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We have determined the rupture history of the March 28, 1964, Prince Williams Sound earthquake (M w=9.2) from long-period WWSSNP-wave seismograms. Source time functions determined from the long-periodP waves indicate two major pulses of moment release. The first and largest moment pulse has a duration of approximately 100 seconds with a relatively smooth onset which reaches a peak moment release rate at about 75 seconds into the rupture. The second smaller pulse of moment release starts at approximately 160 seconds after the origin time and has a duration of roughly 40 seconds. Because of the large size of this event and thus a deficiency of on-scale, digitizableP-wave seismograms, it is impossible to uniquely invert for the location of moment release. However, if we assume a rupture direction based on the aftershock distribution and the results of surface wave directivity studies we are able to locate the spatial distribution of moment along the length of the fault. The first moment pulse most likely initiated near the epicenter at the northeastern down-dip edge of the aftershock area and then spread over the fault surface in a semi-circular fashion until the full width of the fault was activated. The rupture then extended toward the southwest approximately 300 km (Ruff andKanamori, 1983). The second moment pulse was located in the vicinity of Kodiak Island, starting at 500 km southwest of the epicenter and extending to about 600 km. Although the aftershock area extends southwest past the second moment pulse by at least 100 km, the moment release remained low. We interpret the 1964 Prince William Sound earthquake as a multiple asperity rupture with a very large dominant asperity in the epicentral region and a second major, but smaller, asperity in the Kodiak Island region.The zone that ruptured in the 1964 earthquake is segmented into two regions corresponding to the two regions of concentrated moment release. Historical earthquake data suggest that these segments behaved independently during previous events. The Kodiak Island region appears to rupture more frequently with previous events occurring in 1900, 1854, 1844, and 1792. In contrast, the Prince William Sound region has much longer recurrence intervals on the order of 400–1000 years.  相似文献   

On 24 November 1983, a major earthquake occurred at 180 km depth beneath the Banda Sea. In the focal mechanism solution the pressure axis is almost horizontal, (azimuth 191°, plunge 02°) and the tension axis nearly vertical (plunge 88°). A comparison with the foreshock-aftershock pattern suggests that shear failure took place within the north-north-westerly dipping Benioff zone by thrust faulting along a southerly dipping plane. The focal mechanism solution does not conform to the usual pattern of the tension or compression axis being roughly parallel to the dip of the Benioff zone. Consequently the faulting could not have been caused by down-dip tension or compression within a sinking slab.  相似文献   

An earthquake with MS5.8 occurred on 10 March 2011 in Yingjiang county, western Yunnan, China. This earthquake caused 25 deaths and over 250 injuries. In order to better understand the seismotectonics in the region, we collected the arrival time data from the Yunnan seismic observational bulletins during 1 January to 25 March 2011, and precisely hand-picked the arrival times from high-quality seismograms that were recorded by the temporary seismic stations deployed by our Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration. Using these arrival times, we relocated all the earthquakes including the Yingjiang mainshock and its aftershocks using the double-difference relocation algorithm. Our results show that the relocated earthquakes dominantly occurred along the ENE direction and formed an upside-down bow-shaped structure in depth. It is also observed that after the Yingjiang mainshock, some aftershocks extended toward the SSE over about 10 km. These results may indicate that the Yingjiang mainshock ruptured a conjugate fault system consisting of the ENE trending Da Yingjiang fault and a SSE trending blind fault. Such structural features could contribute to severely seismic hazards during the moderate-size Yingjiang earthquake.  相似文献   

The source process of the deep-focus Spanish earthquake of March 29, 1954 (mb = 7.1, h = 630 km) has been studied by using seismograms recorded at teleseismic distances. Because of its unusual location, this earthquake is considered to be one of the most important earthquakes that merit detailed studies. Long-period body-wave records reveal that the earthquake is a complicated multiple event whose wave form is quite different from that of usual deep earthquakes. The total duration of P phases at teleseismic distances is as long as 40 s. This long duration may explain the considerable property damage in Granada and Malaga, Spain, which is rather rare for deep earthquakes. Using the azimuthal distribution of the differences between the arrival times of the first, the second and later P phases, the hypocenters of the later events are determined with respect to the first event. The focus of the second event is located on the vertical nodal plane of the first shock suggesting that this vertical plane is the fault plane. This fault plane which strikes in N2°E and dips 89.1°E defines a nearly vertical dip-slip fault, the block to the west moving downwards. The time interval and spatial separation between the first and the second events are 4.3 s and 19 km respectively, giving an apparent rupture velocity of 4.3 km/s which is about 74% of the S-wave velocity at the source. A third event occurred about 8.8 s after the first event and about 35.6 km from it. At least six to ten events can be identified during the whole sequence. The mechanism of some of the later events, however, seems to differ from the first two events. Synthetic seismograms are generated by superposition of a number of point sources and are matched with the observed signals to determine the seismic moment. The seismic moments of the later events are comparable to, or even larger than, that of the first. The total seismic moment is determined to be 7 · 1027 dyn cm while the moments of the first and the second shocks are 2.1 · 1026 dyn cm and 5.1 · 1026 dyn cm, respectively. The earthquake may represent a series of fractures in a detached piece of the lithosphere which sank rapidly into the deep mantle preserving the heterogeneity of material property at shallow depths.  相似文献   

Through the analyses of waveform and spectrum for two swarm sequences in the Kanto District, including the results from 15 earthquake swarsm obtained previously, the mechanism of the faulting process in earthquake swarms is clarified in more detail. Earthquakes occurring in short time intervals consist mainly of events with similar waveforms andS-P times. These are called “earthquake families,” and many families are observed during a swarm sequence (70–80 percent); for example, 15 families were observed in the 1983 Izu Peninsula earthquake swarm. The source spectra of earthquake families share the same corner frequency, even though their low-frequency levels may differ by a factor as great as 1000, and the value of the corner frequency depends on the size of the largest event in the family. Local variations of corner frequencies within a factor of 25 are found among the earthquake swarms in the Kanto District. These observations suggest the existence of a characteristic fault length depending on the swarm area, and its length may be responsible for the size of the largest event in the family. The characteristic fault length is about 100 m for Ashio, about 400 m for the Izu Peninsula and about 2.5 km for areas off the Chiba Prefecture, and the magnitudes of the largest events expected from these fault lengths are about 2.5, 4, and 6, respectively.  相似文献   

本文利用基于广义帕累托分布的超阈值分布模型,对中国大陆活动地块边界带强震震级分布特征开展研究,给出了各活动地块边界带强震震级的广义帕累托分布参数估计。结果表明,广义帕累托分布较好地拟合了各边界带强震数据,形状参数估计均为负值,说明对应震级应有上限,因此广义帕累托分布为潜在震级上限提供了一种自然的刻画。在此基础上,估计了震级上限,并给出了分布0.99997高分位数估计,通过与历史最大震级比较发现,高分位数估计相对稳健。在地震发生过程为泊松过程假设下,推导了广义帕累托分布与广义极值分布之间的联系,揭示了一种利用强震数据推断最大震级分布的可能途径。  相似文献   

By using a broadband Lg attenuation model developed for the Tibetan Plateau, we isolate source terms by removing attenuation and site effects from the observed Lg-wave displacement spectra of the M7.0 earthquake that occurred on August 8, 2017, in Jiuzhaigou, China, and its aftershock sequence. Thus, the source parameters, including the scalar seismic moment, corner frequency and stress drop, of these events can be further estimated. The estimated stress drops vary from 47.1 kPa to 7149.6 kPa, with a median value of 59.4 kPa and most values falling between 50 kPa and 75 kPa. The estimated stress drops show significant spatial variations. Lower stress drops were mainly found close to the mainshock and on the seismogenic fault plane with large coseismic slip. In contrast, the highest stress drop was 7.1 MPa for the mainshock, and relatively large stress drops were also found for aftershocks away from the major seismogenic fault and at depths deeper than the zone with large coseismic slip. By using a statistical method, we found self-similarity among some of the aftershocks with a nearly constant stress drop. In contrast, the stress drop increased with the seismic moment for other aftershocks. The amount of stress released during earthquakes is a fundamental characteristic of the earthquake rupture process. As such, the stress drop represents a key parameter for improving our understanding of earthquake source physics.  相似文献   

2017年西藏米林6.9级地震震源参数及其构造意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
白玲  李国辉  宋博文 《地球物理学报》2017,60(12):4956-4963

北京时间2017年11月18日06时34分,西藏自治区林芝市米林县发生了M6.9级地震.地震位于印度板块向欧亚板块插入的东北犄角,是喜马拉雅造山带地壳缩短和构造旋转变形最为强烈的部位.本研究利用多种近震和远震台网记录的波形和到时数据,对该地震的震源位置和发震时刻进行重新确定.结果表明,地震震源深度为海平面以下7 km±2 km(或地表以下10 km±2 km),经纬度为(29.87°N±0.01°N,95.02°E±0.01°E).结合其他地球物理和地质学资料,我们推测该地震发生在NNW向西兴拉断裂带,南迦巴瓦构造结北东向的逆冲推覆和青藏高原东南向逃逸的侧向挤出是该地震发生的主要构造背景.


历史上苏门答腊大震与台湾大震有呼应性,故2004年苏门答腊发生巨震后,我们在2005年曾预测台湾南端及附近海域可能会发生7级地震,结果2006年12月26日在台湾南端恒春附近海域发生了7.2级地震.本文是预测性回顾.  相似文献   

Introduction The June 4, 2000 southern Sumatra, Indonesia, earthquake (16h28min26.2s UTC, 4.72, 102.09, 33 km, MS=8.0 [IRIS]) occurred under the Indian Ocean, near the Mentawai fault, along the well-known Sumatran subduction zone and the great Sumatran fault, all of which trend northwest-southeast. 1 800 houses were totally destroyed, 10 196 were heavily damaged, and 18 378 were slightly damaged by the earthquake. At least 97 people were killed, 1 900 were injured, and 122 000 were left…  相似文献   

There was an earthquake swarm of two major events of MS6.3 and MS5.8 on the Xianshuihe fault in November, 2014. The two major earthquakes are both strike-slip events with aftershock zone along NW direction.We have analyzed the characteristics of this earthquake sequence. The b value and the h value show the significant variations in different periods before and after the MS5.8earthquake. Based on the data of historical earthquakes, we also illustrated the moderate-strong seismic activity on the Xianshuihe fault. The Kangding earthquake swarm manifests the seismic activity on Xianshuihe fault may be in the late seismic active period. The occurrence of the Kangding earthquake may be an adjustment of the strong earthquakes on the Xianshuihe fault. The Coulomb failure stress changes caused by the historical earthquakes were also given in this article. The results indicate that the earthquake swarm was encouraged by the historical earthquakes since1893, especially by the MS7.5 Kangding earthquake in1955. The Coulomb failure stress changes also shows the subsequent MS5.8 earthquake was triggered by the MS6.3earthquake.  相似文献   

On 28th July, 1984 at about 12 hours 13 m UT an earthquake with an epicentral intensity of about VI occurred in the southwestern part of Nigeria, an area that has always been believed to be seismically inactive. This event was recorded at the LAMTO seismic observatory in Ivory Coast and its epicentre was located at around Ijebu-Ode. In Nigeria, the event was recorded only by a temporary monitoring station at Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) in Zaria, a distance of about 640 km from the epicentre. Two subsequent tremors that were reported in Ijebu-Ode in early August, 1984 were not recorded at Ahmadu Bello University.Geological, geophysical and geodynamic studies indicate the possibility of the existence of large fracture zones trending generally in the NE-SW direction across the country. The recent earthquakes in southwestern Nigeria could therefore be evidence to support the existence of the Pelusium megashear system or similar fracture zones that penetrate deep into the continental crust of West Africa. There is therefore a need for more adequate coverage of the area by seismic stations to permit a precise location of future events and detailed data analysis which would help in identifying area where large scale crustal adjustments might be taking place.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial rupture process of the 14 November 2001 Kunlun Mountain Pass earthquake (KMPE) is obtained by inverting the high signal-to-noise-ratio P-waveform data of vertical components of 20 stations with epicentral distances less than 90°, which are of Global Digital Seismogragh Network (GDSN). The inverted results indicate that the KMPE consists of 3 sub-events. The rupture of the first sub-event initiated at the instrumental epicenter (35.97°N, 90.59°E) and then propagated both westwards and eastwards, extending 140 km westwards at the speed of 4.0 km/s and 80 km eastwards at the speed of 2.2 km/s, which appeared to be an asymmetrical bilateral rupture dominantly from east to west. This sub-event formed a 220-km-long fault. Fifty-two seconds after initiation of the first sub-event, at which time the first sub-event was not over but in its healing phase, the rupture of the second sub-event initiated 220 km west of the epicenter and propagated both westwards and eastwards, extending 50  相似文献   

Earthquake of November 30, 2004, in Podhale region, southern Poland, was of unexpectedly big size in this area of weak seismicity. As Poland is considered a country of low seismicity, the earthquake has caused concern about seismic hazard in Poland, especially since it took place shortly after the even more unexpected Kaliningrad Region, Russia, earthquakes of September 21, 2004, that inflicted minor damage in northern Poland. The paper presents the findings on the Podhale earthquake which reached macroseismic intensity up to 7 and magnitude 4.7 (m b ; ISC). The event was felt up to a distance of about 100 km and inflicted slight damage to buildings in its narrow epicentral area, thus evidencing its relatively shallow depth. The quake has been located near the village of Skrzypne, about 15 km west-southwest of the district capital Nowy Targ. The source mechanism has been found to be of dip slip normal fault type, although a problem remains of association of this mechanism with known tectonic dislocations in the region. The earthquake has been followed by a long series of aftershocks. Their distribution in time is also studied and the biggest aftershocks have been located.  相似文献   

以往的研究显示了2013年芦山MS7.0级地震发震断层的隐伏逆冲断层基本特征,但是破裂深部细节差异较大.本文以近场密集的同震形变数据约束芦山地震破裂面几何形状及滑动分布, 结果显示芦山地震破裂面具有铲状结构,上部16 km为43°~50°高角度断层,深部16~25 km为小于27°的低角度断层,破裂深度与重定位的余震分布深度一致.破裂分布模型清楚显示上下两个断层上各有一个滑动幅度大于0.5 m的峰值破裂区,最大滑动量1.5 m位于13 km深处.重定位的余震分布基本都落在最大滑动量等值线外部库仑应力增加的区域.芦山地震破裂面几何形状和滑动分布特征与2008年汶川MS8.0级地震映秀—北川破裂相似,支持龙门山冲断带发育大规模的近水平滑脱层, 是青藏高原东缘地壳缩短增厚、龙门山挤压隆升的重要证据.  相似文献   

Earthquake surface rupture is the result of transformation from crustal elastic strain accumulation to permanent tectonic deformation. The surface rupture zone produced by the 2001 Kunlunshan earth- quake (Mw7.8) on the Kusaihu segment of the Kunlun fault extends over 426 km. It consists of three relatively independent surface rupture sections: the western strike-slip section, the middle transten- sional section and the eastern strike-slip section. Hence this implies that the Kunlunshan earthquake is composed of three earthquake rupturing events, i.e. the Mw=6.8, Mw=6.2 and Mw≤7.8 events, respec- tively. The Mw≤7.8 earthquake, along the eastern section, is the main shock of the Kunlunshan earth- quake, further decomposed into four rupturing subevents. Field measurements indicate that the width of a single surface break on different sections ranges from several meters to 15 m, with a maximum value of less than 30 m. The width of the surface rupture zone that consists of en echelon breaks de- pends on its geometric structures, especially the stepover width of the secondary surface rupture zones in en echelon, displaying a basic feature of deformation localization. Consistency between the Quaternary geologic slip rate, the GPS-monitored strain rate and the localization of the surface rup- tures of the 2001 Kunlunshan earthquake may indicate that the tectonic deformation between the Ba- yan Har block and Qilian-Qaidam block in the northern Tibetan Plateau is characterized by strike-slip faulting along the limited width of the Kunlun fault, while the blocks themselves on both sides of the Kunlun fault are characterized by block motion. The localization of earthquake surface rupture zone is of great significance to determine the width of the fault-surface-rupture hazard zone, along which direct destruction will be caused by co-seismic surface rupturing along a strike-slip fault, that should be considered before the major engineering project, residental buildings and life line construction.  相似文献   

At 08:47 GMT, on May 13, 1995, a strong earthquake of Ms = 6.6 occurred in the NW part of Greece (Western Macedonia) and caused serious damage in the Kozani and Grevena prefectures, but fortunately no fatalities. The maximum observed macroseismic intensity was IX + of the Modified Mercalli scale. The main shock was preceded by several foreshocks and followed by intense aftershock activity lasting several months.The Institute of Geodynamics of the National Observatory of Athens, in order to monitor and study the aftershock activity, installed a seismic network of nine (9) stations operated for a period of 50 days. Thousands of aftershocks were recorded. Based on the analysis of recorded data, a NE-SW trending zone dipping NW is defined.In the field a surface rupture of normal slip was observed, following a NE-SW direction for a length of 8 km with a 4 cm down throw of the NW area. This break was located along a pre-existing minor normal fault, while a main fault system exists 10 km to the SE.The focal mechanism of the main shock shows normal faulting, which is in agreement with the field observations. Moreover focal mechanisms of several well defined aftershocks were computed, showing various types of faulting.  相似文献   

Micro-aftershocks with magnitude range of 1.5?4 around the Wenchuan earthquake epicenter,the southern part of the Longmenshan fault zone,exhibit good frequency-magnitude linear relationships,thus enabling b-value analysis.The average b-value for micro-aftershocks of M1.5?4 from July to December of 2008 in our local study region is about 0.88,similar to the b-value for all aftershocks of M3.0?5.5 from May,2008 to May,2009 along the whole Longmenshan fault zone.The similarity between the local and regional b-...  相似文献   

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