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Chlorophyll a concentrations of net (retained on 30 m mesh net) and total plankton in surface waters were determined along cruise tracks in an area of the northern North Pacific Ocean and the adjacent Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska from summer to autumn. Total chlorophyll a concentrations were high with a great areal and temporal variations in the western northern North Pacific compared to the eastern part. Chlorophyll a concentrations of netplankton varied from 0.001 to 0.230 g chl a l–1 (average, 0.029 ± 0.040 g chl a l–1), and showed a positive relation but a weak regression coefficient (r 2 = 0.551) against the "average total chlorophyll a" (average of total chlorophyll a at the beginning and at the end during sampling of netplankton). However there were several data points showing high "average total chlorophyll a" but low netplankton and vice versa. Average percentage share of netplankton in the total chlorophyll a was estimated to be as large as 4.26%.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of data on chlorophyll a concentrations of the total and the netplankton (>10 μm), determined either in April to June or in August to September from 48°N to 15°S along 175°E in the Pacific Ocean during 6 years by the NOPACCS (Northwest Pacific Carbon Cycle Study). Particular attention was given to the variability of absolute concentrations of the netplankton chlorophyll a and their percentage shares of the total chlorophyll a concentration. Below 0.2 μg l−1 of surface total chlorophyll a, the netplankton chlorophyll a showed low percentage shares (such as 12.7% on average) with a large variation, but above 0.2 μg l−1 it was 35.9% on average with less variation, showing an accelerated increase at high total chlorophyll a concentrations. High netplankton chlorophyll a concentrations in surface waters were observed at high latitudes, in waters having high chlorophyll a concentrations at sub-surface depth, and in equatorial upwelling. The percentage shares of netplankton in the total chlorophyll a in the euphotic zone were 8.5% and 25.9% above and below 0.2 μg l−1, respectively, although the data points scattered over a wide range (from 7.2% to 53.8%) depending on differences in water masses, depths and seasons. High chlorophyll a concentrations and high percentage shares of netplankton corresponded to high ambient nitrate plus nitrite concentrations. Integrated netplankton chlorophyll a concentrations in the euphotic zone varied from 0.7 to 19.5 mg m−2 in waters below 0.2 μg l−1 of surface total chlorophyll a, and from 2.0 to 29.5 mg m−2 above 0.2 μg l−1, and the percentage shares of netplankton for the former were 7.4% on average and 23.7% for the latter. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Both historic and currently operational chlorophyll algorithms of the satellite-borne ocean color sensors, such as SeaWiFS, were evaluated for in situ spectral radiation and chlorophyll data in some Case I waters, including the waters in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean. Chlorophyll a concentration of the data set (n = 73) ranged from 0.04 to 1.01 mg m–3. The algorithms had higher accuracy for the low- and mid-latitude waters (RMSE: 0.163–0.253), specifically the most recently developed algorithms of OCTS and Sea WiFS showed 0.163 and 0.170 of Root Mean Square Errors, respectively. However, these algorithms had large errors (0.422–0.621) for the Southern Ocean data set and underestimated the surface chlorophyll by more than a factor of 2.6. The absorption coefficients in the blue spectral region retrieved from remote sensing reflectance varied in a nonlinear manner with chlorophyll a concentration, and the value in the Southern Ocean was significantly lower than that in the low- and mid-latitude waters for each chlorophyll a concentration. The underestimation of chlorophyll a concentration in the Southern Ocean with these algorithms was caused by the lower specific absorption coefficient in the region compared with the low- and mid-latitude waters under the same chlorophyll a concentration.  相似文献   

The distribution of chlorophyll a derivatives was examined in samples collected from the subarctic North Pacific during July to September 1997. Pheophorbide a, pheophytin a and pyropheophorbide a as determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were the major derivatives recorded. The distribution patterns of chlorophyll a and its derivatives showed a strong vertical and horizontal heterogeneity. Patches with high concentration of derivatives seemed to be associated with high concentration of chlorophyll a. A clear east-west gradient was observed in both chlorophyll a and pheophorbide a integrated from the surface to 100 m depth with significantly higher amounts of both the pigments in the Western Subarctic Gyre and in the Bering Sea than in the Alaskan Gyre. In contrast, no apparent gradient was observed in the integrated pyropheophorbide a and pheophytin a. Grazing experiments conducted with the copepod (Neocalanus cristatus) and salp (Cyclosalpa bakeri) fed on five species of phytoplankton cultures, showed a marked difference in the composition of the derivatives in their fecal pellets. Pyropheophorbide a was dominant in the copepod fecal pellet regardless of the phytoplankton species fed on. In the salp, however, pheophytin a and pheophorbide a were found in the fecal pellets, the relative concentrations varying with the algal food. Spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of the derivatives is considered to reflect local variations in dominant herbivorous processes.  相似文献   

The primary production and chlorophyll a concentration of picoplankton (0.2 - 2 μm) , nanoplankton (2 - 20μm) and micro- plankton (20 -200 μm) are described in the northeastern Pacific Ocean near the Hawaii Islands during the six survey cruises from 1996 to 2003:DY85-4, DY95-7, DY95-8, DY95-10, DY105-11 and DY105-12.14. The primary production of carbon was in range from 76.8 to 191.9 mg/(m^2 · d) with an average of 116.1 mg/( m^2 · d) in the east region, and from 73.1 to 222.5 mg/( m^2 · d) with an average of 127.1 mg/( m^2 · d) in the west region, similar to the other oligotrophic regions of the Pacific Ocean investigated. The chlorophyll a concentration was about 0.1 mg/m^3 from the surface to the 50 m depth, about 0.2 -0.4 mg/m^3from 50 to 100 m, and gradually decreased below the 100 m depth. The picoplankton accounted for more than 70% of the total chlorophyll a in the upper layer ( surface to 125 m), but it decreased to less than 50% in depth below 125 m. The nanoplankton and microplankton combined only accounted for less than 30% of the total chlorophyll a in the upper layer, but showed a more even vertical distribution.  相似文献   

夏季北冰洋无冰海域次表层暖水结构的形成机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在夏季北冰洋的无冰海域,经常可以观测到次表层暖水现象,即在水深20~50m的范围内发生海水温度的极大值。建立了一个一维的热力学解析模式,用于研究夏季北冰洋次表层暖水的形成机制。模式的计算结果表明,太阳辐射作用是形成次表层暖水的关键因素。在北冰洋的开阔水域,大气吸收海洋热量的过程导致了海面温度下降,使温度极大值出现在次表层。海洋垂向湍流热扩散对次表层暖水温度有显著影响;当湍流热扩散较弱时,热扩散的范围较小,有利于形成次表层暖水。次表层暖水的位置随着时间的推移不断加深,温度不断增高。在北极,大气温度低于海面温度是普遍现象,次表层暖水经常发生。虽然当海面气温发生变化时,次表层海水温度结构会发生相应的变化,但次表层暖水结构形成之后,如果不受强烈天气过程的破坏,则会一直存在下去。按照本文的结论,随着北极气候变暖,海冰将进一步减少,次表层暖水现象还会明显增加,海洋对气候变化将有更加强烈的响应和反馈,对全球气候变化产生意义深远的影响。  相似文献   

Satellite-derived ocean color data of Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) on board the Nimbus-7 and Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS) on board the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite (ADEOS) are jointly used with historical in situ data to examine seasonal and spatial distributions of chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations in the East China Sea. Ocean color imagery showed that Chl-a concentrations on the continental shelf were higher than those of the Kuroshio area throughout the year. Satellite-derived Chl-a concentrations are generally in good accordance with historical in situ values during spring through autumn (although no shipboard in situ measurement was conducted at nearshore areas). In contrast, ocean color imagery in winter indicated high Chl-a concentrations (4–10 mg m–3) on the continental shelf where bottom depth was less than 50 m when surface water was turbid (2–72 g m–3 of SPM at surface), while historical in situ values were usually less than 1 mg m–3. This suggests that resuspended bottom sediment due to wind-driven mixing and winter cooling is responsible for the noticeable overestimation of satellite-derived Chl-a concentrations. The algorithm for ocean color needs to be improved urgently for turbid water.  相似文献   

对中国南海表层叶绿素a季节内变化的研究有助于深入认识其海洋特征,满足渔情预报等实际应用需求。利用卫星观测资料分析南海表层叶绿素a不同季节的季节内变化特征,结果表明南海表层叶绿素a季节内振荡强度冬季最高。冬季和春季的季节内振荡最强区域都位于吕宋岛西北侧海区,夏季和秋季振荡较强的区域偏向菲律宾群岛一侧。分析表明研究海区表层温度和表层叶绿素a 存在负相关,冬强夏弱,北强南弱。大部分海区海面高度和叶绿素a 相关性不显著,但南海东南边缘海区海面高度和叶绿素a在季节内存在正相关。冬季海盆尺度逆时针旋转的环流结构应是这些现象产生的原因。除南海东南边缘海区、海南岛东南海区和吕宋岛西侧海区之外,风应力大小和热通量均与叶绿素a 在季节内呈正相关。这显示非局地风场和海流等因素、海洋动力调整过程可能在吕宋海峡以西和南海东南边缘的表层叶绿素a 季节内变化中起到重要作用。  相似文献   

Surface temperature, salinity, concentrations of silicate (Si) and nitrate + nitrite (N), and in vivo fluorescence (Fluor) were investigated in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) and the seasonally open oceanic zone (SOOZ) (32–40°E, 64–69°S) from February 23 to 28 1992. In the MIZ the mean Si and N were 67.8 ± 2.2 M and 32.5 ± 1.7 M, respectively. There was a trend that low N values coincided with high Fluor values. Observation conducted at one point (64°S, 38°E) revealed a diel variation pattern in Fluor. Applying this pattern of deviation from noon value, all Fluor data were normalized to value at local noon. In the MIZ a significant negative correlation was observed between the normalized Fluor and N but not Si. On the other hand, Si decreased continuously from south to north in the SOOZ and was negatively correlated with the normalized Fluor. Difference in Si concentration was about 30 M between the sea around 64°S and the MIZ, while the difference in N concentration was estimated as less than 10 M. If diatoms take up silicate and nitrogen at an approximate ratio of 1:1, additional nitrogenous nutrients other than nitrate and nitrite (e.g. ammonia, urea etc.) would be required. In this case, an f-ratio of lower than 33% is obtained. It is suggested that in the MIZ abundance of phytoplankton community dominated by non-diatom increases utilizing nitrate while in the SOOZ abundance of phytoplankton community dominated by diatoms increases consuming Si and regenerated nitrogen.  相似文献   

西太平洋海区浮游植物的分布受气候变化影响,在不同时空尺度上呈现不同的变化。本研究旨在通过对历史文献及数据资料分析,建立气候变化响应概念模型来探讨Chl-a、海水表面温度(SST)及营养盐如何响应长期气候变化。分析了西太平洋不同区域Chl-a与气候变化相关因子SST及海水营养盐(硝酸盐)的相关性,对模型参数进行选择及验证,来探讨该海区Chl-a是如何响应长期气候变化。结果表明,K2站位Chl-a浓度与SST、硝酸盐浓度呈显著正相关关系,与该海区存在上升流有关;而S1、XT站位均呈现负相关关系,可能与海水水温升高导致层化加剧、营养输入减少有关。本研究为进一步完善和优化西太平洋海区的浮游植物的气候变化响应模型奠定基础。  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide (DMS), chlorophyll a (Chl-a), accessory pigments (fucoxanthin, peridinin and 19-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin), and bacterial production (BP) were measured in the surface layer (0–100 m) of the subarctic North Pacific, including the Bering Sea, during summer (14 July–5 September, 1997). In surface sewater, the concentrations of DMS and Chl-a varied widely from 1.3 to 13.2 nM (5.1 ± 3.0 nM, mean ± S.D., n = 48) and from 0.1 to 2.4 µg L–1 (0.6 ± 0.6 µg L–1, n = 24), respectively. In the subarctic North Pacific, DMS to Chl-a ratios (DMS/Chl-a) were higher on the eastern side than the western side (p < 0.0001). Below the euphotic zone, DMS/Chl-a ratios were law and the correlation between DMS and Chl-a was relatively strong (r 2 = 0.700, n = 27, p < 0.0001). In the euphotic zone, DMS/Chl-a ratios were higher and the correlation between DMS and Chl-a was weak (r 2 = 0.128, n = 50, p = 0.01). The wide variation in DMS/Chl-a ratios would be at least partially explained by the geographic variation in the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton, because of the negative correlation between DMS/Chl-a and fucoxanthin-to-Chl-a ratios (Fuc/Chl-a) (r 2 = 0.476, n = 26, p = 0.0001). Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between DMS and BP (r 2 = 0.380, n = 19, p = 0.005). This suggests that BP did not represent DMS and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) removal by bacterial consumption but rather DMSP degradation to DMS by bacterial enzyme.  相似文献   

We have determined chlorophyll a (Chla) concentration, primary productivity, cell density and species composition of diatoms, and the number of microzooplankton at the surface in the subarctic North Pacific in January 1996. The wet weight of copepods obtained by vertical tows from 150 m to the surface was also measured during the cruise. Chla concentration and primary productivity tended to be higher in the region west of 180°, the western subarctic North Pacific (WSNP), than east of 180°, the eastern subarctic North Pacific (ESNP). The same results were observed for the total diatom cell densities and for the genera Thalassiosira and Denticulopsis. Significant linear relationships were observed between the Thalassiosira cell density and Chla concentration and primary productivity, indicating that Thalassiosira contributes to the high-WSNP and low-ESNP distribution patterns of Chla concentration and primary productivity. Moreover, naked ciliate abundance tended to be lower in the WSNP than in the ESNP, whereas copepod biomass showed an inverse trend. Significantly negative Spearman rank correlations were found between the Thalassiosira cell density and the number of naked ciliates and between the number of naked ciliates and the wet weight of copepods. These results indicate that copepod grazing indirectly controls Thalassiosira cell density via predation on the naked ciliates. We conclude that the high copepod biomass in the WSNP is a factor controlling the high-WSNP and low-ESNP Thalassiosira abundance and hence Chla concentration and primary productivity patterns.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in surface waters of the Pacific Ocean during October–November, 1995, were determined using a high-temperature combustion method. The DOC in the surface mixed-layer was approximately homogeneous with a concentration between 55 and 89 μmol C l−1. This homogeneity indicates that there is a strong control of the vertical distribution of DOC by mixing processes. The DOC concentrations in the mixed-layer in the subtropical region were up to 27 μmol C l−1 higher than in the tropical region. This difference reflects the subtropical accumulation and the tropical export of DOC. There is a significant positive correlation between DOC and chlorophyll a concentrations in the mixed-layer of the North Pacific subtropical region, suggesting that phytoplankton is the primary source of DOC accumulated in this region. Calculations using simple box models suggest that DOC export in the tropical region (0–50 m depth, 10°N-10°S, along 160°W) occurs primarily by poleward advection at a rate of 0.5–3 mmol C m−2day−1. A comparison with estimates of the export rate of particulate organic carbon published in previous studies leads us to conclude that DOC export may contribute less to the carbon budget in the tropical region than has recently been supposed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper examines the mechanism controlling the short time-scale variation of sea ice cover over the Southern Ocean. Sea ice concentration and ice velocity datasets derived from images of the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I) are employed to reveal this mechanism. The contribution of both dynamic and thermodynamic processes to the change in ice edge location is examined by comparing the meridional velocity of ice edge displacement and sea ice drift. In the winter expansion phase, the thermodynamic process of new ice production off the ice edge plays an important role in daily advances of ice cover, whereas daily retreats are mostly due to southward ice drift. On the other hand, both advance and retreat of ice edges in the spring contraction phase are mostly caused by the dynamic process of the ice drift. Based on the above mechanism and the linear relation between the degree of ice production at the ice edge and northward wind speed, the seasonal advance of ice cover can be roughly reproduced using the meridional velocity of ice drift at the ice edge.  相似文献   

中国南大洋水团、环流和海冰研究进展(1995-2002)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了1995年以来中国在南大洋物理海洋学研究和南极海冰研究中所取得的成果。普里兹湾海区是中国南大洋研究的重点区域,研究表明,在该海区存在显著的深层水涌升和陆架水北扩现象,某些年份深层水与陆架水混合后产生了较重的水体,但是尚未发现生成南极底层水的直接证据。在普里兹湾所处的印度洋区段,亚热带锋、亚南极锋和极锋表现出显著的时空变化,特别是不同年份的锋面位置存在较大的摆动。该海区的南极绕极流既是风生的,也受到密度场的影响。在凯尔盖朗海台的地形引导作用下,南极绕极流表现出显著的非纬向性特征。南极海冰除了显著的季节变化以外,也表现出长期变化的趋势。此变化与海洋、大气中的其它变化有一定的相关性,表现为两极海冰涛动、南方海洋涛动等多种变化模态,对我国气候也有一定的影响。  相似文献   

Pteropods in Southern Ocean ecosystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To date, little research has been carried out on pelagic gastropod molluscs (pteropods) in Southern Ocean ecosystems. However, recent predictions are that, due to acidification resulting from a business as usual approach to CO2 emissions (IS92a), Southern Ocean surface waters may begin to become uninhabitable for aragonite shelled thecosome pteropods by 2050. To gain insight into the potential impact that this would have on Southern Ocean ecosystems, we have here synthesized available data on pteropod distributions and densities, assessed current knowledge of pteropod ecology, and highlighted knowledge gaps and directions for future research on this zooplankton group.Six species of pteropod are typical of the Southern Ocean south of the Sub-Tropical Convergence, including the four Thecosomes Limacina helicina antarctica, Limacina retroversa australis, Clio pyramidata, and Clio piatkowskii, and two Gymnosomes Clione limacina antarctica and Spongiobranchaea australis. Limacina retroversa australis dominated pteropod densities north of the Polar Front (PF), averaging 60 ind m−3 (max = 800 ind m−3) and 11% of total zooplankton at the Prince Edward Islands. South of the PF L. helicina antarctica predominated, averaging 165 ind m−3 (max = 2681 ind m−3) and up to >35% of total zooplankton at South Georgia, and up to 1397 ind m−3 and 63% of total zooplankton in the Ross Sea. Combined pteropods contributed <5% to total zooplankton in the Lazarev Sea, but 15% (max = 93%) to macrozooplankton in the East Antarctic. In addition to regional density distributions we have synthesized data on vertical distributions, seasonal cycles, and inter-annual density variation.Trophically, gymnosome are specialist predators on thecosomes, while thecosomes are considered predominantly herbivorous, capturing food with a mucous web. The ingestion rates of L. retroversa australis are in the upper range for sub-Antarctic mesozooplankton (31.2-4196.9 ng pig ind−1 d−1), while those of L. helicina antarctica and C. pyramidata are in the upper range for all Southern Ocean zooplankton, in the latter species reaching 27,757 ng pig ind−1 d−1 and >40% of community grazing impact. Further research is required to quantify diet selectivity, the effect of phytoplankton composition on growth and reproductive success, and the role of carnivory in thecosomes.Life histories are a significant knowledge gap for Southern Ocean pteropods, a single study having been completed for L. retroversa australis, making population studies a priority for this group. Pteropods appear to be important in biogeochemical cycling, thecosome shells contributing >50% to carbonate flux in the deep ocean south of the PF. Pteropods may also contribute significantly to organic carbon flux through the production of fast sinking faecal pellets and mucous flocs, and rapid sinking of dead animals ballasted by their aragonite shells. Quantification of these contributions requires data on mucous web production rates, egestion rates, assimilation efficiencies, metabolic rates, and faecal pellet morphology for application to sediment trap studies.Based on the available data, pteropods are regionally significant components of the Southern Ocean pelagic ecosystem. However, there is an urgent need for focused research on this group in order to quantify how a decline in pteropod densities may impact on Southern Ocean ecosystems.  相似文献   

南大洋浮游植物现存量对颗粒有机碳的贡献   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据中国第15、16次南极考察观测的颗粒有机碳、叶绿素a浓度的数据,探讨浮游植物现存量对南大洋颗粒有机碳的贡献。结果表明,普里兹湾内浮游植物碳对颗粒有机碳的贡献高于湾北部的大洋区,真光层上部浮游植物碳对颗粒有机碳的贡献高于深层水。同时分析两个航次测区叶绿素a浓度和航程途中叶绿素a浓度的分布,以期了解浮游植物在南大洋颗粒有机碳来源中的作用。  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a concentrations (chla) and the absorption coefficients of total particulate matter [a p()], phytoplankton [a ph()], detritus [a d()], and colored dissolved organic matter: CDOM [a CDOM()] were measured in seawater samples collected in the subarctic North Pacific and the southern Bering Sea during the summer of 1997. We examined the specific spectral properties of absorption for each material, and compared the light fields in the Western subarctic Gyre (area WSG) with those in the Alaskan Gyre (area AG), and the southern Bering Sea (area SB). In the area WSG, the irradiance in the surface layer decreased markedly, indicating high absorption. In the area AG, the radiant energy penetrated deeply, and the chl a and absorption values were low throughout the water column. In the area SB, light absorption was high in the surface layer on the shelf edge and decreased with increasing depth; on the other hand, light absorption was low in the surface layer in the shelf area and increased with increasing depth.  相似文献   

Surface layer atmospheric and ocean observations have been collected along the cruise track from a special scientific expedition to Antarctica. Bulk estimates of surface momentum flux, sensible heat flux and latent heat flux have been computed applying bulk algorithms from the data collected along cruise track during the time period January 27 to March 31, 2006, and compared the results with National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis. Underestimation of surface momentum flux in roaring forties (40°S–50°S) area of Indian Ocean is seen from NCEP reanalysis. Systemic differences in sensible and latent heat fluxes between observed and NCEP reanalysis have been found. Along the cruise track, the average sensible (latent) heat flux was 9.45 Wm?2 (67.46 Wm?2) and 3.75 Wm?2 (64.45 Wm?2) from the direct measurement and NCEP reanalysis, respectively. The NCEP reanalysis is being widely used in numerical modeling studies, and the discrepancies shown in the NCEP reanalysis in present study will be of immense use to the modeling community of the Indian Ocean in general and Southern Indian Ocean in particular.  相似文献   

南大洋太平洋扇区中尺度涡旋的统计特性及其变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中尺度涡旋在南大洋海洋动力学中具有重要地位,其对气候变化的响应表现也引起了海洋学家与气候学家的广泛关注。本文利用涡动动能与涡旋自动探测技术两种方法对南大洋太平洋扇区的涡旋特性及其变化进行了分析。与前人结果相一致的是,高值的涡动动能主要集中在南极极锋海区,并且自西向东逐渐减弱。在过去的20年里,涡动动能在太平洋扇区的显著增强也集中在中西部海域,这里也是南极绕极流斜压性较强的海域。涡旋统计特性揭示了涡动动能的空间分布及其年际变化主要归因于涡旋振幅与旋转速度,而并非涡旋个数或者涡旋半径。这些结果进一步确认了对应于南半球环状模正位相的绕极西风异常改变了南大洋的涡旋特性,从而表现出涡旋活跃性增强。  相似文献   

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