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Mainland Asia has been subdivided into 14 distinct volcanic petrochemical provinces. Alkaline rocks form about 88% of the extrusive materials. Potassic basalts form 62% of the basaltic “clan”. Andesitic rocks are relatively uncommon except near the seaboard and in Tibet. Peralkaline rocks are found in Korea and neighboring parts of China. The majority of the potassic basalt appear to be derived by variable degrees of partial melting of a mantle with lateral compositional heterogeneity. The peak of volcanic activity was during the Miocene and corresponded to the collision of the Indian continent and the development of back-arc basins.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The Central Asian and East Asian transitional zones are distinguished in Central and East Asia south of the Late Precambrian–Paleozoic...  相似文献   

Tectonic deformation of Cenozoic strata,youthful tectonontorphology,and high seismicity in the western part of Sichuan and Yunnan(Southwest China)marked intensive tectonism there during the Ceno7oic.It is a good place for studying the continental geodynamics because it is far away from those active plate boundaries surrounding the East Asian continent but near the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)plateau.The present study discriminated two phases of tectonic deformation with quite different styles in Cenozoic.Early compression deformation,expressed by folds,thrust,and even nappe structure,mainly occurred between the middle and late Eocene.Late extension deformation expressed by block-faulting started at least in the late Pliocene.Nonconformity,absence of strata,nonsuccessive tectonism,and inverse movement of the faults in late stages illustrated that two different deformation phases should be caused by different geodynamic processes.The early compression deformation would be related to Ar  相似文献   

The roles of subduction of the Pacific plate and the big mantle wedge (BMW) in the evolution of east Asian continental margin have attracted lots of attention in past years. This paper reviews recent progresses regarding the composition and chemical heterogeneity of the BMW beneath eastern Asia and geochemistry of Cenozoic basalts in the region, with attempts to put forward a general model accounting for the generation of intraplate magma in a BMW system. Some key points of this review are summarized in the following. (1) Cenozoic basalts from eastern China are interpreted as a mixture of high-Si melts and low-Si melts. Wherever they are from, northeast, north or south China, Cenozoic basalts share a common low-Si basalt endmember, which is characterized by high alkali, Fe2O3T and TiO2 contents, HIMU-like trace element composition and relatively low 206Pb/204Pb compared to classic HIMU basalts. Their Nd-Hf isotopic compositions resemble that of Pacific Mantle domain and their source is composed of carbonated eclogites and peridotites. The high-Si basalt endmember is characterized by low alkali, Fe2O 3 T and TiO2 contents, Indian Mantle-type Pb-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions, and a predominant garnet pyroxenitic source. High-Si basalts show isotopic provinciality, with those from North China and South China displaying EM1-type and EM2-type components, respectively, while basalts from Northeast China containing both EM1- and EM2-type components. (2) The source of Cenozoic basalts from eastern China contains abundant recycled materials, including oceanic crust and lithospheric mantle components as well as carbonate sediments and water. According to their spatial distribution and deep seismic tomography, it is inferred that the recycled components are mostly from stagnant slabs in the mantle transition zone, whereas EM1 and EM2 components are from the shallow mantle. (3) Comparison of solidi of garnet pyroxenite, carbonated eclogite and peridotite with regional geotherm constrains the initial melting depth of high-Si and low-Si basalts at <100 km and ~300 km, respectively. It is suggested that the BMW under eastern Asia is vertically heterogeneous, with the upper part containing EM1 and EM2 components and isotopically resembling the Indian mantle domain, whereas the lower part containing components derived from the Pacific mantle domain. Contents of H2O and CO2 decrease gradually from bottom to top of the BMW. (4) Melting of the BMW to generate Cenozoic intraplate basalts is triggered by decarbonization and dehydration of the slabs stagnated in the mantle transition zone.  相似文献   

The possible sources of pre-anthropogenic Pb contributed to the world's oceans have been the focus of considerable study. The role of eolian dust versus riverine inputs has been of particular interest. With better calibration of isotopic records from central Pacific ferromanganese crusts using Os isotope stratigraphy it now appears that deep water Pb isotopic compositions were effectively homogeneous over a distance of 5000 km for the past 80 Myr. The composition shifted slightly from high 206Pb/204Pb ratios in the range of 18.87 ± 0.02 before 65 Ma to lower values of 18.62 ± 0.02 by 45 Ma and then gradually increased again very slightly to the present day ratio of 18.67 ± 0.02. The regional homogeneity provides evidence of a dominant well-mixed atmospheric source the most likely candidate for which is volcanic aerosols contributed either directly or as soluble condensates on eolian dust. The slight shift in Pb isotope composition of deep waters in the central Pacific between 65 and 45 Ma may be the result of a regional- or perhaps global-scale change in the sources of volcanic exhalations and volcanic activity caused by an increase in the importance of melting and assimilation of older continental crustal components over the Cenozoic.  相似文献   

Many features of the Cenozoic tectonic history of central and southeastern Asia can be understood as direct consequences of the thrust and penetration of India into Asia. Recent indentation experiments with plasticine (Tapponnier et al. [7]) have extended this idea and have led to the prediction of a pattern of large rotations and displacements of continental blocks that can be tested by paleomagnetism. The available Cretaceous and Cenozoic paleomagnetic data from this part of the world have been reviewed and a new APWP for Eurasia has been constructed for reference. The negligible rotation of South China and large clockwise rotation of Indochina are consistent with the model, i.e., with an history of large-scale left-lateral strike-slip motion along the Altyn Tagh and Red River faults. Data from Malaya and Borneo can be reconciled with the model, although in a less straightforward fashion. The large counter clockwise rotation of South Tibet implies that it rotated in sympathy with India during the collision and suggests that future indentation experiments should include this feature. Finally a middle Cretaceous reconstruction of the south margin of Asia is proposed. One interesting result is the restored continuity of geological features in Tibet and Indochina, with active subduction of oceanic (Indian plate) crust taking place to the south at subtropical latitudes.  相似文献   

从地幔结构的三维层析成像、上地幔过渡带、核幔边界、热柱和热点、板块运动、消减作用和板块的消亡、地幔的地球化学和岩石学结构等方面,回顾了20世纪地球动力学研究所取得的重大成就;探讨了地球动力学研究所面临的重要问题,指出21世纪地质学家、地球物理学家、岩石物理学家等地球科学家的通力合作,将揭示地球演化的动力学过程。  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Global geodynamics is determined by the thermal convection in the mantle which manifests itself on the surface by movements, relief, heat flow, and...  相似文献   

青藏高原中部新生代湖泊发育普遍.对该时期形成的湖相白云岩特征的研究对于了解当时及此后青藏高原的环境演化进程具有重要意义.笔者主要利用XRD、SEM及薄片观察方法对沱沱河地区两个剖面的白云石特征进行了研究,分析了白云石有序度、晶形及白云石中碳酸钙摩尔浓度三者之间的关系,并根据白云石的矿物学和岩石学特征以及野外宏观岩层组合特征对白云岩的成因作出了判断,进而联系同一时期高原内部以及周边地区的构造运动导致的环境变化,对剖面所代表地区沉积时的环境变化作了解释.  相似文献   

Two events of Tibet uplifting are revealed by detrital apatite fission track (AFT) age data from Linxia Basin. They occurred at about 14 and 5.4-8.0 MaBP respectively. We interpret the first one to be related to the uplifting of the northern Tibet, which might have resulted from convectively removing the thickened lower lithosphere. The second one is a result of Laji Mountain uplifting. Numerous studies of the Tibetan Plateau suggest that the onset time of the deformation in the northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau and the time of Tibet attaining to its present elevation is about 8 MaBP. They are approximately coincident with the uplift of Lajishan Mountain. It suggests that the northeastern margin of Tibet propagated northeastwardly to its present site in about 8 MaBP for accommodating the sustained convergence between India-Eurasia plate and for keeping its high elevation. The active block pattern dominating the strong earthquake distribution of Chinese continent probably formed at about 8.0-5.4 MaBP.  相似文献   

The results of the analysis of extensive data about the local anomalies of recent surface displacements in the fault zones estimated from repeated geodetic observations in seismically active and weakly seismic (platform) regions are presented. It is shown that the local, symmetric sags of the Earth’s surface in the vicinity of the faults are the predominant type of anomalies. The simultaneous recording of the vertical and horizontal displacements shows that the local subsidence is accompanied by horizontal deformations of elongation along the lines that are orthogonal to the fault’s strike. Different kinematic types of faults are considered, and it is shown that the revealed anomalies correspond to the recent activation of the local joints within the fault zones resulting in the subsidence of the Earth’s surface. Three variants of the models describing the formation of the joint-type anomalies are considered: the block model, the dislocation model, and the parametric model. The comparison of the calculated distributions of the horizontal and vertical displacements in the vicinity of the fault with the observations shows that the parametric model fits the field data best. The parametric model describes a fault as a zone with varying internal parameters in two variants: as an inhomogeneity with a reduced stiffness or as an inclusion with anomalous strain according to the terminology of John D. Eshelby. By the example of regularly shaped objects, the equivalence of both approaches is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Climate in Eastern Asia is composed of monsoon climate in the east,arid and semi-arid climate in the north and west,and the cold and dry climate of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in the southwest.The underlying causes for the evolution of East Asian climate during late Cenozoic have long been investigated and debated,particularly with regards to the role played by the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau uplift and the global cooling.In this paper,we reviewed major research developments in this area,and summarized the important results.Based on a synthesis of data,we propose that the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau uplift alone cannot fully explain the formation of monsoon and arid climates in Eastern Asia during the past 22–25 Ma.Other factors such as the global ice volume and high-latitude temperature changes have also played a vital role.Moreover,atmospheric CO2changes may have modulated the monsoon and dry climate changes by affecting the location of the inter-tropical convergence zone(ITCZ),which controls the monsoon precipitation zone and the track of the East Asian winter monsoon during late Cenozoic.The integration of high-resolution geological record and numerical paleoclimate modeling could make new contributions to understanding the climate evolution and variation in eastern Asia in future studies.It could facilitate the investigation of the regional differences in East Asian environmental changes and the asynchronous nature between the uplift of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and their climatic effects.These would be the keys to understanding underlying driving forces for the evolution of the East Asian climate.  相似文献   

The Bohai Basin is a petroliferous Cenozoic basin in northeast China (Fig. 1(a)) and has apparent geo- metrical and kinematic similarities with the other Meso-Cenozoic extensional basins located along the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate[1,2]. Its architec- ture and Cenozoic stratigraphy have been well under- stood from several decades of petroleum exploration. Previous studies have suggested that the Bohai Basinis a typical extensional basin and has two tectonic evolution phases, rift…  相似文献   


Two events of Tibet uplifting are revealed by detrital apatite fission track (AFT) age data from Linxia Basin. They occurred at about 14 and 5.4-8.0 MaBP respectively. We interpret the first one to be related to the uplifting of the northern Tibet, which might have resulted from convectively removing the thickened lower lithosphere. The second one is a result of Laji Mountain uplifting. Numerous studies of the Tibetan Plateau suggest that the onset time of the deformation in the northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau and the time of Tibet attaining to its present elevation is about 8 MaBP. They are approximately coincident with the uplift of Lajishan Mountain. It suggests that the northeastern margin of Tibet propagated northeastwardly to its present site in about 8 MaBP for accommodating the sustained convergence between India-Eurasia plate and for keeping its high elevation. The active block pattern dominating the strong earthquake distribution of Chinese continent probably formed at about 8.0-5.4 MaBP.


Summary The amplitude-distance curves of P waves, valid for the region of Central Asia, were derived in the distance range between 13° and 36° using observations of a network of eight Caucasian seismic stations. The curves are characterized by an anomalous increase of amplitudes between 13° and 20° followed by a large decrease of amplitudes in the distance range between 20° and 35°. Both the increase and decrease of amplitudes are interrupted by several local maxima. A comparison of the present amplitude curves with those derived for the regions of South-Eastern Europe and Asia Minor enabled us to correlate the individual local maxima of amplitude curves and to investigate the variation of their position due to the lateral inhomogeneity of the upper mantle structure in Eurasia.A. Tskhakaya deceased in 1970.  相似文献   

The geodynamics of the Chersky seismic belt is discussed, based on seismic and geologic evidence, as well as on heat-flow and deep-structure analyses. The belt stretches across Northeast Asia from the Laptev Sea to the Komandorskie Islands. It forms a boundary between the Eurasian, North American and Sea of Okhotsk plates. The concept of the relationship between the belts seismicity and the Moma rift system is not supported. The belt is currently undergoing compression generated by the sublatitudinal convergence of the North American and Eurasian plates.  相似文献   

Rates of continental erosion may be reconstructed from variations in the rate of accumulation of clastic sediment, most of which lies offshore. Global rates of marine sedimentation are usually considered to have reached a maximum after 3–4 Ma, driven by enhanced erosion in a variable glacial–interglacial climate. However, a new compilation of seismic data from the marginal seas of Asia now shows that only the Red River reached its historic peak after 4 Ma. Sediment flux from Asia first peaked in the early–middle Miocene (24–11 Ma), well before the initiation of a glacial climate, indicating that rock uplift and especially precipitation are the key controls on erosion, at least over long periods of geologic time. Reconstructions of weathering in East Asia show that faster erosion correlates with more humid, warm climates in the early–middle Miocene, changing to less erosive, drier climates after 14 Ma when Antarctic glaciation begins. Average rates of sedimentation on most east Asian continental margins since 1.8 Ma are 5–6 times less than the modern fluvial flux, implying that the flux to the oceans varies sharply on short timescales and is not always buffered over timescales of ∼104 yr by storage in flood plains.  相似文献   

The convection generated tensional stress field in the Earth, as inferred from satellite gravity data, reveals an anomalous lens of upwelling mantle rocks under the Baikal rift zone. The point of no strain at 56°N 116°E forms a seismic gap along the Baikal-Stanovoy seismic belt. East of this point, the stress field changes from extension to compression. Therefore, the position of no strain at the eastern termination of the rift accounts for the dying-out of the rift zone and for the appearance of a compressive structure in the Stanovoy Range.  相似文献   

Deep seismic sounding studies carried out in 1974–79 allowed an important peculiarity of the deep structure of the Pamir-Himalayas region to be established: the thickness of the Earth's crust is almost twice as large here as on the stable plates (65–75 and 35–37 km, respectively). The absence of any evidence for doubling of crustal thickness provides grounds for rejecting the hypothesis of subduction of the rigid Hindustan plate under the geosynclinal folded constructions of the Punjab syntaxis of the Himalayas. The steep inclination of all major faults, dissecting the Earth's crust and often dislocating the M surface, is also counter to this hypothesis. Several faults reflect the dynamics and conditions of formation of deep layers of the lithosphere. For example, the structural seam of the Indus, which has an almost sheer tilt and which penetrates to subcrustal depths, is a channel along which ophiolite associations of crystalline rocks were squeezed from the mantle. The Fore Himalayan and Major Himalayan faults are the boundaries between different structural facial zones. The band of greatest thickness of crust extends within the zone of greatest thickness of the asthenospheric layer; a deep minimum in the Bouguer anomalies (?550 mGal) corresponds to this zone, as does also a depression on the surface of the geoid.Seismicity of the lithosphere of the Pamir-Himalayas region is caused by geodynamic processes manifested in the higher lithospheric layers by block displacements of the Earth's crust (mostly uplifts), and in the lower parts by shifts of the steeply inclined mantle blocks (the Pamir-Hindukush seismic focal zone).  相似文献   

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