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We examine the behaviour of the solutions of the Lin-Shu dispersion relation in terms of the stability parameterQ and we find that a modification of the critical values of the dispersion speeds does not change drastically this behaviour. On the contrary the solutions of the Lynden Bell-Kalnajs dispersion relation behave in a more complicated way. The use of this dispersion relation imposes a different definition of the critical values of the dispersion speeds which are in general larger than the corresponding values of the Lin-Shu case.  相似文献   

The kinetic approach is used to evaluate the dispersion relation and growth/damping rate of inertial Alfven wave (IAW) with density, temperature and velocity gradients in an inhomogeneous plasma. The effects of gradient terms are studied for both the regions kρi<1 and kρi>1, where k is the perpendicular wave number and ρi is the ion gyroradius. The relevance of theoretical results so obtained is predicted in accordance to the FAST observations in the cusp region. The results are interpreted for the space plasma parameters appropriate to the cusp region. This study elucidates a possible scenario to account for the particle acceleration and the wave dissipation in inhomogeneous plasmas. This model is also able to explain many features observed in plasma sheet boundary layer as well as to evaluate the dispersion relation, growth/damping rate and growth/damping length of inertial Alfven wave. It is found that density, temperature and velocity gradients control the wave frequency and effectively enhance the growth rate of inertial Alfven wave.  相似文献   

A complete dispersion relation for a whistler mode wave propagation in an anisotropic warm ion-electron magnetoplasma in the presence of parallel electric field using the dispersion relation for a circularly polarized wave has been derived. The dispersion relation includes the effect of anisotropy for the ion and electron velocity distribution functions. The growth rate of electron-ion cyclotron waves for different plasma parameters observed atL = 6.6R E has been computed and the results have been discussed in detail in the light of the observed features of VLF emissions and whistlers. The role of the combination of ion-cyclotron and whistler mode electromagnetic wave propagation along the magnetic field in an anisotropic Maxwellian weakly-ionized magnetoplasma has been studied.  相似文献   

We study the fundamental modes of radiation hydrodynamic waves arising from one-dimensional small-amplitude initial fluctuations with wave number k in a radiating and scattering grey medium using the Eddington approximation. The dispersion relation analyzed is the same as that of Paper I (Kaneko et al., 2000), but is solved as a quintic in angular frequency ω while a quadratic in k 2 in Paper I. Numerical results reveal that wave patterns of five solutions are distinguished into three types of the radiation-dominated and type 1 and type 2 matter-dominated cases. The following wave modes appear in our problem: radiation wave, conservative radiation wave, entropy wave, Newtonian-cooling wave, opacity-damped and cooling-damped waves, constant-volume and constant-pressure diffusion modes, adiabatic sound wave, cooling-damped and drag–force-damped isothermal sound waves, isentropic radiation-acoustic wave, and gap mode. The radiation-dominated case is characterized by the gap between the isothermal sound and isentropic radiation-acoustic speeds within which there is not any acoustic wave propagating with real phase speed. One of the differences between type 1 and type 2 matter-dominated cases is the connectivity of the constant-volume diffusion mode, which originates from the radiative mode in the former case, while from the Newtonian-cooling wave in the latter case. Analytic solutions are derived for all wave modes to discuss their physical significance. The criterion, which distinguishes between radiation-dominated and type 1 matter-dominated cases, is given by Γ0 = 9, where Γ0 = C p (tot)/C V (tot) is the ratio of total specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume. Waves in a scattering grey medium are also analyzed, which provides us some hints for the effects of energy and momentum exchange between matter and radiation.  相似文献   

The kinematic turbulent dynamo equations are studied in the presence of a large-scale velocity field. The two length-scales approach is employed and solutions of the equations are found in the limit of small bulk motion and shear, and for large Reynolds numberR m . The regeneration term is calculated up to second-order in 1/R m using cyclonic convective turbulent velocity field.  相似文献   

The normal mode spectrum for the linearized MHD equations is investigated for a plasma in a cylindrical equilibrium. The equations describing these normal modes are solved numerically using a finite element code. The ballooning equations that describe localized modes are manipulated and a dispersion relation derived. It is shown that as the axial wave numberk is increased, the fundamental thermal and Alfvén modes can coalesce to form overstable magnetothermal modes. The ratio between the magnetic and thermal terms is varied and the existence of the magnetothermal modes examined. The corresponding growth rates are predicted by a WKB solution to the ballooning equations. The existence of these magnetothermal modes may be significant in the eruption of prominences into solar flares.  相似文献   

The effect of parallel electrostatic field on the amplification of whistler mode waves in an anisotropic bi-Maxwellian weakly ionized plasma for Jovian magnetospheric conditions has been carried out. The growth rate for different Jovian magnetospheric plasma parameters forL = 5.6R j has been computed with the help of general dispersion relation for the whistler mode electromagnetic wave of a drifted bi-Maxwellian distribution function. It is observed that the growth or damping of whistler mode waves in Jovian magnetosphere is possible when the wave vector is parallel or antiparallel to the static magnetic field and the effect of this field is more pronounced at low frequency wave spectrum.  相似文献   

A dispersion relation for left hand circularly polarized electromagnetic wave propagation in an anisotropic magnetoplasma in the presence of a very weak parallel electrostatic field has been derived with the help of linearized Vlasov and Maxwell equations. An expression of the growth rate has been derived in presence of parallel electric field for ion-cyclotron electromagnetic wave in an anisotropic media. The modification made in the growth rate by introducing parallel electric field and temperature anisotropy has been studied for fully ionized hydrogen plasma with the help of observations made on Jovian ionosphere and magnetosphere atL = 5.6 Rj. It is concluded that the growth (damping) of ion-cyclotron electromagnetic wave is possible when the wave vector is parallel (antiparallel) to the static electric field and effect is more pronounced at higher wave number.  相似文献   

The kinetic Alfven waves are investigated using Maxwell-Boltzmann-Vlasov equation to evaluate the kinetic dispersion relation and growth/damping rate with magnetic field gradient, density gradient, temperature gradient and velocity gradient with inhomogeneous plasma. The effect of gradient terms is included in the analysis for both the regions k ρ i <1 and k ρ i >1, where k is the perpendicular wave number and ρ i is the ion gyroradius. This study elucidates a possible scenario to account for the particle acceleration and the wave dissipation in inhomogeneous plasmas. This model is able to explain many features observed in plasma sheet boundary layer as well as to evaluate the dispersion relation, growth rate, growth length and damping rate of kinetic Alfven wave. The applicability of this model is assumed for auroral acceleration region, plasma sheet boundary layer and cusp region.  相似文献   

The linearized theory for the parallel propagation of magnetoacoustic-gravity surface waves is developed for an interface of a horizontal magnetic field above a field-free medium. The media either side of the interface are taken to be isothermal. The dispersion relation is obtained for the case of a constant Alfvén speed. In the absence of gravity the interface may support one or two surface modes, determined by the relative temperatures and magnetism of the two media. The effect of gravity on the modes is examined and dispersion diagrams and eigenfunctions are given. In the usual - k x diagnostic diagram, the domain of evanescence is shown to be divided into two distinct regions determining whether a given mode will have a decaying or growing vertical velocity component. In the absence of a magnetic field the transcendental dispersion relation may be rewritten as a polynomial. This polynomial possesses two acceptable solutions only one of which may exist in any given circumstances (depending on the ratio of the densities). If the gas density within the field exceeds that in the field-free medium, then the f-mode may propagate. The f-mode exists in a restricted band of horizontal wavenumber and only when the field-free medium is warmer than the magnetic atmosphere. An analytical form for the wave speed of the f-mode is obtained for small values of the Alfvén speed. It is shown that the f-mode is related to the fast magnetoacoustic surface wave, merging into that mode at short wavelengths.  相似文献   

The linear coupling between the different kinds of waves propagating in a warm plasma inhomogeneous along thex direction is investigated in order to locate the regions (,k) space where two of the roots of the characteristic equation coalesce. Firstly, using the approximation of geometrical optics the differential equation is derived and wave propagation at fixed wave numberk z is studied in these special cases for which the characteristic equation reduces to a biquadratic. When the density gradient is parallel to the magnetic field, a detailed analysis of the different properties of the waves shows that the mechanism proposed by Gurnett and others to explain the characteristics of the proton whistler is unlikely to operate, even if a wave coupling occurs at the so called cross over frequency for small incidence angles. The only relevant process occurs when the density gradient is perpendicular to the magnetic field for waves propagating at small incidence angles. It is shown that, close to a coalescence point, but within the limit of the geometrical optics approximation, one of the WKB solutions is a mixed (transverse-longitudinal) mode which becomes purely longitudinal in the limit of large wave numbers. Consequently, as this wave has E almost parallel tok, coalescence implies that the waves are nearly longitudinal at the singular point, in agreement with other results. Next, application of the theory is made to some relevant space observations. It is shown that the proton whistler could be the result of a linear coupling between the extraordinary and the slow ion cyclotron waves close to the Buchsbaum resonance in ionospheric regions above 300 to 400 km where the H+ density begins to grow. Transformation conditions are given which favour the coupling mechanism in regions of strong latitudinal gradients. Finally, a comparison is made with experiment which confirms the principal features of the present theory.  相似文献   

Radiation by a monopole which revolves round a neutron star is investigated in detail. Using radiant probabilityW p t (k), we solve the radiant kinetic equation and proliferative equation of a monopole having the distribution functionf p, and obtain the solution of wave numberN k t (r) and distribution functionf p. From these solutions, we know when the monopole moves round the neutron star; the exponential radiation is yielded with change of the motive orbit radiusr. As radiusr increases, the radiation appears as a saturated effect.  相似文献   

We study the fundamental modes of radiation hydrodynamic linear waves that arise from one-dimensional small-amplitude initial fluctuations with wave number k in a radiating and scattering grey medium by taking into account the gravitational effects. The equation of radiative acoustics is derived from three hydrodynamic equations, Poisson’s equation, and two moment equations of radiation, by assuming a spherical symmetry for the matter and radiation and by using the Eddington approximation. We solve the dispersion relation as a quintic function of angular frequency ω, the wave number k being a real parameter. Numerical results reveal that wave patterns of five solutions are distinguished into three types: the radiation-dominated, type 1, and type 2 matter-dominated cases. In the case of no gravitaional effects (Kaneko et al., 2005), the following wave modes appear: radiation wave, conservative radiation wave, entropy wave, Newtonian-cooling wave, opacity-damped and cooling-damped waves, constant-volume and constant-pressure diffusions, adiabatic sound wave, cooling-damped and drag-force-damped isothermal sound waves, isentropic radiation-acoustic wave, and gap mode. Meanwhile, the gravitaional effects being taken into account, the growing gravo-diffusion mode newly arises from the constant-pressure diffusion at the point that k agrees with Jeans’ wave number specified by the isothermal sound speed. This mode changes to the growing radiation-acoustic gravity mode near the point that k becomes Jeans’ wave number specified by the isentropic radiation-acoustic speed. In step with a transition between them, the isentropic radiation-acoustic wave splits into the damping radiation-acoustic gravity mode and constant-volume diffusion. The constant-volume diffusion emerges twice if the gravitational effects are taken into account. Since analytic solutions are derived for all wave modes, we discuss their physical significance. The critical conditions are given which distinguish between radiation-dominated and type 1 matter-dominated cases, and between type 1 and type 2 matter-dominated cases. Waves in a self-gravitating scattering grey medium are also analyzed, which provides us some hints for the effects of energy and momentum exchange between matter and radiation.  相似文献   

The instability of two superposed homogeneous fluids is discussed under gravitational force and uniform magnetic field. The perturbation propagation is taken simultaneously along and perpendicular to streaming motion in the horizontal plane z=0. The critical wave numberk * has been found and some special cases of interest are discussed.  相似文献   

The adiabatic theory of interaction between high and low frequency waves has been studied for the case of electron plasma oscillations and ion acoustic waves and the results are applied to the solar wind. The modified dispersion relation for ion acoustic waves has been derived, taking a Gaussian distribution for plasmons. Two limiting cases of the spectrum are studied. For a broad spectrum, the plasma turbulence has a destabilising effect by introducing a growth rate denoted by turbulence, which is positive for k 0 > (m e/ m i )1/2 De –1 , k 0 being the central wave numger of the spectrum, De the electron Debye length. Also, even for v d(drift velocity between electrons and ions) < c s, we arrive at unstable ion acoustic modes. For narrow spectrum, the plasma turbulence has a stabilising effect.  相似文献   

The effect of electron inertia on kinetic Alfven wave has been studied. The expressions for the dispersion relation, growth/damping rate and growth/damping length of the inertial kinetic Alfven wave (IKAW) are derived using the kinetic approach in cusp region. The Vlasov-kinetic theory has been adopted to evaluate the dispersion relation, growth/damping rate and growth/damping length with respect to the perpendicular wave number kρi (ρi is the ion gyroradius) at different plasma densities. The growth/damping rate and growth/damping length are evaluated for different me/βmi, where β is the ratio of electron pressure to the magnetic field pressure, mi, e are the mass of ion and electron, respectively, as I=me/βmi represent boundary between the kinetic and inertial regimes. It is observed that frequency of inertial kinetic Alfven wave (IKAW) ω is decreasing with kρi and plasma density. The polar cusp is an ideal laboratory for studies of nonlinear plasma processes important for understanding the basic plasma physics, as well as the magnetospheric and astrophysical applications of these processes.  相似文献   

We propose a classification of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) based on their efficiency in the conversion of infalling mass in emitted radiation. We use a theoretical model that assumes a conservation of angular momentum between the gas falling inside the hole and the photons emitted outwards, and suggests the existence of the scaling relation MReσ3, where M is the mass of the central SMBH, whereas Re and σ are the effective radius and velocity dispersion of the host galaxies (bulges), respectively. We apply our model on a data set of 57 galaxies of different morphological types and with M measurements, obtained through the analysis of Spitzer /IRAC 3.6‐µ m images. In order to find the best fit of the corresponding scaling law, we use the FITEXY routine to perform a least‐squares regression of M on Reσ3 for the considered sample of galaxies. Our analysis shows that the relation is tight and our theoretical model allows to easily estimate the efficiency of mass conversion into radiation of the central SMBHs. Finally we propose a new appealing way to classify the SMBHs in terms of this parameter. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The oscillations of a magnetic medium periodic in the x-direction with B parallel to z, have been studied. The case with no gravity and a stepwise profile for B(x), allowing a normal mode analysis, has been examined and dispersion relations have been derived. The dispersion curves in the diagram k z – display two types of modes, kink and sausage, like in the isolated slab, but the profiles are different and depend on Bloch's number k 0. Moreover, modes usually absent in the isolated slab (propagating and tunelling) appear here, connecting surface- or body-wave domains. The detectability of this characteristic structure of the diagnostic diagram on the observations is discussed, and prospects for a more realistic analysis including gravity are given.  相似文献   

The stability of a semi-infinite quasi-neutral inhomogeneous plasma with magnetic viscosity has been discussed by using JWKB approximation in which the parameters are regarded slowing varying. Dispersion relation is obtained and discussed. It is found that the inhomogeneous system is unstable for all perturbations withk y= 0. A dispersion relation for homogeneous plasma is also obtained and discussed. It is shown that fast and slow-MHD waves propagate in the homogeneous plasma in the limit of almost perpendicular propagation under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Based on kinematic data on masers with known trigonometric parallaxes and measurements of the velocities of HI clouds at tangential points in the inner Galaxy, we have refined the parameters of the Allen-Santillan model Galactic potential and constructed the Galactic rotation curve in a wide range of Galactocentric distances, from 0 to 20 kpc. The circular rotation velocity of the Sun for the adopted Galactocentric distance R 0 = 8 kpc is V 0 = 239 ± 16 km s?1. We have obtained the series of residual tangential, ΔV θ , and radial, V R , velocities for 73 masers. Based on these series, we have determined the parameters of the Galactic spiral density wave satisfying the linear Lin-Shu model using the method of periodogram analysis that we proposed previously. The tangential and radial perturbation amplitudes are f θ = 7.0±1.2 km s?1 and f R = 7.8±0.7 km s?1, respectively, the perturbation wave length is λ = 2.3±0.4 kpc, and the pitch angle of the spiral pattern in a two-armed model is i = ?5.2° ±0.7°. The phase of the Sun ζ in the spiral density wave is ?50° ± 15° and ?160° ± 15° from the residual tangential and radial velocities, respectively.  相似文献   

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