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Complex electrical resistivity and permeability were measured on two gneiss samples and nine amphibolites (originally located at a depth of 4150 m to 5012 m) from the main drilling of the German deep drilling project (KTB). Measurements were performed as a function of hydrostatic pressures up to 240 MPa on core samples (30 mm in diameter and 10–20 mm high). For each measurement, two samples were used, one being parallel, and one perpendicular to the borehole axis. At low pressures and again at maximum pressure the frequency dispersion (1 kHz up to 1 MHz) of the complex resistivity was measured using a two electrode device. An unusual pressure effect was detected on some of the samples and was established to be due to the oriented deposition of good conducting phases in the foliation. Rock fabric and the orientation of ore mineralization was measured on thin sections and polished sections prepared from the same samples.  相似文献   

Polymict samples can be used to establish mass-balance constraints regarding the bulk composition of the lunar crust, and to gauge the degree of regional heterogeneity in the composition of the lunar crust. The most ideally polymict type of sample is finely-mixed regolith (lunar soil), or its lithified equivalent, regolith breccia. Fortunately, lunar regolith breccias can occasionally be found at great distances from their points of origin — most of the known lunar meteorites are regolith breccias. We are searching for examples of exotic regolith samples among the Apollo regolith breccia collection. Most of the 21 Apollo regolith breccias analyzed for this study strongly resemble the local soils over which they were collected. Nine regolith breccias from Apollo 16 are surprisingly mature compared to previously-analyzed Apollo 16 regolith breccias, and six of the seven from Apollo 16 Station 5 have lower, more local-soil-like,mg ratios than previously analyzed regolith breccias from this station. Several of the Apollo 14 regolith breccias investigated show significantly highermg, and lower Al, than the local soils.The most interesting sample we have investigated is 14076,1, from a lithology that constitutes roughly half of a 2.0-g pebble. The presence of spherules indicates a regolith derivation for 14076,1, yet its highly aluminous (30 wt.% Al2O3) composition is clearly exotic to the 1.6-km traverse surface over which the Apollo 14 samples were collected. This sample resembles soils from the Descartes (Apollo 16) highlands far more than it does any other polymict sample from the Fra Mauro (Apollo 14) region. The I/sFeO maturity index is extremely low, but this may be a result of thermal annealing. A variety of siderophile elements occur in 14076,1 at typical regolith concentrations. The chemistry of the second most aluminous regolith sample from Apollo 14, 14315, can only be roughly approximated as a mixture of local regolith and 14076,1-like material. However, the low a priori statistical probability for long-distance horizontal transport by impact cratering, along with the relatively high contents of incompatible elements in 14076,1 (despite its high Al content), suggest that this regolith breccia probably originated within a few hundred kilometers of the Appollo 14 site. If so, its compositional resemblance to ferroan anorthosite tends to suggest that the regional crust is, or originally was, far richer in ferroan anorthosite than implied by the meager statistics for pristine rocks from this site. Thus, 14076,1 tends to strengthen the hypothesis that ferroan anorthosite originated as the flotation crust of a global magmasphere.  相似文献   

The Apollo 17 astronauts removed four rocks samples to represent each of the lithologies they recognized in the boulder at station 7: sample 77215 from an off-white meter-sized block; sample 77075 from one of the thin dikes that cross the off-white block; 77115 from the blue-gray rock adjacent to the off-white block and apparently continuous with thin dikes that cross the block; sample 77135 of the tan-gray or green-gray vesicular rock adjacent to the blue-gray (77115) rock. A consortium of investigators has been organized, under the leadership of E.C.T. Chao, to study the samples. Each sample shows a number of lithologic types in terms of clasts (or xenoliths) and matrices. A table shows how subsamples have been allocated for consortium study. Maps and photographs show the relations between subsample locations and lithologies for the two more dissected samples, 77115 and 77135.  相似文献   




Baron et al. [1] have recently published X-ray photoemission spectroscopy analyses of the surface composition of lunar regolith fines sample 10084 showing almost a factor of two higher Fe than we found. They suggest that this discrepancy is due either to the choice of element lines analyzed or to the data reduction procedure used. We document the fact that neither of these possible explanations is correct and provide further arguments in support of our value.  相似文献   

The concentrations of the rare earth elements (REE), K, Rb, Sr, Ba, U, Zr and Cr for the Luna 20 soil and four different Apollo 16 soils are reported. These trace element abundances imply: (1) that the lunar highlands consist of a mixture of rocks rich in large ion lithophile (LIL) elements and LIL-element impoverished anorthosites; or (2) that the bulk of the aluminum-rich crust did not originate by upward segregation of plagioclase in a primitive liquid shell. The Luna 20 soil is distinguished from the Apollo 16 soil by lower aluminum and LIL element abundances.  相似文献   

Summary The value of the electrical conductivity of the free atmosphere is inversely related to the concentration of nuclei. Measurements made with an airborne conductivity meter illustrates this effect. It was found that for these particular meteorological conditions a change of 47 nuclei/cm3 could be detected. It was also found that in one case nuclei from a smoke source were carried down wind for a distance of 400 miles. The concentration of nuclei varied from 14.6×103 nuclei/cm3 near the source to 1·3×103 at the distant location.This research was performed while the author was employed by USAF Cambridge Research Center, Bedford, Mass.  相似文献   

The ionic strength of percolating water can greatly alter a soil's hydraulic conductivity. This appears to be the result of dispersion and/or swelling of clay particles, and can alter hydraulic conductivity by several orders of magnitude.

In this paper, the potential effects of salinity-dependent changes in hydraulic conductivity during saltwater intrusions are analyzed. Results are presented to show that this can increase the degree to which brackish water will penetrate a coastal aquifer. This can also increase the width of the dispersed salt front, and can lead to a much greater circulation of saltwater within the intruding saltwater toe. These results may help to explain field observations that have previously been attributed to “scale-dependent” dispersivity and domain heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Thermal expansion during the first heating cycle at atmospheric pressure was measured in several directions in seven igneous rocks between 25° and 400°C at slow heating rates. The coefficient of thermal expansion measured under these conditions increases more rapidly as temperature is increased than the average thermal expansion coefficient of the constituent minerals. The “extra” expansion is attributed to the formation of cracks by differential expansion of mineral grains. The presence of such cracks in the rocks during the cooling part of the cycle and during any subsequent heating and cooling cycles will result in a substantial decrease in the coefficient of thermal expansion as compared to that measured during the first heating cycles. The effect of cracks initially present in a rock was studied by measuring the full tensor of the coefficient of thermal expansion on two rocks with anisotropic crack distributions. In these two rocks the coefficient of thermal expansion is least in the direction perpendicular to the plane of greatest crack concentration. The implication of our data is that thermal expansion depends greatly on the fracture state of the rock. Both the fractures in the rock and the boundary conditions on the rock are significant for the interpretation of thermal expansion measurements and for their application to other problems.  相似文献   

Titanium concentrations have been derived from measurements with the lunar-orbiting gamma-ray experiment on Apollo 15 and 16 by analyzing a spectral interval in which the titanium signal is relatively enhanced. Landing site soil values provide the reference for a regression curve from which Ti concentrations in 137 regions of adequate counting statistics are calculated. Among the mare regions overflown, the southern portion of Mare Tranquillitatis contains the highest Ti concentration (4.4%), Mare Serenitatis, Mare Fecunditatis, and Mare Smythii have intermediate values corresponding to low-Ti basalts, and Mare Crisium is conspicuously low in Ti (0.9%). Regional values in the western maria range from 1.1% to 4.1%, somewhat higher in the north than in the south, with the highest values seen south and west of Aristarchus. The Aristarchus Plateau appears chemically distinct from the surrounding mare. The younger western basalts mapped by the experiment do not appear to be identical to the Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 high-Ti basalts. Low-Ti basalts predominate in the observed mare regions. Highland Ti concentrations range from undetectable to 1.5% with several exceptions; accuracy is limited by the relatively large uncertainty. Highland results suggest a north-south asymmetry which is not consistent with previously reported results for Fe and Th. Comparisons with telescopic spectral reflectance studies of the maria do not show complete agreement and suggest that effects due to Fe may not have been fully removed from the reflectance data.  相似文献   

通过现有的最新月球重力场模型LP165P和GLGM-2模型对月球重力场的特征进行了分析,计算了相应重力场的阶方差,给出了两种模型在月球外部空间不同高度上的重力异常分布图,分析比较了截断至不同阶次的月球重力场模型在不同高度上所反映的月球重力场的特征和差异.此外,利用GSFC/NASA/USA的GEODYNⅡ轨道分析软件模拟计算了不同高度处卫星的轨道变化,得出了在进行一定高度的轨道计算时,可以对重力场模型进行适当截断的结论.  相似文献   

Calibration is a key issue for quantitative application of meteorological satellite data.The complex space environment may cause many uncertainties in data cali...  相似文献   

Summary The irradiation of the Moon in the shadow of the Earth during the eclipse, caused by refraction in the atmosphere, depends prevailingly on the optical properties of the middle and high atmosphere. The paper points out the feasibility of utilization of the optical thicknesses of the atmosphere measured in the Earth's shadow for the characterization of atmospheric microparticles. The results of observations of the lunar eclipse of August, 17th, 1989 are discussed in more detail, the vertical profile of particle concentration and parameter n in Junge's distribution have been determined. Based on processing this and another 25 lunar eclipses, a geographical map of the height of the upper limit of the high dust layer could finally be constructed.On leave from Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

The virtual or effective thermal conductivity (ETC) of the Indian subcontinental crust model is calculated from geochemical/geothermal data on the mean radiogenic heat production and on the real thermal conductivity (TC) of crystalline rocks of India. This ETC, amounting to about 3.45 W/m·K, is 1.4 time greater than the mean real TC value (about 2.5 W/m·K). This is in good agreement with the empirical relation between the surface heat flow density and the Curie depth for the Indian Craton.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the changing characteristics of microrelief of purple soil and its erosional response during successive stages of water erosion, including splash erosion, sheet erosion, and rill erosion. Methods employed included a rainfall simulator and the use of a laser scanner to generate a digital elevation model. Three artificial tillage practices, including conventional tillage (CT), artificial digging (AD), and ridge tillage (RT), were used to simulate different microrelief patterns. Eighteen artificial rainfall experiments were conducted using three 2 × 1 m boxes with a rainfall intensity of 1.5 mm min?1 on a 15° slope. The results showed that the soil roughness (SR) index values for the tillage slopes were RT > AD > CT. The combined effects of detachment by raindrop impact and transport by run‐off decreased the SR index, whereas rill erosion increased the SR index during rainfall event. Microtopography and drainage networks have strong multifractal behaviours. The multifractal parameters of microtopography reflect the overall characteristics as well as the characteristics of the local soil surface. Within a certain range of threshold values, higher microrelief causes less soil erosion. However, when the parameters of spatial heterogeneity of microtopography exceed the threshold values, a higher degree of microrelief can increase soil erosion. These results help clarify the effect of microtopography on soil erosion and provide a theoretical foundation to guide future tillage practices on sloping farmland of purple soil.  相似文献   

Experimental measurements show no evidence for diurnal variation in exhalation of radon and thoron from soil due to convection induced by thermal gradients in the top few decimeters of soil as suggested by several authors. Estimates based on convective calculations indicate that even in the unlikely event of either vertical temperature gradients large enough to cause vertical instability, or horizontal gradients sufficient to cause significant convection, any effect would be too small to be detected. These same calculations suggest that it is difficult to conceive of cases involving typical thermal gradients in unfractured porous media such as soil where thermally induced convection would play an important role in transport of radon or thoron.  相似文献   

Pressure effect on the electrical conductivity of San Carlos olivine was investigated by the newly installed electrical conductivity measurement system at China University of Geosciences. Electrical conductivity of San Carlos olivine aggregates was measured up to 12 GPa and 1475 K using the Walker-type multi-anvil apparatus equipped with eight WC cubes as the second-stage anvils. The pressure generation against applied load for the experimental assemblage was examined by phase transition of Bi,quartz, forsterite under different P-T conditions. To check the data validity of this new system, electrical conductivities of the serpentinites and talc samples were measured. The results are consistent with the published data of the same samples. Electrical conductivity(σ) of the San Carlos olivine aggregates and temperature(T) satisfy the Arrhenian formula: σ=σ0exp[.(ΔE+PΔV)/kT].The pre-exponential factor(σ0), activation energy(ΔE) and activation volume(ΔV) yield value of 7.74 S/m, 0.85 eV and 0.94cm3/mol, respectively. Electrical conductivities of the San Carlos olivine aggregates decline with increasing pressure at same temperatures. The negative pressure effect can be interpreted by strain energy model of defect energy together with the lattice deformation. In addition, the electrical conductivity-depth 1-D profile of the upper mantle was constructed based on our results and some assumptions. The calculated profile is concordant with the geophysical observation at the depth of 180–350 km beneath Europe, which indicates that the upper mantle beneath Europe might be dry.  相似文献   

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