km discontinuity showed up best at distances beyond 87. The analysis of published source mechanisms and comparison with synthetic seismograms suggests that the appearance of converted phases is primarily governed by the earthquake radiation pattern. Phases that have undergone S-P conversions beneath the receiver are best observed from dip-slip events that radiate strong SV - and weak P -waves towards the station. P-S conversions beneath the source area, on the other hand, are frequently observed from events that radiate strong P and little SV energy towards the station, and also from some strike-slip events. Comparison of observed with synthetic seismograms suggests that the PREM model of Dziewonski & Anderson (1981) explains most of the observations. Observed S-P and P-S conversions from the 670 km discontinuity, however, often have larger amplitudes than in the synthetics. Constructive interference of converted waves with the P -wave coda, source radiation effects and a velocity contrast across the 670 km discontinuity which is higher than in PREM may all contribute to the discrepancy.  相似文献   

Geophysical observables are generally related to earth structure and source parameters in a complicated non-linear way. Consequently, a large number of forward modelling processes are commonly necessary to obtain a satisfactory estimate of such parameters from observed data. The most time-consuming part of the forward modelling is the computation of the Green's functions of the different earth models to be tested. In this study, we present a fast converging algorithm: the differential transform method for the computation of Green's functions in terms of spherical or cylindrical harmonics. In this method, a deconvolutable high-pass filter is used to enhance the numerical significance of the far-field spectrum of Green's functions. Compared with existing fast converging algorithms such as the Kummer's transformation and the disc factor method, the differential transform method is more efficient except for the extremely near-source region. The new method can be used to suppress numerical phases (non-physical seismic signals) associated with the aliasing effect that may arise in synthetic seismograms when the latter are computed from a windowed wavenumber (or slowness) spectrum. The numerical efficiency of the new method is demonstrated via two representative tests.  相似文献   

We present a method for the retrieval of the phase velocities of surface-wave overtones. The 'single-station' method is successful for several Love and Rayleigh overtone branches (up to at least four) in mode-specific period ranges between 40 and 200 s. It uses mode-branch cross-correlation functions and relies on adjusting the phase and amplitude of the mode branches one at a time. A standard statistical optimization technique is used. We discuss in detail the a priori information that is added to stabilize the retrieval procedure. In addition, we present a technique to estimate the reliability of individual phase and amplitude measurements. The retrieval method and the technique to estimate reliabilities can be used together in a highly automated way, making the methods especially suited for studying the large volume of digital data now available.
We include several applications to synthetic and recorded waveforms. We will discuss in detail an experiment with 90 waveforms that have travelled along very similar paths from Vanuatu to California. For this path, we will present average overtone phase velocities and an average 1-D velocity structure.  相似文献   

We investigate large-amplitude phases arriving in the P -wave coda of broad-band seismograms from teleseisms recorded by the Gräfenberg array, the German Regional Seismic Network and the Global Seismic Network. The data set consists of all events m b≤ 5.6 from the Aleutian arc between 1977 and 1992. Earthquakes with large-amplitude coda waves correlate with the presence of oceanic crust in the source region. The amplitudes sometimes approach those of the P wave, much larger than predicted by theory. Modelling indicates that phases in the P -wave coda cannot be P -wave multiples beneath the source and receiver, or underside reflections, which precede PP , from upper-mantle discontinuities. Among the events, seismograms are very similar, where the arrival times of the unusual phases agree approximately with the predicted times of S -to- P conversions from the upper-mantle discontinuities under the source. Because the large-amplitude phases in the P -wave coda have little, if any, dependence on event depth and have predominantly an SV -wave radiation pattern towards the receiver, we suggest that they originate as SV and/or Rayleigh waves and are enhanced by lateral heterogeneity and multipathing from the subducting Aleutian slab.  相似文献   

A seismogram that is several times the length of the source-receiver wavelet is windowed into two parts—these may overlap—to obtain two seismograms with approximately the same source function but different Green's functions. A similarly windowed synthetic seismogram gives two corresponding synthetic seismograms. The spectral product of the window 1 data with the window 2 synthetic is equal to the spectral product of the window 1 synthetic with the window 2 data only if the correct earth model is used to compute the synthetic. This partition principle is applied to well-log sonic waveform data from Ocean Drilling Project hole 806B, a slow formation, and used there to estimate Poisson's ratio from a single seismogram whose transmitter and receiver functions are unknown. A multichannel extension of the algorithm gives even better results. The effective borehole radius R b, was included in the inversion procedure, because of waveform sensitivity to R b. Inversion results for R b agreed with the sonic caliper, but not the mechanical caliper; thus if R b is not included in the inversion its value should be taken from the sonic caliper.  相似文献   

Summary . In this paper the accuracy of velocity-depth profiles derived by matching WKBJ seismograms to observations is quantitatively evaluated. Seismograms computed with the WKBJ method are generally quite reliable but possess predictable, systematic inaccuracies in the presence of strong velocity gradients. The effects of these inaccuracies on models derived through WKBJ waveform inversion are studied, using reflectivity seismograms as 'data'. The velocity structure used is an oceanic lithosphere model that contains several transition regions separated by relatively homogeneous layers, producing partially-reflected reverberations in the reflectivity synthetics that are absent from the WKBJ seismograms. The inversion incorporates the 'jumping' strategy to solve for the smoothest models consistent with the data. We find these solutions to be independent of the starting model and to have a stable basic structure that agrees well with the correct model. The differences, everywhere less than a seismic wavelength, depend on the frequency content of the seismograms. Reverberations in the reflectivity seismograms that are well separated from WKBJ arrivals are treated as 'noise' in the inversion.  相似文献   

We image the Hikurangi subduction zone using receiver functions derived from teleseismic earthquakes. Migrated receiver functions show a northwest dipping low shear wave feature down to 60 km depth, which we associate with the crust of the subducted Pacific Plate. Receiver functions (RF) at several stations also show a pair of negative and positive polarity phases with associated conversion depths of ∼20–26 km, where the subducted Pacific Plate is at a depth of ∼40–50 km beneath the overlying Australian Plate. RF inversion solutions model these phases with a thin low S -wave velocity zone less than 4 km thick, and an S -wave velocity contrast of more than ∼0.5 km s−1 with the overlying crust. We interpret this phase pair as representing fluids near the base of the lower crust of the Australian Plate, directly overlying the forearc mantle wedge.  相似文献   

Summary. The propagation of a pulsed elastic wave in the following geometry is considered. An elastic half-space has a surface layer of a different material and the layer furthermore contains a bounded 3-D inhomogeneity. The exciting source is an explosion, modelled as an isotropic pressure point source with Gaussian behaviour in time.
The time-harmonic problem is solved using the null field approach (the T matrix method), and a frequency integral then gives the time-domain response. The main tools of the null field approach are integral representations containing the free space Green's dyadic, expansions in plane and spherical vector wave functions, and transformations between plane and spherical vector wave functions. It should be noted that the null field approach gives the solution to the full elastodynamic equations with, in principle, an arbitrarily high accuracy. Thus no ray approximations or the like are used. The main numerical limitation is that only low and intermediate frequencies, in the sense that the diameter of the inhomogeneity can only be a few wavelengths, can be considered.
The numerical examples show synthetic seismograms consisting of data from 15 observation points at increasing distances from the source. The normal component of the velocity field is computed and the anomalous field due to the inhomogeneity is sometimes shown separately. The shape of the inhomogeneity, the location and depth of the source, and the material parameters are all varied to illustrate the relative importance of the various parameters. Several specific wave types can be identified in the seismograms: Rayleigh waves, direct and reflected P -waves, and head waves.  相似文献   

We explore the possibility of determining the actual fault plane of an earthquake from the inversion of near-source displacement seismograms of one station when a finite-dimension source is used instead of a point source model and when the complete displacement is taken into account, including near-field waves. Tests on synthetic seismograms and real data recorded at local distances show that this is possible even with a single, three-component station. A single accelerogram available for the Erzincan, Turkey, 1992 March 13, M s = 6.8 earthquake is inverted and the solution found is compatible with other seismological studies and with the mechanism expected for the North Anatolian Fault.  相似文献   

Estimating explosion yield by analytical waveform comparison   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary. The yields of 28 underground nuclear explosions at NTS (25 on Pahute Mesa) are estimated by applying a relative waveform analysis called intercorrelation to 1256 teleseismic short-period P -waves recorded at 74 WWSSN and CSN stations. Corrections for the effects of pP interference and yield-scaling of the explosion source functions are determined and applied to the waveforms, enabling analytical comparison of signals from events with different yields and burial depths. The procedure accounts for common receiver and propagation effects. Relative explosion source strengths in the 0.5–2.0 Hz frequency band are determined, with results of near-field modelling of strong ground motions establishing the absolute source spectral levels. Four events with detailed near-field models are used as master events in the intercorrelation process, and it is demonstrated that the relative source strengths are better resolved than the absolute values. Events with announced yields are used to determine empirical relations between yield and source strength, which in turn predict the yields of the other events. These yield estimates are shown to be comparable with those obtained by standard m b and relative amplitude analysis. The analytical waveform comparisons also provide estimates of the pP parameters for each event, and criteria for identifying anomalous events, such as PIPKIN and MUENSTER, for which the waveforms differ from those of other events in the test site. Possible mechanisms affecting the anomalous events are considered. Pahute Mesa is shown to be a distinct subsite within NTS, with different teleseismic amplitude and waveform variations than observed at other subsites.  相似文献   

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